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Everything posted by DarthKekulus

    An essential compilation for any modern KotOR 1 playthrough.
    Somebody get this walking carpet out of my way!
    That Miralukan loading ramp has got me acting unwise.
    Show Darth_Sapiens every respect when they walk these halls, Lord Sion. This, I command you.
    It is breathtaking. Begone, low-resolution nebulae.
    Required mod for any Sith Marauder. Fury should damage only enemies, not yourself.
    Quite excellent.
    Impressive, most impressive.
    Consistent, and well done.
    I am but a simple Sith. I see good crystals, I download.
    Galactic Law mandates me to say this: Mucha shaka paka. But now, Dahnis will be more unique. This is good.
    A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
    A compilation of good ideas and fine work.
    Begone, blocky, disheveled beehive!
    [Something seems to be bothering the Exile. Maybe you should speak to her and see if you can get her to open up about it.]
    As a meatbag would say: "I have a good feeling about this."
    Essential mod for those that wish to, well, train the Disciple.
    What an astounding, and dramatic end for a fittingly-interesting character! My cold heart cried out in exquisite schadenfreude at the tragic fate of this sultry Zabrak technician, and I would recommend everyone else to also download this mod. Truly, this is one of the mods of all time.