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Found 13 results

  1. Version 1.0.9


    This mod mainly rebalances force powers and grenades to make the game be more than just a spam fest of force speed and force lightning. 1.0.9 Changes: - Duel now also grants 10% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Improved Duel now also grants 20% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Master Duel now also grants 30% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. 1.0.8 Changes: - Simplified item descriptions. - Master Heal is changed back to pre v1.0.4 because the Treat Injury bonus was too OP. 1.0.7 Changes: - Droid devices such as flame throwers and ion beams now scale with level. - Kyber Darts now do 25 damage by default not 26. 1.0.6 Changes: - Rockets and darts are repriced to match their performance in combat. 1.0.5 Changes: - Grenades and rockets now have a minimum guaranteed damage (their original damage). - Harmful event signal fix for grenades. 1.0.4 Changes: - Master Heal now benefits from skill points invested into Treat Injury. 1.0.3 Changes: - Description fix for grenades and rockets. 1.0.2 Changes: - Removed the blurry air wave effect of Force Wave. - Minor changes to autobalance.2da. - Saving throws are reworked, every class gains 1 of each saving throw type every time they level up. - Most grenades and rockets now benefit from Demolitions skill. - Poison grenades and poison rockets scale with user level. - Darts now also scale with user level. 1.0.1 Changes: - Death Field now actually does what the description sais, only heals the user for the equivalent of the most damage dealt to any single enemy. - Master Heal is nerfed, heals a bit less. 1.0.0 Changes: - Force Channel Form description fix. - Added Force Power Area of Effect: +50% to Force Affinity Form. - Force Affliction fix. - Force Plague fix. - Force Aura buffed to +4 defense and s.t. bonus from +2. - Force Shield buffed to +6 defense and s.t. bonus from +4. - Force Armor buffed to +8 defense and s.t. bonus from +6. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now works with Force Chain even if it is applied through Force Enlightenment. - No more blur effect when using Force Speed (all 3 levels). - Burst of Speed buffed from +2 defense bonus to +2 defense bonus and +2 attack roll bonus. - Knight Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +1 extra round of attack to +4 defense bonus and +4 attack roll bonus. - Master Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +2 extra round of attack to +6 defense bonus and +6 attack roll bonus. - Fury/Wookiee Rage now also gives +2 attack rolls. - Improved Fury/Wookiee Fury now adds +4 attack rolls instead of +1 extra round of attack. - Master Fury/Wookiee Frenzy now adds +6 attack rolls instead of +2 extra round of attack. - No more blur effect when using Fury/Wookiee Rage (all 3 levels). - Fixed the ’Bad StrRef’ text bug when activating Wookiee Rage, Wookiee Fury and Wookiee Frenzy while i was at it. - Destroy Droid now does 50% less damage. - Kill now does about 33% of enemy hit points in damage instead of 50%. - Shock, Force Lightning and Force Storm now does 50% less damage. - Drain Life and Death Field are now 50% less effective. - Removed the level 10 cap from Drain Life and Death Field. - Force Crush now does 50% less damage. - Force Crush plays no animation on a successful save. - Force Suppression and Force Breach now removes all listed force powers.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    A pair of fully upgraded blaster pistols render blaster rifles redundant in KotOR2, so i changed the upgradable pistols to only take scopes.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to those powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS Please do not reupload this mod. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons.
  4. View File Repair Affects Stun Droid [TSL] Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to those powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS Please do not reupload this mod. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons. Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 03/10/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  5. View File KotOR2 Crafting Rebalance Crafting in KotOR2 is OP, so i nerfed it a little bit. You can still craft basic upgrades, but the better ones you have to loot or buy. Submitter GearHead Submitted 03/10/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  6. View File KotOR2 Blaster Pistol Rebalance A pair of fully upgraded blaster pistols render blaster rifles redundant in KotOR2, so i changed the upgradable pistols to only take scopes. Submitter GearHead Submitted 03/16/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Crafting in KotOR2 is OP, so i nerfed it a little bit. You can still craft basic upgrades, but the better ones you have to loot or buy.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This mod makes it so Treat Injury modifies the vitality points gained from Force healing powers. SUMMARY The Treat Injury skill isn’t very useful for Force users, since medpacs become pretty much obsolete when you can heal with Force points. I wanted to make the skill more valuable to Jedi classes while rebalancing Force heals a bit. Now, Jedi will need to invest points into Treat Injury to be effective healers. Characters with low Treat Injury will heal less and may want to rely on other party members with high Treat Injury for healing, or advanced medpacs/life support kits. Lore-wise, it makes sense that a Jedi would need some understanding of the body’s healing process in order to heal effectively through the Force, and that some Jedi are more specialized in healing than others. This mod may make the game slightly more challenging on average, since a Treat Injury lower than your character level will lead to less VP healed compared to vanilla. See details below. DETAILS In vanilla, the number of vitality points you gain from Force healing is tied to your level and Wisdom/Charisma modifiers, plus a flat bonus of 5 VP from Heal and 15 VP from Improved and Master Heal. This mod replaces the character level modifier by the average of your level and Treat Injury skill. Here’s a breakdown of each power’s VP gain: Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 5 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 5 Improved Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 15 Master Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + 2*level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + level + Treat Injury + 15 With this mod, you’ll need a Treat Injury equal to your character level to heal the same amount as in vanilla. Points above or below this will increase or decrease the amount compared to vanilla. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed inside the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_heal1ti.ncs, k_fp_heal2ti.ncs, k_fp_heal3ti.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk located in the backup folder. If there's a spells.2da inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for the Heal, Improved Heal, and Master Heal powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons.
  9. View File KotOR2 Combat Rebalance This mod mainly rebalances force powers and grenades to make the game be more than just a spam fest of force speed and force lightning. 1.0.9 Changes: - Duel now also grants 10% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Improved Duel now also grants 20% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Master Duel now also grants 30% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. 1.0.8 Changes: - Simplified item descriptions. - Master Heal is changed back to pre v1.0.4 because the Treat Injury bonus was too OP. 1.0.7 Changes: - Droid devices such as flame throwers and ion beams now scale with level. - Kyber Darts now do 25 damage by default not 26. 1.0.6 Changes: - Rockets and darts are repriced to match their performance in combat. 1.0.5 Changes: - Grenades and rockets now have a minimum guaranteed damage (their original damage). - Harmful event signal fix for grenades. 1.0.4 Changes: - Master Heal now benefits from skill points invested into Treat Injury. 1.0.3 Changes: - Description fix for grenades and rockets. 1.0.2 Changes: - Removed the blurry air wave effect of Force Wave. - Minor changes to autobalance.2da. - Saving throws are reworked, every class gains 1 of each saving throw type every time they level up. - Most grenades and rockets now benefit from Demolitions skill. - Poison grenades and poison rockets scale with user level. - Darts now also scale with user level. 1.0.1 Changes: - Death Field now actually does what the description sais, only heals the user for the equivalent of the most damage dealt to any single enemy. - Master Heal is nerfed, heals a bit less. 1.0.0 Changes: - Force Channel Form description fix. - Added Force Power Area of Effect: +50% to Force Affinity Form. - Force Affliction fix. - Force Plague fix. - Force Aura buffed to +4 defense and s.t. bonus from +2. - Force Shield buffed to +6 defense and s.t. bonus from +4. - Force Armor buffed to +8 defense and s.t. bonus from +6. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now works with Force Chain even if it is applied through Force Enlightenment. - No more blur effect when using Force Speed (all 3 levels). - Burst of Speed buffed from +2 defense bonus to +2 defense bonus and +2 attack roll bonus. - Knight Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +1 extra round of attack to +4 defense bonus and +4 attack roll bonus. - Master Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +2 extra round of attack to +6 defense bonus and +6 attack roll bonus. - Fury/Wookiee Rage now also gives +2 attack rolls. - Improved Fury/Wookiee Fury now adds +4 attack rolls instead of +1 extra round of attack. - Master Fury/Wookiee Frenzy now adds +6 attack rolls instead of +2 extra round of attack. - No more blur effect when using Fury/Wookiee Rage (all 3 levels). - Fixed the ’Bad StrRef’ text bug when activating Wookiee Rage, Wookiee Fury and Wookiee Frenzy while i was at it. - Destroy Droid now does 50% less damage. - Kill now does about 33% of enemy hit points in damage instead of 50%. - Shock, Force Lightning and Force Storm now does 50% less damage. - Drain Life and Death Field are now 50% less effective. - Removed the level 10 cap from Drain Life and Death Field. - Force Crush now does 50% less damage. - Force Crush plays no animation on a successful save. - Force Suppression and Force Breach now removes all listed force powers. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/26/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  10. View File Treat Injury Affects Force Healing [TSL] This mod makes it so Treat Injury modifies the vitality points gained from Force healing powers. SUMMARY The Treat Injury skill isn’t very useful for Force users, since medpacs become pretty much obsolete when you can heal with Force points. I wanted to make the skill more valuable to Jedi classes while rebalancing Force heals a bit. Now, Jedi will need to invest points into Treat Injury to be effective healers. Characters with low Treat Injury will heal less and may want to rely on other party members with high Treat Injury for healing, or advanced medpacs/life support kits. Lore-wise, it makes sense that a Jedi would need some understanding of the body’s healing process in order to heal effectively through the Force, and that some Jedi are more specialized in healing than others. This mod may make the game slightly more challenging on average, since a Treat Injury lower than your character level will lead to less VP healed compared to vanilla. See details below. DETAILS In vanilla, the number of vitality points you gain from Force healing is tied to your level and Wisdom/Charisma modifiers, plus a flat bonus of 5 VP from Heal and 15 VP from Improved and Master Heal. This mod replaces the character level modifier by the average of your level and Treat Injury skill. Here’s a breakdown of each power’s VP gain: Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 5 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 5 Improved Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + (level + Treat Injury)/2 + 15 Master Heal VANILLA: VP = WIS + CHA + 2*level + 15 NEW: VP = WIS + CHA + level + Treat Injury + 15 With this mod, you’ll need a Treat Injury equal to your character level to heal the same amount as in vanilla. Points above or below this will increase or decrease the amount compared to vanilla. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed inside the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_heal1ti.ncs, k_fp_heal2ti.ncs, k_fp_heal3ti.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk located in the backup folder. If there's a spells.2da inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for the Heal, Improved Heal, and Master Heal powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons. Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 01/19/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Nerfed some of the items offered by Suvam Tan on the Yavin Space Station, he also buys items from you for less money now. This mod only work if you haven't visited the Yavin Space Station yet.
  12. View File Yavin Vendor Rebalance Nerfed some of the items offered by Suvam Tan on the Yavin Space Station, he also buys items from you for less money now. This mod only work if you haven't visited the Yavin Space Station yet. Submitter GearHead Submitted 12/06/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  13. Much like @constantinople33's mod Lore-Friendly Qel-Droma Robes, I was wondering if anyone else would be willing to take a crack at reskinning/rebalancing some various items in K1 and K2 that don't match their visual depictions or properties as they have been show in other media. List below: Exar Kun's Light Battlesuit (K1 & K2)- Could be rebalanced into something akin to the Jal Shey robes and be reskinned to resemble other depictions . Ulic Qel-Droma's Mesh Suit (K2)- Similar to the Battlesuit above, possibly rebalanced and reskinned. Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor (K1)- There's reskins of this out there already, but seeing this be rebalanced into armored robes that fill a darkside role similar to the Qel-Droma Robes could be interesting. Freedon Nadd's short lightsaber (K2)- If this could be made upgradeable in addition to the base traits it already has, I feel like it would have a better place in the loot pool. Mask of Tulak Hord (K1)- Replace the model with the Sith Mask, adds Weapon Focus: Lightsaber, adds Heavy Armor Requirement, +2 Fortitude Save, +1 Con, +1 Str, -3 Wisdom, restrict darkside. Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets- Rebalance to restrict darkside, +2 Will, +1 Wis, +1 Char, +1 energy resistance, -1 Force resistance Arca Jeth's Robes (K2)- Recolor to be similar to the Ossus Keep robe's tone to set it apart from Nomi's robes. Sith Mask (K1 & K2)- Remove Heavy Armor requirement, remove feat bonus, +1 Will Save, -1 Dex, +2 Persuasion, All Krath Armors (K1 & K2)- Reskin to a blood and gold color to match depictions in Tales of the Jedi, add force resistance to each one with increasing effect depending on the tier of armor. All of these are ideas/suggestions, not set in stone needs (especially for the rebalances). My goal is to share the idea and let someone much more talented and capable run wild with the premises.