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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. Everyone: "Oh goodie, JCarter426 uploaded another mod! I wonder what flawless, innovative, 10/10 mod he has graced us with this time JCarter426: "IsLaM iS mY aUtHoRiTy!"
  2. Luckily, the one I was going to pick was added to your mod. While this doesn't mean a thing, the scene you've taken a screen of in 703KOR is a vanilla scene and the 705KOR scene is a remake of the Trayas Core scene based upon the vanilla scene in 703KOR... another reason why one may dislike that scene though the effort isn't a bad idea on paper if you ask me.
  3. Upon further insight into the mod in order to hear the dialogue about Revan, you must set Revan to Dark Side on Peragus. I could modify this so that no matter what you always hear about Revan. Conveniently, I am also playing Kotor 2 with those mods with Legacy so I might be able to find an answer. I'll assume it could bug though it *may* not be that bad.
  4. So I've recently attempted to port the Peragus Mark 2 Mining Droids into K1, right now they work great except for one major problem. This problem is that when I give them a blaster and they try to shoot at something they will perform the shooting animation but a blaster bolt won't actually shot thus making the Mining Droid unable to damage enemies or players at all. Does anyone know what exactly is causing this, whether it be the model itself or something else?
  5. Yes, in the original "The GenoHaradan" mod it included a Sion VS Nihilus scene. My mod is an improvement upon "The GenoHaradan" but is TSLRCM compatible and does not feature a Sion VS Nihilus scene mainly because I intend for you to use the EE mod. Knew something was up with that, I will fix that in the upcoming patch. (So far I have two things to patch)
  6. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    Turns out he, instead of using the TSLPatcher installer, copied and pasted the files into the override folder. Because he did this it caused an NPC I intended to appear in the Entertainment Module appear in the Hangar and break the game. I am certain this will work with the NPC Overhaul mod.
  7. I'm 98% sure it is. If there is an incompatibility it would be very minor and won't actually stop you from going to M4-78, finishing M4-78 or completing the game. If you do find any sort of bugs, which I doubt there would be, let me know and I'll release a patch to fix it.
  8. GenoHaradan Legacy has been released! Though it is far from final.


    In 2017, I set out to make Exile007's 2012 "The GenoHaradan" mod compatiable with TSLRCM with my own improvements. During my development, I wrote a new GH plot inside the Jekk Jekk Tarr so I dropped Exile007's mod to make my own.


    Recently, I figured if my planned GH mod will take so long to make but Exile007's won't why not finish my work on Exile007's mod and release that for the time being. Essentially, I've made Exile007's GenoHaradan mod compatible with TSLRCM fixing all major bugs and generally improving the mod.


    This mod is far from final, if any bugs are found I will release bug fixes and content patches in the coming months and when my own GenoHaradan mod is finished it shall be called "GenoHaradan Legacy Enhancement Project" or "GenoHaradan Legacy EP" (Yes, I went that there).


    Go ham with what has been unleashed and leave feedback, advice and criticism


    1. jc2


      Congratz on releasing 1.0!

    2. narshaddaarocks


      @Sith Holocron

      Oh of course I’ll play it (as soon as I wrap up M4-78EP 1.5 today or tomorrow FYI). I really meant I’ll contuine to follow its progress. After all our good friend here has probably come the closest to putting the GenoHaradan in the game. And since I obviously love Nar Shaddaa ;), this is an amazing development!

      Thanks @N-DReW25 !

    3. Mellowtron11


      Very Cool! Glad to see there is an official release!

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  9. Experience a Legacy, coming soon!

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Yes. Yes, there is.

