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Found 49 results

  1. Version 1.1.4


    Improves the AI of KotOR 1. Changes: - Companions and most other NPCs use blaster feats (except droids their animations are buggy) - Enemy forceusers now use Force Breach and Lightsaber Throw (previously the AI ignored these force powers completely) - Enemy forceusers now use force buffs more often (Force Speed, Force Armor ect...) - NPCs with the Force Jump feat actually do force jumps if they are further than 10m from the target - Enemys reactivate shields after 200s - Some minor bug fixes - Jedi Support AI reworked - NPCs use Master Rapid Shot or Master Flurry if available instead of the default attack - NPCs use the highest level of feats and force powers available to them
  2. Version 1.0.1


    This mod allows you to choose between a single and a double-bladed lightsaber when you make your own lightsaber on Dantooine.
  3. Version 1.0.7


    This mod corrects companion stats. Also makes dark side Bastila level 3. WARNING: This mod is made to be compatible with as many mods a possible. This means sometimes during the installation process you get error messages dou to the way the installer handles thing. Don't panic, this is normal, the mod will work just fine. If a companion already joined your party the changes will not apply. You need to start a new game or load a previous save. List of changes: Bastila: - Awareness Skill 4 -> 6 - Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6 - Fixed a bug that caused some of her textures to be transparent. - Her dark side version is level 3 now. Same stats but evil and has dark side powers (Stun -> Fear, Force Aura -> Wound). Juhani: - Stealth Skill 5 -> 4 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 7 - Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 7 T3-M4: - Demolitions Skill 1 -> 3 - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (-3 feats for T3) Zaalbar: - Max Hit Points 52 -> 60 (This bug goes away if you level him up, but i fixed it anyway.) Jolee: - Awareness Skill 5 -> 7 - Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6 HK-47: - Base Hit Points 60 -> 72 - Current Hit Points 60 -> 72 - Max Hit Points 66 -> 78 - Demolitions Skill 5 -> 7 - Awareness Skill 5 -> 7 - Repair Skill 6 -> 8 - He has Improved Power Blast now to match the number of feats Combat Droids gain on their first 6 levels. - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (+3 feats for HK) - Fixed his dual wield power blast. He fires both blasters now, previously he only fired the right hand one.
  4. View File Stronger Ajunta Pall This mod buffs Ajunta Pall. Do you guys remember the epic moment when you first fight the Great Ajunta Pall? No? Neither do i. Ajunta is a little B who dies in one hit, even though he is supposed to be a powerfull ancient Sith Lord. So... I buffed him a tiny bit. Have fun! The mod only works if he hasn't spawned in yet. Submitter GearHead Submitted 05/27/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This mod buffs Ajunta Pall. Do you guys remember the epic moment when you first fight the Great Ajunta Pall? No? Neither do i. Ajunta is a little B who dies in one hit, even though he is supposed to be a powerfull ancient Sith Lord. So... I buffed him a tiny bit. Have fun! The mod only works if he hasn't spawned in yet.
  6. View File KotOR1 Droid Claw Fix This mod fixes a bug that stopped droids from using ’creature claw’ aka creature melee items. Specifically variants that has 'slashing damage' as there base damage type. Submitter GearHead Submitted 04/24/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This mod fixes a bug that stopped droids from using ’creature claw’ aka creature melee items. Specifically variants that has 'slashing damage' as there base damage type.
  8. View File KotOR1 HK-47 Power Blast Fix When HK-47 uses the power blast feat with 2 blaster pistols equipped only 1 shot is being fired, this mod fixes this issue, now 2 shots are being fired. Submitter GearHead Submitted 04/08/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  9. Version 1.0.1


    When HK-47 uses the power blast feat with 2 blaster pistols equipped only 1 shot is being fired, this mod fixes this issue, now 2 shots are being fired.
  10. View File KotOR1 Droid Claw Fix This mod fixes a bug that stopped droids from using ’creature claw’ aka creature melee items. Specifically variants that has 'slashing damage' as there base damage type. Submitter GearHead Submitted 03/29/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This mod changes the number of troops that spawn on the Star Forge. More specifically in Deck 2 and the Command Center. Options range from Half to x10. Star Forge Horde Half - For people who are playing the game for the first time. Star Forge Horde x2 - Jedi Knight difficulty. Star Forge Horde x3 - Jedi Master difficulty. Star Forge Horde x4 - Jedi Grand Master difficulty. Star Forge Horde x5 - Chosen One difficulty. Star Forge Horde x10 - You are insane.
  12. View File Star Forge Horde Spawn Intensity Changer This mod changes the number of troops that spawn on the Star Forge. More specifically in Deck 2 and the Command Center. Options range from Half to x10. Star Forge Horde Half - For people who are playing the game for the first time. Star Forge Horde x2 - Jedi Knight difficulty. Star Forge Horde x3 - Jedi Master difficulty. Star Forge Horde x4 - Jedi Grand Master difficulty. Star Forge Horde x5 - Chosen One difficulty. Star Forge Horde x10 - You are insane. Submitter GearHead Submitted 03/14/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    A simple mod that allows you to repair HK-47 without investing skill points into repairs. Each repair will cost you 10 Parts.
  14. View File Revan's Custom Fitted Robes When you generate Revan's Robe on the Star Forge, the robe will be custom fitted to your character. For example, if your highest attribute is dexterity, you will get a robe with dexterity bonus. If something else is your highest attribute, you get a robe with that attribute. If you have multiple highest attributes, you get a robe with constitution bonus, more HP is always usefull. All robes are black, i hate the look of the brown version. Also no dark or light side requirements. Submitter GearHead Submitted 03/07/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  15. Version 1.0.0


    When you generate Revan's Robe on the Star Forge, the robe will be custom fitted to your character. For example, if your highest attribute is dexterity, you will get a robe with dexterity bonus. If something else is your highest attribute, you get a robe with that attribute. If you have multiple highest attributes, you get a robe with constitution bonus, more HP is always usefull. All robes are black, i hate the look of the brown version. Also no dark or light side requirements.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    With this mod installed when you become a Jedi you gain 9 force powers (10 if Jedi Consular) instead of 2. This means you don’t miss out on anything if you level up your character on Taris.
  17. View File More Jedi Starting Powers With this mod installed when you become a Jedi you gain 9 force powers (10 if Jedi Consular) instead of 2. This means you don’t miss out on anything if you level up your character on Taris. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/26/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Nerfed some of the items offered by Suvam Tan on the Yavin Space Station, he also buys items from you for less money now. This mod only work if you haven't visited the Yavin Space Station yet.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    I put a Sapith Crystal into the Rune Covered Pillar on the Rakatan World - Temple Exterior, because i always felt like it needed one. The mod only works if you haven't visited the Temple Exterior yet.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Don't you hate it when you get a cool looking item at the endgame but it has early game stats. Because i do. So i made the Wookiee Warblade a bit more useful. (If you already been to the Black Rakatan Settlement or you have the item in your inventory you need to use KotOR Savegame Editor to remove the original item then add the moded one to your inventory.)
  21. Version 1.0.0


    The Star Forge spawns HKs instead of the red spider droids.
  22. Version 1.0.1


    No more unnecessarily naked Twi'lek girls. They are still naked in the cantinas though.
  23. 353 downloads

    After installing the High Quality Blasters 1.1 mod by Sithspecter i run into some problems: 1. The Mandalorian Ripper shoots laser bolts from the ground. 2. The Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon is invisible. This mod aims to fix these problems. You still need to install the original mod and then this one. (If you have the Mandalorian Ripper or the Baragwin Distruptor-X Weapon in your inventory already, then you need to remove them and then add them back with the KotOR Savegame Editor.)
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Czerka employees on Korriban now wear Czerka uniforms instead of Sith ones.
  25. GearHead

    Taris Store Nerfs

    Version 1.0.0


    Vendors on Taris will now buy items from you for less money. Requires a new game to work.