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  1. So I am finally making a thread to see what the people who actually use SLM or my other mods would like to see be implemented in it. I already have a long list of things I'd like to accomplish, some are harder for me to do and some are not. But again if you have a suggestion or personal preference let me know here and I will see about going forward with it. Want to do list: Removing the rancor from Khoonda plains and placing that saber somewhere else. Remaking all saber blade textures to look more like the movies and shows (Kenobi, Mandalorian) Possibly switching models for pc hilt and/or red default hilts. Doing compares for all party saber making dialogs instead of hard replaces. Remove the Acheron saber quest and all associated files (getting rid of it). Removing all .mod files from the installation that are hard replaces and putting those files in tslpatchdata to be inserted into the exisiting .mod files. Removing the zakkeg boss from Dxun pt.1 and replacing that saber since Acheron wont exist anymore. Saber blades Here is what we have... ...but this is what I want If anyone had suggestions on how to achieve this it would be most welcome. -KJ
  2. Version 1.2.0


    It's finally here! At last, The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification 1.8.6 has been successfully ported to the original Xbox. The game is now able to be fully completed from beginning to end with zero major issues. This upload is in the form of patched files that must be added on top of an existing installation of the mod. Requirements -An original Xbox capable of launching homebrew (soft or hardmodded) -Some method to transfer files between your Xbox and PC (FTP is recommended) -At least 5GB of space on your Xbox's HDD -A physical copy of Knights of the Old Republic II for the Xbox Installation 1. IMPORTANT! If you have previously dumped the first Knights of the Old Republic game to your Xbox, ensure that you change the folder it's located in from its default ("StarWars") to any other name. If you do not do this, both games will end up dumped into the same folder, ruining both installations 2. Use UnleashX to dump your game disc to your Xbox's HDD. Other methods of dumping the game may be possible, but I can only promise it works using UnelashX 3. FTP the entire game folder to your PC, and create an additional backup of it on your PC in the event you need to restart the installation 4. Run the official TSLRCM 1.8.6 installer .exe, which you can find here: 5. Specify the Xbox dump of the game as the folder to which the mod should be installed. (i.e. D:\Games\SWKotOR2\). When in doubt, it's the folder with "default.xbe" located inside it. 6. Delete the following files from the newly created Override folder: 235TEL.lyt, 235TEL.vis, 235TELA.mdl, 235TELA.mdx, and 235TELA.wok, 7. Delete every .tga file from Override 8. Delete 601DAN.mod from Modules 9. Extract the contents of the Clean Install Package into the root game folder, overwriting any files if asked 10. Delete the original, unmodified rip of KotOR II on your Xbox's HDD 11. FTP the modified KotOR II back to your console in a location of your choosing 12. Verify your install. In semi-rare cases, files may become corrupt during the transfer process. Compare the amount of bytes the game folder takes up on both your Xbox and your PC. If there is a mismatch, either repeat the transfer and compare again or simply narrow down which folders on the Xbox don't match the PC equivalent To update from 1.0 or 1.1 to 1.2: 1) Delete any file that starts with "003ebo..." from Override 2) Extract the "Update from 1.0 or 1.1" install package into the game directory, overwriting any files if asked Known Issues -The Battle of Khoonda is currently not implemented. The restored version of this sequence spawns so many NPCs that it causes the Xbox to choke to death on its own assets within seconds of the battle starting, so it has been reverted to its vanilla version. If you would like to see this happen (not recommended), simply don't delete 601DAN.mod from the Modules folder. -On very rare occasions, a significant performance drop may occur during combat that passes after a few seconds. This may or may not be an issue with the Xbox version and may or may not be related to Jedi Guardian characters not currently controlled by the player initiating a Force Jump, but it's so uncommon that diagnosing it is difficult. If you would like to contribute to fixing the last few remaining issues, feel free to DM me and I will be happy to implement your fixes in a future update. Frequently Asked Questions: Will this work on Xbox 360/Xemu/Xbone/Xbox Series S/X? The short answer is that I don't know. I don't have any of that gear to test with, but anything that's capable of launching a game rip shouldn't have any issues. I make no promises, though. Why does the installation require deleting so many files? Is there content missing from the mod? The only content from TSLRCM that hasn't made it into this port is the battle of Khoonda (contained im 601DAN.mod) since it spawns more NPCs than the Xbox can handle. Every other removed file is redundant. The .tga files have all been converted to .txb and resized to work on Xbox, and the 