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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. "Who's that Pokemon?!... Taris J'ika!"

    1. jc2


      Ahahaha, I'm actually afraid of releasing it now.....

  2. If you are going to do that, which I really hope you do, perhaps you could do something like what Sith Holocron does and ask the Deadlystream community what questions they have for him and you can pick the best questions to ask (Though that may not be a good idea as I bet you'd have to pick from hundreds of questions) Make sure you ask about the GenoHaradan for me if you do
  3. If he remade his mod on this mod- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/780-twin-mullet-men/ with RedRob's permission I'm sure it could be pulled off.
  4. "Here we go again"- C-3PO I'll assume you'll be asking these questions to Zybl2 right? If not, some of my questions may be redundant. 1) In M4-78EP, who are hinted to be the real colonists? (I am well aware of the thread discussing this but perhaps your video could explain the behind the scenes of how and why the L'xing and whatever from HK-47's backstory became apart of the mod, you yourself apparently suggested to add this so perhaps you could explain why you wanted to add this in) 2) If Kaah never had VO in the original TSL files? Why did you decide to waste time giving him VO when he could of had a Twi'lek VO instead? 3) Why does Vash refer to M4-78's chamber as a "tomb"? (Show a clip of Vash saying "Thank you for saving me from this tomb?") 4) What were the motivations of M4-78 and ES-05 and what where the consequences of having her mind erased by M4-78 and M4-78 being reprogrammed by Kaah? I never really understood that 5) Could you give us more detail on the cut sith survivor Saruv and the Selkath cameo and other early M4-78 ideas that never made it in? 6) Why did you guys decide to make a custom skybox instead of using the original one? (Shows an image of the original M4-78 skybox) 7) Did you guys notice the lag problem when you first were developing M4-78 and what was your reaction to it? 8) What do you guys think went really well and really bad in the final versions of M4-78? 9) On the new terminals in the industrial zone near IS-24's chamber, why are there English letters on them and not the Star Wars Aurabesh? And why do some of them have maps of the M4-78 modules exactly how they appear on the Mini-Map? 10) What happened to M4-78 after the events of TSL?
  5. Where in K1 can you find this sign?
  6. Officially the answer is no.
  7. By compiling do you mean compiling my modified ascii into an mdl in MDLOps?
  8. I tried the newer version of mdledit in that thread and I can't use it. First I got an error message telling me the files "libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll", "libstdc++-6.dll" and "perl516.dll" where missing so I put them into the mdledit.exe directory after I miraculously found them on my computer. After that, I then get this weird error message "The procedure entry point _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringlcSt11char_traitslcEScalcEE4findEP kcjj could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\users\********\Desktop\mdledit_v1.0.4\mdledit.exe." Anyone knows whats going on here?
  9. The M4-78 droid who recognises HK-47 refers to him as "HK-01" and another M4-78 droid corrects him by saying "I do not think that is HK-01". Multiple droids including M4-78 himself state the colonist dispatched the droids about 60 years ago, so unless the war was started before then the Gu-Vandi or the L'Xing wouldn't have sent droids to colonise M4-78 due to the Civil War. If the Gu-Vandi and/or L'Xing where apart of the Republic and/or where a large government that could explain why the Selkath sent Kolto to M4-78 as clearly they where a faction who needed and could afford the large credit cost for the Kolto required for a whole planet-sized colony. M4-78 said that the colonist stopped sending him messages 7 years before the events of Kotor 2. Kotor 2 is set in 3951 BBY which would mean they stopped sending messages in 3958 BBY... the same year Telos VI was bombed.
  10. Sorry for the minor hijack here but: Can I request that you resize Bandon's armour model for Large, Medium and Small male body heights so a male character could use Bandon's armour in addition to the female models if no one has done so already?
  11. What I've been trying to do is add a mask hook to Davik's head for K1 to see if I can add masks to NPC's who can't wear masks, so far I've encountered a problem. I think I've added the correct mask hook text to the right location in "n_davikh.mdl.ascii" and when I saved it, it turned into "n_davikh.mdl.ascii.txt" to which I renamed back to "n_davikh.mdl.ascii" (I doubt this is a problem but just putting this detail out there to be sure). I then tried to open "n_davikh.mdl.ascii" again but a pop-up appeared telling me that "s_female02.mdl" wasn't in the same directory as "n_davikh.mdl.ascii" and that the numbers would be wrong (I think that file is Davik's supermodel or something). I extracted "s_female02.mdl" from K1 and then it told me that "s_female02.mdl" was from the wrong game and the numbers would be wrong. I tried loaded "n_davikh.mdl.ascii" again and it worked, I converted it to a fresh mdl and mdx and got it in-game and I got this- So if someone is willing to can someone please analyse and explain my error? Here are the files if required Davik Bug.zip
  12. That just goes to show how horrible I am with this sort of stuff.
  13. Also, the droids were dispatched to M4-78 around the time of the Exar Kun wars so that may have something to do with it.
  14. True, but all of the corpses on M4-78 are Sith Soldiers except for this one corpse that is obviously a Sith Lord. You are correct, this Sith Lord doesn't need a backstory as he's only really there to give the player a new Lightsaber or a piece.
  15. As I do not know much about scripting I am certain what I've done is probably wrong and will need correcting. How does this look?
  16. This may be a rather confusing question but who were the Sith who inhabited M4-78? The Sith on Dxun and Onderon where quite evidently apart of Nihilus' branch of Sith. Nihilus wanted to use Vaklu to overthrow the queen to leave the Republic so he may use Onderon as a Sith staging base. Using the power of the Dxun Tomb, via the ritual, the Sith could control the Onderonian beasts to their will (Of course until they stop the ritual). Nihilus intended to feed on the power of the tomb after the fall of Onderon which obviously never came to be. The Sith Triumvirate on Malachor seemingly where the last of Darth Revan's empire. Obviously from the cut content all I know about these Sith is that they had an Academy on Malachor, whether or not they had a fleet like Nilihus did is unknown or whether or not the Sith on Malachor and Nihilus' sith where the same group I also am not completely sure however judging from the fact in cut content Nihilus and Sion fought I'm willing to bet the two groups are rivals with the same belief. So I'd like to ask "Who are the Sith on M4-78" and "Which faction of Sith would gain from having control of M4-78?" (Let's not forget M4-78 is an industrial planet that creates war droids and presumably other weapons and ships for the Sith so having M4-78 in the post-war would definitely provide a major edge to whatever faction has it)
  17. Judging from the small number of clips of said Demo I've seen I'd say no. Not to mention their animations are more or less broken so if anything you'd lose rather than gain if you used them.
  18. This might sound dumb to ask but what is the next subject of your M4-78 vid? I am eager to watch it.
  19. Kaidon Jorn gave permission for everyone to use his mods in any way they want. Meaning you can pick out Schematic Lightsabers from his SLM and integrate them into your own mods. SLM- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/551-schematic-lightsaber-mod-slm/
  20. This thread is 7 years old and the last post was 5 years ago. No one is making this mod, at least not the one in this thread.
  21. Two requests: 1) Can you please change the custom audio from wav to mp3? Reason for this is that Steam TSL can't support wav audio only mp3 audio 2) If the deveronian and human NPCs now wear Iridorian armour why are they still referred to as deveronian and human and not iridorian? I can believe a human could wear iridorian armour but not a deveronian due to his horns. Would some sort of change be done here?
  22. While I am not the expert on this sort of stuff I do know a little bit about those droids. Those droids where the two original mining droid models, to my knowledge they were seen in promotional screenshots similar to Sleheyron. The first set of mining droids that look like a spider could hold actual weapons such as an actual mining blaster, this to me makes sense as in the start of Peragus you pick up a mining blaster off a mining droid though as the final version of the mining droid had inbuilt blasters picking up that blaster didn't make much sense. The second droid that stands on two legs according to the screenshots used the mining blaster rifles unlike what this new mod shows in its screenshots. Those droids where textured so I could make my own mod using the vanilla textures so it feels more like a restoration but there is one major problem. The first mining droids when I tested it couldn't fire their weapons for a mysterious reason, they held their blasters and did the firing animation but they couldn't shoot anything (I changed the mining droids utc to the unused appearance and not change the mining droid model to the old one as this modder has done if that means anything) and the second mining droids have barely any animations, I think they can walk and do a deactivated pose but that's it. It has no attack animations whatsoever. If someone could fix those animations then this mod could be done. Fun fact: The second mining droids did appear in M4-78EP as deactivated Sith War Droids Mark 4's in line in the industrial zone.
  23. I simply told you not to do the same mistake as Seph6 because I think your mod is good, I didn't intend to mean you were going to do the mistake Seph6 did (He stole someone's mod and put it in his own, as long as you don't do that no one is going to ban you) Can you at the very least publish what you got as a modders resource so someone like 90SK can finish it off?
  24. Seph6 actually stole Sith Holocron's Holocron mod and used it in his own mod and the end result was terrible. Please don't do the same mistake. It'd be a massive waste and a tease if you suffered the same fate as that guy as your mod seems very promising