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GearHead last won the day on February 3

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About GearHead

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    Jedi Padawan

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  1. Damage Resistance definitely stuck, even with the Toughness and the Ignore Pain / Inner Strength feats. You can literally become immune to damage. Also Energy Resistance was renamed to Environmental Resistance, which was the originally intended name for the force power according to the game files. Force Heal is OP because there are lots of gear in the game that helps you resist a ton of damage, and that is a huge indirect boost to healing in general. If you invest enough attribute points into wisdom or charisma you will stun and do damage to droids every single time. We all hate the blur effect, and this hatred unites us, this is the reason why this community is alive and well to this day.
  2. Well... Energy Resistance was OP, if you combine it with armor that has energy resistance you basically become immune to energy damage. The Force Heal series is still OP in my opinion, especially if all 3 group members cast it at the same time. Destroy Droid hard stuns droids and also does a ton of damage so i felt like the nerf was necessary. And as a graphics connoisseur i can assure you only weirdos like the blur effects.
  3. There are a bunch of other items like this in the game: - no unique name - no unique item description - not upgradable - stronger then their standard counterparts These type of items are used by enemies, but these ones never drop, except these 2. Because of this i think these type of items only ment to make the fights harder, but not to be lootable.
  4. K1CP Compatibility Patch only contains 1 minor bugfix, just install the mod and play, a Compatibility Patch is totally unnecessary.
  5. By the way there is already a separate mod that fixes HK's dual power blast: KotOR2 HK-47 Power Blast Fix
  6. The skills of Handmaiden, Disciple and Mandalore are supposed to be lower. Their force points only exist because their .utc file (the file that contains the data for the NPC) was based on Juhani's .utc file from KotOR1, the same goes for their skills. The devs forgot to chage the skills and force points to be the proper value. Mira's feats: Scouts were able to wear medium armor in KotOR1 and they also had flurry instead of critical strike. Again the devs forgot to change some of her values, her .utc file was based on Mission Voa's from KotOR1. The soldier class: This was the only way to fix a bug where every soldier benefited from Mandalore's Mandalorian Courage Feat (Defense bonus only). I could rename the Mandalorian class to be called Soldier again, but if i would do that it would be hard to tell the difference between the 2 soldier classes in the Kotor Tool editor, so this is just to help me edit NPCs faster.
  7. View File Universal Weapon Damage Allows you to change the lightsaber and disruptor weapon base damage type to Universal. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/08/2025 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  8. Version 1.0.1


    Allows you to change the lightsaber and disruptor weapon base damage type to Universal.
  9. View File Sith Disruptor Fix This mod changes the Sith Disruptor +1 Energy Bonus to +1 Unstoppable. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/02/2025 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This mod changes the Sith Disruptor +1 Energy Bonus to +1 Unstoppable.
  11. View File Heavy Repeater Buffs This mod buffs the Heavy Repeating Blaster and the Mandalorian Heavy Repeater to match their KotOR2 versions. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/30/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This mod buffs the Heavy Repeating Blaster and the Mandalorian Heavy Repeater to match their KotOR2 versions.
  13. View File No Drop Admiral Karath on the Leviathan and The One on the Unknown World no longer drop their weapons. Why? There are a bunch of other items like this in the game: - no unique name - no unique item description - not upgradable - stronger then their standard counterparts These type of items are used by enemies, but these ones never drop, except these 2. Because of this i think these type of items only ment to make the fights harder, but not to be lootable. So i think this is just an oversight by the devs. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/30/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  14. GearHead

    No Drop

    Version 1.0.1


    Admiral Karath on the Leviathan and The One on the Unknown World no longer drop their weapons. Why? There are a bunch of other items like this in the game: - no unique name - no unique item description - not upgradable - stronger then their standard counterparts These type of items are used by enemies, but these ones never drop, except these 2. Because of this i think these type of items only ment to make the fights harder, but not to be lootable. So i think this is just an oversight by the devs.
  15. View File INT Bonus for Security Changes the Security skill bonus from Wisdom to Intelligence. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/27/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes