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  1. Dak Vesser's Head is a reuse of the Gerlon Two-Fingers head from the old K1EP mod. This head looks the way it does because it's a reskin of the bald black player head, the modder literally added hair to the bald parts of the bald head texture. The Galaxy of Faces version of this head uses Gadon Thek's head model which adds a ring to his left eye.
  2. Is there a texture in your Override called "n_comm_low_m" with either a "tga" or "tpc" extension? There might be a number at the end of it, for example "N_Comm_low_M3", "N_Comm_low_M3b" or "N_Comm_low_M4" etc. If there is, those textures might be causing the incompatibility here.
  3. Yes, Iriaz are intended to be restored by the RC-K1CP mod. I say that with more certainty than the Pazaak Tournament or the Major Hurka content.
  4. Well, if that'll satisfy you then that'll work for me. I can still hold the opinion that giving the Quarren the high poly model is the ideal fix whilst players (like yourself) can install a hypothetical K2 NPC Diversity Pack over the top of my Bug Fix Collection to get your ideal fix which is to swap the Quarren with another alien. Yes, closer towards the next build revision I am more then happy to discuss my Bug Fix Collection mod. When that day comes you can tell me what strikes you as concerning and I'll see what can be done about a build-friendly install. I would like to point out that anything in the Bug Fix Collection that doesn't need to be TSLPatched is in an "Override Components" folder which are optional. Higher quality NPC and Area textures are two texture options which ports the K1 equivalent textures from which are higher resolution in that game (512x512 in K1) whilst in K2 these exact same textures are low-res (256x256 in K2), there's also a graphical fixes mod where, if you can't get some to AI upscale these, you can likewise chose not to install any of these. I do like the idea of giving people the opportunity to star in a minor role like that. That's really strange indeed. The things I've restored are fully voiced. I would have to make a compatibility patch for Kex's Visually Repair HK-47 for the two to work, though it should be as easy as re-adding the same dialogue content from Kex's mod into the restored DLG. I do recall there being a nasty bug with the Visually Repair HK mod wherein if you have low repair you'd obviously fail the repair but you'd also lose influence, there was no check to have the influence hit apply once so if you kept spamming the repair dialogue over and over again with low Repair you could get HK's influence so low he'd outright refuse to let you repair him again. If you gained influence through dialogue and in-game events, you could again use your influence to unlock the repair dialogue and once again take the negative influence hit to bring the influence back down again. If I do make a compatibility patch, mine would be different so that this couldn't happen in-game. There should be a way to unequip all items in the slot where the regen item goes, but if K2 has auto-regeneration (K2 has that feature whilst for K1 that can be activated via a mod) or if the game auto heals the party on the Ebon Hawk these efforts would be in vain. Below are some TLK lines I fetched from the dialog.tlk: Other than this, there is next to nothing else in relation to the "Droid Espionage" side quest so reworking the surviving remnants into something more useful, like a discount, would be useful. Yes, they can be edited out and swapped, for example any soundset audio you don't like could be swapped with grunts for example. Here is an example of what I'm referring to, the 11:47 mark is the beginning. It appears for me, this must be a graphical bug Obsidian didn't get the chance to fix and TSLRCM overlooked. I trust you aren't on the Steam version? Screenshots are as easy as pressing F12 on the Steam version. Now that I think about it, killing Atris first thing would result in you having to kill all the Handmaidens and thus lose out on the Handmaiden as a party member. Towards the end of the game, the only reason the player goes to Telos is to confront Kreia who went to Telos to confront Atris herself, if Atris is dead then Kreia would go to Malachor. The Atris confrontation is obviously important as the player learns of Atris' connection in bringing upon the events of the game (as you would know), the player learns of Nihilus' impending attack on Telos and that the Sith are striking from Malachor and that Kreia has gone there. The player hears this either from Atris herself or through the Sith Holocrons were Kreia will reveal this information, if Atris is dead then none of this information would be available to the player. Now, in addition to the difficult persuade/convincing of Atris to give you your Lightsaber back as I take it you are proposing, would it work for you if there was a greater emphasis on the Lightsaber at the end of the game once you defeat Atris? At the start of the game, you are rejected of your lightsaber as Atris cites "you are not a Jedi any longer, you are not worthy" and now at the end of the game it is now Atris who is now a Jedi no longer and it could be the player who is now the true Jedi, if the player is light side then Atris (through AI dialogue) would willingly give up the lightsaber to you as she acknowledges your character development over the course of the game and rewards you with the lightsaber. If you are dark side/neutral, you could of course murder Atris and Kreia makes note of it that you have reclaimed your lightsaber, or if you fail to convince her to surrender the weapon Atris just outright Sepekku suicides herself with said lightsaber and you're forced to go through the Kreia dialogue albeit without gaining dark side points.
  5. Ah, so I was confused then. Here's how it is fixed in my mod, which is evidentially not what you're asking for. What you consider this problem fixed if the second Quarren was replaced with another species? The other tables have different species sharing the same table so if someone were to replace the low-poly Quarren with a Duro (using a Duros texture not used in that room to make him unique) with matching dialogue would this fix your issue? If this fix would be suitable, I could roll it in with the NPC Overhaul request to make a two for one deal. For K1, I do plan a sort of "Alien pack" which would include Quarrens. I'm currently focusing on the aliens already available in K1 like Duros and Aqualish as, in my experience, going about and adding new alien NPCs to the game resulted in me almost removing most of the vanilla aliens as they kept being replaced with new aliens in my planning. For Quarrens, I planned to add four new Quarren textures to the game. What I could do is make these Quarren textures and release a K2 mod using these skins which would give unique Quarren appearances to Loppak Slusk, Visquis, Saquesh, Qimtiq, and the three Quarren in the Nar Shaddaa Cantina. Didn't Thor already make this? An old, pre-TSLRCM mod (by Zbyl2 ironically enough) did just this. The Ravager Rewrite mod had it so that the Ravager quest would begin at the beginning of the Battle for Citadel Station and not after, it'd be just Mandalore and Visas doing the Proton Core mission (Which worked as Zuka referred to the player as "Mandalore") and at the end when you reached the Bridge there'd be a small cutscene of Mandalore leaving Visas at the door. The player would arrive, run up to the Bridge, meet up with Visas, and fight Nihilus together. This mod also restored the TSLRCM Mandalore/Visas scene in a very weird way, so if someone were to redo the Ravager Rewrite they'd have to add a scene where Mandalore returns to the Bridge post-fight to get hit with the blast or the entire scene would have to be moved to Malachor which could be done utilizing the Malachor VI modder's resource. I suspect Obsidian's intention might've been for Mandalore to fight him hand to hand as Esok has the complex unarmed animations feat, though since doing that isn't restorable just giving him a weapon would be better. Would you consider this fixed if I added it to my Bug Fix Collection? At some point, I intend to convert my Beta Peragus Miner Pack into a general "Peragus Miner Improvement" mod with Beta Peragus Miners being only an optional feature. This mod is going to be mentioned for another one of your requests down the line, but since my Beta Peragus Miner Pack already covers items (Restoring the vanilla Miner Uniform that can be used alongside Kainzorus Prime's Peragus Mining Gear mod) would you consider this request fulfilled if the Vibrocutter was added to a corpse/that locked locker in the security room as an optional install (meaning you don't have to install the rest)? I think AI would be your only option here, Zuka has the cutscene with the exploding wires and the Sith Assassin ambush where he is currently so moving him to the Hangar will only be a pain in the ass to make. The TSF fighting the Mercenaries was added by TSLRCM, in vanilla the TSF simply ignored all forms of combat around. I'm not sure if the TSF AI is dumb enough to fight the Sullustan alongside you if you go that route, though I'm positive they'll ignore TSLRCM's Masked Duros Attacker. I do agree with your idea of having the Sullustan run away instead of fighting him, though I'd go a step further... make the Mercenaries unarmed. Think about it, the Mercenaries are in the Cantina trying to have a drink. A Blaster Pistol makes sense as they'd have a holster for it, but why is one of them carrying a rifle? I'd say remove the blasters and have one of them unarmed with the complex unarmed animation feat whilst the other uses a Stun Baton. When they'd attack the Sullustan, they wouldn't be shooting him, they'd quite literally be beating the shit out of him just as they were threatening to do. And since the player has the option of not crafting Long Swords at a workbench or buying weapons from the Dobo brothers, having one Mercenary unarmed and the other armed with a Stun Baton would be fairly balanced and would more realistic in comparison to the Merc with a pistol and the Merc with an entire rifle getting beaten to death by the player, a guy