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» KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2 Read-Me
NAME: KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2
TYPE: Restoration
SIZE - Unzipped: 145 Megabytes, Zipped: 47.2 Megabytes
DATE RELEASED: May 31, 2016
KOTOR 1 RESTORATION FORUMS: http://deadlystream.com/forum/forum/31-kotor1-restoration-k1r/




The KotOR 1 Restoration Mod is an attempt to restore almost all the content that was cut from the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by BioWare Corp. Of course, these restorations will be within reason and things that were cut because they did not fit with the plot, and cannot be made to fit with the plot, will most definitley NOT be restored.





With permission, the following mods (or group of fixes) have been included in K1R 1.2:


- Salk's Dialogue Fixes 2.0 (Fixes various typos in the English version of the game)
- Kainzorus Prime's Korriban and Manaan Music Fixes (correct music now plays)
- Red Hessian's Desert Wraid and Shyrack Texture Fix (proper textures)
- Kexikus' Manaan Quest Endings
- Kexikus' Fixed Shields (Shields now block the proper damage types)
- danii-ch's KotOR Bug Fix Attempt 1.0 (Bastila Romance glitch, Calo's soundset, and tweaks/corrections to the Leviathan)
- All of the fixes from http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://shrines.rpgclassics.com/pc/kotorpc/900.shtml




Most of the content that can be restored has been. This includes content for literally every planet.


- Impossible Difficulty, a cut option for difficulty that is harder than the Vanilla "Hard" difficulty
- Carth dialogue when the PC first awakens on Taris, Carth makes a few comments about the PC's injuries. (Thanks to zbyl2 for this!)
- Numerous restorations to the Lower City
- Numerous restorations to the Under City
- Restoration of the Black Vulkar Base Sublevel
- Restored Droid Items
- Restoration of some dialgoue with Niklos in the Uppper City Cantina
- Restoration of the Duel Ring announcer in the Taris Upper City Cantina. The announcer will be available to speak to in between fights.
- Zaerdra Swoop Platform Dialogue, Zaerdra will make some final comments to the PC on the prototype accelerator before intitiating your first run with it
- Sith Base, numerous restorations
- Sarna and Yun Genda are available to talk to members of the same sex and can be used to further the plot of Taris. Albeit, in different ways than they normally do.
- Iriaz Restoration, returns the Iriaz to the plains of Dantooine. (Thanks to Seamhiann for this!)
- Garrum and Tar'eelok Restoration, returns a cut padawan and master to the Jedi Enclave. (Thanks to Seamhiann for this!)
- Restoration of cut items within the Jedi Enclave
- Shen and Rahashia Indecent Proposal, the PC can make a rather indecent, and awkward, proposal to either Shen or Rahasia depending upon the PC's gender.
- The file called plc_glowpudl.utp had the name of "Glowing Puddle" however when placed in game it looked like a blood puddle. The model file and textures have been changed so now the glowing puddle placeable makes a glowing puddle of green liquid. It can be seen in the new module, tar_m03ac, or the swoop platform non-racing version.
- Modified Iriaz from Seamhiann's modules so there were less of them, they fought against the Kath Hounds, and usually stayed in their small areas.
- Restored Crattis dialogue to sell lightsaber crystals.
- A swathe of Jawa-work on Tatooine.
- Restored dialogue with Bastila's Mother.
- Restored shape-shifting for Genoharadan Rulan on Kashyyk.
- Pazaak Tournament on Manaan.
- Restored Party Dialogue on Sea Floor.
- Alternate way into Sith Base on Manaan.
- Funny dialogue with bartender on Korriban.
- Alternate route on Leviathan.
- Goodies on Unknown World, including restored Injured Sith Apprentice.
- Restored Female Dark Side Ending.
- Restored the True Form of the Sith Armor Quest on Taris



»» Original game:

» Taris:
- Item Duplication exploit with Brejik's gear
- Dueling exploit to get two of Bendak's Blaster
- Zelka's assistant Gurney informs you about selling the serum after you've given it to Zelka


» Dantooine:
- Resolving the Sandral-Matale Feud peacefully would allow you to keep talking to Rahasia and restarting the cutscene
- Wandering Jedi near the Ebon Hawk forgot to keep walking after they were done talking to you


» Ebon Hawk:
- Infinite DS exploit when you make Sasha leave the ship. Her leaving is now part of the dialog
- Originally, Bastila only had three comments on the visions. A line was re-used for a fourth interaction, allowing you to see all four visions if you travel between planets before the Leviathan


» Tatooine:
- If you rescued Griff without Mission, Griff would meet you at your ship; Mission would have no clothes on


» Kashyyyk:
- Several bugs related to Bacca's Blade would prevent you from ever obtaining it


» Manaan:
- Bug in the Iridonian Mercenary's dialog would make it seem to freeze, requiring you to hit 1 or 2 to proceed
- Elora would confess to Sunry's affair if Bastila or Jolee is present, but you wouldn't get any plot EXP from it
- Bug in Ignus the hotel owner's dialog, preventing him from testifying for you if you Force Persuade him
- Getting exiled from Manaan would not remove any unfinished quests on the planet


