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[R] - Carth's initial dialogue when you're tossing and turning in your bed.

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I decided to try my hand on making a custom version of this. I added a couple of static cameras with a filter to try to improve the cinematics.

The result can be seen here.

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4 hours ago, Salk said:


I decided to try my hand on making a custom version of this. I added a couple of static cameras with a filter to try to improve the cinematics.

The result can be seen here.

Why is the YouTube resolution locked in 420p? Carth's looking like he's made of static when he first starts his lines. Also, could you provide a version with and without the red filter? I'm really liking the "blinking" effect you've made.


Also, you may want to consider integrating JC's Vision Enhancement for K1 alongside this. Apparently, the Taris opening vision scene uses the Ebon Hawk's bed whereas this mod by JC uses the Taris Apartment bed instead.

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Hi, N-DReW25!

1 hour ago, N-DReW25 said:

Why is the YouTube resolution locked in 420p? Carth's looking like he's made of static when he first starts his lines.

I'm not familiar about the video resolutions on YouTube. I agree that my videos don't look good there. I record them by simply using Windows 10's own gaming/recording features, but I'm aware about the limits.

1 hour ago, N-DReW25 said:

Also, could you provide a version with and without the red filter?

Yes, it's quite easy to do so. Just a matter of removing a flag from the two dialogue entries. The filter choice is not ideal and I debated internally about whether to use it and in the end I decided to do it because I wanted to suggest an unconscious/dream state. The blinking (which is also not ideal) was another means to the same end.

Ideally, I'd have an animated camera rather than static ones but I'd need to learn using Blender, KotorBlender, modelling, and much more. I chose to go the low road instead (for now, at least).

1 hour ago, N-DReW25 said:

Also, you may want to consider integrating JC's Vision Enhancement for K1 alongside this.

It's already part of it, isn't it?


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