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  1. Hello all, This is an idea I had many years ago (I think I even made a thread here about it), but I never got very far. It crossed my mind recently so I decided to take another crack at it since it's a character's story I feel low-key passionate about. When the player is down in the Undercity of Taris, they can run into Rukil, the old proclaimer of something called the Promised Land. He has you go search for his missing apprentice, a young woman named Malya. In the game, you find a generic (old man) corpse with Malya's journal, and you tell Rukil she died. The end. Or not. The Promised Land concept is interesting enough, but the fact that Rukil has an apprentice (with a name), who seems to be an open-minded, hopeful, and brave young woman of all things seems like a huge missed opportunity to me. Maybe she's force sensitive. Maybe she has a unique perspective the other characters don't have, based on her unique upbringing. It's especially tragic for my player character, who doesn't really have the hots for Bastila and would be much more interested in someone who's not such a normie. So, Malya lives on, developing quietly in the back of my mind. So I've started work on it again. STORY: The new story is, basically, that while searching for the Promised Land, Malya left her journal on an old corpse in the Undercity when had to run and hide from Rakghouls and then Gamorrean slave hunters. She got captured by Gamorreans, and sold to the exchange. Shortly before the player character arrives at Davik's estate, Malya attempted to escape but was caught and thrown in the torture chamber. She is then rescued by the player character, and the grateful Malya joins him after learning that the other Outcasts are long gone on their journey to the Promised Land. The party then escapes Taris and goes to Dantooine, where Malya succumbs to her usual habits and explores every part of the Jedi enclave she can. While the player character is in training, Malya steals a Jedi holocron, and starts learning about the Jedi, Sith, and various Force philosophies. Once the quest for the Star Forge begins, the player character learns of Malya's Force experiments and has the option to train her as his own apprentice. Instead of becoming a traditional Jedi, however, Malya forms her own philosophy combining the teachings of Rukil and what she has learned since. One of her protests to the usual events of the game's story is on Kashyyyk, where she denounces a violent Wookiee uprising against Czerka, instead advocating for a more moderate agenda. As she harbors feelings for the player character, she dislikes Bastila, and by extension distrusts the Jedi. This is amplified after the Leviathan incident and subsequent revelation. Near the end, Malya declares her wish that the player character neither be subservient to the Jedi nor the Dark Side, and instead submit to nothing but Truth itself and become a fully realized individual, and says that this can be done by saving his old friend Malak from the Dark Side. MOD GOAL: Recruitment mod that adds Malya to the party, replacing Juhani. She serves as an alternative love interest to Bastila for male PCs. She can be trained as a Force user by the player character. She is to be fully voiced (I have directed voice actors before so I'm not worried about this - I'm more worried about lip synching because I have no idea how to do it). She is to chime in on the story like other party members do. Further down the road, if I get good enough at modding or have help, I'd like to have more story stuff like in the above summary. WHAT I'VE DONE SO FAR: -In Davik's estate, Malya can be found in the torture chamber (replacing Hudrow). When you rescue her, she gives you the Ebon Hawk security codes and joins your party after you escape Taris. This is implemented and works. However, there are a few problems I have to work out. -Her appearance is subject to change, but right now I have a reskinned albino version of TSL's PFHA06. After she escapes Davik's estate and changes out of the dirty old Outcast clothes, she has a hooded outfit which was made by removing the face from the darkjedif model (I might publish that bit on this website separately as a modder's resource or small mod). I made a prototype skin for the clothing, and I'll make cooler variants in the future. CURRENT PROBLEMS AS OF POSTING THIS: -I don't have any voiced lines yet, so Malya has been speaking Twilek. Sometimes her mouth doesn't move and I don't know why. Edit: Now I know why. -Although Malya has a unique entry in appearance.2da, I don't know how to access the new entry with the UTC editor. The dropdown menu only shows vanilla appearances to choose from, so that's why the Malya in Davik's estate looks like her old friend Shaleena the Outcast girl. Edit: Fixed! Thanks, Effix. -I hardly know how to do anything! Lol. So, if any of that sounds interesting, or if you have any comments or suggestions, or want to help in any way, or just want to say hi, I welcome your words. It had been so long I had forgotten the details; I had a post about this back in 2016: However, it's super old so I guess ignore it. Here are some images:
  2. Version 0.1.0


    This mod: This mod aims to add a few items for the player to use, helmets, masks and other things that go in the same slot. In the future I plan to place them in a lore-friendly way in the normal gameplay. This uses ripped models from full characters, they need to be adapted to player heads. Bao-dur can't use them because his horns don't leave physical space for them (obviously not clipping!). How to use: There is no way to have the 3 new helmets yet. To get them, you have to write in the console: giveitem a_helmet_7x Where x is a value between 0 and two. 0 is for the sith soldier helmet, 1 is for the republic officer cap, and 2 is for the republic soldier helmet. Installation: Use the .exe with the package. If not possible, then copy everything to the override Uninstall: Remove the 9 files from this mod (3 *.uti, 6*.tga) from the override. Permissions: You may use the files from this mod for any purpose, as long as you ask me first. Credits: @seedhartha for KotorBlender @cortisol for Holocron Toolset Stoffe for TSLPatcher GIMP development team for GIMP Blender Foundation for Blender BioWare and Obsidian for the original assets, and the game itself. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  3. View File [WIP] Character Helmets This mod: This mod aims to add a few items for the player to use, helmets, masks and other things that go in the same slot. In the future I plan to place them in a lore-friendly way in the normal gameplay. This uses ripped models from full characters, they need to be adapted to player heads. Bao-dur can't use them because his horns don't leave physical space for them (obviously not clipping!). How to use: There is no way to have the 3 new helmets yet. To get them, you have to write in the console: giveitem a_helmet_7x Where x is a value between 0 and two. 0 is for the sith soldier helmet, 1 is for the republic officer cap, and 2 is for the republic soldier helmet. Installation: Use the .exe with the package. If not possible, then copy everything to the override Uninstall: Remove the 9 files from this mod (3 *.uti, 6*.tga) from the override. Permissions: You may use the files from this mod for any purpose, as long as you ask me first. Credits: @seedhartha for KotorBlender @cortisol for Holocron Toolset Stoffe for TSLPatcher GIMP development team for GIMP Blender Foundation for Blender BioWare and Obsidian for the original assets, and the game itself. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter DarthDrija Submitted 04/02/2023 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  4. This may take a while to release while I fix all the bugs, but I've made decent progress in just a single day, so that's great. Ever wanted to take the underdog and worst duelist in all of Taris on an adventure? Well, soon, (with any luck) you can! Take Duncan with you as you explore the galaxy, unique dialogue, pazaak, and the ability to make stuff! He replaces T3-M4, Janice has new dialogue: There is plans to add (voiceless) banter between Duncan and characters like Mission, Carth, & HK-47! His voiced dialogue is staying in, as I believe it'd be a bit silly to get rid of any of his voiced dialogue Even further down the line I'd like to add an entire questline, and maybe SOMEDAY get a decent voice-actor, but all of that is likely in the distant future. This is just a place to show off my progress, not to provide a download just yet, sorry ya'll. Disclaimer: I'm sure this might mess with any T3-M4 mods, Taris Dueling Ring mods, or the KOTOR 1 restoration, due to Deadeye appearing on Manaan in it, so keep that in mind. Also, yes, he has the worst stats of any party member by far, but he's far better then his dueling ring self. Known bugs that I currently know of (and would like help with if at all possible): ^This hilarious one, for one. As well as this: Anyway, hope you like what you see!
  5. ///// 01. Background ///// Hey folks, I wanted to learn about reskinning, modding, etc. I noticed this last time that the star maps could use some tender love and care, so I thought I'd give them a shot. Here's an example of one as well as its skin as a reminder: ///// 02. Prep ///// After locating all of the model files, I wanted to first know where everything fell on the model, so I made a grid and applied it as the star map skin: Resulting in the following: I then took screen caps of various angles, locations, etc. ///// 03. Planning ///// I knew I wanted the textures to be a much higher quality as well as much more realistic. I perused through various metal textures, corroded, rusted, etc to find one I liked at still fit into the time period. I found old, abandoned trains to be a great source of inspiration/textures. Regarding the runes on the model, I wanted them to stand out much more and thought were a very cool feature that could be integrated. I made them a bit more front-and-center and added a glow via CM_Bright. ///// 4. Work Thus Far ///// Okay, enough stalling, here's what I have so far: ///// 05. Challenges ///// Lining up the indentations was very difficult and they honestly don't line up on every side. I just got them as even as I could considering the sides and hoped for the best. As you can see in the above screen caps, there's discolored between the body and the feet, though this isn't the same for every location. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that. Lining up the circle piece is pretty tough, as the surrounding areas' texture is also about 40% larger so it's just a matter of finding that balance. ///// 06. Next Steps ///// Figure out what the hell to do with that base. I'm not even sure I like what's there originally. Maybe leave it blank? Or does it need something, I dunno. General seam clean-up. Retexture the sphere in the middle as well as a couple other pieces once the map opens. ///// 07. Future Plans ///// In thinking about a version 2, I'd like to actually edit the model files. I think some edges could be softened, but mostly I'd like to adjust the mapping to avoid so many repeated areas of the texture. I'd also like to adjust the lighting in a couple of places. Would I go as far as to customize it for every zone you find a map? I dunno, that's a big endeavor. ///// 08. Final Remarks ///// Well there you go. Thanks for reading through this wall of text. Feel free to leave any constructive criticisms or advice. I'm open to any and all!
  6. [Updated: October 14, 2018] # 00. Disclaimer # As the current development is reaching above 30% marks and somehow it looks like it needed its own development thread observed by its potential; I have the confidence to provide this "Legends" series addition a "Work in Progress" thread. # 01. Background # "I'll add your head to those of the other Jedi I have killed, and take yet another lightsaber for my own." Dang. Another blabber-mouthed dudes here aside of Selven previously; said me to myself while facing this cruel-and-evil Mandalorian straight from the now crumbled Taris. And I'm not disappointed; actually he's tough as hell and I even had to load my saved-game for about 5 to 6 times before finally beat him. He fights hard, but as a Mandalorian Rally Master who had fought in the Mandalorian Wars, he looks too basic which convinced me that this metal-head needs a unique-menacing appearance that distinguish him from the rest of the packs. So, hence the mod's development. Vanilla Sherruk's appearance preview: Image is a courtesy of Wookieepedia. # 02. Planning # Change his overall appearance; his head and armor including the melee weapons that he was using. But I'm not going to overdo his looks it as I would still reserves his original colour scheme [dominant-red]. Alters his VOs effect so he would sound different compared to other Mandalorians, as he will using a custom-mask according to the plan. New inventories meaning new challenge. I'm not going to overdid it too because in vanilla he's already OP; maybe kind of tweak his feats and his equipment would be sufficient. Custom weapons means custom names. Haven't actually decided what they'd be and what they are called. # 03. Work in Progress # [Updated: October 14, 2018] [Outdated] Already have the latest concept of his appearance and just to start building from there: I am using SpaceAlex's "Unfinished K1 Enhancement Pack - PC Head Reskins" for the base texture of his head. Also featured is xander2077's "Vanilla Masks Overhaul - Breath Mask" which in-fact I haven't got the permission to have it released along with the planned release. The backup-plan is to have him wearing the vanilla Breath Mask just in case I did not have the permission for it. [Outdated] The mask is removed now. The reason is; I have encountered the same problem similar to the Helmless-Starkiller attempt, which bug makes the mask removed from NPC's head occasionally- and I don't have an actual cure on that. I thought the bug was only happened exclusively to the UC Cantina, but it seems it could happen anywhere. I decided to take the less-difficult path with removing the mask then. As a change, Sherruk will have some implants on both side of his neck, which backstory is; the extended use of Nerve Enhancement Packages defaultly-equipped on him somehow affecting his larynx, which makes his voice sounds distorted. Here's a quick preview of how he'd appear in-game more or less with the recent update: [Update] As Salk suggested, the color of the beard and brows are more similar to that greyish part of the hair now: His personalized melee weapons has been decided; they are using ndix UR's "Traditional Mandalorian Blades" amazing resource as the base [props to Deltm for the assist which directs me to the said mod; for without it, this content wouldn't be a possibility then]. A backstory will be added to the blades in conjunction to their new appearance. Little fun fact, it will have an Alignment Limitation implemented. Here's a quick preview of the blades: As Salk suggested too, his armor also had some touches which makes it looks weary [and tells a lot about him]. [Outdated] A quick preview of the Voice Overs Replacement: [Update] Latest preview of the Voice Overs Replacement: I am comfortable with the latest concept, and is confident with it. It could be near the final stage of the development but not closing the possibility of further changes. # 04. Next Steps # [Updated: October 07, 2018] Adding description to weapon's description tab. # 05. Future Plans # [To be decided] 😁 # 06. Final Remarks # Critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and any feedbacks are very much appreciated. Thank you, for taking your time here.
  7. This mod sure lookes great, but sure doesn't FUNCTION great. And yes, I did install the Invisible Head fix I couldn't even get past the Endar Spire! Trask would open the door and reveal Darth Bandon, but it would pause for a minute and Bandon would not ignite his lightsaber. Trask will say his line but the coversation will not exit, nor will he go through the door to face Badnon. I'm using lots of mods too. Let me link them: KOTOR 1 Restoration(Installed this first): K1 Enchancement Pack(installed everything except some of the bonus content): K1 Community Patch: Pazaak= Bastila Robe Replacement= Bendak Bounty Non-Dark Side= Carth's Republic Uniform and Flight Suit: Darth Bandon Head Reskin: Davik's Upgradable Armor: Diversified Jedi Captives on Star Forge(Main installation only): Diversified Wounded Republic Soldiers on Taris: Female Mandalorians: Green Grass for Dantooine: High-Quality Skyboxes: Helena Shan Improvements: Invisible Headgear: JC's Blaster Visual Effects for K1: JC's Dense Aliens for K1: JC's Republic Soldier Fix: Jedi Robes Council Style: Juhani Catlike Head: K1 Party Model Fixes and HD Bastila: K1 Undewear Pack: Kill Marlena: Korriban Academy Workbench: KOTOR Darth Malak Apperance: Leviathan Differential Dialouge: Movie-Style Dark Side Transitions: Party Clothing: Qui-Don Jorn's Sabers KOTOR Conversion: Remove Force Alignment Restriction: Remove Restrictions on Force Powers by Armor: Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix: Revan's Hoodless, Maskless Flowing Robes: Robes for Korriban Sith Students: Scoundrel Clothes with Scout Legs: Senni Vek Restoration: Sherruk Sabers: Sith Soldier Texture Restoration: Skills and Feats Unchained: SpaceAlex's K1EP Invisible Head Fix: Spectral Ajunta Pall Canon Apperance: Weapon Base Stats Re-Balance K1: Yuthura Sith Eyes:
  8. ///// 00. Disclaimer ///// I haven't given up on Star Map Revamp 2.0, just messing around with a little side project. ///// 01. Background ///// This is about .01% of the game, but I thought the Twisted Rancor Trio puzzle in Taris could look better. This was also a good opportunity for me to branch out from skins to editing .utcs, .utps, .gits, etc. So here's the original: The models are pretty pixelated, and the animations are very choppy. These are holograms, thousands of years from now, surely they can be displayed better and in a 3d space. ///// 02. Planning ///// I started digging around in the files, bugged @A Future Pilot for who knows how long and got an idea of what I wanted to do. It turned out the holograms were an animated .tpc that consisted of 8 frames, hence the choppiness. There were already Bith musicians in the game, so that was an easy replacement and I could bring the Twilek dancers over as well, but Elinda and Ashana are not Twilek, so there's still some thought to go into that. ///// 03. Work Thus Far ///// Here's a basic proof-of-concept. Through some alpha channels and .txi entries, I maintained the hologram look. I think these look so much better now and much more "realistic" holograms. ///// 04. Next Steps ///// There's still a good bit to be done, mostly scripting. These new models show versus the old animations. They are placed above the hologram base versus behind it as they are now. (for proof-of-concept) Any interactivity with them is disabled. They are customized to their respective names, (editing .utcs and such) and then clothing. They all face the right direction. Find models to replace the Twileks. Apparently Elinda and Ashana were human (hard to tell from the hologram), so it'd be a matter of finding a female human model that I think would work. ///// 05. Future Plans ///// This is silly, but creating an item that would activate these holograms wherever. I'm on Dantoonie, I want to hear some music. Fire up the hologram and watch these guys perform (music included of course!). ///// 06. Final Remarks ///// Thanks for taking a look and by all means holler with any comments, questions, or suggestions.
  9. [Completed: July 09, 2018] # 00. Disclaimer # Yes, very much influenced by @CarthOnasty's approach of organizing a WIP thread [it is obvious that I'm a big admirer of CO's systemic way of preparing a mod]- I'm starting my first now And as the current development is reaching above 30% marks, now I have the confidence to officially labeled this project a "Work in Progress". # 01. Background # "Now you'll see why I'm the most dangerous assassin on Taris." A line that make most of KotOR players be like "Really? Hmm... let's see what you've got then, Selven!"- and less than 20 seconds later, it feels like nothing is really happening then #truestory. Bugged with the fact that Selven could possibly be beaten in less than 20 seconds with under-leveled PC and companions, along with her looks that just too ordinary point to the fact that she was a female Human high-profile assassin who became infamous for extermination of the Ulgo family on Taris and tons of other assassination attempt; the project was started then. So, for an introduction- here's the vanilla Selven: [Updated: June 17, 2018] Brief description: Selven began her career as a mere killer in the employ of Davik Kang, the local crime lord of the Exchange on Taris. Eventually, she abandoned her service to him to work as a freelance assassin for the highest bidder. Sometime during or prior to 3956 BBY, possibly under the employ of House Organa, Selven murdered six civilians -an entire family of House Ulgo- along with all their bodyguards. This massacre was only the first of a chain of killings that would lead to the extinction of the entire house on Taris. Day after day, more and more Ulgos fell at the hands of Selven, whether gunned down on the streets, poisoned in their own homes, or a variety of other methods. In spite of the level of security stacked against her, Selven was always able to elude the authorities, proving herself unstoppable to all the guards and droids that the Ulgos could muster for their protection. By the end of her killing spree, no Ulgo remained alive on Taris, and she had earned a reputation as the best assassin on the planet. In the aftermath, House Organa fiercely pressured government authorities to place a contract on Selven's head, arguing that for this mass murderer to run loose threatened the lives of countless innocents. Despite this, the bitter rivalry that had existed between House Organa and House Ulgo was well-known, and there were many in the public that speculated that it was the Organas that had hired Selven to eliminate the Ulgos, and that they hoped her death would keep this secret from being exposed. In 3956 BBY, her bounty was posted by Zax, the Hutt in charge of the bounty office at Javyar's Cantina in the Lower City. Numerous bounty hunters attempted to collect the bounty, but every last one of them were killed by Selven. When the Sith Empire occupied the planet during the Jedi Civil War, the assassin was not intimidated by the Sith troopers that confronted her, slaying any that treated her as a hostile. Wookieepedia # 02. Planning # [Completed: June 17, 2018] Changing the looks; both to the head and the body to make Selven more unique- and to fit her description being "the best assassin on the planet". [Completed: June 26, 2018] Changing the .utc to enhanced her skills and abilities so she's tougher to fight- and you wouldn't want to probably! And to equip her with Stealth field generator- referring for her being always able to elude the authorities, in spite of the level of security stacked against. [Completed: June 17, 2018] Alter the voice, so it kind of fit her new personality [stick with the original VO- a slight of change to the pitch only]. # 03. Work in Progress # The looks has been changed; both the head and body texture are unique now. Could say her appearance is already in its final form, seems fitting with a future plan of her to make. Big THANKS to @DarthParametricfor the massive help, I could say 99% of this project has DP's involvement there [Updated: June 16, 2018] Been learning about normal mapping recently, so put what I learn [some basic things] to good cause with the head texture. [Updated: June 16, 2018 - latter] Realized that for mapping tattoos, it would be legit to have the bump going outside, not inside as pictured above so, rough-fix to the texture. Using that reference as the starting point, I'll use that approach of bumping the tattoos "outside" going forwards. [Updated: June 18, 2018] Been working on the body texture; it have not been finalized, bet still have to work on some things for sure- but self assured, it is on the right track. To tell the truth, this was that very moment when the "Less is More" consideration kicks in. [Updated: June 19, 2018] The head and body tex's has been finalized; using legit way of normal mapping. The objective has been accomplished, and personally happy with result. Hats-off to DarthParametric! Again-and-again, for the ultimate guidance. [Updated: June 26, 2018] Done with the .utc, as Selven's harder to fight now. Tried to battle-tested her with Lvl 7 Carth and Lvl 7 PC in Normal difficulty and we both ended up being meatbags so, mission "mini-boss Selven" is quite accomplished there. Also, the Stealth field generator is now in the inventory- along with some other upgrade-downgrade tweaks to keep her "balanced". [Updated: June 14, 2018] Out of plan, the vibrosword she's carrying has been changed to a unique one. With the fact that I've been given permission from @DeadMan to use assets from [K1] Vibrosword Replacement Pack, the "SL7 Vibrosword" development get its one's feet wet now [late to notice that it is stated in the mod description that everyone may freely use the assets as long as they stick to the agreement but, having a "green light" from the mod's author itself is quite a pleasing moment to tell the truth]. As attached: My pleasure from asking, DeadMan! Always. [Updated: June 20, 2018] Ultimately, the final puzzle of this 1.0 saga has been resolved. Permission has been granted from @Sithspecter to use the assets from High Quality Blasters! And it seems SS even have the original files uploaded as a resource so, we'll absolutely go with that! Much thanks, SS! As attached: I'll do my best Sithspecter! I'll do my best. [Updated: June 23, 2018] The blaster had details engraved, referring to the designer-craftsman of the blaster- Sithspecter. The blaster is now called SS-SL7 Rapid Blaster. [Updated: July 05, 2018] The blaster have it looks updated, and the look was pleasing as-is. And more importantly, the shade and tone is fitting with Selven itself. [Updated: June 26, 2018] The sword had details engraved, referring to the craftsman of the sword- DeadMan. The sword is now called DM-SL7 Vibrosword. [Updated: July 07, 2018] Been decided that the normal map feature will not be utilized either on the head, body, blaster nor the sword's texture; for the sake of the game and the mod itself. So, along with seems to be the final update before the 1.0 release, is presented to you; yes- this is the final form of Selven "Legends" version 1.0: [Completed: July 09, 2018] Been thankful that the plan's running as intended. The mod was submitted today, and its been released now- thanks moderators! And with this update, it is being confirmed that; the 1.0 version of Selven "Legends", is finished. 🎇 So, do really hope you enjoy the mod as much as I do! I'm leaving an extras here for that bit of entertainment. See you on the next update! [Completed: July 09, 2018] Preview to the released version of Selven "Legends" down below: # 04. Next Steps # [Completed: July 09, 2018] The 1.0 version of the mod is has been released. # 05. Future Plans # Changes to the scripts would be a possibility in 2.0, 2.1, or later version of this mod. I'm having this thought for not having Selven deceased at Taris, but she instead escape from the assassination attempt to a planet which I don't think about it yet. Long way to go there As DP suggested; there would be an additional VO for an expanded version which I believe, would lead Selven to becoming a cybernetics assassin. Having Selven her new looks to fit with the plot mentioned in the first point and second point of the future plans. # 06. Final Remarks # Critiques, comments, suggestions, questions and any feedbacks are very much appreciated. Thank you, for taking your time here
  10. ///// 00. Disclaimer ///// Yeah, another side-project. Get over it. ///// 01. Background ///// Pazaak! The game whose name I misspell nearly every time I type it. Anyway, the cards are looking pretty dated these days and I've always had a small niche admiration for playing card design. Not to mention, this is a good way to practice with .guis. (Noticing a trend?) Here's the basic layout: ///// 02. Planning ///// I grabbed every pazaak thing I could find in KotOR Tool, including the boards, cards, their variants, etc. I then was able to locate the .gui for the board itself and holy flarksnorzen is that complicated. Everything you see has a height, width, x, and y. The names, the icons, the cards, the numbers on the cards, the scoring, EVERYTHING. Layers of .tgas and a font. I started mapping out the location of everything, and well, if you can decipher this, here's my rough translation of component locations and well as their dimensions: Note: The npc name game the with the save download. 😛 ///// 03. Work Thus Far ///// Here's what I have thus far. I'm happy at this point with the card design. There are some touch ups to be done here and there for sure. ///// 04. Next Steps ///// I need to build out the rest of the assets of course. There's the back of the cards, revamp the icons and the board, and a few other things. One thing I noted while grabbing all of these assets, is that there are boards for different screen sizes AND there's the side deck selection and wager windows as well. At the very least though, new cards. P.S. I can make green cards too for those who want them. ///// 05. Future Plans ///// Play around with the positioning, size, and color of the numbers. Some really cool things in general can be done with the whole board, but that'll take a lot of time and a lot of work. (I mean, I have to finish the star maps at some point, yeah?) ///// 06. Final Remarks ///// I'm always open to comments, critiques, and suggestions. Thanks for taking a look.
  11. Hello Deadly Stream community, I (TRDR) am currently working on on a mod that restores/enhances the Mira romance for Male PCs. The entire Mira romance was cut well and truly from the game BUT there is some dialog left that suggests that there was some kind of romance. What I am looking to do is restore the romance to a POINT, to add some more content to the game. TRDR