and an old woman with one hand. It's not a fan voice over, it's genuine cut-content. A reason why the line sounds so bad is that the scene it appears in might've been cut early on, leaving us with this shitty take that should've been reshot but wasn't. This line was spoken by a Sith Soldier, if his UTC character file was left unused in the game files then it's possible Obsidian intended to have this line be filtered but it wasn't. It might be a good idea to have this line filtered with a Sith Soldier/Storm Trooper filter and see for yourself if it's an improvement. If you'd like to avoid the filter route, a mod that fixes this could also change the Sith Soldier into an Officer so that the filter isn't needed. Alternatively, I'd like to bring your attention to the K2 Alternative Voice Overs mod. How this mod was made is that I took lines from the vanilla game, feed it into ElevenLabs' Voice Changer feature and it'd take the lines and replaced the voice with an AI voice model of my choosing. I could experiment with this line and see if I can create a better sounding version of it, and better yet... I could have a filter applied to the AI recreation to enhance the results. If Kreia is in the party, are her lines Lip Synced or do her lips not move? I expect that her lips don't move as it's an "in your head" conversation, and if they don't move Lip Sync files would have to be made for her lines in addition to the removal of the echo filter. If her lips do move, then that's even weirder still. Could this "banking" system you speak of be added to the Ebon Hawk's security terminal? You go to this otherwise useless terminal to collect your digital debt money from Ramana/Red Eclispe from time to time. The Jekk'Jekk Tarr is a complete mess lore wise. Whilst it'd make sense to have the Jekk'Jekk Tarr locked so that you don't enter it until once you've been invited by Visquis, doing so would cut all the unique dialogue where the aliens refer to you as not wearing a Space Suit. I think it might be easier to have the aliens distinguish through dialogue that the Jekk'Jekk Tarr air is just freighter exhaust/Nagnol gas, meaning you need a Breath Mask/Poison Implant/Antidote Kits to survive breathing that stuff, but once Visquis invites you he'll lock you in the entrance and flood you with Cyanogen which Visquis will make clear that the Cyanogen is deadlier than the normal Nagnol gas which fills the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. Doing it like this will also explain why the player doesn't start choking again if the Force Breath ability runs out, as by that point they'd be breathing Nagnol and not toxic Cyanogen. The Holocron Toolset makes moving NPCs like this a breeze (assuming that they're pre-spawned in the module). I could add this to my Bug Fix Collection or Thor could add it to his Czerka Site Cleanup mod. Just wanted to point out that exactly what you want is already present for the Onderon Palace so it'd just be a Mandalorian parody of that. Just looked it up in the dialog.tlk, the slip-up appears to be even worse. AI or a splice can easily fix this. How about a splice along the lines of this? It keeps the general gist of what he's saying, he now doesn't repeat himself, it doesn't require cutting an entire line, and cutting it like this gives the "It won't take long for the Sith to realize" a whole new context - that they'd learn about the attack on Dxun and then only after would they realize Vaklu double crossed them. So I have a mod idea I'm calling the "K2 Restored Content Plus" mod, it's similar to the Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack in that our mods are modular but my mod adds minor restored content back to the game. I've actually gone through the hk47.dlg for the K2CR+ mod and I've done extensive bug fixing, dialogue rearrangements, restored missing lines, so much so that I've actually kept a list of all the changes I've made to the file. I've actually just added this fix to the K2CR+ hk47.dlg, I could send you my list in private so you can judge what I've other fixes I've done for yourself. It would really depend on how the "making party member unusable" feature works, but if it's something that can be flicked on and have T3 unusable for all modules then that could work. I don't think it'd be easy to stop T3 from moving around the ship and repairing it in his "broken state", but perhaps we can keep that and have T3 express that he's broken through dialogue. You try to speak to him and the dialogue box goes "[T3-M4 appears to be broken in several areas]" to which the player has to fix him through dialogue with either a Repair Part or a Repair Kit to get him out of that broken state and to reenable him for party selection. I would like to say that having him reduced to 0 HP would kill T3, if this happens on the Ebon Hawk when T3 is outside the party that'll result in either the "I am broken, so very very broken" glitch or T3 will be restored to 1 HP and either he'll regen naturally on his own or the unique +3 Regen upgrade he gets from Peragus will regen him back to full health anyway. Now there's something we aren't considering here - would it be possible to break T3, make him unselectable in the party menu but then do Nar Shaddaa? T3 is required to get the Codes from Vogga's warehouse, most likely the game will force you to use T3 despite any "T3 actually breaks" feature we may add. That was Obsidian's intention according to their dev notes in the dialogue, it's the only thing TSLRCM didn't restore from Obsidian's Visas ambush notes. I think the reason it wasn't restored is that the game removes your party whenever you board the Ebon Hawk, so you can board the Ebon Hawk with Bao-Dur and Atton in the party, the game removes your party members as you are entering the Ebon Hawk, the Visas ambush cutscene scripts dictate that all party members who aren't in your party be dumped in Kreia's room, Bao-Dur and Atton technically aren't in your party as the game auto-removed them so they get added to Kreia's room too. This doesn't apply to the Red Eclipse fight scene as that scene doesn't take place on the Ebon Hawk. The "Ebon Hawk" in-game is the module 003EBO, entering this module will auto-remove your party members, whereas the Red Eclipse fight on the Ebon Hawk takes place in the module 004EBO which doesn't have the auto-remove feature. You could create a stunt Ebon Hawk module just like how Obsidian did for the Red Eclipse scene, but then you'd have to remove the Visas ambush content from 003EBO, move all of the Visas ambush content from 003EBO into the new stunt module, and be willing to accept the fact that, after you walk out of the medbay with Handmaiden you'll warp from the "Ebon Hawk" to the "Ebon Hawk/003EBO" and you won't be in the same hallway where you were in the stunt module as you'd have to watch a bunch of party member banter as per the usual when entering the Ebon Hawk/003EBO. I agree with this, just goes to show that the Jekk'Jekk Tarr is a complete mess lore wise. These lines are actually part of an incomplete cut sidequest, it went along the lines of having Bao-Dur temporarily leave the party to stay at the shop to help Tienn as you went to the Dock Pylons to do some quest. Once that quest was done, Tienn's protocol droid would explode and possibly kill Tienn (The killing Tienn part might've been scrapped before the quest itself got scrapped, do recall how Nar Shaddaa was completed two weeks before K2 was released). JCarter might know more about it, or could fetch the side quest lines from the tlk to discuss it with you. My response to "Jek'Jek'Tarr and Suits" would cover this one. I'm looking at the lines and they're even more confusing. The player didn't even mention its destruction, if she isn't familiar with Peragus how would she have known it was destroyed? It might be good to swap the second lines it around so that it instead goes. And once you ask her once both dialogue options become locked so you can't just keep re-asking her different questions that have the same answer over and over again. Though otherwise cutting one of the dialogues would make sense and I do agree this entire dialogue design is terrible. I believe the "Fallen" bark plays when she succeeds with a Critical Strike, or at least that's what the SSF file is telling me. Adding more barks isn't possible, there are six battle cry barks but the game only uses 5 or 4 of those whilst two barks remain unusued. You ever hear Kreia shout "Battle calls" in the middle of a fight? You haven't because it can't be played in-game. Random fun fact: The tlk line for "Fallen" is actually "Fall!" so Kreia shouting "Fallen!" might've been a mistake on Sara Kestelman's part. Could this be something like BOSSR where the player warps to stunt versions of these locations for these vision scenes to take place? Perhaps you, or anyone else, can provide a screenshot of this? Could this be a problem with the texture, an easy fix, or could this be a similar issue to Master Vandar in the vanilla game where the inside of his mouth is blue just like his robe, a model fix. So the shuttle module only ever existed in the game files as a model, it was less complete than the HK Factory and M4-78 on Xbox as at least those areas had module files, everything about the shuttle scenes is modder made hence the quality. What options do we have to work with here? The skybox outside the shuttle is the Polar Region hence why the first shuttle scene has the camera pointing away from the window and inside the shuttle. There might be some seat placeables that won't look too out of place inside the shuttle, the cutscene will have to start with a second or two of black screen so that Kreia and the Exile can sit down without the player being able to see them sit down. If not seats, maybe Kreia could meditate on the floor? And when the ship gets shot, Kreia and the Exile could use the unconscious, kneeling, or horror animations during these parts. 1) That's fair. 2) I think that would require an edit to the on-enter script which undresses the party, puts all the items in the lockers, and puts default clothing on them, this point is possible. 3) I think this here might be impossible to fix. I suspect this is being determined by the Baseitem.2da file where in these companion armor's "base item" types are set to default clothing. 4) If permission was granted from Leilukin for the icons of her TSL Improved Party Outfits or 90SK for the icons of his K2 Armor Fix Metastasis mod, would these suffice? Perhaps you, or anyone else, can provide a screenshot of the first one? That way it'll be easy for someone with just TSLRCM to warp to the HK Factory and check if the bug is present there. And I agree whole heartedly with the second one. Perhaps you, or anyone else, can provide a screenshot of this? I trust you are aware that TSLRCM added the ability to get the Lightsaber back from Atris after you kill her on Telos, and if you are I take it that this request is about getting your Lightsaber on Telos during the first visit? I'd like just to mention that there is actually cut dialogue that indicates that, should the player piss her off enough, that Atris would outright attack you with the Lightsaber. I wonder if it's possible to somehow restore the ability to kill Atris and the Handmaidens on the first visit without ruining the lore.
  6. Something akin to this was added in an update to my NPC Diversity Pack mod, once you installed the main mod you can install a "Player Head Commoners" option that replaces many of the generic commoner heads with Player heads who use the commoner body model. This makes them compatible with clothing mods, whether it be new clothing or reskins, player head reskins, and they are dynamic in that an NPC's head will be swapped for another one if you were also using that head.
  7. I haven't read through all of your newest requests, so I don't know what else I might've already made or can make but I do know for a fact that the Low-Poly Quarren fix is already included in Bug Fix Collection for TSL. My bug fix collection is essentially the K2 equivalent of my Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack mod wherein it fixes bugs that weren't fixed by TSLRCM or the K2CP mod, if K2CP were to update and fix bugs I've already fixed I would update my mod to remove said fixes so that players can continue to use TSLRCM, K2CP and the Bug Fix Collection together. I do believe there might be some features of my mod that could potentially conflict with the build (albeit unlikely) or possibly your vision for the build, and if you find them I'd be happy to hear your feedback for any suggestions I could possibly make.
  8. If you've posted this in another thread the mod author OzilsEyes isn't going to know you about it. But going off of this, what is your Kotor directory? I ask this because the K1CP mod recommends the following: Modders are now using HoloPatcher because it has more features for us to use and has fewer bugs than the old TSLPatcher, this is why HoloPatcher mods keep popping up. If your Kotor directory is in the Program Files C Drive, then you're always going to have problems trying to install these mods. I've personally have had to move both my Kotor directories from my C Drive to my D Drive to make HoloPatcher install correctly.
  9. Hello again, for the first post of 2025 I am proud to announce another update to the NPC Diversity Pack. Continuing from the previous update which added commoner variants that used the Player heads, this update adds two new variants that are completely optional: Commoners who wear Onderon Clothes and Fat Commoners who use DP's Fat Commoner Body Models. This first screenshot below was taken with just the main mod installed. This second screenshot was taken with both the Player Head and Fat Commoner variants installed, you can choose to install them all or you can simply pick and choose which ones you want to play with. As for the mod "Onderon Fashion", I am having that mod deleted from the site as it has been integrated into this mod as its own standalone optional install.
  10. TSLRCM related threads should be made in the TSLRCM section, not the Mod Releases section. An Admin will probably move this thread there for you, but in the future that is the place you should direct these sorts of questions to. The problem sounds like a problem on your end, everyone else seems to be able to download TSLRCM from here without any trouble. If the download says 0 bytes and just goes on forever without ever increasing, have you tried cancelling the download and starting again? Have you tried turning your computer off and then starting again? Have you checked your wifi to ensure you have a good connection to be download such a large file? Do you have enough space on your computer to download the 131.56 MB file that is the TSLRCM installer?
  11. I'm glad to see the skin has been uploaded to the site correctly this time, and good thing it is because this skin is very well made. Keep up the good work!
  12. I know the exact problem and the cause. So TSLRCM's method of installing is different from most mods wherein the mod itself is contained inside an .exe file and is installed by copying the mod files to their correct locations within the Kotor 2 game folder. M4-78EP's installer is exactly the same way, the exe installs M4-78EP by copying the M4-78EP files to the Kotor 2 game folder. Since this would result in the installer overwriting some of TSLRCM's files, the M4-78EP mod was built off of TSLRCM's files. For example, this meant TSLRCM's appearance.2da file could be safely overwritten as M4-78EP's appearance.2da is just TSLRCM's appearance.2da with the extra M4-78 appearances. Now, it looks like you've installed TSLRCM, installed the Rebuild HK-47 mod, installed DP's Hologram mod, then installed M4-78EP. Installing it like that has destroyed every mod that added new appearances as M4-78EP overwrote the modded appearance.2da with its own appearance.2da. The only way to fix it would be to install TSLRCM, install M4-78EP, then the Kotor Mod Build, or reinstall without M4-78EP.
  13. You haven't, and the fact that the link is unavailable is the proof of this. If you check the first post of this thread you will see the following quote: All you have done is attach your mod to a post, that isn't the same as uploading it to the site. You go to the download section, and you click on the big blue "Submit a file" button on the top right corner and that will take you through the menus to upload your mod to the site proper. Once it is uploaded, an Administrator will have to approve the mod before it can be seen by the public. On it is approved, a thread will be auto-generated for you in this mod releases section. Trust me, even if your attachment wasn't broken all it'd take is ten or so mods to be uploaded to the download section and this very thread will be drowned out and hidden from the community because no one goes looking for mods in the Mod Releases section, they do that in the download section. I hope this helps
  14. No Galaxy of Faces installation requires the other, you install just Twi'leks or just Duros or a mix of both or just the main installation for example. The main installation is simply the main bulk of the mod with the majority of human heads. Can you be a little more specific as to what you mean here?
  15. These HK Encounters are activated via a "Trigger", imagine it like an invisible line across the floor that activates a script when the player walks across it. That script is what triggers the dialogue to fire. This bug does sound really odd because the HK-50s spawning in tells me TSLRCM is (mostly) installed correctly. It could be that either the trigger is somehow missing or the script isn't firing. Or it could be that one of your mods uses a custom trigger/script that uses the same name as the HK-50 triggers/script and they've dumped it into the Override thus breaking the game. Your vaguely mentioned "Arena" mod and the " k2 improved gameplay mod" do stand out as suspicious.