  10. *Cough* Nearby Crystal Cave filled to the brim with Red Crystals *cough* I'm thinking something along the lines of "Juhani Lightsaber Fix" as, whilst it is non-canon, having Juhani use a Blue Lightsaber instead of Red is the most logical weapon she'd use after fleeing the Jedi.
  11. Without sounding like a complete idiot "Once I have this new script where do I put it in order for it to work?". The only place I can find an "OnEnter" field which seems logical is inside the .are file but as you've said that isn't it.
  12. No, they don't return. It is merely used for a cutscene.
  13. So I start off in the Ebon Hawk in TSL. Once a dialogue finishes I have a script to warp me to a new module which is a copy of 301nar but isn't actually 301nar. Upon entering the module I will have a dialogue start immediately and once that dialogue ends again will the player be teleported to another module.
  14. I am trying to make it so that as soon as the player character enters a certain module it instantly begins a conversation with an NPC. What scripts would I need to do this and will I need to edit the .are file for this to work as I suspect?
  15. Would animated signs work as a separate addon mod? This would obviously have to wait until you finish Sleheyron though that may be for the better.
  16. How long does the Security boost last for?
  17. Well, as this is 1.5 we're talking about and I did Beta test 1.5 and know about the previous versions I think it'd be best to leave my opinion on M4-78. First of all, Zybl revamped the intro to Korriban on the Hangar platform to use cut Atton lines from the E3 Demo instead of the spliced lines of 1.2 and before. While most of those splices where pretty bad *cough* HK-47 *cough* I felt some lines where remarkably good such as the one with Kreia where she says "Droids gather while we wait here" was absolutely well done it sounded completely natural, the only way someone could guess it was a splice was because the line "Our enemies gather while we wait here" is so iconic. Most of them have been removed except for, you guessed it, the HK splices I hate. The Atton lines are alright though they do sound a bit awkward and Atton does say "you should keep your Lightsaber up or do whatever you Jedi do in these situations" despite the fact you may not have a Lightsaber. In previous versions, the player would have to play as either Goto, T3 or HK through the radiation sometimes walking long distances to get to a location. To make the walking less like torture an optional sidequest was added in and was odd in the fact you got the quest from one foreman droid but depending on who your character was whether it be T3, HK or Goto this one Foreman droid would have an entirely different purpose, personality and sidequest with a different plot but same overall pacing. For HK this foreman droid was an off-world assassin droid hunting down a specific droid, for T3 it was a droid tracking down a computer virus intent on destroying the archon M4-78 and for Goto is was some sort of package retrieval mission. At some point, you'd be stopped by three police droids who question your droid over the deaths of recent droids (2 droids or more depending if you did the optional sidequest) and they'd put your droids arrest on hold until they fixed the radiation leak. Once the Exile arrives on the planet the Exile can destroy the police droids once they threaten to arrest him/her for refusing to hand over the droids. All of this was removed in favour of a teleportation transport system to make the radiation section quick, the teleportation is, in my opinion, would be better if it showed your droid move away and then teleport to give that immersion that your droid did move away instead of being teleported. While that filler sidequest is good for being removed I felt those Police droids should have stayed, Zybl2 actually forgot to remove the police droids 100% last time I played the mod which may have been the late Beta/first release of 1.5. Just before you fix the radiation backtrack a bit and you should be able to find the Police droids and approach them from behind. On top of turning the industrial zone into 2 sections to reduce lag the actual research centre part has been severely downgraded lacking lots of the droids and placeables from the earlier version making it feel empty and incomplete, while I can understand they are the cause of the lag I felt that downgrading the level severely was somewhat uncalled for, cutting down was inevitable though I felt they went a bit too far. Not that I'm complaining about my less laggy experience though. The new ending is kinda weird, and by weird, I feel it is bugged. You can go to the environmental zone first, fight the droids and convince Kaah to help you get to industrial archon to reach M4-78. I'm loving the freedom of choice with that though of course, this method is somewhat hidden (You need to use Bao Dur's shield breaker to break into the environmental zone). What I don't like is how Darth Sion on Korriban is tracking the Exile as he does on Malachor in cut content with the meditation and the hologram (Which is broken for females). On Malachor he says 'prepare my ship, I'll attend to this myself' but here he instead sends the Sith Assassins. The Sith Assassins, with basic attack and no force powers, kill Kaah and Vash in an ambush and once this ambushed has happened I fell that is where M4-78 ends. I much preferred the original ending as it felt more... like an actual ending and it had an actual resolution with M4-78 and the droids as well as Kaah and Vash in a believable way. Not that the new ending can't be bug fixed and enhanced, however. For 1.5 that's all I can think of. For M4-78, in general, I dislike the infinite medical equipment droid merchant and the inconsistencies with the environmental zone droids.
  18. Have you fixed weapon proficiency feats? I am pretty sure many classes can't even get the focus feats (I know Atton should be a prime example of this).
  19. View File Baca's Sword Description Extended A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 24.01.2019 Installation: Open "For Override" and select the mod option you want. Drop the file inside the folder into your K1 override. Uninstallation: Delete the files you copied into the Override folder. Description: When you complete Zaalbar's sidequest on Kashyyyk you receive a sacred Wookiee weapon called "Bacca's Ceremonial Blade". It has a description that reads "The great Bacca was hunting the Shadowlands ages ago when an alien ship crashed through the forest. He saw that first contact as a warning of the destruction outsiders could bring. Made from the debris, this sword is a reminder for his people that trust must be given cautiously, and only to those who have earned it." When searching the game files I found a placeholder/leftover inside the Chieftan Hall module called "Bacca's Sword". It had a description that reads "This sword is forever linked to the most revered figure in Wookiee lore, Bacca. A great and wise warrior, Bacca was hunting in the Shadowlands ages ago when an alien ship crashed through the upper boughs of the forest. The tale varies with each telling, but whether he had to fight the inhabitants or just found them obliterated in the wreckage, he understood their coming as a sign. There was life elsewhere in the galaxy, and it might not come to Kashyyyk with peace in mind. Bacca supposedly constructed this weapon from components found among the debris, and over time it became a symbol of leadership. It reminds his people that trust must be given cautiously, and only to those that have earned it. The blade shows no signs of wear, though the leather grip is well worn." This cut description is clearly more detailed and extensive than the vanilla description. This mod restores this extended description and adds an option to restore the "Bacca's Sword" name as well. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: None that I'm aware Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 01/24/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Release Date: 24.01.2019 Installation: Open "For Override" and select the mod option you want. Drop the file inside the folder into your K1 override. Uninstallation: Delete the files you copied into the Override folder. Description: When you complete Zaalbar's sidequest on Kashyyyk you receive a sacred Wookiee weapon called "Bacca's Ceremonial Blade". It has a description that reads "The great Bacca was hunting the Shadowlands ages ago when an alien ship crashed through the forest. He saw that first contact as a warning of the destruction outsiders could bring. Made from the debris, this sword is a reminder for his people that trust must be given cautiously, and only to those who have earned it." When searching the game files I found a placeholder/leftover inside the Chieftan Hall module called "Bacca's Sword". It had a description that reads "This sword is forever linked to the most revered figure in Wookiee lore, Bacca. A great and wise warrior, Bacca was hunting in the Shadowlands ages ago when an alien ship crashed through the upper boughs of the forest. The tale varies with each telling, but whether he had to fight the inhabitants or just found them obliterated in the wreckage, he understood their coming as a sign. There was life elsewhere in the galaxy, and it might not come to Kashyyyk with peace in mind. Bacca supposedly constructed this weapon from components found among the debris, and over time it became a symbol of leadership. It reminds his people that trust must be given cautiously, and only to those that have earned it. The blade shows no signs of wear, though the leather grip is well worn." This cut description is clearly more detailed and extensive than the vanilla description. This mod restores this extended description and adds an option to restore the "Bacca's Sword" name as well. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: None that I'm aware Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.