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  1. I believe I've found an error in KotOR 1's text that hasn't been fixed. While poking around in the script for Force Whirlwind I discovered that it lasts for 9 seconds rather than 12 it lists in the description. Strategy Wiki has it incorrect too. Another person and I both tested it to be sure and you can check in the feedback logs. What I did was I used Force Whirlwind, and then I added 3 physical attacks into the que. Sure enough, after 3 attacks, he's free and immediately uses with force lightning. What I don't understand is how the damage is actually broken up in segments of time it. It does in fact do Level/3 damage but it doesn't actually break it down into 2 second chunks. It break it down into 7 chunks which are scattered willy nilly throughout the 9 second duration. At level 20, it deals 20/3=6.66 damage. 6.66 - 2 damage because of Malak's master toughness rounded down = 4 damage per tic x 7 tics equal 28 damage. I'm not sure how or if you want to update this description but I just thought I'd report it. Edit: I included screenshots of the damage logs but it displayed them out of order. So rather than confuse you, I'll just let you replicate it yourself. Also, I got a different result as far as how many times it proc'd the damage over time effect. When I was attacking it proc'd 7 times in a scattered fashion but when I disengaged immediately after casting it proc'd 6 times. I'm pretty confident that there's either a bug in the log or the intermixing of the damage over time with physical attacks get mixed up in the combat queue. If I was a betting man, I'd wager that it actually procs the damage over time effect once every 1.5 seconds aka twice a round.
  2. Timbo

    KotOR1 - Improved AI

    Did you ever get around to including the community mod fixes? Since your mod is a script change it overrides the community mod. It would be nice to not have to choose.
  3. I'm trying to edit Burst of/Knight/Master Speed. I used to make SNES romhacks back in the day so I'm pretty good at hex-editng and familiar enough with this that I can make sense of what I'm reading. I've figured out what values I need to edit to make it work but when I opened it in KotOR scripting tool and saved it. I thought I would just be able to edit it directly, save it, and throw it into the override folder, instead it just broke spellcasting. What am I doing wrong? Here's a sample of what I did to Burst of Speed: 00006234 05 00 00A5 01 ACTION EffectMovementSpeedIncrease(00A5), 01 00006239 01 01 FFFFFFEC 0004 CPDOWNSP FFFFFFEC, 0004 00006241 1B 00 FFFFFFFC MOVSP FFFFFFFC 00006247 04 03 00002007 CONSTI 00002007 0000624D 04 03 00000000 CONSTI 00000000 00006253 04 03 00000002 CONSTI 00000002 00006259 05 00 0073 03 ACTION EffectACIncrease(0073), 03 If I change these bottom lines like so it should change it from +2 to AC to a -4 in Attack. 00006253 04 03 00000004 CONSTI 00000004 00006259 05 00 01BF 02 ACTION EffectAttackDecrease(01BF), 02 Edit: NVM. It's actually way easier than this.
  4. Sorry it took me so long to get this fixed it was a rough couple weeks. I'm not sure what happened but this bug was all fixed and somehow got reintegrated between testing and release. I actually went a different direction this time around and made it an optional patch. Anyway. It's up and should be working normally this time. Furthermore, I've been looking into modding powers and I think I've figured out how to modify effects. I'm still real wet behind the ears with scripting but I'm pretty sure I can modify buffs easily enough. I might be able to return Knight and Master Speed to the core patch. Removing the defense bonus is essential for keeping Force Aura/Shield/Armor from becoming redundant and adding either a penalty to attack or defense will hopefully keep it from being too overpowered. I'm thinking an attack penalty will stack nicely with all classes having full base attack bonus progression. Here's what I'm thinking... Burst of Speed: Increased Movement Speed, Compatible with Armor, 10 FP Cost Knight Speed: Increased Movement Speed, +1 Attack per round, -5 Attack or Defense Penalty, Armor Prohibited, 30 FP Cost Master Speed: Increased Movement Speed, +1 Attack per round, -2 Attack or Defense Penalty, Armor Prohibited, 40 FP Cost As always, feedback and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I'm guessing you'll never see this but this is an excellent mod. I'd like to suggest some changes to the Speed power tree. Since the game has a defense bonus cap of +10 and Jedi automatically get +6 at level 12, it would make sense to reduce the defense bonuses these powers provide in order to prevent Force Aura from becoming redundant. Here's my take: Burst of Speed: Just the movement speed, no armor restriction, low FP cost. Knight Speed: +2 Attack bonus. Master Speed: +2 Attack bonus, +1 Attack per round.
  6. With BitF's initial framework complete, I've moved ahead to rebalancing equipment. I started out with robes and armor and I have some ideas I'd like discuss with anyone interested. I have two ideas I'm tossing around in my head. 1. I'd like to make certain pieces of equipment like Exar Kun and Darth Bandon's armors compatible with all force powers 2. I'd like to make Robes function like regular armor in that they provide a proper defense score rather than just the bonus that gets capped at +10. One of the chief reasons for the second reason is that it's so extraordinarily easy to cap that bonus that powers like Aura/Shield/Armor are totally unnecessary. To this end I've also removed Knight and Master Speed. Problems: 1. These two ideas make each other redundant. 2. An armor that provides 8 AC and let's you cast supercedes all but the latest game robes. So the armor itself will have to be brought down to 4 or 5 AC max. Ideas: 1. The unique robes cap at 3 AC and the armors cap at 4 or 5 AC. 2. The robes give that Force Regen bonus that they give in TSL. Does anyone have any criticisms, suggestions, or big ideas I should consider regarding armor?
  7. I just wanted to let you know that v1.3.0 now includes optional patches that restore the cut powers. There's one that includes just Knight Speed as well in case you are still interested in some semblance of balance.
  8. I want to add a properties like mighty critical, keen, or bonus damage to all of HK's attacks. Can this be done with hides or do these properties have to be applied to a weapon?
  9. I finally think I've figured out a way to get around my Jedi Class limitation woes but it requires knowledge I don't possess. Thankfully, I'm not above begging for someone to help me or teach me if they have the time. I'll gleefully credit you for your efforts either way. Here's the pitch: I'd like to start Bastila, Jolee, and Juhani with custom classes. For the part I need help with, I'd like to add some dialogue options when speaking to the player that trigger a multiclass script for them to graduate to their natural class. It would be ideal if this would happen after gaining their 8th level but even that's not necessary as I can use dialogue to warn the player not to do this too early. What this does is make it so that I can restore the player's choice of jedi classes in the Radical Jedi version or eliminate it altogether. Is there anyone who's willing to either take this on as a request or take me on as an apprentice? Here's a link to my mod
  10. This is how mods like the repeating blasters fix or the weapon finesse mod work right? I would be okay with it not being compatible with other mods that do this stuff so long as it's compatible with graphics mods, the community mod, and k1r (even if those mods aren't compatible with one another as long as it "behaved normally". Meaning that it the characters that had those feats (or hides or whatever) had normally functioning force point pools that were indistinguishable from the three normal Jedi classes.
  11. Does anyone know how to make custom feats that would either create a couple feats for me or teach me how to do it? What I need are 3 separate feats that essentially mimic Toughness except that they add 4, 6, and 8 FP (instead of VP) per level. This would make for an absolutely huge change in my Balance in the Force Mod. Edit: I've since realized that unless there's already a script that adds FP per level, that this request will be impossible.
  12. So Energy Resistance still stacks with Energy Shields which stack together to create crazy levels of damage reduction. The 5 point version might be okay though. Knight and Master Speed still add the defense bonus which makes Aura/Shield/Armor pretty much useless. I wouldn't use the mod as it stands for those reason but I'll reach out to Elm and see if he can show me how to mod these powers. Either way though, I won't use someone else's work without their express permission.
  13. So, regarding powers, I don't know how to change the effects of them. So, what I could do is eliminate Master Speed. And rename Knight Speed to Master Speed, allowing for a single extra attack and a +4 ac bonus. I spent a lot of time pondering whether or not to do just this. Ultimately, I decided that not only was the extra attack overpowered but the +4 AC bonus makes Force Aura/Shield/Amor redundant. So by cutting Knight and Master Speed I eliminate the easy Lightsaber go brrrrrrr strategy and make the Aura line actually useful. This is good since I gave all classes, and this goes for enemies too, full base attack bonus and all ranged weapons increased damage.
  14. I'm thinking about doing something like this with my own mod. I'm wondering, do you know if it's possible to separate Force Whirlwind but still have Force Push be a prerequisite for both Whirlwind and Wave?
  15. Actually, I have lots of reasons for doing this. For example I could create a some fake classes all called Force Adept with different starting skills and feat tables and give the NPCs a few levels of those classes. Since we're locked to only 3 classes with FP. This would allow for subtle variations between the PC and the NPCs. For example, you could make Juhani a Guardian who's got Stealth and Demolitions as a class skills without giving the PC this luxury when taking Guardian. Or giving Bastila the ability to take Weapon Specialization without letting the PC take it as a Sentinel. So, is it possible?