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Hey there, so my basic premise is I don't like how in KotOR 1 you feel punished for levelling up your starting class on Taris so loads of people struggle through the planet at level 2 - ruining natural progression of the early game but making endgame build more powerful owing to the extra force powers/points. I've seen two mods that try to address this which I feel have their own flaws; one is Balance in the Force (BitF) - which comes with a bunch of other gameplay changes that aren't for everyone, and the other just makes it so the first level of any Jedi class allows the player to choose a greater number of force powers straight off the bat - which I feel also negatively impacts the feeling of character progression due the the instant power increase (even if there was a lite version of BitF solely addressing this, I believe that there is a similar issue). So the basic problem imo is people want more force powers, generally you'd leave Taris with enough XP to be level 8, therefore by staying at level 2, you would gain at least 6 extra powers (8 if consular). My suggestion is: based on the jedi class the player chooses a mod would find a lore/gameplay friendly way to give players those powers gradually. I think guardians should get their 6 they are entitled too, sentinels should get one more (so 7) helping buff the underpowered class while being lore friendly, and consulars get their 8. Suggestions on this are more than welcome but as a starting point, I think there are a few sensible changes that would compliment the 'vanilla' experience. 1) When adopting an advanced class, the first level of each should give one of the 3 main buffs for free alongside the standard 2 powers the player can choose. e.g. Guardian would get the first level of Valor (feel like that makes sense as they specialise in combat extra attributes and saving throws is v nice and lore friendly), Sentinels would get the first level of Speed (often perceived as the most powerful buff so helps the Sentinel out a bit as its the weakest Jedi class, plus their precursor class scout is given flurry/rapid shot so that also makes sense to me), and Consulars would get Aura (left over and lore firendly as the idea is they are defending themselves with the force instead of enhanced skills/speed). 2) All Jedi classes also get given the first level of force push immediately. We see the PC using telekenesis in the training montage so works well towards the overall goal as well as being very lore friendly. 3) Sentinels should get given Affect Mind in addition to the above as they are often seen as the skill based build and its the power that's linked to persuade. 4) Consulars should also get Cure (the first level of heal) immediately given they are supposed to be the masters of the force and would likely focus on this kind of thing. To my mind this is v lore friendly while also maintaining the consulars superiority in terms of having an extra given power. At this point we have given the Guardian 2 and Sentinel/Consular 3 additional powers, much less jarring than just getting to choose all the extra powers striaght off the bat. From here, we could easily go the way of letting the player to choose all the remaining powers they get from here on out as they level, ie at Guardian level 3 the player can choose 2 powers instead of the vanilla 1 etc, spreading the additonal powers they are owed throught the levelling path. I suggest that Guardians should get to choose 2 powers (instead of 1) every 4 levels of the class, Sentinels should get to chose 2 powers every 3 levels, and Consulars every 2. Meaning that, assuming the PC is going for a normal 8/12 split, a Guardian would get given 2 extra powers and can choose an additional extra 3 over vanilla, a Sentinel would get given 3 and can choose as additional 4, and a Consular gets 3 as well as an additonal 6. Genuinly keen to hear everyone's thoughts on this as I think that this is a rather elegant solution to the saving levels problem that plagues the vanilla KotOR experience.
Version 1.0.1
Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to these powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS You may incorporate these changes into your own mod if you give credit. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons.- 4 comments
- 4
Version 1.2.1
This mod mainly rebalances force powers and grenades to make the game be more than just a spam fest of force speed and force lightning. 1.2.1 Changes: - Destroy Droid now does 1-8 damage instead of 1-6 per every second level. 1.2.0 Changes: - Installer tweaks. 1.1.9 Changes: - Grenade scrip tweaks. 1.1.8 Changes: - Non party member NPCs no longer require a high Demolitions skill to do a lot of damage with grenades, instead they do more damage the higher their level is. 1.1.7 Changes: - Force Push now cost 15 FP. 1.1.6 Changes: - Force cost adjustments. 1.1.5 Changes: - Force Immunity nerf. - Master Environmental Resistance grants poison immunity too now. 1.1.4 Changes: - Force Fury series now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Force Wave now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Duel feats now also grant extra Force Power duration. - Energy Resistance renamed to Environmental Resistance. 1.1.3 Changes: - Force Push now stuns the target for 3s as intended. - New installer option (without force point cost changes). 1.1.2 Changes: - Slow, Affliction and Plague force point cost reduction. 1.1.1 Changes: - Force Heal and Improved Force Heal are nerfed. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now lasts 30s. - Force Valor, Knight Valor and Master Valor are no longer grant saving throw bonuses or immunity to poison, but they last 30s now. - Force Resistance and Force Immunity are nerfed. They are also light side powers now. - The Energy Resistance series no longer resist energy damage, but it is a light side power now. - Force Barrier series is nerfed. - The Battle Meditation series lasts 30s now. - Shien lightsaber form description fix. - Niman lightsaber form description fix. - Stun Droid, Disable Droid and Destroy Droid are universal powers now. - Force Affliction is DC25 now instead of DC20. - Force cost adjustments. - Force Crush and Force Scream series cast animation fix. 1.1.0 Changes: - Higher level Force Powers now cost more to cast. 1.0.9 Changes: - Duel now also grants 10% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Improved Duel now also grants 20% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Master Duel now also grants 30% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. 1.0.8 Changes: - Simplified item descriptions. - Master Heal is changed back to pre v1.0.4 because the Treat Injury bonus was too OP. 1.0.7 Changes: - Droid devices such as flame throwers and ion beams now scale with level. - Kyber Darts now do 25 damage by default not 26. 1.0.6 Changes: - Rockets and darts are repriced to match their performance in combat. 1.0.5 Changes: - Grenades and rockets now have a minimum guaranteed damage (their original damage). - Harmful event signal fix for grenades. 1.0.4 Changes: - Master Heal now benefits from skill points invested into Treat Injury. 1.0.3 Changes: - Description fix for grenades and rockets. 1.0.2 Changes: - Removed the blurry air wave effect of Force Wave. - Minor changes to autobalance.2da. - Saving throws are reworked, every class gains 1 of each saving throw type every time they level up. - Most grenades and rockets now benefit from Demolitions skill. - Poison grenades and poison rockets scale with user level. - Darts now also scale with user level. 1.0.1 Changes: - Death Field now actually does what the description sais, only heals the user for the equivalent of the most damage dealt to any single enemy. - Master Heal is nerfed, heals a bit less. 1.0.0 Changes: - Force Channel Form description fix. - Added Force Power Area of Effect: +50% to Force Affinity Form. - Force Affliction fix. - Force Plague fix. - Force Aura buffed to +4 defense and s.t. bonus from +2. - Force Shield buffed to +6 defense and s.t. bonus from +4. - Force Armor buffed to +8 defense and s.t. bonus from +6. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now works with Force Chain even if it is applied through Force Enlightenment. - No more blur effect when using Force Speed (all 3 levels). - Burst of Speed buffed from +2 defense bonus to +2 defense bonus and +2 attack roll bonus. - Knight Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +1 extra round of attack to +4 defense bonus and +4 attack roll bonus. - Master Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +2 extra round of attack to +6 defense bonus and +6 attack roll bonus. - Fury/Wookiee Rage now also gives +2 attack rolls. - Improved Fury/Wookiee Fury now adds +4 attack rolls instead of +1 extra round of attack. - Master Fury/Wookiee Frenzy now adds +6 attack rolls instead of +2 extra round of attack. - No more blur effect when using Fury/Wookiee Rage (all 3 levels). - Fixed the ’Bad StrRef’ text bug when activating Wookiee Rage, Wookiee Fury and Wookiee Frenzy while i was at it. - Destroy Droid now does 50% less damage. - Kill now does about 33% of enemy hit points in damage instead of 50%. - Shock, Force Lightning and Force Storm now does 50% less damage. - Drain Life and Death Field are now 50% less effective. - Removed the level 10 cap from Drain Life and Death Field. - Force Crush now does 50% less damage. - Force Crush plays no animation on a successful save. - Force Suppression and Force Breach now removes all listed force powers.- 7 comments
- 2 reviews
- 2
- kotor ii
- force power
- (and 6 more)
Version 2.0
Short story: Repeating blasters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack in every round of combat (like twin-blade melee weapons do). This mod implements that effect. I.e. a character without force speed would normally do 1 attack when using a repeater, 2 when using rapid shot as well. Now, 2 attacks will be done when using the default attack and 3 when using rapid shot. Long story: After investigating in 2015 what could be the reason for repeaters costing more (500 vs 300) credits while having a worse crit range (5% vs 10%) than blaster rifles while having no advantage whatsoever, I found out that repeaters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack per round, sort of making them the double-blades of the blasters. Sadly, this was never implemented, as one internal item comment even comments on. I didn't know enough about scripting back then and quickly lost interest in fixing this. But now, more than 3 years later, it's finally fixed via scripting, placing the required code in the k_ai_master script. Known issues: Due to hardcoded mechanics, power blast can never do more than 1 attack, and sniper shot never more than 2. Normal attack appears to usually only do 2, but may rarely do 3 when using force speed as well. Sadly, these cannot be changed without access to the game code. This information turned out to be incorrect, and the user Darg727 made a fix for this. However, this has a downside: It works by making power blast and sniper shot always shoot 4 shots regardless of how many attacks are available, which looks very strange because all shots that don't have a corresponding attack round are auto-misses. For example, using a sniper shot with a blaster rifle or single pistol will cause 4 shots to be fired simultaneously, like a shotgun blast, with 3 of the 4 automatically hitting the floor/ceiling/wall. Using knight speed would allow 2 of those 4 to hit and only 2 would be an auto-miss, etc.... As per Darg727's upload permissions, I have included the responsible file (weapondischarge.2da) as an optional mod in the download for additional visibility for those people that might want to use the feature but would not come across his modification otherwise. Compatible with any mod that does not edit the k_ai_master.ncs file, and incompatible with any that does. (However, it is easy for any modder to add the compatibility, source is included.) Note that this fix works for both the player and enemies! This can make some fights of the game slightly more challenging. -
Version 1.0.0
Shape Your Padawans allows you to take full control over your Force-sensitive companions' Jedi training in KOTOR 2. Unlike the original game, where each companion's Jedi class is pre-determined, this mod grants you the power to choose their path. Normally, Padawans select their own path, but these are unusual times, and as their mentor, you can guide them to become a Jedi Guardian, Sentinel, or Consular. With this mod, your companions are truly your Padawans, and their destiny lies in your hands. Key Features: Choose the Jedi class for each Force-sensitive companion as they become your Padawans. Tailor their growth to complement your party's needs, roleplay your vision of their Jedi path, or just experiment with different builds. See which Jedi class each companion would have originally become before making your choice. Credits: Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool TK102, for DLGEditor Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset Mods on Screenshots: Canonical Jedi Exile, by michaelfung2000 The Exile's Robe, by Ellimar -
View File AxC's Shape Your Padawans Shape Your Padawans allows you to take full control over your Force-sensitive companions' Jedi training in KOTOR 2. Unlike the original game, where each companion's Jedi class is pre-determined, this mod grants you the power to choose their path. Normally, Padawans select their own path, but these are unusual times, and as their mentor, you can guide them to become a Jedi Guardian, Sentinel, or Consular. With this mod, your companions are truly your Padawans, and their destiny lies in your hands. Key Features: Choose the Jedi class for each Force-sensitive companion as they become your Padawans. Tailor their growth to complement your party's needs, roleplay your vision of their Jedi path, or just experiment with different builds. See which Jedi class each companion would have originally become before making your choice. Credits: Fred Tetra, for KOTOR Tool TK102, for DLGEditor Torlack, stoffe & TK102, for NWNSSCOMP JdNoa & Dashus, for DeNCS Cortisol, for Holocron Toolset Mods on Screenshots: Canonical Jedi Exile, by michaelfung2000 The Exile's Robe, by Ellimar Submitter AxConsortium Submitted 10/10/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File No Health Regeneration Removes the base vitality regeneration in TSL. You can still gain regeneration through items or the Regenerate Vitality feat. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If regeneration.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove regeneration.2da from your override folder. If a regeneration.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Will only conflict with other mods that edit health regeneration values. Install this mod after to ensure its changes take effect. CREDITS offthegridmorty TSLPatcher - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 09/16/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
- regeneration
- healing
(and 4 more)
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Version 1.0.0
Removes the base vitality regeneration in TSL. You can still gain regeneration through items or the Regenerate Vitality feat. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If regeneration.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove regeneration.2da from your override folder. If a regeneration.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Will only conflict with other mods that edit health regeneration values. Install this mod after to ensure its changes take effect. CREDITS offthegridmorty TSLPatcher - stoffe, Fair Strides Holocron Toolset - Cortisol-
- balance
- regeneration
(and 4 more)
Tagged with:
View File Repair Affects Stun Droid [K1] Causes the Repair skill to modify damage inflicted by Stun/Disable/Destroy Droid. SUMMARY Knowing how to fix something usually means you know how to break it too. This mod makes it so the damage dealt by Stun Droid and higher tier powers depends on the Force user’s Repair skill. Users with high Repair may deal significantly more damage than vanilla, while damage dealt by users with cross-class Repair will be limited. A way to make your tech enthusiast Jedi stand out in combat. DETAILS In vanilla, Stun/Disable/Destory Droid inflict damage equal/proportional to your character level. This mod changes the flat damage value to incorporate the Repair skill: damage = (level + 1.5*Repair)/2 With a Repair of 0, you deal half the vanilla damage. With a Repair equal to your character level, you inflict 25% more damage than vanilla. At double your level, you deal double damage. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. If spells.2da already exists in your override folder, an unaltered copy will be placed in the “backup” folder in the location of TSLPatcher.exe, along with a backup of dialog.tlk. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove k_fp_stundr1rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr2rep.ncs, k_fp_stundr3rep.ncs, and spells.2da from your override folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the unaltered dialog.tlk in the backup folder. If a spells.2da was created inside the backup folder, move it to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with any mod that doesn’t affect the scripts for Stun Droid, Disable Droid, or Destroy Droid. As long as it’s installed after, this mod will override changes to these powers’ scripts only. PERMISSIONS You may incorporate these changes into your own mod if you give credit. CREDITS offthegridmorty KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides Screenshot uses Pramod Marlon's AI upscaled icons. Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 08/03/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
View File KotOR2 Combat Rebalance This mod mainly rebalances force powers and grenades to make the game be more than just a spam fest of force speed and force lightning. 1.2.1 Changes: - Destroy Droid now does 1-8 damage instead of 1-6 per every second level. 1.2.0 Changes: - Installer tweaks. 1.1.9 Changes: - Grenade scrip tweaks. 1.1.8 Changes: - Non party member NPCs no longer require a high Demolitions skill to do a lot of damage with grenades, instead they do more damage the higher their level is. 1.1.7 Changes: - Force Push now cost 15 FP. 1.1.6 Changes: - Force cost adjustments. 1.1.5 Changes: - Force Immunity nerf. - Master Environmental Resistance grants poison immunity too now. 1.1.4 Changes: - Force Fury series now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Force Wave now benefits from force duration lengthening effects. - Duel feats now also grant extra Force Power duration. - Energy Resistance renamed to Environmental Resistance. 1.1.3 Changes: - Force Push now stuns the target for 3s as intended. - New installer option (without force point cost changes). 1.1.2 Changes: - Slow, Affliction and Plague force point cost reduction. 1.1.1 Changes: - Force Heal and Improved Force Heal are nerfed. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now lasts 30s. - Force Valor, Knight Valor and Master Valor are no longer grant saving throw bonuses or immunity to poison, but they last 30s now. - Force Resistance and Force Immunity are nerfed. They are also light side powers now. - The Energy Resistance series no longer resist energy damage, but it is a light side power now. - Force Barrier series is nerfed. - The Battle Meditation series lasts 30s now. - Shien lightsaber form description fix. - Niman lightsaber form description fix. - Stun Droid, Disable Droid and Destroy Droid are universal powers now. - Force Affliction is DC25 now instead of DC20. - Force cost adjustments. - Force Crush and Force Scream series cast animation fix. 1.1.0 Changes: - Higher level Force Powers now cost more to cast. 1.0.9 Changes: - Duel now also grants 10% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Improved Duel now also grants 20% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. - Master Duel now also grants 30% damage bonus with force powers, on top of it’s normal effects. 1.0.8 Changes: - Simplified item descriptions. - Master Heal is changed back to pre v1.0.4 because the Treat Injury bonus was too OP. 1.0.7 Changes: - Droid devices such as flame throwers and ion beams now scale with level. - Kyber Darts now do 25 damage by default not 26. 1.0.6 Changes: - Rockets and darts are repriced to match their performance in combat. 1.0.5 Changes: - Grenades and rockets now have a minimum guaranteed damage (their original damage). - Harmful event signal fix for grenades. 1.0.4 Changes: - Master Heal now benefits from skill points invested into Treat Injury. 1.0.3 Changes: - Description fix for grenades and rockets. 1.0.2 Changes: - Removed the blurry air wave effect of Force Wave. - Minor changes to autobalance.2da. - Saving throws are reworked, every class gains 1 of each saving throw type every time they level up. - Most grenades and rockets now benefit from Demolitions skill. - Poison grenades and poison rockets scale with user level. - Darts now also scale with user level. 1.0.1 Changes: - Death Field now actually does what the description sais, only heals the user for the equivalent of the most damage dealt to any single enemy. - Master Heal is nerfed, heals a bit less. 1.0.0 Changes: - Force Channel Form description fix. - Added Force Power Area of Effect: +50% to Force Affinity Form. - Force Affliction fix. - Force Plague fix. - Force Aura buffed to +4 defense and s.t. bonus from +2. - Force Shield buffed to +6 defense and s.t. bonus from +4. - Force Armor buffed to +8 defense and s.t. bonus from +6. - Force Aura, Force Shield and Force Armor now works with Force Chain even if it is applied through Force Enlightenment. - No more blur effect when using Force Speed (all 3 levels). - Burst of Speed buffed from +2 defense bonus to +2 defense bonus and +2 attack roll bonus. - Knight Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +1 extra round of attack to +4 defense bonus and +4 attack roll bonus. - Master Speed changed from +4 defense bonus and +2 extra round of attack to +6 defense bonus and +6 attack roll bonus. - Fury/Wookiee Rage now also gives +2 attack rolls. - Improved Fury/Wookiee Fury now adds +4 attack rolls instead of +1 extra round of attack. - Master Fury/Wookiee Frenzy now adds +6 attack rolls instead of +2 extra round of attack. - No more blur effect when using Fury/Wookiee Rage (all 3 levels). - Fixed the ’Bad StrRef’ text bug when activating Wookiee Rage, Wookiee Fury and Wookiee Frenzy while i was at it. - Destroy Droid now does 50% less damage. - Kill now does about 33% of enemy hit points in damage instead of 50%. - Shock, Force Lightning and Force Storm now does 50% less damage. - Drain Life and Death Field are now 50% less effective. - Removed the level 10 cap from Drain Life and Death Field. - Force Crush now does 50% less damage. - Force Crush plays no animation on a successful save. - Force Suppression and Force Breach now removes all listed force powers. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/26/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 2.0.0
Description This mod fixes damage and effects, descriptions, restores droid special weapons, icons and switches icons for some existing droid weapons. New in v2.0: The mod now uses TSLPatcher. Reworked poison weapons rebalance fix to make it more compatible with other mods (such as improved AI mod). Thus, it became part of main install. Restored two droid weapons: Droid Gravity Generator Type 2 (can be purchased from Opo Chano on Telos and Kodin on Nar-Shaddaa) and Advanced Fire Suppression System (droids on Goto's Yacht will use it instead of obsolete by that point Fire Suppression System). Restored two unused icons and made some changes to reduce the number of shared ones. In addition, droid weapons with different effect types will no longer have the same icon. Icons were switched for Droid Neural Pacifier, Droid Neural Scrambler, Droid Plasma Thrower, Droid Toxin Emitter. The descriptions were fixed for the following special weapons: Fire Suppression System now correctly shows “Damage: Cold, 5pts. Save: DC10 for half damage and ignore paralyze effect” instead of “Damage: Cold, 10pts. Save: DC15 for half damage and ignore paralyze effect”. Droid Flame Thrower incorrectly showed in the description: “Special: Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect”. Droid Molten Cannon incorrectly showed in the description: “Special: Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect”. Droid Plasma Thrower now correctly shows “Damage: Ion 60pts” instead of “Damage: Fire, Ion 60pts”. Droid Multi-spectral Emitter now correctly shows “DC= 24 + Level for half damage.” instead of “DC= 24+Level of target for half-damage”. Fixed damage, effects and descriptions for Droid Toxin Emitter. Fixed damage, effects and descriptions for Droid Bio-Assault. Installation Run "TSLPatcher.exe" installer and select your TSL folder. Note: starting a new game is not required. Just get rid of the affected special weapons from your droids’ inventories, then find/buy new ones, and they will have correct descriptions. Also, the descriptions of special weapons in the inventories of already visited merchants won’t change. Uninstallation Delete installed files of the mod from Override folder. Copy the files (except 351nar.mod) within the generated "backup" folder of the mod and place them in the Override folder. 351nar.mod should be placed in modules, but only if you have not installed other mods that change 351nar.mod after this one. Otherwise, you should uninstall those mods first. Compatibility This mod is compatible with TSLRCM. This mod is incompatible with mods that change droid special weapons or install files d_device_16.uti and g_d_firesupres02.uti (but I haven’t seen such mods). Distribution Notes This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author. This mod can be reuploaded / posted on other sites only if it is unavailable both on DeadlyStream, and on Nexus, and there is no contact with the author for at least 3 months. Credits Tools used: KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra KotOR Scripting Tool by Blue K-GFF by tk102 Contact PM me on DeadlyStream or Nexus. Disclaimer THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. -
Version 2.2a
In KotOR 1 there is an obvious balancing issue concerning weapons that is especially noticeable in the early game, ie: Taris. What is it? Ranged Weapons are utterly outclassed by melee weapons. Yes, i know a stun stick isn't more powerful than a heavy repeater but I'm addressing the general problem here - In almost all situations you'll be better off charging at an enemy using your vibroblade instead of firing a blaster rifle, even when it seems like using a blaster would be the best option. The developers at Obsidian noticed this and in KotOR 2 blasters are now a viable option as well. So this mod changes the base stats of ranged weapons (damage, criticals etc.) to be like the ones on K2. But that's not all - I've also modified the lightsabers as well. Basically, ranged weapons and lightsabers will be statistically equal to their K2 counterparts; except for some weaponry damage values that i've kept unaltered purposely - It doesn't make sense that, for example, a disruptor and an ion pistol would do the same damage against an organic target. So following that: Blaster Pistols now do 1-8 damage instead of 1-6; Disruptors' critical threat range is now 18-20x2 instead of 20-20x2; Ion blasters' critical multiplier is now x3 instead of x2; Regular lightsabers now deal 2-20 damage instead of 2-16 etc... ____________________________________________ -
View File Weapon Base Stats Re-balance (K1) In KotOR 1 there is an obvious balancing issue concerning weapons that is especially noticeable in the early game, ie: Taris. What is it? Ranged Weapons are utterly outclassed by melee weapons. Yes, i know a stun stick isn't more powerful than a heavy repeater but I'm addressing the general problem here - In almost all situations you'll be better off charging at an enemy using your vibroblade instead of firing a blaster rifle, even when it seems like using a blaster would be the best option. The developers at Obsidian noticed this and in KotOR 2 blasters are now a viable option as well. So this mod changes the base stats of ranged weapons (damage, criticals etc.) to be like the ones on K2. But that's not all - I've also modified the lightsabers as well. Basically, ranged weapons and lightsabers will be statistically equal to their K2 counterparts; except for some weaponry damage values that i've kept unaltered purposely - It doesn't make sense that, for example, a disruptor and an ion pistol would do the same damage against an organic target. So following that: Blaster Pistols now do 1-8 damage instead of 1-6; Disruptors' critical threat range is now 18-20x2 instead of 20-20x2; Ion blasters' critical multiplier is now x3 instead of x2; Regular lightsabers now deal 2-20 damage instead of 2-16 etc... ____________________________________________ Submitter TK-664 Submitted 04/11/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
View File Droid special weapons fix for TSL Description This mod fixes damage and effects, descriptions, restores droid special weapons, icons and switches icons for some existing droid weapons. New in v2.0: The mod now uses TSLPatcher. Reworked poison weapons rebalance fix to make it more compatible with other mods (such as improved AI mod). Thus, it became part of main install. Restored two droid weapons: Droid Gravity Generator Type 2 (can be purchased from Opo Chano on Telos and Kodin on Nar-Shaddaa) and Advanced Fire Suppression System (droids on Goto's Yacht will use it instead of obsolete by that point Fire Suppression System). Restored two unused icons and made some changes to reduce the number of shared ones. In addition, droid weapons with different effect types will no longer have the same icon. Icons were switched for Droid Neural Pacifier, Droid Neural Scrambler, Droid Plasma Thrower, Droid Toxin Emitter. The descriptions were fixed for the following special weapons: Fire Suppression System now correctly shows “Damage: Cold, 5pts. Save: DC10 for half damage and ignore paralyze effect” instead of “Damage: Cold, 10pts. Save: DC15 for half damage and ignore paralyze effect”. Droid Flame Thrower incorrectly showed in the description: “Special: Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect”. Droid Molten Cannon incorrectly showed in the description: “Special: Targets 7th level and up ignore horror effect”. Droid Plasma Thrower now correctly shows “Damage: Ion 60pts” instead of “Damage: Fire, Ion 60pts”. Droid Multi-spectral Emitter now correctly shows “DC= 24 + Level for half damage.” instead of “DC= 24+Level of target for half-damage”. Fixed damage, effects and descriptions for Droid Toxin Emitter. Fixed damage, effects and descriptions for Droid Bio-Assault. Installation Run "TSLPatcher.exe" installer and select your TSL folder. Note: starting a new game is not required. Just get rid of the affected special weapons from your droids’ inventories, then find/buy new ones, and they will have correct descriptions. Also, the descriptions of special weapons in the inventories of already visited merchants won’t change. Uninstallation Delete installed files of the mod from Override folder. Copy the files (except 351nar.mod) within the generated "backup" folder of the mod and place them in the Override folder. 351nar.mod should be placed in modules, but only if you have not installed other mods that change 351nar.mod after this one. Otherwise, you should uninstall those mods first. Compatibility This mod is compatible with TSLRCM. This mod is incompatible with mods that change droid special weapons or install files d_device_16.uti and g_d_firesupres02.uti (but I haven’t seen such mods). Distribution Notes This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author. This mod can be reuploaded / posted on other sites only if it is unavailable both on DeadlyStream, and on Nexus, and there is no contact with the author for at least 3 months. Credits Tools used: KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra KotOR Scripting Tool by Blue K-GFF by tk102 Contact PM me on DeadlyStream or Nexus. Disclaimer THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter LoneWanderer Submitted 03/30/2021 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
View File Mining Laser Consistency Fix -Description- Some of the mining lasers on Peragus do one less damage than the others, are missing part of their description or use different grammar. One thing that annoys me about Peragus is that blasters have different stats, with some of them doing one less damage than standard blasters. Based on the storyline, they should probably all do one less damage. This mod fixes that consistency problem by giving all of the mining lasers a damage penalty of 1, instead of just some of them. So now single handed mining lasers do 1-7 damage, advanced mining lasers does 1-11 damage, and heavy mining laser does 1-15 damage. It also fixes: Some of the blasters/rifles do not show that they can't be upgraded Inconsistent appunctuation in the "Not Upgradeable" lines -Install- Drop all files from the Override folder into your game Override folder. -Compatibility- The Heavy Mining Laser was changed so that you'll get the same consistency with TSLRCM as well. I don't know of any mods using the same files but if there is then it won't work together with that mod. You'll have to choose which mod you want. -Bugs- There shouldn't be any. Let me know if there are. -Permissions- If you want to use it in your own mod, go ahead. You can also change anything else about it you like, distribute it, and give others permission to distribute it. But do give me credit. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetras Kotor Tool. Submitter Marauder Submitted 09/19/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
Version 1.0.0
-Description- Some of the mining lasers on Peragus do one less damage than the others, are missing part of their description or use different grammar. One thing that annoys me about Peragus is that blasters have different stats, with some of them doing one less damage than standard blasters. Based on the storyline, they should probably all do one less damage. This mod fixes that consistency problem by giving all of the mining lasers a damage penalty of 1, instead of just some of them. So now single handed mining lasers do 1-7 damage, advanced mining lasers does 1-11 damage, and heavy mining laser does 1-15 damage. It also fixes: Some of the blasters/rifles do not show that they can't be upgraded Inconsistent appunctuation in the "Not Upgradeable" lines -Install- Drop all files from the Override folder into your game Override folder. -Compatibility- The Heavy Mining Laser was changed so that you'll get the same consistency with TSLRCM as well. I don't know of any mods using the same files but if there is then it won't work together with that mod. You'll have to choose which mod you want. -Bugs- There shouldn't be any. Let me know if there are. -Permissions- If you want to use it in your own mod, go ahead. You can also change anything else about it you like, distribute it, and give others permission to distribute it. But do give me credit. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetras Kotor Tool. -
Version 1.0.5
Marauder Fix Pack for KotOR II: TSL There is a new version 1.0.5, make sure to grab the 1.0.5 version of the zip. -Description- A collection of my fixes to upgrade items that had wrong descriptions or properties. It combines all the fixes I have done for TSL. -Fixes (incomplete list)- Fixed the Mandalorian Chamber Mark III doing 3-17 damage instead of 2-16 as in the description. Barab Ore Ingot now correctly shows 2-12 fire damage in the description instead of 2-16. Targetting Scope Mark I was changed to show that it in fact has a slow effect like the others and not a stun effect. Corrected Ion Cell Mark II to show that it does Ion damage like the others instead of Bludgeoning damage. Birestorative underlay Mark III (u_a_unde_14) was missing the word "upgradeable." at the end of it's description. Hurrikaine Crystal description changed to mention the property On Hit: Knockdown DC 18 which was missing before. Firkrann Crystal changed to show that it does Ion damage vs droids instead of regular Ion damage which was missing before. Various whitespace fixes. Various missing colons after "Massive Criticals". Fix for Ostrine edge not showing the requirements to use it. Added missing return carriage for Solari crystal. Many robes were missing part of their descriptions that mark them as upgradeable. Droid Anatomy Description Fix is now included in main install -Installation- Just double-click MarauderFixPackK2.exe, confirm your choice then tell the installer where the game path is. -Compatibility- For now this is still not compatible with 90SK's TSL Loot & Immersion Upgrade, but this will probably happen in the next point release. This mod will not overwrite anything however, meaning you can safely use it and still get some of the fixes whilst using other mods. -Copying- You have permission to alter this mod and redistribute your modified versions. I'm happy for you to repackage it, include it in your own mods, or upload it anywhere you like. I only ask to be mentioned as the original author of the mod. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetra's Kotor Tool Uses TSL Patcher for installing the mod -
View File Repeating blaster attacks restoration Short story: Repeating blasters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack in every round of combat (like twin-blade melee weapons do). This mod implements that effect. I.e. a character without force speed would normally do 1 attack when using a repeater, 2 when using rapid shot as well. Now, 2 attacks will be done when using the default attack and 3 when using rapid shot. Long story: After investigating in 2015 what could be the reason for repeaters costing more (500 vs 300) credits while having a worse crit range (5% vs 10%) than blaster rifles while having no advantage whatsoever, I found out that repeaters were originally intended to give the user an additional attack per round, sort of making them the double-blades of the blasters. Sadly, this was never implemented, as one internal item comment even comments on. I didn't know enough about scripting back then and quickly lost interest in fixing this. But now, more than 3 years later, it's finally fixed via scripting, placing the required code in the k_ai_master script. Known issues: Due to hardcoded mechanics, power blast can never do more than 1 attack, and sniper shot never more than 2. Normal attack appears to usually only do 2, but may rarely do 3 when using force speed as well. Sadly, these cannot be changed without access to the game code. This information turned out to be incorrect, and the user Darg727 made a fix for this. However, this has a downside: It works by making power blast and sniper shot always shoot 4 shots regardless of how many attacks are available, which looks very strange because all shots that don't have a corresponding attack round are auto-misses. For example, using a sniper shot with a blaster rifle or single pistol will cause 4 shots to be fired simultaneously, like a shotgun blast, with 3 of the 4 automatically hitting the floor/ceiling/wall. Using knight speed would allow 2 of those 4 to hit and only 2 would be an auto-miss, etc.... As per Darg727's upload permissions, I have included the responsible file (weapondischarge.2da) as an optional mod in the download for additional visibility for those people that might want to use the feature but would not come across his modification otherwise. Compatible with any mod that does not edit the k_ai_master.ncs file, and incompatible with any that does. (However, it is easy for any modder to add the compatibility, source is included.) Note that this fix works for both the player and enemies! This can make some fights of the game slightly more challenging. Submitter R2-X2 Submitted 11/20/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0
This mod changes the requirements for droids to equip the Energized Armor set. You can find and equip these high level armors before you've levelled your droids, so this changes that so they need the Droid Upgrade Class 3 feat (level 13). Use it however you like, just mention me when doing so. -
View File Droid Energized Armor Balance Fix This mod changes the requirements for droids to equip the Energized Armor set. You can find and equip these high level armors before you've levelled your droids, so this changes that so they need the Droid Upgrade Class 3 feat (level 13). Use it however you like, just mention me when doing so. Submitter Marauder Submitted 06/05/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible
View File Marauder Fix Pack Marauder Fix Pack for KotOR II: TSL There is a new version 1.0.5, make sure to grab the 1.0.5 version of the zip. -Description- A collection of my fixes to upgrade items that had wrong descriptions or properties. It combines all the fixes I have done for TSL. -Fixes (incomplete list)- Fixed the Mandalorian Chamber Mark III doing 3-17 damage instead of 2-16 as in the description. Barab Ore Ingot now correctly shows 2-12 fire damage in the description instead of 2-16. Targetting Scope Mark I was changed to show that it in fact has a slow effect like the others and not a stun effect. Corrected Ion Cell Mark II to show that it does Ion damage like the others instead of Bludgeoning damage. Birestorative underlay Mark III (u_a_unde_14) was missing the word "upgradeable." at the end of it's description. Hurrikaine Crystal description changed to mention the property On Hit: Knockdown DC 18 which was missing before. Firkrann Crystal changed to show that it does Ion damage vs droids instead of regular Ion damage which was missing before. Various whitespace fixes. Various missing colons after "Massive Criticals". Fix for Ostrine edge not showing the requirements to use it. Added missing return carriage for Solari crystal. Many robes were missing part of their descriptions that mark them as upgradeable. Droid Anatomy Description Fix is now included in main install -Installation- Just double-click MarauderFixPackK2.exe, confirm your choice then tell the installer where the game path is. -Compatibility- For now this is still not compatible with 90SK's TSL Loot & Immersion Upgrade, but this will probably happen in the next point release. This mod will not overwrite anything however, meaning you can safely use it and still get some of the fixes whilst using other mods. -Copying- You have permission to alter this mod and redistribute your modified versions. I'm happy for you to repackage it, include it in your own mods, or upload it anywhere you like. I only ask to be mentioned as the original author of the mod. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetra's Kotor Tool Uses TSL Patcher for installing the mod Submitter Marauder Submitted 11/16/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes