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  1. 5 points

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod will replace and update Czerka administrator texture files. To Install 1. Download: CommF09 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
  2. 5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod will replace and update N_TatComW_F texture files. To Install 1. Download: TatComW HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
  13. 2 points
    fixed version of KSR 2022 is uploaded. Uses K1CP's installer and took the Revan disguise off his saber.
  14. 2 points
    I can assist, post the head and body textures and relevant files.
  15. 2 points
    Here's my personally modified changes.ini. The only change I made was copy and pasting the missing section from the mod being sourced. Put it in the tslpatchdata folder. changes.ini
  16. 2 points

    Version 1.1.0


    This is my first mod for KotOR and it's relatively simple. I was always quite annoyed by certain areas of the game having a major "clone" effect with some of the NPC's. This mod aims to fix that issue in just a few of the areas. I made sure to pick areas and NPC's to edit that did not affect other parts of the game, as some NPC's in some modules share files, I made sure to edit ones that would not conflict. The main areas this provides changes in are the Manaan cantina, swoop lounge, Korriban Sith Academy, and Valley of the Dark Lords. I also changed Fazza and Yortal (Ithorian merchant near the Sith embassy on Manaan). Fazza and Yortal were changed because, for some reason, most Ithorians you interact with in the game all have the exact same skin despite there being three different Ithorian skins. I changed some appearances in the Sith Academy to better reflect their roles. For example; the NPC's labeled "Sith Teacher" now have an older appearance (I also gave a few of them double bladed lightsabers to add to the variety). The Mandalorian in the Manaan cantina is wearing Mandalorian armor. The Echani mercenaries in that same area are now wearing Echani armor. The Sith academy guards that are at the doors are wearing red, while the ones patrolling are still wearing silver armor. Several Dreshdae NPC's were changed including the Czerka representative and the guard behind him (they were twins prior to this) as well as one of the Rodian's in the cantina. All the changes I put forth were done to both add variety and make some sense within the context of the world (like giving the Echani mercs Echani armor). Where I was able to, I changed heads so there wouldn't be as many twins standing beside each other or in the same room and for some NPC's that had a bit more dialogue, I tried giving them less used/seen head appearances. Compatibility: This mod uses TSLPatcher to inject the changes directly into the module files. If you are using Sith Uniform Reformation, then the only incompatible files will be those for the Sith guards on Korriban (therefore you can choose to keep the armored Sith guards or the ones from that mod). This mod is compatible with K1CP, though you MUST install the K1CP first. I highly recommend you have JC's Back in Black mod installed first as well. This is NOT meant to be used with any other major NPC diversity mods that change these specific NPC's, as it won't be compatible. For the changes to take place, you MUST NOT have entered the areas where this modifies NPC's. Either start a new game or load a save prior to entering the specific areas of change. (I am utilizing several @Dark Hope skins in my screenshots. I recommend checking her content out, as her retextures are top notch) Big thanks to @Effix +@Leilukin + @N-DReW25 + @JCarter426for their help! If anyone runs into any issues with this at all, please DM me here.
  17. 2 points
    I had the same exact issue when trying to install, "The [Battle_Meditation] section was not found in the ini, referenced by 'AddRow0=Battle_Meditation' in [spells.2da]" If you don't mind me asking Drew, where did you pull the missing ini section from? I tried looking at the mod files and could not find it and i tried looking through some other mods.
  18. 2 points
    Just tried to install it, but there's an error in the ini. [Error] [16:52:05] KeyError: "The [Battle_Meditation] section was not found in the ini, referenced by 'AddRow0=Battle_Meditation' in [spells.2da]" Fixed! I pulled the missing ini section from the K1 Battle Meditation mod's changes.ini and put it right below your [spells.2da changes]. I'll test it to make sure it works and get back to you.
  19. 2 points
    Yes, I will kill all the Sand People for you, my lady.
  20. 2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    This modification comes from a (very reasonable) request made by Snigaroo, lamenting the fact that in the original game it's not possible to improve the performance of the game's swoop bike despite evidence that upgrades should be available. I introduced two of them and made them available in two different stores. They can be purchased to help those who struggle to make good times on Tatooine's and Manaan's race circuits. They don't come cheap, but they are certainly a great asset for any aspiring swoop racing champion.
  23. 2 points

    Version 1.01


    Author: Kainzorus Prime Mod Name: Peragus Mining Gear 1.01 ************************* Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other, mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself. ************************* 1. Info =========== This mod changes the miner uniform found in the Peragus tunnels into gear that both looks fitting for space mining, as well as slightly boosting its stats. However, it also requires proficiency in light armors to be used now. 2. Installation: ========= Copy the files into the Override folder. Overwrite existing if necessary. 3. Credits: =========== Special thanks to: Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources. 4. DISCLAIMER: =============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
  24. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    KOTOR2 "Canon" Animated Galaxy Map [Foreign Language Edition] AUTHOR: Sith Holocron FIRST RELEASE: 25 JUL 2024 GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II Description: This is an alternate version of my "TSL Animated Galaxy Map Texture in Canon Positions 1.1" mod. The difference here are the languages in the texture are no longer in English. You now have the ability to have your Galaxy Map appear in either Polish, French, German, Spanish, or Russian. As before, the planets in the texture are in the positions as laid out in bead-v's TSL Galaxy Map Fix Pack The Galaxy Map texture of the Ebon Hawk [texture name LEH_scre03] as it appeared in the original un-modded game was originally sized at 128x128. It is now sized to 512x512. In addition to the resolution bump, the actual texture is now animated with 9 frames of animation. Note: The LEH_scre03 texture is the Galaxy Map *before* you click on it, that is when you can see the rest of the cockpit. This mod is not recommended for use in KotOR2, as it refers to places not seen in the game. But will be a foreign language edition for KotOR1 is available here. Installation: Choose the language that bests suits your uses. Grab the files (both the TGA and the TXI) from that file folder and drop them into the following folder: SWKotOR/Override Uninstall: Take them out again. Known Bugs: None known at this time. Legal Disclaimer: All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, and Bioware Corp. I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Stream Workshop (in the event they ever make one for KOTOR1). Credits: French translation help: stills from Poyo Novae’s video (https://youtu.be/zj2byxuw6HU?si=WMeEl_abra6GhBzJ) Spanish translation help: stills from Mochi Games' video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWPvgxEm4W4&list=PL9tz89RM2VHtHAdPbpNb35UcBguvd9U7G) German translation help: stills from Tombie's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGvoQuqwf6I&list=PLnuRqHKN_rzwZIWQBkLieY6d0pVV38SKf) Polish translation help: Zbyl2 Russian translation help: Dark Hope, Allard, and Drazgar Kexikus: Help with putting together the original version of this mod. LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums. (http://www.lucasforu...ad.php?t=153502)
  25. 1 point
    Evening chat, So I finally saw Ahsoka. Possibly related(!?), one of the episodes reminded me of the star wars lore regarding force-imbued blades, sith swords in particular. If you're curious and don't care about spoilers... TL;DR They're powerful, very difficult to craft physical blades infused with the force, some or all using kyber crystals in their construction (?The internet is unclear). They're resistant to lightsabers and just as deadly. After all this came rushing back to me, I realized something. The three sith-themed melee weapons we find in the KOTOR series are supposed to be Sith Swords, and yet they're treated as slightly better melee weapons. Bioware y
  26. 1 point

    Version 1.3.2


    KotOR 1: Balance in the Force V1.3.2 Balance in the force is a gameplay balancing mod that provides a streamlined leveling experience that’s more in line with its sequel with some important departures. I've rebalanced the base weapon types and heavily increased the damage for ranged weapons. Not only does this keep ranged builds competitive with melee builds but it also makes the enemies more difficult. Now, you’ll have an excuse to use those Energy Shields during those early levels on Taris. Powers have been rebalanced so that force point costs scale across power tiers. I've also removed some overpowered force powers that trivialize the difficulty of the game such as Knight Speed, Master Speed, and Improved Energy Resistance. Thanks to MoustacheVerte, the Aura and Valor power trees have extended durations of 40 seconds and Burst of Speed has an extended duration of 50 seconds. Balance in the Force also contains a number of quality-of-life features. For example, all of the classes have been modernized to KotOR 2’s feat, power, and attack bonus progression. Persuasion is a class skill for the main character regardless of starting class. Intelligence now rounds up instead of down for gaining skill points during level up. All characters have background feats that deepen the immersive roleplaying experience. There are also several optional patches included as well. These include a patch that gives the main character extra force powers, a patch that gives the party extra skills, and patches that revert some of the more controversial changes made by this mod. Thanks to offthegridmorty and djh269, there’s a patch that gives Bastila the playable Battle Meditation Power from Kotor 2. Full Change List Optional Patches Compatibility Balance in the Force was expressly designed to be compatible with the KOTOR 1 Community Patch and I highly recommend using it. It should be compatible with all of the graphics mods as well. It was built with Holopatcher so it should even be compatible with other gameplay mods that use TSLPatcher or Holopatcher as long as you apply them in the right order. That said, Balance in the Force is designed to be its own ecosystem so other gameplay mods aren't recommended. If you want to use other mods I recommend you apply the Community Patch or K1R first then you can install Balance in the Force and the non-gameplay or graphics mods you want in any order. Just make sure you install Balance in the Force before you install any of its included optional patches. Credits Offthegridmorty and djh269: Bastila has TSL Battle Meditation MoustacheVerte: Force Buffs Duration x2 djh269: Separate Force Whirlwind Sdub: Persuade Unlocked Darth_Sapiens: KotOR Tool Fair Strides: TSL Patcher, TLKEd Cortisol: HoloPatcher & Holocron Toolset VarsityPuppet: 2DA Editor Special Thanks… Below is a list of authors’ whose mods inspired the ideas presented in Balance in the Force. MoustacheVerte: K2-like Progression Sdub: Immersive Feats Mod Captain Spoque: Weapon Damages Overhaul TK-664: Weapon Base Stats Re-balanced Elm: Kotor1 balanced force powers Extra Special Thanks These individuals have spent an unreasonable amount of time helping me with this mod. Thor110 for teaching me how to do most of this. I could not have done any of this without him. Offthegrid morty for very patiently helping me incorporate Bastila has TSL Meditation into Balance in the Force. JayB33UK for patiently hunting down a persistent little bug that to my great shame, existed across multiple versions.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point