» Korriban:
- Mismatched soundsets for the three Sith that attack you in the Valley of the Sith Lords
- Blowing up the pillar in Ajunta Pall's Tomb; you could still interact with objects and permanently glitch out whicever party members are with you. Now changed to a dialog instead of an inventory
- Having to fight your way out of the Sith Academy would not remove any prestige quests that you would never be able to turn in


» The Leviathan:
- Multiple camera angles and lack of gender checks during Saul's interrogation


» Yavin Station:
- Multiple dialog errors when the Trandoshans arrive, causing the dialog to break at several points


» General stuff:
- Bug during Xor's ambush that would prevent Ziagrom and any other messengers from ever spawning, locking you out of a unique store and the other party members' quests
- Many TLK corrections involving grammar and typos.



»» K1R Bugs:

» Taris:
- Playing Pazaak with a mechanic in the Vulkar Base would not update the "Pazaak Rules" quest
- Bug between Rakghouls and a Sith Patrol in the Sewers, interrupting their dialog
- Interaction with Main Level computer in the Vulkar Base giving a node error
- Angry Aqualish in the Vulkar Base Sub-level would have two triggers to his conversation
- Vulkar Coward on the Main Level had a blank line with audio
- Gamorrean Cleaver had several issues involving description, name, and wielding
- Elevator Passcodes and the "One for the Mechanic" quest not disappearing after Taris


» Dantooine:
- Crattis Yukal not mentioning buying crystals
- Sharina Fizark's first name was "Cantina" by mistake
- Republic Sentries now attack Kath Hounds if they get within range


» Kashyyyk:
- Various issues related to Jolee's extra fight have been fixed; the entire scene was re-done differently


» Manaan:
- You are no longer able to ask Ceeiia or Irog questions until after you beat them; this was to avoid getting trapped into playing them again


» The Leviathan:
- All doors involved in all of Major Hurka's cutscenes now close at the right times
- Two guards now walk into the Medical Bay properly
- Lip-sync corrections all-around with Major Hurka's content
- Cutscenes for Major Hurka now play out only once and work properly in all (hopefully) conditions
- If you use Major Hurka, you are now able to also see Canderous' comm message like you normally would have



There weren't too many bugs in KotOR 1, thus there is such a short list.



»» Taris:
- Retracted the added NPCs in the Lower City (due to them being custom content)
- Retracted the added NPCs (Caalin and his bodyguards) from the Vulkar Base Sublevel
(due to them being custom content)
- Streamlined the Vulkar Base's restored content; should be understandable and easy to follow
- Fixed the issue with interacting with the Sith Guard beside the elevator into the Lower City
- Fixed holes in the Sith Armor Quest that would prevent obtaining a second set
- Fixed issues revolving around Yun Genda and Sarna's dialog about the party


»» Dantooine:
- Fixed all the Jedi around the Ebon Hawk on Dantooine to keep on walking after talking
- Fixed Iriaz-Kath Hound relations
- Restored a Mandalorian Datapad that was previously unobtainable in-game
- When you recruit Juhani, she should be wearing actual clothing
- Fixed an occurence where certain dialog options with Shen and Rahasia would cause them to not appear at the Jedi Enclave when the should have


»» Kashyyyk:
- When you recruit Jolee, he should be wearing actual clothing


»» Korriban:
- Fixed Juhani's dialog about Korriban's evil so that it could actually be triggered after you found the Star Map


»» Tatooine:
- Retracted the Jawa confrontation in the Dune Sea
(due to it being custom content) and instead brought in Jawa Scavengers


»» Manaan:
- Fixed occurrences and movements of the restored Echani Mercenary and Gonto Yas
- Restored Gonto Yas at the Manaan Hotel (Go to the hotel after the Pazaak Tourney to see the new dialog)
- Restored Hukta Jax and his thugs attacking the PC for winning the swoop race
- Re-arranged and edited Pazaak Tourney dialogs to try to avoid game-breaking errors


»» The Leviathan:
- Fixed Major Hurka's content running twice
- You are no longer able to access the spacesuits if Major Hurka is helping you



An installation which involves the TSL Patcher has been made ready for your use and is the simplest and easiest way to carry out installation.


Alternatively, a secondary installer has been made for convenience. It will not patch the files like the TSL Patcher will, but it should be less of a headache for most users. HOWEVER, IT WILL NEED TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE ANY OTHER MODS!!!


Note: The K1R team is not responsible for any incompatibility issues that may arise from the use of this mod in conjunction with other mods. Also, in order to provide the best feedback for us we recommend that you play K1R with NO other mods installed.


Note 2: If using the TSL Patcher AND your game is in English, before installing, copy the dialog.tlk file bundled with this package into the KotOR directory. This will give you the grammar and typo fixes to the vanilla text.


1) Double click K1R_1.2_Installer.exe found in the main directory of the unpacked folder.
2) Click the button labeled Install Mod.
3) Click yes to the box that'll pop up... if you wish to proceed with installation.
4) Watch as all the little file names and progress reports scroll by and wait until the installer is complete.


