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Everything posted by DeadMan

  1. DeadMan

    k1 black robes

    It's possible. I don't remember for sure, it was years ago.
  2. THAT is why I made my mod! I like to have cool looking stuff in my game.
  3. DeadMan

    Ebon Hawk Model Fixes

    Thanks for this, bead-v! This black panel always bugged me! This fix should be included in TSLRCM!!
  4. In theory, you should be able to convert them with xnView on PC and then drop converted files to your Android game and they should work. I say "in theory" because I don't have Android version of KotOR, so I can't test it.
  5. Because our tools (MDLOps) doesn't allow us to do that kind of stuff.
  6. My movie robes will work fine, just be sure that you overwrite all conflicting files. Armored robes will not work - they use default padawan robe model, so they will conflict with cloaked K1 robes.
  7. If I will want to replay K1 - I'll do it myself. If anybody else can and want to convert it to K1 - be my guest, do it and you have my full permission to upload mod here or any other site.
  8. IIRC, DXT5 (or any other common .dds format) is not an option, because KotOR engine can use only special Bioware .dds.
  9. When I first saw ESB I fell in love with Vader's flagship, Executor. And I also like classic X-Wing.
  10. I remember I had same issue with my quarterstaff models, but I managed to fix it. Could you send me this blaster model? I want to take a look and try to fix it. My method will not work lightsabers, 'cause we can't just compile them like any other model.
  11. Saw this gem: Mace Windu survived and he is Finn's father!
  12. Trust me, you don't want it. It's Russian, and it's (mostly) a scrapyard.
  13. Maybe the movie will be focused on villain's point-of-view?
  14. DeadMan

    Hi all

    Welcome! We never really talked at Lucasforums, but your mods helped me to understand how to mod these games.
  15. It's also a matter of mod author's origin. Sometimes people come to international sites with their own agenda about how modding should be done. For example: many of you know that I'm Russian. In most Russian modding communities* (not only KotOR/TSL, but ANY game modding community) mods were always considered like "open source" stuff (anybody can modify and/or upload mods to other sites as long as credit to original author is given). When I first came to Lucasforums (10 or 11 years ago, I can't remember for sure) it felt really strange that people don't allow to use their stuff (or just re-upload their mods to other sites) without explicit permission. I've got used to it, and now can I understand why many of us demand to be asked for permissions, but I can also understand people who naively think that asking author permission is not necessary. BTW, not giving credit to original author was always a "no-no" even in our communities (at least large ones, NOBODY cared about sites with 20 visits/day). Edit: * - in most OLD Russian modding communities. I can't talk about modern ones - JKO/KJA/KotOR/TSL/ communities where I was an active member are long since dead. And they were the largest of Russian modding sites for these games.
  16. The Phantom Menace for me was always associated with Anakin.
  17. CD Projekt RED also allows to use assets from The Witcher games (all 3 of them) in mods for other games, as long as mods are free. Obsidian has nothing to do with this, they don't own the game or any rights for it. It all comes from LucasArts and now Disney.
  18. And will you use a saber which you cannot upgrade when you have a lot of really good lightsaber upgrades in TSL? I think not. And AFAIK we can't lock just the color crystal slot, it's all or nothing. And even if it's possible, it will mean that you can't take the crystal out, but it won't prevent you from attempting to install crystal to a wrong saber type.
  19. There's no way to do it. It's just how engine works. If item is a lightsaber, no matter the type, it allows you to put color crystal in it. Nothing can be done about it, it's a hardcoded stuff. Developers never thought that there will be a need to restrict some crystals to certain saber type, so there's no mechanism to do that. Adding feat requirements won't do anything, they determine if character can use an item and nothing more. Trust me, if some kind of such restriction would have been possible - it would've been found years ago. *.2da editing won't do any good here. Maybe it's possible to do something via scripts, but I'm no script expert.
  20. And when KotOR/TSL were released widescreen resolutions weren't mainstream too. When they became - support on this games already ended. We should be glad that it's even possible to play this games on modern systems.
  21. He was saved by the will of the Force... Now I understand why Kreia wanted to kill it Nope. Thanks to Disney, Kaiburr crystal is now a "legend", and all lightsaber crystals are kyber crystals.
  22. I agree about lipstick. Additionally, her hair needs some tweaking, it's too dark, almost to the point where you can't actually see any detail on the hair texture.
  23. You're on laptop, right? Most of them have integrated AND dedicated cards these days, so check out if game really using dedicated one. The game is really old, so it's possible that your system "thinks" that an integrated video is enough for it. Also, try to update or downgrade graphic card driver - I once had such problem with one particular driver version (don't remember which one exactly, it was a long time ago).
  24. Saw it yesterday. It was good. A bit boring in the middle, but it overall I liked it more than TFA. I actually loved the fact that they all died. If they didn't - the movie would be just OK to me. But that's me - I just like movies where everybody dies in the end. I'm a terrible person And to see Vader in the actual action... It was awesome! They really showed WHY the whole galaxy was terrified of him in the OT.
  25. Both mods by LitRidl, right? Well, it's still good old TSLPatcher (one of the earlier versions, IIRC). He just modified it's icon.