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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. After a week straight of no Wifi, I have got it back. It feels so good to be writing this out on a keyboard and not my Phone.


    Btw, for those waiting, K1 Gameplay Improvement 1.21.0 has been released with some highly requested features.

    1. Mellowtron11


      Always preferred a real keyboard and not a touch screen one as well.

    2. jc2


      Yeah, touch screen is less efficient, cannot navigate as quickly or do word searches as easily. The motion required for mouse use, even with low sensitivity is far less than the motion required for touching the screen. 

  2. Revan: "I was wondering if you had any interesting stories." Canderous in Donald Trump's voice: "You want to hear tales of my exploits? Of the wars I've seen and fought, the enemies I've seen die by my hand? Heh, sure, I'll humor you." Now that might cause copyright related problems, perhaps.
  3. While my mod may very well be a restoration I would like to point a few things which leads me to believe my Senni Vek mod does fit in with "developer intent". In the GenoHaradan fight on Tatooine are three unique utc files including "n_duros001.utc" which is Hulas the rodian (His soundset is also Duro instead of rodian, that alone can be a fix which can swing both ways), "tat_bounty.utc" which is the named human guy with Poison Blades and Durasteel armor and the third utc is "tat_senni.utc" which is a generic rodian guy with a Twilek male soundset. Obviously, this rodian was intended to be Senni Vek, the guy who gave you the GenoHaradan datapad in the first place, hence is why I made the mod (Other than changing tat_senni.utc into a green twilek with an Echani Combat suit to match the vanilla Senni Vek it doesn't modify anything else) (Btw, no evidence exists of the Twilek "Vek" on Manaan with the Sith Uniform being "Senni Vek". Ignoring his cut fight on Tatooine, Senni was going to appear in TSL as a Pazaak Den player so that means, at the very least, Obsidian at the time didn't think "Vek" and "Senni Vek" where the same.)
  4. While I can't reply to this in full cause of my technical issue I'd like to say this would totally revolutionize modding when it comes to audio. As you said, we could make lost lines available like Bao Dur's sacrifice or Kreia's lost Atris lines but we could create totally new lines for party members. We could make vanilla Party members like Carth respond to custom party members like Maxis or Kay or even the mod that recruits Mekel could get new VO. We could add K1 NPCs to K2 and vice versa and have them respond accordingly, have Atton have a conversation with Carth etc. @Leilukin's same sex mods could have proper dialogue instead of splices or even new lines when previously they where impossible. Filters may be made redundant as well, why filter a single Mandalore line that had no filter when you could just replicate the filtered Mandalore voice and redo the line. Same goes for new Sith Soldier VO. Idk if this would ever go public as I bet online scammers and god knows who else would definitely capitalize on this sort of tech for bad purposes.
  5. Unfortunately for me, my Wifi at my house has broken which means my PC cannot connect to the internet.


    This may be bad for some of you because I havr an update for the K1 Gameplay Improvement ready to ship out (In the mean time, I will just be fixing whatever bugs I find in it so expect a long list of added/fixed features)


    My Steam has also logged me out meaning I can't access Kotor 2 at all (Kotor 1 is fine as I can use the exe for that) meaning that any Kotor 2 mods I was making will be put on hold.

    1. HK-47


      You can't pay in offline mode?

    2. N-DReW25


      @Sith HolocronI hope to have it fixed during this week, key word "hope".


      @HK-47No, Steam has forcibly logged me out and it can't connect to the Steam servers to log me back in. Hence, without the Steam menu to launch K2 I cannot continue my TSL mods for the time being.


      @Domino5555Without spoiling it, off the top of my head, expect bug fixes and new NPC variants for Kerriban and Dantooine, modified cutscenes on Dantooine, bug fixes on Taris, restored content on Dantooine, new robes, modifications to armors (stats and textures etc), possibly the last Leviathan module.


      For future updates, I am working on a heavily requested feature from K1R in the Upper City areas of Taris with a creative K1GI twist to it.

    3. Domino5555


      I've got an idea for a mod for the Freedon Nadd's Tomb mission: basically, it's this mod 

       just in the Tomb of Freedon Nadd, so the dialogue options for whoever you chose for the party leader would fit the personality of said leader.