    Version 1.3


    UNOFFICIAL TSLRCM (THE SITH LORDS RESTORATION MODIFICATION) TWEAK PACK version 1.3 Author: Pavijan357 1. Description: --------------------- As you all know, SW-KOTOR 2 : The Sith Lords is a brilliant game. Unfortunately, at the time of release, it was definitely a flawed game, because it was published in unfinished state. Then came the people behind TSLRCM project and did what seemed impossible. After years hard work by all people involved in it, final result is here: TSLRCM 1.8.5 . KOTOR 2 is closer to its finished state and Obsidian's vision than ever before. So, what is this than actually for? Well, the way I see it, instead of the broken, dirty gem TSL was before, now with TSLRCM, it's the large shinning diamond, just a little rough on the few edges. This is made to polish it around a little... It's seems to me that in their vision to restore as much cut content, TSLRCM crew got a little carried away and restored even things that seem that weren't left out because of short development time, but actually CUT from game, because authors had some other and better ideas, or simple they didn't thought that those fit in the game in general way. Now, I don't claim to know what was Obsidian's original vision better than anybody else, especially TSLRCM guys, but there are some things that bothered me during the playthrough and which seamed jarring and out of place to me, so I have made this Tweak Pack for my personal usage, and also for everyone else who feels the same way about those particular things. Of course, this is ultimately thing of personal preference, so I have made this pack modular so you can install only things that you want and leave others as they are (modular parts are installed with TSL Patcher), but have also provided all-in-one setup for those that want it all. 2. Component list: --------------------- This pack consists of five main components and three small extras: Component 1 - Jorran the extortionist instead of Kaeve the thief As you probably know, TSLRCM returned cut character of padawan Kaeve, whose laigreks stole the farming equipment from farmer Suulru on Dantoine, instead of scavenger Jorran who insisted that Suulru should give him extra money for his vaporator, which was the case in the published version of the game. I like the general idea behind Kaeve, and voice-over done for her by Usagi was fine, but the main problem with her is that her dialogue seams, well... not well written in the first place, it feels incomplete and not well thought through. It seems to me that she was abandoned in earlier part of production and wholly discarded as an idea, and that's why Obsidian eventually recorded voice-over for Jorran's and Suulru's new lines instead of making some for Keave. Don't get me wrong, TSLRCM crew did a good job of restoring what was in the files, but it seems that there wasn't a lot of quality material to restore in the first place... So this component returns whole Jorran/Suulru situation to what it was in published version of TSL and removes Keave from game altogether. This also returns lightsaber part to Jorran which he had originally, instead of Keave as in TSLRCM. Component 2 - Saedhe's original head If you played the game, you would remember Seadhe, Khoonda Militia investigator in Khoonda plains, Dantooine. In TSLRCM he is given cut unique head which was planned for him earlier, but my opinion, based on his voice in game, is that unique head was intentionally scrapped and in the published version he got that of an old black guy to fit better with that voice. So install this component if you would like to see his originally assigned head again. Component 3 - No Mandalore falling on Ravager bridge In old TSLRCM versions, after you defeat Darth Nihilus and your party is leaving Ravager's command bridge, Mandalore inexplicably stood on some invisible mine and fell on the ground. This has been done to make excuse for starting Mandalore/Visas conversation. Version 1.8.3 replaced mine with much more sensible Dark Side backslash from the disappearing corpse of Nihilus, which actually looks fitting to a point, and could satisfy some people, but in case that you still want that whole part removed, like I do - this component is here. There is also spliced part on first Mandalore/Visas conversation upon boarding Ravager ("I know what it meant for you to accompany me here...") that should also, like the post-fight conversation between them, be left for some other mod which restores Ravager part to its original concept (Mandalore and Visas go to Ravager alone, Exile joins them later) like Zbyl2's excellent "Ravager Rewrite" mod, which will, I hope, be eventually updated for TSLRCM compatibility if he finds time and still has some desire for modding after his work on M4-78EP. So, this component removes spliced part on first Mandalore/Visas conversation and whole bridge collapse/second conversation situation after Nihilus fight, so you can wait nicely until some future version "Ravager Rewrite", or some other mod, restores those lines more fittingly. Component 4 - Atton’s ending dialogue After you defeat final boss, in TSLRCM you (depending on your choices) get a few final conversations with some of your crew mates. Atton is one of them, and his conversations (in both possible versions) are great and emotionally satisfying. But they seem written only for light-side character and don't fit at all for the cold-blooded bastard that you may have turned your Exile into! Because of that, this component inserts extra requirements for this dialogs to happen: Exile must be light-side, neutral, or mildly dark-side with high influence with Atton (high requirement for influence is only for slightly dark-side chars to reflect the situation when player is not entirely insensitive to suffering of those close to him and he got along with Atton nicely). So if your Exile matches any of those requirements you will get the dialogue as it has been until now, and if he/she doesn't - you will not be bothered with it. Component 5 - Kreia-Atris dialogue tweak During Kreia's visit to Atis on Telos, dialogue between those two is one of the more important ones in the whole game because it gives lots of exposition on Kreia's motivation. TSLRCM added a few restored lines of dialogue to that scene that do not seem to fit the story in it's final form. Those are the lines that reference that Kreia was there during Exile's trial, and more important, that she was the one who asked for her/him to be exiled. Which doesn't fit at all, because she was presumed dead since Mandalorian Wars by the Jedi Order at that time, and because of that she couldn't have asked that of the Jedi Council when (as we see in dialogue between them near the end) they weren't even aware that she survived! This seems to be a remnant of some old plot version that was abandoned during the production. Thus, this component removes that group of added lines from that dialogue (but keeps other ones that are not related to this issue). Thanks to Markus Ramikin who has noticed this issue and informed me of it. Component 6 - Tweak for Exile-Mandalore dialogue in Trayus academy From the first time I saw it, I was not fond at all of the Player responses in the Exile-Mandalore conversation that happens in the Trays academy if you save your party. They consist of pairs of almost identical responses with just several words changed and do not seem like anything that would normally be found anywhere in the game and therefore they really stick out as "modded content". This component of TSLRCM Tweak Pack will alter the player responses to something that (at least in my opinion) fits better with the rest of the dialogue found in the game. Mandalore's lines are not altered. Extra components: These small tweaks are separated as extras because they are not based on restorations or anything other than some thoughts of mine, or are probably insignificant to majority of players and made mostly for extra nit-picky crazies like myself. Extra 1 - Trayus Sith Lords unified This takes care of the small thing that caught my eye - that Sith Lords in the left part of Trayus Academy have their masks on, but those in the right part don't. This was probably done intentionally, possibly to provide more diversity, but what bothered me is that those without masks share the same head with Sith apprentices which are at few places found at the very same room (Yes, it bothers me, I'm that kind of guy [:p] ). So, this only gives those few Sith Lords in Trays Ac. the same masks that their "colleagues" in the other part have. Simply as that. Extra 2 - Lower Awareness requirement for "Gand Warrior" quest This lowers required Awareness skill level for solving the quest given by Suulustan in Jekk Jekk Tarr cantina, on Nar Shadaa, to 4 instead of 16. Why so low? Because I think that 16 is really too much for such a trivial quest, and by making it as low as 4 it can be solved even by players who didn't focus on developing their Exile's Awareness, simply by equipping a few of skill boosting items, and maybe also casting Valor if needed. 3. Installation: --------------------- To install this Tweak Pack, TSLRCM 1.8.3 or newer version, MUST be installed. It is made for TSLRCM and without it, it has no point. 1) If you're planning to install the complete installer version, just run its URCMTP.exe and follow instructions. It's advisable to do it IMMEDIATELY after TSLRCM installation. In that case if you plan to install some other mods after TSLRCM they won't be overwritten, and maximum compatibility is assured. 2) If you're planning to install any of modular parts just run U_TSLRCM_TP_IND.exe and follow instructions. You need to run U_TSLRCM_TP_IND.exe once for each component you have to install. For Component 1 (Kaeve removal) BOTH parts must be installed for it to work properly. Any component can be installed any time after TSLRCM installation. 4. Uninstallation --------------------- Copy appropriate files from the "backup" folder to their original places. 5. Mod Compatibility: --------------------- Any mod that is compatible with TSLRCM is compatible with this Tweak Pack. For full compatibility with "Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux for TSLRCM" by DarthParametric and M4-78EP, use the the Individual component installer for this pack, and install it AFTER those mods. --------------------- Thanks to Fair Strides for creating and updating the TSL Patcher version of the installer. Special thanks to Zbyl2, DarthStoney, VarsityPuppet, Hassat Hunter, and everybody else who was involved with TSLCRM during its long years of making, for all that they have given us... --------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  29. 1 point
    All NPCs wear gloves.
  30. 1 point
    View File Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack UNOFFICIAL TSLRCM (THE SITH LORDS RESTORATION MODIFICATION) TWEAK PACK version 1.3 Author: Pavijan357 1. Description: --------------------- As you all know, SW-KOTOR 2 : The Sith Lords is a brilliant game. Unfortunately, at the time of release, it was definitely a flawed game, because it was published in unfinished state. Then came the people behind TSLRCM project and did what seemed impossible. After years hard work by all people involved in it, final result is here: TSLRCM 1.8.5 . KOTOR 2 is closer to its finished state and Obsidian's vision than ever before. So, what is this than actually for? Well, the way I see it, instead of the broken, dirty gem TSL was before, now with TSLRCM, it's the large shinning diamond, just a little rough on the few edges. This is made to polish it around a little... It's seems to me that in their vision to restore as much cut content, TSLRCM crew got a little carried away and restored even things that seem that weren't left out because of short development time, but actually CUT from game, because authors had some other and better ideas, or simple they didn't thought that those fit in the game in general way. Now, I don't claim to know what was Obsidian's original vision better than anybody else, especially TSLRCM guys, but there are some things that bothered me during the playthrough and which seamed jarring and out of place to me, so I have made this Tweak Pack for my personal usage, and also for everyone else who feels the same way about those particular things. Of course, this is ultimately thing of personal preference, so I have made this pack modular so you can install only things that you want and leave others as they are (modular parts are installed with TSL Patcher), but have also provided all-in-one setup for those that want it all. 2. Component list: --------------------- This pack consists of five main components and three small extras: Component 1 - Jorran the extortionist instead of Kaeve the thief As you probably know, TSLRCM returned cut character of padawan Kaeve, whose laigreks stole the farming equipment from farmer Suulru on Dantoine, instead of scavenger Jorran who insisted that Suulru should give him extra money for his vaporator, which was the case in the published version of the game. I like the general idea behind Kaeve, and voice-over done for her by Usagi was fine, but the main problem with her is that her dialogue seams, well... not well written in the first place, it feels incomplete and not well thought through. It seems to me that she was abandoned in earlier part of production and wholly discarded as an idea, and that's why Obsidian eventually recorded voice-over for Jorran's and Suulru's new lines instead of making some for Keave. Don't get me wrong, TSLRCM crew did a good job of restoring what was in the files, but it seems that there wasn't a lot of quality material to restore in the first place... So this component returns whole Jorran/Suulru situation to what it was in published version of TSL and removes Keave from game altogether. This also returns lightsaber part to Jorran which he had originally, instead of Keave as in TSLRCM. Component 2 - Saedhe's original head If you played the game, you would remember Seadhe, Khoonda Militia investigator in Khoonda plains, Dantooine. In TSLRCM he is given cut unique head which was planned for him earlier, but my opinion, based on his voice in game, is that unique head was intentionally scrapped and in the published version he got that of an old black guy to fit better with that voice. So install this component if you would like to see his originally assigned head again. Component 3 - No Mandalore falling on Ravager bridge In old TSLRCM versions, after you defeat Darth Nihilus and your party is leaving Ravager's command bridge, Mandalore inexplicably stood on some invisible mine and fell on the ground. This has been done to make excuse for starting Mandalore/Visas conversation. Version 1.8.3 replaced mine with much more sensible Dark Side backslash from the disappearing corpse of Nihilus, which actually looks fitting to a point, and could satisfy some people, but in case that you still want that whole part removed, like I do - this component is here. There is also spliced part on first Mandalore/Visas conversation upon boarding Ravager ("I know what it meant for you to accompany me here...") that should also, like the post-fight conversation between them, be left for some other mod which restores Ravager part to its original concept (Mandalore and Visas go to Ravager alone, Exile joins them later) like Zbyl2's excellent "Ravager Rewrite" mod, which will, I hope, be eventually updated for TSLRCM compatibility if he finds time and still has some desire for modding after his work on M4-78EP. So, this component removes spliced part on first Mandalore/Visas conversation and whole bridge collapse/second conversation situation after Nihilus fight, so you can wait nicely until some future version "Ravager Rewrite", or some other mod, restores those lines more fittingly. Component 4 - Atton’s ending dialogue After you defeat final boss, in TSLRCM you (depending on your choices) get a few final conversations with some of your crew mates. Atton is one of them, and his conversations (in both possible versions) are great and emotionally satisfying. But they seem written only for light-side character and don't fit at all for the cold-blooded bastard that you may have turned your Exile into! Because of that, this component inserts extra requirements for this dialogs to happen: Exile must be light-side, neutral, or mildly dark-side with high influence with Atton (high requirement for influence is only for slightly dark-side chars to reflect the situation when player is not entirely insensitive to suffering of those close to him and he got along with Atton nicely). So if your Exile matches any of those requirements you will get the dialogue as it has been until now, and if he/she doesn't - you will not be bothered with it. Component 5 - Kreia-Atris dialogue tweak During Kreia's visit to Atis on Telos, dialogue between those two is one of the more important ones in the whole game because it gives lots of exposition on Kreia's motivation. TSLRCM added a few restored lines of dialogue to that scene that do not seem to fit the story in it's final form. Those are the lines that reference that Kreia was there during Exile's trial, and more important, that she was the one who asked for her/him to be exiled. Which doesn't fit at all, because she was presumed dead since Mandalorian Wars by the Jedi Order at that time, and because of that she couldn't have asked that of the Jedi Council when (as we see in dialogue between them near the end) they weren't even aware that she survived! This seems to be a remnant of some old plot version that was abandoned during the production. Thus, this component removes that group of added lines from that dialogue (but keeps other ones that are not related to this issue). Thanks to Markus Ramikin who has noticed this issue and informed me of it. Component 6 - Tweak for Exile-Mandalore dialogue in Trayus academy From the first time I saw it, I was not fond at all of the Player responses in the Exile-Mandalore conversation that happens in the Trays academy if you save your party. They consist of pairs of almost identical responses with just several words changed and do not seem like anything that would normally be found anywhere in the game and therefore they really stick out as "modded content". This component of TSLRCM Tweak Pack will alter the player responses to something that (at least in my opinion) fits better with the rest of the dialogue found in the game. Mandalore's lines are not altered. Extra components: These small tweaks are separated as extras because they are not based on restorations or anything other than some thoughts of mine, or are probably insignificant to majority of players and made mostly for extra nit-picky crazies like myself. Extra 1 - Trayus Sith Lords unified This takes care of the small thing that caught my eye - that Sith Lords in the left part of Trayus Academy have their masks on, but those in the right part don't. This was probably done intentionally, possibly to provide more diversity, but what bothered me is that those without masks share the same head with Sith apprentices which are at few places found at the very same room (Yes, it bothers me, I'm that kind of guy [:p] ). So, this only gives those few Sith Lords in Trays Ac. the same masks that their "colleagues" in the other part have. Simply as that. Extra 2 - Lower Awareness requirement for "Gand Warrior" quest This lowers required Awareness skill level for solving the quest given by Suulustan in Jekk Jekk Tarr cantina, on Nar Shadaa, to 4 instead of 16. Why so low? Because I think that 16 is really too much for such a trivial quest, and by making it as low as 4 it can be solved even by players who didn't focus on developing their Exile's Awareness, simply by equipping a few of skill boosting items, and maybe also casting Valor if needed. 3. Installation: --------------------- To install this Tweak Pack, TSLRCM 1.8.3 or newer version, MUST be installed. It is made for TSLRCM and without it, it has no point. 1) If you're planning to install the complete installer version, just run its URCMTP.exe and follow instructions. It's advisable to do it IMMEDIATELY after TSLRCM installation. In that case if you plan to install some other mods after TSLRCM they won't be overwritten, and maximum compatibility is assured. 2) If you're planning to install any of modular parts just run U_TSLRCM_TP_IND.exe and follow instructions. You need to run U_TSLRCM_TP_IND.exe once for each component you have to install. For Component 1 (Kaeve removal) BOTH parts must be installed for it to work properly. Any component can be installed any time after TSLRCM installation. 4. Uninstallation --------------------- Copy appropriate files from the "backup" folder to their original places. 5. Mod Compatibility: --------------------- Any mod that is compatible with TSLRCM is compatible with this Tweak Pack. For full compatibility with "Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux for TSLRCM" by DarthParametric and M4-78EP, use the the Individual component installer for this pack, and install it AFTER those mods. --------------------- Thanks to Fair Strides for creating and updating the TSL Patcher version of the installer. Special thanks to Zbyl2, DarthStoney, VarsityPuppet, Hassat Hunter, and everybody else who was involved with TSLCRM during its long years of making, for all that they have given us... --------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Pavijan357 Submitted 03/08/2013 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  31. 1 point
    Actually it was "Just A Gigolo/Ain't Got Nobody" which is more appropriate: the way I whored myself out for this site and no one had my back. Edit: See? N-DReW25 gets it!
  32. 1 point

    Version 1.10.0


    The K1 Community Patch (K1CP) is a compilation of previous bugfix mods and a multitude of new original fixes put together with the intention of resolving the many and various issues that KOTOR has. This includes some well-known game breaking bugs/softlocks, broken quests, inaccessible content, as well as lesser issues such as problems in conversations, visual inconsistencies, player annoyances, etc. The intention is for the changes to be as seamless as possible, fixing and improving things whilst still retaining the original developer intent. A huge thanks to all of the mod authors who created these mods, and allowed them to be included in this patch! Unfortunately, the individual list of changes has grown far too long to be included in this post. However, you can view a detailed breakdown of each author's individual contributions in the included readme file and a summary of the changes the current version has made since the previous release in the changelog file. List of Contributing Authors (alphabetical): A Future Pilot blennus danil-ch darthbdaman DarthParametric Ebmar Frykas Gimmick5000 jc2 JCarter426 Kainzorus Prime Kexikus KOTOR 1 Restoration Team Leilukin Markus Ramikin N-DReW25 ndix UR R2-X2 Red Hessian Salk th3w1zard1 Thrak Farelle WildKarrde Installation: Run INSTALL.exe and navigate to your K1 install folder. Generally speaking, this mod should be installed before anything else, except mods that do hard edits/overwrites of 2DA, TLK or MOD (module) files. Warning: Never run the installer from inside the archive! Always extract the archive onto your hard drive first. N.B.: With the advent of version 1.10.0, K1CP has migrated away from the use of TSLPatcher and switched to HoloPatcher. This allows for additional patching functionality and resolves some bugs encountered with TSLPatcher. HoloPatcher is also multi-platform. The bundled installer is the Windows version, but Mac and Linux users can download the appropriate installer for their system here. It is highly recommended that you do not install the game on your system's C drive, especially in Program Files. Windows can have permissions issues when trying to install the mod to a C drive destination. If you are using the Steam version of the game and have installed Steam in its default Program Files location, we advise creating a new Steam Library on a different drive and moving the game there via the game's Properties pop-up in Steam. Translation: The mod now has translations in French and Russian, available as separate patches. To use, first download the base K1CP v1.10.0 archive and extract it to your harddrive. Download your translation patch of choice and extract its contents into K1CP's tslpatchdata folder. Proceed to install the mod as normal. Traduction (Français - Harlockin): Le mod a maintenant des traductions en français et en russe, disponibles sous forme de patchs séparés. Pour l'utiliser, téléchargez d'abord l'archive de base de K1CP v1.10.0 et extrayez-la sur votre disque dur. Téléchargez le patch de traduction de votre choix et extrayez son contenu dans le dossier tslpatchdata de K1CP. Procédez à l'installation du mod comme d'habitude. Переводы (Русский - olegkuz1997): Мод теперь включает в себя переводы на французский и русский языки, доступные в виде отдельных патчей. Для использования сперва скачайте базовый архив K1CP v1.10.0 и распакуйте его на жесткий диск. Скачайте нужный вам патч с переводом и извлеките его содержимое с заменой в папку tslpatchdata K1CP. После чего приступите к установке мода как обычно. Compatibility/Known Issues: K1CP uses module injection in an attempt to remain as compatible as possible with other mods. This may result in issues with mods that simply put files in the Override folder. It is recommended that you consult the individual authors of any large scale mods, particularly those that edit DLGs and scripts, as to whether their work is compatible with K1CP. Some mods will likely require updates, some may need to be installed in a specific order, whilst others may be fundamentally incompatible. K1CP currently only supports the English language version of the game, and makes a number of edits to the TLK file in English. If anyone is able to provide translations of these changes to other languages, please let us know. The KOTOR 1 Restoration (K1R) mod is incompatible with K1CP, however there is ongoing work to re-create the K1R mod for K1CP: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2345-restored-content-for-k1cp-demo/ These are the currently known bugs/issues with KOTOR or the mod that the K1CP is looking to resolve: https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch/issues If you find any others, especially with changes/additions K1CP makes, please report them on the Github issue page or here on Deadly Stream so they can be addressed. Be sure to include as much information as possible, including a list of all the other mods you have installed, the order you installed them in, steps to reproduce the problem, along with screenshots and save files, if appropriate. You may also be directed to provide the install log file, a list of the contents of your Override folder, and specific MOD files from your modules folder. Uninstallation: Given the complexity of this mod, a clean install of KOTOR is the recommended approach for uninstalling K1CP. However, HoloPatcher does provide uninstall Shell (Bash) and PowerShell scripts which will work as long as K1CP was the most recent mod installed. Permissions: Due to this mod being a compilation from many different authors, please do not distribute/rehost it. Acknowledgements: All of the mod authors who have helped make this patch a reality - thank you! - especially for agreeing to distribution outside of Deadly Stream Fred Tetra - For KOTOR Tool tk102 - For DLGEditor and K-GFF JdNoa/Dashus - For DeNCS stoffe - For TSLPatcher/ChangeEdit/TalkEd bead-v - For MDLEdit and KOTORMax ndix UR - For TGA2TPC, TPCView, and MDLOps v1.0+ seedhartha - For KOTORBlender fork for Blender 2.8+ Cortisol - For Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher/PyKotor th3w1zard1 - For additional customisation and feature improvement of HoloPatcher Fair Strides - For various tools and updates to older tools DrMcCoy - For Xoreos Tools Snigaroo - For maintaining mod builds at https://kotor.neocities.org/modding/mod_builds/ danil-ch - For the original info.rtf template Many thanks to ebmar, Salk, and KnifeMaster for providing numerous bug reports and beta testing certain fixes THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSEES/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS MODIFICATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS MODIFICATION.
  33. 1 point
    Liking the changes and running the mod now. Any chance of just nerfing knight and master speed? Give knight speed an attack bonus, and give master speed an extra attack? I know this is hard to do, but it looks like a few modders have done similar -- at least for TSL.
  34. 1 point

