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    • Squall Lionhart

      Based on a recent reinstall of windows steam, along with Kotor II, same issue as before where both logo movies play and then crash before playing the legal.bik movie on the legacyPC version. Can only think NVIDIA driver may be the issue. Has anyone else ran into this issue, or is everyone using the GoG or Aspyr version.
      · 0 replies
    • Squall Lionhart

      Has anyone had any issues recently where launching the LegacyPC version of the game and it not displaying the Legal BIK movie? For whatever reason, I cannot get the legal movie to play and it will not progress to the main menu. Upon switching to the updated ASPYR version, it works fine.
      · 3 replies
    • Sith Holocron

      I must be honest that it's a little disheartening to hear this feedback after the fact when you're not providing me with the textures in advance.  It's more than a little like Monday Morning quarterbacking for a game played on Sunday. Here's one last shot but if you have issues with it, please keep them to yourself.
      [Link removed]
      · 1 reply
    • Kaidon Jorn

      Holy crap man. I think I really messed up a tendon in my forearm. 
      · 5 replies
    • Lawkmt3

      This is a perfect inspiration for FempcC01 
      · 3 replies
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    • View File Extra Saber Colors for KOTOR This mod adds in three new saber colors into KOTOR 1: viridian, bronze, and silver. It relies on the files from Crazy34's Mod so be sure to have that installed or this mod will not work. Crazy34 actually added the extra colors but never implemented them in game so I did it myself. The color crystals can be found in various places throughout the game. I also added my own icons to avoid duplicates. They are upscaled and recolored icons from TSL. I believe they came out pretty well. Please do not distribute this mod anywhere else. Submitter StellarExile Submitted 03/21/2025 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
    • View File Human/Alien NPC Diversity Human/Alien NPC Diversity (KOTOR 1) Knights of the Old Republic is a wonderful game, but it still reeks of the technical limitations of 2003. The galaxy is full of clones where NPCs have very few unique appearances. After Leilukin released her mod for male Twi’leks, I decided to take my own shot at humans. With the help of SpaceAlex’s K1 Enhancement Pack and many other modders' resources, this mod gives many human NPCs (and some aliens) more diversity throughout the game. Many heads were from SpaceAlex’s K1 Enhancement Pack, an unfinished mod he released to the public as a resource. Many others use player heads. If an NPC uses a head you use, don’t worry. The backuphead feature from appearance.2da ensures the NPC will use another head if the PC uses it. See the readme for more details. Submitter StellarExile Submitted 03/19/2025 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
    • View File Fallen Jedi Floating Sabers Modified Krea's floating lightsabers to match those of fallen Jedi. Gave each saber matching feats from Thematic Jedi Masters and altered their walking speeds. Sabers are also immune to stun, fear and paralysis. 3 Versions: - Original saber owners colors (green, yellow, purple) - 3 purple sabers - 3 red sabers (all have the same speed and feat changes) Submitter Jiiprah Submitted 03/20/2025 Category Mods  
    • Given your awareness of this matter, it would be an unforgivable mistake on my part not to ask you about the readiness level at which the developers left the Vulkar Sublevel in the game.  I'm interested in the topic related to the material that didn't make it into the game. It would be interesting to know what content you decided not to publish? And how do you determine the line where your decision doesn't deviate from the original intent of the developers, so that the content you remove or consider less significant won't help other players better understand the game's plot and the developers' initial vision for the game? In my opinion, there is a certain contradiction here. If you have done your job professionally and it aligns with the developers' original vision for the game, then this material should not be optimized or cut—it should definitely be added to the game. This way, synergy with the game's creators is achieved. I strongly disagree with you. If you have done your job well and the material aligns with the developers' vision for the game, then it should be mandatory to include it, at least out of respect for your work and the effort of the developers who created such an inspiring game  Honestly, Taris has its flaws  But if the game’s entire purpose is to get a lightsaber as quickly as possible, why buy it, deal with installation, and spend hours playing when you can just watch a gameplay walkthrough or the highlights on YouTube. If you were able to get in touch with the K1R developer, and if the reasons for abandoning the project weren’t personal, could you share why they decided to cease work on it? If you ask people what they know about Star Wars, most of them will answer that it's Darth Vader, Lightsabers, and the Force. Whether that's good or bad, this is the narrative that, for now, cannot be changed. By the way, Peragus II, like Taris, didn't appeal to everyone. It turns out there's a certain pattern here: most of the criticism was directed at the first planets in both games    I won't hide that I wish the publisher hadn't interfered or rushed BioWare and Obsidian with the release of the games, so that the studios could have realized all their ideas and visions and presented them to us in all their glory. But unfortunately, this is just a dream. Thank you to the modders for your invaluable work—it's thanks to you that ordinary gamers can get as close as possible to the creators' original vision. I'm not saying it's specifically this mod, but I used a similar mod before, and it changed all of Revan's companions into Jedi classes, even T3-M4 and HK-47. In my opinion, it's more appropriate to use KSE for such purposes. It's not really about the mod, and if I understood @Salk thought correctly, the Star Wars universe is so multifaceted that it's not worth limiting your vision to just the Force and the Jedi.
    • If you remove the appearance row then the disguise won't work. The UTI just contains a row ID number. The appearance.2da is needed for the actual information.