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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. This may be a similar case with the M4-78 modules, the Xbox TSL came out first thus had unfinished M4-78 and Droid Factory modules on the disk. In the short amount of time they had for PC they quickly cleaned those files out of that release. If Obsidian was given enough time to complete the game these K1 assets like Calo Nord files and this texture for example that are never used in TSL but exist would have been cleaned out. Technically, even if the new patch update for KE is never released you could release it separately. Maybe HD a few more textures in his mod and release it as a pack. I'm sure you'd get permission for it, anyway.
  2. View File Arca Jeth's Original Robe Stats A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 01.10.2018 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: In 401DXN there are a handful of cut items resting in the files. Whilst I have restored those other items in a separate mod among these items was an old version of Arca Jeth's Robes with different stats. What this mod does is "restores" the original stats of Arca Jeth's Robes while still retaining the original robe textures and price seen in the vanilla/TSLRCM game. Vanilla/TSLRCM Stats: Defense Bonus 2 Wisdom 2 Regenerate Force Bonus 3 Restricted to Light Side Arca Jeth's Original Robe Stats: Defense Bonus 3 Strength 4 Wisdom 2 Restricted to Light Side Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "a_robe_23.uti" Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 10/01/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 01.10.2018 Installation: Simply Copy and Paste or Drag and Drop ALL the files within the "For Override" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: In 401DXN there are a handful of cut items resting in the files. Whilst I have restored those other items in a separate mod among these items was an old version of Arca Jeth's Robes with different stats. What this mod does is "restores" the original stats of Arca Jeth's Robes while still retaining the original robe textures and price seen in the vanilla/TSLRCM game. Vanilla/TSLRCM Stats: Defense Bonus 2 Wisdom 2 Regenerate Force Bonus 3 Restricted to Light Side Arca Jeth's Original Robe Stats: Defense Bonus 3 Strength 4 Wisdom 2 Restricted to Light Side Known Bugs: This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Is incompatible with anything that edits "a_robe_23.uti" Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  4. I also wouldn't know how to fix some of those myself but I think I can see your problems. Obsidian updated the Kotor game engine when they made Kotor 2, an example of how they did this is how Kotor 1 is bright and colorful and TSL is Dark and bland looking as well as countless other features like feats, animations, new NPC possibilities, new features etc. My guess is that the files required for lighting in TSL are different in someway in K1 meaning a straight up port won't work unless you fix the K1 lighting files to make them TSL lighting files. Someone may need to make what I'm saying more clear as this is just an educated guess. Door scripts and dialogue triggers, like above, Obsidian modified the engine thus the K1 scripts and triggers probably don't work in TSL. You'd have the modify the files so they are TSL scripts and triggers and not K1. Once you do this if you are serious on bringing the DLC shop back into TSL you'd need a new plotline because if you simply ported the Module into TSL it'd be weird for the Exile to be asking about the Star Forge, plus at the end of the content in the shop Suvam claims he plans to ditch the station to live with his Baragwin buddies. Considering the module has 3 locked doors that lead nowhere and a hangar we only see in the cutscenes and not in game perhaps the Station can be abandoned and the Exile needs to search the whole station to discover what happened to the previous owners. Doors in K1 are apart of a 2da file. Let's say in K1 a Yavin door is on 2da line 50, in TSL because the Yavin Station is removed the 2da line 50 is now a Malachor door. All you'd need to do is open the utd file for the door and instead find the right door to replace it with, 90% sure most K1 doors still exist in TSL but if not you can always port the Yavin door and add a new 2da line for it.
