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Found 517 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Description: As I've explored all the mods which adjust and improve the textures and models for various objects and people in the game, I've noticed that surprisingly little attention has been given to modifying the appearance or look of one NPC in particular: Davik Kang, the crime lord and leader of the Exchange crime syndicate on Taris. While he doesn't have much actual screen time, he is quite important to much of the Taris section of the game. Although the tastes and opinions of people will vary wildly on this, I always felt like his appearance was rather "clunky" as he always seemed to be wearing his armor. Despite the fact that this is understandable, it would seem more fitting for an important crime-lord and de-facto important "noble" of Taris to be dressed rather formal or fancy given how others of his profession and rank are typically dressed. It would not be far-fetched to assume one in his position could wear a robe or formal jacket with body armor underneath for protection while maintaining a more "polished" look on the outside. I've included a custom skin and ported model from Kotor II for Davik's outer vestments, as well as a sharper-textured tpc file for his head that is included in the K2 game files. Installation: Just run the TSLPatcher the direct it to your game file To Uninstall: Remove the files from your Override folder and add the backup .2da file to it Copyright: Anyone is welcome to use my models and textures, just please ask first and be sure to give me credit UPDATE: New version includes texture of his robe without the military medals, as requested Thanks to: Effix, N-DReW25, Thor110, and others for giving me the basics of porting models and assigning textures in the game Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  2. Version 1.1.4


    Improves the AI of KotOR 1. Changes: - Companions and most other NPCs use blaster feats (except droids their animations are buggy) - Enemy forceusers now use Force Breach and Lightsaber Throw (previously the AI ignored these force powers completely) - Enemy forceusers now use force buffs more often (Force Speed, Force Armor ect...) - NPCs with the Force Jump feat actually do force jumps if they are further than 10m from the target - Enemys reactivate shields after 200s - Some minor bug fixes - Jedi Support AI reworked - NPCs use Master Rapid Shot or Master Flurry if available instead of the default attack - NPCs use the highest level of feats and force powers available to them
  3. Version 1.1


    Author: Kainzorus Prime, Darth DeadMan Mod Name: KotOR Prequel Robes Replacement 1.1 ************************* Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other, mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself. ************************* 1. Info =========== This mod replaces the default Jedi and Dark Jedi robes with the styles seen in Episode I-III. Includes new icons, texture for Qel-Droma robe, optional replacement for Jedi robes worn by NPCs, as well as optional replacement for Star Forge/Darth Revan’s robes. 2. Installation: ========= Copy the files from the Main Mod folder into the Override. Overwrite all if prompted. Install optional components from specified folders into the Override as you want. 3. Credits: =========== Special thanks to: Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources. Varsity Puppet - Discovered the cause of model crashes on macs; fixed half the models. Fair Strides - Fixed the other half of the models; relayed information between Kainzorus and Varsity Puppet. 4. DISCLAIMER: =============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
  4. I've had a few fun ideas and "this would be cool" style moments over the year of replaying both Knights of the Old Republic games, but I've never really had anyone to share them with. I thought it might be fun to start a thread sharing these bits of "head canon" to see if anyone else found them interesting and see who else might have something similarly detailed or minor that would a fun little enhancement to the world of Kotor. Here are a few I can name off at the moment, though I may come back and share others as I think of them. -Juhani is one of the Jedi who is wiped out during the gathering on Katarr, which is why she doesn't have any unique items or mention in Kotor 2. Her death also adds to the threat of Nihilus and adds some "personal loss" for the player. -Jolee Bindo is either hunted down and killed by Darth Sion (something that makes Sion feel even more like a threat and adversary to the player), or loses badly to Sion and is able to fake his death to survive the purge (Newbiemodder's Korriban expansion gave me this idea a few years ago). -The SIth Ritual Master on Dxun in Freedon Nadd's tomb is a former Jedi Knight from the Mandalorian Wars, specifically Talvon Esan from the vision on Korriban. -*Some* of the other SIth Warships that make up Nihilus' assault fleet when he attacks Telos were salvaged from the wreckage of Lehon following the Battle of the Star Forge. -Darth Sion's Sith Assassins are immune to the effects of Battle Meditation on both the positive and negative ends of influence due to how they "feed" on their prey and due to the conditioning they are put through during training (not an actual effect in game but a cool thought). They are also unable to use force powers that provide inwardly directed stat increases due to them relying entirely on pulling strength from the Jedi they prey upon. Like a Battle Meld, but unconsciously linked to the force signature of their target. -Darth Bandon's master was Zez-Kai Ell (he mentions having a padawan who joined Revan during his meeting on Nar Shaddaa). Bandon left to join Revan later in the Mandalorian wars, he was not one of the first to join up and leave. Bandon leaves at the tail end of the conflict, partially due to listening to Zez-Kai Ell's beliefs that the council was partly wrong in condemning those who left to fight. Malak chose him as his apprentice partly due to him directly witnessing the hypocrisy of the Jedi Council. They're also both bald guys with double bladed lightsabers. 🤷‍♂️
