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About Romin

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    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 07/06/1981

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    Portugal, Porto, Gaia
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    Cinema (love it), videogames, literature, music, friends, coffee, tea, good food, hanging out and of course... KotOR

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  1. Wow, that was quick! Really glad I could somehow help you fix your wonderful mod so everyone can enjoy it. Thank you and the community for always being active and helpful.
  2. I have to report that I have also encountered this bug. I've always played KotOR with a lot of mods, so I knew the issue had to come from one that I had recently downloaded. I also use some of the mods already listed here, and after exausting playtests I was able to finish the game. These are the 3 mods I did not install (from the thousands I already use) and there was no bug: - Party Model Fixes 2 - Transparent Environment Suit Faceplates for K1 1.3 - HQ KOTOR Music Overhaul Mod Now that being said, I'm not going to start pointing fingers at any specific mod for being the culprit of this bug, because I am no modder, just a mod user. Also I'm tired of testing this just to arrive at this not even half-satisfactory conclusion. I'll be skipping those mods from my build until confirmation that they are safe. Hope this information helps getting to the bottom of the matter and fixing the mod causing the bug.
  3. I'm posting this same comment on "PC Response Moderation" and "[K1] Improved dialog.tlk 1.0" as it relates to both. Really nice work done here and there and can't decide which one is best. I did found the occasional mismatch, like some word on VO but not in subtitle, or vice-versa. Random example: someone says "That's a very good thing" but the subtitle reads "That's a good thing", but those instances are so few and far between and just adjectives that I did not make a note of it. Still, there's just one (and only that one) line of dialogue that I can't get over: When leaving the Tatooine swoop track after becoming champion, a twilek asks the player for an autoprint. In the vanilla game the 1st reply option is "What? My autoprint? Are you serious?", to what the fan replies "Sure I am. (...)". Now in this modifications the player just says "My autoprint?", to which the twilek still replies "Sure I am." So, for a more fluid conversation the player should ask "My autoprint? Are you serious?" or the phrase "Sure I am." removed from the fan response subtitle. If you ever consider an update, please correct this. 🙏
  4. I'm posting this same comment on "PC Response Moderation" and "[K1] Improved dialog.tlk 1.0" as it relates to both. Really nice work done here and there and can't decide which one is best. I did found the occasional mismatch, like some word on VO but not in subtitle, or vice-versa. Random example: someone says "That's a very good thing" but the subtitle reads "That's a good thing", but those instances are so few and far between and just adjectives that I did not make a note of it. Still, there's just one (and only that one) line of dialogue that I can't get over: When leaving the Tatooine swoop track after becoming champion, a twilek asks the player for an autoprint. In the vanilla game the 1st reply option is "What? My autoprint? Are you serious?", to what the fan replies "Sure I am. (...)". Now in this modifications the player just says "My autoprint?", to which the twilek still replies "Sure I am." So, for a more fluid conversation the player should ask "My autoprint? Are you serious?" or the phrase "Sure I am." removed from the fan response subtitle. If you ever consider an update, please correct this. 🙏
  5. Don't know if this is the right place to post this, but here goes: After playing with the latest version, 1.9.2, this mod is nearly perfect. Congrats and many thanks to the whole K1CP team! I know you're continuing to improve this patch and after my last play with it I'd like to add my two cents. If the things reported below are bugs or deserve fixes or adressing in some manner it's up to you, of course. I trust your insight and decisions. Ebon Hawk: - after the very first travel with the Hawk leaving Dantooine, Zaalbar tells the player about some missing supplies in the cargo hold; there's a pop up signaling a journal update, but no entry in the log, only after checking the supplies. Tatooine: - there's some party banter facing issues after helping Sharina Fizark (and come to think of it probably if robbing her too, have not tested de DS option); - Zoriis Bafka (swoop racer) is on a combat suit. Kashyyyk: - Zaalbar does not have is equipped items when captured by Chundaar (I guess it makes sense for Chundaar to strip him of his gear, but if that's the case then Zaalbar should not have any weapon equipped, as he shows holding up a plain sword; did K1CP team made this change so that Zaalbar would not go madclaw on Chundaar a second time? But why would Chundaar care about that? And again if that were to be the case it would only benefit Chundaar on his fellow wookie's eyes. I really think this is an "all or nothing" scenario: Chundaar allows Zaalbar to keep his gear showing his 'good faith' or totally removes it until the issue in the Shadowlands is resolved in his favour); - the party can not transit back to the Ebon Hawk after liberating Edean from the Czerka (probably this change was made so the player is forced to confront the Czerka enforcers and although I agree with it to some extent, it's really a drag to not be able to transit back at that point) Leviathan: - entering the Leviathan's bridge the party has no weapons equipped (I understand that this is probably related to the unmasking of companions for a more cinematic feel and one can not be made without the other, but it just seems odd to enter what you know is going to be a physical confrontation without weapons ready). And that's it. As stated earlier, I trust in your insight and decisions of what to do or not about this. Just trying to help. Thank you so much to the K1CP team and all modders of this site. I love this community.
  6. Thanks for version 1.0.2 with the missing textures. Now Juhani can wear them gloveless in my mod build. Looks awesome!
  7. That's unfortunate. The last time I played with K1CP it was still v1.8, though.
  8. Was browsing through the comments section here looking for something unrelated when came across this comments: Since the launch of K1CP I've been deleting mods/bug fixes in my drive that this patch already adresses (too many mods!!!), and really thought that a fix for that would already be incorporated here or in some file somewhere online, since I know that it exists. It seems that it has been erased from the net! Luckily, I still have it, and according to the readme, it was made by @Salk. Here it is: Black Vulkar Sound Fix.rar Hope it helps and that it is incorporated in the next update I may be wrong, but I think that only triggers after arriving on Lehon
  9. Romin

    HD Yuthura Ban

    Hello @Dark Hope First off, congratulations on your works. They're awesome. Now, I know that I should post mod requests in the respective thread, but going in line with this mod, would be really cool if you could do something similar retexturing Uthar. That guy really needs it. If at all possible, that would be a great addition to our community. Thanks, and keep up the great work
  10. Hello, @DarthParametric I assume I'm getting this right, so this may seem a dumb question, but just for the sake of clarification: if I intend to use this mod then I don't need to install Movie-Style Holograms for End Game Cutscenes. Is that right, or will I be missing something?
  11. I love this mod. Korriban is always the last planet I visit, so these items are a blessing when playing with higher difficulty mods. Highly recommended.
  12. Romin

    Better Genoharadan Items

    Now these items are really some of the best in the game, but I think you went overkill. Just half those bonuses and they would still be ones of the best in the entire game. Anyways, I'm using it. Thanks
    I don't know what to say! How do you people still come up with this ideas that add so much flavor to this old but awesome game? I swear, this game only gets better every time I visit this site. Thank you so much for your work. Will use this mod ALLWAYS.
    To anyone having doubts about this mod: don't. At version 2.2.0 it does an exceptional job at delivering what it promises in the summary above. Much of the dialogue about you not being a Jedi is gone, some PC responses have been altered accordingly and it flows really well storywise. Just an important note: if you are using any other mods that use/alter the dialog.tlk file make sure to install this one last, this way you prevent it from breaking storywise. I wouldn't recommend this mod for a 1st playthrough, otherwise why wait to be a Jedi? Will use this mod ALLWAYS
  13. There is a maxim in cinema that says: "Don't tell. Show!". It also applies to videogames. And this mod does exactly that. This is as it should have been in vanilla. Thank you so much @Fallen Guardian Will use this mod ALLWAYS