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About Stormie97

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  1. "Patience is bitter, but its fruits are sweet."

    - Jean-Jacques Rousseau (18th century philosopher)

    1. DarthParametric


      Don't eat the leaves, got it.

  2. I don’t think they have an account on Deadlystream, so you’ll have to try on Nexusmods. However, as Leilukin explained, if all you want is to have these textures in TSL, you should just be able to get that by copying the .tga texture files from these mods and paste them in TSL’s Override folder. Maybe you’ll have to rename the files, I don’t remember if Carth and Bastila’s texture names structure have remained the same in TSL. It’s just that without Fenharel’s express permission, nobody (including yourself) can release a mod porting their textures to TSL. If you’re just messing around on your own, that’s fine.
  3. You'll probably have better luck by formulating your request using an actual sentence. 😉
  4. Thanks Effix, I'll include that in the next update!
  5. Full body, yeah. I'll soon publish .mdl files containing the head (including skin weights) as a modder's ressource if anyone wants to create a playable Rodian or whatever. The hands are separate meshes so it should be relatively easy to replace those on vanilla armour models.
  6. View File High Quality Aliens: Rodians DESCRIPTION This mod is the second entry in my modding series attempting to replace KoTOR's alien models with high quality ones created from scratch. It effectively replaces the old Rodian 3d model with a custom one, along with its 5 texture variations. You may follow the development of this series here. Please note that this series is a work in progress and creating such characters takes a lot of time. COMPATIBILITY Any mod altering the model or textures of the vanilla K1 Rodians will be incompatible with this one. A compatibility patch for DP's Jedi Diversity on the Star Forge mod has been added. K1R compatibility has not been tested and therefore cannot be guaranteed. KNOWN ISSUES None (yet ). INSTALLATION Download and extract the contents of 'HQA' somewhere on your PC. Navigate to the extracted 'HQA Rodian' folder and run TSLPatcher.exe. Let the installer do its magic but give it a hand if it can't find its way into your KOTOR game folder by its own. If you also use DP's Jedi Diversity on the Star Forge mod, download and extract the contents of 'Jedi_Diversity_on_the_Star_Forge_Rodian_Compatibility_Patch.7z' into your Override folder. Click 'Yes' to overwrite files when prompted. CREDITS bead-v: KOTORMAX and MDLEdit stoffe & Fair Strides: TSLPatcher seedhartha: KotorBlender SithSpecter: High quality blasters (used for the thumbnail render) Philip Trautmann: Thumbnail font (Prequel) Darthparametric: For creating a compatibility patch for his Jedi Diversity on the Star Forge mod. SPECIAL THANKS @Marius Fett For the unlimited supply of feedback provided and testing the models in-game. @DarthParametric For providing much needed constructive criticism and advice, as always, and for creating a compatibility for one of his mods (see above). PERMISSIONS Anyone is allowed to re-use the assets of this mod, including those contained in the modder's resources archive (coming soon), in any way or form they would like for their own modding objectives. I only ask to be properly credited for the assets used. However, I explicitly and strictly forbid anyone to directly re-upload this mod or any of its contents to any other site than Deadlystream. Submitter Stormie97 Submitted 12/29/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  7. Version 1.1.0


    DESCRIPTION This mod is the second entry in my modding series attempting to replace KoTOR's alien models with high quality ones created from scratch. It effectively replaces the old Rodian 3d model with a custom one, along with its 5 texture variations. You may follow the development of this series here. Please note that this series is a work in progress and creating such characters takes a lot of time. COMPATIBILITY Any mod altering the model or textures of the vanilla K1 Rodians will be incompatible with this one. A compatibility patch for DP's Jedi Diversity on the Star Forge mod has been added. K1R compatibility has not been tested and therefore cannot be guaranteed. KNOWN ISSUES None (yet ). INSTALLATION Download and extract the contents of 'HQA' somewhere on your PC. Navigate to the extracted 'HQA Rodian' folder and run TSLPatcher.exe. Let the installer do its magic but give it a hand if it can't find its way into your KOTOR game folder by its own. If you also use DP's Jedi Diversity on the Star Forge mod, download and extract the contents of 'Jedi_Diversity_on_the_Star_Forge_Rodian_Compatibility_Patch.7z' into your Override folder. Click 'Yes' to overwrite files when prompted. CREDITS bead-v: KOTORMAX and MDLEdit stoffe & Fair Strides: TSLPatcher seedhartha: KotorBlender SithSpecter: High quality blasters (used for the thumbnail render) Philip Trautmann: Thumbnail font (Prequel) Darthparametric: For creating a compatibility patch for his Jedi Diversity on the Star Forge mod. SPECIAL THANKS @Marius Fett For the unlimited supply of feedback provided and testing the models in-game. @DarthParametric For providing much needed constructive criticism and advice, as always, and for creating a compatibility for one of his mods (see above). PERMISSIONS Anyone is allowed to re-use the assets of this mod, including those contained in the modder's resources archive (coming soon), in any way or form they would like for their own modding objectives. I only ask to be properly credited for the assets used. However, I explicitly and strictly forbid anyone to directly re-upload this mod or any of its contents to any other site than Deadlystream.
  8. Yeah the orange jumpsuit one lacked contrast with the skin. I've adjusted that version now.
  9. After some in-game testing, I'm happy to report that the mouth area works just as expected. Here's a preview I've posted yesterday. With all 5 texture variations (see below) ready, I'm now moving closer to release. Only need to tweak a few skin weights and set up the TSL Patcher!
  10. High quality Rodian in-game test


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stormie97


      Thanks for the feedback, always appreciated.

      The antenna cups in the vanilla model are actually animated using dedicated bones. Since I went with the regular human rig with this one, I don't have that option available. I did apply your suggestion to make them danglymeshes (as well as the spikes) to give them a bit more life.

      The eye cubemap is indeed custom. It's my first time playing around with it and it's hard to gauge how it's going to look applied on a half-sphere. I've reduced the number of lights, it looks a bit more like the movies now.

      I don't see a shading issue on the lips, maybe it's the bump and specmap that leave that impression?




    3. DarthParametric


      Oh it is only the "hair" that uses danglymeshes on the vanilla? Been a while since I looked at it. I know some of the TSL aliens have a few more flappy bits using danglymeshes.

      As to the mouth, it' hard to say without seeing it firsthand in-game.

    4. LDR


      Is it just me, or does the head look a little disproportionately small on those long shots?

  11. Yeah I want to give a shot, the big question mark though is how the mouth area will look like in talking animations. If it doesn't turn out right, I'll resize everything to use the vanilla Rodian rig.
  12. This update is long-overdue, but here goes. I'm aware there are some issues and areas of improvement for Vandar which I intend to address soon. Meanwhile, I have been busy with the next entry in this mod series. Here's a preview for the Rodian: Finding quality references for this one was difficult, so I mainly based the design on the Battlefront 2 Greedo model by Dice. This is still WIP of course, though fairly advanced. Pants will be tweaked before moving onto skinning. Feedback is, as always, very much welcome.
  13. If you're talking about models exported from KoTOR, you can't. To turn low-poly models to high-poly, you generally use subdivision levels. In Blender, it's a modifier called 'Subdivision surface', in Max they call it 'Turbosmooth'. Anyway, this simply splits each quad (i.e., a face with 4 vertices) in smaller bits. An algorithm calculates the average distances between existing vertices when placing the new ones, making the model look smoother. You can easily divide a quad because each side will be split in 2, so from one quad you end with 4 quads. And so on. However, triangles can't be split evenly so subdividing those can generate inadequate results. See below: The cube on the left consists of only quads, while the one on the right is made of triangles. The cubes below are the result obtained from subdividing the cubes above. Now, I'm going over this stuff because models in KoTOR are made up of triangles. Partly because the 3d assets are really old, but also because video game engines prefer triangles in general. Here's what the Rodian model looks like when freshly imported in Blender. Triangles galore! I've added a subdivided version of the same model on his right. Now, depending on what you want to achieve this might be perfectly fine for you. However if you want to rework the models or use them as a base for sculpting, you won't get far with this. Instead, you want to turn those triangles into quads. For a good chunk of them, you can do so with a neat shortcut in Blender: Go into 'Edit mode', press A to select all, then hit Alt+J. Now that's much better already. Some stuff is falling apart because I didn't merge the model's vertices as several of them are split. You'll notice that a lot of triangles remain on the hand and the head. For these, your options are limited to manually fix them into quads. If you're new to 3d, this is going to be challenging, because you need to understand how topology works to get a good result in the end. Again, it depends on what you want to achieve. If you're looking to get a base to do some sculpting on, I would simply create primitive objects (cubes, spheres, cylinders, etc.), resize and place them to match the model. Here's what it would look like: Then apply the subdivision, import in your preferred sculpting software, remesh/dynamesh and get going. As for tools, there's a wide variety you can choose from. Blender has the advantage of being free and having a lot of online resources, especially on Youtube, available. However it lacks some useful features that you might one day care about and many find its UI very confusing. Most other software suites, if not all, are destined to a professional audience and are therefore quite intimidating to beginners. Generally, there is no one single program that can do everything perfectly. They're just tools and they more or less excel at the given tasks they were designed for. If you're only getting started in 3D, I'd recommend using Blender until you understand all the basics of 3d, then get the trial versions of similar general 3D software (Maya, Modo, 3DSMax, etc.) and see what you prefer.
  14. Exactly, the head mesh uses 17 bones so the error message should go away with a more recent version of MDLEdit. I should add that I’ve only tested him with his normal K1 animations (essentially just standing around and taking). I did try replacing the PC with him to see the combat animations for fun so that wasn’t a rigourous test. I haven’t played ROR so depending on what those Yoda-likes do in the mod I might have to recheck the skin weights, especially on the lower body. I do hear that you’d need a TSL port so I’ll look into that shortly.
  15. Judge me by my teeth, do you? Hmm?