    Version 1.2.1


    This mod changes the models for the robes you receive on the Star Forge (Darth Revan’s robes for dark side or Star Forge robes for light side) to a modified version with the cape and belts seen on the cutscene version, but without the raised hood and mask. Alternative models with different arrangements of cape/belts/folded hood are available in the mod’s OPTIONAL folder. Once you have finished installing the mod, you may copy and paste the MDL/MDXs from relevant folder to the Override folder, overwriting when prompted. This mod relies on Sithspecter’s Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix mod for the animations. You can download that mod from here: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/709-revans-flowing-cape-and-belt-fix/ Extract n_darthrevan.mdl and n_darthrevan.mdx to your Override folder (you don’t need to install the rest of that mod’s files, but it is fine to do so). If you do not have this mod then you will not have any animations for the cloak or belts. How to Obtain: The mod retains the vanilla route to obtaining the robes, namely accessing the fabrication computer on Deck 2 of the Star Forge. However, in order to allow people to get the robes early, I have added a new fabricator on Dantooine. It is located inside the Aratech Mercantile room next to the Ebon Hawk's landing pad at the Jedi Enclave: In order to use this component of the mod, you must run the installer a second time and choose the option Dantooine fabricator from the drop-down list. Notes: This mod is not compatible with any other mod that changes/replaces the scripts for the computer on the Star Forge that grants you the robes, k_psta_replicat4 and k_psta_replicat5. The male version is a straight replacement for the PMBJ model, so it will not be compatible with any other mod that replaces/modifies that model, or changes the values for that column in appearance.2da. Because of the way animations work, the female version must be set up as a disguise, so it uses its own independent models and appearance.2da rows and is unaffected by changes to the PFBJ model or appearance.2da values. Note, however, that this means it is not compatible with custom female head models. The Darth Revan robes use the vanilla PMBJ01 texture, and is compatible with texture replacements from other mods. The vanilla texture for the Star Forge robes, PMBJ02, has no provision for the cape or belts, so I have provided a very basic replacement with those sections coloured. I suggest that you replace this with a better quality texture from another mod. I recommend ZM_StarForgeA08 from ZimmMaster's Revan's Jedi Robes mod. Download that mod here: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/466-revans-jedi-robes/ Extract Zimm’s texture from his mod’s tslpatchdata folder, rename it to PMBJ02.tga, and then put it in your Override folder, overwriting when prompted. Make sure you do this after installing the current mod! Additionally, grab the TXI from the OPTIONAL folder and place that in the Override folder as well. Known Issues: There will be some clipping during certain animations. Some of this is related to the animations, some of it the meshes. If you spot something particularly egregious, then let me know in the comments and I may be able to address it if it is model-related. Currently there are no limitations on the Dantooine generator. You can fabricate either set of robes regardless of alignment, and you can make as many copies as you like. I may change this in future. If you are using the K1 Community Patch, the K1 Restoration mod, or another mod that has added danm13.mod to your Modules folder, you will get a warning from TSLPatcher that this file already exists and was skipped. This is intended behaviour and not an error. Acknowledgements: Thanks to Sithspecter for the n_darthrevan flowing robes animations, without which this mod would not be possible. Many thanks to Fair Strides and bead-v for looking over my scripts, checking for errors and streamlining syntax. Thanks to DarthTyren for his tutorial on camera placement (although I had to source the quaternion conversion elsewhere). Thanks to Salk for informing me of a missing ini config for one of the UTI files.
  35. 1 point
    Essential tool. I never would have even considered installing the modbuilds without this.
  36. 1 point
    I made an animation. I will still edit the texture. Новый проект.mp4
  37. 1 point

    Version 1.5


    This is a collection of various things that I found annoying enough to alter. It started with that crazy window on Nar Shaddaa, by the landing pad, that would mysteriously render anything that was behind it invisible. It turned out to be as simple as a missing TXI. But it was at this point that I decided to start collecting little things like that into a single mod, to be released to the general public when it became more substantial. Due to the nature of this mod, I haven't bothered to make a proper installer with the TSL Patcher. Just install whatever you want to install. Don't install what you don't want to install. Some of these fixes are included in TSLRCM, while others are not. Either way, it's compatible. Other mods may not be compatible; contact me if you have any questions.
  38. 1 point