There are 2 ways to report bugs:
1: Post your issues in the Bug Reporting Thread.
2: PM your issues to Fair Strides at Deadlystream.




1) Go to DeadlyStream (http://deadlystream.com/) and search for the user Fair Strides ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/user/9107-fair-strides/ )
2) Send a private message with as much detail as possible of what is occurring in your game. He will likely report back to you within a week.


1) Go to the Bug Thread ( http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4457-k1r-12-impressions-and-bug-reports-read-me-first/ )
2) Reply quoting and answering all of the questions as they apply to your issue.


Pazaak Tournament Mandalorians...Zhaboka
Filters for Zaerdra's lines......Zhaboka
Filters for sea floor lines......Zhaboka


Thanks Zhaboka. You really brought life to the characters, and those parts would be pretty lame without you.





-Restored "Impossible Difficulty" to the game.
-Restored the majority of Juhani's cut dialog.
-Restored Sharina Fizark on Dantooine.
-Restoration of the cut Dantooine lockers.
-Restoration of the alternate darkside female ending
-Restoration of a few other surprises so keep a eye out!
-MANY Fixes and restorations throughout the game


-Restoration of Carth dialogue when the PC first awakens on Taris
-Fixes to Gana Lavin's appearance consistency


Fallen Guardian:
-Restored Hurka on Leviathan
-Various edits to Leviathan
-LOTS of work on Taris
-Fixed Trask's soundset
-Restored/Aided in restoration of various Kashyyyk elements


-Restored various items on Unknown World
-Began restoration of injured sith apprentice (dialogue)


Fair Strides:
-Finished restoration of injured sith apprentice
-Secret surprise in Unknown World Temple :D :D :D
-Pazaak Tournament on Manaan (with advice and aid from ZM90 and advice from LDR and Fallen Guardian)
-Bug-fixed the Demo, created installer
-Restored Rulan's Shape-shifting and Wookie Amulet.


-LOTS of grammar and typo fixes... :D


-Various adjustments and fine-tuning of the Taris Lower City
-Hex-editing models for low-end computers
-Texture fix for the Scoundrel (Male only?) clothing that I had honestly never noticed until you said something


-Iriaz Restoration
-Garrum and Tar'eelok Restoration
-Deadeye Duncan Restoration
-Echani Mercenary Restoration


Dan Loto:
-Taris Lower City module, tar_m03aa
-Taris Lower City module, Dan Loto's permission to edit some things. Namely the citizens will be attacked by the Vulkars and the vulkar scout will no longer have player initiated dialogue but script initiated.
-Random walk script, real2. File name changed to rw, but all of the coding is Dan Loto's work.


-For the totally AWESOME K1R Launcher!



A BIG thanks to all of you!




- ZM90, Team Leader


- Mandalore, Team Member


- Jatku, Team Member


- Fallen Guardian, Team Member


- LDR, Team Member


- Fair Strides, Team Member and main producer of the 1.1 update (and 1.2 update)


- Malkior, Beta Tester


- LiliArch, Beta Tester (though, putting them on a test is more like setting off a permacrete detonator in an apartment... :D )


- GrandmasterArcturus, 1.2 Beta-tester and LPer
To the tool creators of the community


~ Kotor Tool.....................A VERY special thanks to Fred Tetra
~ K-GFF GFF Editor/DLGEditor.....tk102
~ Lipsynch Editor................JDNoa
~ DeNCS Script Decompiler........JDNoa
~ AniCAM.........................JDNoa
~ ERF Editor/TSLPatcher..........stoffe (and later Fair Strides)


And a shoutout for SithRevan (RIP) for beginning the restoration crusade for KotOR 1. :D


The K1R 1.2 OFFICIAL may NOT be redistributed in any way without the explicit permission of the K1R team and the proper credit given.



What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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Does anyone else get a glitch where your main character gets stuck at 1 VP and can't die? 

Something tells me you have the Min1HP on. Download the Save Game Editor for  Kotor, and select a save file you want to play. From there, you'll find the Min1HP turned on. All you need to do is click it off and bam! Hope this helps. The only other mod I know of that does this is the Super Skip Taris Mod

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I cannot open the TSLPatcher. 

The patcher will run, but the screen will not pop up. It is stuck as an open task on my task bar but I cannot pull it up to view it. 

It is the same issue as reported HERE: 




I have done the steps suggested and done a clean install but still no luck. 

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, this is a childhood memory and I would LOVE to play this game in it's full glory. TYVM!

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Someone who knows for sure,please answer me if the mods below are compatible with K1 Restoration Mod as Readme says nothing about them:

  • Hidden Bek Control Room Restoration 1.0 (by N-DReW25)
  • Taris Lower City Restoration (by Dan_Loto)
  • Taris Undercity and Gamorrean Stronghold (by Dan_Loto)
  • Kotor Bug Fix Attempt 1.1.1 (by danis-ch) 


And just a suggestion that will help many players(at least in my point of view),please make a readme in which you mention exactly which mods are included in the K1 Restoration so all who use it save some time and avoid any possible mistakes and therefore,failed attempts to play the game. 


Thank you in advance.

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17 hours ago, Terrorix said:

Someone who knows for sure,please answer me if the mods below are compatible with K1 Restoration Mod as Readme says nothing about them:

  • Hidden Bek Control Room Restoration 1.0 (by N-DReW25)
  • Taris Lower City Restoration (by Dan_Loto)
  • Taris Undercity and Gamorrean Stronghold (by Dan_Loto)
  • Kotor Bug Fix Attempt 1.1.1 (by danis-ch) 


And just a suggestion that will help many players(at least in my point of view),please make a readme in which you mention exactly which mods are included in the K1 Restoration so all who use it save some time and avoid any possible mistakes and therefore,failed attempts to play the game. 


Thank you in advance.

as the WARNING says in the DESCRIPTION of the mod, you should install this mod first and then add all these aformentioned (Hidden Bek Control Room Rest 1.0, Taris Lower City Restoration, etc), which would force you to do a new clean install surely. You can backup your actual installation and come back to them later, to try the new clean install for KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2.

otherwise there must be files worked by 2 or more of these 5 mods for sure. Easier way to be sure is to open the files and check the modules names and files by yourself, to look for files matches.

best scenario there might be few matches and with minimal modding skills you could make the mods compatible. hope that helps.

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5 hours ago, GNihilus2 said:

as the WARNING says in the DESCRIPTION of the mod, you should install this mod first and then add all these aformentioned (Hidden Bek Control Room Rest 1.0, Taris Lower City Restoration, etc), which would force you to do a new clean install surely. You can backup your actual installation and come back to them later, to try the new clean install for KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2.

otherwise there must be files worked by 2 or more of these 5 mods for sure. Easier way to be sure is to open the files and check the modules names and files by yourself, to look for files matches.

best scenario there might be few matches and with minimal modding skills you could make the mods compatible. hope that helps.

I have never added a mod to the game before the Kotor Restoration Mod,this is a "forbidden move" for me.I have no modding skills,unofrtunatly,I have no idea about it. I am just asking cause I had some textures issues with some armors(class 5 must be) like the Baragwin Shadow Armor and thought that maybe one of the above mentioned mods may be the cause of it but I found the problem.(- It was the Complete Republic Armor mod by masternetra on Nexusmods.com that was causing the problem-tested to play the game from a save in which I had the armor with the mod and without it and I noticed that when I put in override,it "corrupts" the armor's textures,when I removed,the armor's textures were back to normal.I wish he was still modding the game but as shown to this screenshot,he no longer does-http://prntscr.com/k04dbs .Still,it would be good to have someone making this mod compatible with the class 5 armors in the game.)Anyway,I just thought it would be helpful if the mods included were mentioned in the readme.

Thank you for your answer and your time.

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Hey there!! I need HELP!!!!!
A lot of troubles in the Second Level of Vulkar Base with conversations and interacting with both Control Panels. I'm completaly stucked:

1- Aqualish Tech (automatic talk opening the door):
"Huh, who are you? Only Lab Tech... (BLA, BLA, BLA...)"
I can hear his voice and text is shown (in upper part of the screen, as usually) but after that there are no answering options, neither invisible answer options cause clicking in the possible places, just in case, do nothing. No possibility of get out and I just can CTRL-ALT-DEL and kill KotOR.

2- Main Control Pannel / 4- Heating Control Pannel:
No interaction with the pannel. When I try appears a Balloon text saying "Conversation error: last conversation node contains either an END NODE or CONTINUE NODE. Please contact a designer!"

3- Human Old Mechanic (automatic talk opening the door):
I hear his voice but there is not ANY text shown on screen. After that, same as 1, no answering options shown and I just can kill KotOR.

5A- Duros Bartender:
Normal conversation working fine.

5B- Vulkar/s Mechanic/s (3 of them):
Usual balloon answer but with the balloon very narrow and no text shown.

5C- Vulkar Mechanic (about Spice deal) / 5D- Vulkar Mechanic (Pazaak gamer):
After I initiate the conversation same as 3.

HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Vulkar Base 2nd Level.JPG

These are the MODs I have installed at this moment:

 1- Brotherhood of Shadow Solomon's Revenge 1.5

 2-  KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2

 3- KOTOR 1 Community Patch 1.7

 4- Jedi From The Start 2.2.0

 5- Sith Stalker 0.9

 6- Character Start Up Change 1

 7- Health Regeneration

 8- Carth's Republic Uniform and Flight Suit

 9- Enhanced Merchants

10- Recruitable Maxis 1.5

11- Rece's Upgradeable Vanilla Robes 1.0

12- Weapon Base Stats Re-balance (K1)

13- Effixian's T3-M4 Blue & Red

14- Animated Cantina Sign for KotOR 1 1.0

15- Revan Items 1.1

16- Zaalbar's Items

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1 hour ago, Obi Wan Pere said:

Hey there!! I need HELP!!!!!





I've been making some experiments and, most generally has worked. At least I'm not stuck already and I'm on my way to Vulkar Garage:

I was almost sure the problem comes with "dialog.tlk" file, I've made a backup of the file placed in the main directory of KotOR and I've replaced it with the "dialog.tlk" file from TSLPatchdata folder of the K1Restoration, that means that the game will use dialog.tlk K1R version. Here are the results in game using a Save just before take the elevator down and reach Second Level (changing game modules reasons):

1- Aqualish Lab Tech:
In the automatic talk, voice but no text. After that the answerings options were shown and could finish conversation.

2- Main Control Panel:
Now I can interact with the panel but when I choose any option (except log out, that means choosing cameras or commands), exits the panel screen and appears the balloon text saying "Conversation error: last conversation node contains either an END NODE or CONTINUE NODE. Please contact a designer!".

3- Old Mechanic
Conversation working fine but when I ask about heat problem (answer option) the talks ends, appears on screen the message "Journal entry added" ...and appears a balloon text saying "Conversation error: last conversation node contains either an END NODE or CONTINUE NODE. Please contact a designer!". (In my journal I CAN'T SEE what has been added). (btw, I was able to steal his Access Card from his locker without turn in combat).

4- Heating Control Panel
I can interact normally now, introducing the Energy Cell. Works correct.

5A- Duros Bartender:
Now voice but no text shown.

5B- Vulkar/s Mechanic/s (3 of them):
Usual balloon answer from NPC's. Working fine.

5C- Vulkar Mechanic (about Spice deal)
Normal conversation. Working fine. (I've got his Access Card in exchange for Spice)

5D- Vulkar Mechanic (Pazaak gamer):
Normal conversation. Working (and playing Pazaak) fine.

Well, a lot of problems for get out this mess and now I have two Access Cards...

I almost forget to say that I've replaced again "dialog.tlk" with the backup I had made before, so the game comes back to its original way before Vulcar's Base Second Level.


I hope all that "bible" be useful for you.

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Well, I've finished another playthrough with KotOR1, this time with Restoration version and I would like share in its page with all of you the -long- list of the MODs used, the vast most of them working fine and several of them without K1R compatibility officially confirmed.

Installed step by step, planet to planet (or module to module of the game) for avoid as much as possible conflicts between them or possible bugs. In strict order of

- Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge 1.5 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/761-brotherhood-of-shadow-solomons-revenge (Installed after a fresh KotOR installation before start the Playthrough). Aside its own bugs I found some problems with it later on in my Playthrough with Shadow already recruited but reinstalling the entire MOD solved it.

KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/558-kotor-1-restoration (Installed before starts the Playthrough). With a lot of problems in Taris Vulkar Base Second Level.

- KOTOR 1 Community Patch 1.7 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1258-kotor-1-community-patch (Installed before start the Playthrough).

- Jedi From The Start 2.2.0 by darthbdaman https://deadlystream.com/files/file/174-jedi-from-the-start (Installed before start the Playthrough).

- Sith Stalker 0.9 by jonathan7 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/350-sith-stalker (Installed before starts the Playthrough). Working fine but with the odd issue that the Stalker takes the skin and robes of Akirakon Sin from BoS SR.

- Character Start Up Change 1 by jonathan7 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/349-character-start-up-change (Installed before start the Playthrough).

- Health Regeneration by MVacc224 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/458-health-regeneration (Installed before start the Playthrough). A small issue, every time I enter a new area the Health Points and the Force Points are a little decreased for automatically start to refill.

- Carth's Republic Uniform and Flight Suit by Marius Fett https://deadlystream.com/files/file/231-carths-republic-uniform-and-flight-suit (Installed before meet with Carth in the Endar's Spiral).

- Enhanced Merchants by Shem https://deadlystream.com/files/file/697-enhanced-merchants (Installed before reach Taris, at the end of Endar's Spiral. I suppose it can be installed while in the Hideout before exit to South Apartments for the first time, where you find the first merchant of the game. I didn't remember that the Hide and SA are different modules).

- Recruitable Maxis 1.5 by DarthRevan101 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/831-recruitable-maxis (Installed before reach Taris, at the end of Endar's Spiral).

- Rece's Upgradeable Vanilla Robes 1.0 by Rece https://deadlystream.com/files/file/562-reces-upgradeable-vanilla-robes (Installed while in Taris)

- Weapon Base Stats Re-balance (K1) by TK-664 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1248-weapon-base-stats-re-balance-k1 (Installed while in Taris South Apartments).

- Effixian's T3-M4 Blue & Red by Effix https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1013-effixians-t3-m4-blue-red (Installed while in Taris Upper City South before enter to Upper City North where is located the Droids Shop).

- Animated Cantina Sign for KotOR 1 1.0 by Sith Holocron https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1129-animated-cantina-sign-for-kotor-1 (Installed while in Taris Upper City South).

- Revan Items 1.1 by ChAiNz.2da https://deadlystream.com/files/file/85-revan-items (Installed while in Taris Lower City before enter Undercity for the first time). This MOD hasn't installer, just drag'n'drop files, it had a conflict -using the same file- with "upcrystals.2da" file from Recruitable Maxis 1.5. I decided merge both files and it seems has worked fine. I'm not sure when or why (I suspect due BoS SR) but at some point of the Playthrough, whatever clothes/armor you wear is always seen Revan's Armor.

- Zaalbar's Items by Shem https://deadlystream.com/files/file/696-zaalbars-items (Installed while in Undercity before enter Lower Sewers for the first time). It didn't work (just found the normal items) but the files of the MOD were in my override folder so I tried with KSE and I got them.

- Davik's Upgradable Armor Mod 1.0 by N-DReW25 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/890-daviks-upgradable-armor-mod (Installed before talk with Canderous to gain access to Davik's State).

- Canderous Overhaul 1.0 by djh269 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1065-canderous-overhaul (Installed before talk with Canderous to gain access to Davik's State). I think it can be installed before enter Lower City to see Canderous in the previous cutscenes with the new outfit.

- Revan's HoodlessMaskless Flowing Robes For K1 1.1 by DarthParametric https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1099-revans-hoodlessmaskless-flowing-robes-for-k1 (Installed before board the Ebon Hawk for the first time at the end of Taris Davik's State). Besides I installed Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix 1.1 by 

Sithspecter  https://deadlystream.com/files/file/709-revans-flowing-cape-and-belt-fix as is recommended and the result was that the Starforge Robes stay static while the robes from Revan Items 1.1 MOD, before static, now had movement.

- Lightsaber Forms by deathdisco https://deadlystream.com/files/file/586-lightsaber-forms-by-deathdisco (Installed before board the Ebon Hawk for the first time at the end of Taris Davik's State).

- Dantooine Training Lightsabers 1.0 by Kexikus https://deadlystream.com/files/file/704-dantooine-training-lightsabers (Installed before board the Ebon Hawk for the first time at the end of Taris Davik's State). The reason of install these lasts MODs while in Taris is that when we board the Ebon Hawk the game place us directly in the landing zone, Jedi Enclave module, in Dantooine, a game module involved in these MODs.

- Sherruk - Attacks With Lightsabers by Shem https://deadlystream.com/files/file/693-sherruk-attacks-with-lightsabers (Installed while in Dantooine before leave Jedi Enclave for the first time).

- Juhani Real Cathar Head by miro42 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/702-juhani-real-cathar-head (Installed while in Dantooine before leave Jedi Enclave for the first time).

- Bug Juhani's Quest (Installed while in Dantooine before leave Jedi Enclave for the first time). I'm sorry but I've lost the link and I have no idea where I got the file, so no link and no credits.

- Junkyard ebon hawk rar by zane https://deadlystream.com/files/file/929-junkyard-ebon-hawk (Installed while in Dantooine before re enter to Jedi Enclave from the Courtyard for the first time).

- Ebon Hawk Camera Replacement 1.0 by LDR https://deadlystream.com/files/file/827-ebon-hawk-camera-replacement (Installed while in Dantooine before board the Hawk for the first "normal" time).

- High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes 1.0 by Sithspecter https://deadlystream.com/files/file/938-high-quality-cockpit-skyboxes (Installed while in Dantooine before board the Hawk for the first "normal" time).

- The EbonHawk-HDTP R1 by desmasic https://deadlystream.com/files/file/442-the-ebonhawk-hdtp (Installed while in Dantooine before board the Hawk for the first "normal" time). This is a drag'n'drop files MOD and I've combined it with the files of Ebon Hawk Texture Enhancement 1.0 by  Fallen Guardian 

https://deadlystream.com/files/file/282-ebon-hawk-texture-enhancement (drag'n'drop too) and some .txi files provided by ebmar . The result is excelent.

- K1 Galaxy Map Fix Pack 1.1 by Kexikus https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1068-k1-galaxy-map-fix-pack (Installed while in Dantooine before board the Hawk for the first "normal" time).

- Crystal Cave redux and upgradeable crystal 1.2 by djh269 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1070-crystal-cave-redux-and-upgradeable-crystal (Installed while in Dantooine inside the Ebon Hawk). During installation I had 115 warnings although it has been working fine until find some troubles with the personal Crystal and dialogs later on.

- Emperor Turnip's HD Gizka 1.0 by Emperor Turnip https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1190-emperor-turnips-hd-gizka (Installed in Dantooine while in the Ebon Hawk before reach Yavin Station for the first time).

- Exar Kun Battle-suit 2.0 by xavier1985 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/286-exar-kun-battle-suit (Installed in Dantooine while in the Ebon Hawk before reach Yavin Station for the first time).

- Tomb of Exar Kun by deathdisco https://deadlystream.com/files/file/587-tomb-of-exar-kun-by-deathdisco (Installed in Dantooine while in the Ebon Hawk before reach Yavin Station for the first time).

- Kill Marlena 3.0 by jc2 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1056-kill-marlena (Installed while in the Ebon Hawk before disembark on Tatooine for the first time). It worked fine except the very end part of the dialog that was not shown.

- Easy Swoop Racing mod (sorry, I'm not found the author) http://www.geocities.ws/d333mods/minig.html (Installed while in Tatooine before enter Swoop Registration for the first time, although I think it can be installed anytime). Ok, ok... I admit I 'm not a good Swoop pilot...

- Helena Shan Improvement by VarsityPuppet https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1218-helena-shan-improvement (Installed while in Tatooine before enter Anchorhead Cantina for the first time).

- Quanons HK-47 Reskin 1.0 by Quanon https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1001-quanons-hk-47-reskin (Installed while in Tatooine before enter Droid Shop for the first time).

- Desert Wraid & Shyrack Texture Fix by Red Hessian https://deadlystream.com/files/file/323-desert-wraid-shyrack-texture-fix (Installed while in Tatooine Anchorhead, before enter Dune Sea for the first time).

- Emperor Turnip's HD Dewback 1.0 by Emperor Turnip https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1189-emperor-turnips-hd-dewback (Installed while in Tatooine Anchorhead, before enter Dune Sea for the first time).

- Sandpeople Disguise Drop Fix 1.0 by Kexikus https://deadlystream.com/files/file/540-sandpeople-disguise-drop-fix (Installed while in Tatooine, Anchorhead, before enter Dune Sea for the first time). It hasn't worked to me and after some failed tests I uninstalled it.

- Korriban Academy Workbench 2.0 by InSidious https://deadlystream.com/files/file/375-korriban-academy-workbench (Installed while in Korriban, Dreshdae, before talk with Yuthura to gain access to Sith Academy).

- No Random Fighter Battles v1.0 by Antonia https://deadlystream.com/files/file/807-no-random-fighter-battles (Well, no many words needed, I'm a better gunner that a Swoop pilot but it's more a no waste time matter than enjoy playing the mini-game).

- Day Kashyyyk HD 1 by Dark Hope https://deadlystream.com/files/file/981-day-kashyyyk-hd (Installed while in the Ebon Hawk before disembark on Kashyyyk for the first time).

- Remove Force Alignment Restriction 1.1 by N-DReW25 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/894-remove-force-alignment-restriction (Installed -partially- while in Kashyyyk, Great Walkway, before go down to Upper Shadowlands). This is another drag'n'drop files MOD and the partial installation is due another MOD I want install later on in Korriban's Tombs. Drag and drop files system permits it very easily.

- Give Kinrath to Nubassa 1.0.0 by LDR https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1287-give-kinrath-to-nubassa (Installed while in the Ebon Hawk before disembark on Manaan for the first time). Really I don't know if the MOD works because talking with Nubassa the dialog option wasn't shown. After he leaves, checking my inventory I hadn't any Kinrath corpse and I'm not sure if I had sold before and, no corpses, no dialog option.

- Revenge On The Sith (Lady) 1.50a by jc2 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1178-revenge-on-the-sith-lady (Installed while in the Ebon Hawk before disembark on Manaan for the first time).

- Shanilia 1.6ab by jc2 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1044-shanilia (Installed while in the Ebon Hawk before disembark on Manaan for the first time). The MOD has been working fine but at the final cutscenes of the Pazaak Tournament in Manaan the game always crashes. I had to use a Savegame made before sign up for the tournament and avoid this part. Aside this problem the MOD has worked fine until the end of the game.

- Genoharadan - Light Side by DarthRevan101 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1031-genoharadan-light-side (Installed while in Manaan, Docking Bay, before enter West Central for the first time).

- Animated Manaan Cantina Sign for KotOR1 1.0 by Sith Holocron https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1135-animated-manaan-cantina-sign-for-kotor1 (Installed while in Manaan, Docking Bay, before enter West Central for the first time).

- Kylo Ren's Lightsaber by Sithspecter https://deadlystream.com/files/file/766-kylo-rens-lightsaber (Installed while in Manaan, Docking Bay, before go to Sith Base).

- K1 Faster Scuba 1.0 by Future Pilot https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1297-k1-faster-scuba (Installed while in Manaan, Hrakert Station, before reach Sea Floor).

- Leviathan Differentiated Dialogue 1.1 by Revanator https://deadlystream.com/files/file/895-leviathan-differentiated-dialogue (Installed while in the Ebon Hawk before leave Manaan -that was my case- and be captured by the Leviathan).

- Party on the Leviathan! 1.1 by Fair Strides https://deadlystream.com/files/file/567-party-on-the-leviathan (Installed while in the Ebon Hawk before leave Manaan -that was my case- and be captured by the Leviathan).

- Saul Karath's Pistol 1.0 by Revanator https://deadlystream.com/files/file/884-saul-karaths-pistol (Installed while in the Leviathan before reach the Bridge).

- Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance 1.0.0 by VarsityPuppet https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1276-spectral-ajunta-pall-canonical-appearance (Installed while in Korriban, Valley of the Dark Lords, before enter Ajunta Pall's tomb).

- Improved Korriban Tomb Loot 1.0 by Revanator https://deadlystream.com/files/file/913-improved-korriban-tomb-loot (Installed while in Korriban, Valley of the Dark Lords, before enter any tomb).

