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  1. 4 points
    Hi everyone ! 👋 I started modding 9 months ago and felt like creating a topic to centralise all my humble wip stuff. For extra context, i didnt have a single clue about code or the game files back then. Thx to the whole community tho, i'm getting better and better each days. I have several projects ongoing (maybe a bit too much than i can chew 😄), so it won't be centered around something in particular, but at least you can see what a beginner can perform with basic knowledge. Hand to hand combat Alien Heads : Kotor Cinematography Overhaul : Taris upper city fast travel : Deployable turret item : Resized beast models : Explosive script : New blaster type/color/sounds : Manaan underwater panel texture test : Lego Star Wars models : Wookie bandolier item/disguise : Non-jedi prestige class T3-M4 is a Workbench T3-M4 shock arms I have some nice stuff going on, everything is WIP and not close to any release yet. I'm playing around a lot with the game. Things like varied music for levels using TSL musics, TSL model ports, custom npc models using masks/armor pieces, new modules, fightable rancor encounters on Taris and much more ... I can't wait to pack the stuff into standalones and release it. Atm nothing yet, i'm going with the flow 🥳
  2. 4 points
  3. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    NOTE : This was made specifically for the Expanded Galaxy Project but I decided to release a modders resource version. This is intended for anyone that wishes to add the Library & Teachers Quarters rooms from TSL to the first game, the rubble has been removed and an empty level is included that just contains the assets that are present in the second game so they can be used as reference. I added the missing beds to the teachers quarters and the spotlights under the doors to both rooms and made a number of small edits to the models. There are a few small changes, such as the computers not being broken and each placeable now uses a string from the first games dialog.tlk ( Bag, Computer, Door, Footlocker ) as does the map note waypoint. I have also used the .pth file from 702kor for this version of the level. The .are & .ifo file are identical to those within korr_m35aa The .git file contains just the doors, placeables, sounds and a single waypoint for the Library. There is an expanded and a light .vis file, the expanded .vis file more closely resembles the TSL version and enables you to see lights from distant rooms and the light version more closely resembles the K1 version the expanded version is in the override by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation: Copy Modules & Override folder to the game directory. Warp to m35aa to look around the level. There is an installer specific version for anyone who wishes to install the empty rooms to the game for a regular playthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to DarthParametric for fixing the walkmesh in the Teachers Quarters. Thanks to PapaZinos for fixing the UV and lightmap issues with the added geometry. ( I am waiting for these updates and will update this file when they are ready ) Used KotOR Tool, Blender, MDLEdit-v1.0.4, GIMP and Notepad++ to make this.
  4. 3 points
    Every island will need to be detached. Here's a tip to speed up the process. At least in Max anyway, not sure if it also works in GMax. Switch the mesh to an Editable Poly, then add an Unwrap UVW modifier on top. Click the button to open the UV editor, switch to the Face Sub-Object mode and tick the Select Element button. That will allow you to easily select all of an island at once, including overlaps. Now in the hierarchy stack, unfold the Editable Poly. With an island selected in the UV editor, click on Element under the Editable Poly. You should switch to the Editable Poly with the island polys still actively selected. You can't do this with an Editable Mesh. Not in GMax format obviously. But you can use an OBJ export script to get them into a format Blender can import.
  5. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Description: This modder's resource contains 6 air taxi speeders (5 from Star Wars: The Old Republic and 1 created by Viktor Trisjin), each with diffuse and normal map textures. It also contains an AI-voiced protocol taxi droid with a simple custom texture (taxi logo added) and an example dialogue file for him. If you want to use Airtaxi_lp model in your mod, then you must mention that the model was created by Viktor Trisjin and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution. Acknowledgments: Thanks to DarthParametric for his help and advices. Airtaxi_lp model was created by Viktor Trisjin (https://skfb.ly/ozoLM) and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Disclaimer THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points
    Definitely a worthy addition to the game, the doors to get here were in the original level and there was a "Library Map Note" present in dialog.tlk as well. I have already adapted it, the modders resource version contains an empty module, but the installer version can install it directly to the first game, someone just needs to add some content to them, I know there is already one modder working on it. I did consider fixing the arch, however there was no rubble present from it so I figured perhaps it had been damaged a long time ago, rather than recently.
  8. 2 points
    A small update on something I have been working on over the past few days. Currently this all resides in a folder called "Korriban Expansion Works" The modders resource is intended for anyone that wishes to add the Library & Teachers Quarters rooms from TSL to the first game, the rubble has been removed and an empty level is included that just contains the assets that are present in the second game so they can be used as reference. I added the missing beds to the teachers quarters and the spotlights under the doors to both rooms and made a number of small edits to the models. There are a few small changes, such as the computers not being broken and each placeable now uses a string from the first games dialog.tlk ( Bag, Computer, Door, Footlocker ) as does the map note waypoint. I have of course also added these areas to the port of KotOR1 and have plans to make use of them eventually. As well as that I spent quite a while editing the visibility file after finding quite a few different spots from which you could see that rooms appeared or disappeared in both K1 and TSL. I am surprised that these made it into the game. There are quite a few more as well, but they can only be noticed from a long distance. I also spent a number of hours editing the minimap and correcting a sizing error present in the original mini map. I created a fixed version of the minimap for K1 as well which doesn't include the extra rooms, turns out some of the rooms are slightly out of line with the player so I tinkered with the map pixel by pixel until I could run around the edge of the entire level and everything felt right. On top of all this I fixed a few geometry errors where there were holes in walls or extra faces that weren't visible in both the TSL version of Korriban and the K1 version and added the spotlights under the doors to the two new rooms. This area didn't have any geometry at all so there was just a hole in the wall which was clearly visible when walking through this hallway. Here are some more screenshots showing the changes. Finally I have cleaned up a load more files that didn't need to be in the port or main portion of the project. Every step forwards is a step closer to completion, I know most people want me to get a move on and populate the areas with content, but I don't want to rush anything, I want to get the foundations laid and free of issues, expand upon and fix whatever I can and then set about adding new content. There is also the matter of making a functional launcher that includes a save importer and allows easy access to all of the relevant functions and is capable of launching both games, at the moment a basic launcher is included with the GitHub version and works but doesn't implement the save importer functions. Still looking for people to join the team, so if you have any modding experience with the games or just want to help out by testing, feel free to reach out to me. The modders resource version of this will be available as soon as it's authorised. I have also submitted Mobile M478EP and Mobile Coruscant. I think that's everything.
  9. 2 points
    Feeling more confident about my abilities, i am starting my Kotor Expansion Pack project (basically new content/modules for k1 imported from k2) with this small piece. Starting small, but its a start : The crystal cave from k2 has been imported to replace the K1 crystal cave (i wish to bring the default crystal cave module to korriban). I fixed the placeables (the water drips were off in TSL originally for instance), i edited the sound to be a mix between k1 and k2 (there will now be TSL ambient music) and fixed some sounds misplaced originally (waterdrips again, 2 waterflow sounds in a middle of a corridor). I ported the entire crystals loot from k1 so no differences, i made every kinrath eggs bashable tho. I kept some rubbles here and there from k2. Not visible in the video but i brought my own placeables (few rocks, corpses, bees around the corpses ...). The dead mando is among the other corpses. Every corridor has a dedicated patrolling unit, to give a bit more life to the module. Kinraths have unique ranks, appearances and damages/effects. The kinrath hive is bigger (i decided to reduce my original edit, it works great now with the vanilla red skin), and if you attack the hive the whole nest comes at her location (the chaos is fun ! But i need to tweak this. Maybe call only the stronger units AKA Vipers/Stalkers). I still need to fill the last unused room, i think about mando / duros smugglers, extracting the crystals to sell them, but i dont know where to go yet. I think im gonna release a version with light edits to the unused room (place some corpses/kinrath or anything) and comes back there later. Got the Duros breathing mask head for the smuggler encounter.
  10. 2 points
    I might, but it wouldn't be for a little while as I'm still going through it and deciding on what I really want to use and not use texture wise. I was even thinking about just kind of redoing the mod itself to add or subtract different things to make it not just seem like just a big cheat box. You can test it out first if you want. Thank you very much.
  11. 2 points
    Success!!! Now you can tell it's there. woot. So I'm thinkin' this'll be a cool double bladed...default purple... Thankyou DP.
  12. 2 points
    View File Rebalanced Force Powers Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Rebalanced Force Powers [K1] v1.0.0 By Timbo Overview The Force has undergone some dramatic changes in this mod. In the Vanilla game, Force powers are relatively inexpensive regardless of your Force alignment. Rebalanced Force Powers addresses this problem by introducing FP costs that increase as you upgrade the powers and a simplified alignment system that’s specifically designed to complement these scaling changes. Another major change is that Skills have incorporated into some of the force powers. Awareness now extends the duration of buff spells and Treat Injury increases the potency of healing powers. This mod, alongside it’s companion mod Rebalanced Grenades, should bring some much-needed attention to Kotor 1’s underdeveloped skills system. The powers themselves have had some important shakeups as well. Many powers had the descriptions corrected, and had their bugs fixed. However, the biggest changes come in the form of nerfing many of the game’s buffs. Please note that Rebalanced Force Powers is a standalone version of Balance in the Force’s changes to the Force Power system. It contains updated changes that will appear in v2.0 of that mod as well. List of Changes Neutral Alignment now covers alignment scores of 40-59 with regards to Force powers. Alignments between 0 and 39 and give a 50% FP cost discount with dark side aligned powers and 50% FP cost increase with light side aligned powers. Alignments between 60 and 100 and give a 50% FP cost discount with light side aligned powers and 50% FP cost increase with dark side aligned powers. Heal, formerly known as Cure, costs 30 FP. It heals 5 + CHA + Treat Injury + level/2. Improved Heal, formerly known as Heal, costs 40 FP. It heals 15 + CHA + Treat Injury + level/2 and removes poison. Force Enhance, formerly known as Force Aura, costs 20 FP. It adds +2 physical attributes. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Knight Enhance, formerly known as Force Shield, costs 30 FP. It adds +4 to physical attributes and Immunity: Critical Hits. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Master Enhance, formerly known as Force Armor, costs 30 FP. It adds +6 physical attributes and adds Immunity: Critical Hits. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Force mind, formerly known as Force Valor, costs 20 FP, adds +2 to mental attributes. It affects all party members. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Knight Mind, formerly known as Knight Valor, costs 30 FP. It adds +4 mental attributes and Immunity: Poison. It affects all party members. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Master Mind, formerly known as Master Valor, costs 40 FP. It adds +6 mental attributes and Immunity: Poison. It affects all party members. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Stun costs 20 FP. Stasis costs 30 FP. Stasis Field costs 40 FP. Stun Droid costs 10 FP. Disable Droid costs 20 FP and it now requires a Fortitude Save as stated in its description. Destroy Droid costs 30 FP, adds 1d6(Level) and it now requires a Fortitude Save as stated in its description. Force Speed, formerly known as Burst of Speed, costs 20 FP, it doubles movement speed, and it adds +2 to Defense. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It can be used with armor. Knight Speed costs 30 FP. It doubles movement speed and adds +5 to Defense. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Stimulants. Its prerequisite level has been reduced to 6. It cannot be used with armor. Master Speed costs 40 FP, doubles movement speed and adds +5 to Defense. It adds 1 bonus attack per round and a -2 penalty on all attacks. It lasts 20 + Awareness seconds. Its prerequisite level has been reduced to 12. It cannot be used with armor. Energy Resistance costs 30 FP. It reduces fire, cold, electrical, and sonic damage by 6. it reduces energy damage by 3. It lasts for 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer stacks with Energy Shields. Improved Energy Resistance costs 40 FP. It reduces fire, cold, electrical, and sonic damage by 12. It reduces energy damage by 6. It affects all party members. It lasts for 20 + Awareness seconds. It no longer provides poison immunity. It no longer stacks with Energy Shields. Force Push has had its stun duration fixed. It now actually lasts 3 seconds. Force Whirlwind is 20 FP, requires a Fortitude Save, and its description has been corrected to reflect its actual damage and duration. Force Wave is 30 FP. Force Resistance costs 20 and has a DC of 5 + Defender Level. Force Immunity costs 30 FP and has a DC of 10 + Defender Level. Force Suppression is 20 FP. Force Breach costs 30 FP. Lightsaber Throw costs 10 FP. Drain Life costs 30 FP. Death Field costs 40. Fear costs 20 FP. Horror costs 30 FP. Insanity costs 40 FP. Shock costs 20 FP. Force Lightning cost 30 FP. Force Storm costs 40 FP. Slow costs 10 FP. Affliction costs 20 FP and its description has been corrected to reflect its actual effects and duration. Plague costs 30 FP and its description has been corrected to reflect its actual effects and duration. Wound costs 10 FP. Choke costs 20 FP. Kill costs 30 FP. Acknowledgements offthegridmorty’s Treat Injury Affects Force Healing is the forebear to this mod. As far as I know, offthegridmorty is the first person to add skills to Force powers. Not only that, offthegridmorty himself provided feedback and taught me some critical things needed for this mod. Thank you offthegridmorty. Thor110 has taught me so much regarding KotOR mods that he pretty much gets a permanent spot in all of my acknowledgements. Thank you Thor110. Compatibility Rebalanced Force Powers is expressly not compatible with any mods that change the scripting of Force Powers, combat shots, or energy shields. It’s also not compatible with Balance of the Force. It will be included in the next major update of that mod but at the time of this writing, there’s still much work to be done before that happens. Frequently Asked Questions Why do some of these changes feel like nerfs? That’s because they. Rebalanced Force Powers is actually a piece of a major gameplay overhaul mod called Balance in the Force that rebalances every aspect of the game to make all player options viable and add some challenge to the game. I’ve released it as a standalone mod because even on its own it adds several neat ideas to the game and reduces the overpowered nature of the force power system a little bit. Balance in the Force will actually nerf things a little bit more. What did you do to Aura? Force Aura, while also ridiculously powerful, was so redundant that no one used it. So, I tossed it. Fun fact: I added Immunity: Critical Hit so that I could justify keeping those shield icons the same the tier 2 and 3 versions of the power. What did you do to Valor? Force Valor is tied for most overpowered force power in the game. Providing +5 to all six attributes and Saving Thows is bonkers. So, I split it into two powers called Force Mind and Force Enhance that split the mental and physical attributes between them. I did increase the buffs to +6 as consolation for making them no longer stack with stims. The Balance in the Force version will cap at +4. What did you do to Speed? Force Speed is the other power tied for most overpowered Force power in the game. Now, at level 1 it only provides double movement speed with no defense bonus. This is a quality-of-life change for armor wearing Jedi who still want to navigate the map quickly. Tier 2 opens up 3 levels earlier at level 6 and adds a bonus defense of 5. This functionally allows it to fully replace force Aura line of spells. Tier 3 opens up 3 levels earlier at level 12 however, instead of getting two extra attacks you only get 1. What did you do to Energy Resistance? Improved Energy Resistance was an incredibly strong power that served as one of the many ways of making players functionally immortal. In past mods I probably nerfed it too aggressively so in this version. I scaled it to K2’s damage resistance values for cold, electric, fire, and sonic and I reintroduced blaster resistance but at half the value of the other resistances. Submitter Timbo Submitted 09/15/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  13. 2 points
    >All swords in KOTOR have Cortosis weaves according to Trask, and can resist lightsabers >Proven by in-game mechanics >Cortosis is extremely expensive >Short swords can resist lightsabers and are worth like one credit What did Bioware mean by this
  14. 2 points

    Version 1.0.0


    In the first version of the game on Dantooine in the Crystal Cave, if you destroyed the Kinrath Eggs, you gained dark side points, which was stupid, so in a patch they changed it, and now you gain red lightsaber crystals instead of dark side points, which is equally stupid. So i changed it to 25xp and a small chance to get poisoned.
  15. 2 points
    Ok i got a preliminary reskin of DeathDisco's Jedi Temple mod. Still a few things to fix or add. Just wondering if I should release it or keep it to myself. Take a look. Let me know what you think...
  16. 1 point
    I don't know why I didn't get a notification about this, sorry about that Salk--no worries on the timetable. We are looking at next build release for integration anyway, so there is plenty of time.
  17. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    A friend suggested that I upload these here since finding these darn things is quite a chore, and because the difference is honestly quite dramatic. It really is what it says on the tin. I took a bunch of Kotor 1 files and collected those that were downgraded for Kotor 2 (Obsidian literally saved them at a smaller resolution for no adequately explained reason other than perhaps to save resources for console release or because the engine was lagging) So, it's a quick texture swap. I've included a far more in-depth explanation for installing in the readme, but the gist is, you drop these in your override to install them and remove them from your override to uninstall them. I obviously take no credit for these nor do I claim any rights/give permissions in their usage. If you wish, I can provide a TXT document listing all of the textures for using your own Kotor 1 files instead of these.
  18. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    NOTE : I made this for the Expanded Galaxy Port but decided to release it as a stand alone mod as well. place override contents at /Android/data/com.aspyr.swkotorii/files/override This should also work with iPhone/iOS but I am not familiar with the method to transfer it Thor110
  19. 1 point

    Version 1.1.0


    The opening act of The Sith Lords gets a bad rap. It's actually very atmospheric and gives a great introduction to the themes of the game (especially if you install a skin like A Darker Peragus). It only has one real problem: it's too long and repetitive. Especially since TSL rewards replaying to try different paths, it can be a chore to get through at the beginning of a new game. This cuts out about a quarter of the length without sacrificing any plot points, by removing a large section that doesn't reveal anything new, and changing some frustrating level design decisions that add delays and backtracking without adding meaningful choices. This should give new players a better opening experience to the game, as well as letting experienced players get through the first segment faster. The full list of changes is below, if you want spoilers: I recommend also installing my Harbinger Arrival: Free Cam mod, which speeds up a long unskippable animation sequence. It's separate so that it can be installed on its own for people who don't want the more drastic changes in Streamlined Peragus. Compatibility Requires TSLRCM. Tested with the KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build, but it should work with the Full Mod Build too. Install this after them. Also compatible with my Harbinger Arrival Tweaks. Install them in any order. Known Bugs (spoilers) Links KOTOR2 Spoiler-Free Mod Build: https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1186 Malkior's A Darker Peragus REDUX: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/722-a-darker-peragus-redux JoeNotCharles' Harbinger Arrival Tweaks: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2518-harbinger-arrival-tweaks Formerly packaged separately at https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2449-harbinger-arrival-free-cam and https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2448-harbinger-arrival-restore-movie.