  5. Cerez

    Sith Academy Robes

    Version 1.0.1


    Simply changes student and teacher attire in the Sith Academy to actual Dark Jedi robes. Released: 12 March 2015 Author: Cerez Description: This is a variation of Shem's "Robes for Korriban Sith Students" mod to do nothing but change the uniforms the students and instructors are wearing in the Sith Academy on Korriban to Dark Jedi robes that are actually befitting the Sith. It also turns one of the mistakenly named students from the original game (Hijata) into a regular student. Instructions: Place all the files in the Files folder into your game's Override folder. You will need to do this before entering the Sith Academy for the first time. Otherwise, you will need to load a save game from when you still hadn't stepped into the Sith Academy for the changes to take effect. Credits: This mod is based on Shem's "Robes for Korriban Sith Students" mod, and uses some of Shem's original files. Special thanks to Shem for his assistance with the making of this mod. Original Mod and Skins: Shem Re-edit: Cerez License: You may freely use, develop, and release this mod in any way you like as long as you provide due credit for everyone's work involved. Naturally, I'm not taking any responsibilities for any misuse or damage that may arise from the use of this mod. There are no warranties or guarantees. Take it as is. Enjoy.
  6. View File KOTOR Armbands This mod consists of several armbands I made for KOTOR. I tried to make them reasonably powered, but to each his own. Submitter RLG Submitted 01/31/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  7. Hello my new friends, I didn't post this in one of the mod related forums (at least not yet) because my issue was not caused by a mod but it may become a topic for mods if my issue can be resolved by modding. Lol. I have been playing the GOG version of Kotor 1. I played many years ago on the original Xbox and really enjoyed it. My version is 1.03. I started a game, made it off the Endar Spire and down to Taris. I played long enough to win the swoop bike race. I didn't catch it at first but I began to notice that my party was gaining experience and leveling up but I could not choose their feats, skills, etc. Also, my character portrait in the bottom left of the screen will show an arrow pointing up to notify me he has leveled up but I get no arrow notification for Mission, Zalbaak, Bastila or Carth. They gain experience and levels but I never receive any notification that they have leveled up and no menu to allow me to choose their skills. Also, I prefer to use console commands to make it easier as I don't get much free time to play so when I do, I like to advance as fast as possible in the game. I enabled console cheats while still on the Endar Spire. Is this a glitch? Is it something that can be fixed with mods? Thank you
  8. Version 1.0.1


    This mod allows you to choose between a single and a double-bladed lightsaber when you make your own lightsaber on Dantooine.
  9. Greetings, I'd like to share with you the project I've been working on since summer 2020. Some of you may already have heard of it, as the development was public from the beginning. reone is an open source reimplementation of the KotOR engine, similar to xoreos and KotOR.js, but with a number of key differences. It is developed with extensibility in mind, meaning that modding capabilities it aims to provide are on a whole other level compared to the vanilla engine. For example, the graphics have already been significantly improved with the addition of physically based rendering. Current state of the project is such that the most fundamental engine subsystems are either complete or at least partially implemented, i.e. resource management, rendering, audio, GUI, scripting, conversations, combat and more. Given the current pace of development, I intend to finish the project by the end of 2021. My short term goal is to make the first Endar Spire module fully completable - a milestone, that will hoperfully bring more attention to the engine. Technologically, reone is a custom engine based on SDL 2 and OpenGL 3.3, written in C++14. This alone makes it highly portable - reone is believed to be working on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Some background on myself: I'm a professional software developer from Russia and a prior contibutor to the xoreos project, responsible for most of its recent progress on KotOR. Links: GitHub Page Project Roadmap YouTube Channel
  10. Version 0.9.0 Beta


