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Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 09/17/04 V1.0 ============================================================================ This mod allows Carth Onasi to become a Jedi, through an old Quarren Jedi freind Vor Zarann, he trains him on Dantooine. This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Carth Onasi to have, as well as giving you some special Jedi Robes, that are upgradeable, for him and His Lightsaber(s). This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo). Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine when you first talk to Gar and his wife Rilka (Where he says "Greetings Freind!"), Vor Zarann a Quarren Jedi will appear near the wandering Duros named Kni, Talk with Him and see! (If you don't have Carth with you he won't have much to say, until you add Carth in!) Follow the Dialogue and you can get Carth Onasi a Jedi Class of your choice. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing. Warning: Like my Make Mission a Jedi Mod, there is no Dialogue Exit so once you talk to Vor Zarann, Carth is going to become a Jedi. Also be sure to have a level up saved for Carth before talking to Vor Zarann as the game can have problems with clicking on the Force Powers tab while running around a 0 level Jedi, wait until Carth levels up then talk to Vor Zarann. Adds a new item to the game... Sin-Jinn Onasi's Robes... they are upgradeable, have custom textures, and are given to Carth by Vor Zarann. Robe Giveitem Cheat Code: rh_carth_robe - Sin-Jinn Onasi's Robes (Upgradeable, Custom Texture) Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible! And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible! And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And lastly, Enjoy!- 1 review
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- partymember
- redhawke
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Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 08/20/04 V1.0 Mod: Make Mission a Jedi Mod ============================================================================ This mod allows Mission Vao to become a Jedi, through her cousin Ariajj Vao, she trains her on Dantooine. This mod allows the player to pick which Jedi class they wish Mission Vao to have, as well as giving you some Jedi Robes for her and Her Lightsaber(s). This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override and start a new game, or you can add it in before going in to the Dantooine Courtyard Area (Where you talk to Nemo). Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. Incompatibilities: ----------------------------- Any mod that has "dan14_jon.dlg" will not be compatible. That dlg file has the spawn script for the jedi who trains Mission. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Adds a new spawning NPC on Dantooine when the Settler Jon accosts you about the Mandalorian Raiders, Ariajj Vao a Female Twilek Jedi is nearby John, Talk with Her and see! (If you don't have Mission with you she won't have much to say, until you add Mission in!) Follow the Dialogue and you can get Mission Vao a Jedi Class of your choice. You get another Jedi in your party and you don't have to edit a thing. Warning: There is no Dialogue Exit so once you talk to Ariajj Vao, Mission is going to become a Jedi. Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And A Big...Big Thanks to TK102 for without his many utilities this mod would have not been possible! And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible! And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Contact ------------------------------------------------- Any questions and comments can be directed to this board, in the 'Make Mission A Jedi Mod Released' thread, here; And lastly, Enjoy! -
Version 1.0.0
Part of the... Author : RedHawke 08/05/04 V1.4 Updated: Deadlystream 2/25/2020 V1.4i ============================================================================ This recruit mod allows for the recruiting of a new character "RedHawke" into your KOTOR party. This recruit mod has several recruit mod innovations built in, this mod allows the user to pick which NPC they wish to replace, this function is not easy to do, but I think it is well worth it, most KOTOR recruitable NPC mods usually fix who is replaced, but this one does not, and this mod also has an exit fot the NPC at a pre-determined point. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! ------------------------------ Updated Installation Instructions (updated😞 Run Tslpatcher to install: No longer requires any installation order to work with other Redhawke mods, nor any custom "compatible" files. ------------------------------ Incompatibilities (updated) : upcrystals.2da (causes issues with other lightsaber mods) global.jrl (may cause issues with other quest mods, use JRL Merger tool to make compatible or manual edit .jrl) Any mods that edit the following files: PMBJ09.tga P_RH01.tga w_dblsbr_093.mdx/mdl w_lghtsbr_093.mdx/mdl w_shortsbr_093.mdx/mdl unk44_sparty.dlg man26_selport.dlg ------------------------ Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And A Big...Big Thanks to Svosh, The Photoshop Master, for allowing me to use the Evil Bastila clothes texture! And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 for her help, without which this mod would have not been possible! And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.- 1 comment
- recruitable
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Version 1.0.0
This mod reskins RedHawke's ORD Mandell extra planet mod, using textures which were unused in the original game, mostly from Sleheyron. This was originally made in about 2006 or 2007, I think, and sent to RedHawke, who never used it. Sith Holocron reminded me I made this, and suggested I release it now that ORD Mandell is available on DeadlyStream, and now that the mod rules are less strict. Note that you will need to install ORD Mandell first, and then install the reskin. This will not work without the ORD Mandell mod. Installation To install, copy the contents of "Override" into your Override folder, and the contents of "Modules" into your Modules folder. Uninstallation Remove the files you copied over. This mod replaces the .mod files installed by ORD Mandell, so either make a backup of those first, or delete them from your modules folder before reinstalling ORD Mandell. Permissions As this is a mod modifying someone else's mod, please don't upload elsewhere or modify without my permission. Credits/Thanks RedHawke for the original ORD Mandell mod; Sith Holocron for reminding me to release this.- 2 comments
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- swkotor mod
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Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 01/22/06 V1.0 ============================================================================ Simple script addition to grant Kreia Jedi Master Prestiege Class if the PC chooses a Jedi Prestiege Class, and grants Kreis a Sith Lord Prestiege Class if the PC becomes a Sith Prestiege Class. Installation Instructions --------------------------- Place the a_pc_jedi.ncs into your TSL override directory, and load a save before you choose your prestiege class. The a_pc_jedi.nss is the source script and is included so you can make this compatable on your end with any mod that uses this script. The ForPrCLRobeNSaberMod subfolder contains the script files that are compatable with Maverick187's and My Prestiege Class Robe and Saber Pack. If you have our mod just copy over the a_pc_jedi.ncs file from that subfolder intead and overwrite the one from our mod. Uninstallation Instructions ---------------------------- Remove this file from your override. Enjoy! ;^)- 2 comments
Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 08/09/04 ============================================================================ These are some simple revisions to the Sith Lord Artifacts that you find in the Tombs on Korriban. These are more usable in game now and are more suited to the status of ancient Sith artifacts. This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all 3 of the .uti files in the .zip, except this read-me into your KOTOR override directory and start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it. Uninstall Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these 3 files from your override directory. This Jedi Master Robe Package Contains: ---------------------------------------- Ajunta Pall's Double Vibroblade (Upgradeable) Feat Required: Jedi Defense Attack Bonus: +5 and Keen Damage Bonuses: +2D6 Fire +2D6 Slashing Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons Specialization: Melee Weapons Two Weapon Fighting Improved Two Weapon Fighting Master Two Weapon Fighting Flurry Improved Flurry Master Flurry Upgraded: Energy Projector +2D6 Energy Damage Massive Criticals +2D6 Dam. Durasteel Alloy +5 to Attack Vibration Cell Stun DC22, 50% Chance for 4 Rounds Tulak Hord's Mask (Sith Mask Model) Feat Required: Jedi Defense Damage Immunity: Fire 100% / Cold 100% Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical-Hits +8 to Stealth, +8 to Awareness, +5 to Wisdom, +5 to Charisma, +2 all Saving Throws Bonus Feats: Force Focus Improved Force Focus Master Force Focus Regeneration (HP) 2 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 5 Per Round Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets Feat Required: Jedi Defense Immunities: Poison +5 to Strength, +5 to Dexterity, +2 all Saving Throws, +8 Blaster Bolt Deflection Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Specialization: Lightsaber Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 5 Per Round Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- k37_itm_ajunta - Ajunta Pall's Double Vibroblade (Upgradeable) kor38b_mask - Tulak Hord's Mask (Sith Mask Model) kor38a_gauntlet - Marka Ragnos' Gauntlets Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. -
Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 01/29/05 Version 1.0 ============================================================================ With my new mission to make everyone's PC's spend their hard won, or easily cheated credits, I have a new mod that will help you in this area. This one is a biggie. ;^) This mod alters the Ebon Hawk's workbench to be able to build brand new items and some of the normal game items, now when you click on the Ebon Hawk's workbench it becomes a super handy TSL-esque Construction Bench. Henceforth referred to simply as the CB. This mod does too much to be listed... but, what you can build at the CB will change as your skills are increased, the skills that affect the CB are; (Repair, Demolitions, and Treat_Injury) also some things might require you to be a certain level or a Jedi, if you don't have enough credits, etc. There are a ton of possible combinations. But I'll try to list the highlights there is at least one of each major weapon type that is buildable at the CB, as well as one new of each armor type, including armored clothes. All the buildable weapons and armor have the word "Custom" in their title and most all are fully upgradeable, there are no new skins for these armors and weapons, the armors all use the first texture variation, the weapons use one of the standard games variants, new textures for these items would increase the mods size drastically, but all you people out there can alter the item .uti files to point to whatever textures you wish, I leave that up to you. Along with the above, you can also construct 4 Custom Jedi Robes, 1 in each game color, and 2 new Custom Battle Robes (Revan/Star Forge Skins) stronger than the normal robes, all robes are upgradeable. Like the armor's they use standard game textures. The robe .uti files are easily alterable like the armors. You can also build lightsabers, all 3 styles, single, double, and short, at the CB, only the Standard colors are supported, but here's the bonus the bench gives you, the saber color you get is completely random, and you even have a slim (5% or so) chance to build yourself a HOTG ot MOTF saber with the CB. How cool is that? Also you are able to build, pending your appropriate skill level of course, any of the games Grenades (Even the mighty Thermal Detonator), Mines, Medpacks, Stims, Repair Kits, Parts Packs, Computer Spikes, Armor Upgrades, and Weapon Upgrades. Most of these also have the option for you to build quantites (1, 5, or 10), so you don't need to build these one at a time, unless heavy use of the CB makes you poor of course, if you don't have enough credits the options will not show up as well. Of course everything you build costs you some credits for the building supplies, etc. This is fully compatable with all my other Mods, and just about everyone else's as well... at least I don't remember one that made use of the Ebon Hawk's Workbench??? Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory at any time, this should immediately take effect with any save game you currently have, or you can always start a new game. Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these files from your override directory, or deactivate it with KMM. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also thanks to Darth333, her script help helped to make this possible. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this.- 1 comment
- jumpstationz
- workbench
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Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 09/03/04 V1.1 Updated: 02/25/2020 ============================================================================ This mod adds a new shop to Tatooine, where some of the best items from the game can be purchased, if you do the little Jawa owner a favor that is. The plucky Jawa's Weebul and Utiinii are the shops owners, Utiinii deals in crystals, while Weebul deals in other items, though before he will deal with you, he has a task for you first. (Includes a new quest for KOTOR) I hope you all enjoy the Mod! --------------------------- Installation Instructions (updated) Run Tslpatcher. Incompatibilities (updated) --------------------------- Any mod that has the following files is incompatible: k_ptat_17enter.ncs k_ptat_17enter2.ncs global.jrl (this may conflict with other global.jrl mods, use JRL Merger, or manually merge via KGFF editor after running installer). Installation Instructions (Redhawke): ----------------------------- Just extract the contents of the 'For Override' folder into your KOTOR override, and extract the contents of the 'For Modules' folder to your KOTOR modules folder. Or a .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program, and it should be able to put what needs to go where. If you have my Recruit RedHawke mod installed, it will ask you to overwrite the global.jrl file in your KOTOR override, this is OK as this one is fully compatable with that mod and my Planet ORD Mandell Mod. This mod should be compatable with just about everyone elses mods as well. NOTE: If you have the Version 1.0 shop allready installed, before installing this version 1.1 go into your KOTOR override directory and delete 2 files; tat17_05mecha_01.dlg, and k_act_talktrue.ncs Then proceed to install this versions 1.1 override files over version 1.0's ones, the module .mod files are the same as version 1.0 so no overwrites are necissary but you can overwrite them if you want to. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all the 'For Override' files from your override directory, and the 'For Modules' files from your modules directory, or simply Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- This mod adds a new shop area to Tatooine, and also adds a connected Czerka built Anchorhead Tunnel Complex area. The shop entry will spawn the first time you enter Anchorhead with the mod installed.(Thanks to beancounter for figuring out how to do this!) This makes it easier on all of us. ;^) The plucky diminutive Jawa's Weebul and Utiinii are the shops owners, Utiinii deals in crystals, while Weebul deals in other items, though before he will deal with you, he has a task for you first. (Includes a new quest for KOTOR) Utiinii is your typical Jawa, seemingly simple and straitforward with giants, he sells shiny stones. Weebul is the worldly one in the shop and the majority owner, he has had some problems of late that he needs some help dealing with. (I know you can't wait to see!) Warning: Weebul's quest in the tunnels will take you up against some very well equipped foes, consider yourself warned... you will be in for a couple of really good fights. ;^) Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And A Big...Big Thanks to DooM_DealeR, for for creating an awesome new area tutorial! And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 and TK102 for their previous scripting help, without which this mod would have not been possible! And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Other Possible Bugs And Story Level Notes ------------------------------------------------- I know the Taris Sewers can be a point of misery for some, and since we can't create totally new areas yet this is the best possible area to fit the bill. I also know there is a lot of water flowing and it doesn't initially seem like Tatooine, but my thinking on this is Czerka probably has large resivoirs of water under Anchorhead, for company use, and they secretly built the tunnel complexes to service them. That is my explinations for all the water in the tunnels under Anchorhead... And I'm sticking to it. ;^) No bugs that I have found, though they are possible. Any questions and comments can be directed to this board, in the 'Weebul & Utiinii's Shop Released (New Areas)' thread, here; And lastly, Enjoy!- 1 comment
- sewers
- jumpstationz
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Version 1.2
Author : RedHawke 07/16/06 V1.2 (Original Release: 10/06/04) Update : 02/25/2020 V1.2i ============================================================================ Version History ------------------------------------------------- 1.0 original Release 1.1 Fixed Locked Door Issue [Crosses Fingers] (Thanks to T7nowhere) 1.2 Enabled Transit Function (Thanks to Kaspian) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mod adds a new planet to travel to in KOTOR, ORD Mandell, though the planet is small (5 Areas), it has, what I hope is, a lot to offer. (Includes two new quests for KOTOR) I hope you all enjoy the New Planet! NEW INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (updated) Run Tslpatcher, if you want to install High Stakes Warren Pazaak, copy and paste files from that folder. ------------------------------------ Incompatibilities: k_pebn_galaxy.ncs k_sup_gohawk.ncs k_sup_guiopen.ncs global.jrl (after running tslpatcher, may require jrl merging with jrl merger tool or manually with kgff editor to make things compatible) Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Please put all the files in the 'For Modules' folder in your KotOR Modules folder, and place the 'For Override' folders contents in your KotOR Override folder... that's it. The 'Source Scripts Go Nowhere' folder doesn't do anything and you can IGNORE IT, is packaged with the mod to help fellow modders out. The 'High Stakes Warren' folder contains a script that if placed into your KotOR Override folder it will allow Warren the Quarren to be able to take up to 100,000 Credit Wagers in Pazaak. You will have to reinstall this mod if you later wish to install my Recruit RedHawke mod, or my Weebul & Utiinii's Shop and accidently overwrite the global.jrl file from those mods you will need to restore this file from this mod as the one with this mod is the most recent and compatable with all my previous mods. This mod should be compatable with just about everyone elses mods as well that doesn't use a global.jrl. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply remove these files from your KotOR Override and Modules folder. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- This mod adds a new visitable planet to KOTOR, ORD Mandell, a republic resupply colony. It has a landing area, and apartment block, an outside area, some Storage caverns, and a suprise area, search the caverns for it. ORD Mandell has two merchants available, Sval Raan an Aratech Merchant and representative, he has the usual fare, Medical, Repair, sundries, nothing really extravagent. The second merchant is Baracus the bartender in the Cantina, because of the Juhani Side-Quest Bug not letting you get the Mika Dorin premium merchant offer, Baracus sells the Mika Dorin stuff as well, so now you can let Juhani slice up her tormentor, and still be able to buy good stuff. There are two quests available on ORD Mandell, one is from Warren the Quarren, he is a Pazaak player in trouble, and the other is from the Republic Base commander Major Brell Stygian, talk to them and see, feel free to explore first if you want. Warning: Recommended Character level for planet is 14+, You will be in for some potentially tough, but really good fights. You have been warned! ;^) New Armor: (By Achilles) ------------------------------------------------ *Republic Battle Armor* By Achilles (Used And Included With His Permission) Feats Required: Armor Proficiency - Heavy Defense Bonus: 10 Max Dexterity Bonus: +1 Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Cold Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Fire Damage Resistance: Resist 10/- vs. Sonic Special:Upgradeable, ArmorThe Republic has prospered militarily by keeping its troops well supplied with high quality heavy armor, ensuring they are always prepared for the most demanding battle conditions. This armor has been modified by me some, to make the files compatable with my other mods, and reduce the texture size a bit. You get the Armor as a major-part of the quest reward from Major Stygian. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And A Big...Big Thanks to DooM_DealeR, for for creating an awesome new area tutorial! And Another Big...Big Thanks to Darth333 and TK102 for their previous scripting help, without which this mod would have not been possible! And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! And lastly, a Big... Big thanks to Achilles who made the Republic Armor and it's texture that makes the two Republic Twilek Officers in this mod look so cool, and more match the common soldiers! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Other Possible Bugs And Module Notes ------------------------------------------------- There is no planet text on the galaxy map for the planet, this would require editing the dialogue.tlk file and if I included one not only would the download size go up by 1.8 megs or so but it would mess with the non-english versions of the game. You can use TK102's KOTORTlk program to edit your own dialogu.tlk if you want to, the planets name ORD Mandell goes into entry #42505, and the planets description should go into entry #42511, too big to give here. Anyway I wouldn't suggest it, I left it alone and without text myself. :^) And I have no idea if the planet will become unavailable like the others do when you crash on the unknown world, I hope it does, but I have no idea if it really will, either way I would suggest once going to the unknown world, if the planet is still available, to avoid going to it, as I don't know what the effects on your savegame would be. If the planet is still available when you leave the unknown world, and you go to it, instead of the Star Forge like you are supposed to... you could mess up your save game so you do this at your own risk!!! And lastly, Enjoy! -
Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 09/10/04 Version 1.2 ============================================================================ This is a reskin to turn our Cathar Jedi friend, Juhani into a nice Siberian Tigress motif, so I modified her skins accordingly, I hope you enjoy the new Juhani. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well, unless you have some that change Juhani's appearance. A .kmm file is included to use with Cchargin's KMM or KOTOR Mod Manager program. I hope you all enjoy the Mod! Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Just extract everything to your KOTOR override, or activate it with KMM. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these .tga files from your override directory, or Deactivate it with KMM. This Mod Does: ----------------------------- Changes Juhani into a Siberian Tiger themed character. Her Head, Underwear, Clothes, Portrait, and Party Selection Screen Image textures have all been altered. Her Clothes also have a little additional skin/fur showing, I hated the blue parts, I thought it looked better this way. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative nod to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. And have fun with the new cold weather Juhani! ;^)- 1 comment
- jumpstationz
- redhawke
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I wasn't quite sure where to broach this topic. I know that RedHawke's mods can be found at > But they lack the tslpatcher making them incompatible with most mods. What I am suggesting to do is to reupload the mods, and include a tslpatcher for them to increase compatibility. I was given permission directly from Chainz.2da who was given caretaker authority over RedHawke's mods. I can provide proof of this. What do the Admins think of this idea? Would it be something even considerable or out of the question because the mods are hosted elsewhere? I remember asking this question almost a year ago, to DarthParametric who said it would be unnecessary to repost them on DS. At the time, I consented to his respected opinion. However, in light of knowing how much the tslpatcher can do, and how to use it. I would like to repost these mods to keep them seen and used by the community. In case you did not know, I am a huge fan of Redhawke's mods and would not want to port, steal, or act in any malicious way against RH or RH's property.
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- chainz.2da
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View File Reskin of RedHawke's ORD Mandell Mod This mod reskins RedHawke's ORD Mandell extra planet mod, using textures which were unused in the original game, mostly from Sleheyron. This was originally made in about 2006 or 2007, I think, and sent to RedHawke, who never used it. Sith Holocron reminded me I made this, and suggested I release it now that ORD Mandell is available on DeadlyStream, and now that the mod rules are less strict. Note that you will need to install ORD Mandell first, and then install the reskin. This will not work without the ORD Mandell mod. Installation To install, copy the contents of "Override" into your Override folder, and the contents of "Modules" into your Modules folder. Uninstallation Remove the files you copied over. This mod replaces the .mod files installed by ORD Mandell, so either make a backup of those first, or delete them from your modules folder before reinstalling ORD Mandell. Permissions As this is a mod modifying someone else's mod, please don't upload elsewhere or modify without my permission. Credits/Thanks RedHawke for the original ORD Mandell mod; Sith Holocron for reminding me to release this. Submitter InSidious Submitted 07/14/2020 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes
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- swkotor mod
- planet skin
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Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 09/11/04 1.0 ============================================================================ This is a new Crimson Sith Templar Mask, Gloves, and Robes, the mask uses the Sith Mask Model, with a New Crimson Skin, the robes use the same texture from my Recruit RedHawke Mod's RedHawke Robes. A small Warning, these items are pretty powerful, I tried not to be outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is. It is STRONGLY SUGGESTED to have My Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack or Mono-Giganto's Hooded Revan Robes Mod installed when you use the Crimson Sith Templar Robes as they will appear transparent in the PC's torso area. If you don't want to have the hooded Revan Robes and like the look of the normal Revan Robes then you will have to do some appearance.2da editing on your own, you will have to change the "envmap" cell on all of the PC entries lines 91-180 to "CM_Baremetal", without quotes. This is fully compatable with all my other Item Packs and Mods. I say again, if you want the mod like the screenshots you will have to have My Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack or Mono-Giganto's Hooded Revan Robes mod installed when you use the Crimson Sith Templar Robes or they won't look like this. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Unzip all of the files in the .zip, except this readme into your KOTOR override directory, before you go to the Area with the Krayt Dragon Cave the first time, or start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) Also includes a .KMM file for installation by Cchargins Kotor Mod Manager program, if you have it. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory, or deactivate with KMM. This Item Pack Contains: ---------------------------------------- The Crimson Sith Items are found in the Krayt Dragon Cave on Tatooine. ---------------------------------------- Crimson Sith Templar Mask (Sith Mask Model, New Crimson Skin) ---------------------------------------- Feat Required: Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC) Damage Immunity: Fire 90% / Cold 90% Immunities: Mind-Affecting +8 to Stealth, +8 to Awareness, +4 to Wisdom, +4 to Charisma, +2 all Saving Throws Bonus Feats: Force Focus Improved Force Focus Master Force Focus Regeneration (HP) 2 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 3 Per Round Crimson Sith Templar Gauntlets ----------------------------------------- Feat Required: Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC) Immunities: Poison +4 to Strength, +4 to Dexterity, +2 all Saving Throws, +8 Blaster Bolt Deflection Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Specialization: Lightsaber Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 2 Per Round Crimson Sith Templar Robes ------------------------------------------ Feat Required: Jedi Defense, Force Sensitive (Can Only Be Worn By The PC) Defense Bonus: +8 Damage Immunity: Electricity 75% Immunities: Critical Hits +4 to Strength, +4 to Wisdom, +4 all Saving Throws Bonus Feats: Force Jump Improved Force Jump Master Force Jump Regeneration (HP) 3 Per Round Regeneration (FP) 3 Per Round Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: ------------------------------------------------ rh_templr_mask - Crimson Sith Templar Mask (Sith Mask Model, New Crimson Skin) rh_temp_gauntlet - Crimson Sith Templar Gauntlets rh_templr_robe - Crimson Sith Templar Robes Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Thanks to Cchargin for the cool Kotor Mod Manager, KMM Program! Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. History: ------------------------------------------------ The ancient and long forgotten true Sith Crimson Templars, fierce warriors and force users, they were in fact an ancient True Sith variant of the Current Sentinel class. They were the elite special forces of the True Sith, and were masters of the battlefield. The Ancient True Sith possessed the knowledge of talisman creation, this was taking raw materials and manipulating the Force and these materials to literally 'create' items of intense force power. -
View File Redhawke's Prestige Class Bonus Author : RedHawke 03/06/05 Version 1.0 ============================================================================ This simple mod alters what happens when you get your Prestiege Class in the game, First you get bonus Force Points, plus you gain either Force Enlightenment if you are a Jedi and Force Crush if you are Sith. Weapon Master/Marauder gains 20 Force Points Watchman/Assassin gains 30 Force Points Master/Lord gains 40 Force Points Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory. Unzip the a_pc_jedi.ncs file contained in the .rar into your KOTOR2 override directory, before you get your prestiege class in your current game... or you can always start a new game. The Source folder is for the benefit of fellow modders and the PrClRSPackCompatable folder is only necissary if you have that mod installed. If you have Maverick187 & My Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Pack installed a compatable a_pc_jedi.ncs is included in the PrClRSPackCompatable subfolder, simply copy the a_pc_jedi.ncs from that folder to your KotoR2 override instead. Un-installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete this file from your override directory. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Bug Notes: ------------------------------------------------ Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likely a thread titled... "Prestiege Class Bonus Mod is now up at my site" Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 03/16/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No
- 5 replies
- prestige
- jumpstationz
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.0.0
Part of the... Author : RedHawke 12/21/05 V1.1 (06/05/04 V1.0) Mod: The Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack (This Mod, updated to Use Patcher) Mod: "Redhawke Booster Pack1a" New In V1.1: Made the mod able to use the TSL Patcher Program, yes it does work on KotOR I, for complete compatability. Install order for my 3 Item Packs is; 1. The Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack (Will be updated to use Patcher too) 2. The Blasters/Armor/Droid Item Pack (Patcher Not necessary no 2da files) 3. The Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack (This Mod, updated to Use Patcher) ============================================================================ You MUST have both of my Revan/Sith/Bastila and Blasters/Armor/Droid Upgrades item packs installed to your override directory for this Mod to work. This enhances my 2 item packs by better scripting the items into the game, modifying some vendors, as well as adding some additional new items into the game. The New or Modified Items are listed below. This Mod also allows your character, when wearing the Revan's or Star Forge lines of robes, to appear as Revan without the mask does, though sometimes your hair or head will clip through the hood and the darn cape has no animations but you still look cool. (Big thanks to Mono-Giganto for figuring out how to do this) Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Extract the contents of the zip to a temporary folder, run the Patcher EXE follow the instructions, and you should be good to go. NOTE: If you have the previous version installed and working you will not need to install this version, this is only updating the mod to use the Patcher Program for compatability. Be sure to delete the file dan13_nemobody.utp from your override directory after installing this mod, or keep the file there for double the items on Nemos corpse. It won't hurt the game if you don't delete the file. :^) Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete all these files from your override directory, and restore any files from the backup directory made by the patcher program when you installed the mod. --------------------------------------------------- New Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- g_a_class5006 - Ulric Quel-Droma's Mesh Suit g_a_mstrrobe07a - Star Forge Robes I (Full Masked Revan Appearance) revan_whiterobe1 - Revan The White's Robes I (Full Masked Revan Appearance) revan_whiterobe - Revan The White's Robes (Normal Appearance) revan_sbrcrstlw - Revan's Heart Lightsaber Color Crystal revan_lghtsbrw - Revan The White's Lightsaber revan_dblsbrw - Revan The White's Double Lightsaber revan_shortsbrw - Revan The White's Short Lightsaber Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. A Big thanks to Mono-Giganto for figuring out how to have the PC wear Revans Robes without the mask! And A Big...Big Thanks to Svosh, The Photoshop Master, for the Revan Model Map! Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Other Possible Bugs And Model Notes --------------------------------------- The Revan model was not fully completed by Bioware that is why the cape as well as some of the animations are not complete, you'll notice other things like force lightning erupts from Revans feet instead of the hands this is due to the incomplete Revan model and not by any of us modders. As soon as the KOTOR model format is fully cracked you can sure bet Revan will have a flowing cape and shoot force lightning correctly. The Modder Kristykristic has fixed this Force Power problem on the Revan Model get the corrected Models here... Also before the confrentation with Malak on the Leviathan you should switch to the Revan Robes, or any other robes, that does not have the mask as the cutscene that plays when Malak talks to you won't load your PC's head properly if the Revan Robes that have the discuise ability is worn. When Revan's mask is removed you will not see your PC's face. This is why I created the Dark Ones' Robes specifically for the leviathan. And lastly, Enjoy! -
View File Redhawke's Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack Author : RedHawke 12/20/05 V1.3 Mod: Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack New In V1.3: Made the mod able to use the TSL Patcher Program, yes it does work on KotOR I, for complete compatability. Install order for my 3 Item Packs is: 1. The Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack (This Mod, updated to Use Patcher) 2. The Blasters/Armor/Droid Item Pack (Patcher not necessary no 2da files) 3. The Revan The White/Star Forge Booster Pack (has tslpatcher) New In V1.2: Includes the patch For the Star Forge Bug... The Patch Does: ----------------------------- This adds the items From my Revan/Sith/Bastila Item Pack originally dropped by the fighting Jedi and Sith on the Endar Spire to appear in a new Footlocker in the Endar Spire room where you have to Slice the Computer or Repair the Driod to help you kill the Sith in the next room, before you meet Carth and get to the escape pod. ============================================================================ These are a collection of custom items I created or are modified original KOTOR items that were re-entered into the game. These items can be found in game normally or gotten by using the 'giveitem' cheat with the cheat console, the giveitem codes are listed at the bottom of the readme. A small Warning, some of these items are very powerful, I tried not too be outragous, but everyone has a different opinion of what a powerful or outragous item is. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Extract the contents of the zip to a temporary folder, run the Patcher EXE follow the instructions, and you should be good to go. NOTE: If you have the previous version installed and working you will not need to install this version, this is only updating the mod to use the Patcher Program for compatability. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. This Item Package Contains: ----------------------------- Bastila's Focus Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Bastila lightsabers like the single one she wields in the cutscenes, Is also needed to allow for Bastila's Lightsaber to be upgradeable, crystal is found on Brejiks corpse, Bastila's use only, Battle Meditation needed to equip) Bastila's Double Saber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, and found on Brejiks corpse) Bastila's Lightsaber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, created when Bastila's Focus is used) Bastila's Short Saber (Yellow Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, created when Bastila's Focus is used) Sith Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Sith Lightsabers below, found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine, and in various other places) Sith Double Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable) Sith Lightaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable) Sith Short Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable) Sith Implant (Powerful Level 1 Implant) Sith Neural Band (Powerful Headgear) Sith Gauntlets (Again Powerful) Advanced Sith Shield (Unlimited Use Sith Energy Shield) Sith Computer Bracer (Increases Skills, and other useful things) Sith Utility Belt (Once again Powerful) These Sith Items are all found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine. Improved the Sith Lightsaber found on Korriban, it now uses the same cool model as Darth Malak's and has good bonuses, it is not upgradeable. Improved the Sith Mask found on Korriban as well, try it and see. Improved Darth Malak's Lightsaber, Exellent Bonuses, allows Malak to deal out even more damage when you face him. Improved Marka Ragnos Gauntlets found on Korriban. Revans Core Lightsaber Color Crystal (Allows for the creation of the Darth Revan's Lightsabers below, found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine) Darth Revan's Lightsaber (Red Blade, Uses Malak's Saber Model, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian) Darth Revan's Double Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian) Darth Revan's Short Lightsaber (Red Blade, Good Initial Bonuses, Upgradeable, based in part on the Heart of the Guardian) Darth Revan's Implant (Very Powerful Level 1 Implant) Darth Revan's Gauntlets (Again Very Powerful) Darth Revan's Shield Bracer (Unlimited use Heavy Energy Shield) Darth Revan's Computer Bracer (Again Very Powerful Bracer, Drastically Improves Skills) Darth Revan's Utility Belt (Again Very Powerful) Darth Revan's Robes I (Identical to Darth Revan's Robes except it has the discuise property so you become the Darth Revan from the cutscenes) Darth Revan's Robes (And once again Very Powerful, no darkside restriction, good guys/gals can wear black too!) These Darth Revan Items are all found on Nemo's corpse on Dantooine, read Nemo's Datapad to find out why. Star Forge Robes (Very Powerful, Cloned abilities from Revan's Robes, no lightside restriction, found on the Star Forge) All Jedi and Dark Jedi Master Robes have been improved, with good bonuses, found throughout the game. Further improved Qel-Droma's Robes found on Korriban. Dark One's Robes, black color, exellent bonuses, found in Marka Ragnos tomb, and are worn by evil Bastila. New in version 1.1 ------------------ New Jedi Revan's Lightsaber Color Crystals (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Allows for the creation of the Jedi Revan's Lightsabers below, 1 crystal of each color Found on Selvens corpse on Taris, a second set is found on Sherruk's corpse on Dantooine, in case you all want matched pairs.) :^) New Jedi Revan's Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, these all use Malak's Saber Model, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable) New Jedi Revan's Double Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable) New Jedi Revan's Short Lightsabers (Blue, Green, Yellow, and Violet, Good Bonuses, Upgradeable) Adknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 02/29/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
View File Redhawke's Exile Booster Pack Author : RedHawke 06/17/05 V1.0 ============================================================================ This is simply an update to the Exile's Robes you get in the Exile's Item Pack I did. Available here: First, The White Robes have been totally redone using the favored Padawan Model, also if you have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' Installed, available at, I also supplied textures that are compatable with that mods fixed collar format. (They look far better IMHO) Second I have made the Exile's Sith Robes, and Jedi Robes their own Textures, nothing fancy, but I like em. The Jedi Exile Robes are similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi's from Episode 1, The Sith Exile Robes are simply a little Darker than they were before. (Again, like with the White Robes, I included fixed collar and normal collar versions each set in their own subfolder) Lastly I included a Handmaiden robe uti file that uses the White Robe Skin from this mod instead of the Greyish thicker bathrobe she normally gets, just in case you want to put the Handmaiden in this robe too. The stats of the items are not altered from my original mod. To see the changes you will have to install this before you enter the level with your Quarters on the Harbringer the first time, or use KSE or Cheats, to give yourself a new set of Exile's Robes. The Cheat Codes are listed in the Exile's Item Pack readme file. Installation Instructions: (Being this is a booster pack it is a little more complicated than normal sorry about that) ----------------------------- If you have not allready done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory. REQUIRES: Installing my Exile's Item Pack, available here Available instead on Deadlystream <insert link here when mod is approved> Unzip all of the files in the .rar, to a folder outside of your KOTOR2 override directory and put all of the following files into your override; -------------------------------------------------- ia_JediRobe_068.tga, ia_JediRobe_069.tga, and ia_JediRobe_070.tga rh_robe_01.uti, rh_robe_02.uti, and rh_robe_03.uti -------------------------------------------------- Then put all the tga and txi files from the appropriate subfolder into your override, explained below; If you just have the standard game robes then install the contents of the 'Normal Robe Textures' subfolder. If you have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' installed then you need to instead install the contents of the 'Svosh N ILC Collar Fix Textures' subfolder. If you want the Handmaidens robe to be like the Exile's White Robes, then copy over the a_robe_x01.uti from the 'Handmaiden Robe Modification' subfolder and when she gets her robe viola! You will see the changes best if you install this before you get into the Harbringer Crew Level and your quarters, or start a new game. And Enjoy! ;^) This mod requires that you at least have my Exile's Item Pack, available here, all ready installed to function correctly. It also helps to have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svösh's Robe Collar Fix' Installed, available at Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. To Svösh for fixing the dreadful Jedi Robe Collar problem. To ilikecommas for making the default robe textures so the fixed robes could be used by all, and allow us modders to release textures using the fixed model without needing to make the default textures ourselves. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 03/16/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No
- jumpstationz
- exile
- (and 4 more)
View File Redhawke's Workbench Makes Robes Author : RedHawke 02/12/05 Version 1.1 Added a file I missed. ============================================================================ This discustingly simple 2da edit mod adds the ability to make Jedi Robes at the Workbenches in the game. This is one of the first things I wanted to "fix" with TSL... so here you go! I always was disgruntled that you could make advanced armor components with the Workbench, but you couldn't sew a darn robe??? Real Jedi and Sith know how to sew! ;^) Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory. Unzip the two files itemcreate.2da, and itemcreatemira.2da contained in the .zip, into your KOTOR2 override directory, and it might immediately take effect or you might have to start a new game. Un-installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these two 2da files from your override directory. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also thanks to Darth333, her early modding helped to make this possible. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Bug Notes: ------------------------------------------------ Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "Make Robes At The Workbench Mod is now up at My Site" Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 03/16/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No
- redhawke
- jumpstationz
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 02/12/05 Version 1.1 Added a file I missed. ============================================================================ This discustingly simple 2da edit mod adds the ability to make Jedi Robes at the Workbenches in the game. This is one of the first things I wanted to "fix" with TSL... so here you go! I always was disgruntled that you could make advanced armor components with the Workbench, but you couldn't sew a darn robe??? Real Jedi and Sith know how to sew! ;^) Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory. Unzip the two files itemcreate.2da, and itemcreatemira.2da contained in the .zip, into your KOTOR2 override directory, and it might immediately take effect or you might have to start a new game. Un-installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these two 2da files from your override directory. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also thanks to Darth333, her early modding helped to make this possible. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Bug Notes: ------------------------------------------------ Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "Make Robes At The Workbench Mod is now up at My Site" -
View File Redhawke's Darth Revan Cutscene Style Robes Author : RedHawke 11/28/05 Version 1.1 New in version 1.1: Added in the Masked Revan Robes as well, allowing you to make either version... Re-made the mod with TSL Patcher for complete compatability. Due largely to multiple requests for the masked versions of these robes. ============================================================================ This mod adds in the ability to make eight robes in the game, using the hooded Maskless Revan Cutscene Model and now the Masked Revan Model, unfortunately the model is just as unfinished in TSL as it is in KOTOR I, but I have gotten a lot of requests for them so here you go. They are buildable at the Workbench, depending on your level (At Least 20), your Repair skill (At Least a 29 and up for the others), and alignment on which ones will be available to your pc to build. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory. Extract the contents of the zip to a temporary folder, run the Patcher EXE follow the instructions, and you should be good to go. NOTE: You will need to completely uninstall the previous version of this mod before installing this version... sorry. But this should have no effect upon your savegames, as the original uti files and skins are un-altered. Using the TSL Patcher this mod now will modify appearance.2da, itemcreate.2da, and itemcreatemira.2da. Un-installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory, and restore any necissary files from the backup directory the patcher makes in the temp folder you run the patcher from. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. To stoffe -mkb- without whom the TSL Patcher would be just a dream! Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Bug Notes: ------------------------------------------------ Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "Make Revan Robes At The Workbench Mod is now up at PCGameMods and my site" Version 1.1 Bug Notes: If you run the patcher without uninstalling the previous version of this mod (specifically the itemcreate.2da and itemcreatemira.2da files) there will be a glitch at the Workbench that will allow construction of 2 robes at a time, of course if this doesn't bother you then this is a non-issue. Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 03/16/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No
Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 11/28/05 Version 1.1 New in version 1.1: Added in the Masked Revan Robes as well, allowing you to make either version... Re-made the mod with TSL Patcher for complete compatability. Due largely to multiple requests for the masked versions of these robes. ============================================================================ This mod adds in the ability to make eight robes in the game, using the hooded Maskless Revan Cutscene Model and now the Masked Revan Model, unfortunately the model is just as unfinished in TSL as it is in KOTOR I, but I have gotten a lot of requests for them so here you go. They are buildable at the Workbench, depending on your level (At Least 20), your Repair skill (At Least a 29 and up for the others), and alignment on which ones will be available to your pc to build. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory. Extract the contents of the zip to a temporary folder, run the Patcher EXE follow the instructions, and you should be good to go. NOTE: You will need to completely uninstall the previous version of this mod before installing this version... sorry. But this should have no effect upon your savegames, as the original uti files and skins are un-altered. Using the TSL Patcher this mod now will modify appearance.2da, itemcreate.2da, and itemcreatemira.2da. Un-installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory, and restore any necissary files from the backup directory the patcher makes in the temp folder you run the patcher from. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. To stoffe -mkb- without whom the TSL Patcher would be just a dream! Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Bug Notes: ------------------------------------------------ Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "Make Revan Robes At The Workbench Mod is now up at PCGameMods and my site" Version 1.1 Bug Notes: If you run the patcher without uninstalling the previous version of this mod (specifically the itemcreate.2da and itemcreatemira.2da files) there will be a glitch at the Workbench that will allow construction of 2 robes at a time, of course if this doesn't bother you then this is a non-issue. -
View File Redhawke's TSL Armor Pack Author : RedHawke 07/26/05 Version 1.0 ============================================================================ This mod brings the 5 armors I did for KOTOR I into TSL. This mod was helped along by a request from Darth Occido. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Easy as cake... er' pie. This mod uses stoffe -mkb-'s installer program... so just extract this rar to wherever you want, the desktop is always a safe bet, then run the RedHawke Armor Install.exe and simply tell the program where you have TSl installed. Note: Just tell it where you have your game installed and let the program do the rest. Do NOT point it to your Override! The default path is C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2 Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory, the files are indicated in the installlog.rtf file, and be sure to restore the 2da files in the backup directory to your override. Armor Stats: --------------------------------------------------- Antegan Safety Armor (Class 5 Armor) --------------------------------------------------- Defense Bonus: +6 (Max Dex Bonus +6) (+10 Total) Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits Attribute Bonus: +2 Dexterity Skill Bonus: +4 Treat Injury Regeneration (HP): 2 History/Notes: Upgradeable as Light Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers A relatively new type of armor, from relatively new makers, this suit mimics the major muscle movements of the wearer with mechanical impulses, resulting in faster reaction times, as well as including a built in medical unit that increases the wearers recovery rate. The Antegans are relatively new to the military trade but if these armors are an example of what they can produce they will become a force to be reconed with. --------------------------------------------------- Verpine Modular Armor (Class 5 Armor) --------------------------------------------------- Defense Bonus: Base 5 +5 (10) (Max Dex Bonus +6) (+10 Total) Immunities: Mind-Affecting Damage Immunity: Sonic 100%, Electrical 75%, Fire 100%, Cold 100% Saving Throws: +2 To All History/Notes: Upgradeable as Light Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers Another of the Verpine's fine creations this light armor is constructed of fine molecularly bonded components, reducing damage from sound, heat, cold, and electrical attacks, it is modular and can grow to suit its wearers needs. It is highly suited to provide comfort in a variety of environments. --------------------------------------------------- Verpine Reflec Light Armor (Class 5 Armor) --------------------------------------------------- Defense Bonus: Base 5 +5 (10) (Max Dex Bonus +8) (+12 Total) Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits Attribute Bonus: +2 Dexterity Damage Immunity: Sonic 100%, Electrical 90%, Energy 90% Skill Bonus: +8 Stealth History/Notes: Upgradeable as Light Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers This is a special limited production run from the Verpine, it is an impressive suit of Verpine Light Armor, created with a new, and very hard to manufacture, revolutionary black polymer substance called Reflec, it actually bends most type of sensor probes and energy waves away from the substance, rednering the armor virtually invisible to detect with sensors, it also prevents the painting of insignia or any other markings upon it, and has an innate ability to make the armor virtually noiseless, and it insulates the wearer from sonic, and almost completely from electrical and energy attacks. Only a dozen or so prototypes have made it into the marketplace, and those that have have commanded a very hefty price. --------------------------------------------------- Bargawin Glazed Armor (Class 9 Armor) --------------------------------------------------- Defense Bonus: Base 9 +6 (15) (Max Dex Bonus +8) Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits Attribute Bonus: +4 Strength Damage Immunity: Energy 100%, Electrical 100% Saving Throws: +2 To All History/Notes: Upgradeable as Heavy Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers This armor created by the Bargawins has only one real purpose, to take out opponents armed with energy weapons, the armors glazing reduces the damage of electrical and energy attacks. These suits of armor are known around the galaxy as Jedi-Killer armor. These suits were all thought destroyed during the war with Exar-Kun, but a rare few survived. --------------------------------------------------- Verpine Reflec Armor (Class 9 Armor) --------------------------------------------------- Defense Bonus: Base 9 +7 (16) (Max Dex Bonus +10) Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits Attribute Bonus: +2 Dexterity Damage Immunity: Sonic 100%, Electrical 90%, Energy 90% Skill Bonus: +8 Stealth History/Notes: Upgradeable as Heavy Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers This is a special limited production run from the Verpine, it is an impressive suit of Verpine Heavy Armor, created with a new, and very hard to manufacture, revolutionary black polymer substance called Reflec, it actually bends most type of sensor probes and energy waves away from the substance, rednering the armor virtually invisible to detect with sensors, it also prevents the painting of insignia or any other markings upon it, and has an innate ability to make the armor virtually noiseless, and it insulates the wearer from sonic, and almost completely from electrical and energy attacks. Only a dozen or so prototypes have made it into the marketplace, and those that have have commanded a very hefty price. Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- rh_asa_5001 - Antegan Safety Armor rh_vma_5001 - Verpine Modular Armor rh_vra_5001 - Verpine Reflec Light Armor rh_bga_9001 - Bargawin Glazed Armor rh_vra_9001 - Verpine Reflec Heavy Armor Acknowledgements: --------------------------------------------------- A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Stoffe -mkb- for creating the sweet and simple to use TSL Installer Program. And tk102 for making the Hidden Compartment Fix that allowed me to easily add these items into the game. Also thanks to Darth Occido for without whom this mod would still be gathering dust on my shelf. ;^) Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Bug Notes: --------------------------------------------------- Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "RedHawke's TSL Armor Pack Now Up At PCGameMods" Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 03/16/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No
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Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 07/26/05 Version 1.0 ============================================================================ This mod brings the 5 armors I did for KOTOR I into TSL. This mod was helped along by a request from Darth Occido. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Easy as cake... er' pie. This mod uses stoffe -mkb-'s installer program... so just extract this rar to wherever you want, the desktop is always a safe bet, then run the RedHawke Armor Install.exe and simply tell the program where you have TSl installed. Note: Just tell it where you have your game installed and let the program do the rest. Do NOT point it to your Override! The default path is C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2 Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory, the files are indicated in the installlog.rtf file, and be sure to restore the 2da files in the backup directory to your override. Armor Stats: --------------------------------------------------- Antegan Safety Armor (Class 5 Armor) --------------------------------------------------- Defense Bonus: +6 (Max Dex Bonus +6) (+10 Total) Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits Attribute Bonus: +2 Dexterity Skill Bonus: +4 Treat Injury Regeneration (HP): 2 History/Notes: Upgradeable as Light Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers A relatively new type of armor, from relatively new makers, this suit mimics the major muscle movements of the wearer with mechanical impulses, resulting in faster reaction times, as well as including a built in medical unit that increases the wearers recovery rate. The Antegans are relatively new to the military trade but if these armors are an example of what they can produce they will become a force to be reconed with. --------------------------------------------------- Verpine Modular Armor (Class 5 Armor) --------------------------------------------------- Defense Bonus: Base 5 +5 (10) (Max Dex Bonus +6) (+10 Total) Immunities: Mind-Affecting Damage Immunity: Sonic 100%, Electrical 75%, Fire 100%, Cold 100% Saving Throws: +2 To All History/Notes: Upgradeable as Light Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers Another of the Verpine's fine creations this light armor is constructed of fine molecularly bonded components, reducing damage from sound, heat, cold, and electrical attacks, it is modular and can grow to suit its wearers needs. It is highly suited to provide comfort in a variety of environments. --------------------------------------------------- Verpine Reflec Light Armor (Class 5 Armor) --------------------------------------------------- Defense Bonus: Base 5 +5 (10) (Max Dex Bonus +8) (+12 Total) Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits Attribute Bonus: +2 Dexterity Damage Immunity: Sonic 100%, Electrical 90%, Energy 90% Skill Bonus: +8 Stealth History/Notes: Upgradeable as Light Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers This is a special limited production run from the Verpine, it is an impressive suit of Verpine Light Armor, created with a new, and very hard to manufacture, revolutionary black polymer substance called Reflec, it actually bends most type of sensor probes and energy waves away from the substance, rednering the armor virtually invisible to detect with sensors, it also prevents the painting of insignia or any other markings upon it, and has an innate ability to make the armor virtually noiseless, and it insulates the wearer from sonic, and almost completely from electrical and energy attacks. Only a dozen or so prototypes have made it into the marketplace, and those that have have commanded a very hefty price. --------------------------------------------------- Bargawin Glazed Armor (Class 9 Armor) --------------------------------------------------- Defense Bonus: Base 9 +6 (15) (Max Dex Bonus +8) Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits Attribute Bonus: +4 Strength Damage Immunity: Energy 100%, Electrical 100% Saving Throws: +2 To All History/Notes: Upgradeable as Heavy Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers This armor created by the Bargawins has only one real purpose, to take out opponents armed with energy weapons, the armors glazing reduces the damage of electrical and energy attacks. These suits of armor are known around the galaxy as Jedi-Killer armor. These suits were all thought destroyed during the war with Exar-Kun, but a rare few survived. --------------------------------------------------- Verpine Reflec Armor (Class 9 Armor) --------------------------------------------------- Defense Bonus: Base 9 +7 (16) (Max Dex Bonus +10) Immunities: Mind-Affecting, Critical Hits Attribute Bonus: +2 Dexterity Damage Immunity: Sonic 100%, Electrical 90%, Energy 90% Skill Bonus: +8 Stealth History/Notes: Upgradeable as Heavy Armor, Does Not Restrict Force Powers This is a special limited production run from the Verpine, it is an impressive suit of Verpine Heavy Armor, created with a new, and very hard to manufacture, revolutionary black polymer substance called Reflec, it actually bends most type of sensor probes and energy waves away from the substance, rednering the armor virtually invisible to detect with sensors, it also prevents the painting of insignia or any other markings upon it, and has an innate ability to make the armor virtually noiseless, and it insulates the wearer from sonic, and almost completely from electrical and energy attacks. Only a dozen or so prototypes have made it into the marketplace, and those that have have commanded a very hefty price. Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- rh_asa_5001 - Antegan Safety Armor rh_vma_5001 - Verpine Modular Armor rh_vra_5001 - Verpine Reflec Light Armor rh_bga_9001 - Bargawin Glazed Armor rh_vra_9001 - Verpine Reflec Heavy Armor Acknowledgements: --------------------------------------------------- A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. And Stoffe -mkb- for creating the sweet and simple to use TSL Installer Program. And tk102 for making the Hidden Compartment Fix that allowed me to easily add these items into the game. Also thanks to Darth Occido for without whom this mod would still be gathering dust on my shelf. ;^) Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Bug Notes: --------------------------------------------------- Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "RedHawke's TSL Armor Pack Now Up At PCGameMods"
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- jumpstationz
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Version 1.0.0
Author : RedHawke 03/06/05 Version 1.0 ============================================================================ This simple mod alters what happens when you get your Prestiege Class in the game, First you get bonus Force Points, plus you gain either Force Enlightenment if you are a Jedi and Force Crush if you are Sith. Weapon Master/Marauder gains 20 Force Points Watchman/Assassin gains 30 Force Points Master/Lord gains 40 Force Points Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory. Unzip the a_pc_jedi.ncs file contained in the .rar into your KOTOR2 override directory, before you get your prestiege class in your current game... or you can always start a new game. The Source folder is for the benefit of fellow modders and the PrClRSPackCompatable folder is only necissary if you have that mod installed. If you have Maverick187 & My Prestiege Class Robe & Saber Pack installed a compatable a_pc_jedi.ncs is included in the PrClRSPackCompatable subfolder, simply copy the a_pc_jedi.ncs from that folder to your KotoR2 override instead. Un-installation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete this file from your override directory. Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Bug Notes: ------------------------------------------------ Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likely a thread titled... "Prestiege Class Bonus Mod is now up at my site" -
View File Redhawke's Beginner's Item Pack Author : RedHawke 02/17/05 Version 1.0 ============================================================================ This simple mod adds a metalbox into the Medical Storage room at the beginning of the game, along with some basic items to begin the game with, a belt, gloves, 1 medium power level 1 implant, and 1 low end level 2 implant, along with some credits, chemicals, and components. It also adds some additional reasonable items to the Security Room's Large Locker, I was surprised there were no actual security type items in that locker so I fixed this, all the items fit into the story and game level (IE NO Blasters or Incindiary Explosives)... a new datapad is included explaining these items as well. Basically it adds some Stun Batons, Vibro Weapons, Mining Laser Pistols, Ion and Sonic Grenades, and a few extra surprises, explained in the datapad! Surprise Items Below. Installation Instructions: ----------------------------- First, if you have not already done so, create a folder called "Override", without the quotes, in your KOTOR2 directory. Unzip these files contained in the .zip, except the Source folder, into your KOTOR2 override directory, and as this mod is for the very beginning of the game... start a new game. Uninstallation Instructions: ----------------------------- Simply delete these files from your override directory. Giveitem Item Cheat Console Codes: --------------------------------------------------- rh_shield_02 - Arkrainian Renewable Energy Shield (Unimited Charges Arkranian Shield) rh_melee_01 - Prototype Vibro Sword (+2 Enhancement Bonus, BF: Finesse Melee, Fully Upgradeable) rh_melee_02 - Prototype Vibroblade (+2 Enhancement Bonus, BF: Finesse Melee, Fully Upgradeable) rh_melee_03 - Prototype Vibro-Double Blade (+2 Enhancement Bonus, BF: Finesse Melee, Fully Upgradeable) Acknowledgements: ------------------------------------------------ A boatload of thanks to Fred Tetra for creating the awesome and simple to use kotor editing tool. Also a very appreciative thanks to the many friendly and informative people at the Lucasforums Holowan Laboratories board who have shown and or helped me to learn how to do stuff like this. Bug Notes: ------------------------------------------------ Bug reports, if any, can be directed to the Holowan Labs, to the appropriate thread for this mod. Most likey a thread titled... "Beginning PC Items Mod is now up at My Site" Submitter JumpStationZ Submitted 03/16/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No