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About N-DReW25

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    ROR Writer

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  1. If Effix sends it to you via PM and you use it exclusively for personal use then it shouldn't be a problem.
  2. It is sold by Mika Dorin after the Leviathan, it is one of the strongest Mandalorian Armors in the game.
  3. What are you talking about? You mean like disguise items like the Sith Armor on Taris? If so, no... my modded items do not give the player the appearance of my new Mandalorians. For example, the Mandalorian Heavy Trooper armor looks like this.
  4. A few things here: First: You shouldn't really post in the "Mod Releases" section, most threads you see here are auto generated when users upload mods to the site and this section is for announcing mod releases so a bug report thread like this shouldn't be here regardless. KOTORMODSync has its own thread you could've left this report in instead of making a new one. Second: As the mod author who made the Senni Vek Restoration mod, that mod was updated with new content and a name change. The correct name for the most update to date version of what was the Senni Vek Restoration mod is now "SVR1.2.7z", and since the aforementioned new content was specifically requested by the author of the Build List I doubt this is going to change.
  5. I would recommend recoloring the gloves so that they aren't the same color as the NPCs skin color. Other then that, I really am liking the clothing. Nice work!
  6. Is this NPC wearing gloves? Or are their hands exposed?
  7. Are these models from a mod or are these vanilla assets from the game itself? If it's from a mod, can you link said mod?
  8. I don't those are Jedi Robes, I think they're clothing reskins for the Commoner NPCs. She hasn't stopped developing her mods, she's releasing them publicly as you can see here. Why do you think she's posting screenshots here?
  9. It should be, this mod doesn't touch the original Republic Soldier model/texture.
  10. N-DReW25

    Czerka Redux

    Are you referring to this comment? My intent with that comment was sarcasm, something I don't like as a modder are bug reports were the problem is very much a bug but people still ask me about it as if I sat down and went "Ah, the NPC's head is rendered invisible in-game... alright, better upload a screenshot of the working head and publish the broken head for you players". I mean no hostility towards you, I actually didn't realize dofleini was reporting the exact same bug as you as he had failed to mention the Rodians so that's on me.
  11. NexusMods I can understand, but... GameBanana? GameBanana has less than 30 mods for both K1 & K2 and the most modern mods were from over 5 years ago and some of the oldest mods are over 15 years old. What could GameBanana possibly have to make it come close to being a viable Kotor mod hub? As for NesusMods, for me it's just another place where some good mods might be hosted... though sometimes there can be some really brain dead mods on there. As for you, I recommend you check both Deadlystream and NexusMods together. Think of it like going to the grocery store, sure... you might like one grocery store, but the grocery store across the street might have some deals you might also like. For example, there are some really neat AI Upscale mods on NexusMods not found on Deadlystream, and there are many mods on Deadlystream not found on NexusMods. For an easier mod downloading experience, refer to the Kotor Community Mod Builds.
  12. Install them in this order: K1 Community Patch. NPC Diversity Pack K1 Loot Overhaul JC's Czerka Busssiness Attire Duros Armed & Ready Czerka Redux Heart of Beskar Unique Sith Governor Dark Hope's War Droid reskin will NOT affect Czerka Redux... but that isn't a good thing either, the Czerka War Droid will use the Kotor style 512x512 resolution texture whilst the other war droids will use Dark Hope's ultra HD ultra realistic textures... it will look odd to have them side by side. As Dark Hope has not finished all of the generic commoner head and clothing reskins, some NPCs in the Diversity Pack will have ultra HD heads and clothing outfits whilst others won't... so imagine an NPC with a photo realistic outfit but with Kotor's default style head texture, or the opposite, an ultra realistic face with Kotor's default style clothing. None of these head/clothing reskins are incompatible with the above listed mods, but do note that until Dark Hope releases all of the head and clothing textures you'll have some weird mish mash NPCs. Also keep in mind that Czerka Redux has two new Czerka themed clothing outfits, so even if all of Dark Hope's clothing mods are released you'll still have two clothing variants that won't be covered by Dark Hope's mods. Dark Hope's Darth Bandon, Uthar Wynn, Astromech Droids HD and Protocol Droids HD won't be of any issue with the above listed mods. A Crashed Ship on a Nameless World by LDR compatibility is planned for an upcoming Heart of Beskar update, until then... incompatible. I can't see why DarthParametric's Revan's Hoodless/Maskless Flowing Robes would be incompatible with the above listed mods.
  13. N-DReW25

    Czerka Redux

    You're not overstepping it at all, I always appreciate bug reports... I just don't appreciate it when people write their report bugs as if I intended for the bug to exist. This is probably the worst case of a typo I've ever done with a mod, and now that I think about it I hopped on my computer one night with Czerka Redux 40% finished... that same night I had finished and released Czerka Redux, so it doesn't surprise me this happened (and it wasn't intended as mentioned above 😉) The bug has been fixed in the latest update, players of the Diversity Pack shall now be able to enjoy the NPC Diversity Pack with Czerka Redux!
  14. I hope he sang "My Way", fits perfectly in the context of his old Admin career
  15. Whilst my opinions have not changed in regards to the Czerka Protocol Officer's head being generic, I did go ahead and change Sharina Fizark's head so that she uses another generic head. With the new direction I'm taking the mod in, there's a high chance I'll be covering Sharina again in one of the future optional installs (Right now I've added Player Head Commoners).