    KOTOR Quick Overhaul v0.5Beta Hi! This is a beta of my upcoming rebalancing/overhaul mod for Knights Of The Old Republic 1. The mod itself is complete (AkA, it affects the entire game, from start to finish), but I've only tested it on Taris so far (hence the screenshots), thus it's still a beta. It changes armor mechanics (now they offer a fixed 25% immunity to physical, ion, and energy damage in addition to Defence bonuses, which go higher then in vanilla on high-quality armors, to keep them relevant late-game), robes (various immunities, and CON bonuses in addition to Defence), even standard clothing (it offers same Defence as medium armor, without the damage immunities, but with immunity to crits - logic being you're just as mobile, and a bit more aware, so you don't take crit damage, but you take more regular damage then in armor - and of course it's non restrictive so you can use all Force powers in an outfit with some decent Defence - should make keeping clothing more appealing as an alternative). Weapons have been tweaked as a baseline (2da file), and individually (.uti files), ranged weapons especially do a LOT more damage, speccing for a ranged character is now a very viable option, they are now, IMO, easily on par with melee weapons in usefulness. High STR characters are still better off just speccing into melee, but for everyone else - you be the judge. They can now hurt. A lot. More types of weapons are now available earlier in-game on Taris (if you want a Disruptor for example, Kebla sells a rifle, and you can pick up a pistol not soon after - and you might consider one, a lot of enemies now like putting up a shield). Enemies also use different weapons, it's not just a blaster-haven, so don't be surprised if you get incoming sonic or disruptor fire going right through your pretty shield. Repeating blasters are now actually useful - short ranged, but big accuracy buff (simulating spray-and-pray actually hitting more often by virtue of throwing enough sh*t at a wall and hoping some of it sticks). Also more powerful then blaster rifles, but they incurr a slight Defence debuff (recoil, and unwieldy). For hard-to-hit enemies and Force users, you might want to use a repeater if your base attack bonus is low, more chance of bypassing their defence/blaster deflection. Disruptors are more powerful then blasters, but less consistent (1/3 to 1 damage ratio, instead of 1/2 to 1 for blasters). Ion weapons got a big anti-droid damage buff. Sonic weapons have been left untouched (but still more usefull, since armors don't provide sonic damage immunity). Non-powered swords are now a viable alternative to vibroswords (slightly higher top damage, lower bottom, but worse crit threat). Some weapons have crit threat or crit range bonuses. Energy shield are now unlimited-use, and a LOT cheaper to buy (and sell, should make selling a 100 shields for big money later in the game a non-option). Don't be afraid to use them often - you'll need them. Most enemies are a LOT tougher now. Droids now have a -5 Defence penalty baseline (their Defence could get to ridiculous levels in vanilla, thanks to uncapped armors and logic feats), but have inherent /5 resistance to physical and energy damage (NOT ion, big incentive to use Ion weapons more often). This includes party droids. Most enemy droids will now be shielded, and have a LOT more health. Again, ion weapons are your buddy. Many NPCs in the game have been buffed, massively. Some also drop unique weapons (hint-hint, do Canderous's personal quest - just one example). Force users are especially enhanced (most Dark Jedi in vanilla are a joke). This is all throughout the game, but not all (some NPCs use duplicate forms, I couldn't edit them directly into Override, I'd have to edit the modules, which I refused to do, to make this mod more compatible with other mods). Classes get more HP as baseline. 12 for Soldiers/Guardians, 10 for Scouts/Sentinels, 8 for Scoundrels/Consulars. Soldiers and Scoundrels, and Guardians and Sentinels, get slightly increased Feat gain. Sentinels get 1 more Force power overall, to differentiate them from Guardians. Combat droids get Scout feat gain, can now Specialize in Rifles, Pistols, and Heavy weapons. All party member HP has been adjusted accordingly. Carth no longer starts with twin pistols, he uses a carbine (trust me, having an inaccurate twin-weapon user at the start would get you killed, given the buffed enemies on Taris - your party needs some consistency, he provides it). He has his personal upgradeable carbine. Bastila uses a standard lightsaber now (same reason, her flailing-around with that double-saber WILL get her killed early on). And it makes sense, in cutscenes she uses a standard saber. HK47 buffed MASSIVELY. He now has 20 CON, 18 DEX and roughly double the health as a result, and he comes with his own special targeting computer. He was pathetically weak in vanilla. INSTALLATION: Simple. Drop everything into your Override folder. I took great pains to make this mod very hands-on to install, so there's no messing with modules or dialog file. Should be compatible with everything, as long as my mod comes FIRST (and I cannot overemphasise this enough), on a blank vanilla game. It doesn't use a patcher, and it does edit .2da files, so there WILL be incompatibilites if you plaster it over a bunch of other mods, it will overwrite them. Make a fresh game install, dump my mod in Override, then install every other mod you want. As for K1R compatibility, there shouldn't be problems (I don't use it on my game, but since my mod only affects Override folder and doesn't touch any modules, I see no reason why anything should conflict). Again for safety, put my mod in BEFORE installing K1R.
  11. Version 1.0.7


    This mod corrects companion stats. Also makes dark side Bastila level 3. WARNING: This mod is made to be compatible with as many mods a possible. This means sometimes during the installation process you get error messages dou to the way the installer handles thing. Don't panic, this is normal, the mod will work just fine. If a companion already joined your party the changes will not apply. You need to start a new game or load a previous save. List of changes: Bastila: - Awareness Skill 4 -> 6 - Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6 - Fixed a bug that caused some of her textures to be transparent. - Her dark side version is level 3 now. Same stats but evil and has dark side powers (Stun -> Fear, Force Aura -> Wound). Juhani: - Stealth Skill 5 -> 4 - Awareness Skill 8 -> 7 - Treat Injury Skill 8 -> 7 T3-M4: - Demolitions Skill 1 -> 3 - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (-3 feats for T3) Zaalbar: - Max Hit Points 52 -> 60 (This bug goes away if you level him up, but i fixed it anyway.) Jolee: - Awareness Skill 5 -> 7 - Treat Injury Skill 4 -> 6 HK-47: - Base Hit Points 60 -> 72 - Current Hit Points 60 -> 72 - Max Hit Points 66 -> 78 - Demolitions Skill 5 -> 7 - Awareness Skill 5 -> 7 - Repair Skill 6 -> 8 - He has Improved Power Blast now to match the number of feats Combat Droids gain on their first 6 levels. - Swapped Combat Droid and Expert Droid feat gain tables. (+3 feats for HK) - Fixed his dual wield power blast. He fires both blasters now, previously he only fired the right hand one.
  12. Version 1.5


    Bubbling up from the font of dark knowledge, ndix UR presents KotOR High Resolution Menus, a UI mod package providing full high resolution menu and UI support for Knights of the Old Republic. The tyrrany of 640x480 menus and 6-item lists is over. Normally, when you increase the game's resolution using a widescreen patcher like UniWS, the menus stay very small in the middle of the screen and the borders get larger. This package is designed to be used *after* the widescreen patcher has done its work. It scales the menu screens up so that they fill the screen. This package requires modification of the swkotor.exe file using a supplied patcher, and is only known to work with GoG, 4-CD, and macOS (x86) versions of the game. It should be compatible with any Steam version that uses UniWS. The main content of the package are sets of GUI files (.gui), scaled for specific resolutions. The package contains GUI files for over 30 common resolutions with the following aspect ratios: 4:3, 16:10, 16:9, 21:9, and 32:9. Here is a list of the currently supported resolutions: Installation Find the gui.WxH folder matching your resolution, modify your executable using the supplied patcher, copy the GUI files to your Override/ folder. The details for this process can be found in the package README.pdf file. Read it. Follow the instructions therein. The documentation includes everything you need to know to manually patch your EXE if the patcher does not work for your version. Uninstallation Remove the GUI files, restore the original backed up version of your swkotor.exe file. IMPORTANT NOTES: This is not a resolution hack or widescreen patch, such as you get from using UniWS. You should already be successfully running the game at the resolution you are trying to get menus and UI for. Nothing in this package will give you any additional resolutions available. That is not what this does. If you are trying to get high-res menus for one of the resolutions supported by default (800x600, 1024x768, etc.) there is probably no point to using the GUI files named 'mipc*' provided by this package (mostly the in-game "HUD"), however, this scenario is untested. There are a few of the GUI files in this package you can use without modifying your executable. Here is that 'safe' list, in case you are unable to modify your executable: It gets you the main menu, some dialogs, and the in-game HUD elements. Thanks DarthParametric for testing, contributing a double-clickable thing for Windows users, and prompting me to finally figure out the needed EXE modifications. tk102 for GFF2XML and XML2GFF source code, which made it a lot easier to get this up and running. Known Issues The patcher is currently incredibly limited, making no effort to search for values, only looking at specific locations where they are in the executables I have access to. This package does not contain any higher resolution artwork. At high resolutions, menu backgrounds will be blocky, and the striped list backgrounds are unlikely to line up with list items. For numerous reasons, you will want to get a high resolution menu art package. The game's initial character selection screen does not lay out the selectable characters properly according to GUI file field values. It is useable, but not perfect. The blue hilight borders had to be removed from around the characters to maintain a clean look. The map screen is scaled up, but the map itself is not. Furthermore, the position of the map within the frame is somewhat random/poorly understood. The map, however, is completely useable, and the points of interest and player indicator are all positioned accurately relative to the map. Some of the 3D models in menus, such as on the character stats or character generation screens, display line artifacts over them. This is caused by the very low quality graphics being scaled up to provide the border overlays. Extracting the graphics as TGAs, scaling them up, and placing them into Override/ sometimes solves these problems. This package omits statussummary.gui and dialog.gui. Scaling them up cause problems. The files don't behave as expected, and it seems to not require a customized version in order for them to work as one would want. You might notice 1280x1080 in 21:9 even though it is not 21:9. It is for split-screen on 21:9 monitors. Rescaling the dialog/cut-scene letterbox (which is optional) seems to introduce occasional issues with letterbox placement, particularly when the letterbox animation happens. This may be fixed at some point in the future. There is no scaling on font size, and as far as I know no one has figured out how to do it, so users on TV/couch setups may not find the help they are looking for with this. Upgrading 1.4 to 1.5: If your resolution was not previously supported, copy new .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.3 to 1.4: If you have Polish version, you can run EXE patching process If you have 32:9 display, copy new .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.2 to 1.3: Copy all the .gui files to your Override/ Upgrading 1.1 to 1.2: Repeat the EXE patching process on a backup EXE if you want letterbox scaling Upgrading 1.0 to 1.1: Remove dialog.gui from your Override/ Copy 1.1 pazaakgame.gui to your Override/
  13. I have a tendency to collect Lightsabers, both in real life from SaberForge and Ultrasabers, and in my Kotor 2 (and sometimes 1) override folder. I have pretty much all of Jorn's hilts, Holowan designs, etc., but I really love the standalone hilt mods out there like the Valorous Knight's Lightsaber or the Kyle Katarn hilt. So would anyone be willing to drop any Saber Hilt mods in this thread that I might be able to add to my Override for either game? Really it can be anything, so long as it's something you made that you don't mind someone else using in their game. Thank you!
  14. View File Stronger Ajunta Pall This mod buffs Ajunta Pall. Do you guys remember the epic moment when you first fight the Great Ajunta Pall? No? Neither do i. Ajunta is a little B who dies in one hit, even though he is supposed to be a powerfull ancient Sith Lord. So... I buffed him a tiny bit. Have fun! The mod only works if he hasn't spawned in yet. Submitter GearHead Submitted 05/27/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This mod buffs Ajunta Pall. Do you guys remember the epic moment when you first fight the Great Ajunta Pall? No? Neither do i. Ajunta is a little B who dies in one hit, even though he is supposed to be a powerfull ancient Sith Lord. So... I buffed him a tiny bit. Have fun! The mod only works if he hasn't spawned in yet.
  16. I have made requests similar to this in the past. My recruit mod, "Recruit Sarna", which provides a soldier to replace Bastila after her capture, is near complete, I believe, and there are many I will give credit to for assistance. Sith Holocron, SithSpecter, Qui-Gon Glenn, TamerBill, Thor110, LoneWanderer, AmanoJyaku, Effix, N-DReW 25. Sarna, at Level 1, has high dexterity, decent intelligence, wisdom 14. She carries a Mandalorian Blaster and has the feat "Dueling" to allow her to use pistols, swords, and blades. With all the help, I will release my mod for anyone to use freely. I need assistance with new textures, possibly a slightly modified model, to create the armor I wanted to give Sarna, though I have a .uti file ready, and I hoped to make my mod a voiced mod. I have some voice files for Sarna that fit the limited dialogue she has, but these work only for two or three lines. If anyone could help with these things, voicing lines or creating new textures, contact me for more detail.
  17. View File Lightsaber and Force Forms This mod adds 10 lightsaber forms and four force forms to the game, which can be learned at various levels. These can be learned from four holocrons and one new NPC, on Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Korriban and the Unknown World. The player can learn a total of seven forms. They can be activated from the medpac/stims section of the GUI. This mod uses TSLPatcher, and is fully compatible with K1RP. The holocrons and the NPC are fully voiced. Where possible, the stats for the forms imitate those in KotOR II. Stats for the forms are as follows: Form I: Shii-Cho:- Attack +1, Defense Bonus 2 Form II: Makashi:- Attack +3, Blaster Deflect: -5, Defence Bonus -5, Will Saves +3 Form III: Soresu:- Attack: -4, Blaster Deflect: +4, Defense Bonus 4 (Must be level 9 or higher) Form IV: Ataru:- Attack +1, Blaster Deflect: -4, Defense Bonus 3, Damage Bonus: +2 (Must be level 11 or higher, and a Guardian or Sentinel) Form V: Shien/Djem So:- Attack +1, Blaster Deflect: +2, Defense Bonus 5, Damage Bonus: +2 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Guardian) Form VI: Niman:- Attack +1, Defense Bonus 1, Blaster Deflect: +1, Will Saves: +1 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Sentinel) Form VII: Juyo:- Attack +4, Attacks per round +1, Defence Bonus -2, Will Saves: +4 (Must be a Guardian) Form VIII: Sokan:- Attack +3, Damage Bonus: +1, Reflex Saves: +3, Defense Bonus 2, Defense Bonus vs. Piercing -2 (net bonus: 0) (Must be a Sentinel) Form IX: Shien:- Attack +3, Damage Bonus: +3, Defence Bonus -2, Blaster Deflect: -2, Reflex Saves: -2 (Must be a Sentinel) Form X: Niman/Jar’Kai:- Attack +2, Offhand attack bonus +3, Defense Bonus 1, Fortitude Saves: -1 (Must be a Guardian) Harmony Force Form:- Maximum Force Points: +10%, Reflex Saves: +2, Force Resistance: -3 (Must be level 11 or higher, and a Consular) Endurance Force Form: Will Saves: +1, Force Resistance: +2 (Must be level 14 or higher, and a Consular) Persistence Force Form: Will Saves: +3, Reflex Saves: -2, Force Resistance: +4 (Must be a Consular) Unity Force Form: Maximum Force Points: +10%, Reflex Saves: +2, Force Resistance: +3 (Must be a Consular) Compatibility: This mod should be compatible with most others. Nevertheless, it *may* cause incompatibilities with any mod which alters or makes use of: - the script slot for Entry 99 of kor35_utharwynn.dlg - the script slot for Entry 0 of kor39_utharwynn.dlg - the script slot for Entry 19 of dan13_belaya.dlg - the script slot for Entry 1 of k_player_dialog.dlg - unk44_sparty.dlg; particularly any mod which adds a third entry to the dialogue file, and uses it to fire a script. - Item 99 in the droppable list for kas25_wraid.utc Credits: Thanks are to Zhaboka, Sith Holocron, newbiemodder, Fallen Guardian, Warlord664, Quanon, Marius Fett, Canderis, DarthAnsem, SithSpecter, Slstoev, CptPriceless, kyrie, and Fair Strides 2 for their feedback and comments on the mod as it progressed; to deathdisco, whose original KotOR I lightsaber forms mod inspired this one; to Darth333, stoffe, jmac7142/Det. Bart Lasiter, glovemaster, and everyone else who taught me and continues to teach me to script; to Darkkender, for his "Recruit Darkkender" mod, which I used to work out how to make the lightsaber forms work; to T7Nowhere, whose fantastic "Revan's Mask Plus" mod inspired the form of this one; to Samuel Dravis, jonathan7 and Pavlos, for vital feedback at various stages in the planning of this mod; to Fred Tetra for the truly awesome KotOR tool and his nwnsscomp conversion; to Holowan Labs for remaining by far the best place to work on KotOR mods on the internet; and to Obsidian, Bioware, and LucasArts, for making both KotOR games. Particular thanks to Quanon, VarsityPuppet, and Marius Fett for their help with the new placeable models used by this mod; Also to Sith Holocron and Fair Strides, who beta-tested for me; And most especially, my thanks are to my voice-over artists, who are listed below, and some of whom had to suffer demands for endless redrafts and slow response times with admirable patience: Thanks also to Daemonjax over at KotORNexus for spotting the errors corrected in this update. Voice Overs: Sith Holocron as the Sith Holocron; Zhaboka as Jedi Holocron, Kashyyyk Holocron, and Guun-Han Saresh; Melissa Trudeau as the Sith Trainer. Locations of Holocrons / What they teach: NB: Do not read if you want this to be a surprise! **** Dantooine: You learn the Shii-Cho during the initial training montage. You can learn Soresu from the Jedi Holocron in the Enclave training room when you reach level 9. You can learn Ataru (Guardians/Sentinels) or the Harmony form (Consulars) from the Jedi Holocron when you reach level 11. Korriban: You can learn Makashi from the Sith Teacher in the Korriban Academy, standing by the entrance in the final room before the Valley of the Dark Lords. You can learn Shien Form IX (Sentinels), Niman/Jar'Kai Form X (Guardians), or Persistence Form (Consulars) from the Sith Holocron in the tomb of Naga Sadow. Kashyyyk: You can learn Shien/Djem So Form V (Guardians), Niman Form VI (Sentinels) or Endurance Form (Consulars) once you reach level 14 from the Jedi Holocron found in the Beast in the Shadowlands. Unknown World: You can learn Juyo (Guardians), Sokan (Sentinels) or the Unity Form (Consulars) from the Sith Holocron in the basement computer room of the Temple. **** Submitter InSidious Submitted 02/25/2015 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  18. View File KotOR1 Droid Claw Fix This mod fixes a bug that stopped droids from using ’creature claw’ aka creature melee items. Specifically variants that has 'slashing damage' as there base damage type. Submitter GearHead Submitted 04/24/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  19. View File Bastila Has TSL Battle Meditation Gives Bastila a unique Force power based on the Battle Meditation power from TSL. *NOTE: This mod will only work properly on saves from before Bastila has joined your party.* DETAILS This mod essentially ports the "Improved Battle Meditation" Force power from KOTOR II and gives it to Bastila as a starting power instead of Force Aura. Like in TSL, the power adds +2 to attack rolls, damage, and will saves for all party members and -2 for enemies within a 10m radius for 20 seconds at a cost of 35 FP. It also increases vitality regeneration for the duration. The power is not selectable at level-up by the PC or party members and is only added as one of Bastille’s starting powers. The VFX and Force power icon are ported from TSL. In KOTOR II, Improved Battle Meditation is a level 12 power while this mod gives it to Bastila at level 3, so it's possible there's an effect on balance in the early game. I don't think it's too OP of a power but let me know if you have feedback. INSTALLATION To install, run TSLPatcher.exe. This is required. Don't try to copy the files over manually. NOTE: If you install on a save from after Bastila has already joined your party, she won't have the power and won’t be able to select it on level-up. You can use save editor to give her the power. If any files are modified, a backup folder of unmodified files will be created inside the mod folder. UNINSTALLATION To uninstall, remove spells.2da, visualeffects.2da, effecticon.2da, p_bastila.utc, fp_bmed.ncs, v_bmedit2_imp.mdl, v_bmedit2_imp.mdx, v_bmedit2r_imp.mdl , v_bmedit2r_imp.mdx, and ip_battlemed02.tga from the override folder. Replace unk_m44ac.mod in the modules folder with the version in the backup folder. Replace dialog.tlk in the main game folder with the version in the backup folder. Then move any remaining files in the backup folder to override. COMPATIBILITY Should be compatible with most other mods as long as they use TSLPatcher or you install this mod afterward. Could potentially conflict with other mods that edit Bastila's starting Force powers. PERMISSIONS Please don’t reupload without my permission. CREDITS offthegridmorty djh269 - endgame Bastila support, icon upscale & other tweaks - thanks! KOTOR Tool - Fred Tetra TSLPatcher, TalkEd - stoffe, Fair Strides This mod contains assets from SW: KOTOR II TSL Submitter offthegridmorty Submitted 11/23/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    This mod fixes a bug that stopped droids from using ’creature claw’ aka creature melee items. Specifically variants that has 'slashing damage' as there base damage type.
  21. File Name: KotOR 1 Restoration File Submitter: ZM90 File Submitted: 15 Jun 2015 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: Yes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2 Read-Me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NAME: KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2 TYPE: Restoration VERSION: 1.2 SIZE - Unzipped: 145 Megabytes, Zipped: 47.2 Megabytes DATE RELEASED: May 31, 2016 KOTOR 1 RESTORATION FORUMS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » DESCRIPTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING: IN ALMOST ALL CASES, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO INSTALL THE K1R RESTORATION BEFORE ANY OTHER MODS!!! THE ONLY EXCEPTION SO FAR IS KAINZORUS PRIME'S NPC OVERHAUL... The KotOR 1 Restoration Mod is an attempt to restore almost all the content that was cut from the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by BioWare Corp. Of course, these restorations will be within reason and things that were cut because they did not fit with the plot, and cannot be made to fit with the plot, will most definitley NOT be restored. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » INTEGRATED MODS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » RESTORED CONTENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » BUG FIXES/CHANGE LOG FOR 1.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ »» Original game: »» K1R Bugs: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » BUG FIXES/CHANGE LOG FOR 1.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There weren't too many bugs in KotOR 1, thus there is such a short list. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An installation which involves the TSL Patcher has been made ready for your use and is the simplest and easiest way to carry out installation. Alternatively, a secondary installer has been made for convenience. It will not patch the files like the TSL Patcher will, but it should be less of a headache for most users. HOWEVER, IT WILL NEED TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE ANY OTHER MODS!!! Note: The K1R team is not responsible for any incompatibility issues that may arise from the use of this mod in conjunction with other mods. Also, in order to provide the best feedback for us we recommend that you play K1R with NO other mods installed. Note 2: If using the TSL Patcher AND your game is in English, before installing, copy the dialog.tlk file bundled with this package into the KotOR directory. This will give you the grammar and typo fixes to the vanilla text. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ »»»» TSL PATCHER INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Double click K1R_1.2_Installer.exe found in the main directory of the unpacked folder. 2) Click the button labeled Install Mod. 3) Click yes to the box that'll pop up... if you wish to proceed with installation. 4) Watch as all the little file names and progress reports scroll by and wait until the installer is complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » BUG REPORTING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are 2 ways to report bugs: 1: Post your issues in the Bug Reporting Thread. 2: PM your issues to Fair Strides at Deadlystream. TO REPORT THROUGH PM 1) Go to DeadlyStream ( and search for the user Fair Strides ( ) 2) Send a private message with as much detail as possible of what is occurring in your game. He will likely report back to you within a week. TO REPORT THROUGH THE BUG THREAD: 1) Go to the Bug Thread ( ) 2) Reply quoting and answering all of the questions as they apply to your issue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » VOICE ACTOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pazaak Tournament Mandalorians...Zhaboka Filters for Zaerdra's lines......Zhaboka Filters for sea floor lines......Zhaboka Thanks Zhaboka. You really brought life to the characters, and those parts would be pretty lame without you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » CONTRIBUTORS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A BIG thanks to all of you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » TEAM MEMBERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ZM90, Team Leader - Mandalore, Team Member - Jatku, Team Member - Fallen Guardian, Team Member - LDR, Team Member - Fair Strides, Team Member and main producer of the 1.1 update (and 1.2 update) - Malkior, Beta Tester - LiliArch, Beta Tester (though, putting them on a test is more like setting off a permacrete detonator in an apartment... ) - GrandmasterArcturus, 1.2 Beta-tester and LPer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » SPECIAL THANKS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To the tool creators of the community ~ Kotor Tool.....................A VERY special thanks to Fred Tetra ~ K-GFF GFF Editor/DLGEditor.....tk102 ~ Lipsynch Editor................JDNoa ~ DeNCS Script Decompiler........JDNoa ~ AniCAM.........................JDNoa ~ ERF Editor/TSLPatcher..........stoffe (and later Fair Strides) And a shoutout for SithRevan (RIP) for beginning the restoration crusade for KotOR 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » REDISTRIBUTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The K1R 1.2 OFFICIAL may NOT be redistributed in any way without the explicit permission of the K1R team and the proper credit given. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ » LEGAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE CORP/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHORS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Click here to download this file
  22. Version 1.3.2


    This mod replaces the voice overs used for Nikto, Aqualish, Gran, and Quarren NPCs in KOTOR. In KOTOR I, Nikto, Aqualish, Gran, and Quarren NPCs use VOs that are meant for and shared by several other species. KOTOR II fixes this by adding VOs specific to these four species, so I figured hey, why not incorporate them back into the original game? The intention of this mod is to provide a stronger sense of immersion and consistency between the two games, while keeping the affected dialogue true to its intended "feel." A bonus side effect is that the aggressive Nikto VOs make the Black Vulkars seem like an actual threat instead of comic relief. Installation & Uninstallation To install this mod, run Installer.exe, select the option(s) you want, and proceed with the installation. To uninstall this mod, run the installer again, select the same option(s), and click Tools -> Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup. Compatibility Compatibility patches are included for K1CP (Queedle Fix) , KOTOR 1 Restoration, and Kainzorus Prime's K1 NPC Overhaul mod. K1R has a Nikto NPC in the Vulkar Base sublevel with Basic (English) VOs. I decided to leave this unaltered since it's restored content. Known Issues Some of the Nikto and Gran VOs don't have perfectly matching mouth animations, which is because KOTOR II is missing some LIP files. The placeholders I'm using are as close as I could find. These may be replaced in a later version. Redros's mouth doesn't move for a couple of lines of dialogue. This bug happens regardless of this mod and only if his appearance is Nikto, so I felt the bug is beyond this mod's scope. Please let me know of any other issues you find, or if you come across anything I missed! Credits Fred Tetra, Kotor Tool Fair Strides, KotOR Toolset tk102, DLG Editor & K-GFF Editor JCarter426, SithCodec NickHugi, HoloPatcher Disclaimer This mod is not supported by LucasArts, BioWare, or Obsidian Entertainment. It is for personal usage only and intends no copyright infringement. Questions, etc.? Contact me on Deadly Stream or via the unofficial KOTOR Discord if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or the like. If you want to use this mod as a part of an external work, you must receive my permission. This mod should only be found on Deadly Stream or Nexus Mods. No user may upload it to another modding site.
  23. View File KotOR1 HK-47 Power Blast Fix When HK-47 uses the power blast feat with 2 blaster pistols equipped only 1 shot is being fired, this mod fixes this issue, now 2 shots are being fired. Submitter GearHead Submitted 04/08/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  24. Version 1.0.1


    When HK-47 uses the power blast feat with 2 blaster pistols equipped only 1 shot is being fired, this mod fixes this issue, now 2 shots are being fired.
  25. View File KotOR1 Droid Claw Fix This mod fixes a bug that stopped droids from using ’creature claw’ aka creature melee items. Specifically variants that has 'slashing damage' as there base damage type. Submitter GearHead Submitted 03/29/2024 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes