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Everything posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman
"In KotOR II: TSL, the prologue is a skippable tutorial sequence that involves T3-M4 saving the Ebon Hawk. However, even if you choose to play through the prologue, you do not get to keep the items you have obtained during the prologue." Looking at this post from a thread I posted a few years ago when I was originally playing through the PC version (and recently reread), it seemed to me that if you skip the prologue you actually do recover items you obtained prior to choosing to skip... but don't recover them if you finish it properly. However, while writing this I decided to do a test playthrough to double-check. I played through the entirety of the prologue and made a save; I then skipped the prologue and played through til I looted the secure storage room as T3-M4, saved in a new slot, then reloaded the prologue save and flew to Peragus via the Galaxy map and played up to that point again. And it seems like I may have been imagining things back in 2021 (possible being fooled by luck with the random loot?); I know that I got the Droid Flamethrower either way. I might have to test again, just to be extra-sure. In any case, thank you for making a mod that guarantees you get back the stuff you found.
Bingo. The sloppiness on this front also shows up with Canderous, who has voiced dialogue that refers to Revan as "He" regardless of what the player chose at character creation and in contrast to the game's usual policy of avoiding using pronouns for Revan prior to the reveal. Bioware tried to wallpaper over this by correcting it in the subtitles, but they evidently did not manage (or could not be arsed) to rerecord the lines.
Replying to this since it's still relatively high in the list. The scripts that check for Revan's gender are a complete and total clusterfuck and I'm not sure if even TSLRCM fixes them all. I know that in vanilla, if you tell Atton that Revan was a she, the trial flashback will lapse into referring to Revan as "He" partway through. Did you end up with further lapses after fixing the value the first time?
Several of the button icons on the editing ribbon are shuffled around from where they should be. As shown in the picture, "Quote" has what I assume is either the "Spoiler" or "Preview" icon. The other errors are as follows: "Spoiler" has the icon for "Align Center" "Insert/Remove Bulleted List" has the Numbered List icon "Insert/Remove Numbered List" has a T-with-subscripted-x icon. "Align Center" has the "Align Right" icon "Align Right" has the Bulleted List icon. "Preview" has the "Quote" icon. The heck is going on?
1. Do you have clear-cut confirmation of that? I ask because I just checked Strategy Wiki to double-check how it works (I wasn't sure if it was like a consumable shield where after absorbing so many points it fizzles out, it's not something I end up using very often)... and according to StrategyWiki, damage resistances do not stack; only the higher resistance has any effect. And even if they did stack, there has to be a less-awkward solution than making a power literally called Energy Resistance... not provide energy resistance. Like maybe making the Master level restricted by armor. 2. I've never found Force Heal to be OP; the first two levels especially can actually struggle to keep up with your Vitality as you level up, in my experience. And (contrary to something I had assumed for a while) it doesn't benefit from Treat Injury as medpacs do. It only benefits from your Wisdom score, which you cannot raise nearly as readily and gear that raises it typically comes at the cost of wearing armor. If all three party members cast it at the same time it can definitely heal a lot, but that means having to have all three party members take a break from dealing damage that round. Which can be costly, especially when fighting multiple enemies. And of course, Force Points are in limited supply in combat. You can run out of them faster than you'd think, especially if the RNG is favoring opponents' attack rolls over yours and making you have to heal constantly... or causing you to burn FP by causing opponents to make their saving throws more often than not. How does your experience differ? And how do you typically build your stats at character creation? 3. It does, but again that's only if you beat their saving throw. And speaking from my experience with spamming the crap out of Destroy Droid on G0-T0's yacht (which, without M4-78, is basically the only chance Destroy Droid really has to shine), that's a much bigger "if" than you might think at the point of the game where you have access to it. And I do believe they can un-stun if left long enough, I think I had some of the aforementioned damage sponge droids on M4-78 do that. Speaking of, even with the full damage of Destroy Droid it took some time to eat through those droids' health. That is how stupidly tanky we're talking. I really would like to know what the community's beef with the blur from Force Speed and other such things is. Did it torture kittens to death in front of y'all? I see so, so many mods that remove it, including K1CP. It feels like the community assumption is that everyone wants it gone and nobody could possibly enjoy having it around; like the community perceives it as some hideously offensive mistake on Bioware's part.
- kotor ii
- force power
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Widescreen UI Fix for Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords
ZeldaTheSwordsman commented on Achilles's file in Mods
Fixed Hologram Models and Admiralty Redux for TSLRCM
ZeldaTheSwordsman commented on DarthParametric's file in Mods
Something I'm curious about: Would it be possible to make the hologram heads and any ungloved hands slightly less transparent than the bodies? Just pondering ways they might be improved further, and it seemed like that might help approximate the illuminated effect that holograms have in the movies and 3D cartoons. I can't imagine the way KotOR 1 did it for the holograms of Vandar and Admiral Dodonna would work for TSL's use of holograms. In any case, thank you for fixing the damn bug eyes. I may have mixed feelings about the Admiralty mod being bundled in and about the necessity of some of the other appearance changes, but ye gods is the vanilla problem bad. I should try a new PC playthrough on my current computer, a Windows 10 box I moved to in summer 2023, see if frame buffer effects won't break the game on this one. That way I might get the full benefit. -
I'd argue that Disney's reboot is overall better on that score than what is now Legends. The main logic & continuity issues I've seen with the Disney era are: Rian Johnson shooting his concept for Rey in the foot by writing it in a way that was incompatible with the fact that her parents left on a spaceship (forcing Abrams to clean up after him), the stupid dagger clue and there being too much Death Star II wreckage in Episode IX (I'm not counting how Palpatine returned, because that's not a logic issue so much as a "People who weren't already familiar with Dark Empire - so, the majority of the general public and a large portion of casual fans - needed a denser explanation than 'Cloning, dark science, secrets only the Sith knew'" issue), and the Disney+ makeup department seemingly not knowing what Duros and Pau'ans look like. But it's still less messy than some of the increasingly-strained continuity band-aids in Legends, or CotJ's plot requiring you ignore lightsabers. And IMO it's infinitely preferable to the stupid Vong war and everything that sprang from that being canon. I despise that mess so badly that by comparison, people here universally love and adore the blur effect from Force Speed. While you're very right about the KotOR games kinda mishandling Wookiees - Bioware's writers from the time clearly need to watch the George Lucas interview where he explains the behind-the-scenes reason for the Ewoks existing (He realized that through Chewbacca he'd already established Wookiees as hi-tech inclined, so he couldn't use Wookiees for the low-tech indigenous species; presumably, he had also already ordered the fur), and be told that cribbing part of the Hork-Bajir's origins isn't as clever as they thought it was - there is one issue with making Liskis a Wookiee. And that's the name. The mix of sibilants and hard consonants doesn't really sound like a Wookiee name, does it? It does however fit with Trandoshan names, which is probably why Hassat Hunter went with a Trandoshan. And we do see some engineering-inclined Trandoshans, like the salvager Gha Nackt.
"The Energy Resistance series no longer resist energy damage" ... Soooo, you gutted the entire main point of that series of powers? Some of these changes look interesting, while others - such as the above-mentioned - seem more questionable. I think the nerfs to Heal and Improved Heal might go a bit too far, unless (unlike the Master version) they still get a boost from Treat Injury. IMO nerfing Destroy Droid is not really necessary. It only works on droid enemies, and only does the full damage if they fail their saving throws - which is hardly a guarantee at the point in the game a player will have it. On top of that, once the player is past G0-T0's yacht its usefulness drops off dramatically unless you have M4-78EP installed - and for M4-78, nerfing Destroy Droid is overly punishing because the Environmental Zone absolutely spams droid enemies and some of the droids on that world are extreme damage sponges. I think the Guardian Droid in the Environmental Zone is even more of a tank than the freaking Drexl Larva. Why do so many people in the community hate the blur effects for things like Force Speed so much? Seriously, why? I wonder if it would be simpler to just significantly up the cost for using contra-alignment Force Powers, so that people can't cheese the game by mixing power pools the designers did not intend to freely overlap. Or maybe to just remove access to Force Lightning entirely, since from what I can tell that's the lynchpin of most or all of the game-breaking cheese builds that so many players seem to be addicted to using. I do see you at least nerfed that whole line a good bit.
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- kotor ii
- force power
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- Restoration
- Force Field
(and 5 more)
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I know, and I'm trying to be better about that. And on that note, thank you for doing that edit. For the record, my question wasn't a dig at this mod or anything. It's just that Obsidian's failure to update the map was on my mind because I noticed it at the same time I confirmed for myself the reason for this mod existing. It seemed like a simple enough edit that it might be within reach of my meager skills, so I was thinking I might be able to contribute something for a change lol.
Looking at the list, it might be a good idea to replace "Don't Let Kreia Fly Your Speeder!" with "Repair Your Airspeeder Again" (which incorporates the former) for some added QOL benefits regarding the speeder. And on the subject of QOL, I would like to suggest incorporating feeling's "Delayed Nar Shaddaa Main Quest", since it fixes one of the vanilla game's most aggravating design choices. Possibly as an optional component, in deference to the fact that for some (Though not many, I'd wager) it might be an extreme change and to the fact that it requires a guide to the changed trigger. I would also recommend the Saedhe head component of "Unofficial TSLRCM Tweak Pack", because Saedhe's vanilla, final head actually fits the voiceover. The beta one TSLRCM restored does not.
- patch
- unofficial
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This particular error in the vanilla game looks extra-bad when you consider that the loading screen for the docks shows the speeder parked correctly. Good on you for fixing it. Am I right in thinking that the issue is that in vanilla the speeder spawns rotated 180 degrees the wrong direction, causing the offset that should have it parked in the air next to the dock and neatly lined up with the fence gap to instead put it halfway on the pier and clipped through the fence? I notice that in the glitched, vanilla position it's also facing the opposite way compared to the loading screen and your fix.
Blog #111: The TSL Warp Code List
ZeldaTheSwordsman commented on Sith Holocron's blog entry in Sith Holocron's Blog
Thank you for publishing this. It's proving a godsend in my Switch playthrough, allowing me to bypass the Refugee Landing Pad and deal with at least most of the quests without triggering the damn interrupting Visquis railroading (whoever at Obsidian okayed that can go kiss a Terentatek). -
A decent workaround, good job. Speaking of this guy, you know what's even more egregious than the line read by the wrong guy? The fact that he reacts to you when you approach from the south, even though there are multiple doors between you and him. I wonder if he was supposed to have a duplicate at the southern entrance.
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- serocco
- voice over
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An essential (IMO) patch that fixes one of Obsidian's most awful and obnoxious design decisions with this game. I overall love the individual planet storylines in KotOR 2, they're the main reason I keep coming back to it, but the interrupting railroading on Nar Shaddaa is damn near insufferable. Especially with how low the trigger threshold is. I feel like this should be part of the Community Patch. Perhaps as an optional (if highly recommended) one in deference to anyone who feels it's unnecessary and/or extreme, although I doubt many would feel that way. Frankly, I think Aspyr should adjust their versions to make this vanilla behavior in them - that's how grating Obsidian's bad design here is.
I think your version is overall better than Canderis'. Your Peragus is dark enough to be atmospheric, but still bright enough to keep preserve the intent of "The lights are on... why is nobody home?" (and fit with the fact that, mere hours ago, people were still alive). And the Harbinger is dark without being so dark that the bridge floor loses some of its definition.