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Everything posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman

  1. One of the issues of KotOR 1 is that due to the level cap of 20 (which was hardcoded, last I heard), you're encouraged to refrain from leveling up too much while on Taris, lest you gimp your Jedi progression. I wouldn't go past 7 or 8, personally. But this isn't without its own troubles. Starter world though Taris may be, the enemy NPCs aren't toothless, and beginning with the Black Vulkar Base the fights can be problematic for a PC trying to stay that low. But at least with the dungeons you have the option of relying on other party members. The Duel Ring, not so much. I seem to recall both Marl and Bendak being hard to manage at those levels (Twitch on the other hand seems to have a hard time dealing with you shoving a vibroblade in his face). One way to counteract that would be buffed equipment that you could obtain to even the playing field a bit. But I feel that runs the risk of being overpowered for that point in the game. So I think a good mod would be temporary equipment that you can only use in the Taris Duel Ring somehow. Is that something anyone would be interested in making, if it's even possible?
  2. Hair doesn't seem fully accurate yet. But then, while Anakin's RotS hair might look amazing it is sooo not the easiest thing to draw.
  3. Honestly I don't know if anything will come of this... But I wanted to air the idea while the thoughts were still crystallized in my head, before they slipped away again. I don't own a PC version of the game to tinker with right now, although I can at least draft ideas..
  4. A very nice idea, but vexed by a typo. It's supposed to be Ord Mantell.
  5. Is there a way to compatibly spawn Deadeye Duncan on Manaan?
  6. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is a fun game to play, at least as far as character leveling and battling your way through the game is concerned (so many of the sidequests being broken as all get-out, not so much). Which is good, because if the story as-is was the main draw of the game? I might have donated or pawned my Xbox copy and never looked back. Because... hot take: The majority of KotOR II's writing is crap, especially in regards to the Jedi Order and the Sith Triumvirate. Now, there are some things and concepts I like, but there's a lot (especially to do with the areas just mentioned) that has grated on me more and more with every subsequent playthrough. So, I'm going to cover the things I have problems with and pitch fixes for them (marked with underlines). Now, I realized a lot of these fixes cause contradictions with Legends storylines that referenced this game, but you know what? Serves Legends right for having mindlessly rubber-stamped practically every non-Lego game that came out after SotE as canon (especially The Force Unleashed). And for the NJO novels. * Letting the player decide whether Revan embraced redemption or reverted to evil. Letting the player have it either way as far as Revan's gender is concerned? That's all fine and dandy (that is, aside from the sloppy coding not checking this properly especially wrt the stupid Jedi Masters). But KotOR II also tries to let you choose whether the first game had the Light Side or Dark Side endings (hence why the galaxy is so jacked-up) but that. Doesn't. Actually. Work. Because except in the situational alternate Dark Side ending, THE STAR FORGE DOESN'T GET DESTROYED on the Dark Side path. The Dark Side ending of KotOR 1 is: "Revan kills Malak, reclaims the Sith empire and the Star Forge, is poised to conquer the galaxy." With something like the Star Forge in play... trying to have it both ways like KotOR II does just doesn't work. I'm sorry, but no. Revan needs to be locked in as Light Side. * Most of the attempts to tie the Sith Triumvirate and their crap, and the Trayus Academy, to the first game need to be excised. 1. Revan already had a secret ancient Dark Side MacGuffin facility that was part of what factored into their going Dark: it was called the Star Forge. 2. I'm sorry, but I think if Revan and Malak's empire used the Trayus Academy to convert Jedi then Malak would have taken her there rather than Lehon, no? 3. If Revan was sending suitable captured Jedi to Trayus as well as "disappearing" Force-sensitives from the ranks to send them to Trayus (and this seems too big a thing to keep secret from Malak), then somehow I don't think the Dreshdae Academy on Korriban would have been so blindly welcoming to defector Jedi and supposed defector Jedi. And would have been screening students in need of "correction". 4. Subtext in the first game seems to strongly indicate that Revan was Vrook Lamar's Padawan. Chris Avellone's Mouthpiece Kreia doesn't get to usurp that. Chuck it all, work in a nonconflicting setup for the Trayus Academy. * Speaking of Kreia... Ugh. Just... Ugh. I think the game would almost be better off without her, but she's a little too enmeshed to be chucked so some rewriting will have to suffice. Chris Avellone has said: "When it came to the narrative, a lot of thrust for the storyline came from an examination of some interpretations of the Force that were coming out of Episode I, II, and III, mostly the fact that the Force seemed to have a will of its own and it had a plan for everybody in the universe but that plan didn't seem beneficial for a whole bunch of people, result in a lot of death and destruction, and then lastly the idea that we didn't really have any choices over our actions; it was a lot of predestination. As a role-playing game designer, all of those things kind of bothered me" (quote found on Kreia's Wookieepedia page, but it's not the original source). Hence Kreia's extreme bitterness towards the Force and its will, to the point that she's trying to kill the Force. But there are some major problems with that thrust. 1. The timeline proves that Avellone is either fibbing or mis-speaking in that interview, because TSL predates RotS and so RotS (and interpretations of the Force based thereupon, including a more competent examination of "the will of the Force" from Matt Stover's novelization) can't have actually been much of a factor. 2. Speaking as a prequel fan I don't seem to recall people talking that much about "the will of the Force" in the films. 3a. While those interpretations may have been present in Expanded Universe novels and whatnot of the time, they don't really match up with what the movies themselves (OT or PT) show (indeed, the movies themselves would seem to portray predestination as false - "Always in motion, is the future," remember? Avellone referencing that makes this writing even more painful- and actions that assume predestination as dangerous and self-destructive), or George Lucas' conception of the midi-chlorians and the Whills (which is more along the lines of destiny-as-choice, same for George Lucas' personal beliefs). 3b. George said in 2003 that what he was exploring with the prequels was how someone would fall into evil ways, and that his conclusion was the inability to let go and move on in the face of change and loss - which is exactly what we see with Anakin in the prequels; "will of the Force" has nothing to do with it, nor is it said to (at least in the movies). 4. All of that being said, Chris Avellone's counter-interpretation of the Force as mouthpieced through Kreia comes off as more than a little shallow and knee-jerk. It's made worse by the fact that the narrative doesn't offer much in the way of counterarguments to the interpretation given through Kreia, so it feels like the game is shoving that interpretation down your throat. For me at least, this is amplified by the fact that you're rarely if ever allowed to actually counterargue any of Kreia's philosophical attitudes. Rebuff? Yes. Counterargue? No. Something else Avellone said is that the lesson he hoped players took away from KOTOR II was "it's okay to question the franchise." Well, as far as I'm concerned he couldn't have blown that one harder if he'd tried. Because what I took away from this game was "It's not okay to question my super-negative intepretation of the Force and I'm gonna viciously staple it to your forehead." Rebalance the narrative to present good counterarguments to her interpretation in-story (both spelled out in dialogue and implied through actions in scenes) and also maybe tone Kreia the f*** down in places. Or, in lieu of toning her down, maybe change the story so that the Jedi Masters are overtly trying to draw her out (only to get more than they bargained for)? Just rewrite things around her hard enough that the game as a whole isn't cramming her view of the Force down your gullet (even if Kreia herself still is) * Kreia's prophesy re: Mandalore is dumb for various reasons even in the context of Legends (I'm sure Karen Traviss in particular probably had a few things to say to Avellone about that one). Rewrite it for accuracy or just chuck it outright and never look back. * The Jedi Masters' verdict on Dantooine feels very forced and abrupt, especially given Kavar and Zez Kai-Ell's individual reactions to a Light Side player. The first couple times I played through the game, I actually thought both Light Side and Dark Side players got this scene and it didn't properly take Light Side players into account (because, well, it honestly doesn't). As it stands, this is an unacceptable mess. Fix 1: Insert sufficient buildup to actually justify the verdict Fix 2: Change their reasoning for why they're doing what they're doing (maybe along the lines of "Under better circumstances, we would be content to let this be, but there are dangers"?) Fix 3: Change what they're doing and the setup for Kreia's intervention entirely * This game's presentation of the Battle of Malachor V doesn't seem to quite jibe with what the first game told of the last battle of the Mandalorian Wars. Not sure of a fix here, admittedly. But... It does feel worth commenting on. * It feels like there's a bit too much information critical to plot logic walled off behind Influence with party members. * The game tries to pull the same "trying to toughen the galaxy up for an outside threat" retcon on Revan that was elsewhere attempted in Legends re: Thrawn. It doesn't really work with Revan (it was semi-plausible with Thrawn, at least as an original, pre-corruption-by-Palpatine motive), although I'll admit that trying it with Revan still isn't nearly as bullcrap as people using it to try and excuse Palpatine and the Galactic Empire's sins. Regardless, it should probably be chucked. * Rewrite the timing and wording of HK-50's drugging of the Exile and sabotage of the Harbinger to better fit with the established info about picking up the Ebon Hawk and investigating the Sith warship I realize this is a huge undertaking, and not everyone will feel the same way I do about the narrative... But I feel it would be worth doing.
  7. I seem to recall reading somewhere (although I can't remember where now, I thought it was Wookieepedia but if so I can't find it) that Korriban was supposed to come after M4-78 rather than the other way around, and that Lonna Vash would sacrifice herself on Korriban to let you escape Darth Sion at the Dreshdae Academy. It would make seem to make narrative sense, if only because if Lonna Vash was alive then the Jedi Masters' verdict at the Enclave would be even more forced and abrupt than it already is.
  8. I think the CamelCase is actually correct.
  9. 1. Your screenshot is the human player character with Cathar lips, eyes (not even as obviously as those on the vanilla Juhani), and schnoz, so A, there's no "striped fur covering [her body], and pointy, cat ears" in sight and B. it's therefore a rubbish advertisement for a supposed "improved Juhani". The whole point of providing screenshots is to let people see what a mod does before they go to the trouble of installing it (and then having to uninstall if they don't like it). 2. About that whole "fur covering their bodies" thing... that's kinda the biggest problem with Juhani's vanilla appearance. Cathar are supposed to be covered in fur, but Juhani's vanilla appearance looks like bare skin with slightly-fuzzy stripes. It's so blatantly bad that Hasbro actually attempted a pathetic "no-prize" answer of claiming there was a "Juhani subspecies" instead of admitting that Bioware royally screwed up. Her vanilla appearance already has the nose, the teeth, the eyes, and the ears. The one thing it really needs added is the fur. Does your mod deliver on that?
  10. I have to wonder just what the actual crap went on with the PC version of KOTOR.
  11. I think the problem that this fixes is another PC-introduced bug
  12. He's no longer flesh and blood. And the original voice fits with the authorial intent of a weary spirit. Any chance you'd make an alternate version that's texture-only? Or can it be manually-installed so that you only stuff the texture in?
  13. I think the "white" armor is supposed to be a less-taxing backup texture for the silver armor.
  14. These actually look LESS like movie holograms for being all-blue and lacking the glowing outline. Seriously, go actually look at some screenshots of the holograms from the movies. While they're heavily color-tinged (usually blue), it doesn't override the original colors with blue like the TSL holograms do; you can still see that Yoda's skin is green, you can see reds and browns in Jedi robes, stuff like that. And they have a glowing outline similar to Force Ghosts (but are further distinguished by visible scan lines and other such artifacts).
  15. Honestly, it would make sense if Chuundar stole and pawned Freyyr's sword.
  16. Geez, looks like as far as the vanilla experience is concerned Xbox beats the pants off PC for the first game.
  17. Well you know, Dantooine does conveniently have crystal caves and KOTOR 1 has natural red crystals...
  18. Very nicely done. More detailed than the original hilts, but still generic enough to work within the game's context.
  19. A nice touch, and I do think the uniforms are fitting for the Academy of Revan and Malak's militarized Sith Order. Regarding Jorak Uln, would you have any interest in making an alternate "ragged" version of the high-rank uniform for him, for an extra bit of authenticity?
  20. Did you also give him invincibility frames vs. mines like Darth Traya has so that you can't stack mine damage on him?
  21. Hunter's redesign is even worse than her vanilla appearance. I'd rather have a mod that makes her look like a proper Cathar (and not the subtype that was invented after the fact to retroactively justify her appearance instead of admitting that Bioware screwed up). Is there one?
  22. Hmm. These look good and you certainly put in decent effort... but I think you should call them TSL-style holograms, rather than movie-style. Because, well... they really aren't movie style. There are two main issues: 1. The holograms in the movies and shows actually aren't all-blue. They have a heavy blue tinge (or red; it depends on the projector), but you can still make out different colors more than is seen here. 2. These actually look too good to be movie-style. The holograms in the movies aren't merely transparent. They have a somewhat glowing outline, and they have a lot of scanlines and other artifacts as a way of indicating "This is a hologram and not just somebody standing on/greenscreened onto the projector." Which is probably why Bioware used billboarded sprites for this in the first place - I would guess it was easier than dirtying up the textures that much (or worse, having to create alternate "hologram" versions of the textures). TSL couldn't do that because of how much more often holograms come up in that game.
  23. I think the one review given so far made some good points. Also, would this work as a texture replacement for K2? Not that I have that for PC currently, I just think the "scavenged parts" nature of Rey's lightsaber would make it a good look for the first lightsaber in that game.
  24. Hmm. Thing is, a commando is more of an elite soldier, yes? Plus, arms races and armor evolution are a thing. It would be interesting to see a side-by-side with the original model.