Marius Fett

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About Marius Fett

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  • Birthday 09/10/1993

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  1. Just as a point of interest, these assets were created at a fairly early stage in development when they were working at a slightly larger scale of about 33% larger than what they went with in the final game. I’ve played with these models myself previously for shits and giggles and rescaling to 33% smaller seemed to work the best and had everything a lot closer to the final game areas in terms of proportion.
  2. I hadn’t noticed, I’ll be honest. I sort of just fixed what I was asked to fix and left it at that. Pure laziness on my part. I can’t remember the last time I did anything with these games, but I’m sure I can rustle something up next time I’m able to get to my PC.
  3. Weeeeell, he’s a scruffy looking bugger, so it’s half way towards being right. 😂
  4. Once again nothing particularly impressive, but I thought about doing this literally years ago and the idea came back to me this afternoon:
  5. In the appearance.2da row for the character you’re using, which value is the envmap column set to?
  6. Nothing overly interesting, as I haven't really done much modding over the past few months, but I did do this: Proper torture droids as a bit of a nod to ANH courtesy of G0-T0.
  7. I think a lot of it is because K1 is basically a complete game already, whereas TSL was a completely different kettle of fish and TSLRCM is a very necessary modification. Most of the cut content in K1 is fairly unsubstantial in comparison and doesn’t really add that much in terms of replayability. The appeal of restoring K1 content and playing through it is more a novelty thing in my mind. Not to discourage you obviously, if you can restore it all well and maintain the mod better than K1R has been then great, I’ll certainly be giving it a whirl!
  8. Christ, I haven’t seen that mod in years! It was also hosted on LucasFiles when that site existed many moons ago and I always assumed it was lost for good when the site went down. Great find!
  9. Presumably you’ve installed a mod which alters the appearance of the workbench incorrectly. You should know by now which questions you’re going to be asked. List the mods you have installed and actually look in your override folder to see if anything in there changes the workbench. Considering the performance you put on in your other thread about think people dislike you, you’re not making like easy for yourself. There are some great people here who’re always happy to help, but none are mind readers and none have infinite patience.
  10. I’ll be totally honest, I’d never noticed! I’ll have a look once I’ve convinced my evil offspring to go to bed and see what I can do. Sounds like a quick five minute job!
  11. Can you post a screenshot of what you mean? I can’t think off the top of my head what you mean.
  12. I saw someone on the Discord asking about how to export lightsaber hilt models to use in KotOR and realised that the only proper tutorials out there use the now outdated method with the MDLOps replacer and whatnot. So I quickly made a little guide to give a bit of an overview of the process: As I say, it’s just a quick little guide. I didn’t go into much detail or discuss the technicalities or reasons behind certain things we do, but I can go back and make a more comprehensive guide if people want it. This should definitely be enough to get you started, though.
  13. Is the program you’re using to open it rotating it or something? I’m sure I’ve come across that at some point. When I was using GIMP, if memory serves.
  14. That's not a bad idea at all. I'd never noticed that! I'll add it to my list of annoyances to fix!
  15. Whipped up a really quick little mod this morning that changes a few things about the Secret Tomb on Korriban in TSL which bothered me: Malak now uses a lightsaber with a longer blade as per K1 when you fight him at the start of the level and the evil Kreia apparation now attacks with a red lightsaber rather than the random blue one she had before (which I'm assuming was due to laziness/an oversight by whoever created the fight originally). Any suggestions for further such tweaks, anyone? As far as I'm concerned, this is how it should have been from the beginning! The upload to DeadlyStream is currently pending and in case anyone is wondering, this is fully TSLRCM compatible, as it uses module injection rather than hard overwriting any files. Just make sure TSLRCM is installed first.