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Everything posted by DarthKekulus

    A simple, yet effective, fix.
    Ah, my favorite kind of Force Power: lesbomancy.
    Well-executed mod, a prerequisite for a modern KotOR 2 playthrough.
    Very useful, highly recommendable.
    Very good, very useful.
    Good, good. Let the hate flow through you.
    Essential fixes for any TSL playthrough.
    An elegant mod, for a more civilized time.
    Have you ever thought to yourself: Oh no, I have yet to be lusted after by a Sith Lord that sleeps with vibroblades! There must be a better way for me to go about my day! Fear not, for this mod will save you, and bring your fantasies to life.
    Recommendable even just for Vima Sunrider, but very good nonetheless.