- Upgradable Sith Lightsaber 1.0 by GhostlyBreadbin https://deadlystream.com/files/file/910-upgradable-sith-lightsaber (Installed while in Korriban, Sith Academy, before talk with Uthar to gain access to Naga Sadow's tomb).

- Juhani Romance Enhancement 1.0 by Kexikus https://deadlystream.com/files/file/772-juhani-romance-enhancement (Installed before reach the Unknown World). Another MOD that I don't really know if works. Playing with a female PC something must be happened that I couldn't get the romance with Juhani with the talk options, so I couldn't see the MOD working. Maybe I broke the romance somehow with the talks (really it would surprise me, and I don't know how or when) or simply the romance has been bugged some manner.

- BK2's Recruitable Luo 1.0 1.0 by BK2-Modder https://deadlystream.com/files/file/765-bk2s-recruitable-luo-10 (Installed before reach the Unknown World).

- Star Forge Door Fix 1.50 by jc2 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1195-star-forge-door-fix (Installed while in the Ebon Hawk before leave the Unknown World and reach the Starforge).

Surely I have overpassed some issues without realize, but I've passed most of the time enjoying KotOR and all these MODs and I've finished my Playthrough with no major problems.

Thanks to BoS SR team, to K1R team and all of you who spend your time and effort to make KotOR greatest and making happy all those of us that like videogames and love the Star Wars Universe.

Do not loosen.


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On 7/25/2018 at 8:24 PM, Obi Wan Pere said:

Hey there!! I need HELP!!!!!




Wel, well, well... Maybe I deserve be the target of your blasters (for a while). Just say that ALL the problems I found in the Vulkar Base Second Level was due to the language game version. I've tried again but this time using the original "dialog.tlk" file of the english version after a fresh KotOR installation and has been running smooth and fine as it's mandate.

I'm confirming my suspicions that if you want to play with MODs with few surprises is much better (not imperative but for sure better) use the english version (or in case, like me, the dialog.tlk file) of the game.

Just one warning besides, DO NOT USE Vulkar Coward Redux 1.1 MOD with K1R since it blocks the access to the elevator used for reach Second Level.

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On 3/12/2017 at 1:38 AM, PorygonZRocks said:

When this happened for me, the only way to fix was to delete the .mod file (tar_m03af.mod). Keep in mind, other mods may edit this module, so maybe see if you can figure out the script that fires and just remove the dialog trigger from it.

Ah, thanks for this. It helped.

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I keep getting this error when I try to install

• Error: Error! Unable to locate TLK file to patch, "dialog.tlk" file not found! (GEN-8)


Any help would be great. Ive been looking forward to checking KOTOR 1 out with this highly rated mod

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what is the thumbnail of Manaan? the one with the holograms? i've gone through the game with this mod and i haven't seen that..

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3 hours ago, linsul said:

what is the thumbnail of Manaan? the one with the holograms? i've gone through the game with this mod and i haven't seen that..

Pazaak Tornument.

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I received 9 warnings saying "these files already exist in the modules folder"

I think it is fine to keep because the patcher is not overwriting or replacing, purposely skipping.

But just double checking

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The first time I tried installing this, it actually installed fine. But after trying to install it again (after wiping and reinstalling the base game because technical difficulties elsewhere I didn't know how to fix at the time) I've run into a problem.

Partway through installing the mod, I get an "An unhandled error has occurred!" popup. The error message is this:

• Error: Unhandled exception: Cannot create file "C:\Users\Media Room\Documents\eddump\KotOR mods\K1R_1.2\K1R_1.2\k1r_paztourney_tmp\enter_paz.ncs". Access is denied (0)

For some reason, the installer is randomly being denied permission to create the temporary directory for that file. It's always that file. I've tried running the installer multiple times, including running as an administrator. I've tried deleting and re-extracting. No idea why the installer ran perfectly fine the first time, but now it's consistently being denied access for that one goddamn file. Anyone know what the hell is causing this?

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Apparently the NPC on Manaan who I'm supposed to set up the Swoop Races with is now bugged and I'm receiving the "conversation node" error whenever I talk to him. Is there a fix for this?

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My main question is, is it me or does anyone having issues with even unpacking the mod, as 9zip only works up to a certain file before it says it can't finish, which always happens before the installer. That file it seems to dislike is the, K1R_1.2\tslpatchdate\unk_bed.utp, file that keeps causing it and the error message is simply this; "An error occurred : cannot extract archive : (name of the drive and the location in it where the compressed file lays). Because if it 9zip is the issue any idea on another program I should use or what?

Edited by Notabothere

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I've had four separate issues, all relating to seemingly invincible characters. Xorr, if defeated after his bodyguards, becomes non-hostile but never initiates the conversation to end his quest, leaving it hanging. Lashowe was invincible after taking some damage, but was fixed using a standalone drag-n-drop file when reloading a save before the fight. And both Bastila AND Malak on the Star Forge were unbeatable after taking them down to almost zero health, but not when I loaded a save in their modules I had before I installed K1R.

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