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  3. StellarExile

    Qarren HD

    Incredible work. I think this mod should definitely be posted under TSL though since that’s where most of the Quarren are.
  4. Anyone have fix for the transparency bug? I seem to be having it on some of the mercenaries who use the light grey colour armour and some droids EDIT: It seems by setting compatibility to service pack 2 or 3 seems to remove the transparency. I'll keep playing to 100% make sure
  5. Last week
  6. Yes it's possible, you probably just need to look at the way the scripts work when calling each line. If I recall in the first game it's a global banter variable that loops through the dialog options and in the second game it uses a similar method to cycle through the dialog choices of basic one line dialog lines spoken by common npcs. Edit : Regarding the audio files you might just need to ensure they are the correct format, .wav encoding, I think 2 channel, I can't remember the specifics but you can use SithCodec by JCarter426 to encode the file for you.
  7. Finally figured out how to change the starting classes on KotOR2! Information can be found in my tutorial series.

    1. N-DReW25


      Can the same be said for K1?

    2. Thor110


      Given that there is a "Jedi From The Start" mod, I would imagine so, though I am not sure how it handles it exactly, but if not, I am sure someone could do the same for the first game if they wanted to.

      See it in action with my custom launcher for the project

      I decided I would make it an option in both games because it's just 21 bytes being replaced in the executable.

  8. Hello so I'm using Holocron Toolset to attempt at making a mod that changes up some of the Telos commoners so that they are more varied in terms of appearance, and also so that they have new dialogue options besides the three basic options that they usually have. ("Czerkas mecenaries"). ( "The war has really inflated prices here on the outer rim"). First of all, does anyone know if it's possible to add a fourth line of dialogue to the Telos commoners, or are they bound to have only three dialogue options when you click on them? I tried to add a fourth, but it seems to only let me use three. I also want to know how to make working voice files for the game. I use a simple online voice recorder to try and record my voice. I exported it as an .mp3 file, and then use the sithcodec program to convert it to a .wav file for the game. I then imported it into HOLOCRON TOOLSET. For example, I'm trying to change one of the commoners in telos residential wing West, to use the different voice file. The thing is, that neither the .mp3 or new .wav file works when replacing the voice files. It lets me change the text of the three dialogue options, but the new voice files don't work in game, and only play a blank sound. I don't know much of anything about audio or modding in general, so any help would be much appreciated!
  9. Re: Onderon Uniform Reformation I'm not one for texturing clothing. It's not a strength of mine. However I do like doing detail work and I noticed something on the Onderon Officer's uniform texture which gave me a little inspiration. It's the logo in the red circle which I've attached. That logo? That I think I could work on. So I remade the patch. And then I made two buttons (one in gold for officers and one in silver/pewter for the enlisted) for the leather container that looks like it's on the uniform belt. For the patch or the buttons, I don't require attribution so use them if they may be helpful.
  10. Hi there! I just recently found this interesting tool and i am in love with it! 😍 When i compare the experience of using this bad boy and doing a full mod build installation by hand... Oh how many hours of my life i will never get back. 😢 I always get both - excited AND desperate - when i find another mod that might earn a spot in my permanent list, because i know it will most likely take a clean fresh reinstall and complete new mod setup to get it to run. And now - THIS! 🎉 Using the TOML fils you generously provided, installing the famous mod builds by snigaroo is a piece of cake! But there are some parts of the builds i would rather leave out and other mods i would love to add in. De-selecting a mod from the build is simple, but how do i add another one to the list? How do i add the installation instructions for KOTORModSync? (for both - simple override mods and TSLP/Holowan-Installer) I`m afraid my english isn´t good enough for self-teaching/learning by doing when it comes to the technical details of this tool. can someone explain to me, step by step, like I´m 5 how i can add new mods?😅😬 I would love to use this to create my own Mod build TOML to use and alter when needed in the future. Thanks in advance!
  11. Does anyone know how you edit the alpha channels of textures in this program?
    Very awesome tool. Has been super handy for speeding up development on mods involving lots of .guis for all three bioware games on original Xbox. The only luxury I could ask for is an option to preserve squares going from 4:3 to 16:9. I should have given this bad boy 5 stars sooner! Bulk process with this tool, then tweak with GFF or amcolash's visual editor for perfect results!
  12. DeadMan

