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Everything posted by DeadMan

  1. I believe this was made in USM and SLM (or, maybe, old HotOR mod)
  2. Don't worry, my head hurt too when I was figuring out how to do that stuff :-) In reality, it is far easier than it sounds. Just tedious and time consuming.
  3. Basic understanding of the TW3 modding and tools will really help you when you'll try to install several mods which modify same files or when you'll hit mod limit Kexikus mentioned. Mod Merger and Script Merger tools will be helpfull, but they're not a panacea. I had to manually merge a lot of mods I'm using. Sometimes official ModKit just can't properly uncook a mod, so I had to extract *.bundle content with QuickBMS, unpack texture.cache with LUA script, re-export textures to proper format, merge everything with other uncooked mods and repack the whole thing.
  4. This. PSU tend to give lower power output when time passes, so some reserve never hurts. For a system like yours I'd recomend something with 650W or more. You will also benefit from it if you decide to upgrade your system in the future.
  5. You know about Nexus - it's usually enough. Everything worth looking at is released there for these games, IMHO. If you are curious, you may also want to check Steam Workshop for Skyrim mods (it's possible that some authors release their work only there). Witcher 3 Mod section on CD Project RED forums may have links to some rare small mods/tweaks.
  6. If robes were already in your inventory when you installed the mod - they won't work properly. The ones which you find (or give yourself with cheats/KSE) after you install the mod should work fine.
  7. Guys, porting is NO issue in this case. I repeat:
  8. The head model I used as base for him (PFHC05) is present in K1 (PFHB02, I believe), so it won't be a porting issue. Textures were made from scratch. If anybody is willing to apply my changes to K1 model (edit neck geometry to match with male body, edit UVW map so it won't mirror face texture, maybe other minor geometry edits, can't remember for sure), or just convert my edited model to K1 - be my guest. I can't do it myself - I'm completely off-modding these days.
  9. I believe this issue comes back from Aurora Engine (which Odyssey is based on) and can't be fixed. Even more recent games based on this engine (like The Witcher 1) suffer from this problem (that's why authors of scabbard mod for TW1 disabled option to give scabbards to all NPCs - it caused huge FPS drop on any PC and made game very unstable).
  10. Maybe something is wrong with file path? In my experience, MDLOps HATES spaces and non-English characters in file paths.
  11. mp3's never worked for me in non-Steam versions. I don't know if Aspyr changed anything about it, you'll have to find out yourself.
  12. It's a bit complicated, but possible. I didn't worked with them for a long time, here's what I remember (note: everything about file paths or formats will work for NON-Steam version; I don't know if it will work with Aspyr patch) 1) Prepare your sound files (IIRC, 16 bit mono uncompressed WAVE), put them to X:\your_path_to_the_game\SWKotOR2\StreamSounds. 2) Now you need to add new line for EACH new sound to dialog.tlk. In the text field you may type anything, it won't be seen in-game. In the Sound Resref field type filename of your sound without extension (so, if file called "soud1.wav" type "sound1"). Remember row numbers for your new lines. 3) Open KotOR_tool SSF editor, click File->New. You will see the list of events for which sounds should play (like "Battlecry 1" or "Pain Grunt 1"). Next to the name of event you will see an editable field with "-1" in it. Here you need to type row number of your new line from dialog.tlk. If you have done everything right, you'll see name of your sound file and whatever you typed in "text" field of dialog.tlk in next two fields. Fill everything you need (if you don't want to use some events, leave them with "-1"), and save your new *.ssf file. 4) Final step. Open soundset.2da, add new row. In the "label" field type the name of your new soundset (like "MyOwnSoundset"), in "resref" - name of you *.ssf file without extension, in "gender" filed type 0 for male soundset and 1 for female one. In "strref" and "type" fields write ****. Save your changes. 5) Congratulations! Now you should be able to set you new soundset for characters. Sorry for my English, I hope I explained everything clear.
  13. That picture of a gravestone... I love it! But it raises a question: if MDLOps is dead, how you compiled models?
  14. Agreed, but unfortunately I won't write one - it's too difficult for me to describe such things in English. Even in my first language it will be mostly *censored* *censored* *censored*
  15. You may also want to check these mods, they all have models ported from JKO/JKA: Please note that models in Kainzorus Prime's mods were also made by me. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Kain's NPC overhaul have a ported Haps Imperial Officer model. At least, I converted that model for him BEFORE ANYONE ASKS: sorry folks, I'm completely off-modding these days, so NO, I will not take any requests.
  16. Not exactly true, I currently have GTX 970 - no glitches. I never had graphic bugs with both games on nVidia cards, and I used a lot of them (5600, 6600, 8600, 9800, 450, 650, 970).
  17. If you have original author's permission (or readme says that assets from a mod can be used in other mods without asking for permission) - then yes, it's possible. How difficult it will be - depends on the model.
  18. IIRC, in unmodded appearance.2da Bao-Dur have **** for texa/texb columns. That means, that he will use texture which is set in the model itself. This texture is P_Bao_DurA. For the dark side (texaevil/texbevil) he have P_Bao_DurAD, so the actual texture will be P_Bao_DurAD01.
  19. Try to manually copy PFBI*.tga and PFBI*.txi files from mods' tslpatchdata folder to your Override, overwrite files if necessary.
  20. Some armored robes included in my Movie-style Jedi Master robes
  21. May be codec issue. Check DOSBox install directory, it should have documents with links to required codecs.
  22. Recording Video in DOSBox Basically, you just need to press CTRL+ALT+F5 to start/stop recording. Captured video will be saved in %APPDATA%\Dosbox\capture IIRC.
  23. Due to engine limitations it's impossible to change Star Forge robes without changing Revan's Robe and vice versa.
  24. [KotOR] Prequel Robe Replacement 1.1 IIRC, I didn't made separate maps for both hands.