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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. This will be very useful in module building in the future. While I can guess this won't let me place placeables or NPCs inside the module by simply dragging and dropping them where I want but would it be possible to use this tool to reskin the rooms/modules to be unique (Reskinning a new module with the Ahto City room/module to use the textures of the rusty Taris sewer whilst leaving Ahto and Taris alone)
  2. Thank you, thought it might be slightly buggy with the ability to upgrade the HW feats from what I remember.
  3. At last, at LONG last! K1GI has been updated. For me its currently May 5th but for those in the United States its still May the 4th so consider this my "May the 4th" gift to you.

    This update and any following updates shall primarily focus on 'filling in the gaps' of any modules I have missed thus far. Once that's done I will work on the Star Forge and hopefully finish the Demo stage and move onto Beta.


    This particular update which has just been released also fixes most of the bugs you guys have reported, too many bugs for my liking but they've all been fixed. However, as my free time is getting crushed harder than Jabba's Rancor it has been getting difficult to properly test and create content for K1GI so please play the latest patch with a keen eye for any bugs (this includes old bugs which might not be fixed or any new bugs which have been added in the new content).


    For those who'll play the mod I hope you guys have fun after the long wait.

  4. Oh my god, what have you done?! Now while this is an example of how not to install my mod, I still really want to see where this goes. Looking forward for more broken Kotor here. Edit: Just realised you intended to break your game here, thanks for considering my mod: you made a bloody good choice XD. Will you consider posting a list of mods (maybe mods used in each blog per blog to keep things small) so that I could use the list so that when I make a "Compatibility list of mods" in the future I could use that for reference?
  5. Whilst I like the premise of this mod, you have a severe problem with the download. Normally, you download a zipped up folder which contains the mod files. You've somehow didn't do that and made it so that I need to download each mod file individually (each model and texture one by one). Can this be fixed?
  6. Interesting, I am confident those with weak PCs will find this enjoyable.
  7. A lot of them do, you'll get them from loot drops on the first visit on the Citadel.
  8. I would like to ask this: Because I see no dlg files within the zip file I'll assume that Selkath dialogue do use "Talk_Forceful" but because they lack that animation nothing happens during those animations? Because your mod adds Selkath forceful animations this should make the animations visible.
  9. I think these are the droids you're looking for- https://www.lonebullet.com/models/download-padme-amidala-pc-knights-of-the-old-republic-model-free-3825.htm
  10. If I said you'll get the 1.23.1 fix patch for K1GI within an hour that's now been changed to potentially within 24 hours or more due to my PC shutting off thanks to a black out.

  11. It is compatiable, I'll have to fix that error.
  12. This mod does use custom mp3 files for dialogue and music so they'll be silent, but other than that i imagine if u installed this mod alone it'll work like a charm
  13. By "Modding PC heads" do you mean re-skinning existing heads or making new player heads (by re-skinning old ones). Because re-skinning existing heads is the easiest thing to do, I'd highly recommend you start with this first before you try making new player heads.
  14. Any bugs with any mods I intend to implement will be corrected. Of course, I have no intention of using every single power in the Force Pack. (Plus, a planned "Force Re-balance" would have to be implemented first before integrating FP 2.0 features)
  15. Oh ok, considering KSE with a vanilla exile says "None" for the soundset it made me think it was actually set to nothing for a second. By any chance would turning the soundset files into mp3 files work for Steam Users (If it doesn't work that is)?
  16. Would it be possible to create a script which changes the players soundest from having nothing to the new soundest you've added and attach said script to the opening scene on Peragus? Or is that impossible and the only way to enjoy the soundset is via KSE? (Or am I missing something here?)
  17. I wouldn't say it's easier to complete side quests as much as it is much more beneficial to have high persuade when dealing with side quests. Why would you want 300 credits for a bounty when with persuade you get 400 credits, with all of the bounties available by getting 300 credits each bounty you get 1500 credits but by getting 400 with persuade for each bounty you get 2000 credits, multiply that with every other opportunity you can persuade for more credits you got yourself a heck tone of credits to later spend at Suvam Tam's Yavin Station. In K1, considering Stealth, Demolitions and Awareness are useless I'd recommend pumping it all into Persuade and Repair and sparingly give some points to Computer Use and Treat Injury. In theory, what with all the other hacks in K2 persuading for money credits isn't really that useful in the second game so one may get away with ignoring it but I'd still suggest you pump it all into your persuasion skill.
  18. You'll need to start a new game, unfortunately. But it is 100% worth it.
  19. Next time you use TSL use this mod instead https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/handy-force-powers-1 It adds a Where am I function as a force power and it adds a power that unlocks nearby doors.
  20. Sorry for the late reply. Brotherhood of Shadow - Solomons Revenge: I'd say it is very unlikely at the moment, I would have to look into this at a later date. The reason why I think this might not work is because I already use texture files from this mod in K1GI meaning you'll find K1GI Republic Jedi Robes and BOSSR Republic Jedi Robes, the same item but with different stats. Plus, some NPCs have been used as well such as the Republic Commando who appears once in BOSSR but appears multiple times across the vanilla galaxy in K1GI. K1 Community Patch: I wouldn't suspect this would break anything but it 'may' undo a few things in terms of NPCs etc and maybe dialogue. At some point past the Demo stage, I will try and implement as many "Patches" from here as possible. K1 Force Pack V1.0: I suspect that would work 100% fine, in fact, parts of this could be integrated in the future as the mod author states in his readme that he doesn't mind it being used as long as its credited. Party Leveler K1: If it uses a TSLPatcher I suspect it is possible that this mod will work flawlessly, if it doesn't work flawlessly I can create a Party Leveler K1GI version as an optional installation. I'm glad you've enjoyed the mod thus far. No, mainly because that mod is almost 10 GB in size. Plus, even with that mod installed you'll have vanilla textures in HD with modded textures in the standard resolution (Think about the new Jedi Robe items and alien skins for example)
  21. What I meant by "If you pick the right option" I was referring to the fact that it was an option. I kind of doubt is an option that tbh. But you could save prior to the Enclave, play the Ecnlave scene and check and if it doesn't happen reload your old save and just kill them outright.