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  1. I've had a few fun ideas and "this would be cool" style moments over the year of replaying both Knights of the Old Republic games, but I've never really had anyone to share them with. I thought it might be fun to start a thread sharing these bits of "head canon" to see if anyone else found them interesting and see who else might have something similarly detailed or minor that would a fun little enhancement to the world of Kotor. Here are a few I can name off at the moment, though I may come back and share others as I think of them. -Juhani is one of the Jedi who is wiped out during the gathering on Katarr, which is why she doesn't have any unique items or mention in Kotor 2. Her death also adds to the threat of Nihilus and adds some "personal loss" for the player. -Jolee Bindo is either hunted down and killed by Darth Sion (something that makes Sion feel even more like a threat and adversary to the player), or loses badly to Sion and is able to fake his death to survive the purge (Newbiemodder's Korriban expansion gave me this idea a few years ago). -The SIth Ritual Master on Dxun in Freedon Nadd's tomb is a former Jedi Knight from the Mandalorian Wars, specifically Talvon Esan from the vision on Korriban. -*Some* of the other SIth Warships that make up Nihilus' assault fleet when he attacks Telos were salvaged from the wreckage of Lehon following the Battle of the Star Forge. -Darth Sion's Sith Assassins are immune to the effects of Battle Meditation on both the positive and negative ends of influence due to how they "feed" on their prey and due to the conditioning they are put through during training (not an actual effect in game but a cool thought). They are also unable to use force powers that provide inwardly directed stat increases due to them relying entirely on pulling strength from the Jedi they prey upon. Like a Battle Meld, but unconsciously linked to the force signature of their target. -Darth Bandon's master was Zez-Kai Ell (he mentions having a padawan who joined Revan during his meeting on Nar Shaddaa). Bandon left to join Revan later in the Mandalorian wars, he was not one of the first to join up and leave. Bandon leaves at the tail end of the conflict, partially due to listening to Zez-Kai Ell's beliefs that the council was partly wrong in condemning those who left to fight. Malak chose him as his apprentice partly due to him directly witnessing the hypocrisy of the Jedi Council. They're also both bald guys with double bladed lightsabers. 🤷‍♂️
  2. Much like @constantinople33's mod Lore-Friendly Qel-Droma Robes, I was wondering if anyone else would be willing to take a crack at reskinning/rebalancing some various items in K1 and K2 that don't match their visual depictions or properties as they have been show in other media. List below: Exar Kun's Light Battlesuit (K1 & K2)- Could be rebalanced into something akin to the Jal Shey robes and be reskinned to resemble other depictions . Ulic Qel-Droma's Mesh Suit (K2)- Similar to the Battlesuit above, possibly rebalanced and reskinned. Darth Bandon's Fiber Armor (K1)- There's reskins of this out there already, but seeing this be rebalanced into armored robes that fill a darkside role similar to the Qel-Droma Robes could be interesting. Freedon Nadd's short lightsaber (K2)- If this could be made upgradeable in addition to the base traits it already has, I feel like it would have a better place in the loot pool. Mask of Tulak Hord (K1)- Replace the model with the Sith Mask, adds Weapon Focus: Lightsaber, adds Heavy Armor Requirement, +2 Fortitude Save, +1 Con, +1 Str, -3 Wisdom, restrict darkside. Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets- Rebalance to restrict darkside, +2 Will, +1 Wis, +1 Char, +1 energy resistance, -1 Force resistance Arca Jeth's Robes (K2)- Recolor to be similar to the Ossus Keep robe's tone to set it apart from Nomi's robes. Sith Mask (K1 & K2)- Remove Heavy Armor requirement, remove feat bonus, +1 Will Save, -1 Dex, +2 Persuasion, All Krath Armors (K1 & K2)- Reskin to a blood and gold color to match depictions in Tales of the Jedi, add force resistance to each one with increasing effect depending on the tier of armor. All of these are ideas/suggestions, not set in stone needs (especially for the rebalances). My goal is to share the idea and let someone much more talented and capable run wild with the premises.
  3. Hi, folks. Probably not an appealing idea to many, but cherishing TSL and the Echani lore Obsidian came up with, the Echani you encounter on Manaan just comes off as... unbecoming. Maybe even ridiculous, considering the voice acting choices. I'm not even referring to his appearance, it's his demeanor and overall mentality that clashes with the lore built up in TSL and embodied by the handmaidens. The exchange when having Canderous in your party has got to be the worst. So this is just a request to remove the clown from Manaan's cantina. I kinda see it as a continuity improvement, even if content is being removed. I'm guessing the most complex aspect of this is dealing with his triggered exchange with the Sith recruiter. Hope the request makes sense. Many thanks in advance!