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Found 78 results

  1. OzilsEyes

    TSL Collectables


    ============================================ Collectables: Holocrons ============================================ Install 14 ‘Collectable’ Holocrons across the game, each holocron will give you different temporary boosts to stats, different items and a little bit of XP which differs. This is a mini 'easter egg hunt' which you can partake in through your play throughs. Just a bit of fun. Here is a short video, showcasing what the mod provides: EDIT: After reviewing, I've changed the dialog to differ slightly from the video as 'You reach out and feel a pulling power' sounds stupid. Key points: Each Holocron discovered gives a different reward. Each Holocron discovered gives an interesting fact / short story about the area it was discovered in. There are 14 to collect throughout the game (This is set to increase to include planets such as: M4-78, Coruscant & Cathalan). One of every planet & almost every level. Short animations / some cutscenes included for immersion. 3-4 locations that are not usually accessible now opened up. Compatible with TSLRCM, M4-78EP, Expanded Galaxy Project, Coruscant, Cathalan (Expansions incoming). Compatibility wise, I packaged up with holopatcher, there should be no compatibility issues unless you've put placeables on the exact spots the Holocrons are OR have changed inaccessible door files. The idea behind this was to use some of the unused / inaccessible rooms across the game, though I ended up placing a few of the Holocrons in some very accessible places. This may not be to everybody's taste as you wouldn't expect to find a Holocron in some of the locations; however, I may change the model / naming / rewards to something more relevant in a future update. Legal Disclaimer ================= All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. Please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all the below parties. Credits: Tools used:
  2. View File Sith Assassins With Lightsabers Description: 2 mods were released a long time ago, doing some part of what this mod does. These 2 mods being Shem's Sith Assassin's with Lightsabers and Hassat Hunter's Sith troops to Sith Assassins. Although these 2 mods are fine, there were a few issues/complications. Both of these mods are listed to install on the TSL Community Mod Build, but having both installed leads to some consistency issues. The changed assassins on the Ebon Hawk won't have lightsabers like Shem's mod does to them on the Harbinger. Additionally, Shem's mod had some of the Lightsabers drop premature to the player getting their own lightsaber, allowing you to get multiple of them for you and your party. While that's not despicable, it is a bit annoying for players who want to have a consistent and story accurate playthrough. This mod combine's the features of the 2 mentioned mods, while making it consistent. Installation: This mod is split up into 2 install parts. First, extract the .zip download. Run the INSTALL.exe and select the first part install option, installing to your TSL directory. Once that is completed (make a copy of tthe backup folder and rename it to "backup2", in case you want to uninstall the mod.) exit and run the INSTALL.exe again and install the second part to your TSL directory. Once the second is completed, the mod is installed. Note: You can install the first part alone and the mod will be fine, but the second part installs for the turret sequence on peragus. If you'd like the immersion and consistency, install both parts. Uninstall: Open up "backup2" and copy the .mod file to the modules folder, overwriting it when prompted. Delete all the .utc filed in the game's override folder that match the .utc files in the backup2 folder. Open up "backup" and copy the .mod file into there to the modules folder, overwriting when prompted. Compatibility: Don't worry if you have Shem's and Hassat's mods installed first, this mod will overwrite what they do. Credits: Holocron Toolset - Cortisol TSLPatcher - Stoffe Snigaroo for testing help. Shem and Hassat for making the original mods, that this mod replicates. Permissions: You can use parts of the mods in your own, as long as there is proper credit. Don't re-upload this mod anywhere without any changes done, if I want somewhere, I'll put it there. Bugs: None known at the time. Report if any are encountered. Submitter Lewok2007 Submitted 12/31/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.1.0


    Description: 2 mods were released a long time ago, doing some part of what this mod does. These 2 mods being Shem's Sith Assassin's with Lightsabers and Hassat Hunter's Sith troops to Sith Assassins. Although these 2 mods are fine, there were a few issues/complications. Both of these mods are listed to install on the TSL Community Mod Build, but having both installed leads to some consistency issues. The changed assassins on the Ebon Hawk won't have lightsabers like Shem's mod does to them on the Harbinger. Additionally, Shem's mod had some of the Lightsabers drop premature to the player getting their own lightsaber, allowing you to get multiple of them for you and your party. While that's not despicable, it is a bit annoying for players who want to have a consistent and story accurate playthrough. This mod combine's the features of the 2 mentioned mods, while making it consistent. Installation: This mod is split up into 2 install parts. First, extract the .zip download. Run the INSTALL.exe and select the first part install option, installing to your TSL directory. Once that is completed (make a copy of tthe backup folder and rename it to "backup2", in case you want to uninstall the mod.) exit and run the INSTALL.exe again and install the second part to your TSL directory. Once the second is completed, the mod is installed. Note: You can install the first part alone and the mod will be fine, but the second part installs for the turret sequence on peragus. If you'd like the immersion and consistency, install both parts. Uninstall: Open up "backup2" and copy the .mod file to the modules folder, overwriting it when prompted. Delete all the .utc filed in the game's override folder that match the .utc files in the backup2 folder. Open up "backup" and copy the .mod file into there to the modules folder, overwriting when prompted. Compatibility: Don't worry if you have Shem's and Hassat's mods installed first, this mod will overwrite what they do. Credits: Holocron Toolset - Cortisol TSLPatcher - Stoffe Snigaroo for testing help. Shem and Hassat for making the original mods, that this mod replicates. Permissions: You can use parts of the mods in your own, as long as there is proper credit. Don't re-upload this mod anywhere without any changes done, if I want somewhere, I'll put it there. Bugs: None known at the time. Report if any are encountered.
  4. Version v1.1.0b4


    Please see for the main repo. Please report any bugs or problems you encounter. While I test this heavily, it's difficult to find any and all problems when incorporating 200+ mod's instructions across dozens of operating systems and platform combinations. If you happen to notice something odd or out of place, please report them. KOTORModSync is a multi-mod installer for KOTOR games that makes it easier to install and manage mods. I usually install the Reddit mod build every year or so. The process takes about an hour and it's repetitive moving files, running tslpatcher, deleting specific files, and occasionally renaming some files. The last time I installed the modbuild I made a mistake on a single different step, 3 times in a row. Most mistakes require a full restart from the beginning. This is tedious, so I decided to create an installer creator in C# to simplify the process. Goals Mod creators work really hard on their mods. It's the least we can do to install them and use them, right? However, who wants to reinstall to vanilla and spend several hours reinstalling mods, just to add 1 or 2 extra mods on top of it? Other mod managers I've tried were either too difficult to configure, require significant changes to a hard-to-understand configuration file, or only provided limited functionality for defining new mods. KOTOR mods definitely can have complex dependency relationships with each other in regard to compatibility, due to the nature and age of TSLPatcher. Usage If you are an end user just wanting to install some mods, simply load up the instruction files provided, choose the mods you want from the left list and any options, and press 'Start main install' Watch Xuul's tutorial video here: Effortless Modding with Kotor Mod Sync: The Ultimate Guide for Star Wars KOTOR Mods ( If you are a mod developer, this program contains a full-blown instruction editor that'll allow you to quickly create instructions for your mod and define its compatibility with other mods. See Dependencies/Restrictions and InstallBefore/InstallAfter explanation - for more information. See the video tutorial here: Creating involved instructions for KOTORModSync - YouTube Features Can install the mod builds in about 20 minutes from a vanilla install. Supports TSLPatching on mac/linux without wine! Select the individual mods you want for an install - the dependencies and incompatibilities will automatically be chosen and sorted. This means end users don't have to worry about specific instructions regarding other mods in the list. All the compatibility steps are handled internally by KOTORModSync and the default instructions files provided here. An end user simply can select the mods they want to install in the left list, and any customizations if they like, and simply press 'Install All' to have everything installed automatically. This program has a built-in GUI editor and an installer packed into one. Modbuild creators can create instructions with little to no knowledge of the format and easily share them with end users. End users can install everything from the instruction file with a simple click of a button. Edit any instructions and verify the configuration with built-in tools. Some support to dry run an install. A flexible configuration editor and parser utilizing TOML syntax. This is very user-friendly and similar to INI which TSLPatcher already uses and most modders are used to. Create instructions files with complex dependency structures for multiple mods, and have end users install everything exactly according to the instructions created. No more manually copying/deleting files: KOTORModSync handles all of that for your end user. Platforms KOTORModSync is a cross-platform 32-bit and 64-bit .NET application. It is compatible with the following operating systems: Windows 7 and 8: Compatible if running .NET Framework 4.6.2 or higher. Windows 10 and 11: Fully compatible with any Windows release. Linux and Mac: Fully compatible - choose one of the two that match your operating system. Users do not need to download any additional runtimes: everything is self-contained within the application. Linux You may need additional X11 libraries. In order to get this working on WSL, for example, I had to install the following packages: sudo apt install libsm6 libice6 libx11-dev libfontconfig1 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxau6 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libxcb-xkb1 libxcb-render0 libxcb-shm0 libxcb-xfixes0 libxcb-util1 libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-randr0 libxcb-image0 libxcb-keysyms1 libxcb-sync1 libxcb-xtest0 Then you can simply run in a terminal like this: ./KOTORModSync If you run into problems with the Linux or Mac builds, please contact me and I'll try to get a fix ready for the next release. Credit Snigaroo This man saved me a countless amount of hours. I'd still be struggling through game glitches and mod-specific instructions I didn't understand. Actually, I'd probably still be on Dantooine trying to determine why I'm getting visual glitches and crashes which he solved with the one-word message 'grass'. Cortisol Created HoloPatcher and the PyKotor library that KOTORModSync uses to patch mods. These projects are the main reason KOTORModSync can be supported on Mac/Linux. While the PyKotor/HoloPatcher projects have had some issues, this guy was more or less available for comment if I had questions on how I could fix any remaining problems myself. JCarter426 There were so many KOTOR-specific things to learn, without his help I'd still be trying to deserialize encapsulated resource files. His time and patience were incredibly useful to the project and this project would be impossible without him. Testers: Lewok from r/KOTOR Thank you for helping test that obnoxious UAC elevation problem legacy Windows apps like TSLPatcher have. Other notable users Fair-Strides Provided the perl source code of TSLPatcher on GitHub, and generally maintained the TSLPatcher project in Stoffe's absence. Stoffe Creator of TSLPatcher Thank you to the entire KOTOR modding community for what you do. KOTORModSync - Official Documentation.txt KOTOR1_Full.tomlKOTOR2_Full.toml KOTOR1_Spoiler_Free.tomlKOTOR2_Spoiler_Free.toml KOTOR1_Mobile_Full.tomlKOTOR2_Mobile_Full.toml
  5. View File TSL Collectables ============================================ Collectables: Holocrons ============================================ Install 14 ‘Collectable’ Holocrons across the game, each holocron will give you different temporary boosts to stats, different items and a little bit of XP which differs. This is a mini 'easter egg hunt' which you can partake in through your play throughs. Just a bit of fun. Here is a short video, showcasing what the mod provides: EDIT: After reviewing, I've changed the dialog to differ slightly from the video as 'You reach out and feel a pulling power' sounds stupid. Key points: Each Holocron discovered gives a different reward. Each Holocron discovered gives an interesting fact / short story about the area it was discovered in. There are 14 to collect throughout the game (This is set to increase to include planets such as: M4-78, Coruscant & Cathalan). One of every planet & almost every level. Short animations / some cutscenes included for immersion. 3-4 locations that are not usually accessible now opened up. Compatible with TSLRCM, M4-78EP, Expanded Galaxy Project, Coruscant, Cathalan (Expansions incoming). Compatibility wise, I packaged up with holopatcher, there should be no compatibility issues unless you've put placeables on the exact spots the Holocrons are OR have changed inaccessible door files. The idea behind this was to use some of the unused / inaccessible rooms across the game, though I ended up placing a few of the Holocrons in some very accessible places. This may not be to everybody's taste as you wouldn't expect to find a Holocron in some of the locations; however, I may change the model / naming / rewards to something more relevant in a future update. Legal Disclaimer ================= All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc. & I own none of the materials and are not making money for this. Please don't upload this on other sites, I will handle that. You may request use in other mods, pending approval; any mods using the assets should credit all the below parties. Credits: Tools used: Submitter OzilsEyes Submitted 11/09/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  6. View File KOTORModSync Please see for the main repo. Please report any bugs or problems you encounter. While I test this heavily, it's difficult to find any and all problems when incorporating 200+ mod's instructions across dozens of operating systems and platform combinations. If you happen to notice something odd or out of place, please report them. KOTORModSync is a multi-mod installer for KOTOR games that makes it easier to install and manage mods. I usually install the Reddit mod build every year or so. The process takes about an hour and it's repetitive moving files, running tslpatcher, deleting specific files, and occasionally renaming some files. The last time I installed the modbuild I made a mistake on a single different step, 3 times in a row. Most mistakes require a full restart from the beginning. This is tedious, so I decided to create an installer creator in C# to simplify the process. Goals Mod creators work really hard on their mods. It's the least we can do to install them and use them, right? However, who wants to reinstall to vanilla and spend several hours reinstalling mods, just to add 1 or 2 extra mods on top of it? Other mod managers I've tried were either too difficult to configure, require significant changes to a hard-to-understand configuration file, or only provided limited functionality for defining new mods. KOTOR mods definitely can have complex dependency relationships with each other in regard to compatibility, due to the nature and age of TSLPatcher. Usage If you are an end user just wanting to install some mods, simply load up the instruction files provided, choose the mods you want from the left list and any options, and press 'Start main install' Watch Xuul's tutorial video here: Effortless Modding with Kotor Mod Sync: The Ultimate Guide for Star Wars KOTOR Mods ( If you are a mod developer, this program contains a full-blown instruction editor that'll allow you to quickly create instructions for your mod and define its compatibility with other mods. See Dependencies/Restrictions and InstallBefore/InstallAfter explanation - for more information. See the video tutorial here: Creating involved instructions for KOTORModSync - YouTube Features Can install the mod builds in about 20 minutes from a vanilla install. Supports TSLPatching on mac/linux without wine! Select the individual mods you want for an install - the dependencies and incompatibilities will automatically be chosen and sorted. This means end users don't have to worry about specific instructions regarding other mods in the list. All the compatibility steps are handled internally by KOTORModSync and the default instructions files provided here. An end user simply can select the mods they want to install in the left list, and any customizations if they like, and simply press 'Install All' to have everything installed automatically. This program has a built-in GUI editor and an installer packed into one. Modbuild creators can create instructions with little to no knowledge of the format and easily share them with end users. End users can install everything from the instruction file with a simple click of a button. Edit any instructions and verify the configuration with built-in tools. Some support to dry run an install. A flexible configuration editor and parser utilizing TOML syntax. This is very user-friendly and similar to INI which TSLPatcher already uses and most modders are used to. Create instructions files with complex dependency structures for multiple mods, and have end users install everything exactly according to the instructions created. No more manually copying/deleting files: KOTORModSync handles all of that for your end user. Platforms KOTORModSync is a cross-platform 32-bit and 64-bit .NET application. It is compatible with the following operating systems: Windows 7 and 8: Compatible if running .NET Framework 4.6.2 or higher. Windows 10 and 11: Fully compatible with any Windows release. Linux and Mac: Fully compatible - choose one of the two that match your operating system. Users do not need to download any additional runtimes: everything is self-contained within the application. Linux You may need additional X11 libraries. In order to get this working on WSL, for example, I had to install the following packages: sudo apt install libsm6 libice6 libx11-dev libfontconfig1 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxau6 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libxcb-xkb1 libxcb-render0 libxcb-shm0 libxcb-xfixes0 libxcb-util1 libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-randr0 libxcb-image0 libxcb-keysyms1 libxcb-sync1 libxcb-xtest0 Then you can simply run in a terminal like this: ./KOTORModSync If you run into problems with the Linux or Mac builds, please contact me and I'll try to get a fix ready for the next release. Credit Snigaroo This man saved me a countless amount of hours. I'd still be struggling through game glitches and mod-specific instructions I didn't understand. Actually, I'd probably still be on Dantooine trying to determine why I'm getting visual glitches and crashes which he solved with the one-word message 'grass'. Cortisol Created HoloPatcher and the PyKotor library that KOTORModSync uses to patch mods. These projects are the main reason KOTORModSync can be supported on Mac/Linux. While the PyKotor/HoloPatcher projects have had some issues, this guy was more or less available for comment if I had questions on how I could fix any remaining problems myself. JCarter426 There were so many KOTOR-specific things to learn, without his help I'd still be trying to deserialize encapsulated resource files. His time and patience were incredibly useful to the project and this project would be impossible without him. Testers: Lewok from r/KOTOR Thank you for helping test that obnoxious UAC elevation problem legacy Windows apps like TSLPatcher have. Other notable users Fair-Strides Provided the perl source code of TSLPatcher on GitHub, and generally maintained the TSLPatcher project in Stoffe's absence. Stoffe Creator of TSLPatcher Thank you to the entire KOTOR modding community for what you do. KOTORModSync - Official Documentation.txt KOTOR1_Full.tomlKOTOR2_Full.toml KOTOR1_Spoiler_Free.tomlKOTOR2_Spoiler_Free.toml KOTOR1_Mobile_Full.tomlKOTOR2_Mobile_Full.toml Submitter th3w1zard1 Submitted 06/11/2023 Category Modder's Resources  
  7. Version 0.9.0 Beta


    KOTOR Quick Overhaul v0.5Beta Hi! This is a beta of my upcoming rebalancing/overhaul mod for Knights Of The Old Republic 1. The mod itself is complete (AkA, it affects the entire game, from start to finish), but I've only tested it on Taris so far (hence the screenshots), thus it's still a beta. It changes armor mechanics (now they offer a fixed 25% immunity to physical, ion, and energy damage in addition to Defence bonuses, which go higher then in vanilla on high-quality armors, to keep them relevant late-game), robes (various immunities, and CON bonuses in addition to Defence), even standard clothing (it offers same Defence as medium armor, without the damage immunities, but with immunity to crits - logic being you're just as mobile, and a bit more aware, so you don't take crit damage, but you take more regular damage then in armor - and of course it's non restrictive so you can use all Force powers in an outfit with some decent Defence - should make keeping clothing more appealing as an alternative). Weapons have been tweaked as a baseline (2da file), and individually (.uti files), ranged weapons especially do a LOT more damage, speccing for a ranged character is now a very viable option, they are now, IMO, easily on par with melee weapons in usefulness. High STR characters are still better off just speccing into melee, but for everyone else - you be the judge. They can now hurt. A lot. More types of weapons are now available earlier in-game on Taris (if you want a Disruptor for example, Kebla sells a rifle, and you can pick up a pistol not soon after - and you might consider one, a lot of enemies now like putting up a shield). Enemies also use different weapons, it's not just a blaster-haven, so don't be surprised if you get incoming sonic or disruptor fire going right through your pretty shield. Repeating blasters are now actually useful - short ranged, but big accuracy buff (simulating spray-and-pray actually hitting more often by virtue of throwing enough sh*t at a wall and hoping some of it sticks). Also more powerful then blaster rifles, but they incurr a slight Defence debuff (recoil, and unwieldy). For hard-to-hit enemies and Force users, you might want to use a repeater if your base attack bonus is low, more chance of bypassing their defence/blaster deflection. Disruptors are more powerful then blasters, but less consistent (1/3 to 1 damage ratio, instead of 1/2 to 1 for blasters). Ion weapons got a big anti-droid damage buff. Sonic weapons have been left untouched (but still more usefull, since armors don't provide sonic damage immunity). Non-powered swords are now a viable alternative to vibroswords (slightly higher top damage, lower bottom, but worse crit threat). Some weapons have crit threat or crit range bonuses. Energy shield are now unlimited-use, and a LOT cheaper to buy (and sell, should make selling a 100 shields for big money later in the game a non-option). Don't be afraid to use them often - you'll need them. Most enemies are a LOT tougher now. Droids now have a -5 Defence penalty baseline (their Defence could get to ridiculous levels in vanilla, thanks to uncapped armors and logic feats), but have inherent /5 resistance to physical and energy damage (NOT ion, big incentive to use Ion weapons more often). This includes party droids. Most enemy droids will now be shielded, and have a LOT more health. Again, ion weapons are your buddy. Many NPCs in the game have been buffed, massively. Some also drop unique weapons (hint-hint, do Canderous's personal quest - just one example). Force users are especially enhanced (most Dark Jedi in vanilla are a joke). This is all throughout the game, but not all (some NPCs use duplicate forms, I couldn't edit them directly into Override, I'd have to edit the modules, which I refused to do, to make this mod more compatible with other mods). Classes get more HP as baseline. 12 for Soldiers/Guardians, 10 for Scouts/Sentinels, 8 for Scoundrels/Consulars. Soldiers and Scoundrels, and Guardians and Sentinels, get slightly increased Feat gain. Sentinels get 1 more Force power overall, to differentiate them from Guardians. Combat droids get Scout feat gain, can now Specialize in Rifles, Pistols, and Heavy weapons. All party member HP has been adjusted accordingly. Carth no longer starts with twin pistols, he uses a carbine (trust me, having an inaccurate twin-weapon user at the start would get you killed, given the buffed enemies on Taris - your party needs some consistency, he provides it). He has his personal upgradeable carbine. Bastila uses a standard lightsaber now (same reason, her flailing-around with that double-saber WILL get her killed early on). And it makes sense, in cutscenes she uses a standard saber. HK47 buffed MASSIVELY. He now has 20 CON, 18 DEX and roughly double the health as a result, and he comes with his own special targeting computer. He was pathetically weak in vanilla. INSTALLATION: Simple. Drop everything into your Override folder. I took great pains to make this mod very hands-on to install, so there's no messing with modules or dialog file. Should be compatible with everything, as long as my mod comes FIRST (and I cannot overemphasise this enough), on a blank vanilla game. It doesn't use a patcher, and it does edit .2da files, so there WILL be incompatibilites if you plaster it over a bunch of other mods, it will overwrite them. Make a fresh game install, dump my mod in Override, then install every other mod you want. As for K1R compatibility, there shouldn't be problems (I don't use it on my game, but since my mod only affects Override folder and doesn't touch any modules, I see no reason why anything should conflict). Again for safety, put my mod in BEFORE installing K1R.
  8. I cant find a mod for KOTOR 1 that I had been using before, if anybody knows the mod that would be amazing. It was one that altered the underwear of the PC. There were 3 different designs within the mod, and each design was linked to a different ethnicity (caucasion had 1 design, asian had another etc) I swear I found it on this site before but i feel like i've searched every word variation and scrolled through every kotor 1 mod published and cant find it lol
  9. View File Lightsaber and Force Forms This mod adds 10 lightsaber forms and four force forms to the game, which can be learned at various levels. These can be learned from four holocrons and one new NPC, on Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Korriban and the Unknown World. The player can learn a total of seven forms. They can be activated from the medpac/stims section of the GUI. This mod uses TSLPatcher, and is fully compatible with K1RP. The holocrons and the NPC are fully voiced. Where possible, the stats for the forms imitate those in KotOR II. Stats for the forms are as follows: Form I: Shii-Cho:- Attack +1, Defense Bonus 2 Form II: Makashi:- Attack +3, Blaster Deflect: -5, Defence Bonus -5, Will Saves +3 Form III: Soresu:- Attack: -4, Blaster Deflect: +4, Defense Bonus 4 (Must be level 9 or higher) Form IV: Ataru:- Attack +1, Blaster Deflect: -4, Defense Bonus 3, Damage Bonus: +2 (Must be level 11 or higher, and a Guardian or Sentinel) Form V: Shien/Djem So:- Attack +1, Blaster Deflect: +2, Defense Bonus 5, Damage Bonus: +2 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Guardian) Form VI: Niman:- Attack +1, Defense Bonus 1, Blaster Deflect: +1, Will Saves: +1 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Sentinel) Form VII: Juyo:- Attack +4, Attacks per round +1, Defence Bonus -2, Will Saves: +4 (Must be a Guardian) Form VIII: Sokan:- Attack +3, Damage Bonus: +1, Reflex Saves: +3, Defense Bonus 2, Defense Bonus vs. Piercing -2 (net bonus: 0) (Must be a Sentinel) Form IX: Shien:- Attack +3, Damage Bonus: +3, Defence Bonus -2, Blaster Deflect: -2, Reflex Saves: -2 (Must be a Sentinel) Form X: Niman/Jar’Kai:- Attack +2, Offhand attack bonus +3, Defense Bonus 1, Fortitude Saves: -1 (Must be a Guardian) Harmony Force Form:- Maximum Force Points: +10%, Reflex Saves: +2, Force Resistance: -3 (Must be level 11 or higher, and a Consular) Endurance Force Form: Will Saves: +1, Force Resistance: +2 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Consular) Persistence Force Form: Will Saves: +3, Reflex Saves: -2, Force Resistance: +4 (Must be a Consular) Unity Force Form: Maximum Force Points: +10%, Reflex Saves: +2, Force Resistance: +3 (Must be a Consular) Compatibility: This mod should be compatible with most others. Nevertheless, it *may* cause incompatibilities with any mod which alters or makes use of: - the script slot for Entry 99 of kor35_utharwynn.dlg - the script slot for Entry 0 of kor39_utharwynn.dlg - the script slot for Entry 19 of dan13_belaya.dlg - the script slot for Entry 1 of k_player_dialog.dlg - unk44_sparty.dlg; particularly any mod which adds a third entry to the dialogue file, and uses it to fire a script. - Item 99 in the droppable list for kas25_wraid.utc Credits: Thanks are to Zhaboka, Sith Holocron, newbiemodder, Fallen Guardian, Warlord664, Quanon, Marius Fett, Canderis, DarthAnsem, SithSpecter, Slstoev, CptPriceless, kyrie, and Fair Strides 2 for their feedback and comments on the mod as it progressed; to deathdisco, whose original KotOR I lightsaber forms mod inspired this one; to Darth333, stoffe, jmac7142/Det. Bart Lasiter, glovemaster, and everyone else who taught me and continues to teach me to script; to Darkkender, for his "Recruit Darkkender" mod, which I used to work out how to make the lightsaber forms work; to T7Nowhere, whose fantastic "Revan's Mask Plus" mod inspired the form of this one; to Samuel Dravis, jonathan7 and Pavlos, for vital feedback at various stages in the planning of this mod; to Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; to Holowan Labs for remaining by far the best place to work on KotOR mods on the internet; and to Obsidian, Bioware, and LucasArts, for making both KotOR games. Particular thanks to Quanon, VarsityPuppet, and Marius Fett for their help with the new placeable models used by this mod; Also to Sith Holocron and Fair Strides, who beta-tested for me; And most especially, my thanks are to my voice-over artists, who are listed below, and some of whom had to suffer demands for endless redrafts and slow response times with admirable patience: Thanks also to Daemonjax over at KotORNexus for spotting the errors corrected in this update. Voice Overs: Sith Holocron as the Sith Holocron; Zhaboka as Jedi Holocron, Kashyyyk Holocron, and Guun-Han Saresh; Melissa Trudeau as the Sith Trainer. Locations of Holocrons / What they teach: NB: Do not read if you want this to be a surprise! **** Dantooine: You learn the Shii-Cho during the initial training montage. You can learn Soresu from the Jedi Holocron in the Enclave training room when you reach level 9. You can learn Ataru (Guardians/Sentinels) or the Harmony form (Consulars) from the Jedi Holocron when you reach level 11. Korriban: You can learn Makashi from the Sith Teacher in the Korriban Academy, standing by the entrance in the final room before the Valley of the Dark Lords. You can learn Shien Form IX (Sentinels), Niman/Jar'Kai Form X (Guardians), or Persistence Form (Consulars) from the Sith Holocron in the tomb of Naga Sadow. Kashyyyk: You can learn Shien/Djem So Form V (Guardians), Niman Form VI (Sentinels) or Endurance Form (Consulars) once you reach level 14 from the Jedi Holocron found in the Beast in the Shadowlands. Unknown World: You can learn Juyo (Guardians), Sokan (Sentinels) or the Unity Form (Consulars) from the Sith Holocron in the basement computer room of the Temple. **** Submitter InSidious Submitted 02/25/2015 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  10. Version 1.1.1


    This mod replaces the vanilla and/or the installed Republic Soldier texture with the new shade-specularity tweaked version. # Background # The way I see it; the vanilla and/or already present Republic Soldier texture lacks some shading and reflection particularly on its trim, so I thought adding ones would somehow enhance its appearance. # About this Mod # Inside this mod are 6 options of new shade and specularity tweaked Republic Soldier texture in TPC format: [Main] New Shade for Male NPC Republic Soldier [Option-1] Vanilla version for JC's "Republic Soldier Fix for K1" - Male and Female * [Option-2] Vanilla Version Model - Female NPC Republic Soldier [Option-3] New Shade for JC's "Republic Soldier Uniform for PC" - Male and Female * [Option-4] Vanilla version for JC's "Republic Soldier Uniform for PC" - Male and Female * [Option-5] New Shade for JC's "Republic Soldier Fix for K1" - Male and Female NPC Republic Soldier * * Option 1, 3, 4 and 5 requires JCarter426/JC's "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" to be installed first. # Final Remarks # There's always room for improvements - critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks for the next update are much appreciated - PM, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and playing this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! Installation: I suggest you to manually removes any TGA/DDS and TXI instances of the relevant files [if there're any] from the 'Override' folder. And then - run the installer [TSLPatcher.exe], and hit the [Install Mod ->] button! Uninstallation: remove the installed files from the 'Override' folder or replaces them with the files stored in the 'Backup' folder [if generated] Compatibility: this option will be compatible with JCarter426's "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" as long as this mod was installed after the said mod has. With any mods that is using the same name for the assets and/or potentially overwrite this mod, no compatibility is guaranteed Redistribution: if you want to redistribute the mod - just go with it. Though less likely I will provide supports to any other place than DeadlyStream. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, you don't have to ask for permission - but your generous intention is very much welcome. I'd love to know what others are up too, particularly if my work are included. And then, make sure to credit BioWare & LucasArts with the release - particularly with the inclusion of the assets. An appreciation to this lil' peasant work here is also a very warm welcome, welcome. Credits: The Almighty Force which gave me chance to finish the mod BioWare & LucasArts for developing one of the best RPG I've played DarthParametric for past-present knowledge which allows me to create customs and for all the outstanding creation that I am a fan of JCarter426 for "JC's Republic Soldier Fix for K1" release; as without his mod - most of these contents would not have been possible Snigaroo/Sniggles for hosting #mod_development on Discord > r/kotor, and especially for making me revisit this mod for an update Salk for the input to include additional before-after screenshots Fred Tetra for the amazing KotOR Tool ndix UR for tga2tpc DrMcCoy for xoreos-tools' "xoreostex2tga" stoffe for the magnificent TSLPatcher, and Fair Strides for later improves it Notepad++team for Notepad++ All the Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without y'all! All the inspiring streamers on DeadlyStream All the inspiring modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home; a place to hangout - to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site -eb
  11. Version 2.0.0


    This mod replaces the static computer panel placeables [PLC_comPanel] that found throughout the game; such as one in the Bumani's, Medical Unit, and Czerka's [on Telos] with the animated ones. -= BACKGROUND =- It was Sith Holocron's request about his least favorite texture in KotOR2/TSL that makes me work on this mod. But as time goes by curiosity on trying to improve it haunts me, by doing more and looking much better -- hence the born of v2.0.0. On this [as well as the previous one] I have him to help on making the panel screen, hence the sweet result of a movie-like looking ones. You should check out his blog from where the inspiration comes -- And then with DarthParametric's handy-hands the panel now have a new symmetrical frame, some 3D buttons, also few TOR-ported bits on the screen. Not stopping there, it now have a new panel board decals -- a copied work from Frank Diorio's downloadable decals [then niubniubsuniverse-dot-com]. -= ABOUT THIS MOD =- Inside this mod are 2 version; transparent screen and a solid-non-transparent version. Preview: Transparent Solid Specifics: New panel frame trimesh made by @DarthParametric New 3D buttons trimesh made by DarthParametric Panel screen bitmap made by @Sith Holocron Panel board bitmap made by Frank Diorio TOR ported animated bits redistributed by DarthParametric Tools mostly worked on to -- KOTORmax [gmax] by bead-v / Aurora MDL [N++] by Symmetric The panel texture currently still in vanilla scheme [based on stock PLC_comPanel], albeit upscaled to x1024 from x256 using PS'. -= KNOWN ISSUES =- With transparent version, some objects will become invisible behind the screen; such as traffics seen from Medical Unit and lightsaber as well with the hilt. There's a workaround for the traffics, but that's beyond the scope of this mod so they're something to live with at the moment. Nothing that I know of though for the lightsabers. -= FINAL REMARKS =- There's always room for improvements; reviews, critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and feedbacks are much appreciated. PM me here, write them on my feed or leave any on the mod's page as you please. And thank you! for downloading, and using this mod. Hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! -= INSTALLATION =- Run the installer and choose INSTALL option. Pick one you choose -- then hit the [Install Mod ->] button! -= UNINSTALLATION =- Choose the UNINSTALL option in the installation menu For a clean uninstallation, remove these files from the Override after proceeding with the main procedure -- eb_plc_commpane1/2.MDL eb_plc_commpane1/2.MDX eb_plc_commpane1/2.PWK eb_companel_btns.TPC eb_companel_pnel.TPC eb_companel_wave.TPC sheb_compnl_scrn.TPC -= COMPATIBILITY =- Not compatible with mods that hard-overwrites placeables.2DA Not compatible with mods that alter the modelname and label setup for RowIndex 292 in placeables.2DA Not compatible with mods which happened to have the same name with the MDL, MDX, PWK, and TPC-s that included with this mod -= REDISTRIBUTION =- Do not redistribute this mod or re-release it on any websites. I'd love to provide direct support to my work, which wouldn't be possible if they're scattered in the Unknown Regions. If you are to re-use an assets to a project you will be releasing, please be kindly to ask for permission first - that way I know what's up, and if it's interesting enough I might offer to be involved, lol. Or at least we'll talk. Cheers! -= CREDITS =- The Almighty Force Obsidian Entertainment and LucasArts for The Sith Lords Frank Diorio as the creator of panel board bitmap Sith Holocron for feedbacks, ideas and the panel screen DarthParametric for past-present knowledge, his creation that I took learn from, and particularly with this project -- the panel frame, 3D buttons as well the TOR-ported bits [and both endless technical-to-non assistance which makes this mod possible] JCarter426 and Inyri Forge for all their awesome work that I look up to - I learned a lot from their mods and been practicing a lot using their method Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool bead-v for KOTORmax and MDLedit Symmetric for Aurora MDL ndix UR for tga2tpc and tpcview stoffe for TSL Patcher and Fair Strides for the updates VarsityPuppet for 2DA Editor All Tool Makers wasn't mentioned - can't make it without y'all! All streamers on DeadlyStream All modders either active or inactive DeadlyStream for being a home -- a place to hangout, to discuss and hosting my work DeadlyStream staffs for tirelessly improving and maintaining the site DeadlyStream's #modding [Discord] channel that particularly essential for this project -eb
  12. exactly like the title. is there a mod for kotor1 that allows you to have additional party members (is this case, OCs because the original companions of the first game are not gender dependent) that you might be able to not otherwise have? i know that there is/was partyswap for kotor2, but is there anything like that for the first game? i'm not talking about swapping out OCs for already existing member slots (like yuthura to replace juhani if you kill her) but like an addition?
  13. View File Energy Shields 2 Star Cards Description: I've been playing EA's Star Wars Battlefront 2 recently and I enjoy the idea of the Star Cards. I decided to work on a mod that makes Energy Shields into Star Cards similar to the ones in Bf2 but in kotor 2. 5 Shields remain the same but they have different icons and different names: Players Personal Armband > Player's Star Card Energy Shield > Energy Star Card Vao Armband > Only Icon changed but it's too sacred to change anything, also never found in game. Arkanian Shield > Arkanian Star Card Mandalorian Melee Shield > Melee Star Card While they aren't exact replica's I've made a few that are Star Cards in bf2 but with a kotor twist (e.g. Bacta Bomb gives 2 regeneration, Bounty Hunter gives bonuses to Throw Saves.) While they are quite "overpowered," most of them lose the og energy shield function and just give stat boosts instead. On a regular run on normal difficulty and good kotor experience, you probably won't need the original function anyway. (The 3 most commons at the start have stayed the same anyway.) Installation: Copy the "Override" folder into your Kotor 2 game directory and overwrite if prompted. Older Energy Shields won't be affected iirc. UnInstalling: Delete the files in your game override folder that are in this mod's override folder. Compatability: Compatible with almost everything, as long as this mod is installed after them. Tools used: Kotor Tool Gimp Permissions: Use assets from this mod in your own if you'd like, as long as I am credited in the description. DO NOT directly reupload this mod exactly to other sites without my permission. (Although if I wanted them there, I will upload them myself.) DO NOT claim this mod as your own if you upload it to other sites without my permission. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Lewok2007 Submitted 09/15/2023 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Description: I've been playing EA's Star Wars Battlefront 2 recently and I enjoy the idea of the Star Cards. I decided to work on a mod that makes Energy Shields into Star Cards similar to the ones in Bf2 but in kotor 2. 5 Shields remain the same but they have different icons and different names: Players Personal Armband > Player's Star Card Energy Shield > Energy Star Card Vao Armband > Only Icon changed but it's too sacred to change anything, also never found in game. Arkanian Shield > Arkanian Star Card Mandalorian Melee Shield > Melee Star Card While they aren't exact replica's I've made a few that are Star Cards in bf2 but with a kotor twist (e.g. Bacta Bomb gives 2 regeneration, Bounty Hunter gives bonuses to Throw Saves.) While they are quite "overpowered," most of them lose the og energy shield function and just give stat boosts instead. On a regular run on normal difficulty and good kotor experience, you probably won't need the original function anyway. (The 3 most commons at the start have stayed the same anyway.) Installation: Copy the "Override" folder into your Kotor 2 game directory and overwrite if prompted. Older Energy Shields won't be affected iirc. UnInstalling: Delete the files in your game override folder that are in this mod's override folder. Compatability: Compatible with almost everything, as long as this mod is installed after them. Tools used: Kotor Tool Gimp Permissions: Use assets from this mod in your own if you'd like, as long as I am credited in the description. DO NOT directly reupload this mod exactly to other sites without my permission. (Although if I wanted them there, I will upload them myself.) DO NOT claim this mod as your own if you upload it to other sites without my permission. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  15. Can A KOTOR II head be transferred to KOTOR I - The Richard Roundtree PC Head to Revan or a possible creation. Hi it's been ages since I posted anything but I have a simple suggestion I like to think about for KOTOR I for a PC head one I quite like the most reminds me of a real life actor Richard Roundtree and it's a request. Is their a way to promptly port any KOTOR II heads to KOTOR I for any suggestions may I ask and suggest specially for like the PC Player Revan in KOTOR I, And can it actually be done may I ask with the Meetra Surik Male PC head of Richard Roundtree to Revan Male PC head for KOTOR I. It's a suggestion I have in mind because this Portable Head is one of my favourites reminding me of Richard Roundtree and I wish the real life actor was a Star Wars actor but what I am posting in this group is can the PC head be transferred over to KOTOR I and can it be done as a mod for all to enjoy... I know it's been ages since I posted anything mainly I have too much to do in life but some advise would be helpful since I know I don't mod I am curious is as to can it be done actually. Can Richard Roundtree's PC head be useful for a Recruitable Character in KOTOR I or could it be done??? In saying my 1st Question on Richard Roundtree's PC head I call it that due to the Male Meetra Surik's moustache he has for facial hair looks like him but not as mearly closely, Well so question since I love to talk about Recruitable Characters and my suggestions for them are to be declared on this character, In a recent story I am creating for a Turkish KOTOR machinima user named Starika in the future I am writing a story I have mentioned a character by the name of Aaron Vinree a Scoundrel who is born on Taris during the Sith Occupaiton and he would well be a recruitable character in the Undercity after Mission joins Revan and Carth, but the character would have to fill in one Party Member Spot meaning only one can join so the character would have to promptly replace Juhani's spot, Aaron Vinree is a Scoundral (based on the real life Richard Roundtree) who lives on Taris all his life although hardly anything about his early life is said but he had seen action when Taris was under Mandalorian Control and wasn't well treated by the Mandalorian's when Cassius Fett invaded, He knows Mission Vao's family since her father was a friend of him and been looking out for her his entire life, The Recruitable Character would join to assist looking to Zaalbar but that can only be where the Sewers Entrance would be if your at the spot where all the Sith Soldiers where massacared by Rakghouls, The player could have a possible side quest developed but whatever the means necessary wouldn't be that easy and also his weapon of choice main weapon is a Sonic Rifle and Two Blaster Pistols and a Vibroblade and wears Scout Uniform like the Revan Player would wear although its upto you to give him the same outfit that can be ported which is Atton Rand's clothing or a customed Smuggler Outfit, Since I like to talk about the potential idea of Dark Skinned Characters that we only have one recruitable named Jolee Bindo and it would be nice to incorporate Aaron Vinree (Richard Roundtree) character but the main problem is finding a voice to do him who sounds like the classic actor, He will also be part of the Ebon Hawk but I haven't thaught of his side quest on the trip as that one is not really the ideal or so one to think of at the moment. Aaron Vinree is for a planned KOTOR I story developed for a possible future Machinima for the creator Starika who lives in Turkey and at the moment at present is the writer of the story, Aaron Vinree will be a free for all use Recruitable Character specially like for all players who didn't want to have Juhani as I think in my honest opinion it would be cool to incorporate another Dark Skinned Character I say it that way as I do not say a racial word and I have better respect to people such as these. But that's all I can say about the Richard Roundtree Facial PC Head for KOTOR I. Question 2 is Richard Roundtree's PC head be useful for a Revan PC Head while playing as Revan??? I like to say it isn't always possible but I would like to see yet another Dark Skinned Revan Head we got like what Five Dark Skinned Revan PC Heads and I do like one of them the best is the bald head and it I can't recall what actor reminds me of who but again yes not one has a moustache but the only moustache feature is the head that Kaydon Sentry used for his Logan Starr character I like to refer to the bald Revan Head with the Chinese Emperor's moustache and goatee as Logan Starr Appaerance and we also do have another who has a under facial hair and scar brown hair nad also a tanned skinned with brown hair and chin hair as well, But what I am saying is yes I do think it's nice to have another Dark Skinned PC Male Head but like the Referrence of Richard Roundtree and that it fits perfectly for a Revan Head in KOTOR I, Players can have the choice where you can either use Richard Roundtree like your acting as a character PC player your playing as a character like him imagining what it was like in Star Wars, Richard Roundtree never starred in the Star Wars universe and you could as well picture what he would be like in the universe so any player has the choice since I know I can't mod I am sending suggestions that are a possibilty for future use and specially a player. So entirely it's upto you to decide you have the choice if it's suitable for KOTOR I game engine. That's all I have to say on This Mod Request... And if completed anyone is welcome to use Roundtree's head for a Revan PC head entirely upto you. Thank you all for listening. Sorry for the Repost that was because I had not been at Deadly Stream for awhile I posted in the Wrong Box so now in the right box under Mod Requests here you are and hope your happy with what I have to share to you. Thanks. Colby James.
  16. Greetings. Russian Kotor fan here who would like some help with mod installment since I have been running into a few issues recently : 1) small sized map when using widescreen fix and UI fix for white screen. 2) Bolook's "Murdered Setler" quest on Dantooine gets stuck on the first round no matter what I would do and how many reloads I would make beforehand. My mod combination is starting with kotor editable executable. For UI For videos Along with a few Dark Hope mods on HD textures for chars, Logical Datapads mod, Marius Fett Sith armors and aditional armor packs, effects, heads and other stuff installed after it, plus a weapon pack combo I found working quite well together. And also K1 Legends combo of mods As of now, I figures that first I should keep the armor related mods being downloaded last in this case (since for some reason installing armors first would result in some npcs dissapearing) and using any droid skins after K1 Legends Januce Nall mod as well, in order to avoid her dissapearing. Everything else works fine, but the map and Bolook quest are the only issue not progressing further. Could anyone help with that? My current weapon pack is: /1209 Along with
  17. This is a thread I made on LucasForums back in 2016, where I was experimenting with adapting larger mods to IOS. I am posting it here since it might help people, and I intend to continue my research! This thread is to offer important feedback to modders and help adapt the larger Kotor I mods (such as Brotherhood of Shadow) on the IOS version of Kotor I. Since I have replayed Kotor I as an IOS version, I totally loved the idea of porting and optimizing it for mobile platforms! If works great on an iPad, the big screen, portability and optimized controls made playing Kotor on IOS feel like reading a great book, it is an awesome experience! After re-finishing the games on my iPad, i started looking for story mods and total conversions, wanting more of this awesome gaming experience. I discovered that small mods like appearance changers and added items can be easily installed, however larger mods that introduce new modules into the game do not seem to run properly, and there seems to be nobody working on getting them to work... I tried the following story / total conversion mods so far, and managed to get them working to some degree, but so far they all seem to have major problems regarding how the scripts and asset placement are handled by the mobile port of the game: 1. Brotherhood of Shadow - Solomon's Revenge 2. Yavin IV Mod 3. Kotor 1 Restored Content Mod Here is a detailed report I have made from a beta tester's standpoint regarding how these mods are handled by the IOS version. 1. Brotherhood of Shadow - Solomon's Revenge Type: story mod / total conversion Adds entire new modules to the game, with new areas, characters and items. - Changed mod files filenames from uppercase or mixed characters to complete lowercase characters in order to fix the IOS character capitalization issue. - Installed on a jail broken IOS device (iPad 3 Wi-Fi), transferred onto device via the iFunBox Windows application (was used to transfer the mod assets from the PC to the iPad), installed using the IOS Cydia app iFile (was used to place the mod assets into the game install directory because iFunBox had restricted access to that folder). Mod installed successfully. - Game runs fine after mod installed, the Brotherhood of Shadow splash screen appears after the Kotor 1 splash screen, just like on the PC version. Nothing changes when starting a new game or loading an older save game. If the save game included in the Brotherhood of shadow mod is also installed, along with the mod, loading it will not be possible! In order to make it work, we must change all the save games files filenames to complete lowercase letters because IOS has this issue, where case capitalization of filenames matters! A file named "Save.sav" will be seen as a distinct file from "SAVE.SAV", also distinct from "save.sav" - this is very important when attempting to run a mod! Changed file names to complete lowercase, save game now loads. - After loading save game, the game runs perfect, the player can go to Korriban and will notice new assets like the Czerka outpost and the technician fixing the door on the corridor! The player can start the mod's story-line by talking to the Rodian inside the bar. The characters are loaded perfectly, their appearances are the same as on PC, the conversation runs perfect, there are no bugs to this point. - When the player lands on Tatooine to confront Daemon Drexl, the game runs OK until the player exits the spaceport and enters the city gate. At that moment, after the module loads, a few seconds after successfully loading and the player takes a few steps on the map, the game suddenly crashes! Tried multiple times, the same result occurs, the game exits back to IOS. Bug occurrence: 5/5 - Using a PC i bypassed this point, transferred the save game file to a PC, played that section on the PC until the mission on the Orion begins (in order to bypass all Tatooine sequences, since the game crashes in this area). Transferred new save game made on the Orion back to iPad. Save game loads, new BoS loading screens work perfectly on IOS! - Started playing further on the Orion on the iPad, some module assets are completely missing! All the doors on the Orion are missing,through the ones that should be permanently closed outer space can be seen, plot related doors (like the cargo bay door) are also absent, allowing the player to enter those areas. Sara Degana is also completely missing from the map, this bug is practically preventing the player to progress further in the game! All other assets appear and work perfectly, the player can speak to the Captain, the Mechanic and the Pazaak player and the conversation works with no bugs, all other items work fine. - Bypassing this portion of the game like before was not possible this time, as when the save game is transferred back to the PC some of the missing assets still do not appear! The doors now appeared as normal, but Sara Degana was still missing. Continued with the old save (before moving it to the IOS), that loaded all assets, including Sara. Progressed further until back in the first section of Orion, where the player must find the code fragments in order to open the cargo bay to access the artifact. Transferred new save to the iPad. - Doors and enemies that loaded perfectly on the PC using the same save game are now missing, the enemies do not show up, instead only the piles of items that show after they are defeated are present (it is like they had all been killed before loading the save). Other assets like the robots work OK, the computer console can be accessed and the codes inputted. After all codes are inputted and the player gives the computer terminal the command to open the cargo bay door, the game crashes like on Tatooine. After this portion I have stopped play-testing this mod on IOS. I have used a smart Windows application that allows multiple files renaming, to change all the file names of all files of the mod to lowercase letters (this was done to circumvent the IOS case letters capitalization roadblock that affected the save game files). There was no result, everything runs just like before (that is strange since I had expected at least some reaction, as the renamed files should have either loaded because before they could not load before due to the uppercase filenames, either they could load fine before but changing their filenames to lowercase would have made them unloadable!) Conclusions: - The mod loads and runs to some extent, loading screen, environments, characters, items and conversations all load). - Some certain assets (certain characters and environment entities, like doors) will not load. - Game crashes at some points. - Most issues seem to be cause by scripts (a given scripted event crashes the game) and assets (doors, characters that do not appear). - Changing the entire mod content to lowercase files format will not habe any impact on the problem. - Save games made after playing in a corrupted environment (first Orion module) will show most of the same corruptions when transferred on a PC where the mod runs perfectly (missing characters). However, some will not (no missing doors). - It appears that entire module elements are sometimes stored onto the save game file (this has been observed by loading a save game done in a modded version of the game into an unmodded version of the game, where the modules that the save game takes place should be missing, yet the save-games load and the module can be explored!) - Will attempt fresh reinstall using TSL Patcher method and post results soon! 2. Yavin IV Mod Type: add-on story mod / total conversion Adds new content (modules, characters, items). - Mod installed via the same method as Brotherhood of Shadow (filenames renamed to lowercase characters and transferred via iFunBox). - Mod launches successfully when accessing the Yavin Space Station left door's control panel. There is a short conversation with the Rodian, then the Yavin mod modules load and work perfectly. Game runs normal in all aspects. Conclusions: - Mod can be successfully installed, started, and played! All the modules, scripts and assets work perfectly! - Running Yavin IV mod on IOS KOTOR a complete success! - Mod 100% play-tested, works perfectly on IOS! 3. Kotor I Restored Content Mod (K1 Restoration) Type: add-on content mod / restored content mod Adds new assets (modules, skins, items) that were cut / scrapped from the original game before launch, but partially left as inactive content in the game files. - Installed using same method as for the previous two mods. - Game loads normally, Kotor restoration splash screen (featuring the Iriaz) is displayed on startup. When starting a new game the first bug occurs: the skins for the male and female soldiers are corrupted, they show as black textures. - The game runs smoothly afterwords, when crash landing on Taris the player can observe the new dialogue lines added by the mod. Everything loads and runs OK after, until reaching the Swoop Registration office at Lower Taris apartments (new location implemented by the mod in an abandoned apartment). The area loads and works perfectly, but when entering the door to the Swoop Tracks the game freezes on the loading screen. The game is affected only if the player attempts to enter the door to the swoop tracks, otherwise you can exit the area and there are no other bugs. - There are no problems until forward, when reaching the Black Vulkar base. When entering the elevator to the upper level (that has been added by the mod where the armory is located in the unmodded game), the game crashed after the loading screen. This was easily fixed by renaming the module, by changing all uppercase characters to lowercase characters! - After renaming the filename the game loads the level without problems, and the Vulkar Base upper level added by the mid works well except for a few bugs. All assets and characters load and work OK, the player can speak to the Mechanic and the Vulkars in the bar, but the door to the control room where the player must update the garage key with the new code always remains locked, regardless of what the player does! This makes it impossible to progress further in the game. The quest description for this level also have a bug, as they only appear as blank spaces with no text in the quest log! After transferring the save game file to a PC and loading it from there (into a PC version of Kotor with the K1 Restoration mod installed), some parts of the quest logs appear and can be read, but the door still remains locked. I have not yet played further, but plan to use a save game to bypass this area and test the mod on IOS further. Conclusions: - The mod runs mostly fine, with just a few bugs noticed so far (missing or corrupted textures, script errors). - A major scripting bug causes the door on the Vulkar base upper level to always stay locked, preventing the player to progress further. As I test the mods further I will keep updating the post. If anyone else has been researching this and found any solutions to get these mods running on the IOS version, please post everything you have discovered (solutions, tutorials, fixed mod game files) here, it will be of great help! Links to other threads that discuss Kotor I IOS modding: It seems these are the only places on the entire internet where this has been discussed. There was also a brilliant blog called "Kotor IOS mods" made by the modder Revanchist, but it went offline since summer. Users stated that they were working on adapting Brotherhood of Shadow for the IOS version and were close to solving all issues, but there was no reply on these threads since some time...if anyone managed to get it running please share your research and results with us! Major kudos to anyone who managed to get BoS to run smoothly on IOS Kotor I! Unfortunately there is no way to run mods on an non-jail-broken iDevice, because the mod files must be added to the contents of the KOTOR game folder on the iPhone / iPad using special file managers (iFunBox / WinScp and iFile). On an non-jail-broken device the filesystem is locked, preventing users to access the core filesystem in order to add / modify the game files. On an un-jail-broken device the user only has access to the "Photos" folder from a PC / Mac, but in a limited read-only mode, and very limited acces is provided to other folders (Music, Video, Apps) via iTunes. The jailbreak doesn't just add the Cydia app (as most people think), but it also unlocks the entire filesystem, enabling users to access the content on the iDevice like an external hard drive / USB stick by using the special file managers. Th only thing that can be done on an non-jail-broken device is to modify save game files in order to add new items or change player stats. This is done the following way: 1. Extract save game files from the iDevice to a PC / Mac using iTunes. 2. Edit the save game files with a KOTOR save game editor or hex editor if you are an experienced user. 3. Upload save game back to iDevice using iTunes. Full detailed tutorial for editing KOTOR save game files can be found here: PROGRESS UPDATE GREAT NEWS: I have managed to get Yavin IV mod to work flawlessly on the IOS version of KOTOR! This has been fixed simply by deleting KOTOR from the iDevice, performing a clean reinstall, renaming all the mod files with their lowercase letter names equivalents on the PC before transferring them to the iDevice, then finally transferring the mod files to their proper folders inside the KOTOR app folder. I have used a Windows application that renames multiple files at once, so I didn't have to rename each and every file manually, I just set the program to rename all the files and it processed them in less then a minute! Also, the mod was not installed by the suggested way involving transferring the KOTOR app folder to a PC and using TSL Patcher on it, then transferring it back to the iDevice. An easier approach was used: 1. The mod files were simply moved from the TSL Patch Data folder inside the mod installer to their proper folders (files that belonged to the "override" folder were placed in an "override" folder created for them (a new user created folder not the one in the game), the ones that go to the "modules" folder were placed in a "modules" folder, etc manually on the PC. 2. The files in these folders were then renamed to complete lowercase characters. 3. The contents of the folders were transferred to the folders with the same name in the KOTOR app folder in the iDevice (PC folder "modules" to "", etc). For anyone that wants to get this mod, all the links on this forum are dead, and the mod is nowhere to be found unfortunately. This is the last working download link I have managed to find, and this is where I got the original mod files: Now the mod launches properly when accessing the Yavin IV space station door, the level loads smoothly and all assets, items and cut-scenes load and work perfectly! I will keep "beta-testing" the entire mod content and post a detailed report with pictures soon. Next step will be to try the same approach to the K1R (KOTOR I Restored Content) mod, where a high rate of success is expected, then tackle the biggest mod: Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge! Thank You very much for this advice, this might actually solve the problem with BoS:SR! Actually I was recently thinking about researching this possibility, as I noticed that when installing the mod on a PC with TSLPatcher it reports that the .2da files are modified and not replaced. Your helpful comment just confirmed this theory! This aslo explains why there were so many missing assets (doors, characters, etc) in my BoS:SR install attempt. Installing all these three mods (K1R, BoS:SR and Yavin IV) together seems to be unproductive regardless the installation method used (TSLPatcher or manual install) and the platform the game is running on (Windows or IOS). I have tried running them together and there are game crashing bugs both on the PC and iDevice. It is stated by its creators though that K1R is compatible with BoS:SR, with the condition that K1R is installed last. Since they bring independent story elements and it is not mandatory that they run at the same time, I have used a simple solution to get a complete KOTOR experience: 1. Install KOTOR and mod with K1R, play the enhanced original story campaign. IMPORTANT: Keep a save game prior to traveling to the Star Forge (Rakata Planet)! This will be needed in order to play the other mods. If not, the save game included with the BoS:SR archive can be used. 2. Uninstall and perform a clean reinstall of KOTOR (mandatory on an IOS device, on a PC the KOTOR game folder can be backed up before installing the K1R mod and the un-modded copy can be used afterwards). Install either the Yavin IV or the BoS:SR mod on this clean install and enjoy! I chose to play Yavin IV first as BoS:SR brings an entirely new story line. 3. Repeat step 2 and mod the clean install with the other remaining mod. I will install BoS:SR on my iPad with the TSLPatcher method ASAP and see if I can get it working properly. Thank You and I am happy I could help this great community! Remember when the mobile version of KOTOR was released in 2013 and people started modding it... After we got the simple mods (added skins, items, etc) to work and begun tackling larger mods (total conversions, story mods) like these ones that introduce entire new modules, everyone said that it is not possible to accomplish because the mobile version uses a re-scripted engine, that it will not work, etc. We just believed that it could be done and kept trying anyway, and now we demonstrated that installing larger mods is actually possible and quite simple once we figure out how to do it properly. Yavin IV running smoothly is an example of this accomplishment, as it adds entire new modules containing new maps, skins, items, dialogue and cut-scenes, proving that the mobile version of KOTOR can handle this new game data quite fine. The next milestone will be when the mobile version of KOTO II TSL will be released, as Aspyr Media completed the Mac OS port in July and are already working on the mobile port. If I were to make an educated guess I'd say that KOTOR II will probably be released for mobile platforms (IOS and Android) this Holiday season (most likely the middle of December), as this is a great time for Star Wars releases, because Disney is rebooting the franchise with the new movie and Battlefront 3 game, which will put Star Wars into the spotlight in this period. Also, based on the fact that KOTOR II has almost the same game engine and structure as Kotor I (that has already been ported), and KOTOR II already has a Mac OS port, and is is known that IOS is actually a modified version of Mac OS, Aspyr just has to integrate the same touchscreen user interface and control scheme that was used in the first mobile KOTOR version, and optimize the game for the graphical and processing limitations of the mobile devices. This is something that a team of skilled developers can do in less than a month, with the remaining five months being more then enough for beta testing and tweaks, given that they already have experience in this field after doing this with KOTOR 1, and they also have access to the full KOTOR source code and developer SDK. At any rate, I am sure there will be a mobile KOTOR II TSL release in the near future When this will happen, most KOTOR veterans like myself will want to replay this gaming masterpiece, and obviously we will want to play it with TSLRCM installed! Modders will then concentrate all their efforts to make TSLRCM to work with the mobile version, which will open the way for bigger story mods and total conversions, like The Jedi Masters and the brilliant work in progress Revenge of Revan! Looks like a bright future... I can't wait to play these great mods in my iPad! ------------------------- PROGRESS UPDATE - 07.01.2016 During the winter holidays I have finally managed to install Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge on the IOS version of Kotor, on my iPad, using the TSL patcher method. I have used the method described below. I have written this tutorial to help anyone else who is uncertain about how to exactly install mods on IOS using the TSL Patcher, since there are many steps that must be carefully respected, although the process itself is not very complicated. Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge (this method works with any mod) IOS Kotor mod install - TSL Patcher method: A jailbroken iDevice is required! 1. Extract and backup the IOS Kotor app data with iFunBox. Connect your jail-broken iDevice (on which Kotor is installed) to your PC / MAC computer. iFunBox must be installed on the computer. Open iFunBox and go to the File Browser tab. Navigate to Raw File System/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application and drag from the iFunBox window (it will also have the Kotor icon logo) and drop it to your Desktop. after the transfer is complete you will have a serialized filename folder on your Desktop. Congratulations, you have just backed up your Kotor install! If you also want to backup your Kotor user data which contains your game configuration and save games use iFunBox to navigate to Raw File System/private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application and (that's the tricky part) open all serialized filename folders/Documents until you find a KOTOR folder inside. Drag the entire serialised filname folder containing the KOTOR folder to your Desktop. Now you have backed up your game data as well! It is wise to save the unmodified backup folders on your computer in order to ease up future modding (you can use a fresh copy of the backup each time you install a mod instead of extracting the Kotor game files from the iDevice each time)! 2. Copy the contents of the folder inside the first serialized filename folder you extracted earlier (it will be the larger one) to a new folder (you can name it Kotor-mod) 3. Make sure that all the files inside Kotor-mod are NOT read-only. To do that select all files inside the folder, then right click and choose Properties, and check if the "Read-Only" tab is checked. If it is checked or greyed out, make sure to uncheck it! 4. Run the Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge TSL Patcher installer from the BoS:SR mod folder as an Administrator (right click on BoS: SR TSL Patcher installer and click on "Run as Administrator). IMPORTANT: if you have also Kotor installed on the computer you are performing this operation, rename the C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts folder (or whatever folder you installed kotor to) to C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts 001, so that TSL Patcher will not install BoS:SR to your PC / MAC Kotor installation! Inside TSL Patcher, click Install Mod in the lower right corner of the window, then a Browse window will appear, prompting you to poimt it to your Kotor install folder (if you have Kotor also installed on your PC / MAC and do not temporarily rename the install folder as instructed earlier, TSL Patcher will detect it and automatically install the mod there!). Point it to your Kotor-mod folder where you copied the contents of the backed up folder earlier. Wait for the process to finish, you will most likely receive an error, do not worry it is caused by the fact that there is no "saves" folder inside the Kotor-mod folder, there is no problem, the mod files were copied regardless! 5. Run Multiple Files Renamer and set it to Capitalise / Add action / All small on the selected folders. In the selection screen open the Kotor-mod folder name select the modules, movies, override, streamsounds and streammusic folders. This is very important, as your iDevice uses the Unix filenaming and hierarchy. This is also why you must make sure the files do not come set to read-only mode after extraction from the device. This is basically the roadblock preventing modders to run larger mods like BoS:SR on IOS, the IOS detects all files using a case-sensitive approach, like in the case for a password. Because of this, "BoSSR.mod" is seen as an entirely different file as "bossr.mod" or "BOSSR.MOD" by the IOS filesystem, thus resulting in a "file not found" error if the file is not properly renamed. Congratulations, BoS:SR has been properly installed and adapted to your IOS Kotor installation! 6. Transfer the contents of the Kotor-mod folder back to their place on the iDevice usong iFunBox. Just navigate to the folder and drag the contents there. Unfortunately even after using this recommended install method, the mod still won't run properly on IOS! I have double-chcked everything and the mod files were successfully copied into the Kotor install folder, I have no idea what goes wrong. Even more strange, the mod runs worse after being installed with the TSL Patcher method then it did after being installed with the manual method! Here is the comparative beta-testing report: - BoS: SR successfully installed (all files copied with no errors) using TSL Patcher method. - When starting Kotor, instead of cycling through the intro splash screens, the screen stays black for 2-3 seconds then the game jumps right to the main menu. When using the manual install all splash screens appeared, including the custom BoS: SR splash screen added by the mod. - The game runs normal prior to activating the mod. The Rodian is present in the cantina on Korriban, the player can interact with him in order to start the mod. Both the appearance of the Rodian and the dialogue are OK, no bugs so far. - When arriving on Tatooine, right after leaving the spaceport and entering the city where the cantina is located, after the loading screen, the game freezes after the player takes a few steps forward or after 1-2 seconds. The same thing happened on when the mod was installed using the manual method. This error only occurs when Daemon Drexl must be confronted on Tatooine! Before activating the mod or when loading a save game file (taken from a PC) further into the game the game no longer crashes at this point. It seems that the entire module that contains the Daemon Drexl sequence on Tatooine gets corrupted by his script, causing the game to crash shortly after the module is loaded. - A save game from a PC, taken after speaking to the Rodian on Korriban for the second time was used to bypass this crash. The Tatooine module now works perfect, the game does not crash anymore. The player can go into the cantina on Tatooine and talk to the Bith Captain of the Orion to start the mission. The dialogue works normal and then the intro movie for the mod begins (the one that starts with "Silveredge9 presents..." Showing the Orion fly through space). After the movie ends the game crashes. The crash did not occur when the mod was installed using the manual method. - Used another save game file taken on the PC further into the game, aboard the Orion. After the save game loading screen the game crashes every time, like the module was missing or corrupted! When the mod was installed using the manual method, the module would load every time, but with some missing assets (doors, enemies, some of the characters). Now the game just crashes immediately after the save game loading screen. I have re-checked with iFile, and the module files for the mod are installed and in their proper folders... Conclusions: The mod is still not working, the game crash on Tatooine still takes place, and now all the mod's modules seem to be corrupt, as loading into them causes the game to crash immediately. The following approaches will be attempted further: - Will try capitalizing the filenames of all the files inside the "tslpatchdata" folder of the mod to complete lowercase BEFORE running TSL patcher. - Maybe the modules do not load because when modding with TSL Patcher their default filenames get written into the modded .2da files. Since IOS is case-sensitive with all filenames, maybe the files point to a module called "Module1_BoS.mod", and because the module is now named "module1_bos.mod" the game can't find the file and thus crashes. I will try reinstalling with TSL Patcher but leaving the files as they are after, without renaming them to complete lowercase characters. I will soon post updates on how these proposed solutions worked! UPDATE 18.03.2016 Next I will try installing Vader's Elite's port of Bos:SR for Android on IOS, see how that works! It is already optimized for Android, and IOS has the same Unix root as Android does, so it might just work...
  18. Version 1.6


    This mod adds 10 lightsaber forms and four force forms to the game, which can be learned at various levels. These can be learned from four holocrons and one new NPC, on Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Korriban and the Unknown World. The player can learn a total of seven forms. They can be activated from the medpac/stims section of the GUI. This mod uses TSLPatcher, and is fully compatible with K1RP. The holocrons and the NPC are fully voiced. Where possible, the stats for the forms imitate those in KotOR II. Stats for the forms are as follows: Form I: Shii-Cho:- Attack +1, Defense Bonus 2 Form II: Makashi:- Attack +3, Blaster Deflect: -5, Defence Bonus -5, Will Saves +3 Form III: Soresu:- Attack: -4, Blaster Deflect: +4, Defense Bonus 4 (Must be level 9 or higher) Form IV: Ataru:- Attack +1, Blaster Deflect: -4, Defense Bonus 3, Damage Bonus: +2 (Must be level 11 or higher, and a Guardian or Sentinel) Form V: Shien/Djem So:- Attack +1, Blaster Deflect: +2, Defense Bonus 5, Damage Bonus: +2 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Guardian) Form VI: Niman:- Attack +1, Defense Bonus 1, Blaster Deflect: +1, Will Saves: +1 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Sentinel) Form VII: Juyo:- Attack +4, Attacks per round +1, Defence Bonus -2, Will Saves: +4 (Must be a Guardian) Form VIII: Sokan:- Attack +3, Damage Bonus: +1, Reflex Saves: +3, Defense Bonus 2, Defense Bonus vs. Piercing -2 (net bonus: 0) (Must be a Sentinel) Form IX: Shien:- Attack +3, Damage Bonus: +3, Defence Bonus -2, Blaster Deflect: -2, Reflex Saves: -2 (Must be a Sentinel) Form X: Niman/Jar’Kai:- Attack +2, Offhand attack bonus +3, Defense Bonus 1, Fortitude Saves: -1 (Must be a Guardian) Harmony Force Form:- Maximum Force Points: +10%, Reflex Saves: +2, Force Resistance: -3 (Must be level 11 or higher, and a Consular) Endurance Force Form: Will Saves: +1, Force Resistance: +2 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Consular) Persistence Force Form: Will Saves: +3, Reflex Saves: -2, Force Resistance: +4 (Must be a Consular) Unity Force Form: Maximum Force Points: +10%, Reflex Saves: +2, Force Resistance: +3 (Must be a Consular) Compatibility: This mod should be compatible with most others. Nevertheless, it *may* cause incompatibilities with any mod which alters or makes use of: - the script slot for Entry 99 of kor35_utharwynn.dlg - the script slot for Entry 0 of kor39_utharwynn.dlg - the script slot for Entry 19 of dan13_belaya.dlg - the script slot for Entry 1 of k_player_dialog.dlg - unk44_sparty.dlg; particularly any mod which adds a third entry to the dialogue file, and uses it to fire a script. - Item 99 in the droppable list for kas25_wraid.utc Credits: Thanks are to Zhaboka, Sith Holocron, newbiemodder, Fallen Guardian, Warlord664, Quanon, Marius Fett, Canderis, DarthAnsem, SithSpecter, Slstoev, CptPriceless, kyrie, and Fair Strides 2 for their feedback and comments on the mod as it progressed; to deathdisco, whose original KotOR I lightsaber forms mod inspired this one; to Darth333, stoffe, jmac7142/Det. Bart Lasiter, glovemaster, and everyone else who taught me and continues to teach me to script; to Darkkender, for his "Recruit Darkkender" mod, which I used to work out how to make the lightsaber forms work; to T7Nowhere, whose fantastic "Revan's Mask Plus" mod inspired the form of this one; to Samuel Dravis, jonathan7 and Pavlos, for vital feedback at various stages in the planning of this mod; to Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; to Holowan Labs for remaining by far the best place to work on KotOR mods on the internet; and to Obsidian, Bioware, and LucasArts, for making both KotOR games. Particular thanks to Quanon, VarsityPuppet, and Marius Fett for their help with the new placeable models used by this mod; Also to Sith Holocron and Fair Strides, who beta-tested for me; And most especially, my thanks are to my voice-over artists, who are listed below, and some of whom had to suffer demands for endless redrafts and slow response times with admirable patience: Thanks also to Daemonjax over at KotORNexus for spotting the errors corrected in this update. Voice Overs: Sith Holocron as the Sith Holocron; Zhaboka as Jedi Holocron, Kashyyyk Holocron, and Guun-Han Saresh; Melissa Trudeau as the Sith Trainer. Locations of Holocrons / What they teach: NB: Do not read if you want this to be a surprise! **** Dantooine: You learn the Shii-Cho during the initial training montage. You can learn Soresu from the Jedi Holocron in the Enclave training room when you reach level 9. You can learn Ataru (Guardians/Sentinels) or the Harmony form (Consulars) from the Jedi Holocron when you reach level 11. Korriban: You can learn Makashi from the Sith Teacher in the Korriban Academy, standing by the entrance in the final room before the Valley of the Dark Lords. You can learn Shien Form IX (Sentinels), Niman/Jar'Kai Form X (Guardians), or Persistence Form (Consulars) from the Sith Holocron in the tomb of Naga Sadow. Kashyyyk: You can learn Shien/Djem So Form V (Guardians), Niman Form VI (Sentinels) or Endurance Form (Consulars) once you reach level 14 from the Jedi Holocron found in the Beast in the Shadowlands. Unknown World: You can learn Juyo (Guardians), Sokan (Sentinels) or the Unity Form (Consulars) from the Sith Holocron in the basement computer room of the Temple. ****
  19. Currently on google there are many websites that provide MOD APK versions but I really don't know which website to use because I don't know if it's safe for phones or not. I've never downloaded games or mod apps from websites so I don't really know if a site is safe there. I consulted a number of forums and saw people mentioning the TECHLOKY website and saw that people rated it quite well but I was very confused as to what to do. Please give me some advice. Thank.
  20. View File KOTOR Quick Overhaul KOTOR Quick Overhaul v0.5Beta Hi! This is a beta of my upcoming rebalancing/overhaul mod for Knights Of The Old Republic 1. The mod itself is complete (AkA, it affects the entire game, from start to finish), but I've only tested it on Taris so far (hence the screenshots), thus it's still a beta. It changes armor mechanics (now they offer a fixed 25% immunity to physical, ion, and energy damage in addition to Defence bonuses, which go higher then in vanilla on high-quality armors, to keep them relevant late-game), robes (various immunities, and CON bonuses in addition to Defence), even standard clothing (it offers same Defence as medium armor, without the damage immunities, but with immunity to crits - logic being you're just as mobile, and a bit more aware, so you don't take crit damage, but you take more regular damage then in armor - and of course it's non restrictive so you can use all Force powers in an outfit with some decent Defence - should make keeping clothing more appealing as an alternative). Weapons have been tweaked as a baseline (2da file), and individually (.uti files), ranged weapons especially do a LOT more damage, speccing for a ranged character is now a very viable option, they are now, IMO, easily on par with melee weapons in usefulness. High STR characters are still better off just speccing into melee, but for everyone else - you be the judge. They can now hurt. A lot. More types of weapons are now available earlier in-game on Taris (if you want a Disruptor for example, Kebla sells a rifle, and you can pick up a pistol not soon after - and you might consider one, a lot of enemies now like putting up a shield). Enemies also use different weapons, it's not just a blaster-haven, so don't be surprised if you get incoming sonic or disruptor fire going right through your pretty shield. Repeating blasters are now actually useful - short ranged, but big accuracy buff (simulating spray-and-pray actually hitting more often by virtue of throwing enough sh*t at a wall and hoping some of it sticks). Also more powerful then blaster rifles, but they incurr a slight Defence debuff (recoil, and unwieldy). For hard-to-hit enemies and Force users, you might want to use a repeater if your base attack bonus is low, more chance of bypassing their defence/blaster deflection. Disruptors are more powerful then blasters, but less consistent (1/3 to 1 damage ratio, instead of 1/2 to 1 for blasters). Ion weapons got a big anti-droid damage buff. Sonic weapons have been left untouched (but still more usefull, since armors don't provide sonic damage immunity). Non-powered swords are now a viable alternative to vibroswords (slightly higher top damage, lower bottom, but worse crit threat). Some weapons have crit threat or crit range bonuses. Energy shield are now unlimited-use, and a LOT cheaper to buy (and sell, should make selling a 100 shields for big money later in the game a non-option). Don't be afraid to use them often - you'll need them. Most enemies are a LOT tougher now. Droids now have a -5 Defence penalty baseline (their Defence could get to ridiculous levels in vanilla, thanks to uncapped armors and logic feats), but have inherent /5 resistance to physical and energy damage (NOT ion, big incentive to use Ion weapons more often). This includes party droids. Most enemy droids will now be shielded, and have a LOT more health. Again, ion weapons are your buddy. Many NPCs in the game have been buffed, massively. Some also drop unique weapons (hint-hint, do Canderous's personal quest - just one example). Force users are especially enhanced (most Dark Jedi in vanilla are a joke). This is all throughout the game, but not all (some NPCs use duplicate forms, I couldn't edit them directly into Override, I'd have to edit the modules, which I refused to do, to make this mod more compatible with other mods). Classes get more HP as baseline. 12 for Soldiers/Guardians, 10 for Scouts/Sentinels, 8 for Scoundrels/Consulars. Soldiers and Scoundrels, and Guardians and Sentinels, get slightly increased Feat gain. Sentinels get 1 more Force power overall, to differentiate them from Guardians. Combat droids get Scout feat gain, can now Specialize in Rifles, Pistols, and Heavy weapons. All party member HP has been adjusted accordingly. Carth no longer starts with twin pistols, he uses a carbine (trust me, having an inaccurate twin-weapon user at the start would get you killed, given the buffed enemies on Taris - your party needs some consistency, he provides it). He has his personal upgradeable carbine. Bastila uses a standard lightsaber now (same reason, her flailing-around with that double-saber WILL get her killed early on). And it makes sense, in cutscenes she uses a standard saber. HK47 buffed MASSIVELY. He now has 20 CON, 18 DEX and roughly double the health as a result, and he comes with his own special targeting computer. He was pathetically weak in vanilla. INSTALLATION: Simple. Drop everything into your Override folder. I took great pains to make this mod very hands-on to install, so there's no messing with modules or dialog file. Should be compatible with everything, as long as my mod comes FIRST (and I cannot overemphasise this enough), on a blank vanilla game. It doesn't use a patcher, and it does edit .2da files, so there WILL be incompatibilites if you plaster it over a bunch of other mods, it will overwrite them. Make a fresh game install, dump my mod in Override, then install every other mod you want. As for K1R compatibility, there shouldn't be problems (I don't use it on my game, but since my mod only affects Override folder and doesn't touch any modules, I see no reason why anything should conflict). Again for safety, put my mod in BEFORE installing K1R. Submitter NecroAvalon Submitted 11/23/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  21. So awhile back I found that the LD-29 Recruitment mod which can be found here ( There was an updated version with some minor voice acting, A Recruitable kay Patch, and a custom potrait. However I purged my folder awhile back by mistake, and am now trying to find the updated version. The only versions I can find right now are 0.89 and 0.95. If anyone can link me to the page or send me a copy of the updated version that would be most appreciated.
  22. Hello all. I've run into this problem numerous times in the past few years (seemingly since upgrading past Windows 7 years ago, maybe even an earlier version of Windows). When playing Kotor 2, I get to Nar Shaddaa and when I attempt to do the part where your party boards G0-T0's yacht, the game crashes. Now, to be clear, it crashes at the exact same point every time, which is just before your player character has the conversation with G0-T0's hologram (specifically at the loading screen just before this module). I've tried most of the usual suggestions, including toggling DisableVertexBufferOptions, using console commands to skip directly to that module (which crashes the game just the same as if I went through the conversation with the Sullustan and watched the setup videos), and various other options without any success. I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction. Now, I do have mods installed, namely TSLRCM and Heroes of the Old Republic (which, I know can conflict in minor ways, however I've been able to use the two together to get through a playthrough in the past, so I know that's not the issue). However, I have also in the past tried deleting all mods besides TSLRCM and I still get the crash at the same spot. I even think it happens without any mods installed, though I can't remember the last time I tried that. I'm currently running the Steam version, though I've used the disc version as well and gotten the same issue both times, so I don't think it's that. Anyone have any suggestions? This is literally my favorite game, and I'm tired of having it break whenever I get to this accursed planet. Thanks in advance (and sorry for the long post, brain dump after a long day).
  23. I am attempting to install this mod (bos:sr) however I keep running into this error. Can anyone provide some assistance? I'm new to modding and don't really know what to search to solve the problem.
  24. Hi guys!!! I've decided start a new (which I think different of all I've seen) topic and I believe it can be interesting. In this, my next Play-through with TSL, my intention is indicate the MODs I'm installing at each time of game play and, as far as possible, the results. It's basically for three main reasons. First, the combination of several MODs can help somebody to choose/confirm an election due some compatibility doubts or simply for a nice game play. Second, usually I install the MODs just before they're involved (although there is a large list of them that must be installed before start a Play-through and others that the timeline/story line is indifferent) and due the enormous quantity of MODs available, the Community can help me to choose my next MODs to install according with my story line in the game, within a previous selection, compatibility issues, recommendations, warnings and opinions. All will be welcome. Third reason, because I like the idea. My choices are absolutely mine with no other consideration that enjoy and (a MUST) try to keep the compatibility along the game, so, please, let no one be offended if I use one MOD and not other. Anyway, several times my final choice change from one day to another. Of course this "in Real Time" (more or less) selection will not be a guarantee to finish successfully the game and/or see a MOD in all its grandeur due the complexity of a lot of MODs working together. It's a risk that I am prepared to run. And you? Anyway it can be funny. How can it be otherwise all the credits are for the authors of the MODs who deserve a very well recognized tribute. Well, finished my 'statement of intentions' I'll say that the Play-through is based on TSLRCM 1.8.5 + M4-78EP ---------------------------------------------------------------- Let's start After a fresh installation of KotOR 2 - TSL and before start the Playthrough Order of Installation 01 - Patch 1.0b (I think that my recently recovered english version of TSL is the US version and the Patch 1.0a can't be applied. Anyway you can found all Patches and versions here at DS). 02 - HQ Movies Update Patch (all 6 parts) 1.0 By Sith Holocron (according to the description it must be installed before than TSLRCM) Statement: I wanted install HQ Music Update Patch 1.0 By Sith Holocron but I realize too late I had to do it before install TSLRCM and obviously other MODs. I'm sorry. Next time. 03 - TSL Restored Content Mod 1.8.5 By zbyl2 04 - M4-78 Enhancement Project 1.5 By zbyl2 05 - KOTOR 2 Community Patch 1.4 By A Future Pilot -------------------------------------------------------------------- BTW!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't like NOTHING that now the Posts merge itselfs. In any case, give that option to the users would be nice enough. -------------------------------------------------------------------- (Ara ve quan el pengen) Well, this a combination of three MODs that reskin the interior of the Ebon Hawk and all of them are 'Drag and Drop' files. Some files coincide the name so you have to choose which file you like. If someone is interested I can upload the list I made. 04a - Hi-res Ebon Hawk By FF97 04b - The EbonHawk-HDTP R1 By desmasic 04c - Ebon Hawk Texture Enhancement 1.0 By Fallen Guardian Statement: As I am still testing things and I'm still at the Prologue (no real Play-through yet) with the damaged surrounds of the EH, I'll wait to install MODs in which I am very interested as 'KOTOR2 Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (not including Galaxy Map) 1.1' by Sith Holocron and Xarwarz, or 'KOTOR2 More Subtle Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (still not including Galaxy Map) 1.2' by Sith Holocron and Dark Hope (they are not complementary as I thought the first time). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE / Add-on about reskin of the Ebon Hawk. I've included some files of the MOD 'KOTOR2 Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (not including Galaxy Map) 1.1' although I want to see the REAL effect with the Hawk repaired and, as all are Drag and Drop files MODs I still can change some things easily. I don't want overload the thread with unnecessary screenshots so I'll wait until later to upload them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've made some adjustments at my combination of files. I've removed 'CM_Baremetal.tga', changed some files related with screens and added some '.txi' files that @ebmar uploaded some time ago (you can find them within the posts of This is the result, the screenshots diminishes the effect, you'd HAVE to see it in game!!!!! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 05 - Prologue sensor droids fix By danil-ch A funny MOD. I like a lot. 06 - Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields 1.2 By Vasilii Zaytsev 07 - [TSL] High Quality Starfields and Nebulas 1.3 By Kexikus Statement: I've found different files related with Peragus so I've installed both MODs 08 - Darth Sapien's Presents T3M4 HD 2k 1.00 By Darth_Sapiens Really a very nice, nice, nice work with T3-M4. Statement: I tried to combine it with 'Effixian's T3-M4 Blue & Red' By Effix but I couldn't. 09 - TSL Improved Party Outfits 1.0.1 By Leilukin Statement: The description says: "For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new TSL playthrough." So, here it is but for obvious reasons I can't see nothing yet. EDIT / Add on: A very useful and necessary improvement. 10 - Badass Bastila 1.0 By Medragor-des What can I say? I fell in love with Bastila in the first KotOR and this a great work. 11 - Effixian's Alternative Female Underwear By Effix I had the alternative of 'Handmaiden-style Undies For Female PCs' By Shem But I liked the first one more. 12 - Custom Starting Feats 1.1 By rkr87 A very good start of the game. 13 - Implant Feat Restoration 1.1 By N-DReW25 Statement: The idea of to save precious Attributes Points destined to increase the Constitution only for wear powerful implants is just great. 14 - High-Level Force Powers 2.0 + Update By Stoffe I am looking forward to seeing what can I do with my new Powers. -----------------------------------------------
  25. Version 2.0


    A little while ago it struck me - The Dantooine Jedi academy has a workbench, but the Korriban Academy didn't, which can be very inconvenient. In fact, there wasn't one on all Korriban. This mod fixes all that! Now there is a workbench in the little room which leads to the Valley of the Dark Lords. It's just on the left as you come in. The only mod conflict that there might be is if someone else's mod modifies Master Uthar's dialogue.