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Xuul last won the day on February 27 2024

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224 Jedi Grand Master


About Xuul

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    Jedi Knight
  • Birthday January 5

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  1. Lets see if we can get this sorted. First off, if files you are downloading are automatically opening, you can fix that in your web browser by disabling auto-open downloads. Next you need a tool to actually handle the zipped files. Since you are on windows 11 I would suggest NanaZip - its a continuation of 7zip that works a bit better with modern windows. You can download it from the windows store here, so you dont need to worry about install issues either : https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9N8G7TSCL18R?hl=en-us&gl=US Once you have this tool installed, you can now actually extract files. To do so RIGHT click on the files you downloaded. From here you will see a new option for NanaZip https://imgur.com/198mls3 After you download the zipped file, RIGHT click on it, hover over Nanazip and Select "Extract to "foldername\" https://imgur.com/fzX9UoX That should actually get the files extracted. Also, it looks like when you click on the files the system is trying to use the wrong program (Word) to open them. You can fix that by opening the start menu and searching "Default apps" then opening "Default apps" in the system settings. Inside the search box labeled "Enter a file type or link type" search for .7z then click on the entry. After that select Nanazip as the default program. You can do the same for .rar and .zip files as well so they open in a program that can read them. Let me know if this was helpful, and if you need anything let me know and I will try to assist.
  2. Wonder what's the state of SWTOR these days? I only ever played up to part of the Hutt Cartel and am tempted to look into it again

    1. Thor110


      It got weird when they introduced what was essentially a single player story for everybody to participate in, though I quite enjoyed it still I found that the outcome of that story was a rather strange one for an mmo.

  3. In case you missed it: I released the first two spotlight videos on the Kotor Reddit Mod Builds. Feedback would be appreciated. 

    Episode 1:


    Episode 2:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jc2


      I like the short length, seems more concise than some others, but I'd suggest grouping a few together if they are that small. Yet, at the same time, if the idea is to put these links directly under each mod in the build, then I'd understand why you would be hesitant to do so. Still you could try segmenting them in the same video with timestamps to seperate. 

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The reason they're individual is less for adding them to group them together but so that they can be removed from the playlists down the road if the mods are upgraded by newer versions or surpassed by different versions.  The idea behind it is that his playlist will mirror the Snigaroo's Mod Build on Reddit and will always be able to stay current.

    4. ebmar


      I have watched these 2 episodes, and I really like the concept here! Keep-it-up and looking forwards to another episodes! :cheers:

  4. Going to be starting another stream soon. More Kotor Mods to test

    1. ebmar
    2. N-DReW25


      Recon you could upload that stream as well?

  5. I will  be doing a small livestream to test out some mods in about 20 min if anyone is interested.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Xuul


      Alright VOD is available now with the chat burnt in. Let me know if it is too much and whatnot.



    3. N-DReW25


      If you ever do a Brotherhood of Shadow video PLZ bring back Jack Star and do a Jack Star playthrough of it.

    4. ebmar



      Alright VOD is available now with the chat burnt in. Let me know if it is too much and whatnot.

      Maybe on the next livestream you could re-arrange the layout to be something like this Xuul:


      I found it's hard to look at some details when you were pointing to contents that are located on the left side of the screen because they were covered by the chat's stream.

  6. I think Star Forge might be the place to go then, seeing as it is the server that holds my old characters atm
  7. I really haven't played SWTOR since release. During a recent livestream, a few of my viewers suggested that I try playing it again. I thought it would be fun to do as a livestream thing since I actually have a reliable setup now. So I wanted to see if anyone was interested in joining us on our adventure. Questions I have from people who actually play SWTOR. What class / faction / server should I play? Anything I need to know/ do? Do I need to have a subscription to make this viable? Let me know if you think this is a good idea and if you want to join me. I don't have a time set up yet, so that is something to discuss too.
  8. I'm thinking about trying to play SWTOR again ( possibly during a livestream). Any one have any thoughts suggestions or ideas.

    1. VarsityPuppet


      Let the community know, get a group going and do a flashpoint!

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      [deleted - moved comment to your thread]

  9. New Website lookin' slick

    1. ebmar


      Cool! Lots of new stuffs goin' on here 👽

  10. I am literally giving away a chance to win free games in the latest news post.

    1. DarthParametric


      Maybe you should list the games.

  11. Clearly I need up update my clickbait title game...

  12. Surprise! I updated the News again. I suggest you check this one out ASAP.

  13. Hello Everyone, May the 4th be with you! That's right. It's Star Wars day, and you know what that means... Sales. Right now on Steam you can pick up the entire Star Wars collection at 72% off. So if you have been waiting to pull the trigger on that purchase, now would be a good time to do so. Since I don't want the entire post here to be 3 lines long, lets talk about some other happenings in the community. If you missed the last update, you can check it out HERE. And if you usually skim or skip these posts, you might want to stick around to the end of this one. Just sayin' Deadlystream 2017 Contest winners To start off I want to once again congratulate the winners of our 2017 Mod of the Year (Leilukin) and Community Member of the Year (DarthParametric). You both have done amazing work for the community and I don't think we can thank you enough. So once again congratulations from myself and everyone here at Deadlystream. I know not everyone was happy with how I ran things (myself included) but the winners of the overall awards and the category awards I didn't mention deserve all the praise and accolades we can give them. Thinking about these winners while this Star Wars Sale was going on gave me an idea. It's an idea I have had for a while but never thought of a good way to implement it... Until now. Game Giveaway Contest I have personally been buying a bunch of random games over the past year or so with the intent of doing a giveaway of some sort. Most of these are Star Wars Titles but I also have several other select popular titles available as well (read this as i'm not giving away just a bunch of shovel-ware). At the end of the month I will be giving away these games to a fair number of people. But to win you need to do something for me first. To enter the contest all you need to do is write a review of a mod on Deadlystream (It needs to be at least one paragraph, the more detailed the better) and then make a post in this thread linking to the mod. This way the reviews will be with the actual mod, but I can keep track of who is entering the contest. You may submit multiple reviews of mods so long as they are of sufficient detail. If you would like a bonus entry, you can also provide feedback of the M4-78 A history series Sith Holocron and I worked on. Post your review/ feedback (again at least a paragraph but preferably more) in THIS thread. Post a link back to the thread here to show you are interested in this contest as well I'm sure there are other things I missed and I reserve the right to edit this post to clarify any rules and/or exceptions. Also, if you don't want to win anything, I still urge you to post reviews, it helps motivate authors and improves the quality of the website. If you wish to abstain from the contest post reviews and then don't link back to this thread. I hope to see some great posts and hope that everyone across the site benefits from today. Thank you very much for watching and have an excellent day!