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  6. In the Android version I think all of the streamwaves audio is inside a file called a .ogg file, this ogg file is about 3 gigabytes or so (A big file) and this contains all the audio. I suspect the game checks this file to make sure the game was legitimately purchased and wasn't pirated thus modifying it wouldn't work (Hence is why custom audio mods for Android don't work as its impossible to get the new audio to play in-game).
  7. And what is this "silent line" of Vandars? Can you quote it so we can validate if it works on PC?
  8. With this, I do believe I have achieved what I was looking for. Thank you for your assistance.
  9. Fortunately for me, my scene with this animation is where an NPC uses the Force to levitate choke the PC like with Tobin (I used the Atton scene to demonstrate the animation I wanted, not the scene I was trying to make. Sorry for the confusion). Tbh, I didn't even see this last bit. I have an issue where as soon as the player picks a reply option he suddenly just falls to the ground and doesn't perform an animation even if the dialogue reply has another script which is supposed to raise him again, I suspect the reason he prematurely drops is because of the "-1.0" (As long as any party members under the effect don't speak, they will remain afloat). Setting the "-1.0" to "9999.0" fixes that but I do suspect that "9999.0" is a timer meaning in about 2 real life hours the animation would stop, the problem with this is that the animation won't stop even if I try to force the player to perform a new animation. Would you know of any means I can force the player to stop?
  10. Oh, alright. I have investigated a little bit and I think 1024_LIFTED_CHOKED is the animation to begin the choking animation while 1425_SIT_CHAIR_DRINK appears to be the continuation choking variant and 1026_CHOKED_DROPPED appears to be the end of it. I tried adding "11024" to the script and as it turns out it worked. The choking and rising animation played out but since the choking and floating animation is a separate animation the player simply went back to its normal idle position.
  11. If it is the animation seen in these screens then yes, those are the ones I'm looking. (Atton and Tobin) I do have a script here where an animation does play via said script though I cannot seem to find the ID value for the generic Force Crush animation "10460" in the dlg editor where the animations generally are located... yet alone the animation I'm looking for (The animation ID seems to be 1024 in the dlg but not for the script) Would it be possible to modify this script with the correct ID I need and make it so the animation plays indefinitely until a second script later on removes it and/or overwrites it with the "dropping" animation which would free the player from this animation.
  12. Hi, I was wondering if it would be at all possible to have the player character perform animations during a conversation with an NPC. What I want is for the player to play an animation during the entirety of an NPC line but also perform the same animation during the "reply menu" like the one shown down below. This specific animation is the animation in TSL where the NPC is picked up off the ground and is choking in mid air.
  13. You couldn't have said that any vaguer. Are you on a new PC? Do you have any mods installed? What exactly isn't loading? There are some essential questions that need to be answered before anyone can give you a solution.
  14. Is someone able to make contact with "Danil-ch"? The modder who made the Extended Enclave Mod.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      How long ago did you try to PM @danil-ch?

    2. N-DReW25
    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      He last visited on the 24th and he may not have the PMs set up go to his regular email.   All I can suggest is patience.

  15. I've managed to get eveything set up in the script and the git file and everything has worked out perfectly. Thank you for your assistance!
  16. N-DReW25

    Train The Disciple

    What is up with the whole "broken comlink" concept you have going here?
  17. That one worked! Thank you, I still have the med bay to worry about though. So what I want to do is show the Exile lying down on the bed, the Exile will not be going anywhere during the duration of this scene. From my quick examination of the prologue, it uses a dummy NPC with a commoner's appearance and a "<FullName>" as its name, my guess is one of the scripts (probably the onenter script) is the script which sets this dummy to look like the PC based on whatever they chose at the main menu.
  18. So I put that code into my onenter script and I got this error. In case it matters, here is the script I am trying to modify (It is a stunt module btw)
  19. Hello, I am trying to accomplish two things for a custom cut scene aboard the Ebon Hawk. First of all, I want the Skybox outside the Ebon Hawk to be the Hyperspace animation like the one seen below. The second one I imagine would be slightly harder, I want the player character to lie down on the Med Bay bed like Visas does when she is recruited. Would anyone know how to do any of these?
  20. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    Hello, you are indeed correct about the mod lacking some content as this is the 1.0 release. In the future, I hope to return to this mod and add another encounter once the boss fight is finished where the player learns about the origin of the GenoHaradan Boss, the history of the GenoHaradan between K1 and K2 and the fate of the GenoHaradan after K2. I do, in fact, have another script where the GenoHaradan resides in the Jekk Jekk Tarr for the boss fight, however, that won't come for a very long time unfortunately.
  21. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    That is because I haven't added it in yet. The Zhug utc files are "n_duro01.utc" for example and those are spread across the entire game meaning putting them in the override as I did for testing would break many Duro NPCs and putting the utc inside a .mod file wouldn't work because a 401dxn.mod file doesn't exist (Almost every module in TSLRCM is a .mod file except for this dxun module and the Korriban academy, because it crashes as a .mod) Considering GenoHaradan Legacy doesn't touch Dxun this bug is something else you've installed.
  22. I wouldn't recommend it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ65UutAQuc You'd install it just before the battle of Telos if you still want to play it.
  23. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    @Obi Wan PereBy any chance does the dialogue begin with the TSF Soldier speaking but when the Ithorian speaks it breaks?
  24. One time for me it took so long for one of my old mods to get approved that by the time it was approved it didn't appear on the front download page because so many people had put their own mods after mine which all got approved at once. It was like my mod was born only to get buried in the "Download Section Graveyard of old mods". Then there was that one mod by @ebmarwhich replaced the Tach grunts with Homer Simpson saying "Uh oh, here comes a train" for April Fools Day... mod got approved April 17th...
  25. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    @Obi Wan PereHello, I must ask two questions. Do you see "g_201thug001.utc" inside the override? Do you see "201ithd2.dlg" If you do or don't can you let me know so I may determine your problem?