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  1. I have the steam version. So I have a problem with the game where I'm at Nar Shaddaa and there's been a few threads on reddit with the same/similar problems, like here: I couldn't get help and am wanting to know if anyone can help me fix this problem so that it doesn't crash? I only have 4 mods installed. The "TSL Restored Content Mod", the "Schematic Lightsaber Mod 2021", and "Remove Restrictions for Force Power by Armor" all 3 from deadlystream and 1 from nexusmods called "Movie Mandalorian" that gives me armor here. I'm wondering if anyone can help me with fixing my situation so that the game doesn't crash in this area, like when I talk to the npc "Hussef". The problem though is that the game even still crashes without any mods installed, so then I tried talking to him again it still crashed. I think the TSLRCM may have altered things in the game with npc behavior or something but I'm sure it shouldn't affect the game's dialogue or things to the npc. I even tried changing and reverting back from "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" or "Disable Vertex Buffer Obtions=1" to default "DisableVertexBufferObject=1" May anyone please help me here tell me the solution to fixing this problem? Thank you. If anyone can take my save and get pass the part with Hussef dialogue, I would appreciate it. Just talk to him and get passed the dialogue
  2. I have the steam version. So I have a problem with the game where I'm at Nar Shaddaa and there's been a few threads on reddit with the same/similar problems, like here: I couldn't get help and am wanting to know if anyone can help me fix this problem so that it doesn't crash? I only have 4 mods installed. The "TSL Restored Content Mod", the "Schematic Lightsaber Mod 2021", and "Remove Restrictions for Force Power by Armor" all 3 from deadlystream and 1 from nexusmods called "Movie Mandalorian" that gives me armor here. I'm wondering if anyone can help me with fixing my situation so that the game doesn't crash in this area, like when I talk to the npc "Hussef". The problem though is that the game even still crashes without any mods installed, so then I tried talking to him again it still crashed. I think the TSLRCM may have altered things in the game with npc behavior or something but I'm sure it shouldn't affect the game's dialogue or things to the npc. I even tried changing and reverting back from "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" or "Disable Vertex Buffer Obtions=1" to default "DisableVertexBufferObject=1" May anyone please help me here tell me the solution to fixing this problem? Thank you. If anyone can take my save and get pass the part with Hussef dialogue, I would appreciate it. Just talk to him and get passed the dialogue
  3. Hello all. I've run into this problem numerous times in the past few years (seemingly since upgrading past Windows 7 years ago, maybe even an earlier version of Windows). When playing Kotor 2, I get to Nar Shaddaa and when I attempt to do the part where your party boards G0-T0's yacht, the game crashes. Now, to be clear, it crashes at the exact same point every time, which is just before your player character has the conversation with G0-T0's hologram (specifically at the loading screen just before this module). I've tried most of the usual suggestions, including toggling DisableVertexBufferOptions, using console commands to skip directly to that module (which crashes the game just the same as if I went through the conversation with the Sullustan and watched the setup videos), and various other options without any success. I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction. Now, I do have mods installed, namely TSLRCM and Heroes of the Old Republic (which, I know can conflict in minor ways, however I've been able to use the two together to get through a playthrough in the past, so I know that's not the issue). However, I have also in the past tried deleting all mods besides TSLRCM and I still get the crash at the same spot. I even think it happens without any mods installed, though I can't remember the last time I tried that. I'm currently running the Steam version, though I've used the disc version as well and gotten the same issue both times, so I don't think it's that. Anyone have any suggestions? This is literally my favorite game, and I'm tired of having it break whenever I get to this accursed planet. Thanks in advance (and sorry for the long post, brain dump after a long day).
  4. So I have a decent sized mod list. Will post it as file. I'm stuck at the part where you leave taris. I defeat Davik, get on ebon hawk, see the leviathan* pulling up to destroy taris, but then force crash, never get to see malak or the rest of scene where taris actually gets destroyed. I believe it's a conflict from one of 3 mods I'm trying to use together. Jedi from the start 3.0/BOSSR+patch,Android patch/KotOR restored content 1.2. From the research I've done it might be caused by a .mod file from one of these. I have all my install logs. If anyone decides to try and help I would greatly appreciate it Most info needed is in the readme attachment P.s. typo in readme says I will provide links and files to mods used in the disclaimer. It is supposed to say I will *not*. I will edit tonight when I get home. ReadMeRnD_Customz.txt
  5. I recently started another play-through of KotOR 2 and I've encountered a crashing error I've not seen before. Would anyone mind assisting me? After selecting "Load Game" on the main menu screen, my game crashes to desktop every time. I only see the Load Save Menu for a brief second before the crash. I have roughly 12 hours logged on this most recent play through. I was able to load saves just fine before this. I've had some strange graphical errors before this point but only on the Load Save Menu. The edges of save slots, "okay", and "cancel" get turned into small squares of what looks like static. The same thing happens to the backdrop but on a larger scale. I'm not sure it's relevant to the crash problem but it's the only thing different I noticed since I started playing the game again. I own the retail disk version of the game. I've tried running the game in windowed mode, running the game in Winodws XP (Service Pack 2) Compatibility Mode, turning off anti-aliasing, adding DisableVertexBufferObjects=1 to my kotor2.ini, and moving my game directory out of ProgramFiles(x86). Nothing's worked so far. *EDIT* ISSUE WAS RESOLVED Guide to fix is here:
  6. I'm using a lot of mods, I didn't keep a record of them but they could be like 60 or 75% of the mods here on DeadlyStream for K1, plus some other mods. I was wondering where can I find a crash log (to troubleshoot it on my own) or if anyone else has encountered this same problem or crash. As it says in the title it crashes at the student scene when entering Korriban for the first time. (The one in which the sith master was shouting at some students, if I remember correctly). I would appreciate if someone helped me with this, because I don't want to lose my savegames. Thanks.
  7. My In-game movies 100% of the time crash my do I disable them?