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Found 20 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs Author: Empeor Devon E-mail: Lawlz, you think I want it to get flooded with spam? You can PM me at LucasForums with any comments/questions you might have. --------------- 1. Description --------------- This mod does several things. 1. Pretty much what the title says, five Twin Sun-esque outfits, now wearable by female PCs. (Caucasian ones only, though - no Asian or African-American textures are included. Sowwy!) The Twin Sun outfits replace the first five variations of the default clothing, though only for the main character. Wouldn't do to see half the refugees on Nar Shaddaa dressed like that, would it? The first clothing you'll be able to find throughout the game semi-often at the start, although the other four can't be had without cheating. The codes are: g_a_clothes02 g_a_clothes03 g_a_clothes04 g_a_clothes05 For all you anti-cheaters out there, the clothes provide no form of bonus or penalty to your PC's stats. Literally all it does is give a different appearance. 2. To make it possible to tell the different variants apart at the equipping menu, the clothes have had 'variant 2','variant 3', 'variant 4', etcetera added to their names. 3. In addition, since I think DS female PCs are ugly enough even when they're fully clothed, (and making DS textures for this would've taken more work! :P) the rotting corpse DS transitions have been removed and replaced with RotS-style Sith eyes. The DS dancer's outfit skin has been removed entirely and replaced with the LS/neutral one. Yay for scantily-clad dancers that aren't dying of cancer! 4. There is also a folder called 'alternate skin hue' that contains slightly more tan and less yellow versions of the skin on the clothes. If you're not using the head in most of the pics (the blue-eyed girl with blonde hair in a bun) you might think these textures better match the skin tone. Or maybe you won't. Either way it's there if you want it. --------------- 2. Instillation --------------- Use the TSLPatcher, and viola. Be sure to install in SWKotOR2 rather than Override. For manual install, extract all the files from ED_twin_sun_outfit to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override. If you don't have an Override folder, make one. If you want to use the textures from the alternate skin hue folder, simply copy them into your override. When you get a message asking if you want to replace the already existing files, say yes. -------------------- 3. Bugs and Glitches -------------------- One problem I noticed during a test install of the mod was how at the startup screen the textures I modified were applied to the default female clothes model on the PCs. (Ie there was a weird mess of black and tan on them all.) When starting a game, however, I was able to equip the new clothes normally without any bug like I encountered at the startup screen. Since it has no adverse effect on the gameplay and only makes the character creation process somewhat weird to look at, I've seen no need to search for the cause and fix it. ----------------- 4. Files included ----------------- appearance.2da g_a_clothes02.uti g_a_clothes03.uti g_a_clothes04.uti g_a_clothes05.uti g_a_clothes06.uti g_a_clothes07.uti g_a_clothes08.uti g_a_clothes09.uti N_PCB01.tga N_PCB02.tga N_PCB03.tga N_PCB04.tga N_PCB05.tga PFBLCD01.tga PFHC01AD1.tga PFHC01AD2.tga PFHC02AD1.tga PFHC02AD2.tga PFHC05d1.tga PFHC05d2.tga PFHC06D1.tga PFHC06D2.tga PFHC07d1.tga PFHC07d2.tga ---------- 5. Credits ---------- stoffe for TSLPatcher SithRevan for some tips on the former Shem for nurse-maiding me through getting the former to work Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool And, naturally, Obsidian for making a kickass game ------------- 6. Disclaimer ------------- Fan modifications such as this are made independently and without the support, approval, or acknowledgment of LucasArts, BioWare, and Obsidian. The risk that this file would harm your person, game, and computer was taken consentfully and with full knowledge of the previously mentioned risks by you. No claims have been made to deny the possibility of any damages by either the author, KotorFiles, LucasForums or the above mentioned companies, thus absolving them of any responsibility should said damages or any other grievances occur to you as a result of downloading this file.
  2. View File Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs Five Twin Suns-esque Outfits For Female PCs Author: Empeor Devon E-mail: Lawlz, you think I want it to get flooded with spam? You can PM me at LucasForums with any comments/questions you might have. --------------- 1. Description --------------- This mod does several things. 1. Pretty much what the title says, five Twin Sun-esque outfits, now wearable by female PCs. (Caucasian ones only, though - no Asian or African-American textures are included. Sowwy!) The Twin Sun outfits replace the first five variations of the default clothing, though only for the main character. Wouldn't do to see half the refugees on Nar Shaddaa dressed like that, would it? The first clothing you'll be able to find throughout the game semi-often at the start, although the other four can't be had without cheating. The codes are: g_a_clothes02 g_a_clothes03 g_a_clothes04 g_a_clothes05 For all you anti-cheaters out there, the clothes provide no form of bonus or penalty to your PC's stats. Literally all it does is give a different appearance. 2. To make it possible to tell the different variants apart at the equipping menu, the clothes have had 'variant 2','variant 3', 'variant 4', etcetera added to their names. 3. In addition, since I think DS female PCs are ugly enough even when they're fully clothed, (and making DS textures for this would've taken more work! :P) the rotting corpse DS transitions have been removed and replaced with RotS-style Sith eyes. The DS dancer's outfit skin has been removed entirely and replaced with the LS/neutral one. Yay for scantily-clad dancers that aren't dying of cancer! 4. There is also a folder called 'alternate skin hue' that contains slightly more tan and less yellow versions of the skin on the clothes. If you're not using the head in most of the pics (the blue-eyed girl with blonde hair in a bun) you might think these textures better match the skin tone. Or maybe you won't. Either way it's there if you want it. --------------- 2. Instillation --------------- Use the TSLPatcher, and viola. Be sure to install in SWKotOR2 rather than Override. For manual install, extract all the files from ED_twin_sun_outfit to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override. If you don't have an Override folder, make one. If you want to use the textures from the alternate skin hue folder, simply copy them into your override. When you get a message asking if you want to replace the already existing files, say yes. -------------------- 3. Bugs and Glitches -------------------- One problem I noticed during a test install of the mod was how at the startup screen the textures I modified were applied to the default female clothes model on the PCs. (Ie there was a weird mess of black and tan on them all.) When starting a game, however, I was able to equip the new clothes normally without any bug like I encountered at the startup screen. Since it has no adverse effect on the gameplay and only makes the character creation process somewhat weird to look at, I've seen no need to search for the cause and fix it. ----------------- 4. Files included ----------------- appearance.2da g_a_clothes02.uti g_a_clothes03.uti g_a_clothes04.uti g_a_clothes05.uti g_a_clothes06.uti g_a_clothes07.uti g_a_clothes08.uti g_a_clothes09.uti N_PCB01.tga N_PCB02.tga N_PCB03.tga N_PCB04.tga N_PCB05.tga PFBLCD01.tga PFHC01AD1.tga PFHC01AD2.tga PFHC02AD1.tga PFHC02AD2.tga PFHC05d1.tga PFHC05d2.tga PFHC06D1.tga PFHC06D2.tga PFHC07d1.tga PFHC07d2.tga ---------- 5. Credits ---------- stoffe for TSLPatcher SithRevan for some tips on the former Shem for nurse-maiding me through getting the former to work Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool And, naturally, Obsidian for making a kickass game ------------- 6. Disclaimer ------------- Fan modifications such as this are made independently and without the support, approval, or acknowledgment of LucasArts, BioWare, and Obsidian. The risk that this file would harm your person, game, and computer was taken consentfully and with full knowledge of the previously mentioned risks by you. No claims have been made to deny the possibility of any damages by either the author, KotorFiles, LucasForums or the above mentioned companies, thus absolving them of any responsibility should said damages or any other grievances occur to you as a result of downloading this file. Submitter Empeor Devon Submitted 02/26/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.2.0


    Ladies of the Sith Army A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 11.12.2022 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe, select your option, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Once the mod is installed, delete "PLC_SSldCrps.tpc" from the Override folder. Description: On Taris, you encounter a female off duty Sith by the name of Sarna who says the following: "I'm off duty right now, so I'm not in uniform. My name is Sarna - junior officer first class with the Sith occupation force."- Sarna A 'first class junior officer' makes it sound as if she is one of the many female Sith Officer NPCs you encounter throughout the game, however, the player has the option of stealing her Sith Armor which instead suggests she is a Female Sith Soldier... so where are the Female Sith Soldiers? This mod will add Female Sith Soldiers throughout the K1 story alongside their male comrades in arms, they can be found in the following locations: Endar Spire Taris Undercity Taris Military Base Manaan Military Base Leviathan Star Forge These new NPCs are a rework of the default Sith Trooper model, giving them feminine curves and the female animations. This, combined with the new Female Sith Soldier soundset (an edit of the normal Sith Soldier soundset), will present authentic Female Sith Soldiers. Only the appearances and soundsets of the modified Sith are changed, the difficulty and loot drops of the affected Sith Soldiers remain unchanged. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. When the Female Sith Soldier dies, her arms sometimes appear to clip into the ground. This is an issue with the model and isn't something I can fix. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Should be compatible with most Sith Trooper reskins! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. The Female Sith Soldier models, however, are free for everyone to use! Thanks to: Maris Fett: For the neat model! A Future Pilot: For making the Sith Soldier Texture Restoration mod which was merged with this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  4. Version 1.4.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 06.04.2022 Installation: This mod requires the K1 Community Patch to work, install this mod first: Once you have that mod installed, simply click on this mod's TSLPatcher.exe, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: Obsidian Entertainment made full use of the Female Republic Soldier assets when developing K2 by using them on the Harbinger, the Sojourn and on Citadel Station as TSF Officers. Despite Bioware being the company who created them, they are mysteriously absent from K1 (unless you consider one or two 2 second long cameo appearances in the background of one of Dodonna's end game cutscenes). This mod will restore Female Republic Soldiers across various locations where male Republic Soldiers can be found, they can be found in the following locations: * Several females are located on the Endar Spire. * Two are on Manaan loading Kolto whilst a 3rd guards Lorgal in his prison cell. * Multiple new females can be seen in the background of Admiral Dodonna's ship at the end of the game. Update 1.3.0 adds brand new English VO for the female Republic Soldiers, whilst the VO was done using AI tech the VO is very (disturbingly) realistic. You can hear this amazing VO on Manaan! Preview of the audio: Recommended Mods: Republican Soldier Woman HD, gives these Female Republic Soldiers a HD reskin: Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Special Thanks to: DarthParametric: For pointing out how version 1.0.0 of this mod was designed for K1CP 1.8 when the current version is 1.9! JCarter426: For sharing a superior TSLPatcher method! EpicStoffer: For pointing out the existence of ElevenLabs! ElevenLabs Website: For providing the most realistic AI VO I've ever heard! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  5. Version 1.2


    SITH FEMALE LEATHER OUTFIT __________________________ AUTOR: Riven_Fall (me) This outfit is converted from TSL to Kotor 1 - its based on Twin Suns Twi'lek sisters outfit, with custom texture. I think this outfit fits great for dark side female user, which want flexibility but also show her advantages and still look deadly. Its my first port from TSL to Kotor also my first retexture, so please be kind to me, and still there are some things i want to better in next version, but for now you can enjoy this great outfit in Kotor 1. INSTALATION: ____________ Copy all files from Override folder, into youre KotOR Override folder, i apologize i dont know how to work with TSL patcher yet.. i want make in another version, so you have to install manualy i apologize. Appearance.2da P_Assa.mdl P_Assa.mdx PASS01.tga ia_female_assasin.tga Female_Assasin.uti - All these files copy to youre Override folder. COMPABILITIES: ______________ Well, this mod should be compatible with everything, if you merge Appearance.2da which is key to get this outfit. Should be Compatible with K1R... if merged, i would welcome help to make work with TSL patcher... PERMISSIONS: ____________ You can use these files for youre own modifications , just please credit me =), and even i will be happy if it happend. I would love to see more of this variants from other creators. CREDITS: ________ Thanks, to Fred Tetra for KotorTool Thanks to Bioware,Lucasarts for this great game Thanks for MDLedit
  6. View File Sith Female Leather Assasin Outfit SITH FEMALE LEATHER OUTFIT __________________________ AUTOR: Riven_Fall (me) This outfit is converted from TSL to Kotor 1 - its based on Twin Suns Twi'lek sisters outfit, with custom texture. I think this outfit fits great for dark side female user, which want flexibility but also show her advantages and still look deadly. Its my first port from TSL to Kotor also my first retexture, so please be kind to me, and still there are some things i want to better in next version, but for now you can enjoy this great outfit in Kotor 1. INSTALATION: ____________ Copy all files from Override folder, into youre KotOR Override folder, i apologize i dont know how to work with TSL patcher yet.. i want make in another version, so you have to install manualy i apologize. Appearance.2da P_Assa.mdl P_Assa.mdx PASS01.tga ia_female_assasin.tga Female_Assasin.uti - All these files copy to youre Override folder. COMPABILITIES: ______________ Well, this mod should be compatible with everything, if you merge Appearance.2da which is key to get this outfit. Should be Compatible with K1R... if merged, i would welcome help to make work with TSL patcher... PERMISSIONS: ____________ You can use these files for youre own modifications , just please credit me =), and even i will be happy if it happend. I would love to see more of this variants from other creators. CREDITS: ________ Thanks, to Fred Tetra for KotorTool Thanks to Bioware,Lucasarts for this great game Thanks for MDLedit Submitter Riven_Fall Submitted 08/19/2022 Category Skins K1R Compatible No  
  7. View File Ladies of the Sith Army Ladies of the Sith Army A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 11.12.2022 Installation: Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod! Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe, select your option, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Once the mod is installed, delete "PLC_SSldCrps.tpc" from the Override folder. Description: On Taris, you encounter a female off duty Sith by the name of Sarna who says the following: "I'm off duty right now, so I'm not in uniform. My name is Sarna - junior officer first class with the Sith occupation force."- Sarna A 'first class junior officer' makes it sound as if she is one of the many female Sith Officer NPCs you encounter throughout the game, however, the player has the option of stealing her Sith Armor which instead suggests she is a Female Sith Soldier... so where are the Female Sith Soldiers? This mod will add Female Sith Soldiers throughout the K1 story alongside their male comrades in arms, they can be found in the following locations: Endar Spire Taris Undercity Taris Military Base Manaan Military Base Leviathan Star Forge These new NPCs are a rework of the default Sith Trooper model, giving them feminine curves and the female animations. This, combined with the new Female Sith Soldier soundset (an edit of the normal Sith Soldier soundset), will present authentic Female Sith Soldiers. Only the appearances and soundsets of the modified Sith are changed, the difficulty and loot drops of the affected Sith Soldiers remain unchanged. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. When the Female Sith Soldier dies, her arms sometimes appear to clip into the ground. This is an issue with the model and isn't something I can fix. Incompatibilities: Please report any incompatibilities! Should be compatible with most Sith Trooper reskins! Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. The Female Sith Soldier models, however, are free for everyone to use! Thanks to: Maris Fett: For the neat model! A Future Pilot: For making the Sith Soldier Texture Restoration mod which was merged with this mod! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 08/06/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  8. View File Female Republic Soldier Restoration A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.3.0 Release Date: 06.04.2022 Installation: This mod requires the K1 Community Patch to work, install this mod first: Once you have that mod installed, simply click on this mod's TSLPatcher.exe, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: Obsidian Entertainment made full use of the Female Republic Soldier assets when developing K2 by using them on the Harbinger, the Sojourn and on Citadel Station as TSF Officers. Despite Bioware being the company who created them, they are mysteriously absent from K1 (unless you consider one or two 2 second long cameo appearances in the background of one of Dodonna's end game cutscenes). This mod will restore Female Republic Soldiers across various locations where male Republic Soldiers can be found, they can be found in the following locations: * Several females are located on the Endar Spire. * Two are on Manaan loading Kolto whilst a 3rd guards Lorgal in his prison cell. * Multiple new females can be seen in the background of Admiral Dodonna's ship at the end of the game. Update 1.3.0 adds brand new English VO for the female Republic Soldiers, whilst the VO was done using AI tech the VO is very (disturbingly) realistic. You can hear this amazing VO on Manaan! Preview of the audio: Recommended Mods: Republican Soldier Woman HD, gives these Female Republic Soldiers a HD reskin: Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Report any unknown incompatibilities to me on Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Special Thanks to: DarthParametric: For pointing out how version 1.0.0 of this mod was designed for K1CP 1.8 when the current version is 1.9! JCarter426: For sharing a superior TSLPatcher method! EpicStoffer: For pointing out the existence of ElevenLabs! ElevenLabs Website: For providing the most realistic AI VO I've ever heard! Bioware: For such an amazing game! Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool! Stoffee: For TSLPatcher! Everyone who downloads the mod! Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 03/12/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  9. 2,979 downloads

    This is just a simple PC portrait mod, it replaces PFHC07 with a new head (which is a modified version of PFHC05). The new head is supposed to look like http://vignette3.wik...=20091003183103, which is what Wookiepedia has as the Legends "canon" Exile. I did not make this mod—I requested it in the appropriate thread and a few other users put it together: - Schizo did the main bulk of the modeling work - Effix changed the hair color (I know that according the the Revan novel the Exile has light brown hair, but I prefer blonde because of Aimo's KOTOR comics on Deviantart. So I guess this isn't really "canon" after all) - DarthParametric fixed the model with Taina's Replacer - I actually did do one thing: I replaced the party portrait with that hand-drawn pic To install: unzip the files and copy them to your override folder To uninstall: take 'em out again
  10. Version 1.1


    Female Dark Jedi Restoration A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 11.05.2017 Release Date: 9.07.2017 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: Before the game's release, Bioware released a bunch of preview screenshots of the game. Two of those screenshots showed the dark Jedi trio encounter on Tatooine however something I noticed was instead of three male dark Jedi like in the vanilla game there were two male Dark Jedi and one female dark Jedi. Female Dark Jedi ARE definitely seen the game however they were seen after the Leviathan Mission so what this mod does is replace one of the three male Dark Jedi on Tatooine into the original female dark Jedi that was scrapped before the game's release. WARNING: This mod requires K1R to work Known Bugs: None known however in the Bioware photo the trio all had normal lightsabers instead of a double bladed lightsaber, dual wield short sabers and a lightsaber. It can be assumed the double bladed lightsaber and short lightsabers weren't ready at that point so the dark jedi in this mod still have their double bladed lightsaber, dual weild short sabers, and a lightsaber. Future: I may make it so a female dark jedi is in the trio on Kashyyyk and maybe place a few on the Manaan Sith Base Incompatibilities: None known Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assests from this mod without my permission Thanks: The entire K1R team for making K1R and restoring most of the cut content Bioware for such an amazing game and releasing the preview screenshots SithSpector for giving the people of Deadlystream a link to the Kotor website arhceive where I obtained the Preview Screenshots Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This mod brings detail to the next level! Add a more 3-D feel with aging and realistic skin! So like all my mods, I add some age to the character - wrinkles around the eyes, nose, forehead, laugh lines. I increased the sharpness in game and this make a huge difference. The hair looks a lot better than VANILLA... she differently looks older! (But not as old as that witch!) The reason for this is she was a Jedi so probably 20 years old if not older then roughly 10 years traveling around space puts this one at 30 or older. (I think older.) Oh yeah, let me say that this re texture and the modifications I made are a big step up from my two re-textures! If you're going to download a skin, please down this! I worked my butt off and I learned a lot of new things along the way. This is truly a PASSION project. THIS IS A MANUAL INSTALL. I also added a dark side transition but they are not as detailed as the base face if this gets downloaded enough, I'll add the aging to the dark side. Thank you for all the support and the downloads. I really hope you enjoy this skin. I'm personally doing a brand new play through.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Used some photoshop skills to Increase the shadows, to the make face have even more of a 3D feel. I also added some wrinkles, subtle line around eyes and eye corners . Also to add some aging I added some laugh lines.
  13. View File Female Scoundrel 2-Piece Undies Part of the... Author : RedHawke 04/08/04 ============================================================================ This is a simple reskin to improve the female scoundrels underwear, it gives them a nicer two-piece style outfit. I really disliked the original female scoundrels one piece underwear, so I modified these, I hope you enjoy them. My first KOTOR Mod, this is a simple reskin to improve the female scoundrels underwear, it gives them a nicer two-piece style outfit. I really disliked the original female scoundrels one piece underwear, so I modified these, I hope you enjoy them. Installation : Just extract pfbas01.tga, pfbasA01.tga, and pfbasB01.tga into your override directory, and that should do it. Un-Installation : Just delete the aforementioned .tga files from your override directory. And have fun with the new female scoundrel underwear. ;^) My first KOTOR Mod, this is a simple reskin to improve the female scoundrels underwear, it gives them a nicer two-piece style outfit. I really disliked the original female scoundrels one piece underwear, so I modified these, I hope you enjoy them Credits: RedHawke Holowan labs chainz.2da Submitter jc2 Submitted 02/25/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Part of the... Author : RedHawke 04/08/04 ============================================================================ This is a simple reskin to improve the female scoundrels underwear, it gives them a nicer two-piece style outfit. I really disliked the original female scoundrels one piece underwear, so I modified these, I hope you enjoy them. My first KOTOR Mod, this is a simple reskin to improve the female scoundrels underwear, it gives them a nicer two-piece style outfit. I really disliked the original female scoundrels one piece underwear, so I modified these, I hope you enjoy them. Installation : Just extract pfbas01.tga, pfbasA01.tga, and pfbasB01.tga into your override directory, and that should do it. Un-Installation : Just delete the aforementioned .tga files from your override directory. And have fun with the new female scoundrel underwear. ;^) My first KOTOR Mod, this is a simple reskin to improve the female scoundrels underwear, it gives them a nicer two-piece style outfit. I really disliked the original female scoundrels one piece underwear, so I modified these, I hope you enjoy them Credits: RedHawke Holowan labs chainz.2da
  15. View File PFHCO5 HEAD/FACE This mod brings detail to the next level! Add a more 3-D feel with aging and realistic skin! So like all my mods, I add some age to the character - wrinkles around the eyes, nose, forehead, laugh lines. I increased the sharpness in game and this make a huge difference. The hair looks a lot better than VANILLA... she differently looks older! (But not as old as that witch!) The reason for this is she was a Jedi so probably 20 years old if not older then roughly 10 years traveling around space puts this one at 30 or older. (I think older.) Oh yeah, let me say that this re texture and the modifications I made are a big step up from my two re-textures! If you're going to download a skin, please down this! I worked my butt off and I learned a lot of new things along the way. This is truly a PASSION project. THIS IS A MANUAL INSTALL. I also added a dark side transition but they are not as detailed as the base face if this gets downloaded enough, I'll add the aging to the dark side. Thank you for all the support and the downloads. I really hope you enjoy this skin. I'm personally doing a brand new play through. Submitter Iamstarlordsra Submitted 08/27/2019 Category The Sith Lords  
  16. View File PFHC04A female head/face Used some photoshop skills to Increase the shadows, to the make face have even more of a 3D feel. I also added some wrinkles, subtle line around eyes and eye corners . Also to add some aging I added some laugh lines. Submitter Iamstarlordsra Submitted 08/25/2019 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  17. View File PFHC01A female head/face my very first creation you will have to manual drop it in the over ride Submitter Iamstarlordsra Submitted 08/25/2019 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  18. Version 1.0.0


    my very first creation you will have to manual drop it in the over ride
  19. View File Female Exile Head ("Canon") This is just a simple PC portrait mod, it replaces PFHC07 with a new head (which is a modified version of PFHC05). The new head is supposed to look like http://vignette3.wik...=20091003183103, which is what Wookiepedia has as the Legends "canon" Exile. I did not make this mod—I requested it in the appropriate thread and a few other users put it together: - Schizo did the main bulk of the modeling work - Effix changed the hair color (I know that according the the Revan novel the Exile has light brown hair, but I prefer blonde because of Aimo's KOTOR comics on Deviantart. So I guess this isn't really "canon" after all) - DarthParametric fixed the model with Taina's Replacer - I actually did do one thing: I replaced the party portrait with that hand-drawn pic To install: unzip the files and copy them to your override folder To uninstall: take 'em out again Submitter bagthesnoot Submitted 03/21/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  20. Female Dark Jedi Restoration View File Female Dark Jedi Restoration A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 11.05.2017 Release Date: 9.07.2017 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: Before the game's release, Bioware released a bunch of preview screenshots of the game. Two of those screenshots showed the dark Jedi trio encounter on Tatooine however something I noticed was instead of three male dark Jedi like in the vanilla game there were two male Dark Jedi and one female dark Jedi. Female Dark Jedi ARE definitely seen the game however they were seen after the Leviathan Mission so what this mod does is replace one of the three male Dark Jedi on Tatooine into the original female dark Jedi that was scrapped before the game's release. WARNING: This mod requires K1R to work Known Bugs: None known however in the Bioware photo the trio all had normal lightsabers instead of a double bladed lightsaber, dual wield short sabers and a lightsaber. It can be assumed the double bladed lightsaber and short lightsabers weren't ready at that point so the dark jedi in this mod still have their double bladed lightsaber, dual weild short sabers, and a lightsaber. Future: I may make it so a female dark jedi is in the trio on Kashyyyk and maybe place a few on the Manaan Sith Base Incompatibilities: None known Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assests from this mod without my permission Thanks: The entire K1R team for making K1R and restoring most of the cut content Bioware for such an amazing game and releasing the preview screenshots SithSpector for giving the people of Deadlystream a link to the Kotor website arhceive where I obtained the Preview Screenshots Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 05/11/2017 Category Mods K1R Compatible