    Version 1.8.6


    Authors: Zbyl2, DarthStoney, Hassat Hunter & VarsityPuppet Contact: PM us at Deadlystream Name: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) 1.8.6 1. Description: ---------- Welcome. Thank you for downloading and installing TSLRCM 1.8.6. This mod's intention is to restore much of the content cut from The Sith Lords, that was lost to the main game due to a rush to release the game. This rush also left the game with a plethora of bugs (some of which also blocked out content, so not everything restored was really "cut"; for example the quest 'Corrun Falt'), so this mod should seriously decrease the buginess that plagued TSL. Overall, our goal is to make the KotOR 2: TSL experience as close as possible for us (as modders can do) as what Obsidian originally intended it to be... Be sure to check our website (or ModDB page) for potential upgrades, patches and compatible mods for TSLRCM. Our site will always have the most recent version of TSLRCM, something we cannot, sadly enough, promise from other sources. http://deadlystream.com/forum/ http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm Also, if you have issues, questions, or feedback, please post it on the official forums, as otherwise it will be read much later, or not at all. After all, we can't monitor the entire internet. http://deadlystream.com/forum/forum/4-tslrcm/ 2. Installation: ---------- 1. If you're using an older version of TSLRCM (1.8.2 or lower), a game re-install is required before applying 1.8.6. (Steam and GOG users, skip to point 4) 2. After re-installing it's advised to apply the official patch (1.0b). Non-US versions require you to install 1.0a first, then 1.0b, US versions can install 1.0b right away. Make sure to apply the patch that fits your version. Also, after installing 1.8.5, the official patch can no longer be installed! 3. If desired, apply the high quality music and/or movie patches 4. Install 1.8.5. Steam users are advised to use the Steam Workshop download - but ONLY IF YOU DON'T PLAN ON USING ANY OTHER MODS. Steam Workshop mods CANNOT guarantee compatibility, and installing multiple workshop mods will likely lead to issues. CHECK YOUR INSTALLATION DIRECTORY. DO NOT INSTALL INTO THE OVERRIDE FOLDER OR YOUR GAME WILL CRASH! We've had several users on Vista mention that instead of Program files (x86) it would point to Program Files/Program Files, causing the installation to fail. Make sure the installer points to the proper location of your KOTOR2 installation. Default (32-bit windows); C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\ Default (64-bit windows); C:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\ GOG default: C:\GOG Games\Star Wars - KotOR2 5. To check if the installation has succeeded, try launching KOTOR2:TSL. If at the main menu it says "Restored Content Modification 1.8.5" on the screen the installation has been successful. PLEASE CHECK OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE OR MODDB FOR ANY POTENTIAL UPDATES 6. While we try our best to make this mod as bug-free as possible, with the many options of KOTOR2 and our small testing team bugs, critical ones, sometimes make it through. We will fix them, so check our site for any potential updates and patches. We would rather not have people play unpatched and then experience issues like the black screen (1.7) or red eclipse (1.6)! 7. Install any TSLRCM-compatible mods you desire now. If you're unsure if a mod you want is compatible, check our list at our forums, or section 6 - Mod compatibility in this readme. ULTIMATE SABER MOD (USM) IS NOT TSLRCM-COMPATIBLE. MOST REPORTED ISSUES ABOUT TSLRCM ARE FROM USERS STILL USING IT. DON'T! * You cannot use savegames made with vanilla Sith Lords or TSLRCM 1.8.2 or lower. Saves from 1.8.3 and above can savely be used, although some fixes may not take effect. A fresh new game is always the best option for the least amount of issues. 3.0 Changelist 1.8.5 Updated - 1.8.6 ---------- * Soundset of Coorta and Thugs changed from Mira to Commoner Male * Fixed always failing persuasion check for the Ithorian coming in when stealing the prototype shield * Fixed skipped line in 203TEL * Wrong VO used for aliens on Nar Shaddaa * Added fix for the "friendly Twin Suns" gamebreaking issue. * Added alternative female Revan line on Goto's Yacht. * One revan good/dark convo check was swapped in Disciple conversation * Fixed issue where one could get stuck if entering the enclave with Kreia and a third party member and was controlling the third member. * Fixed "good react" suddenly branching to Dark Side dialogue with certain options in Kreia's global dialog. * Visas: "Is her kind rare" and "What's a Miraluka" response from Atton was swapped. * Kreia's first good path no longer decreases -INF after selecting "Perhaps you are right", canceling out the loss and gain like the first dark side path. * Fixed Sith Assassin and Jedi Watchmaster losing ability to select Dual Strike. * Fixed 232hk50006 not playing on steam * Fixed NPC rotation when talking to Hanharr * Fixed a missing script for female players on Onderon. * Fixed Disciple conversation abrubly ending * Added a female version of a line to Tobin's dialog * Fixed typos in dialog.tlk 3.1 Changelist 1.8.4 Updated - 1.8.5 ---------- * Added persuasion animation (Thanks to danil_ch for noticing and providing a semi-complete list of locations of all force persuasions) * Resolved some AR_Error generation with easter egg background and robes. * Fixed T3 skipped dialogue fix getting broken when fixing Steam dialogue being skipped. * Removed excess dlg's and stuff from 307NAR (only used for Zhug scenes), drastically reducing it's size. * (English version) Fixed Revan disrepency in HK-47 dialogue (Thanks to danil_ch for noticing and the VO splices) * Pre-Malachor: Resolved Handmaiden being present even if she left with Kreia to Malachor. Resolved silent Mandalore line. * Visas sparring: Fixed Weapon Focus: Lightsaber being skipped during reward section. For the english version it now shows what Feat you've gained (if any). * Fixed graphical glitches in cutscenes using widescreen resolutions. * Atris/Kreia convo intro improved as per gameplay developer comments * Telos Academy: Fixed some minor issues with a cutscene (Thanks to danil_ch) * Activated dormant placeable in the Telos Academy. (Thanks to JCarter426 for finding the inactive placeable) * HK Factory: You can no longer trigger HK-50 cutscenes by loading a savegame. Removed dead HK-50 to avoid confusion. * Force Persuading Terlyn will no longer require persuasion skill to succeed. * Onderon Wall: Restored missing Bostuco line, made Royalist single line bark rather than cutscene, fixed minor lipsync issues with Vaklu in palace cutscene. * Trying to (Force) persuade the thug after killing Riiken will now net a dark side gain regardless of success or failure. * Restored Patto line, removed HK part from Akkare store since storespawn was fixed and was already generating a part, leading to him having 2 instead of the intended 1. * Ralon: If you have Kreia and Handmaiden/Disciple they can now both comment on the fabled holocron line. * Malachor Core: Fixed Kreia repeated line by actually intended line. * Touched up Visquis call cutscene. (thanks to Danil_ch) * Fixed several missing awareness and persuasion checks. * Fixed broken T3 interaction with the "meet and greet" droids on Dantooine. 3.2 Changelist 1.8.3B - 1.8.4 ---------- * Restored Remote's SFX that was removed by the official 1.0b patch. After 10+ years; it's back! Poor guy! * Restored original dialogue to prologue, except for 'easter egg mode' users who get the spoken dialogue * Slightly modified pre-Malachor cutscene * Fixed reverted instances knowing about Goto in first Bao-Dur/Remote cutscene * First Bao-Dur/Remote cutscene now requires G0-T0 *or* HK-47, not both. This also means you can get the 3rd cutscene and following cutscenes (including the important one about G0-T0 and Remote) without building HK-47 * Fixed Remote "complaining" sound sticking around when it should not * Fixed 2 civilians who were lacking their animations in the Telos Cantina * Benoks goons will now always properly leave the cantina * Various fixes for the Telos Academy: ** Fixed some unskippable lines during intro-dialogue ** Fixed inproper fadeout during intro that showed character jump ** Modified Atris entrance ** Fixed a few issues with handmaidens removing PC ** Modified Atris exit * Fixed small issue with door's windows not being see-through in the Coruscant sequence, hiding the PC and Masters until it was opened (Thanks to JCarter426 for the fix!) * Modified JJT Tunnel sequences if Mira joins the party * Fixed issue with leftover enemy in arena during ending cutscenes * Various fixes with the Mandalorian Battle Ring: ** You will now hear what your violation was before being banned from the Battle Ring for cheating twice ** Fixed auto-win against Kex due to victory flag not resetting after the Davrel battle ** Fixed "no item" rule being in effect for the Bralor fight for male PC's. Battle functioned properly already for females * Added 2 missing Sith to Vaklu palace sequence who triggered a small cutscene * Leaving Dantooine at the endgame cutscenes did not run for male players. Made them skippable in all cases * Added missing animation at start of Disciple cutscene (to match Visas scene) * Slightly improved Disciple warning Admiral cutscene * Added missing "lipsync" (eye flashing) for HK-Factory * Slightly improved 903MAL intro, fixed incorrect camera point for females, and the Elite Sith Assassin will now attack the Exile rather than ignore him/her * Moved DS hit for Slavery from Cahmakt to getting your payment in the cantina. This to prevent the rare issue of this hit triggering the Nihilus intro and getting the player stuck. * Fixed crashing issue if you try to enter the Telos Surface Shuttle with Atton or Kreia. * Fixed Peragus Medical Officer speaking the station warning using the Workshop download. * Added missing installer files: Heads.2da, Movies.2da and Musictable.2da * Fixed "double Sion" bug by undoing changes to .ncs (this is the vanilla file). Moved "Elite Sith" further back so it wont ignore you. Fixed Sion lipsyncing Kreia. * Corrected Suulru having the vanilla dialogue attached to him rather than the 1.8.4 version. * Corrected red X missing texture being visible in Tobin call pre-Freedon Nadd's tomb. * Resized TSLRCM logo and hyperspace texture. This should fix several (framerate) issues certain configurations had with them. * Added eye-flashing of HK's to all HK-50 encounters. * Fixed infinite lightside and Atton influence exploit in the Telos Academy. * Fixed an issue where some subtitles wouldn't appear in Peragus holograms for non-English version of the game. Additional fixes thanks to Danil-ch; * Wrong Atton animation fix post-Peragus cutscene * Fixed too fast walking Sion on Peragus and Malachor * Improved Handmaiden vs. sisters intro-cutscene * Fixed animation issue with Atris using Force Lightning on Handmaiden 3.3 Changelist 1.8.3 - 1.8.3B ---------- * Additional restored lines for Kreia-Atris cutscene. * Modified Mebla slightly; you can play again after 'asking questions' but you can no longer ask questions after getting her tie breaker. * Telos Swoopracing; Traininglap persuasioncheck no longer automatically succeeds. Fixed trainingrun-dialogue not being properly triggered. Fixed several issues with 'improved' or 'deproved' time recognition. * Fixed Lupo not giving credits properly after teammates comment on your Force Persuasion use (my bad). * HK-50's will no longer appear and then fade away if HK-47 is in your party when going to Goto's Yacht (Thanks Markus Ramikin) * Losing to Bralor, then winning he would still incorrectly comment you can fight again (Thanks Markus Ramikin) * Persuading Qimtiq once does no longer guarantee 500 bonus credits per win permanently, you need to re-convince him before each race. * Missing VO addded to installer. * Fixed the "forfeit" Swooprace-bug. * Added proper camerapoints to modified tutorial dialogues. * Improved Azkul-Merc conversation after invading Khoonda (Merc side) (by danil-ch) * You will now start with Force Breath active upon learning it in the JJT/fixed flourish animation (by danil-ch) * Savegames made during the Atton vs. Sion confrontation on Malachor will no longer crash on loading. * Added missing lightsaber equipped fix (by danil-ch) that made the game also check the off-hand for a lightsaber and detect it. * Modified Mira technique teaching slightly. 3.4 Changelist 1.8.2 - 1.8.3 ---------- Not all fixes are listed here (for size and many misc. small changes were made). Check here; http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/2146-183-preview/?p=25588 for more (but not all) fixes from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3. General - Ebon Hawk; * Several more typo fixes in the dialog.tlk * Updated launcher (for the 4CD-version users) (thanks Pra_Viilon) * Made some lines during the prologue (and Nadaa on Nar Shaddaa) "cutscenes" to prevent questupdates breaking the heard line. Added missing update on getting medpacks. First hatch used outside will no longer be removed. * Fixed 'Lost Shadows' not closing proper on a certain ending (both TSLRCM and M4-78EP). * Restored addition HK-47 lines. * Loot fixes; Missing merchants of 1.8 updated, gloves_03 is missing, if it's rolled it will return gloves_02 now instead of no item at all. Fixed rounding issue allowing low-level drops to something not spawn anything (Peragus). * Added a few additional lines to the Korriban introduction. A few more for non-M4-78EP users (they will be taken out upon installing M4-78EP) as those were already in use on that planet's intro. * Added Atton pazaak scene. * Modified Atton vs Handmaiden, Atton confesses love of Exile to Bao-Dur and G0-T0 modifies Remote cutscenes and adjusted a few odd camera standpoints during 2 disciple cutscenes (all made by danil-ch) * Extra camera points post-Peragus cutscene. * Fixes teammates turning upon click during Visas fight, Bao-Dur line's unconscious line was voiced. * The weapon(s) HK was wearing when the HK vs T3 cutscene started are no longer destroyed, but properly unequipped now. * Added a missing Mandalore VO. * Improved quality Kaevee VO. (thanks to danil-ch) * Restored PMHA03 Male face option for PC. (thanks to Kainzorus Prime) * Fixed issue with Rubat crystals dissapearing from lightsabers. * Fixed Crush sound effect. * You can now train Beast Control after gaining Beast Trick on Dxun. Beast Trick will appear on the upgrade screen once you gain a prestige class, but it cannot be trained, only given. * "The Polar Cap", "Telos Under Attack" and "Trayus Academy" now appear in the music table. * 1B, Akkere and Kodin will generate one of 4 HK parts randomly now, instead of basing it on the players' possessed items (which could generate the pacifist package if all 4 were in the PC's inventory). * Kreia skill-lesson; Automatic completion if awareness was highest skill, unable to complete skill-lesson if awareness was lowest skill. Fixed now. * PC now shows form just learned from the Jedi Master. During mid-battle Masters actually use form instead of flourish (addition by Danil-ch). * Visas' lightsaber will no longer be sometimes invisible during training. * If Bao-Dur is set for Dark Side training but the PC is lightsided, the convo will no longer break without having any more chance to train him. Peragus - Telos: * Fixed droids not skittering properly in 102PER * Fixed same droids when passive allowing disabling option if lower than 0 demolition and higher than 