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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. Porting Darth Sion is totally possible! He's an NPC in my K1 Gameplay Improvement mod. I believe it would be possible to make him a player head, however, you wouldn't be able to visibly see Armor equipped on him unless someone was able to do additional work to separate the head from the body.
  2. That's true, that proposal is just an idea though. Yes, I am aware of that compatibility patch as I was the one who requested it be made. I'm always thinking 5 steps ahead. Just want to clarify here, the last update of my Extended Enclave Patch fixed the game breaking Darth Sion Peragus bug. My memory is sketchy... but I do believe that bug is present in the Extended Enclave patch as well, it's not just my patch which has it. I could take a look at it in the future, though I am unfamiliar with how the whole Handmaiden/Disciple thing works in terms of scripting and Party Swap... I could totally learn it in the future, but at this time I'm in the same lake as Leilukin AND I released this mod as a means of clearing up space for Revenge of Revan (This mod was more of a pain in the ass to development then you could possible imagine, lol)
  3. Whose ready for some Star Wars ANIME?!?!


    1. Malkior


      Well, there is a precedent for this, The Animatrix, but it's fairly old (for many people) so I don't know if many remember it. I find it ironic that everyone says Disney is "targeting the anime crowd" when anime multimedia events were somewhat common back then, and every part of this looks like the Animatrix did. 

      One thing I can say is, if the directors of each episode is anything close to what I saw before, we should be in for some truly unique and visually stunning takes on Star Wars as a mythos.

    2. N-DReW25


      An afterthought I had last night, this is all going to be uploaded on Disney Plus... and much of the Star Wars content on Disney Plus has multiple languages options, and not just subtitles but FULL audio as well.


      Most animes are typically Japanese because obviously its a Japanese company making said anime for a Japanese audience with English dubs being made sometime after the initial release, but even though 7 Japanese companies working on this anime Disney is still the company making this ship sail.


      So I'm just guessing what on earth is going to happen in regards to what language this show is going to be in:

      1) Will it be dubbed in Japanese with English subtitles like the trailer was?


      2) Will it be dubbed in Japanese with the option to change your VO language to another language, including English.


      3) For American and English speaking Disney Plus Users, will it be dubbed in English with the option to change the language to Japanese if desired? Thus making the Japanese dubbed trailer kinda redundant in a way?

      And something else I notice in certain Animes is that, for example, we see a sign written in Japanese on the wall and if the Anime has English subtitles it will show a translation of the sign. No doubt any signs or images in this anime will be written in Aurabesh which 98% of the time we Star Wars Fans don't get a translation on Aurabesh anything, so would Disney choose to have Aurabesh signs in the anime translated in English/Japanese or other languages or would they leave that out at the risk of alienating Anime fans who only have this feudal anime as their first real taste of Star Wars content.


      I'm overthinking this aren't I?

    3. AmanoJyaku


      You're overthinking it. It will have both an English and Japanese dub, and I expect the Japanese dub will have subtitles. Also, there's an English dub of the trailer.

      As for the player, it can switch languages and subtitles while you're in the video. It's common for a Disney+ title to be dubbed into multiple languages after production, including Japanese. All that's different in this case is two languages are recorded during production instead of one.

      I don't think any signs are going to be translated, it's never happened before.

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  4. I actually got started on the robes, I've been juggling through multiple other mods in development as well as Revenge of Revan development. I'll just go through the drive to find it and see what's left to do! 👍
  5. Why yes, I believe the tool Logan uses is the Kotor Level Editor or KLE for short. This tool allows Logan to place NPCs and placeables inside of a module within a week instead of a month as it was manually typing in coordinates back in the day. At this current stage, Logan has just about filled each and every module which will be part of the Episode 1 release with placeables AND NPCs and the current bucket list of "things to do" consists of mostly dialogues, scripts and side quests (This might sound bad to a non-modder, but this Unity tool has made development SO much better!). Your questions regarding the Kotor Level Editor might be better answered in the Official KLE release thread down below:
  6. I honestly don't know why, I found him to be one of the more enjoyable characters in the mod. Allow me to clarify what my plan is on that:
  7. Ok, I had a bit of a further look into M4-78EP in recent months and discovered this: Assuming you killed Vrook, Zez-Kai Ell, Kavar and did M4-78 last only then do you have the opportunity to save Vash. I am 95% sure that is merely an Easter Egg by the devs and isn't something many players actually do. I do plan on someday returning to the Extended Enclave Patch for some minor new additions for the mod, and maybe one day a "Save Vash" option might be possible... however, I most likely *will* require the use of experimental AI which can take samples of VO to make Vash say lines during the Enclave meeting and Kreia dialogue when referring to Vash (And maybe even Zhaboka to voice Kaah if I wanted him to make an appearance, just imagine: instead of Visas ambushing Kreia and getting forced choked it's Kaah instead).
  8. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    It's a complete game overhaul, just like the original Demo. For installation, here is my recommendation: For more information regarding Revenge of Revan, please visit the Revenge of Revan Forum Section: https://deadlystream.com/forum/5-revenge-of-revan/ From there you are able to make a thread asking further questions or you might direct them to the latest announcement page found here:
  9. That is partly true, but also partly misconception. At E3 2004, Obsidian needed to develop a "Demo" for K2 as a means to showing off all the new cool features that Obsidian had added. This Demo was made only available to the X-Box consoles present at E3 to allow visitors to play the game and see the new features, according to Obsidian interviews, the Demo was supposed to be played for 5 minutes but if one took their time with the Demo it was possible for the Demo to last 45 minutes. This Demo never had a "pick your class", "pick your gender", "pick your appearance" and "pick your stat" setup as K2 does today. I believed most likely the player had the option to selecting a Pre-Set character which was the Dark Side Arren Kae or the Light Side Eras Jast, I think this is the case as the Demo shows high evidence that the player travelled through Telos' surface and encountered the Merc Gang outside the compound. The Merc leader in K2 says "Hrmph... the "Jedi." whereas in the Demo he instead says "Hrmph... Arren Kae." or "Hrmph... Eras Jast." which I feel proves my theory that the player was forced to play as either Arren Kae or Eras Jast. Arren Kae, as you've pointed out, uses PFHC06 whereas Eras Jast had PMHH01. Fun fact, if your game breaks it is possible for the Exile to "morph into Arren Kae" gaining what I presume are her original stats from the Demo. I assume Arren Kae and Eras Jast obtained different weapons and items for the sake of showing off the game, Eras Jast appears to have 1 Silver Lightsaber and a Jedi Knight Robe whereas Arren Kae had two Red Lightsabers and a Dark Jedi Knight Robe. Does this mean Kreia/Arren Kae was going to look like PFHC06? Technically not, the Demo was merely made by Obsidian to show off their product to the public. PFHC06 and PMHH01 are both new player heads so Obsidian had to show those off, PMHH01 was a Hispanic head (K1 never had playable Hispanics) so they kept his had Light Side and since PFHC06 was Caucasian (K1 did have playable Caucasians) she became the Dark Side choice. I feel most likely that the name "Arren Kae" was just a cool little name floating around on the chalk board in May 2004 that the Devs just threw it in the Demo because it was cool and later threw the same name into the full game as a cameo as they found the name to be cool. Fun fact: Arren Kae is only mentioned directly by name TWICE in the full K2 so I think my theory of Obsidian "just needing a quick name" and then reusing the Demo character name to be very likely. It would be hypothetically possible to make that work, people in the past have cut PFCH06's bun clean off, merged the Scout Pants and Smuggler Jacket into one model, gave Handmaiden long hair and more. I know this isn't what you asked for, but this mod down below is a pretty good "Young Arren Kae/Kreia" reskin.
  10. That would change Mira's head to Kira's head, yes? When I reread the request I felt it seemed a little vague. Either he's asking us to give Mira Kira's head... or he's asking us to give Kira Mira's clothing instead of the default clothing as per your mod. But if @Untold Prophecy DOES in-fact want Mira with Kira's head, I do have an alternative (but longer) method in which he may want to do that:
  11. Those Christmas items are totally compatible, they are just model, texture and item files. You will have to use cheats to obtain those items though, K1R or not. That is because it is the mod authors who determine whether or not a mod is compatible with K1R or not, the same goes for TSLRCM compatibility. What mod author's are suppose to do is determine whether or not their mod is compatible with K1R/TSLRCM and check YES or NO depending on the answer. However, not every modder plays or has even heard of K1R so some modder's might just say NO to be on the safe side. If you see mod's totally lacking a K1R compatibility sign that means that the mod was uploaded before K1R and the question as to whether it is compatible or not is best asked here (Like the Christmas mods for example, they didn't include a K1R compatibility sign). When you say "plethora of HD skins" I assume you are referring to Dark Hope's mods, here is my assumption on why she says her mods aren't compatible with K1R even though they are compatible (They are textures, K1R modifies very few textures). Her first language is Russian and I believe her second language is English, if she plays Kotor with a Russian translation patch that would mean she'd also only play with mods which also offer a Russian translation... and since K1R is an English-Only mod it's a logical conclusion that Dark Hope has never played K1R thus cannot be certain if her mods are even compatible. As for the Juhani Appearance Overhaul, I do believe that the mod author probably doesn't use K1R hence is why he said it was incompatible. I just checked out the mod and the ONLY thing which raises an eyebrow is upcrystals.2da, but even then, I do believe that since the mod has a TSLPatcher then the mod should be compatible with K1R regardless. 👍
  12. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    At this stage, it isn't a "quest" in the traditional sense. In this current version, once you defeat Goto on his Yacht Mira will say "If you want, and if you got the credits, I could find him for you. When I say I'm the best bounty hunter in the system, I mean it.". This will suggest that Mira doesn't know the exact location of Zez Kai Ell and that you need to find him. Once the Ebon Hawk scene is over you return to Nar Shaddaa and once you leave you are ambushed by GenoHaradan thugs as seen here: You will then be gassed and taken to the GenoHaradan lair to fight the GenoHaradan leader. Once you defeat him, Zez Kai Ell arrives, recovers the Exile and takes them back to Mira's apartment I will admit, this version of the mod may be considered "bland" to some... though do keep in mind this is utilizing only the very few pieces of cut content which we have left over in the game files, this version is still better than the TSLRP GenoHaradan and the GenoHaradan Beta mods and is 100% compatible with TSLRCM. But personally, I do think I will return to GenoHaradan Legacy for a series of "minor" updates for the mod adding in more basic content to other planets as a means to implement the GenoHaradan throughout more areas of the game. But again, keep in mind that I am currently working on the Revenge of Revan mod and am currently juggling between several other mods.
  13. No, these lines are not included as part of TSLRCM (TSLRCM uses the vanilla lines). These lines are more or less "First attempts" at the VO which got left behind in the game files. If you watch the preview video, you may notice how the lines sound "off" and some lines might even be changed all together.
  14. N-DReW25

    GenoHaradan Legacy

    The mod available for download is in a finished state and is compatible with TSLRCM. You should be able to start the game and finish it with this mod installed, the mod is very unlikely to break and no bugs are thought to exist. All restored content has new restored VO.
  15. ROR Writer here: We do not have a time table for the release of Revenge of Revan Episode 1, but I can assure you that ever since I joined the project the mod has been taking shape nicely and a lot of progress has been made! The reason why we don't have a release date is because one of our major goals for this release is to ensure a bug free experience and bug fixing takes time. Our current goal with Revenge of Revan is to ensure the mod works at all to begin with, once we have stabilized the mod with player feedback and bugfixes then we will have discussions for optimization for other platforms like Android.
  16. Hello, I like what you're doing with this mod here! Though I have noticed a few inaccuracies and issues which I hope to point out. First of all, Three-Tiered Dark Jedi Robes is technically a fashionable new take on a mod I made called "N-DReW's Dark Jedi Robes": You might've noticed that the Dark Jedi Robes has a unique icon, the Dark Jedi Knight Robes has a unique icon and the Dark Jedi Master Robes has a unique robes despite all sharing the exact same texture as the Dark Jedi Robes. "Dark Jedi Robes" is a cut item, it is the Dark Jedi variant of the brown "Jedi Robes" you first get on Dantooine. I've posted another mod which gives Dark Jedi Knight and Master robes the same icon as the Dark Jedi Robe: What N-DReW's Dark Jedi Robe mod does is that it gives the Dark Jedi Knight and Dark Jedi Master robes a texture based on the icon they have in the vanilla game. The reason why I am bringing this up with you is that you've done your robes back to front, you've put the Master Robe as the Knight Robe and the Knight Robe as the Master Robe. I don't want you to not do the Dark Jedi Robes simply because me and ebmar did the exact same thing before you (And before me I believe Space Alex and Shem did the same concept as well in their own mods), I'm simply suggesting you should swap the textures around. Looks like Carth jumped into some red paint I am noticing something here, those are both Dark Jedi Knight textures... yet they look different on both NPCs. Did you reskin the male texture and female texture separately? Because if you did I'd like to inform you that male and female Jedi Robe textures share the exact same texture. For example, if you made a clone of the female light grey robe texture and renamed it to the male robe texture it'd work just fine on a male NPC. I hope to see more come out of this project, I am eager for updates! 👍
  17. I agree that this feature is in-fact jarring to look at, but the reason why this feature and many features of M4-78EP 1.5 is so "bad" is because (Even though you'd probably think this reason is bogus) the dev team who made M4-78EP are both burned out from modding this game for so many years and the fact that they have real life jobs that takes much of the modders time to actually work on the mod (The lead dev is part of the Video Game Industry for example). As a Beta tester for 1.5, I can confirm that 1.5 was released far too early as there'd be no way for the dev team to finish the mod properly with their burn out and real life obstacles (And this was before Covid-19 so I doubt things have gotten any better). I don't blame you for wanting to use M4-78EP 1.3 as the mod is broken in certain areas. You have a good point, but shouldn't the 4-digit code be written down in the player's journal entry update so that the player can always reference the number? This may or may not be the case in the mod, but it would be a good solution to your problem. Usually, the correct code is the number of droids in the colony so once you finally return to the terminal you must keep in mind you murdered droids to get back. In version 1.2 you would kill 5 droids to get back, so you'd -5 from the 4 digit code to complete the puzzle. In 1.5, technically it's -2 but hey idk if the mod is functioning well enough to account for those droids (Been years since I properly played M4-78EP). This is one of the times where you are most likely correct, this version is indeed buggy. I'm correcting you here, the teleportation system is in-fact as crap as Zelda is saying unfortunately. It would've been better if one of those Fast Travel droids were involved, maybe he'd interject into every convo and ask if the player wants to be teleported with the option to decline... heck, a simple animation of the droid party member walking away and then teleporting would've made this look better. Technically, the version he is promoting is the old Steam version 1.3 which was also released way too early... however, it *does* work. I guess what Malkior is trying to say is that, if you give Dark Side Points to anything and everything you dislike it kind of makes it look as if you are the problem and not the person you've dark side pointed. From the looks of it, you like to take a highly defensive approach when responding to criticism. In this case, you are correct... 1.5 is indeed bad, what you could do is instead is further highlight your criticism of the mod and highlight the flaws in a constructive manner without being defensive so at least you look like a good guy who wants to see M4-78EP fixed at some point... let's be real, no one will be able to fix the problems for a while, but at least if you take my criticisms you won't get attacked by other users who think you are being overtly dramatic. This sort of writing comes off as hostile, if your writing is hostile then people will think you yourself are a hostile person and may not take you seriously... but everything you are saying is 100% true which is why you should write your dialogue in a manner which is respectable to the person you are quoting and to the mod (Even if the mod is buggy as hell). Let's say you are in a public library and you just so happen to find a living pig in the fiction section just chilling, what you'd want to do is calmly approach the librarian and politely inform them of the pig and if they don't believe you need to be friendly towards them and try to lead them over towards the pig so they will believe you. If you instead decided to yell and swear at the librarian and them punch her you're going to be seen as the bad guy and you'd be kicked out of the library... even though you'd be 100% correct, there is a pig in the library. And in this case, the library is M4-78EP 1.5 and the pig is all the poorly executed features and bugs. I've rewritten your quote in a way which is purely informal and rebuts Malkior's false claim in a way which is non-confrontational to Malkior himself: You are incorrect, version 1.3 which I am promoting was released in 2017 on the Steam Workshop and was never hosted anywhere else as it was exclusive to the Steam Workshop. The link I've added is an archived version of the Steam 1.3 version which can be used for Steam and non-steam users via any non-Steam Workshop installation. It is fully compatible with TSLRCM as long as the players install TSLRCM first and M4-78EP 1.3 2nd. Well, that is honestly unfortunate. I think that, as long as a user can point out a mod's bugs in a polite manner they can highlight the problems and faults with a mod which can avoid new players from using M4-78EP and then breaking their game because the mod is unstable. Clearly Zelda was a new player who wasn't aware of what he was in for (The teleportation system is only the tip of the ice burg of 1.5), but I can agree with you; the manner in which Zelda stated his dislike for a change was written in an unfair manner. I applaud you taking this convo with Malkior to the PMs.
  18. You extract the entire folder anywhere onto your computer, once the mod is extracted as a folder. Use the TSLPatcher.exe to install your mod. It would be best to extract anywhere BUT the main swkotor folder or any folders found within swkotor, same goes for TSL.
  19. So to find the texture you are looking for, open up Kotor Tool and follow the following rabbit hole: First you should see "Kotor 1" and "Kotor 2", open "Kotor 2", then open "ERFs", then open "TexturePacks", then open "swpc_tex_tpa.erf" (this is the 2nd option), then open "P" and then you should find a big list of every texture starting with P. The texture you are looking for is called "pmbj02". The Star Forge Robes icon located in "swpc_tez_gui" which is directly above "swpc_tex_tpa.erf" (where pmbj02 is located), then open "I" and scroll down until you find "ia_revan_002"
  20. All you have to do is double click the TSLPatcher.exe file which will bring up the "TSLPatcher installer" which, upon clicking the install button, will install the mod. What the TSLPatcher does is *patches* the mod being installed and the mods you already have. If you copied the files from thee tslpatchdata folder and placed it into the Override folder you'd have two things happen: A) If you choose to overwrite your files, any mod you had installed previously will be destroyed. This is because this mod uses Appearance.2da and Heads.2da, these two files contain the appearance and head date for Helena Shan from this mod. If you overwrite the files present within the override folder, Helena Shan *may* still work, however, any other mods you installed before that is gone. Let's say you installed Brotherhood of Shadow, let's just say the you meet the character Daemon Drexl which has a new head and appearance thanks to the Appearance.2da and Heads.2da files. Because you chose to overwrite those files let's pretend you are lucky and the result will be instead of Daemon Drexl looking like Daemon Drexl... he looks like Helena Shan. This is because, by overwriting the original 2da files and destroyed them the game can no longer make reference to Daemon Drexl's correct assets and might just refer to Helena Shan instead. Because this mod adds in just one character, the Brotherhood of Shadow mod would soon break as it adds about 20 or more new characters. Which means once you board the Orion and try to find the new character Matilda... she would be invisible as the game has absolutely nothing to reference her files by. B,) If you choose to NOT overwrite your files, any mod you had installed previously will remain. What results is no better, whilst all of Brotherhood of Shadow and all other mods will be safe... Helena Shan will not. Let's use our previous example and say you have Brotherhood of Shadow installed, when you go to the Cantina and find Helena she will instead look like Daemon Drexl. Because the game cannot reference her correct files, the game will refer to Daemon Drexl instead. What the TSLPatcher installer does is that it will merge this mods 2da files with the 2da files already present within your Override folder. After the installer is done, the 2da files within your Override will contain the data of both Brotherhood of Shadow and Helena because the installer *patched* the necessary files. Some mods are designed to work ONLY if you TSLPatch the mod into the override, so it is best to use the TSLPatcher installer in every and all scenarios. If you own an Android or non-PC device which doesn't support installers, you might have some problems getting just about any mod to work.
  21. I have personally gotten in touch with SithSpecter, he claims that @Neville has permission to use the Helmet Mod.
  22. N-DReW25

    K2 Armor Nitpicks

    That's good to hear! You wouldn't believe how many times I've restored something, and years later another guy restores the same thing in the EXACT same manner as I do. At least your restorations here are original! I actually like your choice here a lot more than Hassat's mod not going to lie. You seem to do something that modders who seek to create "pure restoration" mods would *never* want to do (And would only do so in dire circumstances), use custom content. In this case, you've diversified the original items which had repeated textures and tried to give them a unique spin with vanilla appearing reskins. Even though I'd consider myself a "die hard restoration perfectionist" your mod here is still a very tempting pick for my restored content playthroughs. I noticed 502OND.mod inside the mod folder, my best guess is that Geg the merchant sells yours? But if you modified Geg's merchant utm file, why have a .mod to begin with when you could inject the .utm directly into the .mod (Which should be present as most users should be using TSLRCM). Here I am calling myself a "die hard restoration perfectionist" in my other reply, in my Onderon Item mod I remember replacing all of the Beast Rider NPC armor with the flight suit with an optional install to replace the Sith Beast Handler in the palace (the one zapping the Drexl) with a Beast Rider wearing the armor. Ohhhh. So while my mod simply restores the unused icons for the D-Packages only, you've created unique D-Package icons for each and every implant whilst also implementing fixes to other implants. Very good! I would've made the Militia Armor something you'd be given once you agree to help the Militia, but I see no fault in your option. If the armour is given to you, the player could overlook the item being given and defeat the mercs and play the game without realizing a Militia outfit was added to the inventory. Plus, if you had a script to forcibly equip the armour on the player, you'd have to ensure the script doesn't delete the armor item being worn before and no doubt you'd have players complaining about being forced to wear Medium Armor (Plus, I think Consular's don't get medium armor feat). Zherron could drop the armor on his loot, but then that's Dark Side restricted. Maybe the Administrator gives you the Armor as a reward for saving Khoonda, but if you fought for the Mercs or betrayed the Militia mid-way you wouldn't get the armor. Having the Pazaak Card restored for Dendis Dobo is a good idea I must say! I never knew it was even cut to begin with.
  23. N-DReW25

    K2 Armor Nitpicks

    I do like a lot of the content presented here, I especially love that M'uhk'gfa though there are a few things worth mentioning here: In addition to those, where did you restore the Khoonda Militia Armor and the +/- 1/2 Pazaak Card?
  24. @DarthParametric I was finally able to get KotorBlender working for blender, I had to use 2.0.0 version instead of the 2.0.1 version as Blender wouldn't allow me to enable 2.0.1 due to some sort of error in the "__init__.py" file. In the program I am able to load up 231telsb.mdl.ascii and 901malb.mdl.ascii with ease, note the textures do not show. 901malb.mdl.ascii (With what appears to be the lightning planes in sight) 231telsb.mdl.ascii (With what I suspect is the bird planes) From what you can tell, is this set-up correctly and from here how would I be able to copy the Lightning planes over to 231telsb?
  25. Same here, I also admire your work here! Really goes to show that you don't need to make the next big total conversion 4K HD texture mod in order for your mod to be good. Here's what I think of your options: As you are giving the Sith Uniforms a distinctive "rank" per uniform, I'm certain you're going to modify the utc files for every Sith 'Albino' NPC to change the NPC uniform via the "Clothing Variant" items, and it appears you'll be changing many of their names to match their corresponding rank such as "Sith Major" (as I've noticed in one of your screenshots). So if you are going to modify the utc files, why not change the appearance of said NPC to a Sith Officer variant with a generic head instead of the albino hat heads. I'd say you should keep the albino hat head as a grey hat and keep the grey albino hat head for whatever rank the grey Sith Uniform is, for any Sith Officer who has a different colour of uniform, simply use a generic head without a hat. I would advise this option! It is possible, but would require a TSLPatcher for compatibility and a mod of this scale would be tricky to make a workable TSLPatcher which a new modder could make. As Salk said, don't even bother with this option.