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About Spectrometer

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    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 06/16/2000

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  1. I had those exact same issue but with an old CD copy of the game I had, I also tried everything and it wasn't working, until I tried this patch: I installed it before installing any mods (as it replaces the Override) and it worked! It even seems to have a built-in widescreen patch.
  2. I just checked, it also has MAL_panel01, I assume if I install your mod after this one it would just overwrite it and work just fine, right?
  3. Would this be compatible with: ?
  4. I think the pale yellow and pale pink Biths look alright, but the green and red one don't. Perhaps you could just change their clothes' color for the other two variants, or just use the yellow and pink ones.
  5. Spectrometer

    Revamped FX

    Hey, these textures look beautiful, does this mod work with KOTOR 2?
  6. Oh ok, thanks for clarifying. I don't think I have time to replay the game now, I was thinking about trying it out on summer holidays (I'm on Argentina so it would be winter in the US). But when you decide to release it I will gladly try it out on my next playthough and leave feedback. I really like the idea of further differentiating the Jedi Temple.
  7. Hi @Kaidon Jorn,have you decided on releasing the Jedi Temple reskin? It seems inetresting to try.
  8. Another Argentinian waiting for ROR here, aguante KOTOR!
  9. Thank you for your detailed answer! I was thinking mostly about incompatibilities with the Loot Overhaul, but I see that there are none. I know the HD reskins will be viewed side by side with the old ones, but I can stand it. I'll also use the Ultimate Character Overhaul upscale, so it will be a little less jarring. I'll let you know if I encounter any problems.
  10. Hi, I really like some of your mods and I'm about to try them again in a new playthrough. This time I will install these mods: K1 Community Patch. K1 Loot Overhaul NPC Diversity Pack J'C Czerka Busssiness Attire Czerka Redux Duros Armed & Ready Heart of Beskar Ultimate Sith Governor Is this the right order for installing them? In addition, I will install some of Dark Hope's reskins (War Droid, Kebla Yurt, Doctors HD, Darth Bandon, Uthar Wynn, Astromech Droids HD and Protocol Droids HD), A Crashed Republic Ship in a Nameless World and DarthParametric's Revan's Hoodless/Maskless Flowing Robes. Do you know if any of these mods could cause incompatibilities? Right away, I guess the War Droid reskin will override Czerka's droid reskins from your mod, but I don't know about the others.
  11. Oh, I saw the K2 to K1 clothing pack but I didn't remember that it changed Komad. About the bodyguards, I don't know, I've installed like 30 mods in this playthrough so it might be from another mod, although I don't remeber any other that affects these NPCs. Anyway, thanks for the reply, I really liked all the other NPC changes to darksiders (like changing the Sith teachers in Korriban to Dark Jedi, or the Sith Interrogator to the Sith Apprentice model), it's just that one that irked me a little.
  12. Well, I've just completed a playthrough with this mod and I must say that I really enjoyed it; most of the changes make sense and make the game more interesting. I wanted to make just two suggestions with things I noticed: 1. I noticed Komad Fortuna kept his standard brown robes in the Eastern Dune Sea, I remember that in the other NPC Overhaul mod his clothes were changed to an armor, and that to me makes a lot more of sense, as he is in the middle of the desert and tells you he has been tracking the Dragon for some time. Perhaps you would consider giving him some sort of armor? 2. I like the change of Saul Karath's bodyguards from the Dark Jedi model to the Sith Apprentice one, because that is one model we don't see too much, but it looks a little awkward in how the two look exactly the same, specially if you have an HD reskin of them like I did and their faces can be seen clearly. I don't know well how to solve this, you could change one of the two to the Dark Jedi model but it would break the symmetry of the shot centered on Saul. Regardless, it's a nitpick but I wanted to tell you.
  13. I have one question, you say the incompatibilities will be sorted, does that include the cases in the Kotor Mod Build when you have to manually delete files to avoid installing them?