0 demolition, but not when having exactly 0 demolition. It's now possible for them too. * Fixed Harbinger missing if reloading a save after it docked. * Fixed protocol droid with quest update being repaired during and after convo. * Fixed utility droids re-activating if talked to and reloading a savegame. * Wounded Onderon military will only give teammate influence if you kill him yourself, not if he gets killed by Sith. * Fixed black screen if talking to a Handmaiden and goading them to fighting if you won the 5 sister battle. * In attempt to prevent the teammate corruption (which I could not reproduce) the fade-to-black will now last longer, until the sisters turns actually hostile. * Handmaiden will lower her hood when loading the module from a savegame. * Handmaiden will no longer always be send with male PC's. Depending on your choices in Atris dialogue she will now be send or crawl on your plane, with slight variations in a few cutscenes as result. * Aesthetical fixes to cutscene where Atris sends Handmaiden with the exile. * Modified pre-Malachor Carth sequence per developer commentary (thank danil-ch for noticing them) * Some aestetical improvements to the cutscenes in the endgame of the Academy. * Fixed quest update from Lorso about luring Batono in a trap being set too early. It will only appear now if the actual global is also set to allow this option. * Corrected missing "Exchange" quest update in 3 different instances. * Bumani Corp Gammorean use proper dialogue line now. * Hidden academy camera changes to show force field. * TSF will no longer assist you in killing the Sullustan. Nar Shaddaa: * Swoop Droid no longer sounds like Kinrath. * Extended attack of the Serroco. * Saquesh; Allows you to "[intimidate] Stop pressuring the Refugees" if Serroco attacked them and intimidation option for Adana will no longer automatically fail. * Fixed killing Geriel possibly reopening Refugee Woes. It now no longer updates the quests, since the proper updates are already set talking to Saquesh instead, and as stated, was buggy. * Docks scene with Mira; Hanharr no longer takes 9 seconds (sometimes leaving a pause) but the duration of the VO-line. * During Mira or Hanharr's escape an actual alarm now sounds. * Reinforcements at the JJT are no longer deleted after the cutscene deploying them. * JJT Map back popup dialogue fixed. * You can no longer dance for the Twi'lek domo during the run to the JJT (after visquis call). This to prevent the player from missing key triggers. * Zhug Cutscene: Added another global set to the .dlg on an unskippable line as precaution, hopefully fixing the issue some people had with it not being set. * If you turn over shield from secondary to primary AFTER shutting down primary the zhugs will actually spawn now. * If the player overloads the droids now after the bounty hunters spawn, the droids will properly reset to hostile if made friendly, as per the description. * Once the speeder was rebuild, entering the docks or main area would spawn a new one every single time (on top of the old version, causing great performance issues after a while). This has been corrected, and they will only spawn once. * Turning Lootra over to the Exchange will wield a lightsaber now too (like all other quest-resolutions), and will no longer be seen as a "light side" action by your team members. * If you lied to Sasquesh and he sold Adanna fast, then killed him, "Sold to the Hutts" would re-open with no way of finishing it anymore. This has been fixed. * Goto's Yacht console; fixed issue with count's 8 and 9 on consoles being broken and disallowing interaction with the console ever again. * Kreia Premonition cutscene added (thanks to Danil-ch) Dxun and Onderon: * Slight improvements to Kreia's dialogue post-Onderon if Bao-Dur was Dxun Tomb leader. * Remote is now present if Bao-Dur is the leader of the Dxun Tomb group (thanks JCarter426). * Covered up some missing area geometry on Onderon (thanks to JCarter426's way too good eyes ) * During the LS conversation with Kavar, asking about Telos no longer locks "I saw the holorecording of my trial." It will instead lock if you ask that. * Dxun camp: The Gate Guard and Patrol guard will now keep patrolling after being talked to, rather than permanently stop at that point. * Onderon Western Merchant Quarters: Fixed error with citizen dialogue not looping properly. Dantooine: * When the Handmaiden apprehends Kreia, she should have her hood down. It wasn't working however, since the animation was set for the Handmaidens event instead of the Handmaiden one. * Zherron will now take the will and bodies out of the player's hands when receiving an unmodified will, instead of having you drag them through the entire game (fake will worked fine). * Fixed issue with restored Vrook line not turning him hostile properly in the cave. * Fixed infinite Kinrath crystal spawn bug. * Fixed HK's infront of the academy not updating questlog if 3rd group (display issue, the cutscene would have still triggered on the Hawk). * During the jedi academy reveil, added clairvoyance effect if Kreia was not in party, and it no longer loops the animated camera (thanks danil-ch). * During rebuild enclave, removed 3rd party member if entering with Kreia, as (s)he was getting in their pathing's way. * Mandalore can no longer run away from his solo-fight. Ravager and Malachor: * Modified broken soundsets. * Set hyperspace as EH background when leaving, so it's used during the pre-Malachor cutscene. * Modified Mandalore-takedown. * You can no longer start the battle with Nihilus without him draining you (since that's the ingame way to tell why the exile can defeat Nihilus when no-one else can). * Made the fade-in node unskippable since you could, and never make the fade-in. * Expanded the kneel and get drained a bit, instead of it instantly leading to combat. * There's no long pause after killing Visas. * Visas Suicide; Users where the animation fails (no saber, no clothing, etc) will no longer be stuck on a blackscreen. * Visas Suicide; Users where the animation works will no longer see Visas falling to the ground twice before dying. * Changed Mira camera angle during her lift. * Fixed issue with team turning off their lightsabers if Mira was not in the party during Malachor. * Light side players will no longer throw the endboss down the core of Malachor. 3.5 Changelist 1.8.1 - 1.8.2 ---------- (all included mods are used with permission!) * Includes 301NAR Txi fix by JCarter426 ** Fixes window near Tienn not being see-through. Now you can see Tienn from the docks. * Includes Zez-Kai Ell Revan Overlook fix by danil-ch ** Because, apparently, we overlooked one. Splicing was done well too. * Main screen logo updated to 1.8.2, and it no longer inverts suddenly sometimes (thanks Darth_Sapiens). For the best effect remove the kotor2logo.txi 1.8.1 had if you patched up to version 1.8.2 from 1.8.1. * A few addition grammar fixes. * Bao-Dur can now use cyan and bronze crystals to create your first saber. Also fixes the issue where you'd get stuck if you only had a cyan crystal and no other. Vanilla issue, only became apparent now since a no-longer broken since 1.8 store on Telos has a fixed Cyan crystal. * Fixes issues when you leave Adana in her cell, then talk to her again and tell her to run not updating the quest properly, potentially getting it stuck. (Thanks plyinglemon for getting said situation to our attention by suffering from it) * The workbench will now use the skill of the user, instead of the PC when dismantling items for components. * Updated modulesave.2da. * Fixed broken questupdate with the sabotaged protocol droid on the Harbinger (thanks Josh D for finding this). * Telos, thugs infront of the door to the Exchange compoud; Removed automatic Ithorian journal update, need to actually ask for Loppak and be refused for the journal to update. * Nar Shaddaa, Pazaak Den; Fixed potential convo-break for males with Dahnis. * The Security Spike Tunneler now uses the correct skin (it used to look just like the Security Spike, even if it had an unique icon). * Onderon; Removed the "A Matter of Leadership" mission from your questlog if you leave the planet without finishing it. * Several improvements to the Rebuild Jedi Enclave cutscene on Dantooine. * Telos surface; Added lipsync to one of Atton's line since it was missing. * Updated Vash bodies' lightsaber drop. *** The following 2 fixes modify feat.2da. Be aware if you use mods overwriting this it will undo those fixes; * The Jedi Weapon Master and Sith Maurader may purchase the Condition (+saving throw) line of feats. * Restored the Mobility feat. The mobility feat gives a 10% increase in movement rate. (thanks to BarnzyBobble for his assistance in testing if it worked properly) 3.6 Changelist 1.8 - 1.8.1 ---------- * Modified KOTOR main screen texture (used in the main menu and on loading screens) to make it easier for Steam and KOTOR-compilation users to notice if TSLRCM is properly installed, considering they do not have a launcher, and "how do I notice it's installed properly" was becoming a very popular question. NOTE: When using the patch it's only an indication that the patch installed properly, not 1.8 as a whole. If in doubt, please re-install TSLRCM 1.8.1 using the full installer. If the main screen is updated then it indicates the entire mod is updated properly. * Includese Inverted Droid Feat Gain by Hassat Hunter. ** Fixes the feat gain progression of T3 and Goto being swapped around with the feat gain of HK-47. It's correct now, with HK-47 gaining more feats than them rather than less. * Fixed convo break with Nar Shaddaa arrival scene for male players, and fixed requirement check in convo scanning for handmaiden instead of Visas, leaving Disicple's convo options untriggerable. * Fixed breaking Nar Shaddaa questline by talking to Ratrin before Cahhmakt. This is no longer possible. * Fixed bug where talking to Cahhmakt with an NPC instead of the player would leave that NPC "locked", unable to join your party. * Fixed issue on Ebon Hawk with post-Peragus dialogue with Atton not proceeding properly to the Lightsaber dialogue if certain dialogue options were selected. * Fixed bronze saber turning other saber also bronze when loading a savegame if dual-wielding. (thank Fair Shade for the fix!) * Fixed Handmaiden's armor not being properly returned to the inventory when dueling on the Ebon Hawk. * Corrected small issues with Malachor loading screen story hints, like the first being completely blank. * Included updated k_003ebo_enter.nss and a_next_scene.nss to 003EBO.mod for modmakers, the version included with 1.8 was outdated. * Fixed Vrook's lightsaber not activating properly in the rebuild enclave. (Thanks Qui Don Jorn) English version; * Fixed subtitle error; HK when talking about "his whiny allies" subtitles "her whiny allies". * Fixed Zhug brother mentioning "him" for female PC's on Goto's Yacht. * On Dantooine right outside the Ebon Hawk, when asking the "Battered Protocol Droid" what it knows specifically of your character, it says "You are on the register as one of the Jedi who left the Enclave to fight in the Mandolorian Wars. Should be spelt "Mandalorian." * Fixed map note in the HK factory missing it's description. * Fixed minor typo when clicking on the locked door for the reserved section in the Jekk Jekk Tarr. 4. Mod Compatibility: ---------- The following mods are known to have specific install instructions to work properly with TSLRCM 1.8.5 * Game Balance Mod by Achilles - ONLY use Autobalance.2da, don't use any of the other files with the mod!!! * Improved AI by Stoffe (AKA RevanAnt) - While this mod mostly works, it cause some problems with one scene on Nar Shaddaa (you might be unable to select a third teammember during a cutscene and then have to weather some hard battles with just Bao-Dur and Atton). * Enchanced Merchants by Shem - We've modified many of the merchants, for the modified loot drops and other fixes, which will most likely be undone by using this mod. So be aware of that! *Kamaitachis Epic Armours - Read the full description to see how to make it properly work with TSLRCM! Mods requiring compatibility patches (check deadlystream for comp patches): * Handmaiden Choice for Females by Stoffe (AKA RevanAnt) * Admirality Mod by Jinger (AKA Kreia) * M4-78 by Stoney - Use M4-78EP instead! * Slender Female Bodies The following mods are INCOMPATIBLE! Do NOT use these when using TSLRCM 1.8.5! This is by no means a full list. Mods not listed here can still be incompatible. If you're in doubt, check or ask in our forums! The currently most known list is located at http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/393-mod-compatibility-list-for-tslrcm-183. You can post questions at http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/2795-inquiries-on-mod-compatibility-list-for-tslrcm-183/. * Ultimate Saber Mod by ChAiNz, D333, Sep, Svosh, T7 * TSL Un-Restored Content (TSL:URC) by Zbyl2 * Ravager Rewrite 2.0 by Zbyl2 * Peragus-Harbringer-Prologue Correction Mod by Ulic * Trayus Academy Clothing Fix by SithRevan * Dark Apprentice Holowan Consortium * Lonna Vash Mod by Sikon * Force Fashion II by jonathan7, Marius Fett and Ender Wiggin * Nar Shaddaa Hidden Complex by FrantFire * Get your lightsaber back from Atris by Lit Ridl * Darth Sion vs Master Vash by zbyl2 * Khoonda Lost rooms by Darth_Tartarus * 90SK's SUPER Content Mod * Telos Shuttle Crash Movie Fix by Zbyl2 & DarthParametric * Telos Polar Sidequest * GenoHaradan 0.9 beta by Exile007 * Knights of the Old Republic III : The Jedi Masters 2.0 (beta) by Trex * HOTOR 1.6 by Qui Don Jorn * Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection * Trailer Force Crush Sound by Don Kain * Kolto Tank on Ebon Hawk by Lit Ridl (overrides critical TSL files!!!) 5. FAQ / KNOWN ISSUES --------- Q. I am having technical issues with The Sith Lords! A. Try the Steam forums. Even if you do not possess the game it does contain many threads about issues and their sollutions, a quick search might just find you the answer you need. Q. How do I know TSLRCM is installed? The main screen is unchanged. A. If the mainscreen is unchanged, TSLRCM isn't installed. Mostly this is related to people installing to the wrong location. Double-check yours (see install instruction #4). Q. Crash when loading a savegame. The loading screen is corrupted by strange lights all over it. A. Issue with modern Nvidia graphic drivers. NOT caused by TSLRCM. To fix; In the Nvidia control panel put Threaded Optimization to "OFF" and uncheck the "read-only" property of your KotOR II directory. Q. There are no Handmaidens at the academy/Stuck infront of the Hawk after the Academy. A. You have overwritten our appearance.2da with an incompatible version of another mod, missing certain key entries needed for TSLRCM to work properly. If you still have the original TSLRCM appearance.2da replace it, otherwise a full re-install of TSLRCM is required. In both cases a save is needed from before entering the academy. Q. I lost my team at the academy/black screen when entering Ebon Hawk after academy/Atton, Kreia or Bao-Dur don't talk to me when I click them. A. Sadly, this is a vanilla bug we cannot fix, since the files cannot be de-compiled. It's related to fighting the Handmaiden sisters on the battle mat and "cheating" before they become hostile, giving an error in the script to return your team members. You will have to load a save from before this fight. Q. The screen becomes black when loading the Jedi Masters scene in the Rebuild Enclave A. This is due to the module using a custom Kreia with special animations for the cutscenes. If any Kreia-altering skins or mods override this, the result is this black screen. Uninstall your Kreia-skin altering mods for the duration of this module... Q. After changing the Ebon Hawk's transponder codes, the Duros scene repeats itself and Goto's Yacht doesn't load. A. In some rare instances the new globals TSLRCM added aren't added to savegames. This is why we suggest playing a new game. In this case the global for the Duros hasn't been increased by 1, leaving the same cutscene. Enabling the cheatmode in the .ini, then using (without quotes) "warp 351nar" will let you continue on without further issues Q. I cannot spar with the Handmaiden! A. Due to a bug, sparring with Handmaiden while in outer space (directly after leaving the Telos Academy) made the fight unwinnable. So for TSLRCM you will have to travel to another planet, exit and re-enter for the option to appear, giving a glitch-free sparring. It's not gone, no worries! Q. When the HK Factory loads, I am spawned on Telos as the Exile, instead of as HK-47 / I get a black screen when arriving on Malachor. I use USM. A. TSLRCM 1.8.5 is not USM compatbile. Q. The game crashes when the Nihilus/Visas or Nihilus/Tobin cutscene loads. A. Delete n_darthnihilu001.ntc from your override. Q. While in Visquis' lair, when Kreia revives Hanharr, it suddenly turns back to Atton. A. Delete p_kreia001.utc from your override. Q. Double Atrises during final confrontation/No dialogue after sisters are defeated. A. Delete the following files from your override, and load a save from before starting the confrontation: a_atrend2.ncs a_atrend3.ncs a_kreatris.ncs a_sisend.ncs n_darthtraya001.utc Q. No HK-Torture scene/Missing restored EH-scenes/Get stuck in Ebon Hawk on my way to Malachor. A. Delete k_003ebo_enter.ncs from your override. Q. Dialogue fast-forwards/cutscenes without sound. A. Engine issue. Not caused by TSLRCM. Unfortunately, we cannot fix this. May this happen, do a full reboot of the game, and it should work properly again. Q. I have issues with the grass on Dxun/Rebuild Enclave. A. This appears to be an issue with ATI-videocards. Try using the textures found here; http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=2824280&postcount=14 Q. Why haven't you fished the issue on Peragus where you need to lower the difficulty to proceed as T3? A. This is no issue. Playing on hard you need another way through the door rather than the mine, deleting some goodies in the process. It's not required to lower your difficulty. Q. Does the mod include [x]? A. Please check our semi-complete inclusion list at: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/139-whats-restored-in-tslrcm/ Q. Why did you fix [x], that wasn't a bug, that was a feature. A. We have a pretty good indication from developer nodes and scripts what is intended and what not. It's very likely that the bug was infact a bug, and never intended. Developers rarely intend to add bugs and exploits to their game... Q. My question is not answered here! A. Feel free to ask us at our official forum; http://deadlystream.com/forum/ You can also ask at moddb, but I visit that site less frequent... 6. UNINSTALLATION ---------- Run uninstall program created in your game's main directory. On the Steam Workshop unsubscribe. 7. CREDITS: ---------- Major Contributers: * Jinger/Kreia - the Rebuilt enclave and Handmaidens * MonoGiganto - T3’s fixed dialog and ZezKiel’s fixed dialog on NarShadaa * Savvy30039 - the new animations * SWfan28 - scripting genius of a lot of areas * Pra_Viilon - launcher * Danil-ch - Various fixes and cutscenes * HK-47 & Sith Holocron - VO splicing Includes mods by: Jinger/Kreia - Battle for Telos Mrmarb - Weapon finesse icon fix DrGhent - Lightsaber parts icon fix Darth_shan - Bao-Dur shader fix Darth Insidious and Jcarter426 - Telos Shuttle Modder Resource Darth Insidious - Goto's Yacht Window Fix Danil-ch - Female Revan overlook fix Jcarter426 - TXI-fix Kainzorus Prime - PMHA03 Restoration Voice Acting: * Usagi - Kaevee * Zhaboka - Taris Traveler Beta Testing: * Lord of Hunger * TriggerGod * Pra_Viilon * Garfield * JoewJ * DarthDac Translations: * Melkor, MrPhil, TTLan, RevanStar11, Leoneros - French * Alec, Salk, Cair - Italian * Rodro Lliv, Januszka, Serpol, Dashrendar - Spanish * Pestilenz, Lex, Ero, Hib – German * Drazgar, Allard – Russian Special thanks to: * Sith Holocron - for his all-time support and VO splicing * Ulic - his inspirational Peragus modification * Markus Ramikin – for some other minor fixes * Tyvokka and The Doctor – for hosting this mod and forums on Deadly Stream * Darth_Sapiens - Main menu logo 8. DISTRIBUTION NOTES ---------- Thanks to DeadlyStream for giving us space on his forums and all the people of the TSL community that helped with bug finding in the beta. Thanks to tk102 for the dlg editor. Thank you to the members of Team Gizka for finding out about the missing HK factory modules and all the content that was cut from KotorTSL and making sense of it all, because without all their previous efforts and hard work none of this would be possible. Thanks to Jdnoa and Dashus for the tools they created for which none of this would be possible without them. A special thanks to Ulic for his original Peragus mod; while none of his work or files were used in our fixing of Peragus, a lot of his ideas and “how” things were changed were the inspiration for how we tackled them. His list of fixed stuff in the readme helped too! THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS MODIFICATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS MODIFICATION. ThESE modS may not be modified or REdistributed without the explicit permission of the authors. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic™ , characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords™, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware™ and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian™ is a trademark of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. 2014
  39. 1 point
    Originally, I cribbed the original form of this list from the internet. However, after I made the The TSL Warp Code List, I knew I would have to make a list for the KotOR1 warp codes. I already had the BOS:SR codes but realized that the list would be compiled much faster with the community’s help. This list and the TSL list, are living lists: if new codes are found (or introduced by way of new mods), they can be added. As with the TSL list, new codes will be attributed in the main post. If you find errors, please let me know. KOTOR I Warp Codes Enter these codes after "warp " in the console to be instantly transported to the listed area. The area code is not case-sensitive; i.e. 101per, 101Per, and 101PER all work. (Remember that unlike the console in TSL, the console is visible in KotOR1) Code Area Endar Spire end_m01aa Command Module end_m01ab Starboard Section Taris tar_m02aa South Apartments tar_m02ab Upper City North tar_m02ac Upper City South tar_m02ad North Apartments tar_m02ae Upper City Cantina tar_m02af Hideout tar_m03aa Lower City tar_m03ab Lower City Apartments tar_m03ad Lower City Apartments tar_m03ae Javyar's Cantina tar_m03af Swoop Platform tar_m04aa Undercity tar_m05aa Lower Sewers tar_m05ab Upper Sewers tar_m08aa Davik's Estate tar_m09aa Sith Base tar_m09ab Sith Base tar_m10aa Black Vulkar Base tar_m10ab Black Vulkar Base (unused game area) tar_m10ac Black Vulkar Base tar_m11aa Hidden Bek Base tar_m11ab Hidden Bek Base Dantooine danm13 Jedi Enclave danm14aa Courtyard danm14ab Matale Grounds danm14ac Grove danm14ad Sandral Grounds danm14ae Crystal Caves danm15 Ruins danm16 Sandral Estate Tatooine tat_m17aa Anchorhead tat_m17ab Docking Bay tat_m17ac Droid Shop tat_m17ad Hunting Lodge tat_m17ae Swoop Registration tat_m17af Cantina tat_m17ag Czerka Office tat_m18aa Dune Sea tat_m18ab Sand People Territory tat_m18ac Eastern Dune Sea tat_m20aa Sand People Enclave \ m19aa Tatooine Temple m45mg Some kind of early Tatooine swoop racing area? Kashyyyk kas_m22aa Czerka Landing Port kas_m22ab The Great Walkway kas_m23aa Village of Rwookrrorro kas_m23ab Worrwill's Home kas_m23ac Worrroznor's Home kas_m23ad Chieftain's Hall kas_m24aa Upper Shadowlands kas_m25aa Lower Shadowlands m25ab Part of Kashyyyk, the level that was cut (Enhanced Restoration of the Shadowlands?) Manaan manm26aa Ahto West manm26ab Ahto East manm26ac West Central manm26ad Docking Bay manm26ae East Central manm27aa Sith Base manm28aa Hrakert Station manm28ab Sea Floor manm28ac Kolto Control manm28ad Hrakert Rift Korriban korr_m33aa Dreshdae korr_m33ab Sith Academy Entrance korr_m34aa Shyrack Caves korr_m35aa Sith Academy Entrance korr_m36aa Valley of Dark Lords korr_m37aa Tomb of Ajunta Pall korr_m38aa Tomb of Marka Ragnos korr_m38ab Tomb of Tulak Hord korr_m39aa Tomb of Naga Sadow m21aa Evidently a cut Czerka depot (probably reused in BOS:SR which has its own code below) Leviathan lev_m40aa Prison Block lev_m40ab Command Deck lev_m40ac Hangar lev_m40ad Bridge Yavin Station liv_m99aa Yavin Station Ebon Hawk ebo_m12aa Bridge ebo_m12ab Ebon Hawk (Turret Minigame) [info provided by DarthParametric] ebo_m40ad Ebon Hawk (Post-Leviathan) [info provided by DarthParametric] ebo_m41aa Ebon Hawk (Post-Lehon Crash) [info provided by DarthParametric] ebo_m46ab Mystery Box Unknown World unk_m41aa Central Beach unk_m41ab South Beach unk_m41ac North Beach unk_m41ad Temple Exterior unk_m42aa Elder Settlement unk_m43aa Rakatan Settlement unk_m44aa Temple Main Floor unk_m44ab Temple Catacombs Star Forge sta_m45aa Deck 1 sta_m45ab Deck 2 sta_m45ac Deck 3 sta_m45ad Deck 4 Swoop Track Modules (info provided by DarthParametric) tar_m03mg Taris Swoop Minigame tat_m17mg Tatooine Swoop Minigame manm26mg Manaan Swoop Minigame Stunt Modules [Cutscenes in the game] (info provided by DarthParametric) STUNT_00 Stunt Ebon Hawk (Vision Sequences) STUNT_03a Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Destroy Taris Cutscene) STUNT_06 Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Resume the bombardment Cutscene) STUNT_07 Stunt Ebon Hawk (Taris Escape Cutscene) STUNT_12 Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Calo Nord Cutscene) STUNT_14 Stunt Leviathan Bridge (Darth Bandon Cutscene) STUNT_16 Stunt Ebon Hawk (Interdicted By Leviathan Cutscene) STUNT_18 Stunt Rakatan Temple (Bastila Torture Cutscene) STUNT_19 Stunt Star Forge (Jawless Malak Cutscene) STUNT_31b Stunt Lehon Temple (Revelation Cutscene) STUNT_34 Stunt Ebon Hawk (Star Forge Arrival) STUNT_35 Stunt Ebon Hawk (Crash On Lehon Cutscene) STUNT_42 Stunt Ebon Hawk (LS Dodonna Holocall Cutscene) STUNT_44 Stunt Ebon Hawk (DS Dodonna Holocall Cutscene) STUNT_50a Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Break In Formation Cutscene) STUNT_51a Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Bastila Against Us Cutscene) STUNT_54a Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Republic Forces Pull Back Cutscene) STUNT_55a Stunt Lehon Temple (Dark Side Ending) STUNT_56a Stunt Dodonna Flagship (Star Forge Destroyed Cutscene) STUNT_57 Stunt Lehon Temple (Light Side Ending) New areas added by mods Code Area K1R (info provided by Fair Strides) tar_m10ab Vulkar Base restored level (between main floor and garage) k1r_paztourney The Pazaak Tournament on Manaan stunt_56b This seems to be an end-game cutscene, possibly a duplicate of the Good ending for some restored content Brotherhood of Shadows: Solomon’s Revenge bos_bridge Mandalore's Capital Ship Bridge bos_canyon Korriban Wastes Canyon bos_circle Dreshdae Civilian Quarters bos_czerka Czerka Mining Facility (Main Level) bos_czerka2 Czerka Mining Facility (Castigation Level) bos_czerka3 Czerka Mining Facility (Residential Level) bos_czerka4 Czerka Mining Facility (Maintenance Level) bos_digsite Dreshdae Dig Site bos_ebovis Ebon Hawk (Shadow Vision) bos_msp1 Mandalore's Capital Ship (Docking Bay) bos_msp2 Mandalore's Capital Ship (Crew Quarters) bos_msp3 Mandalore's Capital Ship (Bridge Entrance) bos_orion Orion Crew Deck (Shadow Flashback) bos_orion2 Orion Starboard Section (Shadow Flashback) bos_pit Empty White Box Prison (???) bos_rep2 Formidable (Shadow Vision) bos_sewers Dreshdae Sewers bos_sincan Canyon (Akirakon Sin Flashback) bos_sintem Temple Exterior (Akirakon Sin Flashback) bos_sintem2 Temple Summit (Akirakon Sin Flashback) bos_stage1 Dantooine Council Chamber (Akirakon Boss Trial 1) bos_stage2 Mandalore's Capital Ship Bridge (Akirakon Boss Trial 2) bos_stage3 Revan's Flagship Bridge (Akirakon Boss Trial 3) bos_stage4 Lehon Temple Summit (Akirakon Boss Trial 4) bos_stage5 Korriban Temple Summit (Akirakon Final Cutscene) bos_taris The Battle of Taris (Shadow Flashback) bos_tem0 Korriban Ancient Cave bos_tem1 Temple of Shadow (Long Hallway) bos_tem2 Temple of Shadow (Solomon Encounter/ Holding Cells) bos_tem3 Temple of Shadow (Inner Chamber) bos_tem3b Temple of Shadow (Inner Chamber Post-Battle Cutscene) bos_tem4 Temple of Shadow (Hallways) bos_tem5 Temple of Shadow (Chasm Bridge) bos_tunnels Mining Tunnels bos_wastes Korriban Wastes (Desert) bos_wastes2 Korriban Wastes bos_wastes4 Korriban Wastes (Cave Exterior) A Crashed Republic Cruiser on a Nameless World (info provided by Leilukin) unk_m41ae Unknown World - Cruiser Command Deck unk_m41af Unknown World - Cruiser Starboard Section unk_m41ag Unknown World - Cruiser Crew Quarters unk_m41ah Unknown World - Cruiser Engine Deck unk_m41ai Unknown World - Cruiser Submerged Section unk_m41aj Unknown World - Revan's Quarters Lost Modules Pack (info provided by InSidious in his mod description) m19aa The original Tatooine temple, in which you had to retrieve the information from the Star Map inside a Sarlacc's maw. m21aa Evidently a Czerka depot, possibly on Korriban. m25ab Part of Kashyyyk, possibly the level of the Shadowlands that was cut? m45mg Some kind of early Tatooine swoop racing area? m47aa ? Used for a cutscene that no longer appears in-game? PLCaa Some kind of basic area functionality test, at a guess. MQATester Darkkender thought this was possibly for Quality Assurance, and it would seem likely that it was either for this, or E3. JC's Romance Enhancement: Dark Sacrifice for K1 stunt_sacrifice Stunt Star Forge - Deck 1 (Cutscene for the alternate Dark Side Ending for Carth's romance) Agent Xim's Crystal Cave korr_m34ab Crystal Cave Seamhainn and DarthJebus05’s Enhanced Restoration of the Shadowlands kas_m25aa Lower Shadowlands kas_m25ab Lower Shadowlands Yavin IV Planet Mod by MotOR Squad + Master Zionosis Yav_99 Yavin Sector A Yav_98 Yavin Sector B Yav_97 Yavin Sector C Yav_96 Yavin Sector D Yav_95 Yavin Sector E Yav_94 Yavin Sector F Yav_90 Yavin Sector J Deathdisco’s Tomb of Exar Kun ekun Tomb of Exar Kun Mods I know that we need warp codes for (this list will need to be expanded on as well, of course): KotOR 1 Restoration (K1R) by Fair Strides and ZM90 (and a crew of thousands, I'm sure) Redhawke’s ORD Mandell mod (I've lined this one out as it uses the same names as the original locations that RedHawke cloned for the mod. In order to stop the confusion, I've left it off the list intentionally)
  40. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Re-texture of Republican soldier woman, for Star wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Texture Resolution 1024X1024, 2048X2048. The archive contains 2 textures, 2 .txi. To Install REPUBLICAN SOLDIER WOMAN 1. Download: RepSold HD 2. Download: Armor will not work correctly without this mod. 3. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 4. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 5. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love.
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point

    Version 1.1


    Here's a new KotOR1 mod of mine. You’ll probably hate it! KotOR1 T3-M4 Voice Module Upgrade MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron ORIGINAL RELEASE: 28 MAY 2023 FOR WHAT GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 1 Description: T3—M4 will sound a little more like his KotOR2 incarnation with this mod. Hopefully. This mod doesn’t touch the command/combat barks. It’s just the files that cover his (it’s?) conversations in dialogues. Just so you know, the barks are the same between both games. (The only thing different are the file names!) Installation: 1) Follow this path in your KotOR2 install and trace the route of the following…. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic > streamwaves > 2) In that streamwaves folder, find the following files and move them to your desktop (which will enable you to reinstall the original sounds if you don’t like what’s in this mod): n_gendro_coms1.wav n_gendro_coms2.wav n_gendro_coms3.wav n_gendro_haps1.wav n_gendro_ques1.wav n_gendro_sads1.wav 3) Place the following files from my mod into the streamwaves folder: n_gendro_coms1.wav n_gendro_coms2.wav n_gendro_coms3.wav n_gendro_haps1.wav n_gendro_ques1.wav n_gendro_sads1.wav 4) You might note that there are other files with different names that are also present in my mod folder. These were meant as alternate sounds so users could switch them out if they please. But the primary reason for being was so they could have been used by modders to add extra voice samples that they could direct to in their dialogues. Oh well. You can ignore these files: n_gendro_coms4.wav n_gendro_coms5.wav n_gendro_haps2.wav n_gendro_haps3.wav n_gendro_ques2.wav n_gendro_ques3.wav n_gendro_sads2.wav n_gendro_sads3.wav To Uninstall: Take the files that you put in step 2 of the install back out again. Return the files of the same name that you placed on your desktop back into the streamwaves folder. Known Bugs: None known at this time. Special Thanks: To JCarter426: For pointing out exactly where I could find the original sound files that were replaced with my mod. To Leilukin: For walking me through SithCodec. (Let’s hope I got it right!) Legal Disclaimer: All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. If you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me
  44. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Sick of having so few force powers? Tired of not leveling up throughout Taris to get more powers later? Well, here's your solution. This little thing gives you more force powers for when you get a jedi class. Now you can go ahead and get to that level 7-8 on Taris without bothering yourself with saving level-ups for the jedi class. I mean, you still can, but now there's less reason to. Each Jedi class will get a different amount of points for immersion and role playing purposes. Guardians get 4, Sentinels get 5 and Councilors get 6. If you don't care for the balance, immersion and all that crap, 'Unlimited Power' variant gives all classes 10 power points. - - -Installation- - - Drop to overwrite and pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
  45. 1 point

    Version 2.0.0


    Description This mod fixes damage and effects, descriptions, restores droid special weapons, icons and switches icons for some existing droid weapons. New in v2.0: The mod now uses TSLPatcher. Reworked poison weapons rebalance fix to make it more compatible with other mods (such as improved AI mod). Thus, it became part of main install. Restored two droid weapons: Droid Gravity Generator Type 2 (can be purchased from Opo Chano on Telos and Kodin on Nar-Shaddaa) and Advanced Fire Suppression System (droids on Goto's Yacht will use it instead of obsolete by that point Fire Suppression System). Restored two unused icons and made some changes to reduce the number of shared ones. In addition, droid weapons with different effect types will no longer have the same icon. Icons were switched for Droid Neural Pacifier, Droid Neural Scrambler, Droid Plasma Thrower, Droid Toxin Emitter. The descriptions were fixed for the following special weapons: Fire Suppression System now correctly shows “Damage: Cold, 5pts. Save: DC10 for half damage and ignore paralyze effect” instead of “Damage: Cold, 10pts. Save: DC15 for half damage and ignore paralyze effect”. Droid Flame Thrower incorrectly showed in the description: “Special: Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect”. Droid Molten Cannon incorrectly showed in the description: “Special: Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect”. Droid Plasma Thrower now correctly shows “Damage: Ion 60pts” instead of “Damage: Fire, Ion 60pts”. Droid Multi-spectral Emitter now correctly shows “DC= 24 + Level for half damage.” instead of “DC= 24+Level of target for half-damage”. Fixed damage, effects and descriptions for Droid Toxin Emitter. Fixed damage, effects and descriptions for Droid Bio-Assault. Installation Run "TSLPatcher.exe" installer and select your TSL folder. Note: starting a new game is not required. Just get rid of the affected special weapons from your droids’ inventories, then find/buy new ones, and they will have correct descriptions. Also, the descriptions of special weapons in the inventories of already visited merchants won’t change. Uninstallation Delete installed files of the mod from Override folder. Copy the files (except 351nar.mod) within the generated "backup" folder of the mod and place them in the Override folder. 351nar.mod should be placed in modules, but only if you have not installed other mods that change 351nar.mod after this one. Otherwise, you should uninstall those mods first. Compatibility This mod is compatible with TSLRCM. This mod is incompatible with mods that change droid special weapons or install files d_device_16.uti and g_d_firesupres02.uti (but I haven’t seen such mods). Distribution Notes This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author. This mod can be reuploaded / posted on other sites only if it is unavailable both on DeadlyStream, and on Nexus, and there is no contact with the author for at least 3 months. Credits Tools used: KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra KotOR Scripting Tool by Blue K-GFF by tk102 Contact PM me on DeadlyStream or Nexus. Disclaimer THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  46. 1 point
    I love this mod so much that I put in work to make sure it was compatible with other mods that add placeables (like BoS, which I removed the placeable rocks from to make room for this). It makes the end game so much more dramatic and makes Malak's dialogue less laughable XD "You should recognize them from the academy" -> "Uhhhh... no also why are they all the same person"
  47. 1 point

    From the album: Kotor I NPC Overhaul

    Lashowe, from the Sith Academy on Korriban. Ported in a player head for her from K2 as well as fresh sith robes from there.
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point

    Version 1.3


    This is a fix for players who have less than adequate hardware to play SWKOTORII:TSL at decent frame-rates. My hopes will be that TSL will perform better on devices using WINE as well with this mod. If you've ever had serious frame-rate problems with smoke or fog in this game, this should fix it. As of right now I've greatly reduced birthrate, random birthrate, and life expectancy values of the effects in model files using MDLedit and notepad++. Changes include: Main Menu Peragus (all map files w/particle effects) Dxun (all map files w/particle effects) Nar Shaddaa (all map files w/particle effects) Onderon (all map files w/particle effects) Telos (all map files w/particle effects) Dantooine (all map files w/particle effects) Korriban (all map files w/particle effects) Some PLC_ models (mostly steam vents) PLC_ models that have other smoke and other emitters 8xxdro planet map models 9xxmal planet map models dor_ models that include effects V_ models that include abilities with effects emitters FX_ files including but not limited to... mines, grenades, and other explosions. Anything with an effects emitter attached. Ebon Hawk models Menu Logo (slight change) Initial weapon is slightly changed (white particles, slower) Widescreen Menu Fix The screenshots included are from a desktop with a core 2 duo and an Nvidia 8400 gs (a terrible gpu) playing the game at 1920x1080. I am unsure if this is compatible with the TSLRCM as I've been testing it on vanilla GOG version and the Steam version. These are only MDL and MDX files (except for the main menu logo, no actual scripts). This mod has only been possible because bead-v introduced me to MDLEdit. Special thanks to DarthParametric for allowing me to edit his TSL Main Menu Model Fix 1.1 menu models and add them to this mod.
  50. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    It is a truth universally yadda yadda: the lady Scoundrel's starting gear looks uncomfortable. Put bluntly, F!Scoundrel has a stupendous wedgie. Her butt crack is alarmingly defined through her leggings AND underwear--which should not be happening unless those leggings are, like, industrial-vacuum-sealed. Which would be painful. And impractical. And also painful. Overall, not conducive to running around an exploding starship while fighting Sith troopers. So I fixed it. I gave the female Scoundrel basic clothing a bit of a tune-up, making the butt crack less egregious and tweaking the texture to match. May these new and improved trousers bear your Scoundrels to a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing victory! Effusive burbling gratitude to forgetcanon, for extracting those pesky .mdl and .mdx files and for being a source of endless support and patience during my first foray into modding.