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5 points
Version 1.0.0
BOSSR Recreated Movies Please rate this file before you scamper away. Thanks! Mod Description: To wind up my efforts to modernize Silveredge9’s Brotherhood of Shadow Solomon’s Revenge, I decided to concentrate on the pre-rendered videos (BIKs) that came with that mod. Though I previously made a replacement for the BOSSR specific “Legal Screen” video – available separately here – these 3 cover the other 3 BIKs. Namely, the flyby of a Hammerhead vessel (the Orion), a duel between Solomon and Shadow, and the BOSSR-specific credits video. The new videos are in 1920 x 1080 resolution. There are two options for the live_13.bik video. (Both videos can be seen on the mod download page.) But I think seeing it in action would probably be more convincing than just writing about it. Here's the BEFORE video, taken from the original mod. And here's what the AFTER version using a modern computer and having upscaled textures. This is Version 1 of the Credits BIK And here's Version 2 of the Credits BIK. And here's the video where the Hammerhead Orion does a fly-by past the camera. The original video in the mod only had "Brotherhood of Shadow" rather than the full title as it was taken directly from the original version of the mod. This has been corrected here. A Reminder: BOSSR is not compatible with the KotOR Community Portal Mod Build. If you’re using that, then you should NOT be installing BOSSR or this mod with your setup. Installation: Drop the BIK files into the Movies folder. You’ll have to choose only 1 version of the live_13.bik video which are in separate folders. If you play in a resolution below 1920x1080, you will need to manually downscale the cutscenes to match your chosen resolution. If you are playing with no widescreen modifications they will need to be downscaled to play at *native movie resolution* [I forget what this is, something asininely small like 800x600?]. If you are using widescreen and have NOT added in other cutscene mods or edited your executable to allow for widescreen movies, you will need to enable this functionality. See this video for more. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA5l6HVs4Y4]. If you do so and experience cutscene minimization, you should double-check your edited hex values. If the issue persists, you may need to manually rescale these cutscenes to precisely match your chosen widescreen resolution. Uninstall: Remove the files from this mod that you placed in the Movies folder. Legal Disclaimer: All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. This mod is not to be distributed for profit. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission. Special Thanks: JCarter426: Created the live_12 and live_13 videos - with the exception of the BOSSR logo – entirely by himself. His videos are included with his permission and with my thanks. 90sk: Adding an outline to the made-from-scratch BOSSR logo. Basil Bonehead: Animating the moving BOSSR logo in the “BOSSR Live 11” video. Dark Hope: For creating the Shadow textures that I used in the “BOSSR Live 11” video. They are available here. Snigaroo: He helped tremendously with the Installation instructions you find above. If this mod works for you, it’s mostly due to him. -
4 points
4 points
Version 1.1.0
Description: 2 mods were released a long time ago, doing some part of what this mod does. These 2 mods being Shem's Sith Assassin's with Lightsabers and Hassat Hunter's Sith troops to Sith Assassins. Although these 2 mods are fine, there were a few issues/complications. Both of these mods are listed to install on the TSL Community Mod Build, but having both installed leads to some consistency issues. The changed assassins on the Ebon Hawk won't have lightsabers like Shem's mod does to them on the Harbinger. Additionally, Shem's mod had some of the Lightsabers drop premature to the player getting their own lightsaber, allowing you to get multiple of them for you and your party. While that's not despicable, it is a bit annoying for players who want to have a consistent and story accurate playthrough. This mod combine's the features of the 2 mentioned mods, while making it consistent. Installation: This mod is split up into 2 install parts. First, extract the .zip download. Run the INSTALL.exe and select the first part install option, installing to your TSL directory. Once that is completed (make a copy of tthe backup folder and rename it to "backup2", in case you want to uninstall the mod.) exit and run the INSTALL.exe again and install the second part to your TSL directory. Once the second is completed, the mod is installed. Note: You can install the first part alone and the mod will be fine, but the second part installs for the turret sequence on peragus. If you'd like the immersion and consistency, install both parts. Uninstall: Open up "backup2" and copy the .mod file to the modules folder, overwriting it when prompted. Delete all the .utc filed in the game's override folder that match the .utc files in the backup2 folder. Open up "backup" and copy the .mod file into there to the modules folder, overwriting when prompted. Compatibility: Don't worry if you have Shem's and Hassat's mods installed first, this mod will overwrite what they do. Credits: Holocron Toolset - Cortisol TSLPatcher - Stoffe Snigaroo for testing help. Shem and Hassat for making the original mods, that this mod replicates. Permissions: You can use parts of the mods in your own, as long as there is proper credit. Don't re-upload this mod anywhere without any changes done, if I want somewhere, I'll put it there. Bugs: None known at the time. Report if any are encountered. -
3 pointsHello KotOR modding community. It has certainly been a long time since I've posted here. While life has been busy and can get in the way of modding, I have been working on a big project in secret. For the past few years I have been chipping away at my own version of an A.I. Upscale 4x mod for most of the default character files in both games. Because it has been slow going, I didn't want to get distracted by constantly responding to "when is it going to be ready?" prompts when I could be spending time on the files. I also didn't want to get anyone's hopes up about it, only to then keep delaying because I'm often too much of a perfectionist. But after so much time has elapsed, I keep thinking that I need to put something out, even if it is incomplete in my books. To give you an idea of how big a project this is, I have completed 329/475 textures that are common to both games, 71/214 textures for K1, and 184/419 textures for TSL. That makes for a grand total of 584/1108 textures or 52.71%. I'm using the textures as the basis for completion, but there are also 459 models for K1 and 648 models for TSL completed so far. I've attached a spreadsheet with a list of all the files involved. The reason why it is so slow going is that this mod is more than just a simple process of running all the character textures through an A.I. upscaling program. The purpose is to increase the size and fidelity of the character textures while maintaining the painterly style of the original game artists. I have also been attempting to fix many of the UVW mapping errors, lighting errors, and some XYZ errors that the original model .mdl & .mdx files may have had. One problem of upscaling textures that I've found is that the model seams become glaringly obvious at higher resolution, so I've been painstakingly painting those to look seamless. Anyone who is familiar with my previously released mods will know how much I try to fix those pesky model errors. The other thing about A.I. upscaling software, is that I haven't found one that gives perfect results. Instead of relying on one result, I usually run texture files through an A.I. upscaling program multiple times using different settings. Some settings result in "crunchy" textures (high contrast, sharp edges). Some result in "soft" textures (smooth gradients, lower contrast, blurry edges). Some result in better straight/parallel lines. Early tests used Vance AI; Deep Image; ImageUpscaler; or Let's Enhance. Eventually Topaz Labs' Gigapixel AI was chosen and used on the majority of textures. Then I combine textures in a multi layered Photoshop file, using layer masks to isolate the best parts of each upscaled image. This allows for some portions to be smooth (like skin, glass, metal or tubing), others to be sharp (like burlap, skin folds, hair, scratches, etc). Then I manually paint away errors, fix seams, and make additional changes. At any rate, the reason for this WIP post is that I've been out of the loop for so long, that I don't know the best way to package and upload the mod. I usually use 7zip, so that's not the problem. I currently have 378 tga, tpc, & txi files (4.09 GB) that are common to both games; 459 mdl, mdx, tga, tpc, & txi files (1.07 GB) specifically for K1; 648 mdl, mdx, tga, & txi files (2.90 GB) specifically for TSL. I was originally planning on packaging them up all together and letting the user to put them into their respective override folders, making the common files only needing to be downloaded once. The other option is to make two download packages, one for each game, where the common files are included in both packs. This would result in having to download the largest batch of files twice, but it would be easier for installation. To complicate it further, I would also make download packages for a tpc only installation (for smaller file sizes and easier to run in-game). The other questions I have are: which upload method do users prefer: single download for both games (smaller size overall), or two files (one for each game makes installation easier)? how many screenshot images can be uploaded to showcase the contents of the mod? I currently have 197 pngs for a total of 561 MB, and would like to make more. I've attached a few to sample a range of the types of changes the mod tackles. are there any samples for the Read Me file regarding Permissions and Credits? I want to make the tga version into a modder's resource. Where is the best place to put a link to my "Buy me a Coffee" tip jar? I'm hoping to use any funds towards software upgrades for future modding. I don't know if I'll ever actually finish this mod, but I need to share what I've got before the universe jumps in again and makes something impossible for me. Anyway, happy New Year. I hope to continue more of this work in 2025. Screenshot samples: KotOR upscale completed list v0_52.xlsx
3 points
3 pointsThanks for the explanation. I wasn't really familiar with the details of issue, just that some HD mods have a tpc version to improve performance and reduce download size. I'll keep it in mind for the future. I assume you're referring to these ones (and the others similar): I have kept the original models' shape but fixed the uvw maps. For the textures I have taken my 4x commoner clothes and scaled them down, with some touch ups for the lite version. As for the faces, I have rebuilt them using parts of commoner heads and player heads, with some manual painting around the eyes. The weird thing to deal with the model is that the faces have an indent /flat spot for where the eyes are painted on, rather than separate eyeball/eyelid meshes. It makes for odd textures when unwrapped. I have also done similar process for other lite versions (Sith soldier, Republic officers, female Twi'leks, etc) and plan to continue for the ones that I haven't gotten to yet. Details are in the spreadsheet I've attached to the first post
3 points
Version 1.0.0
NOTE : This is included with the Expanded Galaxy Project already. Another request by @Snigaroo This mod makes it so that the atmosphere of Malachor is toxic to the player character, except in sheltered areas, it also adjusts the spawn location to be on top of the Ebon Hawk and adds a tutorial popup window to warn the player about the atmospheric effects. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with any and all other mods, unless they happen to change tutorial.2da or any of the following scripts or files. In 901MAL k_901mal_enter.ncs tr_mira_han.ncs a_mira_cs.ncs In 902MAL tr_london_bridge.ncs flank.dlg In Override Replace0=lbl_icn_msg.tga Installation : HoloPatcher Use HoloPatcher to install the mod. Uninstallation : HoloPatcher HoloPatcher also generates an uninstall script after installation, use this to uninstall, you can also access that feature under Tools -> Uninstall in HoloPatcher itself. Thor110 Please do not redistribute or release anywhere without my express permission. Tools used that helped make this possible. Kotor Tool - http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php @ Fred Tetra KotOR Scripting Tool - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/191-kotor-scripting-tool/ @Blue HxD - https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/ @Maël Hörz TSLPatcher & ChangeEdit HoloPatcher - https://github.com/NickHugi/PyKotor/tree/master/Tools/HoloPatcher @Wizard & @Cortisol -
3 points
Version 1.0.0
This mod changes Kreia's floating lightsabers from violet to red and makes them immune to fear, paralysis, and stun. Since they're, you know, lightsabers instead of people, I figure they shouldn't be susceptible to those effects. To install, drag the .utc files from the attached .zip and place them into your override. Remove to uninstall. Ezpz. Thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the Kotor Tool, which was used to add the immunity feats. -
3 pointsIt looks like it's been about 2 years since my last request. I'm just making it before the end of the year to make a new one. Darth Parametric released a Modder's Resource in 2016 called the Lethisk Freighter AKA I-Wing Placeable. (And before the jackals chime in, I know it's been updated since then.) I have the feeling it would've been used in mods more often if someone had publicly released a skin for this placeable. I've requested this before around the time of the original release but I had no takers. Since then, we've had a lot of new blood and I'm curious what they might be able to do. So that's what I'm requesting- a skin for this placeable. Note: If someone submits a skin for this placeable before you, I am still interested in what you can achieve. After all, variety is the spice of life. Do not let the specter of someone else being first scare you off.
