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Everything posted by DeadMan

  1. I'm 26, I'm Russian. I'm deputy chief of database department in a company developing software for builders.
  2. DeadMan

    G0-T0 Overhaul

    I'm glad it's finally released! Will try it in my next playthrough. It's great that you included alternate cape textures, I think I'll use the cream-ish one (but why the original dark-grey with red paintings is not included? I think some people might actually like it) The only thing I don't really like is his head texture - I more liked the original bright-red visor. But it's no problem, I have that texture backuped Or I can edit the new one Or do some other crazy things
  3. It's using it's own model which is integrated into menu scene, and not the one which is used ingame. So - no, average user can't do that. I'm not even sure if it's possible to edit menu scenes at all - they could contain things which our tools can't work with.
  4. DeadMan

    New Saber Blades

    Just downloaded the mod to check it - everything is there. BTW, my TXI code look like this: proceduretype cycle defaultwidth 256 defaultheight 128 numx 2 numy 1 fps 48 blending additive decal 1
  5. I knew that it was a bad idea to run Civilization V... Goodbye modding, I have a world to capture.

    1. hkmandalore47


      what happens in civ 5 with nukes? do u still get global warming? bc i hate that, its the main reason why i dont use them in civ 4

    2. DeadMan


      Global warming was cut in Civ5. Just like many other things.

      But I really like what they made with combat (only 1 unit in 1 cell, hexed instead of squares) - combat is now actually interesting.

    3. hkmandalore47


      lol i guess im too used to massive stacks of siege weapons and other units

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  6. Thanks. The cheat for that will be giveitem guidonbeacon
  7. Just tested it ingame. Great improvement! It stays in my override forever (or until you make new version).
  8. Music file for Dark Side points is called 'mus_s_darkshort.wav', and should go to Override. Original can be found in Kotor_Tool (BIFs=>sounds.bif=>WAV Files).
  9. Does anyone have good hi-res pictures of DC-17m (blaster rifle from Republic Commando)? Even ri-res screenshots will be OK to me. I have some plans for it :-)

    1. DeadMan


      I've seen those. They all show the weapon from the left side, where clip is attached, and I need some other views. Looks like I'll have to reinstall the game ;) Or just experiment, I didn't planned to make exact replicas anyway.

    2. ratchet_owns88


      I know of some similar models on the Mandalorian Knight's page. They look fantastic and already have them in my own game. Hope you find it useful;

    3. DeadMan


      Thanks, I'll take a look.

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  10. Quarterstaff Replacement Pack View File 1. What is this? Are you tired of awfull look of quarterstaffs? No? Hey, I know you don’t use them, but a lot of NPCs do, so this mod will replace them with better looking models. I’ve also made some interesting changes to these weapons: - Handmaiden’s staff is now double-bladed sword with retractable blades (huge thanks to SithSpecter for allowing me to use his awesome Yinchorr Dueling Sword model) and deals a bit more damage (not too much, just enough for you to keep this blade until you train her as Jedi) - Guidon Beacon, which was restored in TSLRCM will have unique model. - My favorite, Geonosian Electrostaff. It now looks more like staffs which Magnaguards used in episode 3 (electrical field will turn on and off, and it also have custom sounds) 2. Why should I install it? To make your game look better, of course! 3. How to install? Just run TSL Patcher, it will do everything for you. 4. Compatibility. Compatible with TSLRCM. Not compatible with other mods which alter ingame quarterstaff models. 5. Credits. SithSpecter - for allowing me to use his awesome Yinchorr Dueling Sword model. RevanDark and AshuraDX – I used some texture parts from their JA mods. Conditions of Use: You are free to use this models as you like as long as you give proper credit to me, except for the Handmaiden’s staff model. For that one, ask permission from SithSpecter. One more exception: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP. Submitter DeadMan Submitted 09/08/2012 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  11. 21,152 downloads

    1. What is this? Are you tired of awfull look of quarterstaffs? No? Hey, I know you don’t use them, but a lot of NPCs do, so this mod will replace them with better looking models. I’ve also made some interesting changes to these weapons: - Handmaiden’s staff is now double-bladed sword with retractable blades (huge thanks to SithSpecter for allowing me to use his awesome Yinchorr Dueling Sword model) and deals a bit more damage (not too much, just enough for you to keep this blade until you train her as Jedi) - Guidon Beacon, which was restored in TSLRCM will have unique model. - My favorite, Geonosian Electrostaff. It now looks more like staffs which Magnaguards used in episode 3 (electrical field will turn on and off, and it also have custom sounds) 2. Why should I install it? To make your game look better, of course! 3. How to install? Just run TSL Patcher, it will do everything for you. 4. Compatibility. Compatible with TSLRCM. Not compatible with other mods which alter ingame quarterstaff models. 5. Credits. SithSpecter - for allowing me to use his awesome Yinchorr Dueling Sword model. RevanDark and AshuraDX – I used some texture parts from their JA mods. Conditions of Use: You are free to use this models as you like as long as you give proper credit to me, except for the Handmaiden’s staff model. For that one, ask permission from SithSpecter. One more exception: Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ANY OF MY MODS TO BE UPLOADED TO STEAM WORKSHOP.
  12. DeadMan


    WOW! This will be a very usefull tool. 100/10
  13. Look at the date of the original post. At that time, the mod was comptible with TSLRCM (which version it was? 1.5? 1.6?)
  14. I've been wondering if there is a chance to see the TSLRCM source scripts?
  15. Just install it after TSLRCM 1.8 and everything will work fine.
  16. I've taken a look at saber model files and there is indeed a problem with them. w_lghtsbr_011, for example. If you open it in hex-editor, or decompile it with MDLOps, you'll see that aurora base in it is actually named w_lghtsbr_001. This may cause conflicts when one saber color overwrites another, like Fair Share described. Same thing with w_dblsbr_010 and w_shortsbr_010. It can be easily fixed by hex-editing the models.
  17. I believe HH meant n_darthnihilu001.utc
  18. Try to change this error disguise to a proper one. For a_heavy_x01 it should be DM_Jango_Fett; for jango_armor2 - DM_Jango_NP. Unfortunaately, this will take effect only in saves before first visit to Mandalorian camp.
  19. Looks like something is wrong with your appearance.2da file. Try to reinstall the mod, and load a save before first visit to the Mandalorian camp.
  20. If I remember right, the problems are caused by *.mod files (they will overwrite the ones from TSLRCM), and without them the mod will not work properly.
  21. I've rigged completely new character models for KotOR&TSL. Feel free to ask. I can't promise that I will be very helpful (it's difficult for me to describe such things in English. Hey, even in my first language most of my description will be ), but I'll do my best.
  22. DeadMan


    Looks great! Are you planning to release this as 1 mod, or there will be separate texture pack for each planet?
  23. For the unknown reasons I can't download this. When I click "download" it just redirects me to main forum page.