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  • Birthday 12/30/1973

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  1. Salk

    [KotOR] Dialogue Fixes

    You were right. After reading it again, I realized I didn't grasp the meaning of the phrase.
  2. Just a note (which I should have included in the Read Me file): for the upgrades to be available this modification needs to be installed before visiting Atho East and Tatooine's Droid Shop.
  3. Salk

    [KotOR] Dialogue Fixes

    It's a fix for string 26791: Original: "She's too valuable to leave with the Vulkar scum at the base. Brejik's probably got your Republic friend hidden away somewhere safe until the big swoop race. You'll never find her. Well, if you ever play the game better use version 5.0 and avoid messing up with the dialog.tlk file. This has nothing to do with the file I modified. Something is broken in the dialogue tree (problem in one .dlg file).
  4. My pleasure. I hope I did a good enough job.
  5. View File [KotOR] Swoop Bike Upgrades This modification comes from a (very reasonable) request made by Snigaroo, lamenting the fact that in the original game it's not possible to improve the performance of the game's swoop bike despite evidence that upgrades should be available. I introduced two of them and made them available in two different stores. They can be purchased to help those who struggle to make good times on Tatooine's and Manaan's race circuits. They don't come cheap, but they are certainly a great asset for any aspiring swoop racing champion. Submitter Salk Submitted 05/30/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This modification comes from a (very reasonable) request made by Snigaroo, lamenting the fact that in the original game it's not possible to improve the performance of the game's swoop bike despite evidence that upgrades should be available. I introduced two of them and made them available in two different stores. They can be purchased to help those who struggle to make good times on Tatooine's and Manaan's race circuits. They don't come cheap, but they are certainly a great asset for any aspiring swoop racing champion.
  7. Yes, one upgrade will be at Yortal's but that cutscene seems to mostly hint at the fact that the merchant there sells second hand, repaired swoop bike party replacements rather than real upgrades. Nonetheless it's good enough for me. The other upgrade will be at Yuka's. I should be ready with the mod tomorrow.
  8. I'd rather not add NPCs to the game. One of the two upgrades will be for sale at Yortal's Emporium. I think the other will be obtainable as final reward from the Pazaak player Kudos on Tatooine, replacing the original prize (a vibration cell). Actually, after a brief research, the only place that makes 100% sense for the upgrades to be on sale is Yuka Laka's on Tatooine. Sorry, Manaan. Both the upgrades will be there. Now I wish even more that we'd have stores signs on Tatooine. 🙂
  9. Well, to your credit there is a K1 quest where you can help a fellow swoop racer improve his time by lending him money to buy a swoop upgrade.
  10. I fear neither vendors explicitly speaks about selling swoop parts, although Wookieepedia reports Yortal's Emporium as a second hand shop where swoop bikes part can be purchased so it's not a stretch to have him sell a bike upgrade. The Czerka clerk instead says explicitly he doesn't sell any. But since I have now done most of the work for this, I will have Junix Nard sell the other in Tatooine.
  11. Snigaroo, I checked the Czerka clerk's dialogue and he's saying: "Oh, a swoop-jock, hm? I know I don't have the crazy suicide parts you're looking for." Could it be that you were thinking of someone else?
  12. I preliminarily made changes to the onfire.ncs and obstacle.ncs scripts that are used in the racing minigames. I guess I'll need to test how this translates into the minigame itself and see if JC or th3w1zard1 can help out with decompiling the heartbeat script, if necessary. Cheers!
  13. At least initially, I would like to keep things simple: one mod to raise speed and one to raise acceleration. I'm not sure I'd like to introduce more complex upgrades with drawbacks or changes to the obastacle hits and boost pads. I checked the vanilla script database you built and I cannot find there the decompiled heartbeat.ncs unfortunately. In the decompiled onfire.ncs script (Should "// Byte code does not match" be a concern, by the way?), I find some numerical values set for SWMG_SetPlayerMinSpeed, SWMG_SetPlayerMaxSpeed and SWMG_SetPlayerAccelerationPerSecond. I guess this part covers the hyper speed state of the swoop? Overall, I wonder if I'm biting off here more than I can chew.
  14. I guess the script to work on is oncreate.ncs found in tat_m17mg and manm26mg? I was thinking one merchant may sell a mod that improves speed while the other would sell one that improves acceleration. Simple enough, if it works properly. I guess there is no unused icons for swoop bike mods in either K1 or K2? In that case, we'll need to create them and I'll need help there.
  15. Hello, @Hunters Run! First, thanks for creating this modification. I was reminded of it when discussing one of Snigaroo's issue with the original game in his topic "Mod Build Request" under Bastila Needs to Hide. I was wondering if it could be possible to offer a combat free alternative, which may sound less fun but would make more sense, in my opinion. In short, I'd welcome an option where Bastila is automatically and forcibly using her disguise all the time while on Taris. Spawning her with the disguise on shouldn't be a problem by simply checking the area she spawns in, but I'm not sure how to lock access to the body and head slots in the Inventory page and how to forbid the use of the lightsaber. In fact, to maintain total anonymity Bastila should not use her lightsaber on Taris either. Snigaroo commented about the disguise itself here. Perhaps there may be space for improvements in terms of description and texturing? Cheers!