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Found 8 results

  1. Version 4.0.0


    Revises the opening of the game, so that the player may begin as a Jedi Apprentice, in a seamless, lore-friendly manner. Removes all fourth wall breaking tutorial messages from the game. Description Upon starting the game, instead of Trask waking the player, you will be presented with new dialogue options to potentially select a Jedi Class. You may choose to remain as your base class, and become a Jedi on Dantooine as normal, if you wish. If you choose to become a Jedi, you will immediately level up, and be able to acquire your new feats and powers. Starting equipment has been adjusted, and will be generated after this level up, allowing your new feats and skills to be accounted for. Jedi characters are given a crystal in their footlocker, and can build a Lightsaber at the workbench. They choose its style and color there. You then proceed through the Endar Spire sequence as normal, albeit without Trask. Out of character tutorial messages have all been removed. Jedi characters will have a new Lightsaber duel, and recieve additional items. Early dialogues with party members and NPC's have been adjusted to accurately reflect whether the player is a Jedi or not. Additional Force Persuade checks have been added to many of the characters found throughout Taris. A new path to purchase T3-M4 before completing the Swoop Race, through a Force Persuade check, has been added. This is available to non-Jedi through Persuade as well. Upon arriving on Dantooine, the opening dialogue with the council is altered slightly. The inital training sections, from the Jedi Code to Lightsaber construction is removed, and the player is immediately tasked to Cleanse the Tainted Grove. After this point the game proceeds as normal, without major alterations. If the player chooses not to become a Jedi at the start of the game, then very little changes, besides the removal of Trask and tutorial messages. On Dantooine, a non-Jedi player will be able to construct a Double-bladed or Short Lightsaber, and choose the color of their lightsaber freely. They will also be given an Apprentice robe after constructing a Lightsaber. Install/Uninstall Run the installer.exe file. If you are on Linux or Mac, appropriate HoloPatcher installers can be found on DeadlyStream. If updating from a version from before v4.0.0, you must reinstall your game to properly uninstall the mod. You cannot install this mod on top of an old version. You must start a new game after updating to this version. The mod has been substantially reworked. There is a version setup for a manual installation. This version cannot be used with most other mods. It is not recommended. You cannot use this with the Community Patch. Your game will break See the docs folder for more information. Compatibility Most mods should be compatible, unless they make major edits to the Endar Spire, Taris NPC dialogue, or Dantooine Jedi Training. Fully compatible with KotOR 1 Community Patch. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack. Do not install the "tar02_janice021.dlg" or "tar09_recept091.dlg" files from Persuade Fixes. They will remove my Force Persuade checks, and Jedi from the Start includes equivalent changes. Fully compatible with Restored Content for K1CP. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment. Fully compatible with JC's Jedi Tailor. Fully compatible with Carth's Republic Uniform and Flight Suit. SWToR Style Training Sabers will overwrite my changes to the Dantooine Lightsaber Training, but should not cause any issues. Not compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration. This mod is increasingly outdated. Use Restored Content for K1CP instead. Not compatible with Tutorial Remover. This mod includes its functionality. Not compatible with Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials. Not compatible with Recruit T3-M4 Early. This mod includes equivalent functionality. Not compatible with JC's Robe Adjustment. This mod includes most of its functionality. Recommended Mods KotOR 1 Community Patch is strongly recommended. JC's Jedi Tailor is highly recommended. Thanks to JC for letting me include most of his Robe Adjustment mod. JC's Extra Saber Colors is highly recommended. You will be able to choose additional lightsaber color options when you create a character with this mod installed. Consular Sentinel Class Skill Swap (or KotOR 1 Community Patch which includes it) is recommended if you want the Sentinel class to be somewhat meaningful. Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials is recommended if you want a vanilla friendly tutorial remover instead. Special Thanks/Acknowledgements Talchia and Achilles for the original Padawan mods that inspired this one. KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus DLGEditor – tk102 K-GFF – tk102 TSL Patcher – stoffe KotOR Scripting Tool - Blue Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher – Cortisol & th3w1zard1 Credits DarthParametric - Scripts from KOTOR 1 Community Patch JCarter426 - JC's Robe Adjustment Mirrors Nexus ModPub Other Links Nexus ModPub Deadlystream YouTube Twitch Discord Twitter Jedi from the Start by darthbdaman is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
  2. Version 0.9.0 Beta


    KOTOR Quick Overhaul v0.5Beta Hi! This is a beta of my upcoming rebalancing/overhaul mod for Knights Of The Old Republic 1. The mod itself is complete (AkA, it affects the entire game, from start to finish), but I've only tested it on Taris so far (hence the screenshots), thus it's still a beta. It changes armor mechanics (now they offer a fixed 25% immunity to physical, ion, and energy damage in addition to Defence bonuses, which go higher then in vanilla on high-quality armors, to keep them relevant late-game), robes (various immunities, and CON bonuses in addition to Defence), even standard clothing (it offers same Defence as medium armor, without the damage immunities, but with immunity to crits - logic being you're just as mobile, and a bit more aware, so you don't take crit damage, but you take more regular damage then in armor - and of course it's non restrictive so you can use all Force powers in an outfit with some decent Defence - should make keeping clothing more appealing as an alternative). Weapons have been tweaked as a baseline (2da file), and individually (.uti files), ranged weapons especially do a LOT more damage, speccing for a ranged character is now a very viable option, they are now, IMO, easily on par with melee weapons in usefulness. High STR characters are still better off just speccing into melee, but for everyone else - you be the judge. They can now hurt. A lot. More types of weapons are now available earlier in-game on Taris (if you want a Disruptor for example, Kebla sells a rifle, and you can pick up a pistol not soon after - and you might consider one, a lot of enemies now like putting up a shield). Enemies also use different weapons, it's not just a blaster-haven, so don't be surprised if you get incoming sonic or disruptor fire going right through your pretty shield. Repeating blasters are now actually useful - short ranged, but big accuracy buff (simulating spray-and-pray actually hitting more often by virtue of throwing enough sh*t at a wall and hoping some of it sticks). Also more powerful then blaster rifles, but they incurr a slight Defence debuff (recoil, and unwieldy). For hard-to-hit enemies and Force users, you might want to use a repeater if your base attack bonus is low, more chance of bypassing their defence/blaster deflection. Disruptors are more powerful then blasters, but less consistent (1/3 to 1 damage ratio, instead of 1/2 to 1 for blasters). Ion weapons got a big anti-droid damage buff. Sonic weapons have been left untouched (but still more usefull, since armors don't provide sonic damage immunity). Non-powered swords are now a viable alternative to vibroswords (slightly higher top damage, lower bottom, but worse crit threat). Some weapons have crit threat or crit range bonuses. Energy shield are now unlimited-use, and a LOT cheaper to buy (and sell, should make selling a 100 shields for big money later in the game a non-option). Don't be afraid to use them often - you'll need them. Most enemies are a LOT tougher now. Droids now have a -5 Defence penalty baseline (their Defence could get to ridiculous levels in vanilla, thanks to uncapped armors and logic feats), but have inherent /5 resistance to physical and energy damage (NOT ion, big incentive to use Ion weapons more often). This includes party droids. Most enemy droids will now be shielded, and have a LOT more health. Again, ion weapons are your buddy. Many NPCs in the game have been buffed, massively. Some also drop unique weapons (hint-hint, do Canderous's personal quest - just one example). Force users are especially enhanced (most Dark Jedi in vanilla are a joke). This is all throughout the game, but not all (some NPCs use duplicate forms, I couldn't edit them directly into Override, I'd have to edit the modules, which I refused to do, to make this mod more compatible with other mods). Classes get more HP as baseline. 12 for Soldiers/Guardians, 10 for Scouts/Sentinels, 8 for Scoundrels/Consulars. Soldiers and Scoundrels, and Guardians and Sentinels, get slightly increased Feat gain. Sentinels get 1 more Force power overall, to differentiate them from Guardians. Combat droids get Scout feat gain, can now Specialize in Rifles, Pistols, and Heavy weapons. All party member HP has been adjusted accordingly. Carth no longer starts with twin pistols, he uses a carbine (trust me, having an inaccurate twin-weapon user at the start would get you killed, given the buffed enemies on Taris - your party needs some consistency, he provides it). He has his personal upgradeable carbine. Bastila uses a standard lightsaber now (same reason, her flailing-around with that double-saber WILL get her killed early on). And it makes sense, in cutscenes she uses a standard saber. HK47 buffed MASSIVELY. He now has 20 CON, 18 DEX and roughly double the health as a result, and he comes with his own special targeting computer. He was pathetically weak in vanilla. INSTALLATION: Simple. Drop everything into your Override folder. I took great pains to make this mod very hands-on to install, so there's no messing with modules or dialog file. Should be compatible with everything, as long as my mod comes FIRST (and I cannot overemphasise this enough), on a blank vanilla game. It doesn't use a patcher, and it does edit .2da files, so there WILL be incompatibilites if you plaster it over a bunch of other mods, it will overwrite them. Make a fresh game install, dump my mod in Override, then install every other mod you want. As for K1R compatibility, there shouldn't be problems (I don't use it on my game, but since my mod only affects Override folder and doesn't touch any modules, I see no reason why anything should conflict). Again for safety, put my mod in BEFORE installing K1R.
  3. View File Jedi From The Start Revises the opening of the game, so that the player may begin as a Jedi Apprentice, in a seamless, lore-friendly manner. Removes all fourth wall breaking tutorial messages from the game. Description Upon starting the game, instead of Trask waking the player, you will be presented with new dialogue options to potentially select a Jedi Class. You may choose to remain as your base class, and become a Jedi on Dantooine as normal, if you wish. If you choose to become a Jedi, you will immediately level up, and be able to acquire your new feats and powers. Starting equipment has been adjusted, and will be generated after this level up, allowing your new feats and skills to be accounted for. Jedi characters are given a crystal in their footlocker, and can build a Lightsaber at the workbench. They choose its style and color there. You then proceed through the Endar Spire sequence as normal, albeit without Trask. Out of character tutorial messages have all been removed. Jedi characters will have a new Lightsaber duel, and recieve additional items. Early dialogues with party members and NPC's have been adjusted to accurately reflect whether the player is a Jedi or not. Additional Force Persuade checks have been added to many of the characters found throughout Taris. A new path to purchase T3-M4 before completing the Swoop Race, through a Force Persuade check, has been added. This is available to non-Jedi through Persuade as well. Upon arriving on Dantooine, the opening dialogue with the council is altered slightly. The inital training sections, from the Jedi Code to Lightsaber construction is removed, and the player is immediately tasked to Cleanse the Tainted Grove. After this point the game proceeds as normal, without major alterations. If the player chooses not to become a Jedi at the start of the game, then very little changes, besides the removal of Trask and tutorial messages. On Dantooine, a non-Jedi player will be able to construct a Double-bladed or Short Lightsaber, and choose the color of their lightsaber freely. They will also be given an Apprentice robe after constructing a Lightsaber. Install/Uninstall Run the installer.exe file. If you are on Linux or Mac, appropriate HoloPatcher installers can be found on DeadlyStream. If updating from a version from before v4.0.0, you must reinstall your game to properly uninstall the mod. You cannot install this mod on top of an old version. You must start a new game after updating to this version. The mod has been substantially reworked. There is a version setup for a manual installation. This version cannot be used with most other mods. It is not recommended. You cannot use this with the Community Patch. Your game will break See the docs folder for more information. Compatibility Most mods should be compatible, unless they make major edits to the Endar Spire, Taris NPC dialogue, or Dantooine Jedi Training. Fully compatible with KotOR 1 Community Patch. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack. Do not install the "tar02_janice021.dlg" or "tar09_recept091.dlg" files from Persuade Fixes. They will remove my Force Persuade checks, and Jedi from the Start includes equivalent changes. Fully compatible with Restored Content for K1CP. Install Jedi from the Start after. Fully compatible with Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment. Fully compatible with JC's Jedi Tailor. Fully compatible with Carth's Republic Uniform and Flight Suit. SWToR Style Training Sabers will overwrite my changes to the Dantooine Lightsaber Training, but should not cause any issues. Not compatible with KotOR 1 Restoration. This mod is increasingly outdated. Use Restored Content for K1CP instead. Not compatible with Tutorial Remover. This mod includes its functionality. Not compatible with Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials. Not compatible with Recruit T3-M4 Early. This mod includes equivalent functionality. Not compatible with JC's Robe Adjustment. This mod includes most of its functionality. Recommended Mods KotOR 1 Community Patch is strongly recommended. JC's Jedi Tailor is highly recommended. Thanks to JC for letting me include most of his Robe Adjustment mod. JC's Extra Saber Colors is highly recommended. You will be able to choose additional lightsaber color options when you create a character with this mod installed. Consular Sentinel Class Skill Swap (or KotOR 1 Community Patch which includes it) is recommended if you want the Sentinel class to be somewhat meaningful. Trask Ulgo Without Tutorials is recommended if you want a vanilla friendly tutorial remover instead. Special Thanks/Acknowledgements Talchia and Achilles for the original Padawan mods that inspired this one. KOTOR Tool – Fred Tetra DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus DLGEditor – tk102 K-GFF – tk102 TSL Patcher – stoffe KotOR Scripting Tool - Blue Holocron Toolset and HoloPatcher – Cortisol & th3w1zard1 Credits DarthParametric - Scripts from KOTOR 1 Community Patch JCarter426 - JC's Robe Adjustment Mirrors Nexus ModPub Other Links Nexus ModPub Deadlystream YouTube Twitch Discord Twitter Jedi from the Start by darthbdaman is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 Submitter darthbdaman Submitted 06/19/2012 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  4. Version 1.1.0


    The mod now uses HoloPatcher as installer. 1.Description The Jedi Consular, Jedi Master and Sith Lord classes learn 3 Force Forms not available to other classes. One of them, Force Affinity, is generally considered useless because it has only one effect: +500% Force Point regeneration in combat. Force Channel Form (available to all classes) gives the same bonus (not mentioned in the description of the Form) in addition to several other effects. So, the real problem here is not that Force Affinity is "useless", but that Force Channel is (unintentionally) overpowered. This mod offers 3 solutions: fixing overpowered Force Channel Form or replacing the original Force Affinity Form bonus with new one (recommended). Don't install them both at the same time. 1) The "Force Channel Fix" option will change the undocumented "+500% FP regeneration in combat" bonus of Force Channel Form to a more balanced +100%, making Force Affinity more viable. New bonus of Force Channel: FP Regeneration: +50% (non-combat), +100% (in combat) Force Power Damage: +3 Saves vs Force Powers: +2 2) The "Force Amplification" option will replace the FP Regen bonus of Force Affinity with an increased range for mass Force Powers (based on the cut Force Amplification form). New Bonus of Force Affinity: Force Power Range: +100% Opponents' Saves vs Force Powers: +3 Note: the max distance between the caster and the target to cast Force Power won't change, only the radius of the mass Force Power's effect. The increased range will be useful for such Powers as MASS STASIS, FORCE WHIRLWIND/FORCE WAVE, FORCE STORM, FORCE SCREAM chain, INSANITY, CRUSH OPPOSITION, HEAL chain, IMPROVED/MASTER FORCE DRAIN, IMPROVED/MASTER BATTLE MEDITATION and some others. 3) "Force Shell" option will allow to use the Force to absorb part of damage received (technically, to automatically restore HP depending on the amount of damage received). New Bonus for Force Affinity: Restores 50% of HP from damage received at the expense of an equivalent amount of FP ------------------------------------------- 2.Installation This mod uses HoloPatcher installer. The installer for Windows comes with the mod; installers for Linux and Mac should be downloaded from the HoloPatcher mod page ( Warning: TSLPatcher won't work because this mod uses specific features of HoloPatcher. 1.Launch "HoloPatcher.exe". 2.Choose one of "Force Channel Fix", "Force Amplification", "Force Shell" options from dropdown menu. 3.Select your game's folder (where "swkotor2.exe" is located) and click Install. ------------------------------------------- 3.Uninstallation Uninstallation is possible as long as you didn't install other mods after this one, otherwise you must first uninstall those mods. Either manually delete the mod files and copy back unaltered files located at the backup/{date} path in the mod folder, or use uninstall Shell (Bash), PowerShell scripts provided by HoloPatcher. ------------------------------------------- 4.Known issues "Force Shell" option: if the player is attacked by several enemies, health recovery may not occur immediately, but after several or all attacks in the current round. ------------------------------------------- 5.Compatibilty The mod is incompatible with mods that modify "k_hen_heartbt01.ncs" script. Additionally, "Force Amplification" option is incompatible with mods that modify "k_sp1_generic.ncs", "k_hen_heartbt01.ncs","k_sup_healing.ncs" and "k_inc_force.nss" (some mods that add and edit Force Powers use them). ------------------------------------------ 6.Permissions This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author. This mod may be reuploaded / posted on other sites only if it is unavailable both on DeadlyStream, and on Nexus, and there is no contact with the author for at least 3 months. ------------------------- 7.Credits Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool Blue - KotOR Scripting Tool Cortisol and th3w1zard1 - For HoloPatcher/PyKotor Stoffe and HIGH LEVEL FORCE POWERS MOD V2.1 mod - for inspiration TamerBill and Content Pack: Feats and Powers - for inspiration Special Thanks to JCarter426 --------------------------- 8.Contact PM me on DeadlyStream or Nexus. Disclaimer THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  5. View File KOTOR Quick Overhaul KOTOR Quick Overhaul v0.5Beta Hi! This is a beta of my upcoming rebalancing/overhaul mod for Knights Of The Old Republic 1. The mod itself is complete (AkA, it affects the entire game, from start to finish), but I've only tested it on Taris so far (hence the screenshots), thus it's still a beta. It changes armor mechanics (now they offer a fixed 25% immunity to physical, ion, and energy damage in addition to Defence bonuses, which go higher then in vanilla on high-quality armors, to keep them relevant late-game), robes (various immunities, and CON bonuses in addition to Defence), even standard clothing (it offers same Defence as medium armor, without the damage immunities, but with immunity to crits - logic being you're just as mobile, and a bit more aware, so you don't take crit damage, but you take more regular damage then in armor - and of course it's non restrictive so you can use all Force powers in an outfit with some decent Defence - should make keeping clothing more appealing as an alternative). Weapons have been tweaked as a baseline (2da file), and individually (.uti files), ranged weapons especially do a LOT more damage, speccing for a ranged character is now a very viable option, they are now, IMO, easily on par with melee weapons in usefulness. High STR characters are still better off just speccing into melee, but for everyone else - you be the judge. They can now hurt. A lot. More types of weapons are now available earlier in-game on Taris (if you want a Disruptor for example, Kebla sells a rifle, and you can pick up a pistol not soon after - and you might consider one, a lot of enemies now like putting up a shield). Enemies also use different weapons, it's not just a blaster-haven, so don't be surprised if you get incoming sonic or disruptor fire going right through your pretty shield. Repeating blasters are now actually useful - short ranged, but big accuracy buff (simulating spray-and-pray actually hitting more often by virtue of throwing enough sh*t at a wall and hoping some of it sticks). Also more powerful then blaster rifles, but they incurr a slight Defence debuff (recoil, and unwieldy). For hard-to-hit enemies and Force users, you might want to use a repeater if your base attack bonus is low, more chance of bypassing their defence/blaster deflection. Disruptors are more powerful then blasters, but less consistent (1/3 to 1 damage ratio, instead of 1/2 to 1 for blasters). Ion weapons got a big anti-droid damage buff. Sonic weapons have been left untouched (but still more usefull, since armors don't provide sonic damage immunity). Non-powered swords are now a viable alternative to vibroswords (slightly higher top damage, lower bottom, but worse crit threat). Some weapons have crit threat or crit range bonuses. Energy shield are now unlimited-use, and a LOT cheaper to buy (and sell, should make selling a 100 shields for big money later in the game a non-option). Don't be afraid to use them often - you'll need them. Most enemies are a LOT tougher now. Droids now have a -5 Defence penalty baseline (their Defence could get to ridiculous levels in vanilla, thanks to uncapped armors and logic feats), but have inherent /5 resistance to physical and energy damage (NOT ion, big incentive to use Ion weapons more often). This includes party droids. Most enemy droids will now be shielded, and have a LOT more health. Again, ion weapons are your buddy. Many NPCs in the game have been buffed, massively. Some also drop unique weapons (hint-hint, do Canderous's personal quest - just one example). Force users are especially enhanced (most Dark Jedi in vanilla are a joke). This is all throughout the game, but not all (some NPCs use duplicate forms, I couldn't edit them directly into Override, I'd have to edit the modules, which I refused to do, to make this mod more compatible with other mods). Classes get more HP as baseline. 12 for Soldiers/Guardians, 10 for Scouts/Sentinels, 8 for Scoundrels/Consulars. Soldiers and Scoundrels, and Guardians and Sentinels, get slightly increased Feat gain. Sentinels get 1 more Force power overall, to differentiate them from Guardians. Combat droids get Scout feat gain, can now Specialize in Rifles, Pistols, and Heavy weapons. All party member HP has been adjusted accordingly. Carth no longer starts with twin pistols, he uses a carbine (trust me, having an inaccurate twin-weapon user at the start would get you killed, given the buffed enemies on Taris - your party needs some consistency, he provides it). He has his personal upgradeable carbine. Bastila uses a standard lightsaber now (same reason, her flailing-around with that double-saber WILL get her killed early on). And it makes sense, in cutscenes she uses a standard saber. HK47 buffed MASSIVELY. He now has 20 CON, 18 DEX and roughly double the health as a result, and he comes with his own special targeting computer. He was pathetically weak in vanilla. INSTALLATION: Simple. Drop everything into your Override folder. I took great pains to make this mod very hands-on to install, so there's no messing with modules or dialog file. Should be compatible with everything, as long as my mod comes FIRST (and I cannot overemphasise this enough), on a blank vanilla game. It doesn't use a patcher, and it does edit .2da files, so there WILL be incompatibilites if you plaster it over a bunch of other mods, it will overwrite them. Make a fresh game install, dump my mod in Override, then install every other mod you want. As for K1R compatibility, there shouldn't be problems (I don't use it on my game, but since my mod only affects Override folder and doesn't touch any modules, I see no reason why anything should conflict). Again for safety, put my mod in BEFORE installing K1R. Submitter NecroAvalon Submitted 11/23/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  6. View File Force Affinity Form Fix + Overhaul mod The mod now uses HoloPatcher as installer. 1.Description The Jedi Consular, Jedi Master and Sith Lord classes learn 3 Force Forms not available to other classes. One of them, Force Affinity, is generally considered useless because it has only one effect: +500% Force Point regeneration in combat. Force Channel Form (available to all classes) gives the same bonus (not mentioned in the description of the Form) in addition to several other effects. So, the real problem here is not that Force Affinity is "useless", but that Force Channel is (unintentionally) overpowered. This mod offers 3 solutions: fixing overpowered Force Channel Form or replacing the original Force Affinity Form bonus with new one (recommended). Don't install them both at the same time. 1) The "Force Channel Fix" option will change the undocumented "+500% FP regeneration in combat" bonus of Force Channel Form to a more balanced +100%, making Force Affinity more viable. New bonus of Force Channel: FP Regeneration: +50% (non-combat), +100% (in combat) Force Power Damage: +3 Saves vs Force Powers: +2 2) The "Force Amplification" option will replace the FP Regen bonus of Force Affinity with an increased range for mass Force Powers (based on the cut Force Amplification form). New Bonus of Force Affinity: Force Power Range: +100% Opponents' Saves vs Force Powers: +3 Note: the max distance between the caster and the target to cast Force Power won't change, only the radius of the mass Force Power's effect. The increased range will be useful for such Powers as MASS STASIS, FORCE WHIRLWIND/FORCE WAVE, FORCE STORM, FORCE SCREAM chain, INSANITY, CRUSH OPPOSITION, HEAL chain, IMPROVED/MASTER FORCE DRAIN, IMPROVED/MASTER BATTLE MEDITATION and some others. 3) "Force Shell" option will allow to use the Force to absorb part of damage received (technically, to automatically restore HP depending on the amount of damage received). New Bonus for Force Affinity: Restores 50% of HP from damage received at the expense of an equivalent amount of FP ------------------------------------------- 2.Installation This mod uses HoloPatcher installer. The installer for Windows comes with the mod; installers for Linux and Mac should be downloaded from the HoloPatcher mod page ( Warning: TSLPatcher won't work because this mod uses specific features of HoloPatcher. 1.Launch "HoloPatcher.exe". 2.Choose one of "Force Channel Fix", "Force Amplification", "Force Shell" options from dropdown menu. 3.Select your game's folder (where "swkotor2.exe" is located) and click Install. ------------------------------------------- 3.Uninstallation Uninstallation is possible as long as you didn't install other mods after this one, otherwise you must first uninstall those mods. Either manually delete the mod files and copy back unaltered files located at the backup/{date} path in the mod folder, or use uninstall Shell (Bash), PowerShell scripts provided by HoloPatcher. ------------------------------------------- 4.Known issues "Force Shell" option: if the player is attacked by several enemies, health recovery may not occur immediately, but after several or all attacks in the current round. ------------------------------------------- 5.Compatibilty The mod is incompatible with mods that modify "k_hen_heartbt01.ncs" script. Additionally, "Force Amplification" option is incompatible with mods that modify "k_sp1_generic.ncs", "k_hen_heartbt01.ncs","k_sup_healing.ncs" and "k_inc_force.nss" (some mods that add and edit Force Powers use them). ------------------------------------------ 6.Permissions This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author. This mod may be reuploaded / posted on other sites only if it is unavailable both on DeadlyStream, and on Nexus, and there is no contact with the author for at least 3 months. ------------------------- 7.Credits Fred Tetra - KOTOR Tool Blue - KotOR Scripting Tool Cortisol and th3w1zard1 - For HoloPatcher/PyKotor Stoffe and HIGH LEVEL FORCE POWERS MOD V2.1 mod - for inspiration TamerBill and Content Pack: Feats and Powers - for inspiration Special Thanks to JCarter426 --------------------------- 8.Contact PM me on DeadlyStream or Nexus. Disclaimer THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter LoneWanderer Submitted 10/13/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  7. Here is an interesting question, has anyone altered K2 to be harder to level up? Reducing the xp gained from each enemy by about 30% would get you to around level 20 by the end of the game. I like the idea of having to think through a character instead of just maxing out force powers and becoming an unstoppable god. If someone could explain the logistics of how it can be done or why it can't be done that would be great! I know KOTOR 1 has this kind of mod, but I've never seen it for KOTOR 2. Thanks!
  8. Welcome! I'm not necessarily proud, but excited to share a gameplay trailer I worked on. I hope it gives you a visual understanding of what to expect from LME, of course, about 60% of the mod isn't included in the trailer, simply becuase it would have dramatically increased the trailer's time. But to reiterate, LME seeks to create an altered main quest, that forms a triangular effect. Side with Mandalorian Faction, defeat both Rakatan Factions. Side with the One, Black Rakata, faction, and defeat Mandalorian, and Elder Rakata factions. Side with Elder Rakata, and defeat Mandalorian, and the One, black Rakata, factions. What's shown in the video: Main Quest triangle, Mandalorians speaking Mando'a, voice acting, battles, loot, quest logs, and a fan made Mando'a soundtrack by SazMando, which will be included in LME. What's not shown in the video: 3 sidequests are included if you decide to work with the Mandalorians. Party interactions, from the following list of companions: HK-47, Canderous, Juhani, and Zaalbar. Wearable Mando'a armor, stats of Mando'a weapons, increased difficulty of enemy foes (footage was taken on easy, impossible difficulty is intense in the added battles), oppotunities for LS and DS points, NPC interactions with Mandalorians, and some other secrets that the PC will be able to experience if particular choices are made. I plan to release LME relatively soon, but with finals nearly upon me, finishing work (such as typos, slight adjustments to different things ... etc) may make this a mid December release. Thanks for reading and watching! -jc2