3 points
Version 1.0.0
Thematic Jedi Masters Premise A little while after I released Thematic Sith Lords, this mod’s companion, I was approached by the user Starwarsnerd with a request for the same treatment for the Jedi Masters. I told him I would consider it but I believed the Masters were well-balanced and, at the time, didn’t think it necessary. When I started working on the 2.0 release of Thematic Sith Lords I decided to check on the Masters just to confirm everything was well, and I was instead floored by what I saw. All the Masters were the same class; their attributes were wildly out of proportion to their natures; their feats and powers seemed ill-thought-out—hell, in Zez-Kai Ell’s fight he doesn’t even have Force points at all! I expected a garden and found a desert, and so here we are. Just like its elder sibling Thematic Sith Lords, Thematic Jedi Masters is not a conventional difficulty mod. The objective isn’t to make each fight difficult, but unique; to, as best as I’m able, reflect each Master’s personality, philosophy and capability in the stats they’re given. Because of this, unlike Thematic Sith Lords this mod does not have any elements of a “rock-paper-scissors” fight design; unlike the Sith, none of the Jedi Masters are so abhorrently one-dimensional that they could be only capable of one thing and vulnerable to all others, such as Sion is. Rather, this mod takes the approach that each Master’s obvious specialty should be highlighted, and their other abilities treated as realistically as possible given their age, temperament, class and so on. This is where Thematic Jedi Masters focuses: differentiation. Unlike the basegame fights against the Sith Lords, which can at least be said to have enemies designed around certain archetypes, all the Jedi Masters (except Atris) are set up as Guardians with very little differentiation. Thematic Jedi Masters starts by making Zez-Kai Ell a Sentinel and Vrook a Consular—both, I think, with justification—to ensure the Masters themselves represent the Jedi well. From there their stats are designed both around these new classes and their behaviors as Jedi: whether they take risks like Kavar or are furtive like Zez-Kai Ell. In the end, what results are Masters that all feel very different, and much more true to who they are as people. For those who’d like to see exactly what was done and an explanation of the rationale for why, a full list of changes made is available in the download. Why Use Thematic Jedi Masters? As noted, Thematic Jedi Masters isn’t a difficulty mod, as most mods that touch on the Masters would be. The goal is to make each Master a realistic reflection of their natures; to make them fight how they would actually fight. If you want pure difficulty, other mods might be for you. If you want to experience differentiated fights that are harder on average than what TSLRCM has to offer, however, Thematic Jedi Masters is likely for you. Thematic Jedi Masters also has several features which other difficulty mods often lack: it consistently adjusts both the Master’s first encounter on their planet of choice (including Vrook’s initial fight in the Dantooine crystal cave) and their appearance in the Restored Enclave; it includes changes to Atris; and it uses the TSLPatcher to inject .utc edit data directly into module files for maximum compatibility. Difficulty, Balance & Testing Methodology Users who have tried other mods which make serious alterations to boss enemies may justifiably be concerned about difficulty and balance. I’d like to disclose how these fights were tested to hopefully put some of those concerns to rest. This mod was tested with two DS characters, one Sentinel/Marauder and one Sentinel/Lord (although only DS characters were used in the test, none of the fights were won with unique powers or abilities which would make them viable on DS but not on LS builds). Both test characters were built well but not min-maxed, and for each battle the use of items (consumables or shield charges) was forbidden: I had to be able to beat each opponent with only melee and Force abilities. Some of the fights were still very difficult, but each could be won without needing to resort to cheesy tactics. For any player with an average or above grasp of D20 mechanics, I believe you can use this mod without concern. Beginners to d20 systems may need to turn the difficulty down for these encounters in some cases, but should still be able to beat them even with sub-par builds with a bit of clever positioning and pre-buffing. Compatibility This mod should be compatible with anything and everything else that doesn’t edit the Masters’ .utc files. Even mods that do so shouldn’t break this, they might just edit some of the same data. The only exception is if another mod drops a relevant .utc file directly to the override, which will fully overwrite Thematic Jedi Masters’s module-based edits. Installation 1. Download the file and unzip it to any folder of your choice (except for the game directory) using a program like 7zip or Winrar. 2. Run the TSLPatcher.exe, click “install mod” and, when prompted, choose your install folder and confirm. Done! Permissions & Thanks As with any mod I have made or will make in the future, this mod has completely open permissions: modify it, redistribute it, reupload it, do whatever. So long as you give myself credit for the idea and the balance settings (if you choose to retain most of these edits) & JCarter426 credit for the mod’s development, go for it. You don’t even need to ask me. Premier thanks goes as usual to @JCarter426, who built this entire mod at my request, and tirelessly put up with literally dozens of revisions of the mod as we fine-tuned the balancing. This mod is much more his than my own and I am tremendously grateful for his help. Thanks also to @doctoramanda from the KOTOR Discord for her help making the "preview" image. -
3 points
Version 1.0.2
This mod adds spice, a class of narcotic found in the Star Wars galaxy, as a new consumable item type to the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - the Sith Lords. Spice may be consumed by any non-droid member of the party, activated as a medical item. Each variety of spice has different effects. Similar to stimulants, the effects of spice do not stack, so only one dose of spice may be used at a time; however, a dose of spice may be used in addition to stimulants and other effects. The effects of spice last for 120 seconds per dose. Use of certain spice leads to withdrawal, which lasts for 30 seconds after the dose wears out. A high Constitution score will reduce the length of withdrawal. Spice item drops have been placed throughout the game where thematically appropriate. Spice may also be crafted at any lab station. Installation You must start a new game to experience the full effects of this mod. Extract files from the downloaded archive. Run Install.exe. Click "Install Mod" and select your game directory (default name SWKotOR2). TSLPatcher may warn that .mod files already existed and were skipped during installation. This is normal and means that this mod's installer patched the files you already had from another mod rather than installing a new one. This mod only supports the English language version of the game at this time. Uninstallation During installation, TSLPatcher generates a backup folder and a log recording which files were affected. Restore dialog.tlk by copying the file from the backup folder to your game directory, replacing the existing one. Restore or delete all all module files affected by this mod. For each module, copy the corresponding .mod file from the backup folder to replace the one in to your game's Modules folder if a backup was created, otherwise delete the .mod file from your game's Modules folder. Delete all other files installed by this mod from your game's Override folder. Compatibility This mod uses combat shot item variations 101 through 112. Known Issues Some effects of spice will stop functioning after you transition areas. It did not seem possible to resolve this without editing the party AI, which would introduce the possibility of compatibility issues with other mods. While testing, I had an occasional issue with hallucinations being visible after they were supposed to disappear. They will disappear properly after loading the area again. Consider this a symptom of psychosis. Credits KOTOR Tool—Fred Tetra TSLPatcher—stoffe & Fair Strides ERFEdit—stoffe & Fair Strides K-GFF—tk102 NWNSSCOMP—Torlack, stoffe, & tk102 xoreos tools—xoreos team https://xoreos.org/ License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Donations If you enjoy my mods and would like to show your support in a monetary manner, you may do so via PayPal at https://www.paypal.me/carterunited. -
3 pointsSome of the "engrish" is more due to the author being from England instead of Canada/America like the Bioware writers, there are a couple of glaring errors but nothing too "egregious" in my opinion. If anyone fixes it, wither Thor/Myself or anyone else, it could only help to better the mod though, so I'm all for it. I've not got too much time on my hands lately though, hoping someone takes a look at it.
2 pointsThe more I played M478 recently and looked over some of it's criticisms over the years, I've come to think that the planet might have been an excellent fit for Kotor 1, but it does not fit well in TSL. It's an excellent mod and I liked it regardless.
2 pointsWell, technically, it's completely useless to spam Repair since there's no chance involved at all, so if it doesn't work the first time, it won't randomly work later. But I get that players wouldn't know that and might think that they could get it to work eventually. Now, fixing this issue would be quite annoying actually, since it's hard to track if it's the first time you try to repair HK at this "repair state". Of course, I could make it so that you only loose influence the very first time you fail any repair but that seems weird as well. And finally, to me it actually makes thematic sense that if you keep trying to repair HK unsuccesfully over and over again that at some point he would refuse to be repaired again and have a lower and lower opinion of you, i.e., lower influence. With all of that in mind, this does not seem like something worth fixing to me.
2 pointsI was hoping to get some feedback on a model tweak I am working on and figured I may as well start a WIP thread. (At the very least I am a work-in-progress as a modder😁) First up (and so far only) my take on the female mandalorian. Let me just preface this by saying I have no idea what I am doing. This is the first time I am trying anything like this. In my first attempt I narrowed the shoulders of the model which caused weapons to float alongside the hands, and really mangled the offhand when trying to hold a melee weapon. Since I have no idea how to fix this I ended up just keeping the shoulders the same width and tried to create the illusion of narrower shoulders. Any tips, suggestions or critiques would be appreciated. Thanks.
2 pointsYes, testing is completed for the current build so mods completed as part of these requests won't be tested for implementation until the next build iteration, which will probably begin testing work sometime around November of this year. So 10 months roughly before I am going to be pulling new testing material.
2 pointsAs shocking as it is for me to believe this myself, I just put up by my count north of 115 mod requests. Blame Obsidian for making a flawed masterpiece--emphasis on the flawed.
2 pointsI am incredibly enthusiastic about this project--it's something I know I have been hoping for for quite some time, as others have said, and I'm thrilled that you're personally looking over every output for quality checking. It's more than I'd ever hoped to see, and I'm eagerly awaiting it. With that said, however, I do want to sound a potential word of caution since this is intended to be a 4x package. I have a great deal of experience troubleshooting setups with an overabundance of texture data, whether that be from upscale mods or just a ton of handmade textures, and I can say definitively that the larger the file load, the quicker both games' native memory leaks are exacerbated, leading to save corruption if the game isn't restarted frequently. Indeed, for some of the existing 4x textures on the Nexus, the problem is so bad that they can cause save corruption just by a user trying to save the game in a particularly heavily-affected module, even if the game was only just restarted. In the worst-case, modules with too much texture data can be impossible to load in; I'm not sure of the precise reason behind this, but I suspect there's some sort of backend texture throughput budget which, if breached, causes the save load to fail. Now, most of the problems that lead to these behaviors are rooted in using only .tga textures, and lighter-weight .tpc textures can greatly reduce the strain--but still, there are limits to how much reduction can be expected, and any amount of texture load per-module which is in excess of 50mb, I would say, is likely to at least slightly reduce the amount of time it takes to begin experiencing memory overflow. With that in mind, it might not be a bad idea to make different texture sizes, if at all feasible: 4x for users who are willing to restart their game a little more frequently or who have access to large address aware packages that can allow the executable to use more RAM (and thus ameliorate the memory overflow), and a 2x package for other users (such as those who have the game on Steam, where the encrypted executable leads 4GB patches to fail on the original game's .exe). I think having options for both would be very helpful, as long as it wouldn't require you to redo every texture from scratch.
2 points
Version 1.0.0
Description: This is a quick little retexture I made that replaces some of the textures on the Ebon Hawk to look mildy repaired. It has the damaged "Wiring/Broken" texture from the damaged Ebon Hawk with the scaffolding seen in the fixed ship put over top. I'd like to imagine that the Peragus miner's and mining droids didn't have the right parts to 100% keep the inside of the Ebon Hawk looking clean and properly fixed up, and they only had the scaffolding/spare parts to fix up the ship to the point where it won't fall apart. It also gives the perspective of the ship being more scrapped and damaged, the exile and her party making do with the mildy intact ship. Note: The textures can look a bit wonky in a few areas, but that's due to how the texture's are laid out originally on the model. Won't do much to fix all that, since I just wanted a simple retexture. Sometimes you won't notice unless you pay attention to it. Additional: An Ebon Hawk retexture can be seen in the screenshots. This is NOT apart of my mod, but it is from Laast's "Ebon Hawk Revisited" mod here: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2338-ebon-hawk-revisited/ Installation: Extract the .zip and copy the .tga files in the folder to the Override folder in your TSL directory. Delete any files with the same name that end in .tpc or .dds. Credits: Obsidian/Bioware for the original textures GIMP Holocron Toolset for file extraction You can use these retextures in your own mod as long as I am credited and they are repurposed. -
2 pointsMerging Levels So I got distracted while fixing some holes in the level geometry for Manaan and realised some of the games levels could be easily combined into one. Currently I am not sure what I plan to do with this but these are the three levels I have put together. Endar Spire This actually needed a little editing to get it to fit properly, but it was very close to being perfect when imported to begin with. Taris Sewers This level also needed a little editing but it was easy enough to line up both halves of the level. Manaan - East & West Central These two levels are in exactly the right position when imported, however the joining room needed editing quite a bit to make everything work and look right. I have Manaan and the Endar Spire working in-game, I am just having a little bit of trouble getting one of the roomlinks to work on the Endar Spire and I have only just put together the Taris Sewers level. While I am no sure how many levels could be fit together like this, there are quite a lot for which it just wouldn't work. To think, all I set out to do in the first place was add in the missing room to Manaan's Hotel... Thor110
1 pointKSE got taken over by @Fair Strides many moons ago and I think someone else was helping with the last few versions? FS would have to chime in with the specifics. By the advent of v0.7, JdNoa was the primary author I believe. Fred Tetra contributed to changes in v0.6, FS and Varsity Puppet contributed to the changes in v0.7.