  5. This mod uses tpc files instead of tga I think. Think of a texture file combined with a txi. It's new.
  6. In my opinion, you should try to keep the appearances of areas and ships that appear in both K1 and TSL films the same in K1. It'd really come off as odd if you had an HD reskin for the Leviathan in K1 but had the Vanilla reskin TSL if you understand what I mean. I have trouble finding interior reskins for the Hawk myself so I won't be able to provide one of those but I will provide a mod that may help with actually filming the movie inside the Ebon Hawk as well as an exterior. Exterior: https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/915 Mod: In my opinion, Xarwarz reskins of Dantooine are terrible. Not trying to be rude to the mod author but his work on Dantooine in both the 2012 and OTE have obvious problems with them. The grass in the 2012 reskin has this grass which is just a close-up shot of real life grass which, when added into the Kotor game, doesn't really work as it doesn't look like grass at all it looks more like a 2D picture which was meant to be a 3D picture which results in this ugly unnatural feel to the whole planet (his Telos reskins also had this issue with the grass and it was even used in his latest movie which really ruined the scene up until the superb plot and acting redeemed all of it). The Dantooine OTE has the same problem except it swapped the grass with flowers which looks even worse. Similar issues appear in his Kashyyyk reskins where he used massive 2D leaves for the Shadowlands and on Korriban for god knows whatever reason he thought it'd be a good idea to make the Shyrack Cave metallic patterns instead of its normal stone. My personal favourite for Dantooine is the Old Republic Skin over. It may not be on the HD side but it definitely is on the quality side especially when it comes to the grass and the buildings, overall it is a really good improvement to the level. Its installation is modular so if you wanted just Dantooine you can install just Dantooine- https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/68?tab=files Or you could just use these mods. Definitely not on the HD side of things but it's far better than Xarwarz grass and it'd go along nicely with Kexikus' Green HQ Skybox mod- https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/906 and https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/911
  7. Yes, this mod comes with the Admiralty mod and makes it 100% compatible with TSLRCM meaning you don't need to install the old incompatible versions.
  8. I was thinking something more radical. We all know some alien's in Star Wars need breath masks to survive on other planets, notable examples include Plo Koon and Wat Tambor. With this knowledge why not create a whole new alien species who need your breath mask to survive. I personally would use RedRobs lizard player heads as an inspiration for your new alien. "But N-DReW25, Mandalorians aren't aliens" you may say. To this I say If Mandalorians recruited wookiees to fight for them in the war they'd recruit Sherruk the alien as a Mandalorian as well. If Sherruk is an alien and a Mandalorian that'd make him harder than normal Mando's In Vanilla, Sherruk is the Kotor equivalent of a Battlefront hero aka he's an unstoppable juggernaut unless you pile all your landmines on top of each other and lure him over them all. In this mod, why not make him skill based by creating new items that improve your skills instead of make you OP. With each item you could add a little story with each item for example on top of being a brute fighter thanks to his race and training he is also a sort of technical genius allowing him to create a Vibrosword combined with a Lightsaber (Deadmans Laser Sword mod, having multiple NPCs like Sherruk and Selven wield DM laser swords may help provide this illusion that the laser swords aren't this one time weapon that appear once. Having them occasionally appear on bosses can add the illusion that these weapons aren't prototype for just one person to have but aren't massed produced for an army) An acutal Lightsaber is a must as Jon states he wielded one so main hand would he Lightsaber off hand a DM laser sword. Also add grenades and arguably medpacs and an energy shield of your choice, maybe also add a custom HQ pistol or a rifle so when you are out of range he switches weapons. Let me know if any of this sounds interesting.
  9. The armor and weapon for HK-47 are restored in TSLRCM in the HK Factory and the other item on M4-78EP This mod gives you those item's earlier in the game which is good
  10. I swear I requested for just this a while back. I know there is a mod made by Redhawk which gives Kreia the prestige class the player gets when they both reach level 15 on his site. http://www.jumpstationz.com/RedHawke/mods2.html As for the other companions, I have no idea where to find those. How far in the past are we talking? If it's like 2006 PC Gamemods era then you're going to have a rough time with the search.
  11. Does this mod, in addition to adding a TOR uniform for Dodonna, add uniforms for generic officers like your TSL mod does?
  12. Fun fact: This was all meant to be a Tatooine temple for the old K1RP from back in the day. Because I think that mod was scrapped Quanon turned his work into this Korriban Temple mod as shown.
  13. Manaan was pretty much the Switzerland of Star Wars except if it where invaded the Selkath would poison the valuable Kolto meaning that Revan couldn't do that. But some of what you've said could be done, Vandar and Dodonna both have Soundsets you know. I really like the quality you've put into this, almost as good as SH"s Ord Mantell video. You don't have to do this but something you could do in the future is show what each NPC drops (As in don't show only generic loot like medpacs and 8 credit drops but show drops NPCs are guaranteed to drop such as Boba Fett's loot as he is guaranteed to drop his loot or a bounty hunter who is guaranteed to drop a powerful Blaster Rifle for example) This one isn't needed but maybe through Kotor Tool you can check the NPCs utc file and show the audience their exact stats.