235TEL files in Override have been consolidated into their own .rim files in the rimsxbox folder and no longer need to be present in Override. Do I have to use UnleashX to rip the game? Not necessarily. However, some methods of dumping Xbox games purposefully leave out some files to conserve HDD space and that could pose an issue. I used UnleashX to dump my own copy and that's what I used to port the mod, so I can guarantee it works. Use other methods of acquiring a dump of the game at your own risk. Will you be porting [insert mod here] to the Xbox? Maybe. It's a decent workload and some mods require a lot more tinkering than others, so it just comes down to what (if any) I'm interested in. Fortunately, if you've managed to dump your copy of KotOR II to your Xbox, you have exactly as much modding experience as I had when I started this project; so feel free to take matters into your own hands. Is there a widescreen patch for the Xbox? Will you make one? As far as I'm aware there is not a widescreen patch for the Xbox version of the game and I have less than zero interest in making one. Play the game in 4:3. It's better that way. I'm experiencing the dialogue skipping bug and/or frequent mysterious game crashes. What do I do? Some files probably got corrupted during the FTP process. It happens sometimes and there's nothing I can do about it. Repeat step 12 of the installation instructions. If your game folder on the Xbox's HDD is exactly the amount of bytes it is on your PC, contact me either via DM on Deadly Stream or Discord (_LOTO_) Special Thanks Though this is my release of the port, and I have been the one to do all of the labour in putting it together, this would not have been possible without assistance from various members of the KotOR community including, but not limited to: -Alvar007, for advising on various fixes, both major and minor, and contributing to the s_male02.mdl/.mdx fix -Jacqyl Frost, for offering to playtest the mod -JCarter426, for technical support, bugfixes, and creating SithCodec -Thor110, for technical support -armado548, for pioneering much of the early steps of the process and leaving enough of a paper trail for me to pickup on -bead-v, creator of MDLEdit -Fair Strides, creator of ERFEdit and DLG Editor -Darth_Sapiens, creator of KOTOR TOOL -Blue, for creating KotOR Scripting Tool -Monochrome Jones, for creating the "LOTO's Xbox Version" text in the logo -The original TSLRCM team, for creating the mod in the first place -Sith Holocron, for creating and implementing the in-game logos for the mod -Jacd28, for contributing to the s_male02.mdl/.mdx fix -darthbdaman, for providing the Visas lightsaber training fix If you don't see your name here and feel as though you contributed to the project, I apologize! Please DM me and I will add your name here without delay.
  3. View File The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification - LOTO's Xbox Version It's finally here! At last, The Sith Lords Restored Content Modification 1.8.6 has been successfully ported to the original Xbox. The game is now able to be fully completed from beginning to end with zero major issues. This upload is in the form of patched files that must be added on top of an existing installation of the mod. Requirements -An original Xbox capable of launching homebrew (soft or hardmodded) -Some method to transfer files between your Xbox and PC (FTP is recommended) -At least 5GB of space on your Xbox's HDD -A physical copy of Knights of the Old Republic II for the Xbox Installation 1. IMPORTANT! If you have previously dumped the first Knights of the Old Republic game to your Xbox, ensure that you change the folder it's located in from its default ("StarWars") to any other name. If you do not do this, both games will end up dumped into the same folder, ruining both installations 2. Use UnleashX to dump your game disc to your Xbox's HDD. Other methods of dumping the game may be possible, but I can only promise it works using UnelashX 3. FTP the entire game folder to your PC, and create an additional backup of it on your PC in the event you need to restart the installation 4. Run the official TSLRCM 1.8.6 installer .exe, which you can find here: 5. Specify the Xbox dump of the game as the folder to which the mod should be installed. (i.e. D:\Games\SWKotOR2\). When in doubt, it's the folder with "default.xbe" located inside it. 6. Delete the following files from the newly created Override folder: 235TEL.lyt, 235TEL.vis, 235TELA.mdl, 235TELA.mdx, and 235TELA.wok, 7. Delete every .tga file from Override 8. Delete 601DAN.mod from Modules 9. Extract the contents of the Clean Install Package into the root game folder, overwriting any files if asked 10. Delete the original, unmodified rip of KotOR II on your Xbox's HDD 11. FTP the modified KotOR II back to your console in a location of your choosing 12. Verify your install. In semi-rare cases, files may become corrupt during the transfer process. Compare the amount of bytes the game folder takes up on both your Xbox and your PC. If there is a mismatch, either repeat the transfer and compare again or simply narrow down which folders on the Xbox don't match the PC equivalent To update from 1.0 or 1.1 to 1.2: 1) Delete any file that starts with "003ebo..." from Override 2) Extract the "Update from 1.0 or 1.1" install package into the game directory, overwriting any files if asked Known Issues -The Battle of Khoonda is currently not implemented. The restored version of this sequence spawns so many NPCs that it causes the Xbox to choke to death on its own assets within seconds of the battle starting, so it has been reverted to its vanilla version. If you would like to see this happen (not recommended), simply don't delete 601DAN.mod from the Modules folder. -On very rare occasions, a significant performance drop may occur during combat that passes after a few seconds. This may or may not be an issue with the Xbox version and may or may not be related to Jedi Guardian characters not currently controlled by the player initiating a Force Jump, but it's so uncommon that diagnosing it is difficult. If you would like to contribute to fixing the last few remaining issues, feel free to DM me and I will be happy to implement your fixes in a future update. Frequently Asked Questions: Will this work on Xbox 360/Xemu/Xbone/Xbox Series S/X? The short answer is that I don't know. I don't have any of that gear to test with, but anything that's capable of launching a game rip shouldn't have any issues. I make no promises, though. Why does the installation require deleting so many files? Is there content missing from the mod? The only content from TSLRCM that hasn't made it into this port is the battle of Khoonda (contained im 601DAN.mod) since it spawns more NPCs than the Xbox can handle. Every other removed file is redundant. The .tga files have all been converted to .txb and resized to work on Xbox, and the 235TEL files in Override have been consolidated into their own .rim files in the rimsxbox folder and no longer need to be present in Override. Do I have to use UnleashX to rip the game? Not necessarily. However, some methods of dumping Xbox games purposefully leave out some files to conserve HDD space and that could pose an issue. I used UnleashX to dump my own copy and that's what I used to port the mod, so I can guarantee it works. Use other methods of acquiring a dump of the game at your own risk. Will you be porting [insert mod here] to the Xbox? Maybe. It's a decent workload and some mods require a lot more tinkering than others, so it just comes down to what (if any) I'm interested in. Fortunately, if you've managed to dump your copy of KotOR II to your Xbox, you have exactly as much modding experience as I had when I started this project; so feel free to take matters into your own hands. Is there a widescreen patch for the Xbox? Will you make one? As far as I'm aware there is not a widescreen patch for the Xbox version of the game and I have less than zero interest in making one. Play the game in 4:3. It's better that way. I'm experiencing the dialogue skipping bug and/or frequent mysterious game crashes. What do I do? Some files probably got corrupted during the FTP process. It happens sometimes and there's nothing I can do about it. Repeat step 12 of the installation instructions. If your game folder on the Xbox's HDD is exactly the amount of bytes it is on your PC, contact me either via DM on Deadly Stream or Discord (_LOTO_) Special Thanks Though this is my release of the port, and I have been the one to do all of the labour in putting it together, this would not have been possible without assistance from various members of the KotOR community including, but not limited to: -Alvar007, for advising on various fixes, both major and minor, and contributing to the s_male02.mdl/.mdx fix -Jacqyl Frost, for offering to playtest the mod -JCarter426, for technical support, bugfixes, and creating SithCodec -Thor110, for technical support -armado548, for pioneering much of the early steps of the process and leaving enough of a paper trail for me to pickup on -bead-v, creator of MDLEdit -Fair Strides, creator of ERFEdit and DLG Editor -Darth_Sapiens, creator of KOTOR TOOL -Blue, for creating KotOR Scripting Tool -Monochrome Jones, for creating the "LOTO's Xbox Version" text in the logo -The original TSLRCM team, for creating the mod in the first place -Sith Holocron, for creating and implementing the in-game logos for the mod -Jacd28, for contributing to the s_male02.mdl/.mdx fix -darthbdaman, for providing the Visas lightsaber training fix If you don't see your name here and feel as though you contributed to the project, I apologize! Please DM me and I will add your name here without delay. Submitter LOTO Submitted 04/21/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  4. Hello! Basically, I am going through my second full playghtrough KOTOR 2 (GOG 2.1. version) with TSLRCM (1.8.6), everything looks fine, no problems with it and then this happened when I tried to win a swoop race on Telos... It happened to me like 10 times when I was testing if it isn't just by this startup, controls and camera started to glitch from side to side (via video in attachements, it is kinda "soft" version of what really happened, sometimes you cannot see almost nothing). Is there some way to fix it? I am running game on Windows XP SP 3 compatiblity mode (this fixed my problem with floating swoop). (bug happens around fifth second of the video) swkotor2bug.mp4