1 point
Version 2.0
Thematic Sith Lords Premise Anyone who’s played TSL knows that the eponymous Sith Lords are pretty disappointing. The most hyped fight of the entire game, against Nihilus, is almost always trivial. Sion has the potential to be dangerous but rarely is, and Kreia’s floating lightsabers are almost always more of a threat than the woman herself. Thematic Sith Lords’s purpose is not to directly address these issues, but to push back against some of the underlying problems with these fights that results in them being so boring. While examining the .utc files for Sion, Kreia and Nihilus associated with their respective fights, I found that there was surprisingly little differentiation between them, especially in class & attributes, with very little specialization per Lord. Worse still, many feats and powers which the Lords should realistically have had were also missing: Sion, for example, lacked Ignore Pain despite his ability to fight through and even utilize his constant pain being the core of his character! Thematic Sith Lords, as you may have gathered, is not a difficulty mod as such. Rather, it’s a realism mod the goal of which is to increase the overall difficulty of the Lord fights as a natural result of restructuring the stats, feats and powers of the Lords to more accurately fit their physical and mental conditions, as well as their experiences and training, without making every fight harder for all characters. The goal is to make each fight with a Lord feel different, with each Lord having their own specialties, strengths and weaknesses, such that some character builds will do better against some Lords and struggle against others. For example, in Thematic Sith Lords, Sion has extreme STR and CON, but poor WIS and INT, and abysmal DEX and CHA. His archetype is as a bruiser, who trades taking hits for being able to dish out extremely powerful strikes with no fear of his close-range style resulting in his death—because Sion doesn’t need to worry about dying in a fight, and his combat style should reflect that. This overconfidence results in him being somewhat vulnerable to Force abilities, however, and a Consular might run circles around him where a Guardian struggles to bring him down. The goal is that the opposite will also be true—Consulars who had no trouble with Sion might find themselves in a pickle when their abilities bounce off Nihilus, who now has even higher WIS and Will saves than he did before, and the DEX to frequently dodge the lightsabers of most Jedi not built explicitly for melee combat. Additionally, for the 2.0 release of this mod the entire mod was reworked from the ground up with even more comprehensive alterations, as well as including the Visas ambush fight in the list of edits. The 2.0 changes were extensively tested for realism, balance & difficulty, and a full list of all the alterations made to each Lord is included in the file download for those who would like to see exactly what I did, as well as a brief explanation for why. Why use Thematic Sith Lords? As noted above, Thematic Sith Lords isn’t a difficulty mod, as most rebalances of the Lords are. The goal is to make each Lord’s attributes, stats, feats and powers a realistic reflection of their condition, and how they would actually fight. If you want pure difficulty, other mods might be for you; if you want to experience differentiated fights that are harder on average than what TSLRCM has to offer, however, Thematic Sith Lords is likely for you. Thematic Sith Lords also has three features which other difficulty mods for the Lords often don’t: it makes adjustment to Visas’s ambush of the party on the Ebon Hawk; it modifies the Sion fight on Korriban as well as Sion's fight with Atton on Malachor (both of which are frequently left out of other mods); and it uses the TSLPatcher to inject .utc edit data directly into module files for maximum compatibility. Difficulty, Balance & Testing Methodology Users who have tried other mods which make serious alterations to boss enemies, or who used the 1.0 version of Thematic Sith Lords, may justifiably be concerned about difficulty and balance. I’d like to disclose how these fights were tested to hopefully put some of those concerns to rest. This mod was tested with two DS characters, one Sentinel/Marauder and one Sentinel/Lord (although only DS characters were used in the test, none of the fights were won with unique powers or abilities which would make them viable on DS but not on LS builds). Both test characters were built well but not min-maxed, and for each battle the use of items (consumables or shield charges) was forbidden: I had to be able to beat each opponent with only melee and Force abilities. Some of the fights were still very difficult, but each could be won without needing to resort to cheesy tactics. For any player with an average or above grasp of D20 mechanics, I believe you can use this mod without concern. Beginners to d20 systems may need to turn the difficulty down for these encounters in some cases, but should still be able to beat them even with sub-par builds with a bit of clever positioning and pre-buffing. I will note as an aside that there is one fight that is abnormally difficult: Atton vs. Sion. But I view this as being realistic, and designed it this way purposefully: Atton is an above-average Jedi at best going against a Sith Lord, and there should be a real chance of him losing there. It should be a major triumph if you can evade Sion. Compatibility This mod requires TSLRCM to be installed first, and NOT to be installed via the Steam Workshop, in order to install properly & function. The Workshop is very poor for mod compatibility, so if you have it installed via the Workshop, it’s best you install it via the installer version anyway. This mod should be compatible with anything and everything else that doesn’t edit the Lords’ .utc files. Even mods that do so shouldn’t break this, they might just edit some of the same data. The only exception is if another mod drops a relevant .utc file directly to the override, which will fully overwrite Thematic Sith Lords’s module-based edits. Installation 1. Ensure TSLRCM is downloaded and installed, NOT through the Steam Workshop! 2. Download the file and unzip it to any folder of your choice (except for the game directory) using a program like 7zip or Winrar. 3. Run the TSLPatcher .exe and, when prompted, choose which of the two main modules you would like: Standard (base changes only) or No Force Rating (removes the saving throw bonuses to DS characters in the Korriban Sith Academy, which can make the Sion fight there more difficult). Once you have chosen your preferred module, select your game directory (the one with the .exe file in it), click “install mod” and you’re done! 4. Optionally, if you would like Visas to appear as a Sith Assassin during her ambush, re-run the installer after installing your chosen base module and select the “Sith Assassin Visas (Optional)” install option, then install that module also. Permissions & Thanks As with any mod I have made or will make in the future, this mod has completely open permissions: modify it, redistribute it, reupload it, do whatever. So long as you give myself credit for the idea and the balance settings (if you choose to retain most of these edits) & JCarter426 credit for the mod’s development, go for it. You don’t even need to ask me. Special thanks to @DarthParametric for his help with putting the 1.0 release together--it was my first time making significant edits with KOTORTool and creating a TSLPatcher install, and this mod quite probably wouldn’t exist without his help. Thanks to @Pavijan357 for identifying the missing changes to Sion in 906MAL.mod, and @DarthTyren for cleaning up my changes.ini and applying the changes properly. Credit to @offthegridmorty for his “Visas Marr: Sith Assassin” mod, which inspired this mod’s optional module to change Visas’s class to Sith Assassin during her ambush on the Ebon Hawk. Premier thanks goes as usual to @JCarter426, who rebuilt this entire mod at my request for the 2.0 release, and tirelessly put up with literally dozens of revisions of the mod as we fine-tuned the balancing. As of the 2.0 release, this mod is much more his than my own and I am tremendously grateful for his help. Thanks also to @doctoramanda from the KOTOR Discord for her help making the "preview" image. -
1 pointTook a brief look at the descriptions of those two and they sound like what I need, thank you. I'll look into them To clarify, I already found the original game's .dlg file and exported it to work on via KotorTool, and I found a separate atton.dlg in the overrides folder from one of my mods I've installed (I also edited the existing overrides .dlg successfully). I'll check TSLRCM to see if it's the source of the atton.dlg in overrides. If I can get the aforementioned tools to cooperate, I'll put up a mod page somewhere, probably on this site. Atton not doing some amount of unarmed combat (especially with restored content of Handmaiden testing his skills) has bothered me for years, lol. If I'm still feeling it I'll take a crack at giving him full-on unarmed specialist that kicks in once you ask Atton how to kill Jedi, I have half an idea of how the code for that will work.
1 point
============================================ Khoonda Expansion Mod ============================================ Features: This mod unlocks 4 rooms within Khoonda, feature list below: Additional XP available to be gained Additional ‘Bonus Mission’ Training facilities Doors previously locked can now be accessed, 3 via Khoonda key, 1 via quest. New Quest Droids join the battle of Khoonda if they're activated New rooms: South Droid Defence Workshop Kaloopo's Quarters Training Room Additional Room left empty but accessible, it is used as part of the 'TSL Collectables' mod New Characters: 3M-BR - Astro Utility Droid Wounded Militia Kaloopo Wounded Kinrath Installation: Extract the files from the download, run the Holopatcher.exe installer. Uninstall: Holopatcher creates an uninstall / backup folder, please use this. Legal Disclaimer All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. Please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all the below parties. Credits: Tools used: -
1 point
1 pointGood job with the "Onderon Fashion". In the changes.ini file is there possibly some issue with editing twice the same .utc? [man26_swoop002.utc] !Destination=modules\manm26ab.mod Appearance_Type=2DAMEMORY16 Equip_ItemList\0\EquippedRes=g_a_clothes03 and later [man26_swoop002.utc] !Destination=modules\manm26ab.mod Appearance_Type=2DAMEMORY21 Equip_ItemList\0\EquippedRes=g_a_clothes03 I'm not familiar with HoloPatcher so tell me if I'm wrong. Cheers! EDIT: One more thing. I noticed an appearance change for Ahlan Matale but it's only limited to the danm14ab module. There is a version of Ahlan also in the danm13 and danm14ad modules as well. Shouldn't they all look the same?
1 pointSo I put my Kotor 2 game on a flash drive and was able to use another computer to add the TSL Collectibles mod to my game - works now. Just a quick question for future reference - Does anyone know what dlls holopatcher needs to operate? - because I think my standard OS must be missing some and that is why holopatcher won't work on my gaming computer - which is Windows 7. Any help on this would be appreciated - Thanks!
1 pointOh good, that's very helpful. Just let me know when it reaches rough content-completion as we've talked about previously, since there would be difficulties integrating such a large mod with regular content updates. In the meantime I will put down that the NPC Diversity Pack fulfills the request but is untested with the builds as yet.
1 pointAh, I don't think I've seen this before. It's unfortunate you've had no takers in the past as this is definitely something I would've used. I wish you luck with your request.
1 pointI've just approved it, thanks Thor! I've also marked that request as fulfilled in the OP.
1 pointUpload the TPCs in the enduser mod (one for K1, one for TSL). Create a separate modder's resource with the source assets. Optionally you could have a single modder's resource or split it per game, since the site has per-game modder's resource sections. Its use will likely be pretty minimal, since most downloads will just be the actual mods, so just go with what you think is best. Have a look at how JC split his cloaked robes mods for how it could work.
1 point
1 pointI assume you're still using NWMax? You may want to consider switching to KOTORMax (with this fix) and MDLEdit / MDLOps v1.02. Although note that these are not compatible with Tainia's Replacer due to changes in the ASCII format.
1 pointI've been using 3DS Max 2011 for years because I don't want to pay for yearly subscriptions. Besides, it still works great for these old mdl files. I've never tried Blender before. Yeah, I plan to release what I've got so far, and hopefully not take another 2 years to finish what's left 😆. Over the last two nights I have made some XYZ changes to PFBF & PFBH models for both games, so hopefully it is similar enough to what K1 CP had done for them. If there are any other weird little model glitches that you know of, that I haven't already addressed in my spreadsheet, please let me know. I can add it to my long list for someday.
1 pointHello again, for the first post of 2025 I am proud to announce another update to the NPC Diversity Pack. Continuing from the previous update which added commoner variants that used the Player heads, this update adds two new variants that are completely optional: Commoners who wear Onderon Clothes and Fat Commoners who use DP's Fat Commoner Body Models. This first screenshot below was taken with just the main mod installed. This second screenshot was taken with both the Player Head and Fat Commoner variants installed, you can choose to install them all or you can simply pick and choose which ones you want to play with. As for the mod "Onderon Fashion", I am having that mod deleted from the site as it has been integrated into this mod as its own standalone optional install.
1 point
1 pointThere is an Xbox specific version of TSLRCM available now. Try that out.
1 point
Version 1.0.0
1 point
1 point
Version 1.0.0
Makes Visas a Sith Assassin. SUMMARY: This mod switches Visas' class from Jedi Sentinel to Sith Assassin. It's a fitting class story-wise given that she is an assassin sent by the Sith when you meet her. This is purely for fun, not balance. Sentinels and Assassins both have their advantages, so it doesn't necessarily make her better or worse, just more stealth-oriented. Her attributes and skills are untouched. The main changes going from Sentinel to Assassin are: - Better defense per level - +2 Force points per level - Lower Fortitude & Will saves - Demolitions class skill instead of Treat Injury - Granted Sneak Attack - Granted Force Camouflage - Granted Weapon Focus: Lightsaber - Slower feat progression - No Force Immunity feats - Can't learn Close Combat, Dual Strike, or Regenerate Vitality feats NOTE: This mod will only work on saves made prior to meeting Visas. INSTALLATION: To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If an edited file already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the "backup" folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe. UNINSTALLATION: To uninstall, remove p_visas.utc and visascut.utc from your override folder. If any files were created inside the backup folder, move them to override. COMPATIBILITY: Will conflict with mods that edit Visas' class, obviously. May conflict with mods that edit Visas' starting powers, feats, or stats. Should be compatible with mods that edit Visas appearance, models/textures. Compatibility is assuming other mods use TSLPatcher or this mod is installed after. To be safe I recommend installing this mod after others that edit Visas. CREDITS: offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron ORIGINAL RELEASE: 04 FEB 2023 GAME: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords Description: This mod collection replaces the LEH_scre02 textures found around the Ebon Hawk include much of the cockpit area, the room with the holoprojector, and other various EH locations. (The older version that was primarily made by Dark Hope will continue will still be available in my other releases in case this mod isn’t to your taste.) You may be wondering: "Why did this need to be made? You already animated Dark Hope’s texture so why not stop there?" Fair questions and I’ll answer it here to save folks from having to ask later. I do love DH’s LEH_scre02 texture as it’s very neatly designed. However as it is so neat, it does seem to be veering away from the vanilla aesthetic. It’s for that reason that inspired me to make my own attempt. First, I started with an upscale kindly provided to me by ConansHair of the LTA_scre02.tga texture. This texture - with some exceptions that will become quite apparent - are a slightly higher resolution in the vanilla texture so that’s why it was chosen. I’ve heard this unused texture as “the weird baby version” or “nightmare fuel.” (Before you ask, they are likely the developer’s babies born during KotOR1’s development.) I recolored the green parts to match LEH_scre02’s blue. Then there was this portion of the texture (already recolored blue): It lost a little bit of its shape during upscale, so I decided that now needed work. I took a portion from my Peragus Medical Monitors and Computer Panel mod and added to blue bars that can be seen in the picture above. Some minor recoloring of the planet as well. Other things done to the “nightmare fuel” texture: Added a wireframe of the Ebon Hawk in the standard monitor colors. Of course, animated as usual. Grabbed a top-down view of the EH from a menu and fiddled with it so both sides of the EH would be shown. I then added some subtle (for me, anyway) animations to the two places on the texture it is seen. Copied some knobs from that same menu to replace the ones in the texture. Added new versions of LEDs to cover the misshapen ones from the upscale. I added animations where I deemed it prudent. Replaced three of the monitors with textures that seemed to more closely match the aesthetic. (One of these is animated, the other two are stationary images.) Added tachometer type gauges, animating some of them. Adding animation to that 5 x 4 row of buttons. After all of these were done and looked over for issues by a top-notch beta team, I asked ebmar if he could add “glass overlays” to the monitors. An overlay free version is also available. Ebmar was also able to convert the 4K texture into a 2K TPC reducing the file size for everyone. Constructive criticism is welcome. Here’s a video preview of the texture in action. "Ah ha!" I hear some of you cry. "But what about this!?!" "What are those weird overlays on that texture?" you exclaim. Those have always been present on the model. And as this a texture mod and not a model mod, you know what the Mod Requests section is for. (So go on now. Scoot.) Installation: For either game – If already present in your Override folder, delete LEH_scre02.tpc, LEH_scre02.tga and LEH_scre02.txi (or move them to your Desktop) Then after extracting the contents of the 7z file, choose from the Overlay and Non-Overlay folders which TPC file you wish to use for your Ebon Hawk and place it in your Override folder. To Uninstall: Delete LEH_scre02.tpc from your Override folder. Known Bugs: None known at this time. If you do encounter one, please note it on the download page and tag me in the comment. I’ll see if I can suss out the issue. Legal Disclaimer: All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. Ever. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use. Messages that request permission without providing information on how your alternate version would be different than mine should be considered an instant denial of permission. Special Thanks: To ConansHair for the upscale of the and for input on this mod’s release. To Malkior and Fair Strides for their valuable input. And to Ebmar for adding overlays and for converting the huge texture to manageable TPC sizes. -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
--------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic --------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Extra Robes for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- This mod requires JCarter426's mod "JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1". It adds 9 robes with unique textures, most based on my KotOR 2 versions. Textures with and without gloves are included, which ones get used depends on which install option you picked when installing JC's mod. A merchant by the name of "Effix" gets added to Tatooine's Docking Bay area, he sells all the robes. ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip. Run the file "TSLPatcher - Install Effixian's Extra Robes for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes.exe". ---------- BUGS ---------- None known. Please let me know if you find any. -------------------------- UNINSTALLING -------------------------- Remove from the Override folder: effix.dlg, effix.utc, effixstore.utm, g_a_jedirobe80.uti, g_a_jedirobe81.uti, g_a_jedirobe82.uti, g_a_jedirobe83.uti, g_a_jedirobe88.uti, g_a_jedirobe89.uti, g_a_jedirobe90.uti, g_a_jedirobe91.uti, g_a_jedirobe92.uti, ia_JediRobe_080.tga, ia_JediRobe_081.tga, ia_JediRobe_082.tga, ia_JediRobe_083.tga, ia_JediRobe_088.tga, ia_JediRobe_089.tga, ia_JediRobe_090.tga, ia_JediRobe_091.tga, ia_JediRobe_092.tga, k_ptat17ab_enter.ncs, n_effixh.mdl, n_effixh.mdx, N_EffixH.tga, n_gtmtwlek_coms1.lip, n_gtmtwlek_coms2.lip, n_gtmtwlek_grts.lip, n_gtmtwlek_ques.lip, old_k_ptat17ab_enter.ncs, PFBI01.txi, PFBI80.tga, PFBI81.tga, PFBI82.tga, PFBI83.tga, PFBI88.tga, PFBI89.tga, PFBI90.tga, PFBI91.tga, PFBI92.tga, PFBIA80.tga, PFBIA81.tga, PFBIA82.tga, PFBIA83.tga, PFBIA88.tga, PFBIA89.tga, PFBIA90.tga, PFBIA91.tga, PFBIA92.tga, PFBIB80.tga, PFBIB81.tga, PFBIB82.tga, PFBIB83.tga, PFBIB88.tga, PFBIB89.tga, PFBIB90.tga, PFBIB91.tga, PFBIB92.tga, PFBIBa80.tga, PFBIBa81.tga, PFBIBa82.tga, PFBIBa83.tga, PFBIBa88.tga, PFBIBa89.tga, PFBIBa90.tga, PFBIBa91.tga, PFBIBa92.tga, PFBIC80.tga, PFBIC81.tga, PFBIC82.tga, PFBIC83.tga, PFBIC88.tga, PFBIC89.tga, PFBIC90.tga, PFBIC91.tga, PFBIC92.tga, PFBIJu80.tga, PFBIJu81.tga, PFBIJu82.tga, PFBIJu83.tga, PFBIJu88.tga, PFBIJu89.tga, PFBIJu90.tga, PFBIJu91.tga, PFBIJu92.tga, PMBI01.txi, PMBI80.tga, PMBI81.tga, PMBI82.tga, PMBI83.tga, PMBI88.tga, PMBI89.tga, PMBI90.tga, PMBI91.tga, PMBI92.tga, PMBIA80.tga, PMBIA81.tga, PMBIA82.tga, PMBIA83.tga, PMBIA88.tga, PMBIA89.tga, PMBIA90.tga, PMBIA91.tga, PMBIA92.tga, PMBIB80.tga, PMBIB81.tga, PMBIB82.tga, PMBIB83.tga, PMBIB88.tga, PMBIB89.tga, PMBIB90.tga, PMBIB91.tga, PMBIB92.tga, PMBIC80.tga, PMBIC81.tga, PMBIC82.tga, PMBIC83.tga, PMBIC88.tga, PMBIC89.tga, PMBIC90.tga, PMBIC91.tga, PMBIC92.tga, PMBIZh80.tga, PMBIZh81.tga, PMBIZh82.tga, PMBIZh83.tga, PMBIZh88.tga, PMBIZh89.tga, PMBIZh90.tga, PMBIZh91.tga, PMBIZh92.tga, start_effixstore.ncs --------------------- ITEM CODES --------------------- g_a_jedirobe80 Jedi Lorekeeper's Robe g_a_jedirobe81 Sith Lorekeeper's Robe g_a_jedirobe82 Jedi Archivist's Robes g_a_jedirobe83 Sith Inquisitor's Robes g_a_jedirobe88 Prototype Warrior Breastplate g_a_jedirobe89 Prototype Knight Breastplate g_a_jedirobe90 Electromesh Robe g_a_jedirobe91 Red Electromesh Robe g_a_jedirobe92 Dune Sea Robe ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- - JCarter426 for making the "JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1" mod - Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/effix -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. -
1 pointFor the BaB mod, this is possibly related (though goes a lot further than you wanted); This is the changelog for a feat mod I'm working on. It's for both K1 and K2, but fulfills the same function. There are a lot of changes in there, but most of them are minor consistency tweaks between the games, restorations, or small fixes, similar to JC's Feat Fixes. There is also a ton of QoL edits and description changes to make the games more new player friendly (and also old player friendly because the game does a really bad job explaining itself). For K2, the major changes are restoring BaB and restoring the K1 style AC bonus feats. Instead of scaling forever, you just get the bonuses up to +6 at level 12. I've also stripped the bonuses from the Soldier and Jedi Prestige Classes (only Scoundrel, Droids, and Starting Jedi Classes get AC bonuses). This reduces player AC by 4-8 at level 30, without affecting the early game, but I'd like discussion on it. I've made the Superior Weapon Focus and TwF feats generic. Now that BaB is restored, the Weapon Master and Marauder don't need them to stand out. I've also tweaked the Saving Throws for most classes. Starting Jedi Classes are now in-between the Jedi and Sith prestige classes in terms of Saving Throws. I kept the Sith having slightly worse saves as I like it thematically, while making sure the Jedi Prestige classes get better saves than their base classes
1 pointI could be misremembering, but I spoke to JC about this a few months ago and from what I recall the consensus was that it could be done without AI VO, but it would be janky and imperfect. A lot of the VO was recorded, but not all of it and some of what's missing would require splicing, or lead to bumpy dialogue transitions or nonsensical sequences. JC can correct me if I'm thinking about a different project.
1 point
Thorium charge mod. Author: Darth Gil If you don't want to search for a thorium charge to blow up the mandalorian cache door on Dxun then this mod for you! It adds a thorium charge to the mandalorian corpse near the cache door. Installation: extract all files in the archive (except readme, of course) to Override. -
1 point
Version 1.1
This modification alters the alignment of various npcs to match their allegiance and characteristics, since in KotOR BioWare left everything neutrally aligned with few exceptions. Through this, "vs. alignment group" properties now have more opportunities to take effect as they should. Unlike in the sequel there's no Force Sight so I didn't get too fancy - it's mostly just set values all across the board to ensure everyone is firmly sitting in their respective sides. No longer will the game regard Darth Bandon as this misunderstood Grey individual, but instead as the smug good-for-nothing slimebag we all know him to be. _____________________________ What will this change, really? In terms of combat, the Solari crystal will work fully against every Dark Jedi (and more) you come across. Of course they now have a different fp usage dynamic as you would expect so it more or less balances itself out. What if I'm Dark-Sided? The Mantle of the Force crystal can remove your lightsaber's light-side restrictions. Also don't forget, mods that add items with bonuses versus alignments will benefit from these changes too, so you don't need to limit yourself only to what exists in the base game! Compatibility... As long as you install this mod last there really shouldn't be any issues other than different mods hard overwriting my changes, in which case they will take no effect, but nothing too serious. Due to the number of files this mod entails, it is very likely that any other mods that edit .utc files via override will coincide with the ones my modification references. _____________________________ Credits: Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool. stoffe for TSLPatcher and ERFEdit, updated by Fair Strides. The Deadlystream community for being an all-around helpful bunch. -
1 point
1 pointi have absolutley no idea why my method works but you can extract my rogue armour.rar into override and edit the appearance.2da how I describe it and it shoudl work- Open appearance.2da from your override folder using 2DA Editor. Make a backup copy of this in case anything goes wrong in your editing. Hit Edit → Filter (or CTRL + F on your keyboard) and type in P_FEM. For all of the visible rows, replace the contents in the modelb column with PFBBS. Replace all contents in the texb column with PFBBS Rogue armour.rar
1 point
Version 1
Hello everyone! With this mod, I've redesigned Darth Sion's look to make him look more realistic and scary. When creating this mod, I used the standard appearance as an example, without incorporating features of the Force Unleashed version (except for parts of the clothing). The face consists of various photos of famous movie characters, such as Two-Face, Kroenen or Snoke. The resolution of the textures is 2048x2048. Thanks to Darth_Sapiens for creating the Cube Map Pack, which is where the cube maps come from. -
1 point