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Found 298 results

  1. Version 1.1.4


    Improves the AI of KotOR 1. Changes: - Companions and most other NPCs use blaster feats (except droids their animations are buggy) - Enemy forceusers now use Force Breach and Lightsaber Throw (previously the AI ignored these force powers completely) - Enemy forceusers now use force buffs more often (Force Speed, Force Armor ect...) - NPCs with the Force Jump feat actually do force jumps if they are further than 10m from the target - Enemys reactivate shields after 200s - Some minor bug fixes - Jedi Support AI reworked - NPCs use Master Rapid Shot or Master Flurry if available instead of the default attack - NPCs use the highest level of feats and force powers available to them
  2. With BitF's initial framework complete, I've moved ahead to rebalancing equipment. I started out with robes and armor and I have some ideas I'd like discuss with anyone interested. I have two ideas I'm tossing around in my head. 1. I'd like to make certain pieces of equipment like Exar Kun and Darth Bandon's armors compatible with all force powers 2. I'd like to make Robes function like regular armor in that they provide a proper defense score rather than just the bonus that gets capped at +10. One of the chief reasons for the second reason is that it's so extraordinarily easy to cap that bonus that powers like Aura/Shield/Armor are totally unnecessary. To this end I've also removed Knight and Master Speed. Problems: 1. These two ideas make each other redundant. 2. An armor that provides 8 AC and let's you cast supercedes all but the latest game robes. So the armor itself will have to be brought down to 4 or 5 AC max. Ideas: 1. The unique robes cap at 3 AC and the armors cap at 4 or 5 AC. 2. The robes give that Force Regen bonus that they give in TSL. Does anyone have any criticisms, suggestions, or big ideas I should consider regarding armor?
  3. Version 1.0.1


    This mod allows you to choose between a single and a double-bladed lightsaber when you make your own lightsaber on Dantooine.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Heyorange's Sith Uniform Reformation A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: Heyorange (aka Pataschka) Version: 1.0 DESCRIPTION: This mod is a bunch of reskins of the sith officer uniforms. Different uniforms with different rank insignias were given to different officers throughout the game to give a bit more realistic look. Aside from that, the uniform of the Admiral Saul Karath was changed and a new reskin for sith students was added. The Mod is devided into 3 parts: 1. Heyorange's Sith Uniform Reformation - the main part of the mod 2. Sith Students + Czerka on Korriban fix - reskin of the standart sith uniforms for Korriban sith students and fix for Czerka workers on Korriban to have correct uniforms 3. K1R fix - A reskin of the sith uniform for the added wounded officer on the Leviathan by the K1R modification INSTALLATION: This mod doesn't have TSLPatcher so to install it copy desired files to your Override folder: - If you are using mods such as "Back in Black" or any other mod that changes the uniforms of the sith students and fixes Czerka workers then copy only files from "Heyorange's Sith Uniform Reformation" folder to your Override folder - If you don't have any mods affecting the appearance of the sith students and czerka officers then copy the files both from "Heyorange's Sith Uniform Reformation" and "Sith Students + Czerka on Korriban fix" folders to your Override folder - If you are using K1R modification than copy the files from all of 3 folders to your Override folder COMPABILITY: Would be incompatible with any mods that change the model of the sith officers. Should work both with vanilla game and K1R. PERMISSIONS: I am giving my permission to use any part of this mod to anyone as long as I am credited as the original author THIS MOD IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS OR BIOWARE. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR OF THIS MOD NOR THE COMPANIES MENTIONED ABOVE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER WHEN USING THIS FILE.
  5. I finally think I've figured out a way to get around my Jedi Class limitation woes but it requires knowledge I don't possess. Thankfully, I'm not above begging for someone to help me or teach me if they have the time. I'll gleefully credit you for your efforts either way. Here's the pitch: I'd like to start Bastila, Jolee, and Juhani with custom classes. For the part I need help with, I'd like to add some dialogue options when speaking to the player that trigger a multiclass script for them to graduate to their natural class. It would be ideal if this would happen after gaining their 8th level but even that's not necessary as I can use dialogue to warn the player not to do this too early. What this does is make it so that I can restore the player's choice of jedi classes in the Radical Jedi version or eliminate it altogether. Is there anyone who's willing to either take this on as a request or take me on as an apprentice? Here's a link to my mod
  6. Does anyone know how to make custom feats that would either create a couple feats for me or teach me how to do it? What I need are 3 separate feats that essentially mimic Toughness except that they add 4, 6, and 8 FP (instead of VP) per level. This would make for an absolutely huge change in my Balance in the Force Mod. Edit: I've since realized that unless there's already a script that adds FP per level, that this request will be impossible.
  7. Version 1.0.7


    This mod corrects companion stats. Also makes dark side Bastila level 3. WARNING: This mod is made to be compatible with as many mods a possible. This means sometimes during the installation process you get error messages dou to the way the installer handles thing. Don't panic, this is normal, the mod will work just fine. If a companion already joined your party the changes will not apply. You need to start a new game or load a previous save. List of changes: Bastila: - Awareness Skill 4 -> 6 - Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6 - Fixed a bug that caused some of her textures to be transparent. - Her dark side version is level 3 now. Same stats but evil and has dark side powers (Stun -> Fear, Force Aura -> Wound). Juhani: - Stealth Skill 5 -> 4 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 7 - Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 7 T3-M4: - Demolitions Skill 1 -> 3 - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (-3 feats for T3) Zaalbar: - Max Hit Points 52 -> 60 (This bug goes away if you level him up, but i fixed it anyway.) Jolee: - Awareness Skill 5 -> 7 - Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6 HK-47: - Base Hit Points 60 -> 72 - Current Hit Points 60 -> 72 - Max Hit Points 66 -> 78 - Demolitions Skill 5 -> 7 - Awareness Skill 5 -> 7 - Repair Skill 6 -> 8 - He has Improved Power Blast now to match the number of feats Combat Droids gain on their first 6 levels. - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (+3 feats for HK) - Fixed his dual wield power blast. He fires both blasters now, previously he only fired the right hand one.
  8. Pretty straight forward question? Are there any unused columns in Feat.2da & Featgain.2da? I really really want to make custom classes and I need more feat and featgain space to pull it off. Is there anyone who can help me with this?
  9. View File Stronger Ajunta Pall This mod buffs Ajunta Pall. Do you guys remember the epic moment when you first fight the Great Ajunta Pall? No? Neither do i. Ajunta is a little B who dies in one hit, even though he is supposed to be a powerfull ancient Sith Lord. So... I buffed him a tiny bit. Have fun! The mod only works if he hasn't spawned in yet. Submitter GearHead Submitted 05/27/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This mod buffs Ajunta Pall. Do you guys remember the epic moment when you first fight the Great Ajunta Pall? No? Neither do i. Ajunta is a little B who dies in one hit, even though he is supposed to be a powerfull ancient Sith Lord. So... I buffed him a tiny bit. Have fun! The mod only works if he hasn't spawned in yet.
  11. Is there a good way to view all of the games unused feat and power icons?
  12. View File [K1] No more unrealistic visual effects This mod was inspired by Shem's Realistic Visual Effects from way back when. For those of you who don't remember, Shem's mod removed speed blur, glowing hands during melee attacks, force wave and sparkly healing animations. I've decided to take things a step farther and remove everything that could be considered unrealistic, such as: - the brief green glow that occurs after being poisoned - anything visual associated with friendly powers (valor, force resistance, shield, etc.) - glowing or smoking hands when using certain powers - the shield-like stasis effect - swirling white lines indicating confusion - the black 'scorch' effect that appears on the ground after some explosions (which is realistic, admittedly, but looks like hell) - the 'goo' effect that appears after smashing Kinrath eggs (which is also realistic, but, much like the 'scorch' effect, looks horrific in-game) - animated scopes (power blast, sniper shot, etc.) Why do something like this? Personally, I can't stand the glowing, sparkling and otherwise silly or ugly visual indicators in KotOR. This sort of thing might be useful for anyone looking to create machinimas... which probably aren't a thing anymore, but oh well. I've also included a couple optional extras: a blank texture that replaces the blue nebula thing - which can be seen during a variety of in-game cutscenes and typically looks pretty bad - and also a reworked camera. The edited camera definitely isn't for everyone, but to me it looks more modern without going totally overboard. I've adjusted it so that there are no differences between the default, combat and Ebon Hawk camera angles. This probably isn't compatible with other mods that alter 'visualeffects.2da' or 'spells.2da'. I don't use K1R, so I'm not sure whether or not there are any conflicts. It will work with the Community Patch, however, but you must install my mod afterwards. And finally, a huge thanks to Fred Tetra for his KotOR Tool. Enjoy. Submitter KnifeMaster Submitted 06/09/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  13. View File KotOR1 Droid Claw Fix This mod fixes a bug that stopped droids from using ’creature claw’ aka creature melee items. Specifically variants that has 'slashing damage' as there base damage type. Submitter GearHead Submitted 04/24/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This mod fixes a bug that stopped droids from using ’creature claw’ aka creature melee items. Specifically variants that has 'slashing damage' as there base damage type.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    WARNING: This Skin is intended to be used with another mod! Read the Installation section to follow instructions. The Mod intended is N-Drew's "Build a Calo" Mod. It can be found on DeadlyStream Description: With the release of N-Drew's "Build a Calo" mod, it would be fitting for someone to make a skin that describes a "damaged" Calo Nord. That's what I've done. I've given Calo some not too major burns on his face, and made his pants dusty and his jacket burned as well. With the addition of giving a "damaged" reskin, I've also upscaled the textures by 4x. Installation: Install N-Drew's mod first: Follow the instructions given in the mods description! Afterwards, Copy all the files in the "Override" folder after extracting the .zip this mod is in to the Override folder in your Kotor game directory. Overwrite when/if prompted. IF USING N-DREW'S MOD: Make sure when you install N-Drew's mod, you install it with both Head and Body modifications. If NOT USING N-DREW'S MOD AND WISH TO USE THESE TEXTURES AS NORMAL: Change the "02" in each of the files name to "01" UnInstalling: Delete the files included with this mod, and replace with the files from n-drew's or another modders texture. Compatability: Compatible with everything but other mods that make the same changes as these mods. Listed as Not Compatible with K1R, because of it's intended use with a non compatible mod. Credits: GIMP JC and DarthParametric in DeadlyStream discord for giving advice on the stuff used in the .txi Bioware for making Kotor. N-Drew for making "Build A Calo", which makes the intention of this reskin possible. Permissions: Do Not include this in your own mod without my permission. Do not claim it as your own. Do not reupload to any other sites without my permission. Known Issues: Possible there may be some rendering issues due to the .txi's included with the mod, if so, remove from override. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE
  16. Version 1.3.2


    This mod replaces the voice overs used for Nikto, Aqualish, Gran, and Quarren NPCs in KOTOR. In KOTOR I, Nikto, Aqualish, Gran, and Quarren NPCs use VOs that are meant for and shared by several other species. KOTOR II fixes this by adding VOs specific to these four species, so I figured hey, why not incorporate them back into the original game? The intention of this mod is to provide a stronger sense of immersion and consistency between the two games, while keeping the affected dialogue true to its intended "feel." A bonus side effect is that the aggressive Nikto VOs make the Black Vulkars seem like an actual threat instead of comic relief. Installation & Uninstallation To install this mod, run Installer.exe, select the option(s) you want, and proceed with the installation. To uninstall this mod, run the installer again, select the same option(s), and click Tools -> Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup. Compatibility Compatibility patches are included for K1CP (Queedle Fix) , KOTOR 1 Restoration, and Kainzorus Prime's K1 NPC Overhaul mod. K1R has a Nikto NPC in the Vulkar Base sublevel with Basic (English) VOs. I decided to leave this unaltered since it's restored content. Known Issues Some of the Nikto and Gran VOs don't have perfectly matching mouth animations, which is because KOTOR II is missing some LIP files. The placeholders I'm using are as close as I could find. These may be replaced in a later version. Redros's mouth doesn't move for a couple of lines of dialogue. This bug happens regardless of this mod and only if his appearance is Nikto, so I felt the bug is beyond this mod's scope. Please let me know of any other issues you find, or if you come across anything I missed! Credits Fred Tetra, Kotor Tool Fair Strides, KotOR Toolset tk102, DLG Editor & K-GFF Editor JCarter426, SithCodec NickHugi, HoloPatcher Disclaimer This mod is not supported by LucasArts, BioWare, or Obsidian Entertainment. It is for personal usage only and intends no copyright infringement. Questions, etc.? Contact me on Deadly Stream or via the unofficial KOTOR Discord if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or the like. If you want to use this mod as a part of an external work, you must receive my permission. This mod should only be found on Deadly Stream or Nexus Mods. No user may upload it to another modding site.
  17. View File KotOR1 HK-47 Power Blast Fix When HK-47 uses the power blast feat with 2 blaster pistols equipped only 1 shot is being fired, this mod fixes this issue, now 2 shots are being fired. Submitter GearHead Submitted 04/08/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  18. View File Damaged Calo Nord WARNING: This Skin is intended to be used with another mod! Read the Installation section to follow instructions. The Mod intended is N-Drew's "Build a Calo" Mod. It can be found on DeadlyStream Description: With the release of N-Drew's "Build a Calo" mod, it would be fitting for someone to make a skin that describes a "damaged" Calo Nord. That's what I've done. I've given Calo some not too major burns on his face, and made his pants dusty and his jacket burned as well. With the addition of giving a "damaged" reskin, I've also upscaled the textures by 4x. Installation: Install N-Drew's mod first: Follow the instructions given in the mods description! Afterwards, Copy all the files in the "Override" folder after extracting the .zip this mod is in to the Override folder in your Kotor game directory. Overwrite when/if prompted. IF USING N-DREW'S MOD: Make sure when you install N-Drew's mod, you install it with both Head and Body modifications. If NOT USING N-DREW'S MOD AND WISH TO USE THESE TEXTURES AS NORMAL: Change the "02" in each of the files name to "01" UnInstalling: Delete the files included with this mod, and replace with the files from n-drew's or another modders texture. Compatability: Compatible with everything but other mods that make the same changes as these mods. Listed as Not Compatible with K1R, because of it's intended use with a non compatible mod. Credits: GIMP JC and DarthParametric in DeadlyStream discord for giving advice on the stuff used in the .txi Bioware for making Kotor. N-Drew for making "Build A Calo", which makes the intention of this reskin possible. Permissions: Do Not include this in your own mod without my permission. Do not claim it as your own. Do not reupload to any other sites without my permission. Known Issues: Possible there may be some rendering issues due to the .txi's included with the mod, if so, remove from override. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE Submitter Lewok2007 Submitted 04/08/2024 Category Skins K1R Compatible No  
  19. Version 1.0.1


    When HK-47 uses the power blast feat with 2 blaster pistols equipped only 1 shot is being fired, this mod fixes this issue, now 2 shots are being fired.
  20. Version 1.1.1


    This mod issues a minor improvement for Lashowe's and Shaleena's heads in KOTOR so that the upper teeth are no longer hidden while talking. Shaleena's head will not be affected by this mod unless you are using KOTOR 1 Restoration, K1 NPC Overhaul, or any other mod that restores her unique appearance. Installation & Uninstallation To install this mod, drag the files in 'Override' to the override folder located in your game's directory. To uninstall this mod, delete the files listed at the end of readme.rtf from your game's override folder. Compatibility & Known Issues This mod should be compatible with any retextures for these heads but not mods that affect the same model files. Credits Fred Tetra, Kotor Tool bead-v, KOTORmax & MDLedit Autodesk, 3ds Max Disclaimer This mod is not supported by LucasArts, BioWare, or Obsidian Entertainment. It is for personal usage only & intends no copyright infringement. Questions, etc.? Contact me on Deadly Stream or via the unofficial KOTOR Discord if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or the like. If you want to use this mod as a part of an external work, you must receive my permission. This mod should only be found on Deadly Stream or Nexus Mods. No user may upload it to another modding site.
  21. Version 1.0.0a


    This mod replaces the KOTOR legal screen with a high-resolution version that stays faithful to the original. The two options for installation are the Classic (4x3 with black borders) and Widescreen (16x9) editions. These are both 1080p. If requested, additional resolutions may be added in the future. Installation To install this mod, simply drop legal.bik in 'Movies' into the Movies folder in your game's directory. Make a backup copy of the original if you might uninstall this mod later. Widescreen Patching In order for this mod to work properly, your game must be patched to run in widescreen. Here's a couple of useful links in doing so. KOTOR Editable Executable Patching Tutorial Credits The GIMP Team, GIMP Olive Team, Olive Video Edior RAD Game Tools, RAD Video Tools Thanks to Sith Holocron for helping me font-match. Disclaimer This mod is not supported by LucasArts or BioWare. It is for personal usage only and intends no copyright infringement. Questions, etc.? Contact me on Deadly Stream or via the unofficial KOTOR Discord if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or the like. If you want to use this mod as a part of an external work, you must receive my permission. This mod should only be found on Deadly Stream or Nexus Mods. No user may upload it to another modding site.
  22. Version 1.3.3


    This mod intends to address key issues with male Twi'lek heads in KOTOR I. The main improvements are the addition of ears and slimming down on the Bib Fortuna necks. Other tweaks include better smoothing groups, fixed teeth and eyelids, and recolored tongues. The ears were created using modified assets ported from SWTOR. There's two options for installation. Option A uses the slim necks, while Option B retains the original necks. I highly recommend the first option as it fixes clipping with collars on heavy armor and it's the main choice for other mods which use my files. Given the frequency of Twi'lek NPCs, this mod's a nice visual improvement that adds a much-needed element of consistency with other humanoid head models in the game. The KOTOR II can be found here. Installation & Uninstallation To install this mod, run Installer.exe, select the option you want, and proceed with the installation. To uninstall this mod, run the installer again, select the same option, and click Tools -> Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup. Compatibility & Known Issues This mod isn't compatible with any retextures of male Twi'lek heads unless that mod states otherwise. This mod has built-in compatibility with the K1 Community Patch and is also compatible with the K1 NPC Overhaul Mod. Either should be installed prior to installing this mod. I've given permission for this mod to be included in a few other projects. Be sure to check the descriptions of those mods to see if you need to install this first. Credits Fred Tetra, Kotor Tool bead-v, KOTORmax & MDLedit ndix UR, tga2tpc Darth Parametric, Upper teeth no-clip fix NickHugi, HoloPatcher Autodesk, 3ds Max The GIMP Team, GIMP Thanks to Darth Parametric, ebmar, & JCarter426 for the help during the development of this mod! Disclaimer This mod is not supported by LucasArts, BioWare, or EA. It is for personal usage only and intends no copyright infringement. Questions, etc.? Contact me on Deadly Stream or via the unofficial KOTOR Discord if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or the like. If you want to use this mod as a part of an external work, you must receive my permission. This mod should only be found on Deadly Stream or Nexus Mods. No user may upload it to another modding site.
  23. View File KotOR1 Droid Claw Fix This mod fixes a bug that stopped droids from using ’creature claw’ aka creature melee items. Specifically variants that has 'slashing damage' as there base damage type. Submitter GearHead Submitted 03/29/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  24. Hi all, first post! I've recently started a KOTOR playthrough after not playing it for years and thought I'd share my experience modding it for ultrawide (3440x1440) just in case it helps anyone. (and to get some feedback in case I made any mistakes). 01. The basic setup is the reddit modlist (here) and the optional widescreen steps (here, patching the game WITH the dialogue adjustments from the hi-res menu patch) with 1440p remastered cutscenes (mostly to prevent the game from minimizing everytime a cutscene starts, without the HEX edits). This got me up and running in 3440x1440 without any significant issues. Only small annoyance is the sometimes glitchy dialogue bar animation due to the hi-res menu patch. 02. Next step was to install RaymanGT's ultrawide mod to even further increase the UI and HUD quality. This one had some minor alignment issues so I thought I'd try fixing them myself. So using KOTOR Tool and the KOTOR GUI editor I managed to fix the alignment issues and edit the top right icons texture backgrounds to transparent. updated files (override folder - replace): here 03. Messing around with ReShade I managed to create a "cinematic" effect that only shows up during dialogue scenes. This using a combination of UIDetect and IMMERSE RTGI and DOF (DOF with a very generous and fast auto-focus so it doesn't just blur everything). Here you can find my my .fxh and RGBmask for UIDetect. You can sandwich any shaders/effects in there to mess around with the dialogue scenes. I'll keep this updated if I make any other big changes. Really amazed by all of the amazing mods people have made for this game over the years and looking forward to contributing.
  25. Version 1.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 19.03.2017 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 The Sith Lords override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder Description: While I was searching the game files for TSL I discovered the K1 Skyboxes for Dantooine were still in the TSL game files. I also discovered the grass on Onderon was also very similar to the K1 Dantooine grass so I made this mod. What this mod does is retexture the Dantooine grass and skyboxes to look like the Skyboxes and grass in K1. This mod includes no ported content from K1 into TSL. All assets used were already within the TSL game files. Known Bugs: The very top of the Dantooine Outdoor Modules is a different color to the rest of the skyboxes. I will address this when I find the correct texture for it or am able to make a custom one Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that changes the Dantooine grass or skybox Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and please ask me for permission if you want to use this in your mod Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game, Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool, Obsidian for not deleting the textures and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.