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  1. Hello all, This is an idea I had many years ago (I think I even made a thread here about it), but I never got very far. It crossed my mind recently so I decided to take another crack at it since it's a character's story I feel low-key passionate about. When the player is down in the Undercity of Taris, they can run into Rukil, the old proclaimer of something called the Promised Land. He has you go search for his missing apprentice, a young woman named Malya. In the game, you find a generic (old man) corpse with Malya's journal, and you tell Rukil she died. The end. Or not. The Promised Land concept is interesting enough, but the fact that Rukil has an apprentice (with a name), who seems to be an open-minded, hopeful, and brave young woman of all things seems like a huge missed opportunity to me. Maybe she's force sensitive. Maybe she has a unique perspective the other characters don't have, based on her unique upbringing. It's especially tragic for my player character, who doesn't really have the hots for Bastila and would be much more interested in someone who's not such a normie. So, Malya lives on, developing quietly in the back of my mind. So I've started work on it again. STORY: The new story is, basically, that while searching for the Promised Land, Malya left her journal on an old corpse in the Undercity when had to run and hide from Rakghouls and then Gamorrean slave hunters. She got captured by Gamorreans, and sold to the exchange. Shortly before the player character arrives at Davik's estate, Malya attempted to escape but was caught and thrown in the torture chamber. She is then rescued by the player character, and the grateful Malya joins him after learning that the other Outcasts are long gone on their journey to the Promised Land. The party then escapes Taris and goes to Dantooine, where Malya succumbs to her usual habits and explores every part of the Jedi enclave she can. While the player character is in training, Malya steals a Jedi holocron, and starts learning about the Jedi, Sith, and various Force philosophies. Once the quest for the Star Forge begins, the player character learns of Malya's Force experiments and has the option to train her as his own apprentice. Instead of becoming a traditional Jedi, however, Malya forms her own philosophy combining the teachings of Rukil and what she has learned since. One of her protests to the usual events of the game's story is on Kashyyyk, where she denounces a violent Wookiee uprising against Czerka, instead advocating for a more moderate agenda. As she harbors feelings for the player character, she dislikes Bastila, and by extension distrusts the Jedi. This is amplified after the Leviathan incident and subsequent revelation. Near the end, Malya declares her wish that the player character neither be subservient to the Jedi nor the Dark Side, and instead submit to nothing but Truth itself and become a fully realized individual, and says that this can be done by saving his old friend Malak from the Dark Side. MOD GOAL: Recruitment mod that adds Malya to the party, replacing Juhani. She serves as an alternative love interest to Bastila for male PCs. She can be trained as a Force user by the player character. She is to be fully voiced (I have directed voice actors before so I'm not worried about this - I'm more worried about lip synching because I have no idea how to do it). She is to chime in on the story like other party members do. Further down the road, if I get good enough at modding or have help, I'd like to have more story stuff like in the above summary. WHAT I'VE DONE SO FAR: -In Davik's estate, Malya can be found in the torture chamber (replacing Hudrow). When you rescue her, she gives you the Ebon Hawk security codes and joins your party after you escape Taris. This is implemented and works. However, there are a few problems I have to work out. -Her appearance is subject to change, but right now I have a reskinned albino version of TSL's PFHA06. After she escapes Davik's estate and changes out of the dirty old Outcast clothes, she has a hooded outfit which was made by removing the face from the darkjedif model (I might publish that bit on this website separately as a modder's resource or small mod). I made a prototype skin for the clothing, and I'll make cooler variants in the future. CURRENT PROBLEMS AS OF POSTING THIS: -I don't have any voiced lines yet, so Malya has been speaking Twilek. Sometimes her mouth