  20. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    I noticed while running around this map that everything seemed slightly off, while I am still not quite happy with the way it looks, if you run around the edges of the map in-game, it feels better than it did previously. Might rework it again at some point. Installation Drop the file into the override folder Thor110
  21. 1 point
    Conundrum: This was going to be the orange/gold default... But trying to make that a double bladed would absolutely suck. So I'm trying to work out which of two other hilts I could use.. Either.... or... this bottom one doesn't line up nicely for a double bladed but also I've already used it in KSR. So I'm trying to formulate another plan...
  22. 1 point
    I did have to shorten it at the grip section by 4cm a side. Looks ok though. ...orange is going to be a *****.
  23. 1 point
    When your mod does comes out, I'll have a look at what it does and what files you've modified and I'll give a final judgement on if a compatibility patch is needed and/or what components people should avoid with my mods. If you're mod is one big mod, do know that my NPC Overhaul is a series of different smaller mods. Let's say I do release my hypothetical Sith Academy mod, players can simply choose not to install that mod for whatever reasons. And do know the "core" of my NPC Overhaul revolves around the NPC Diversity Pack, without the other mods of this series I'm sure you can see how it's quite basic in how it achieves its overhaul ("Basic" in comparison to what you're planning, that is).
  24. 1 point
    Ahh ok, it’s good to see some of the trouble parts being able to be overcome,also I apologize if I made it seem as though I was impatient, I didn’t mean for it to be taken that way.
  25. 1 point
    You're welcome, like I said I needed to get this done at some point anyway because I am aiming for my own project to work across all platforms/versions of the game and to be a relatively quick / easy install without some laborious guide to show users how to get everything set up. Though it's unrelated, I have also prepared a version of the Coruscant Jedi Temple mod by deathdisco for the Mobile and Xbox versions of the game. As far as I can tell everything works for this, I only gave it a quick test by loading into all three levels but I don't see any cause for concern and will test it thoroughly at some point as well. The issue with M478's larger levels might take a while for me to solve as I am trying to determine the best approach rather than trying a bunch of different things or rushing it. 804DRO, the level with the long hallway like areas that are open to the sky, it seems, is too large and I need to figure out a way to cut it down. My current thoughts are Make different versions of the level and trim any unnecessary geometry, which is rather convoluted and seems like overkill. or Check the visibility files to ensure that any parts of the map that can be hidden, are hidden. Though as I don't do much modelling, I might have to reach out for some help on that one. We will have to wait and see for the time being. EDIT : Further testing has revealed that the larger level does actually load in, it just has a problem somewhere which is likely to be too many assets such as placeables or characters. Loading up an empty version of the level confirms that it is not the level geometry causing issues. More screenshots. Thor110
  26. 1 point
    I can have a look at it tomorrow some time when I get the chance. In the meantime you might want to check it out in different light sources. I should probably make a modder's resource for that preview setup I made for the K1 melee weapons. I made it precisely because the upgrade screen preview is kind of crap.
  27. 1 point
    You're welcome and though it seems insignificant, I just noticed that there is an error in the French version of one of the hints. It says Trask instead of 3C-FD, I made a fixed version here. ihlp_5_fre.tga
  28. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Changes the base weapon damage to be in line with that of KotOR2. Standard Lightsaber: Damage: 2-16 ----> 2-20 Double-Bladed Lightsaber: Damage: 2-20 ----> 2-24 Short Lightsaber: Damage: 2-12 ----> 2-16 Blaster Pistol: Damage: 1-6 ----> 1-8 Heavy Blaster: Damage: 1-8 ----> 1-10 Blaster Carbine: Damage: 1-8 ----> 1-10 Critical Treat Range: 19-20 ----> 20-20 Blaster Rifle: Damage: 1-8 ----> 1-12 Repeating Blaster: Damage: 1-8 ----> 2-12 Heavy Repeating Blaster: Damage: 1-10 ----> 2-16 Ion Blaster: Damage: 1-4 ----> 1-6 Criticalical Multiplier: x2 ----> x3 Ion Rifle: Damage: 1-6 ----> 1-10 Critical Multiplier: x2 ----> x3 Disruptor Pistol: Damage: 1-4 ----> 1-6 Critical Treat Range: 20-20 ----> 18-20 Disruptor Rifle: Damage: 1-6 ----> 1-10 Critical Treat Range: 20-20 ----> 18-20 Bowcaster: Critical Multiplier: x2 ----> x3 Sonic Rifle: Damage: 1-6 ----> 1-10
  29. 1 point
    It appears that I was wrong and they are not the same as released in the Aspyr version on PC, so it seems we will have to wait for someone to crack open the .obb file and extract the relevant files, I did look into this but had no success, might look into it again soon. EDIT : here are the contents of the override folder, that are contained within "main.213.com.aspyr.swkotorii.obb" android override folder.7z Should be everything anyone needs.
  30. 1 point
    Brilliant asset & design
  31. 1 point
    This can easily be done by editing the script "k_align_movie" I had to edit it so that it didn't randomly show up while playing the port of KotOR I have been working on. Here is a version that should only play once you have completed one planet or rather, found one Jedi. k_align_movie.ncs k_align_movie.nss NOTE : I haven't tested it and put it together quickly but it should work. PLUS : I realise that this isn't precisely what you asked for but, it's close as all three of your points describe different potential points at which to place it, regardless the functions and variables you should need to figure out to make it work the way you want it to work are contained in this script.
  32. 1 point
    We should all know the problem I am referring to. You're playing Kotor 2 with the TSLRCM mod installed and you are in the middle of Telos playing through the game, you finish a dialogue and then suddenly... the screen goes black, followed by this thing entering the frame. After seeing that this thing is is a ship, you are then greeted with an unskippable cutscene. This is triggered when you gain a set number (20-30 maybe?) of LS or DS points, this means the cutscene will play at a different point in the game during each playthrough. The problem with this is that it often times comes out of nowhere, you're talking to Chodo Habat and once the scene ends you're suddenly greeted by the space ship cutscene followed by a two minute unskippable cutscene or you gain Dark Side points after saying you're going to murder someone but the moment you enter combat... BAM, space ship cutscene followed by two minute unskippable cutscene. And the second problem is that, once you get off Telos, all you need to do is travel to a planet and then immediately board the Ebon Hawk and Visas will already be inside the Ebon Hawk even though you've just left Telos. So this mod request has several parts to fix the issues I have listed: 1) Remove the alignment=cutscene mechanic and instead have the cutscene play after the Jedi Council hologram cutscene. My reasoning for having it done here is because the Jedi Council cutscene takes place in the module 950MAL instead of 003EBO (the main Ebon Hawk module), even though 950MAL lacks a load screen most players would assume they're in the Ebon Hawk and not an Ebon Hawk clone. As of right now, the game goes from Telos Academy > Ebon Hawk (Jedi Council Cutscene) > Ebon Hawk. If the Visas cutscene takes place after the Jedi Council cutscene, the game will instead go Telos Academy > Ebon Hawk (Jedi Council Cutscene) > Ravager (Visas Cutscene) > Ebon Hawk. Just give 950MAL the 003EBO load screen and it'll give off the illusion that you're warping from and back to the Ebon Hawk. As it is now with the alignment system, the "disturbance" Visas refers to is the player growing stronger in either the Light or Dark Side though it looks stupid when that "disturbance" is the player committing tax fraud on Telos or some other lowly action. If the scene takes place after the Jedi Council scene, this "disturbance" can now be interpreted as the Exile not only getting stronger but also making plans to find/hunt down the Jedi Masters. 2) Instead of Visas spawning on the Ebon Hawk after the Ravager scene takes place, it should take place after you complete one planet. So instead of leaving Telos, landing on Nar Shaddaa, immediately turning around and finding Visas, you instead have to complete Nar Shaddaa, deal with Zez-Kai Ell, return to the Ebon Hawk and only then you find Visas. 3) This part isn't really necessary, but when you enter the Hawk the party you had outside will be part of your party whilst the other party members are unconscious in Kreia's room. When the encounter with Visas begins, she'll use Force Stasis/Stun to incapacitate these party members so that it's just you alone fighting Visas. This was apparently Obsidian's original intention as there is a dev note that says "{[After a second, she gets to her feet, and she advances toward the player, she will cast a Force Stun at the other party members - like Bastilla in the first game.]}". Again, this problem isn't nearly as bad as the first two problems so it shouldn't really be a priority I feel.
  33. 1 point
    View File Kinrath Egg Fix In the first version of the game on Dantooine in the Crystal Cave, if you destroyed the Kinrath Eggs, you gained dark side points, which was stupid, so in a patch they changed it, and now you gain red lightsaber crystals instead of dark side points, which is equally stupid. So i changed it to 25xp and a small chance to get poisoned. Submitter GearHead Submitted 09/26/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  34. 1 point
    Ye ik something was not right with the jaw weight or something, tbh i didnt test this out extensively. I could strip the head manually from the diversity mod, or manually "fix" the animations, gonna ask DP at some point after some proper play test. Ty for pointing this out. EDIT So i tried to fix the jaw / respiratory mask animation, using skin weight. I didnt manage to do anything good. It is okay without the animation, but even a very slight movment would be welcome tho. I figured out how to edit uv maps, mostly looking at DarthParametric's Kel Dor ressource. So now i can blend the bao dur arm + the separate model into a single texture. So it shoud cause less memory leaks, and it allows the whole clothings/armor/robes customisation. Atm working on these things : - Fixing the low res textures for armors/clothings (im gonna bring this to 1024x2048 and 2048x4096) and some model artifacts (especially hands) for the whole Kel Dor modder's ressource. There are also some uv mapping errors i need to correct after playtesting. Bring a basic texture to the hand model for every textures. Done ! The playable Kel Dor mod is out with a severed arm variant ! - Bringing the entire Bao Dur body model to k1, apply the arm texture with the same process as DP's Kel Dor ressource through uv editing to every armors/robes (grabbed his heavy model mod btw but gotta do my own thing for the jedi robes). Done !! So now every vanilla appearances are supported with full armor robes clothing customisation. I took the scout as a base model, because it had the same animation property for Bao Dur. I made the fist animation from Bao Dur the unarmed melee attack with the model, so we can see bao dur arm in action. I will release this as a modder's ressource soon. You can check the result here : Body model final result - Finally, doing my own model blending the Kel Dor and the Bao Dur arm, and basically do the same process for the textures + apply uv maps. Done aswell ! I fixed the uv maps for the kel dor model, fixed some missing parts for the armors also, and brought some nice 2048x2048 textures. The final result is pretty good ! The only thing is that there is something a bit wrong with the weapon placement in the kel dor hand from the modder's ressource, the only thing left to correct. You can check the result here : Kel Dor severed arm I can't wait to bring my Kel Dor veteran with the close combat feat to give ! Now i feel like adding him as a playable character if Juhani is not in the party, would be great. Making new model variations is so exciting, so many customisation options are possible ! Im gonna go back to extracting some alien heads, maybe try to get some rodian hands working to match the head.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    Thx for the reply ! Gonna try things out. EDIT : So now the message displays properly with SendMessageToPc, i most likely mistargeted the thing, it works in the feedback now. Ty tho !
  37. 1 point
    Even if you didn't have the load screen in the Override, it wouldn't break the game in any way. The worst that would happen is that the Ebon Hawk cutscene would use a generic load screen. Here is the file you're missing: load_020EBO.tga
  38. 1 point
    @NoxxarianFirst check if the lightsaber you want to edit has a blade with dynamic ambient light (like in this mod) or standard non-glowing blade. if you want to edit the blade of a standard non-glowing purple lightsaber, you will need to edit w_lsabrepurp01.tga texture. If some mode has already edited it, you'll see the file (with .tga or .tpc extension) in your Override folder. Otherwise you will have to extract the file yourself from game resources (ERFs/Texture Packs/swpc_tex_tpa) using Kotor Tool or HolocronToolset. Perhaps, this tool (https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1997-sabermaker-for-kotor-and-tsl/) will make color adjustment process easier for you. If you've been following KOTOR Mod Build, then most likely you have lightsabers with glowing blades installed. In this case, the process is more complicated. For purple blade you will need to manually edit the texture of core (w lsabcrpurp01.tga), Glow texture (w lsabglpurp01.tga) and the texture of Blade (w lsabblpurp01.tga). Additionally, you can adjust Ambient Light RGB Value, but this will require you to edit the lightsaber hilt file using notepad++ or similar text editor (pdf file with the instruction is in the archive with this mod). For your purposes, it may be sufficient to change just one or two of these textures without editing the lightsaber hilt.
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
    Though I wasn't aware Timbo changed the loot for Kandon Ark and the Sith Governor, this should be the ideal installation.
  42. 1 point


    This mod gives each colour of lightsaber present in the game its own unique hilt based on one from the Star Wars films: Blue – Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ep. III) Red – Darth Vader (Ep. IV) Green – Luke Skywalker (Ep. VI) Yellow – Plo Koon Purple – Mace Windu Orange – Luminara Unduli Cyan – Luke Skywalker (Ep. IV) Viridian – Qui-Gon Jinn Silver – Shaak Ti Bronze (TSLRCM) – Darth Sidious Massive thanks to Plasma, who originally created these hilt models for Jedi Academy and permitted me to release my ported versions for the KotOR community to enjoy too. Thanks to Crazy34 for making his lightsaber blades with ambient lighting available as a modders resource for the rest of the community to incorporate into their mods.
  43. 1 point
    This is an awesome mod, but after my playthrough with it I noticed you forgot to edit the datapads for the Genoharadan questline
  44. 1 point
    Incredible work! The garden changes, especially the removal of overgrown grass, was really well done!
  45. 1 point

    Version 1.2


    The mood was upon me . . . Here's my second small mod. Texture for Atris' Sith Holocrons ======================================== MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron ORIGINAL RELEASE: 19 JAN 2013 UPDATED RELEASE: 17 JUL 2014 UPDATED RELEASE: 28 FEB 2018 GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords Description: ------------ Being a stickler for detail, I always been irked about how the Sith Holocrons were represented in Atris' Holocron Chamber in her Secret Academy. I decided to do something about it. Installation: ------------- There are two versions of the holocron now: the original version and the unreleased-until-now animated version. Each version has its own folder. Choose your version's folder and put the 2 files in it into your Override folder. For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - Extract the TGA file into the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Override folder. Uninstallation: ------------- Take it out again. Known Bugs: ------------- None known at this time. Legal Disclaimer: ------------------- All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc., I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop - with the exception of Hassat Hunter who has my permission to do so. I may release this on NexusMods at a later date but I don't wish others to do so. Usage in other mods must be requested AND approved by me before your use.
  46. 1 point
    I'm trying to do this same dance but I'm not sure what you mean by the loose dialog.tlk file. Where is this found? edit: nevermind, now I understand what you were really doing with those symlinks. I aimed everything over from the wine zone and things make sense now. Thank you so much for your post, I was banging my head against the wall.
  47. 1 point
    That's so nice of Trask to visit his Sith grandpa in the intergalactic Nursing home
  48. 1 point

    Version 1.1


    One thing that I found blatantly irritating is that while the dialog for how the Maintenance Officer met his demise on Peragus was both graphic and descriptive, the actual "body" of the aforementioned was absolutely untouched. This really breaks the immersion for me, so I changed the texture for his model and re-skinned the texture to have more "damage". The screenshots do a pretty good job of showing what it looks like.
  49. 1 point

    Version 3.0.0


    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's PFHC03 Restoration AUTHORS: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip somewhere, pick a version and run the TSL Patcher installer. ------------------------ DESCRIPTION ------------------------ The model and 1 texture for PFHC03 are in KotOR 2's files, but she isn't available in the character creator. This mod unlocks the head. There were no portraits and textures for the dark side transition, this mod adds the missing files. This mod includes 2 variations; "Movie Style Sith eyes" and "Vanilla Zombie". See the screenshot for the differences. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- 1. Remove the following files from your override folder: (not harmful if you leave these, step 2 will make the game ignore them) PFHC03.tga PFHC03.txi PFHC03d1.tga PFHC03d1.txi PFHC03d2.tga PFHC03d2.txi po_PFHC03.tga po_PFHC03d1.tga po_PFHC03d2.tga 2. If you haven't installed any head mods after this mod you can get the following files from the mod's backup folder and put them back in your override folder: appearance.2da heads.2da portraits.2da Doing this when you did add another head mod would result in the later head(s) no longer being available in the game. ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------- THANKS -------------- - Thanks to Sdub for pointing out that I forgot to make a Deadly Stream version (it was only on Steam) - Stoffe and Fred Tetra for the needed tools and tutorials ----------------- Donations ----------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/effix ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  50. 1 point

    Version 1.0


    A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION Loadscreens in Color By Sithspecter Description: Knights of the Old Republic is a fantastic game. There isn't a whole lot that can be improved on. However, one area of the game that could, quite literally, use some more color is the loading screens. This mod replaces all the default black and white loading screens with loading screens that are in color. Each of the loading screens has been reproduced shot for shot, with a few exceptions where the angle was not possible or didn't showcase the area very well. Extra care was taken to produce a look very similar to the original, but in color. The result, in my opinion, really freshens the game and invokes the feel of the area being traveled to. Installation: Installation of Loadscreens in Color is extremely easy. Drop all the files in the "Override" folder in this archive into your Knights of the Old Republic Override folder. The new loading screens will automatically appear, you will not have to start a new game! INCOMPATIBILITY: IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER MOD THAT ALTERS THE LOADING SCREENS, YOU WILL HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE OR THE OTHER. INSTALLING THESE FILES WILL OVERWRITE OTHER LOADING SCREEN MODS. Bugs: None known. Credits: Credit goes to Kexikus for High Quality Skyboxes, which were installed when I took the screenshots. Credit goes to Darth InSidious for his Sonic Screwdriver, which was handy to open doors that wouldn't have been easily opened otherwise. Permissions: Do not upload this mod or assets from this mod, modified or not, to other sites without my express permission. I have uploaded this mod to multiple sites and can provide support on those sites. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.