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Everything posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman

  1. Well, that doesn't tell me how to make the desktop shortcut auto-set the affinity, but it's still useful. At least, I assume - I have no idea how badly if at all my game is affected by the multiple cores. The reason I don't know is because it won't even start up - it acts like it is...but then it just fizzles out with that weird error message.
  2. I use Windows 7. I installed and patched KOTOR 1 as the tutorial instructed, save for making the shortcut instruct Windows to set CPU affinity to a single core because I couldn't figure out how. Can anyone explain how this is done? In any case, the game still won't run. When I try to start it, I get this weird error message: and then it just fizzles out instead of loading. What the heck does that error message mean? Why is the game refusing to start? (Edited for elaboration, and clarification of priorities)
  3. EA's especially guilty of that, particularly since they've been doing the "Release the same game every year with small changes" part for a looong time. I'm not going to get my hopes up or anything, but If nothing else, a KOTOR 3 would be a chance to sweep TOR into the trash can where it belongs. I play light side. I like helping people, making things better. One of my favorite sidequests was the Promised Land storyline, helping people who'd been thrown away by society to fend for themselves in a monster-infested wasteland escape their fate and move to a better place. The icing on the cake was the implication that while the arrogant, callous nobles of Taris were blown away by the Sith bombardment, the poorest of the poor whom they had cast away were off to live in safety and happiness in a paradisical bunker. Then TOR came along and ruined that for no good reason, earning my undying hatred.
  4. Salk, food not factoring into gameplay does not mean it doesn't exist. Plenty of NPCs talk about it, like refugees on Nar Shaddaa who complain of starving. As for saying "Money" rather than "Credits", I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be the only instance in the game of that. Even if it is, the word "Money" is used in other places in Star Wars - including the movies. The text lines were presumably c/of Obsidian, anyway, not the modders. This is an impressive job. I wouldn't personally run it because A. I like Dustil and all this scene does is abuse him and B. it feels like unnecessary nastiness that doesn't add to anything, but I can appreciate the work.
  5. There's a problem with this, which is that you actually made one of the items even more wrong. The "Holocron" you find on Tatooine is no holocron at all, (despite being named and referred to as such in dthanks to Bioware boobery); it's Bastila's father's diary/family photo album. It doesn't need an icon change, it needs a name change. The hardest thing to fix would be the VOs, might have to settle for ignoring or muting the word "holocron".
  6. This looks very neat, definitely going to give it a try. I'm going to have to learn the ropes of KOTOR modmaking, since I'd love to take a crack at fleshing this out more (at the very least adding a slave liberation sidequest triggered by redeeming Yuthura)
  7. Her eyes look a bit less unusual, but on the other hand the cloth under her leathers looks like it lost some texture and her breasts seem to pop more cartoonishly.
  8. Yeah, it's not like Silent Hill Homecoming and the "Magically kill Alex if he's not in the pointless mining outfit" flag at the end of the steam corridor in the mines.
  9. Is it possible to install this without the texture replacements?
  10. Yeah, found that out when I prematurely rated a mod 3 stars. The inability to revise the rating is inexcusably bad design, especially since as others have experienced it's far too easy to click the wrong thing just by accident.
  11. With the Krayt dragon at least it might have been intended that after bashing it there were smaller remains left from which you extracted the pearl. But as others have said, there's also the fact that they can be right in the way thanks to the solid corpses. The rancor in particular seems to have a tendency to crumple in just the right spot to block the bloody doorway. As far as a Rancor head trophy in the Ebon Hawk, I think the simplest way to do that would be to make it a permanent scenery feature that behaves like a sign or other "dumb" object (where all you can do is examine it to make a word bubble pop up), and have it spawn along with the various containers.
  12. This is awesome, unlike the forum itself. The forum itself is not awesome because you can't revise the rating you gave something (I prematurely gave this a three-star rating but then I took a proper look at the other skins and wanted to change it to a five-star rating) and that's rubbish. Very nice mod, much better job than the morons at Bioware did. The two skins that are close to Juhani's original look in color could use some polishing since they end up looking more like skin instead of fur, but that's a minor quibble considering.
  13. Love the ears and nose, but the skin texture still needs work to actually look fuzzy. (And no, I don't buy the lazy bullsh*t "Juhani subspecies" coverup that Wizards of the Coast published. Just admit Bioware's art department half-assed things, Hasbro!)
  14. "No longer do I look at Juhani's face, shiver in disgust, and select the dialogue option to kill her as soon as possible!" Devon's the disgusting one. That remark boils down to "I don't find this character who isn't a human's nonhumanness sexually attractive, so I'm just going to kill her!" The very concept of this change is stupid as well as squicky, and makes me not want to touch any of Shem's mods.
  15. Have you rebalanced the damage output? I'm totally still downloading, I'm just wondering.
  16. Well, of course the boobs are the first thing most people would notice, thanks to KOTOR's art design. Thank you for giving the game some badly needed Mando'a'de ladies. And thank you double for not making the bust of their armor have the stupid boob sockets like armor normally does in the game when put on a female PC or party member.
  17. No love for the ladies?
  18. Are you playing the Best of PC version? I play that version, and I've had the same experience.
  19. Doesn't really make sense, actually. Medpack = scifi name for first aid box. Specific to Star Wars, they're described as containing hypodermics, as well as rolls of synthflesh for patching wounds with. The animation is vague enough to be either thing.
  20. I'm sorry, but your reasoning in making this mod ignores some possibilities. Given what the word "Expert" means, how can you be sure the mistake wasn't the feat progressions being assigned to the wrong tables? And that droid classes seeming use of each others' feat tables wasn't a quick fix to make things work as intended?
  21. I have to say, I agree. The consistency issues with them having Jedi robes are specious at most, and besides that this change sounds like it causes them to just be wearing clothes when they join. Clothes, as in those things of no armor class benefit. EDIT: Learned about the sarlacc temple, and honestly I don't see a point in restoring it anyway. That one seems to be an early draft concept that the creators wound up just out and out rejecting. Looking at some of what was not restored by the mod, would you consider giving the option of restoring the stuff that's just missing the voiceovers for people who don't mind text-only dialogue?
  22. Niklos quits after only 5 wins against him for character reasons - he's supposed to be a crooked card sharp, so he stops when your character proves to not be an easy mark.