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About th3w1zard1

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  1. Bug in v3.1.0: selecting `Merge _S.RIM/_DLG.ERF files in the main tool window` is not working and causes those aforementioned resources to be inaccessible in the tool window Unfortunately this is the default setting, which means everyone is affected. Please ensure this is unchecked until i can get a fix out. Thanks
    Instaclicked. Finally someone that gets it.
    fantastic tool with an easy-to-use UI.
  2. no one's forcing you to use modsync. You realize there's hundreds of mods, and 6 different tomls. Have put weeks of time into doing these myself. I am not a perfect person. Your post is extremely unhelpful, at least post the exact issues you are finding if there indeed are any. Why in the world would you overwrite the ultimate character overhaul, with all the NPC mods that clearly specify to install the clothes only version? This does not follow the community mod build instructions. And renders all the patch files that are required useless lol. Yeah this straight up isn't happening, no idea what you're on about. The very last instruction in the full build is to install the patches. If installing the build manually is easier for you to comprehend what's happening, you should continue to do so. I created ModSync because I wanted an alternative.
  3. Oops, you're 100% correct. I had the wrong scoundrel mod in there compared to neocities. Has been fixed on the main page.
  4. What problems, specifically, does that cause? The goal of the wildcard there is to grab only the tga/tpc files instead of the entire folder.
  5. Posting in case someone comes along with the same question... The reason they break cutscenes has been solved. It was not the game's fault, rather the tools modders have been using to pack .MOD's in the past. Creating the `702KOR.mod` with Holocron Toolset for instance makes the whole thing completely playable without issue. Presumably the same with 401DXN.
  6. Creating tools is my specialty. Let me know if you're finding some task in this project incredibly tedious, that a specialized tool could address. Would love to help out.
  7. Thanks, was about 99% sure that was the case after checking `changes.ini` but wanted to triple check. Cheers! Thank you for making this!
  8. If using your K2 force powers in K1, do I install this before or after, or does it not matter? Couldn't find any information on the readme's about it.
  9. EDIT: All of this is fixed. I won't have time to update the instructions and do tests but you can download the previous version it's looking for, just press this button on the DS page. v1.3.1 is what you want. Looks like @Ashton Scorpius updated their mod to use my latest update of HoloPatcher. From what I can tell no content changes were made. As for the dm_qrts yeah it looks like I accidentally used the archive from the full build. Both should be the same thing, since you aren't interacting with the archive outside of KOTORModSync there shouldn't be any spoilers but otherwise just try not to read the main DS page when downloading it. Sorry I couldn't provide a direct fix at the moment but I hope this at least gets your install going if you did want those two mods.
  10. @Guysabosssome mods have both a patch and the mod itself. Make sure you have everything it's telling you you need, the archive file names were up to date last I checked. Stuff like TSL Twilek heads also have compatibility patches for the UCO with similar names that you also need. if all of that sounds too daunting, just unselect the ones that are erroring. You should ideally only be selecting the ones you want anyway, it's unlikely you'll want every single mod in that list.
  11. There is an alien that drops off the Gizka on your ship when you arrive on Tatooine. Despite how annoying this is, the game doesn't give you an option to kill him. A simple dialog option that starts combat, and some extra dialog nodes from him to express disbelief/apologetic tone would be all this idea needs
  12. @JoeNotCharles Look at the summary tab for that mod, should always have the links... There's a Patch required. EDIT: Ugh, nevermind, seems I did forget to put it in there. I'll update the toml's but in the meantime the link needed is!gcxRTYTJ!ILbLFRyGEr4lGZYDOLN_Qg17fCm-TJw4Y1RDuy4WiWI Thanks for reporting this.