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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. Bad news: My computer can no longer connect to wifi. Good news: every other device I own can connect to wifi and I can still mod Kotor using my PC. This might make updating/uploading mods and replying to PMs hard.

    1. N-DReW25


      Never mind: The wifi problem must have been a one time only occurrence as my PC has wifi again now.

    2. HK-47


      I was gonna say, Windows is probably being stupid. Your phone should also have tethering capability, so you can use it's connection to the wi-fi and still be fine. I intended to post this when I saw yours, but I forgot about it.

  2. I wouldn't be opposed to having an option for TSL masters. Instead of creating new robes for the masters based on the master TSL robes why not turn the master robes into a body model like Nemo's beige robes (Robes the player doesn't get to wear but robes NPCs wear as 'clothing'). If I had to decide what to do for my mod I'd give Kavar, Zaz and Vash K1 robes. Sure, they never wore those robes in TSL but Vrook wore red K1 robes in K1 and wore the normal TSL master robes by the events of K2. Plus, it would be very easy to simply port the K1 robes to TSL and give the masters K1 robes. If it were up to me, I'd give Kavar blue, Zez brown and Vash red.
  3. Makes sense, with that sidequest anyway you'd need to walk some more. Plus, it got really weird when the droid completely changed personalities with different party members like he's an assassin droid one minute with HK and next minutes he's a spy droid for T3. About walking, I noticed you are teleported right past those three War Droids who are out to arrest the droid player for killing the two War Droids by the central terminal. I walked back to their location and they are still there facing the other direction because I am behind them. I ignored them and finished the quest and when I got my Exile down their those War Droids disappeared... are they gone for the same reason?
  4. So I'm playing M4-78 1.5 and I'm in the Central Zone as HK-47 looking for that "mysterious droid" who gives the player a bonus sidequest to complete as the droid you picked but I can't find him. Was he removed?
  5. Guess which grouchy old man now wears blue and wise alien master wears red in the Light Side Ending?

    1. N-DReW25


      @djh269 Revan wouldn't of known Zez, Vash or Kavar in K1. I 'could' make a third option for this but until porting becomes slightly easier I wouldn't be able to pull it off myself. 


      @Sith Holocron One of the many consequences of not playing TSL for a while.

    2. jc2


      Would it make sense for the masters who so adamantly opposed Revan and the Mandalorian Wars, be at that battle and that ceremony? Does the timing make sense? Does the motivation of the characters make sense? Would they be there supporting Revan? I don't think they would. They clearly blamed Revan for many things despite his redemption, I would argue their bitterness kept them from participating in a Republic military ceremony... their presence would not be required.

    3. djh269


      I know what you mean jc2, but I believe the more hardcore believers in the order wouldn't of been at the ceremony, especially Vrook, but I think the more liberal jedi like Vandar would definitely be there. 

      But he did save the galaxy so there is that. 

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  6. I also use Tatooine OTE but since Sith Holocron specifically asked for pics of the mod I'll add them here. May I recommend you at least include the ground textures from this mod as it grants that extra realism of NPCs walking around Tatooine.
  7. Let's say if I had a TSL robe mod which added a reskinned variant of the normal robes. If I were to port that reskinned variant to K1 using this mod would that work out for me? Also, I can understand why you wouldn't want to do this but by any chance can a K1 to TSL robe pack be made where the K1 Brown, Blue, Red and Black robe variants be ported to K2? Most of the files already exist in TSL so I imagine it'd be easier than this mod.
  8. Here we go: Kaah and Vash both inevitably die. Both Vash and Kaah can both be killed by a DS player however in the Light Side ending of M4-78 the main archon M4-78 kills Vash himself and Kaah is executed by Battle Droids. This was done as a means to remove Vash so she doesn't appear in the Enclave where she has no dialogue for that scene. Kaah on the other hands was just a loose end which needed to be tied up, or was it? In TSLRCM, Kaevee the Padawan is able to survive the encounter with the Exile and live on so why couldn't Kaah? Maybe because the developers chose to oddly build up the final Kaah scene as a "recruitment" however no recruitment takes place as he is killed at the last minute. This could be seen as a really big ruin for some players who do SO much to get to Vash and Kaah only to have them both die and offer 2 hours of extra frustratious gameplay complete with lag and bad VO in pre 1.4 versions, the XP for playing the mod and the loot. Sith Locker at the end This is my personal taste coming out here, I do not like the reward at the end of the mod which is a "Hurrikaine" crystal or something of the like. It is a blue Bondar crystal with unstoppable 8 damage which is found on Malachor V in the cut rooms meaning TSLRCM is required to find this. As this mod requires TSLRCM there is little reason to restore this item this early on as it provides a weapon buff before the player gets overpowered. Environmental Droids In the Environmental Zone, this could be a result of using Stoney's mod as a base, the enemy droids all have unique textures like Brown, Black and Beige for example. The names of the droids are like 'Environmental Droid Mark 1' and 'Mark 2' for example, but their textures don't match their names. For example, a brown droid may be a Mark 1 droid then you'll encounter a black Mark 2 and then a brown Mark 3 and a black Mark 1. This may sound odd but play the game, and look at the name tags of the hostile Environmental Droids and you'll see the names are meaningless with the textures. The Sith Officer In one of the earlier scenes, we see a tape of a droid closing large doors. This droid is fired at by a fleeing Sith Officer who is killed off by the radiation soon after, the droid loses a piece of its memory core from this shot and plays an important role in the story. My problem is that if this Sith Officer died about 2 days ago outside the large door... where is the body? You look around the area near the door and find a Sith Soldier body but not a Sith Officer's body. If I wanted to fix this I'd make the Sith Officer a Soldier and try to play it off as if the nearby dead Sith Soldier is from the recording. The last puzzle More of a nitpick, but I am terrible with puzzles so it is no wonder why I spent about 40 minutes at this final puzzle before realizing what I had to do. Something this mod has in common with normal TSL is that I need to google up the answers to a puzzle, except only with this one it's a pattern I can easily remember from here on out and not a maths question like in TSL. The lag and poor VO This one is an obvious thing to hate upon. Basically, some droid VO is terrible and the Industrial Zone has so many NPCs it lags horrifically. We all know this problem all too well so here is my alternate issue. When developing the mod, how did the developers react to all of these issues? Did they know the VO was bad and went along with it as they were short on actors? What was the reaction to the lag? This I feel would be an interesting topic to bring up in your documentary.
  9. You need to go to the Vulkar Base, accept the offer to kill Gadon from Kandon and apparently, Kandon uploads the codes to unlock all the doors in the base. This mod fixes the door to make them exactly like all the other doors except with that small bit of dialogue.
  10. Not at the moment, right now it's just the vanilla robes but an optional installation for the robe correction mod is underway!
  11. I was honestly shocked when I saw this mod with the title "K1 Three Tiered Dark Jedi Robe" because I've already made just that back in 2016 and early 2017. Though I was relieved to see you did your own thing with your mod and didn't just make a total remaster of my mod.
  12. Possibly, but for them, to C&D the TSLRCM mod would be shooting themselves in the foot and calling it progress. TSLRCM is pretty much 99.5% used by players and is the must-have if you want to play this game, without it, who'd want to pay to play an incomplete game? Considering they went as far as to update K2 back in 2015 and add the Workshop with TSLRCM it's highly unlikely TSLRCM would get the C&D.
  13. View File Light Side Ending Masters Light Side Ending Masters A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.2 Release Date: 30.07.2024 Installation: Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe, select your option, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: During the Light Side ending of K1, there is an A New Hope style medal ceremony with your player character and party members with Admiral Dodonna, Master Vander and three Jedi in attendance. Who are these three Jedi? No one knows, in the vanilla game they are simply generic NPCs who serve no purpose whatsoever. This mod replaces those three Jedi from generic NPCs to Masters Vrook, Zhar and Dorak. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is report them on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: This mod shouldn't be incompatible with anything but if there is report them on Deadlystream. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 10/13/2018 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  14. Version 1.2


    Light Side Ending Masters A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 1.2 Release Date: 30.07.2024 Installation: Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe, select your option, click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic. Description: During the Light Side ending of K1, there is an A New Hope style medal ceremony with your player character and party members with Admiral Dodonna, Master Vander and three Jedi in attendance. Who are these three Jedi? No one knows, in the vanilla game they are simply generic NPCs who serve no purpose whatsoever. This mod replaces those three Jedi from generic NPCs to Masters Vrook, Zhar and Dorak. Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is report them on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: This mod shouldn't be incompatible with anything but if there is report them on Deadlystream. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission. Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  15. N-DReW25

    End Cutscene

    I was actually making a mod which does just that, all I need to do to finish it is to make the TSLPatcher and it'd be ready to go. EDIT: And it's uploaded- https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1376-light-side-ending-masters/
  16. By any chance did you change the "holding blaster rifle" animations to their K2 animations?
  17. This seems like a decent mod! Mind sharing what other plans you have for the other party members? If you have little free time perhaps do the reskins and remodels one at a time and release the mod one party member at a time until you finally have all the party members covered ready for one big party member pack, the benefit of this is just in case you've disappeared all your work won't be gone with you and will be available for users who like the mod. Keep up the great work!
  18. Thank you for the compliment, the stats for this are based on cut content but I'm glad you tweaked it based on your own interest.
  19. A small, yet popular, restoration mod of mine is getting an update with even more restored content. Details coming soon!

    1. N-DReW25


      This is the mod I was talking about, this should be the final version of this mod now!- https://deadlystream.com/files/file/908-hidden-bek-control-room-restoration/

  20. To my knowledge, the bonus XP is exclusive to TSL. In other words, K1 Security is utterly useless. At least on the PC the security spikes don't work meaning you need at least some security to get through doors that can't be bashed (One door on Manaan in the Kolto Rift Station can't be bashed) or opened via a terminal but that's kinda sad that they need to break a feature of Kotor to make Security useful. I'll present probably the worse, but potentially only, idea to make Security more useful. In the HK-47 dialogue he mentions opening and closing panels, why not make it a requirement to have both Repair and Security to fix HK-47. Security to open HK up and Repair to actually fix him.
  21. For those who care, after 7 months the K1 Gameplay Imrpovement 1.14 is  finally updated! More Kashyyyk content hopefully coming soon.

  22. With 1.8.5 only then yes, if you were to install other Lightsaber mods though that wouldn't work. But 1.8.5 does work with SLM.
  23. Maybe I didn't understand something initially. I'm assuming the mod already contained the LEH_panel02 meaning you can release the texture and it'd already take effect without or without the new patch as Newbiemodder's original version already on the site already has the texture. Considering you've found the texture maybe you can just release it for Peragus, perhaps.