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Everything posted by DeadMan

  1. Not really. My mod adds far more sounds and their varieties to the game.
  2. I'm glad you like my old mod! If you'll have any questions about modding these games - feel free to PM me (in Russian ), I'll try to help.
  3. @Schmengland, IIRC it was same in vanilla.
  4. It's not real Bastila. It's T-1000
  5. Around 2004: - An RPG from Bioware in SW universe?! GREAT! *few hours later, still on Taris*: - Interesting, but dialogue could be better. Why my soldier talks like a stupid teenager?! *some more time later, just finished Dantooine* - At last! I have the Force, lightsaber, foes to kill and a galaxy to explore! - Those Jedi surely didn't tell me everything about these Sith. I will not be surprised if Darth Revan survived. *After the Reveal* - So, Revan is alive after all , and he is me... Cool, but it would have been much more effective if they didn't dropped hints about it earlier. - Jedi erased my memory and manipulated me all along?! I WANT TO KILL THEM! What? I can't do it in this game?! AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
  6. IIRC, he said something like "Can’t comment, but good catch." Avellone has previously used the phrase "good catch" in the Fallout Bibles to describe unintended implications he likes.
  7. Why not allow same mod in different categories? As I understand, each category will have it's own voting, so why votes for them will be split up?
  8. I use Media Player Classic to play them. Works for both StreamVoice and StreamMusic folders. IIRC, WinAmp also can play them.
  9. Don't extract *.mdl and *.mdx files from mod to TSL override and everything will work just fine.
  10. I may be wrong, but I thought that MDLOps can't properly convert area models and you need to use kAurora for that.
  11. Actually, I found a way to make a weapon use new custom sounds. In baseitems.2da you set 'on', 'off' and 'hum' sounds. You will also need 'weaponmattype' field - it points to a row in weaponsounds.2da, where all other sounds (like swing, clash, etc) are stored. You may check my sound mod for details. With this mod all 3 saber types (single, shot, dual) use custom sets of sounds.
  12. First mod? I don't remember, it was so long ago. But I'm sure it was some minor robe reskin for personal use (so it was never released). After that there were some custom lightsaber color crystals with really cheating stats, but I played with Hardcore mod, so they weren't very game breaking. Never released it too. Sorry, there are no screenshots, it was too long ago. The first released mod? I believe it was early version of this, released on PCGameMods. And some time after that I released the very first (and really ugly) version of mod which evolved into THIS.
  13. Yes, you must overwrite that file, or one of the robes will not work correctly.
  14. DeadMan

    Broken. Empty.

    My girlfriend betrayed me. We were together for 2 years. I REALLY loved her, wanted to make a proposal soon (already bought the ring). We were happy together. And now she cheated on me. I can't forgive THAT. And I don't know how to live now. Don't worry - no suicides from me. It's just too hard for me. I can't eat, can't drink, can't do my job, can't do anything... Apathy. Hell, I don't even know why I'm writing all this, like some stupid teenager...
  15. That's because textures are in Bioware DDS format, they ca't be opened in editing programs.
  16. DeadMan

    Kotor Apeiron

    There are other ways which will work better for shooter/rpg hybrid 'remake' of KotOR. Think about the first Deus Ex or Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. But it will work only for ranged combat. For melee they'll have to do something different. I think Gothic(1/2)-like combat mechanics can work. Of more modern games I'm thinking of The Witcher 2 or Dark Souls. It's not a bad thing that they'll change combat mechanics. More action-stylized combat doesn't mean that the game will lose it's core RPG elements. Non-linear story, characters, decisions and their consequences - that's what makes a proper RPG. If that's preserved - this 'remake' may work. Like most of you I don't like their visual design choices, game doesn't look like Star Wars at all, and that is bad. Anyway, all of this is pointless, because this project will never be finished.
  17. DeadMan

    Kotor Apeiron

    CD Projekt RED also allows to use assets from The Witcher games in mods as long, as mods are free. Praise them!
  18. Bad analogy. Video game developers are paid for their work, and they sell their games to users. Modders are not. We are sharing our work out of goodwill and we don't owe anyone anything. 'Casual' users may see us this way, but let's be honest: who cares about them?! They are not part of the community. Not the active part at least.
  19. My new GF GTX 970 works perfectly with both games. To be honest, I've never had ANY issuses with nVidia cards and these games, and I've used a lot of them since games release (5600, 6600, 9800, 450, 650, 970)
  20. DeadMan

    The Witcher

    There are some mods which I personally use (most of them are retextures or bugfixes): The Witcher Overhaul Project by lexo1000 Geralt's default face with RofTWW textures by SoullessMadness Sex Takes Time Mod by Corylea Hi-Res Character Models by Roxtar Han Gives Han NOT Berbercane by Cory Kerens Missing Kalkstein and Leuvaarden Clues Fix by didymos Unique Eyes for all Witchers by me Better leather jackets by me Dagger Overhaul by me Scabbard Mod by Ifrit team (be warned that this one is a little bit buggy) What I DON"T recommend for the first game is a Full Combat Rebalance. It will make game too difficult and confusing for new player.
  21. DeadMan

    The Witcher

    Hello folks! Some of you could be wondering, where I was for the last months, or why I didn't released anything new. Long story short - I was consumed by modding the first Witcher game. And now I want to share my work with you. I proudly present you the mod I've been working on since March and recently released - Complete Sword Overhaul. It will replace all ingame sword models with new, high-quality ones. It also makes each sword to use unique model, so your freshly-crafted meteorite sword will not look exactly like the basic one. It took much longer to complete it than I initially thought, but it was worth it.
  22. IIRC, to fix this "cyan saber syndrome" you'll need to set blade to retracted position in the frame #0.
  23. I believe it's possible, but you'll also need to edit baseitems.2da to make it work. Just set "powereditem" to 1 for it's row, and it will use powerup/powerdown animations if they are in the model. You can also sounds for blade extending/retracting