Kaidon Jorn

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Kaidon Jorn last won the day on January 27

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206 Jedi Grand Master

About Kaidon Jorn

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    Atlanta, Ga
  • Interests
    Cats, Star Wars games, modding, music, movies, good beer.

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  1. Hey hey hey ya that worked! Passed through both of those areas and did not run into any invisible barriers. I just tossed those .wok files in override and it fixed it. So thanks a ton for that. I am most grateful.
  2. Yes that's what I did - removing those placeables. I will try that .wok as you suggested. Thanks for the tip.
  3. OH... Oh no...maybe it wasn't box1 Maybe it was plccrt That was my first time actually using Holocron Toolset and I was able to at least figure out which placeables I need to delete. So that's good! Thanks for the help! Well new problem. Hmmm...is that the rubble supposedly taken out by PapaZino's model fixes? Arrgh.
  4. I converted the Restored Jedi Enclave's room models into the 952COR models for those rooms. Restored Enclave Sublevel - Modder's Resources - Deadly Stream The rubble is gone and its all rebuilt but those are still there. But its just the outside wall part.
  5. Ok I can't get rid of these. Deleted every struct in the git file named "box1" and also the .utp file named box1 in the module file. But they're still there. The droids are gone - took care of that no problem. But these huge metal box crate things won't delete.
  6. Ok. So I would need to rename or edit Rebuilt Jedi Enclave's 610DAN .vis file to use with it? Am I way off base?
  7. Ok yeah, I used MDLEdit to make them ascii files and opened them up in a Text Editor to change all the "610DAN" references to "952COR", and converted back to binary. Then I just used Model Viewer to change the textures. But then when I entered it was really dark and some textures were missing. See through walls and such. So that's where I thought I'd have to edit lightmaps. I'd walk through doors into blackness then the room would appear after. Which makes me think it's walk meshes. Is that what a .WOK file is?!? I dunno, maybe I should stick to lightsabers, I've never done this before. Thank you for the info.
  8. Aight. So I wanted to use Rebuilt Jedi Enclave Sublevel new room models (by PapaZinos?) to renovate DeathDisco's Coruscant Jedi Temple models. Which means Jedi Enclave's room models 01, 19, 24 and 32. What else would I need to edit to convert those 610dan models into 952cor models aside from textures?? Lightmaps? .woks? .lyt's?? I am so lost.
  9. So I just saw last night that my green single saber model has the wrong map. Will upload correct one later tonight. (Oops)
  10. View File Modder's Resource - Weapon Icon Background Templates Modder's Resource Weapon Icon Backgrounds Kaidon Jorn - Dec 2024 These were the backgrounds for lightsaber icons that I used to use for my old HotOR, SLM, and DHRM mods. They are in .tga form on transparent backgrounds at 600x600 IIRC. Not sure if anyone would want to use them but here they are if you do. -KJ Submitter Kaidon Jorn Submitted 12/07/2024 Category Modder's Resources  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Modder's Resource Weapon Icon Backgrounds Kaidon Jorn - Dec 2024 These were the backgrounds for lightsaber icons that I used to use for my old HotOR, SLM, and DHRM mods. They are in .tga form on transparent backgrounds at 600x600 IIRC. Not sure if anyone would want to use them but here they are if you do. -KJ
  12. View File Default Hilt Replacement Mod 2024 Default Hilt Replacement Mod 2024 ---------------------- Kaidon Jorn - November 2024 This mod will replace all of the default game's lightsaber hilt models and adds new 3D blade models and textures - courtesy of Crazy34 and his crazy awesome modder's resource. I have, of course, tweaked his blade textures again to my own preferences and increased the ambient lighting glows by 0.2 on all single and double bladed lightsabers (short stayed the same). In this version I've removed most of my old hilt models and replaced them with ones that may have never been released before, but if I didn't replace the entire model then I remapped and reskinned that previously existing model. All saber icons have been remade to be consistent with my SLM2024 icon backgrounds (I know I said I wouldn't, but to heck with that). Much thanks to Crazy34 for use of his new 3D blade models and textures and thank you to Deadly Stream for hosting all my mods. To install run the .exe and choose the location of the game (not the override itself). To uninstall take them all back out. Submitter Kaidon Jorn Submitted 12/01/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  13. 255 downloads

    Default Hilt Replacement Mod 2024 ---------------------- Kaidon Jorn - November 2024 This mod will replace all of the default game's lightsaber hilt models and adds new 3D blade models and textures - courtesy of Crazy34 and his crazy awesome modder's resource. I have, of course, tweaked his blade textures again to my own preferences and increased the ambient lighting glows by 0.2 on all single and double bladed lightsabers (short stayed the same). In this version I've removed most of my old hilt models and replaced them with ones that may have never been released before, but if I didn't replace the entire model then I remapped and reskinned that previously existing model. All saber icons have been remade to be consistent with my SLM2024 icon backgrounds (I know I said I wouldn't, but to heck with that). Much thanks to Crazy34 for use of his new 3D blade models and textures and thank you to Deadly Stream for hosting all my mods. To install run the .exe and choose the location of the game (not the override itself). To uninstall take them all back out.
  14. Get it while it's hot!

  15. Finally! Here is a patch of sorts to fix the Coruscant Knight's lightsabers to how I originally wanted them. Just had to remap and detach the faces on the model since it was mulching the UVW map or whatever. YAY. Well I finally got it mostly correct, but the grip area still has a bit of a problem with stretching the texture. Will continue to tinker with it and I'm forming an idea for the next version of the mod which will make saber building a bit more complicated. c_knights_remapped.zip Unzip this folder and drop the models and texture into SLM's patch data folder and let overwrite. Then just copy to override.