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Everything posted by DeadMan

  1. Have anybody read Disney's EULA ( I usually have problems with understanding juridical language (for me it's all gibberish no matter in which language it's written), so can somebody translate it from "legal English" to "human English"? (look at GOG EULA for reference: I'm most interested in the User Generated Content part. Is porting from one KotOR game (or other SW-games)...

    1. LiliArch


      Yeah, just checked KotOR Collection's EULA. It has no numbers, and it says "You shall not" instead of "You may not", but it doesn't have the (5). It does have (2), and it does tell "Hack or modify (or attempt to hack or modify) the Product, or create, develop, modify, distribute or use any software programs in order to gain (or allow others to gain) advantage of this Product in an on-line multiplayer game setting", in addition to multiple, different ways of tel...

    2. LiliArch


      ...ling "do not make illegal copies of the product", but nothing about levels.

    3. DarthTyren


      Interesting. Could we be casting a faint light onto the ultra-gray area of modding?

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  2. I'm getting tired of this. I didn't released any KotOR/TSL mod for... 2 years (?) And now I'm gettiogn a lot of messages, that my mods don't work with Steam version. So, I just have to say this: I DON'T CARE!!! STEAM is DRM BS for idiots which should have never existed. NO, I will never support this version. NO, my mods cannot be uploaded to Steam Workshop. NO, damn you, if you are stupid enought to use this DRM BS, you are not worthy to mod your game. Sorry if...

    1. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      @HK, 1Leonard, and Deadman: The file structure isn't changed, but the .exe was... A Steam Workshop mod installs into its own folder in Steam's Workshop folder, not in the game's own directory. There is no TSLPatcher used, no compatiblity work done, just a drop in a folder.


      And given the way it's all setup, the load-order can't be changed and if a lower folder (higher-numbered folder, so loaded closer to the end) uses same-named files, those will be used instead....

    2. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      And guys... It's Deadman's own status update; it's not reflective of DS, but one modder's own opinions in a status update on his own profile... unless he's linking to porn or torrents or scams or a crime or something, he's perfectly-valid to post whatever he wants in a status update...

    3. HK-47


      Oh right. I had forgotten about the load order. And you're right. I was not expecting the reaction to folks.

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  3. "When you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
  4. DeadMan

    Movie Mandalorians

    Workshop is the problem. In this case, you need to install mod not to the game's folder (X:\bla-bla-bla\SWKotOR2), but to Workshop's TSLRCM folder. I have no idea which is that.
  5. I am Russian, I can try to convince the author to stop using files without permission or talk with admin to remove the mod in question. PM me link to the site.
  6. In a manner of speaking, yes. It still plays like shooter, but the world, quests and atmosphere are far closer to the FO1&2. It's also possible to meet some characters from FO2 and hear a lot about what the Chosen One (protagonist in FO2) did
  7. I'm usually fine when people reupload my mods to other sites (if they credit me as author), but I will not tolerate reuploading them to Steam Workshop. Reasons? I hate Steam, I hate Valve, Workshop is a broken mess for idiots which should never existed.
  8. This! I'm a huge Fallout fan since 1998, so FO3 for me is an abomination. Bethesda has NO IDEA how to make a proper Fallout. It's not Fallout, it's another TES in post-nuclear decorations. I'm not saying it's a bad game, it just should not have been called Fallout 3. New Vegas looks like FO3, but inside it's a completely different game. Obsidian at least treats FO universe with some kind of respect. It's much closer to 1&2. I'm VERY sceptical about upcoming FO4, knowing that Beth develops it.
  9. I just hope they'll release this update to the GOG version of the game... I'll NEVER buy a Steam version, I hate this DRM BS which thinks that it knows better than me how to handle games I paid for. BTW, if anyone spots ANY of my mods on workshop - please, let me know or report yourself that the mod is stolen.
  10. There's a lot of games which I really like, so choosing a favorite is quite difficult. So I'll just list some of them: FallOut 1&2 The Witcher series (if you want to try it, by the God, READ THE BOOKS FIRST, or you'll miss A LOT of fun) StarCraft (both of them) Freelancer Resident Evil Deus Ex Not exactly games, but I enjoy playing with them ;-) : 3DS Max Photoshop
  11. IIRC, the only animation I removed is his custom walk animation - it produced some glitches on modified model. I replaced that with general character walk anim. His other anims are still in TFU-style model.
  12. Decided to replay Witcher 1... And made an interesting discovery - Witcher can use weapon models exported directly from NWMax (official Witcher 3DS Max exporter doesn't work for me)... I have a lot of modding ideas;) Will need to experiment with animated models.

    1. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      I have never played it but I have heard the first volume was an excellent game.

    2. DeadMan


      IMHO, it's THE BEST game of 2007 ;) Maybe it's because I'm a huge fan of the Witcher books :)

      BTW, second game is also great, although completely different in gameplay terms.

    3. Rece


      I still need to buy FS that...

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  13. Well, main problem with merging K1 and TSL is that it violates their EULA, so it's considered illegal and not allowed in most KotOR-related modding communities. And even if it were allowed, there's a lot of technical difficulties.
  14. Wtf? His flaps might be unnanimated in some cutscenes (didn't had time to test 'em all), but in every other way they should work.
  15. Try to flip the modified texture vertically in Photoshop.
  16. IIRC, Star Forge/Revan robes use PMBJ (for males) and PFBJ (for females) textures.
  17. That's the reason why I've got myself a GOG version Steam is great, but I don't like to depend on 3rd party services.
  18. Tested GOG version of TSL yesterday. Works great on my Win7U (x86). The only thing I had to do with the game is to apply widescreen patch (I've used UniWS patcher, and it works with this version, so no more need to google for cracked *.exe). TSLRCM, M4-78EP and any other mods work without a problem, at least I didn't encountered any. And, btw, looks like this version comes with integrated HQ Movies and Music patches, so you don't need to download the separately.
  19. GOG - Good Old Games - is a great site, which sells old games, optimized to work on modern systems. You may also pre-order Witcher 3 (and buy 1&2) there, 'cause it's owned by the same company, which owns CD Project RED. What I really like about this site is the fact that all games there come without ANY sort of DRM.
  20. TSL: 4.46GB. A lot of HD texture mods here. K1: 2.08GB.
  21. Here it is: Fixing Lighting on Custom Models
  22. You can use gMax for KotOR/TSL modding, trust me on that Some of my models were made with it. It may have some glitches, but most of them can be avoided.
  23. When I saw the helmetless Stormie I laughed like madman and thought that it's not a real trailer, but a fake one. The comes this droid... WTF?! R2 had sex with Droideka?! The rest ot the trailer seems good to me. I really liked to see X-wings and Falcon. And then comes this saber... It's stupid, impractical, but looks quite good on screen, so I can live with that.
  24. OMG! YOU DID IT!!! That's an amazing find, DS. I think I can put it to good use;)
  25. IIRC, these folders are created if your game crashed to the desktop during load. Anyway, this problem happened to me on both XP and 7, so I suppose it's not OS related.