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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. It's so surreal walking through the K1 Academy and ending up in the K2 Academy rooms in K1. I hope someone can adapt this module to the korr_m35aa module so that these rooms can be accessed in the normal Academy. Also, do you think it's possible (or necessary) to have the right arch on the screenshot below mirrored so that the left arch isn't damaged?
  2. When your mod does comes out, I'll have a look at what it does and what files you've modified and I'll give a final judgement on if a compatibility patch is needed and/or what components people should avoid with my mods. If you're mod is one big mod, do know that my NPC Overhaul is a series of different smaller mods. Let's say I do release my hypothetical Sith Academy mod, players can simply choose not to install that mod for whatever reasons. And do know the "core" of my NPC Overhaul revolves around the NPC Diversity Pack, without the other mods of this series I'm sure you can see how it's quite basic in how it achieves its overhaul ("Basic" in comparison to what you're planning, that is).
  3. You might want to touchup the wrinkle on the forehead, other than that this is a very good job!
  4. We should all know the problem I am referring to. You're playing Kotor 2 with the TSLRCM mod installed and you are in the middle of Telos playing through the game, you finish a dialogue and then suddenly... the screen goes black, followed by this thing entering the frame. After seeing that this thing is is a ship, you are then greeted with an unskippable cutscene. This is triggered when you gain a set number (20-30 maybe?) of LS or DS points, this means the cutscene will play at a different point in the game during each playthrough. The problem with this is that it often times comes out of nowhere, you're talking to Chodo Habat and once the scene ends you're suddenly greeted by the space ship cutscene followed by a two minute unskippable cutscene or you gain Dark Side points after saying you're going to murder someone but the moment you enter combat... BAM, space ship cutscene followed by two minute unskippable cutscene. And the second problem is that, once you get off Telos, all you need to do is travel to a planet and then immediately board the Ebon Hawk and Visas will already be inside the Ebon Hawk even though you've just left Telos. So this mod request has several parts to fix the issues I have listed: 1) Remove the alignment=cutscene mechanic and instead have the cutscene play after the Jedi Council hologram cutscene. My reasoning for having it done here is because the Jedi Council cutscene takes place in the module 950MAL instead of 003EBO (the main Ebon Hawk module), even though 950MAL lacks a load screen most players would assume they're in the Ebon Hawk and not an Ebon Hawk clone. As of right now, the game goes from Telos Academy > Ebon Hawk (Jedi Council Cutscene) > Ebon Hawk. If the Visas cutscene takes place after the Jedi Council cutscene, the game will instead go Telos Academy > Ebon Hawk (Jedi Council Cutscene) > Ravager (Visas Cutscene) > Ebon Hawk. Just give 950MAL the 003EBO load screen and it'll give off the illusion that you're warping from and back to the Ebon Hawk. As it is now with the alignment system, the "disturbance" Visas refers to is the player growing stronger in either the Light or Dark Side though it looks stupid when that "disturbance" is the player committing tax fraud on Telos or some other lowly action. If the scene takes place after the Jedi Council scene, this "disturbance" can now be interpreted as the Exile not only getting stronger but also making plans to find/hunt down the Jedi Masters. 2) Instead of Visas spawning on the Ebon Hawk after the Ravager scene takes place, it should take place after you complete one planet. So instead of leaving Telos, landing on Nar Shaddaa, immediately turning around and finding Visas, you instead have to complete Nar Shaddaa, deal with Zez-Kai Ell, return to the Ebon Hawk and only then you find Visas. 3) This part isn't really necessary, but when you enter the Hawk the party you had outside will be part of your party whilst the other party members are unconscious in Kreia's room. When the encounter with Visas begins, she'll use Force Stasis/Stun to incapacitate these party members so that it's just you alone fighting Visas. This was apparently Obsidian's original intention as there is a dev note that says "{[After a second, she gets to her feet, and she advances toward the player, she will cast a Force Stun at the other party members - like Bastilla in the first game.]}". Again, this problem isn't nearly as bad as the first two problems so it shouldn't really be a priority I feel.
  5. If that's DP's Kel Dor modder's resource, I do believe the head has a few problems when speaking to it as an NPC hence why it was released as a player head mod. I don't quote me on this, but @DarthParametric has said in the past that he might release the ported TOR Kel Dor head from his Jedi Diversity on the Star Forge mod as a modder's resource to replace the old modder's resource at some point. Though when, or if, it's released is entirely when DP feels like it.
  6. So you'd have a model you can show as a proof of concept? So you've merged two models into one (the Rodian and mask model) but it uses two different textures? I know some other mods that do similar things do it so that it uses one texture with one on the left and the other texture on the right. JC's Czerka mod has a Czerka Rodian that merges the Rodian animations, Rodian hands and Rodian head to a Czerka body model and it handles the texture by having a Rodian on the left side of the texture and a Czerka texture on the right (or vice versa, but you get the idea). DP's Scoundrel Clothes with Scout legs uses a similar method. This might prevent any memory leak related issues if you can replicate this. I have given you a list of reasons as to why it can't be done, and yet you've tossed my reasons out the window and demonstrated that I should've kept my mouth shut. Those are amazing results! If you check Effix's distribution note on the main page, you'll see that he said "You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me". So that means, as long as you give credit to Effix as the original maker of the skin, you can outright use that skin in a "Twitch mod" that has the visor. I've done so myself for my Galaxy of Faces mod for compatibility reasons.
  7. You'll get there if you keep at it. The animated spark I think is a placeable in its own right, though if that doesn't work there might be a spark VFX effect that could be applied to the placeable. Either I'm confused, or you're confused. I'll re-explain my idea so the core concept sticks - the grenades would be inside the Footlocker, if you used security you would be able to obtain the grenades, if you instead bash the footlocker and took its HP to 0 it would, upon "death", explode and the Footlocker would be deleted... it does that because it is the "grenades" inside the Footlocker exploding. Admittedly, I didn't even bother fixing the open mouth bug. I've ported other hands and I'd get that same bug except it's graphically worse and the lips don't move at all, since Bao-Dur's lips do move that was enough to satisfy me. I think you should first look into a bald female head, the best one in the game is PFHC05. All you'd need to do is chop off her ponytail, reskin the shaven hair bits and, in your case, apply the horns. That could work, actually. That may cause more trouble then you think if you're thinking of giving Twitch a mask. It'd be incompatible with High Quality Rodians and it could be incompatible with mods like Effixan's Arena mod or Galaxy of Faces that gives him a unique appearance. Not to mention a full face mask wouldn't work, a visor over the eyes probably wouldn't work and I doubt a Neural Band type mask would work with all of his animations. Plus, even if it did work how do you know the mask won't be gigantic in comparison to the little Rodian head? (Though I suppose you could just shrink it if your beast mod is anything to go by.) But generic human NPCs, Twi'leks and possibly even Duros are PRIME real estate for this. I'm not sure if you knew but there's a bug in the game engine where if an NPC is wearing a mask and a player is wearing a mask then the NPC's mask will be rendered invisible. This bug can only be prevented if the mask model is physically merged with the head model in question, so for example Davik's head would have his visor on it as part of his head model and not as a seperate model like it works with the players (It would be possible to set it up so that Davik's 1st encounter uses his normal head and his hangar encounter uses his visor head).
  8. I concur with SH, I think you should release it - I think it's a real improvement! I'm not sure if you're aware, but there's a mod called High Quality Skyboxes which should add a proper Coruscant skybox for the Jedi Temple mod, so there's no need to worry about making a new skybox for this mod.
  9. Welcome to the club, and from what I can see you've already advanced in areas in 9 months that I haven't in almost 9 years I'm not sure if you're the same guy I told this to on Discord, but are you aware of the "Swoop Droid"? Not the one that spawns on the Ebon Hawk on the Xbox, but the actual Swoop Droid that was fully voiced and has leftover VO in the game files. Maybe you can use the VO to your advantage here. I hope you add an option to pick up the turret once you're done with it, and maybe a limit too so the player doesn't just add a thousand turrets to kill a boss. Maybe have it so that you place one down, you lose the turret item, you can speak to the turret out of combat, you pick the dialogue option to "Pick it up", it removes the turret NPC and you gain the turret item again. Now that is an interesting concept. You might want to adjust the Ritual Beast camera so it shows the enlarged Terentatek. Now that might be a fun thing to add randomly throughout the game, depending on whether or not it makes sense for something to explode. Maybe you can lock one of the grenade footlockers and if you bash it it explodes. So I was personally was going to do this for an alien NPC mod I have planned, the install would be modular meaning you could hypothetically install Zabraks and no other species. But unlike your mod, I was going to use reskins of Bao-Dur's head and I was going to have them strategically replace pre-existing NPCs in the game. For example, the Exchange Debt Collector in the Lower City or one of the Bounty Hunters in Zax's office who I'd deck out in Zabrak gear, this way the Zabraks would speak English and wouldn't need any TOR Zabrak lines. Are you planning on merging Inyri's horn mask item with the head model itself? If you are would you consider making some female Zabraks as well? I like that, but my only concern is that you may have to make multiple versions for different screen resolutions. Cursed! I do like the idea of this! What sort of stats do you have in mind for the bandoliers? How many bandoliers do you plan to have? Is it possible to have the bandoliers be equipable in the armor slot? So... like merging Davik's head with his visor so you can see him wearing his mask for example? This one sounds dubious to me, though I'm sure what you have in mind for this mod idea is better than what I'm imaging.
  10. This is going to be a little hard because you're on Mobile, but I'll try and pinpoint something. That scene is new to TSLRCM, in the vanilla game it's a BIK movie (The same format as the takeoff movies). In vanilla, you can left click the mouse on PC or tap the screen on Mobile and have the scene end but in TSLRCM it's unskippable as it's taking place in the game. Do note: it is triggered by the Light and Dark Side points you get, so another playthrough it might player earlier or later depending on your choices. Now, something that would help me pinpoint a crash would be exactly when it crashes. I'm sorry to have to spoil the scene (your post makes it sound as if you aren't aware of who the characters are), but I'm linking a video of the scene so you can tell me when exactly the game crashes. For example, if the scene progresses to the point where you see Nihilus (dark lord) on screen the crash would probably not be caused by a glitch in Nihilus' texture, model or appearance.2da line (critical mod files used in retexture mods etc). Now this I'll need you to define. When you say "Without the following mods" I picture MTSLRCM as being part of that list, and if you aren't using MTSLRCM you aren't getting the in-game scene where the crash is happening. You could test it with just MTSLRCM and see if it crashes, but then you'd need to have a backup copy of Kotor 2 so you can have a Kotor 2 directory with your main mods and another backup directory for MTSLRCM for testing purposes. On PC this wouldn't be too hard to setup, I personally have multiple directories I switch between for different mod combinations and such, but I imagine on Mobile that'd be a pain to setup.
  11. Are you using the correct MTSLRCM, the one that is optimized for mobile gameplay? From what I hear, MTSLRCM is missing a few features... and that's important because those features crash on the mobile version of the game unlike on PC.
  12. Even if you didn't have the load screen in the Override, it wouldn't break the game in any way. The worst that would happen is that the Ebon Hawk cutscene would use a generic load screen. Here is the file you're missing: load_020EBO.tga
  13. N-DReW25