  14. View File E3 Style Dxun Masters A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 02.09.2018 Installation: Double Click the "TSLPatcher.exe" and select what restored item you want restored and click install. You may have to do this up to five times to install each item. Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: Kotor 2 was showcased at E3 2004 in the form of a playable Demo, the demo was a short gameplay teaser for TSL which showcased a few new features including the Dxun Tomb. In the avaliable footage of the tomb the Sith Masters had different appearances than they did in Vanilla. In Vanilla all of them where identical, each wore a mask and the lead Master had his voice filtered. In the Demo two of the Masters are Sith Assassins while the leader has his face shown and has no filtered VO. This mod restores the E3 Style Dxun Masters back into TSL. Known Bugs: The Lip Sync may be a bit off at certain places. This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Any mod which edits "ritlead.dlg", "g_darkjedi004.utc" or "ritual_follower.utc" will be incompatiable. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game and for keeping the unfiltered VO in the game files Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 09/02/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  15. Version 1.0.0


    A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II The Sith Lords Author: N-DReW25 Release Date 1.0: 02.09.2018 Installation: Double Click the "TSLPatcher.exe" and select what restored item you want restored and click install. You may have to do this up to five times to install each item. Uninstallation: Remove or Delete the files from your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 2 override folder Description: Kotor 2 was showcased at E3 2004 in the form of a playable Demo, the demo was a short gameplay teaser for TSL which showcased a few new features including the Dxun Tomb. In the avaliable footage of the tomb the Sith Masters had different appearances than they did in Vanilla. In Vanilla all of them where identical, each wore a mask and the lead Master had his voice filtered. In the Demo two of the Masters are Sith Assassins while the leader has his face shown and has no filtered VO. This mod restores the E3 Style Dxun Masters back into TSL. Known Bugs: The Lip Sync may be a bit off at certain places. This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream. Incompatibilities: Any mod which edits "ritlead.dlg", "g_darkjedi004.utc" or "ritual_follower.utc" will be incompatiable. Permissions: Do NOT claim credit for this mod Thanks: Bioware for the first game Obsidian for the second game and for keeping the unfiltered VO in the game files Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  16. I think the TSLRCM compatible Holowan Duplisaber has a few USM Hilts in it You may want to use an alternative to USM, the Schematic Lightsaber Mod or SLM. It is compatible with TSLRCM. As for a patch, I highly doubt anyone would want to patch that mod up as it is a fairly old mod made before TSLRCM and since TSLRCM is the must-have mod no one is really bothered to play an out of date mod.
  17. Can you check your override for the uti items files? If you have no conflicts *maybe* the item files weren't copied over for some reason.
  18. The Feat requirement is caused by the 2da file while the constitution is caused by the uti item file. My mod removes all the constitution requirements from the uti files. Do you have Sireyn's Kotor 2 Implant Rebalance mod or another implant mod, if you do then it is that mod which is restoring the constitution requirement meaning you need constitution and feat to use implants.
  19. Did you install the Love Between Brianna and the Exile into the Workshop override? If not that may be your problem, in my opinion, however, I suspect that mod is incompatible with TSLRCM so if you did try to reinstall everything don't use that mod. If you want to play it safe just use the TSLRCM/M4-78 on the workshop only though if you want to use more mods you might want to use the installer version. Some more details on that here- https://deadlystream.com/topic/6393-how-to-get-to-the-droid-world-in-m4-78ep/
  20. By any chance do you have a "Xarga.dlg" in your override?
  21. But this mod will still fix the problems right, despite reverting a TSLRCM fix. I imagine your fix would be better than the TSLRCM fix.
  22. Deadlystream modders cannot accept donations, modders mod from the kindness of their heart or insanity so close your wallet. Merchants are an easy thing to mod so if you could explain exactly what you want to achieve we can probably teach you to do it yourself.