    Movie Mandalorians

    There is ONE female armor in this mod, but it's for Mira only ;)
  13. I know that there are "movie Mandalorian MODS" but are there any MODS that just take the classic armor from the game and add the Iron Heart?
    I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but this didn't work at all. I play on Steam, have the TSLRCM, pointed the Patcher to the proper folder and half of it wouldn't install. Sad because I think it's a wonderful idea.
  14. Hey hey hey ya that worked! Passed through both of those areas and did not run into any invisible barriers. I just tossed those .wok files in override and it fixed it. So thanks a ton for that. I am most grateful.
  15. Damage Resistance definitely stuck, even with the Toughness and the Ignore Pain / Inner Strength feats. You can literally become immune to damage. Also Energy Resistance was renamed to Environmental Resistance, which was the originally intended name for the force power according to the game files. Force Heal is OP because there are lots of gear in the game that helps you resist a ton of damage, and that is a huge indirect boost to healing in general. If you invest enough attribute points into wisdom or charisma you will stun and do damage to droids every single time. We all hate the blur effect, and this hatred unites us, this is the reason why this community is alive and well to this day.
  16. Bingo. The sloppiness on this front also shows up with Canderous, who has voiced dialogue that refers to Revan as "He" regardless of what the player chose at character creation and in contrast to the game's usual policy of avoiding using pronouns for Revan prior to the reveal. Bioware tried to wallpaper over this by correcting it in the subtitles, but they evidently did not manage (or could not be arsed) to rerecord the lines.
  17. Thanks for pointing them out, I have added the ambient & diffuse fix to my list. I could see that the Twi'lek male (twilek_m.mdl) & Corran Falt (n_correnfalth.mdl) had the issue, but the Sith Officer head (sith_off.mdl) looked correct already. Also, the twilek_m02.mdl, twilek_m03.mdl, n_komadh.mdl, n_xorh.mdl, & n_zharh.mdl models in TSL have the correct settings, but are not used in-game. By default the TSL heads.2da file uses twilek_m for all male Twi'leks, and just swaps the alttexture column. So in the meantime, editing the heads.2da file can solve the issues as well. I will still eventually fix the model though, because I can't just let things go 😝
  18. Anyway if anyone is interested in making an Aquamarine crystal with a golden aura I'd appreciate it.
  19. Wish I remembered after all that time... But I guess that setting Revan_Sex to 0 made him "he" and it worked as supposed? And the another issue of referring to Exile as "he" was just that I used PartySwap and the dialogues were not made for female Exile.
  20. Replying to this since it's still relatively high in the list. The scripts that check for Revan's gender are a complete and total clusterfuck and I'm not sure if even TSLRCM fixes them all. I know that in vanilla, if you tell Atton that Revan was a she, the trial flashback will lapse into referring to Revan as "He" partway through. Did you end up with further lapses after fixing the value the first time?
  21. An interesting idea, and you've obviously th. I have some thoughts after looking at the readme. I've put them in spoilers, in deference to your keeping the details in the attached document.
  22. Sounds good. Thank you for clarifying, Rob. I’ll leave them for ROR!
  23. I would say hold off from starting a new playthrough because the next version will be here sooner rather than later. I can confirm that, unfortunately, it won't include the Iriaz, but... it will contain another major Dantooine Restoration.
  24. In case anyone was worried about Logan23, I managed to get a hold of him via text messages this week. He sounds like he's doing ok, just real world takes precedence. I know how real world things can get. The past few years have been tough for me too, but I wouldn't want to derail this thread talking about my struggles. I'm here now, making mods, and that's what matters 😃. I can't speak for Logan23, but I consider the models and textures that I create specifically for RoR to not be modder's resources. That would take away from the uniqueness of RoR. I've made some nifty characters that I'd like to keep special just for RoR. Hopefully you'll get to see them someday. N-DReW25 and the team are more in the loop than I am about when things might happen. If I make some models and textures that are more common, then I will probably choose to make those open to all. For example, my Modder's Resource: Specialized Combat Suits for KotOR and TSL v1 was originally made for use with RoR, but I felt that other people can use it too. By the way, I am about halfway done making HD versions of that mod. I just tend to get sidetracked a lot. Like now I'm revamping my Jedi Robe neck fixed models and textures, both for RoR and for a general resource. Always lots to work on. I just found that the more time I spend on the public side (forums, PMs) then the less time I have for painting textures, which is why I was modding in the background for so long.
  25. This seems to have been cleared up now? I searched "TSLRCM" and DeadlyStream came up right quick.
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