    Heart of Beskar

    The installer update is out, please report any further issues you encounter!
  14. Your doubt is correct, this mod only touches the mining uniform UTI item file. It's fully compatible with TSLRCM, the incompatible marker must've been a mistake from the mod author.
  15. I have added an option to my Beta Peragus Miner Pack mod which adds the vanilla Miner Uniform as a new item. Some NPCs will have Beta Miner Uniforms, some NPCs will have vanilla Miner Uniforms, and the rest will have Peragus Mining Gear and you can obtain both the Peragus Mining Gear and the vanilla Miner Uniform during one playthrough if you have this mod installed as well.
  16. @WildKarrde Thank you so much for the shoutout with my Beta Peragus Miner Pack, it was really what I needed to motivate me to update it. It used to have an optional reskin which would give the dead miners in the Medical Bay the K1 Dark Side transitions as a sort of really cheap "burned" texture, but in addition to my latest update I have removed those reskins and have instead endorsed this mod in its place as it is clearly superior. And lastly, a request - would it be possible to add a fourth variant of the miners which would use the Flight Suit model as to make this mod compatible with Peragus Mining Gear? And if possible, can you add an optional folder with 512x512/256x256 resolution (the vanilla resolution) of these textures for the people who like to roleplay "pure restoration/bug fixes" without HD textures?
  17. On a 1080p monitor the doorframe behind Kreia just shows space and occasionally you can see asteroids through this doorframe.
  18. Ulic Qel-Droma's Mesh Suit I agree doesn't have any good reskins, mainly because the item is cut meaning player's can't obtain it without mods/cheats and most player's don't know it exists. But for Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit, there is at least one reskin for it... https://deadlystream.com/files/file/286-exar-kun-battle-suit/
  19. I think the Jedi Temple textures aren't being changed as I believe it's meant to resemble the original Jedi Temple mod for K2. But the Jedi Temple has been reworked from the Demo. To name a few changes, the medical room you wake up in now actually resembles a medical room, the weird ray shield has been replaced with a giant door, and the weird speeder was removed with its Jedi mechanic being moved to another location who is now sorting through a filing cabinet instead. I'll see with Logan if he's fine with this being shown to the public, though I must put a firm emphasis on my earlier comment:
  20. It should be, though Chodo Habat won't be covered by the reskin.
  21. @Salk Why is there a 7z file on the main page?
  22. M4-78EP is already infamous for its lag on PC, I'm not sure an iOS or Android device could handle M4-78 without lagging, crashing, draining your battery or making your device physically hot to the touch.
  23. N-DReW25

    NPC clothing F

    @Dark Hope N_Commf04.tga seems to be missing.
  24. N-DReW25

    NPC clothing F

    K2 has all of the K1 clothing, but for the new clothing in K2 I'd say rename "N_CommM0201.tga" to "N_CommM09.tga", "N_CommMD01.tga" to "N_CommM11.tga", "N_CommF09.tga (K1 Czerka)" to "N_CommF10.tga (K2 Czerka)", "N_CommF0301.tga" to "N_CommF09.tga" and "N_CommFD01.tga" to "N_CommF11.tga". Doing that should allow these clothing mods to work in K2.
  25. N-DReW25

    Heart of Beskar

    Cassus Fett's armor is now the strongest armor in the game so it's now sold by Mika Dorin after the Leviathan. I do intend to release an update to fix the installer soon.