doesn't move and I don't know why. Edit: Now I know why. -Although Malya has a unique entry in appearance.2da, I don't know how to access the new entry with the UTC editor. The dropdown menu only shows vanilla appearances to choose from, so that's why the Malya in Davik's estate looks like her old friend Shaleena the Outcast girl. Edit: Fixed! Thanks, Effix. -I hardly know how to do anything! Lol. So, if any of that sounds interesting, or if you have any comments or suggestions, or want to help in any way, or just want to say hi, I welcome your words. It had been so long I had forgotten the details; I had a post about this back in 2016: However, it's super old so I guess ignore it. Here are some images:
  2. View File N-DReW's K1 Gameplay Improvement BETA N-DReW's K1 Gameplay Improvement Beta A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Author: N-DReW25 Demo 1.0 Release Date: 03.7.2016 Beta 1.0 Release Date: 1.11.2020 Installation: 1) Make sure you install my mod first before any other 2) Simply place the ALL the files within the "For Override" Folder into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic override folder 3) Then place ALL the files within the "For modules" Folder into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic modules folder 4) Make sure you place all the VO audio in "For Streamwaves" into your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic streamwaves folder 5) Then place the "dialog.tlk" into the Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic folder and overwrite the one currently in there This is not necessary though if you want the any optional modules simply open the "Optional" folder and copy ALL the files within your desired folder and place them in your override folder Description: N-DReW's Gameplay Improvement is a total overhaul mod which reworks a lot of features in the game. Whilst the original lore, textures and game style are in-tact almost every other aspect of the game has been reworked and overhauled, from the game feats, player stats and skills, difficulty, loot drops, way items work, new items, a complex NPC Overhaul, ported aspects from Kotor 2, reworked dialogue, new NPCs, restored content, new content and much, much more. From the Endar Spire to the Star Forge, you can relive Kotor 1 in a new and immersive way which you have never seen before. * The mod retains its vanilla style meaning you won't see any 4K textures beside Low Res textures here * Relive the nostalgia glory days of the early 2000 mods as many have been repurposed for the K1GI, mods such as the famous Brotherhood of Shadow have been used throughout the game with permission to create a more diverse range of NPCs and Items * This mod also utilizes modders resources and defunct mod projects with permissions to add more flavour to the Kotor 1 Game, with the NPC Overhaul provided by the defunct K1 Enhancement Pack and the many heads avaliable in the also defunct Revenge of Revan Demo the K1GI provides player with a revolutionary array of NPCs to fill the Galaxt of clones * Inspired by the Blasters Reloaded mod, the Blaster attack feats have been removed from the levle up menu and are given for free using specific blasters. A Sniper Rifle can give Sniper Attack, a Heavy Repeater can give Rapid Shot and a Pistol can give Power Blast. This new system allows for players to be more creative with their player build allowing for players to focus on a melee build and be able to switch to a Blaster with no worries * Similar to blasters, the Blaster Focus, Specialization and Sneak Attack feats have also been removed and can be given for free via a mask item allowing for a freer hand in character builds * Feats in general have been reworked: Scoundrels get Scoundrels luck and Medium Armor, Scouts get Uncanny Dodge and Light Armor and Soldiers get Toughness and Heavy Armor. Restored the Simple Weapons feat which non-Vibro melee weapons need in order to be wielded * Certain Party Members have new feats, skills, attributes classes and powers * HK-47 can now equipt an upgrade to enable him to wield any type of Melee Weapon * New items from Shields, Sunglasses, Laser Swords and more have been added allowing for more worth while loot drops and merchant gear * The Tutorial has now been removed and Trask Ulgo the 4th wall destroyer has been replaced by a lore friendly Jedi Commander * Movie style dark side transitions and effects * Various cameos from Kotor 2 including Darth Sion and Kaah Ohtok 1.0 Added an optional 'Overhauled Mission Vao' from Efix's K2 mod Added an optional Kotor Weapon Model Overhaul Added Effix's underwear mod as human dancer skins Droid items like flame throwers are no longer infinite, most droid items now have their Kotor 2 names and have been reworked Reworked all the Baragwin items and added new Baragwin gear including the Electromesh and Plasmamesh robe and mask by Effix and Baragwin Ice Armor by MasterWaffle When Admiral Dodonna is informed of the victory against the Star Forge the sound of cheering can now be heard in the background Modified Star Forge NPCs Alongside the vanilla red Star Forge Assault Droids, other classes of red droids will attack the player such as red Sentinel Droids, Assault Droid Mark 4s and Spider Droids The Sith Master who informs Malak on the Star Forge has been replaced by an Admiral in a black uniform, this same admiral now spawns in the Star Forge Robe room as an enemy Numerous cameos to Kotor Trilogy's "The Circle of Fate" during the Star Forge sequence Restored Jedi, Zaalbar and Dark Side Bastila lines in the Hangar of the Star Forge Carth's main dialogue has been reworked Carth's alignment will become neutral if the player kills Dustil You can now kill the Jedi strike team in the Hangar if you are Dark Side The 3 Dark Jedi in the Dark Side ending now have unique appearances, with the leader being a cameo to Darth Varkor's Return of the Exile Temporarily disabled the option to create Star Forge robes, in future updates the robes shall be fixed and overhauled Removed the option to disable the turrets, to unlock the door to deck 3 you need to slay the turrets outside the elevator Master Vrook, Master Atris (With Effix reskin) and Master Kae have been added to the final Light Side scene The Jedi Librarian robes worn by Master Dorak have been replaced with Effix's Lore Keeper robes For previous updates please check the update log Incompatibilities: If you want to know if a certain mod is incompatible with my mod please PM me on Deadlystream If you have any suggestions for future idea's please give me a PM on Deadlystream and give me a detailed description of what you want and it may be considered (Don't be shy). If you would like to help the mod out I will accept whatever help I can especially if you can script or make textures! Permissions: You can NOT edit, upload to other websites or claim as your own without permission from me. You cannot use assets from other modders included in this project without their permission. Thanks: Bioware for such an amazing game Obsidian for the second game and its assests Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool FairStrides for trying to help me with ERF Edit VO Talent: Zhaboka- Kaah Ohtok Credits: Bith Musician items/HK Melee Mod- Khrizby Dark Side Reimagined Mod- darksidebirdie Jedi from the Start scripts- darthbdaman M200 Intervention Sniper model- Skateordie808 Realistic Visual Effects Mod, Jedi Robe Skins- Shem Various textures- 90SK K1 Enchantment Pack assests- SpaceAlex Wookiee, Echani, Combat Suit skins- redrob41 Dark Jedi Robe texture- Ankh MedHypo mod- Rtas Vadum Sith Commander/Manaan Sith Soldier Skins- Dak Drexl Scout/Scoundrel uniforms- jonathan7 & FoolInTheWave Force Fashion 2- jonathan7 Sungladdes, Shields, Female Mandalorians- Inyri Forge Saber Pikes, Laser Swords- DeadMan Brotherhood of Shadow Assests- Silveredge9 Female republic soldier skin and the HD republic soldier skins- Dark Hope Republic Helmet- SithSpector Revenge of Revan Assets- Logan423, RedRobe41, Paige Lehnert Various Textures- Whyp JC2, TheRealDarthRevan- Scripting aid Sith Stalker- Qui-Gon Glenn, Dak Drexl, redrob41, Marius Fett, Varsity Puppet and j7 JC's Heads Modders Resource- JCarter426 Saeikan's Armors of the Old Republic Textures- Saeikan Leviathan Differentiated Dialogue- Revanator K1 Better Twi'lek Heads- Ashton Scorpius Robes for Korriban Sith Students assests- Shem JC's Vision Enchantment/JC's Slave Bastila/JC's Supermodel Fix/JC's Head Modders Resource/JC's Republic Soldier Fix- JCarter426 WOTOR weapons- T7Nowhere Manaan and Korriban Sith Soldier- sELFiNDUCEDcOMA Drinking Animation- Darth Parametric and Alvar007 Mission skin, Electro/Plasmamesh robe- Effix Baragwin Ice Armor- MasterWaffle This mod contains assets ported from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords by Obsidian Entertainment. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter N-DReW25 Submitted 07/04/2016 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  3. Version 3.1


    A remake of FrantFire's Nar Shaddaa Hidden Complex. It's been on KotorFiles a while, but I'm only getting around to uploading it here. ^^; IMPORTANT: TSLRCM INFO It SHOULD work with TSLRCM, but I make no promises. It also will not work with any GenoHaradan mods. Readme: ***************************************************************** KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II THE SITH LORDS ***************************************************************** NAR SHADDAA hidden complex mod v3.1 Author: FrantFire Date released: 18/6/08 Time spent: 36 hours or so, I'm not much a scripter... Contact:;, or GeorgNihilus at You can also contact Darth_Tartarus at . Updated to 1.5 by: Darth_Tartarus. 1.5 released: 9/10/2010 Patch 1.5b made by: Darth_Tartatus. 1.5 released: 09/27/2010 Updated to 2.0 by: Darth_Tartarus. 2.0 released: 10/17/2010 Updated to 2.5 by: Darth_Tartarus 2.5 released: 3/3/2012 Updated to 2.6 by: Darth_Tartarus. Updated to 2.6b by: Darth_Tartatus on 12/15/12. Update to 3.0 started on 1/27/2013 by: Darth_Tartarus. Update to 3.1 on 5/17/2017 by Darth_Tartarus (though I normally go by DarthVitrial now) 1. Idea ======= One day I used Force Sight to the door next to Fassa in Nar Shaddaa docks area and when I opened it I found an interesting unused complex (I think it was supposed to be used for the GenoHaradan? -Darth_Tartarus), then I decided to use this area, somehow... 2. Info ======= This mod does the following: 1) Allows you to open one of two doors near Fassa (the Twi'lek in Nar Shaddaa docks). You will only be able to open one of these two sealed doors, and also access 2 closed doors at the Refugee landing pad area (I always wondered what was behind those doors); there you will find some sort of abandoned cantina. 2) It will spawn (add) a Twi'lek female in the Nar Shaddaa docks flophouse area, up to you find where, as well as some pretty nasty thugs somewhere. 3) It will make the alien Gran thug guarding Vogga's enclave entry door hostile, but only if you decide to kill the Bith guard near him. (I did this to give more realism to this easy fight, no sense having the Bith fighting you and the Gran thug by him just standing there). The Bith will be a little more challenging, too. So you will have a realistic fight with Vogga's guards now. This has nothing to do with the Complex mod itself but I included it anyway in this pack. (Only if you install the full version of this mod, not the Lite version) 4) (Optional): Improved and modified Vogga.dlg (he will realize you have killled his enclave door guards), plus reduced many long texts for short streamvoices, same problem fixed in Vogga's Bith dialog. (again, not with the Lite version.) 5) Two journal entries have been added for this mod. 3. How to play ============ You will need a saved game before arriving at Nar Shaddaa for the first time, if you do not have one and you have a saved game at the Refugee Landing Pad or the Promenade -and you have not entered the Docks area before- you can still open the doors near Vossk (the Trandoshan) at the landing pad by other means (you cheater), by using something along the lines of the WhereamI Armband. This way you can still initiate the mod. ONLY READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO KNOW exactly what to do, I personally suggest playing to figure out what to do. If you want to know how to open the docks doors you will need a special key, available in a lost pad inside the abandoned cantina in the Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad (this cantina was also unavailable in original game, by the way) and it is placed just behind Vossk. There may be some errors with TSLRCM because of the addition of the cantina. Without the key, the doors next to Fassa in the docking area will remain closed -showing as "Sealed door" in case you want to know- or if you do not find the key. Once opened the door, just enter and see... There is also a hard-to-open footlocker in the cantina. A Twi'lek woman has also been spawned in one of the flophouse's rooms, hiding for some reason. She will be behind a separating panel in the room next to Lasavvou (the Ithorian). Talk to her to find out why she's hiding, and to get a quest. Finally, to reach the Bith's dialog option to kill him, while talking to him about Vogga's fuel contracts take the branch "It's not safe to compete with me". Vogga won't be happy about you killing them, though... 4. Installation/Uninstallation ===================== To install: Simply run the TSLPatcher and choose an option. Those of you with TSLRCM should choose the no-Vogga version, for compatibility reasons. To uninstall; delete the following files from your Override folder (it's not necessary to delete the .lip files, they can be used later): n_compleadr.utc (the merc leader .utc) n_compthug2.utc n_compthug.utc n_compthug3.utc n_compthug5w.utc n_compthu4w.utc n_voggathu.utc n_voggathu3.utc n_voggathu4.utc n_voggathu5.utc n_voggadro2.utc n_voggadro6.utc twi_common.utc vogga_sullustan.utc c_pcfemundie.ncs (checks if a female PC is in her undies... hmm...) pc_perceived.ncs 2hostthugs.ncs c_act_exitaread.ncs c_act_exitareat.ncs give_compkey2.ncs spawnkey2.ncs spawn_hidden.ncs spawnthugs.ncs spawnthugs2.ncs spawnkey.ncs a_journalend.ncs give_compkey2.ncs c_bithdead.ncs a_bithdead.ncs a_mercsdead.ncs c_mercsdead.ncs a_destroyvt.ncs a_someoneund.ncs c_someoneund.ncs ff_nar_locker.ncs ff_nar_blood.ncs ff_nar_bag.ncs k_enter_301ff.ncs a_thugsdone.ncs c_thugsdone.ncs voggas_fade.ncs sealeddoor.utd doors_key.uti door_narshad015.utd ff_nar_bag.utp ff_nar_blood.utp ff_nar_locker.utp plc_doorskey2.utp ff_nar_datapad.uti 203merclead010.lip 402om_sc2005.lip 303lootra056.lip 402om_sc2005.lip and so on ... ev_crys_04.uti (don't delete if you have Envida's Khoonda Lost Loom mod or my updated version of the Lost Room mod) ev_crys_03.uti (item) iw_sbrcrstl_203.tga (don't delete if you have Envida's Khoonda Lost Loom mod or my updated version of the Lost Room mod) iw_sbrcrstl_204.tga (item) compledr.dlg droidwar_l.dlg humanvog_l.dlg attontwi.dlg trandos_l.dlg twicommon.dlg vogsull.dlg quello.dlg (in this file only added a script that spawns items in the line "What's with you, letting that piece...", named k_enter_301ff.ncs) 5. Recommended ============== Recommended level to access the docks door/s, 14, with 3 party members, nevertheless you can survive with upgraded gear, equipments, grenades or mines in your inventory, or simply running away from these mercenaries just in case you get there before those levels... Many people certainly download overpowered mods, I have seen a lot of them, armors and lightsabers specially. If you have installed this sort of mods you will have good chances of killing the mercenaries before level 14, as you can see I like to edit .uti's to reduce slightly weapons-armors stats for challenging fights. 6. New items or equipment ===================== Two lightsaber crystals only, actually not new items, just slightly reduced by me, powerful enough but only for 100% darkside or 100% lightside aligned Jedi, and you will be able to collect a few pre-existing game items from the corpses, if you succeed. 7. Credits: ========= Very special thanks to: Stoffe - for an On Notice script I used in the Complex area, being a guide many times at the Holowan labs. Darth Xander - for allowing me (all of us) to see this lost cantina -or whatever it is- through his original Nar Shaddaa lost cantina mod. Envida - for allowing me use and modify some files from Envida Khoonda Lost Room mod 1.3. And anyone else at the Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources! And all the tool makers of course, those genius people Thanks from Darth_Tartarus: FrantFire-For letting me update this mod. 8. Compatibility ============== Since this uses TSLPatcher, it should work with most everything. As of 3.0 beta, it SHOULD work with TLSRCM. No promises though. And it does NOT work with any GenoHaradan mods. 9. Experience won ============== If you are not a fan of gathering too many experience points (XP) through all the mods you install, then you might like to know that you will only gain 1500 XP points or so with this mod after dealing with the mercenaries, if you kill all of them, plus Vogga's Gran thug. (1250+250 the Gran thug). You can subtract some XP through KSE (KotOR/KotOR2 Savegame Editor) if you want. 10. Bugs ========= Using something like the WhereamI Armband to enter the Complex through both doors triggers the Complex Leader attack twice. Beating him twice also allows you to claim the prize from the Twi'lek twice. So, kinda a useful bug! 11. Permissions ============ You can use freely this mod files, just give me the correspondent credits in case you use or modify some of these files. 12. DISCLAIMER: ============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian is a trademark of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
  4. View File Nar Shaddaa Hidden Complex: Improved! A remake of FrantFire's Nar Shaddaa Hidden Complex. It's been on KotorFiles a while, but I'm only getting around to uploading it here. ^^; IMPORTANT: TSLRCM INFO It SHOULD work with TSLRCM, but I make no promises. It also will not work with any GenoHaradan mods. Readme: ***************************************************************** KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II THE SITH LORDS ***************************************************************** NAR SHADDAA hidden complex mod v3.1 Author: FrantFire Date released: 18/6/08 Time spent: 36 hours or so, I'm not much a scripter... Contact:;, or GeorgNihilus at You can also contact Darth_Tartarus at . Updated to 1.5 by: Darth_Tartarus. 1.5 released: 9/10/2010 Patch 1.5b made by: Darth_Tartatus. 1.5 released: 09/27/2010 Updated to 2.0 by: Darth_Tartarus. 2.0 released: 10/17/2010 Updated to 2.5 by: Darth_Tartarus 2.5 released: 3/3/2012 Updated to 2.6 by: Darth_Tartarus. Updated to 2.6b by: Darth_Tartatus on 12/15/12. Update to 3.0 started on 1/27/2013 by: Darth_Tartarus. Update to 3.1 on 5/17/2017 by Darth_Tartarus (though I normally go by DarthVitrial now) 1. Idea ======= One day I used Force Sight to the door next to Fassa in Nar Shaddaa docks area and when I opened it I found an interesting unused complex (I think it was supposed to be used for the GenoHaradan? -Darth_Tartarus), then I decided to use this area, somehow... 2. Info ======= This mod does the following: 1) Allows you to open one of two doors near Fassa (the Twi'lek in Nar Shaddaa docks). You will only be able to open one of these two sealed doors, and also access 2 closed doors at the Refugee landing pad area (I always wondered what was behind those doors); there you will find some sort of abandoned cantina. 2) It will spawn (add) a Twi'lek female in the Nar Shaddaa docks flophouse area, up to you find where, as well as some pretty nasty thugs somewhere. 3) It will make the alien Gran thug guarding Vogga's enclave entry door hostile, but only if you decide to kill the Bith guard near him. (I did this to give more realism to this easy fight, no sense having the Bith fighting you and the Gran thug by him just standing there). The Bith will be a little more challenging, too. So you will have a realistic fight with Vogga's guards now. This has nothing to do with the Complex mod itself but I included it anyway in this pack. (Only if you install the full version of this mod, not the Lite version) 4) (Optional): Improved and modified Vogga.dlg (he will realize you have killled his enclave door guards), plus reduced many long texts for short streamvoices, same problem fixed in Vogga's Bith dialog. (again, not with the Lite version.) 5) Two journal entries have been added for this mod. 3. How to play ============ You will need a saved game before arriving at Nar Shaddaa for the first time, if you do not have one and you have a saved game at the Refugee Landing Pad or the Promenade -and you have not entered the Docks area before- you can still open the doors near Vossk (the Trandoshan) at the landing pad by other means (you cheater), by using something along the lines of the WhereamI Armband. This way you can still initiate the mod. ONLY READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO KNOW exactly what to do, I personally suggest playing to figure out what to do. If you want to know how to open the docks doors you will need a special key, available in a lost pad inside the abandoned cantina in the Nar Shaddaa Refugee Landing Pad (this cantina was also unavailable in original game, by the way) and it is placed just behind Vossk. There may be some errors with TSLRCM because of the addition of the cantina. Without the key, the doors next to Fassa in the docking area will remain closed -showing as "Sealed door" in case you want to know- or if you do not find the key. Once opened the door, just enter and see... There is also a hard-to-open footlocker in the cantina. A Twi'lek woman has also been spawned in one of the flophouse's rooms, hiding for some reason. She will be behind a separating panel in the room next to Lasavvou (the Ithorian). Talk to her to find out why she's hiding, and to get a quest. Finally, to reach the Bith's dialog option to kill him, while talking to him about Vogga's fuel contracts take the branch "It's not safe to compete with me". Vogga won't be happy about you killing them, though... 4. Installation/Uninstallation ===================== To install: Simply run the TSLPatcher and choose an option. Those of you with TSLRCM should choose the no-Vogga version, for compatibility reasons. To uninstall; delete the following files from your Override folder (it's not necessary to delete the .lip files, they can be used later): n_compleadr.utc (the merc leader .utc) n_compthug2.utc n_compthug.utc n_compthug3.utc n_compthug5w.utc n_compthu4w.utc n_voggathu.utc n_voggathu3.utc n_voggathu4.utc n_voggathu5.utc n_voggadro2.utc n_voggadro6.utc twi_common.utc vogga_sullustan.utc c_pcfemundie.ncs (checks if a female PC is in her undies... hmm...) pc_perceived.ncs 2hostthugs.ncs c_act_exitaread.ncs c_act_exitareat.ncs give_compkey2.ncs spawnkey2.ncs spawn_hidden.ncs spawnthugs.ncs spawnthugs2.ncs spawnkey.ncs a_journalend.ncs give_compkey2.ncs c_bithdead.ncs a_bithdead.ncs a_mercsdead.ncs c_mercsdead.ncs a_destroyvt.ncs a_someoneund.ncs c_someoneund.ncs ff_nar_locker.ncs ff_nar_blood.ncs ff_nar_bag.ncs k_enter_301ff.ncs a_thugsdone.ncs c_thugsdone.ncs voggas_fade.ncs sealeddoor.utd doors_key.uti door_narshad015.utd ff_nar_bag.utp ff_nar_blood.utp ff_nar_locker.utp plc_doorskey2.utp ff_nar_datapad.uti 203merclead010.lip 402om_sc2005.lip 303lootra056.lip 402om_sc2005.lip and so on ... ev_crys_04.uti (don't delete if you have Envida's Khoonda Lost Loom mod or my updated version of the Lost Room mod) ev_crys_03.uti (item) iw_sbrcrstl_203.tga (don't delete if you have Envida's Khoonda Lost Loom mod or my updated version of the Lost Room mod) iw_sbrcrstl_204.tga (item) compledr.dlg droidwar_l.dlg humanvog_l.dlg attontwi.dlg trandos_l.dlg twicommon.dlg vogsull.dlg quello.dlg (in this file only added a script that spawns items in the line "What's with you, letting that piece...", named k_enter_301ff.ncs) 5. Recommended ============== Recommended level to access the docks door/s, 14, with 3 party members, nevertheless you can survive with upgraded gear, equipments, grenades or mines in your inventory, or simply running away from these mercenaries just in case you get there before those levels... Many people certainly download overpowered mods, I have seen a lot of them, armors and lightsabers specially. If you have installed this sort of mods you will have good chances of killing the mercenaries before level 14, as you can see I like to edit .uti's to reduce slightly weapons-armors stats for challenging fights. 6. New items or equipment ===================== Two lightsaber crystals only, actually not new items, just slightly reduced by me, powerful enough but only for 100% darkside or 100% lightside aligned Jedi, and you will be able to collect a few pre-existing game items from the corpses, if you succeed. 7. Credits: ========= Very special thanks to: Stoffe - for an On Notice script I used in the Complex area, being a guide many times at the Holowan labs. Darth Xander - for allowing me (all of us) to see this lost cantina -or whatever it is- through his original Nar Shaddaa lost cantina mod. Envida - for allowing me use and modify some files from Envida Khoonda Lost Room mod 1.3. And anyone else at the Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources! And all the tool makers of course, those genius people Thanks from Darth_Tartarus: FrantFire-For letting me update this mod. 8. Compatibility ============== Since this uses TSLPatcher, it should work with most everything. As of 3.0 beta, it SHOULD work with TLSRCM. No promises though. And it does NOT work with any GenoHaradan mods. 9. Experience won ============== If you are not a fan of gathering too many experience points (XP) through all the mods you install, then you might like to know that you will only gain 1500 XP points or so with this mod after dealing with the mercenaries, if you kill all of them, plus Vogga's Gran thug. (1250+250 the Gran thug). You can subtract some XP through KSE (KotOR/KotOR2 Savegame Editor) if you want. 10. Bugs ========= Using something like the WhereamI Armband to enter the Complex through both doors triggers the Complex Leader attack twice. Beating him twice also allows you to claim the prize from the Twi'lek twice. So, kinda a useful bug! 11. Permissions ============ You can use freely this mod files, just give me the correspondent credits in case you use or modify some of these files. 12. DISCLAIMER: ============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian is a trademark of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Submitter Darth Tartarus Submitted 12/24/2012 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible