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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. If some of them are done why not release what you've done and once you finish another alien release that alien as well and keep on doing that until all the aliens are done. That's unfortunate as RedRob41 is probably never coming back. Would anyone have a means of contacting him?
  2. I bet that is the problem. Someone mind checking my model to see if this is the problem? RepHead.zip @JCarter426 I'm also using a reskin of the Republic Soldier Helmet from your Modder's Resource btw.
  3. That is a permanent staple to my Override folder.
  4. I remember DarthParametric had a project that added aliens like Kit Fisto's species and the Kel Dor aka Plo Koon but he stopped the project as he needed people to reskin them and no one wanted to reskin them. I know the Kel Dor is a modder's recourse for someone to complete it- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1131-kel-dor-modders-resource-for-k1/ Also in the Revenge of Revan mod Demo, their are reskin of Commoner head's that make them alien's like Chiss, Jana Lorso's species, Zeltron, Rattataki etc. When Logan123 comes back online someone could ask him for permission to use them in some sort of alien mod.
  5. Yes By unique, there is only one of my NPC in the module. The rest of the Republic Soldiers use a different resref.
  6. Ok, I've already done that but I may have done it wrong. It's for K1 btw So my new texture is "N_RepHB02.tga" and the model is named "N_RepHB02.mdl" and "N_RepHB02.mdx". I've used mdledit to edit the model to point to my texture. I've created a new row in both 2da's. 110 is the row in the heads.2da and in the appearance.2da the new appearance row is set to 110 as well. In game the vanilla Republic Soldier's works if my new NPC isn't in the module. If my NPC is in the module with the vanilla Soldiers there heads will appear exactly the same as my new NPC.
  7. So I have successfully created a new NPC head with a custom texture, though I have encountered a problem. The new NPC uses a reskinned Republic Soldier head with the helmet, so when I have the new reskinned NPC in-game with a vanilla Republic Soldier also in the module the vanilla Soldier will have the same texture as my new NPC. However, if I have a module with just the vanilla Soldiers they all have their normal vanilla texture. How do I fix this problem? If it can't be fixed, can I avoid this problem if I instead have multiple reskinned Republic Soldier heads in a module and completely remove the vanilla Republic Soldiers?
  8. Spoiled it? That was intended to be a question and the whole Carth thing was a joke (Still, doing what I suggested would be a good April Fools) perhaps I shouldn't of worded it in the way I did. Just to clarify, I'm not in the Malachor VI dev team so I wouldn't know the actual release date. Not completely, While I wouldn't mind helping a second attempt on Malachor VI but with my current level of modding tackling the source of Malachor VI alone would be a waste of time because 1: The modders who made Malachor VI are gods of modding compared to me so what may seem like an easy fix to them would be frustratingly hard for me. 2: Malachor VI has things like animated Camera's, Remodels, animations and stuff that are all in the "difficult to pull off" side of modding so if I made a new scene it'd look horribly freakish compared to the other stuff and 3: The source has a bunch of Garbage files which would need to be separated from Malachor VI which may take a while and some files inside the source are locked so only Varsity would know how to unlock them. Though while I won't be taking over Malachor VI today modding is always a learning experience and maybe one day I may give it a shot... or Varsity may decide to finish it before that day, we never know.
  9. Never said there was anything wrong with that.
  10. Those clothes just scream "early 2000's RPG video game".
  11. In TSLRCM the battle goes a lot differently than vanilla. For instance, most of your choices in preparation have an effect on the battle, unlike the bik. The battle in TSLRCM still has its flaws though, The Militia isn't so bad though. I just before the battle you can set squads inside, in front and behind Khoonda and they all work ok but it's the mercs that are flawed. For instance, when the Mercs rush across the bridge half the time they can glitch out and just stand idle on the bridge or even run through the river at times. The Mercs who do rush the bridge look like the ones in the Bik (Player Heads with Mask and rifles) but the Mercs you fight in the battle are Asian and Black Commoners with rifles and Double Bladed Vibroswords without masks. I do not feel this is a total waste of time: If DarthVarkor wants to make a special edition of his first movie perhaps he could edit the movie with scenes from TSLRCM and from the bik console.
  12. April 1st? And when it's uploaded it's going to be a 15 min vid of sad violin music slowly zooming into Carth's face and April 2nd the real one will be released. When the mod was discontinued the mod was released as a source code to the public. It isn't playable, and it's buggy, the mod can be resurrected at any point but only with modders who know what their doing and Varsity Puppet.
  13. Truth be told I PMed him about this back in September of last year and never got a reply. He hasn't been online since August of last year as well. As I do not have any of the old links how would I find the Lucas Forums page if it was archived?
  14. I believe he is confused at the fact that the Hologram mod is version 1.2 but the way deadlystream handles the names it looks like it says "for TSLRCM 1.2" and not "for TSLRCM" as it was intended. And I also believe he is asking if he can use the Hologram mod and the NPC Overhaul together without an incompatibility: To which I say, it's untested but I wouldn't worry too much about it. The worse that could happen is an overhauled NPC who is also a Hologram who isn't fixed because he isn't included in the Hologram mods list of fixes.
  15. My memory of this is sketchy at best but back in the day I remember seeing a WIP thread on Lucasforum called "Dantooine Tensions". I believe the project is dead considering the WIP thread is gone and the preview video's on Youtube are also gone. If anyone also remembers this project or even has archive links I would obviously be interested in finding out more about this forgotten mod. Essentially it appeared to be a content mod that added new quests to Dantooine such as adding a Dantooine Slave Market which reused a Manaan Module and reskinned it to look like Dantooine, this module was showcased on Youtube before it was taken down. It also added a type of Republic Force which consisted of five members who one of them used a head (Jack Star's head specifically) from Inyri Forge's Male Head Pack and last but not least it featured some sort of quest where the player goes on a Hammer Head Class Cruiser. There may be more details but I cannot remember or haven't seen the rest back in the day.
  16. If I were to attempt to fix the Czerka Depot, let's start with the walkmesh, what tools would I need to do this?
  17. Unless you plan to do a special edition remake of your movies with new techniques and HD mods I'd recommend not overdoing the HD mods with your K1 movie. Reason for this is because you don't want a super HD 4k Carth in the prequels and have the standard quality Carth in your Original Trilogy movies. My other suggestions for Carth and other NPCs are: https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/940 https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/375 https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/932 https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/930
  18. A fix for that has been made- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1186-holowan-duplisaber-fix/
  19. Try warping to 603DAN. It's a spawns you in a Khoonda Plains clone module with a testing computer in front of the player where it essentially plays what happens in the BIK movies in the actual game. That'd be where most people would want to start.
  20. Perhaps Jinger's mod adds the Carth reskin. Regardless, if you want to have a Carth that matches the Carth in your movies my mod is the way to go.
  21. Alright, so I've done what Kexikus suggested and did the "a_global_set" method. I've got my global script set in Atton's dlg and my boolean in the globalcat.2da. In order to have the boolean set and unlock Atton's dialogue will I have to use the "c_glob_bool_set" in another dialogue, so for example if I added "c_glob_bool_set" to Batu Rem's dialogue it will unlock after Batu's dialogue is finished? In news on development: I'm working on multiple options for the installer. You can install the main mod and install the fixes this mod adds separately. I am also considering turning Fassa back into a Twi'lek just so the player can ask about Batu Rem. What do you guys think of this idea?
  22. Might I bring this to your attention- http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/6017-kotor1-placeable-limit/?hl=placeable According to that, there are only 20 available modded placeable options meaning anything over 20 will revert to 0. How many placeables's does Sleheyron have?
  23. Inside the dialogue file where Bao Dur talks about the shuttle. I simply took the lines and moved them into the Force Field dialogue file.
  24. Almost didn't realize it's my second anniversary on the site. Gone a long way from not knowing how the Forum works to what I am now in 2 years.

    1. Mellowtron11


      Happy nearly second anniversary on the site!

    2. VarsityPuppet


      Glad to have you, NDrew! (sorry for the delayed response)

    3. N-DReW25


      Thanks, wasn't really expecting you to chime in

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  25. I was away from my PC for a while. Now that I'm back, might I suggest my K1 Gameplay Improvement mod: This is my personal pet projects I've been working on and it's currently a playable Demo with it updating whenever bugs need fixing or I have new content for the mod. As it is a highly incompatible Demo with major content mods like K1R it wouldn't be the ideal mod for this but if your friend wants to just visually improve scenes for his movies I'd suggest the improvement as my mod, especially for the Endar Spire, features an NPC Overhaul far superior to that of the NPC Overhaul mod available on Deadlystream. A problem that may affect the movie, however, is that one Trask Ulgo has been replaced with a Twi'lek Jedi who acts as a commander to the Soldier/Scout/Scoundrel player, not as your Jedi Master like in the old Jedi From The Start mods. Second I've added a Blaster Reloaded style thing to the mod where players are unable to get feats like rapid shot instead blaster item's give the player those feats when wielded. http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/888-n-drews-k1-gameplay-improvement-demo/ My suggestion would be a fresh install: Install my K1 Gameplay Improvement mod first, then any texture mods. My suggestions for that would be High-Quality Star Field and Nebulas- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/491-kotor-high-quality-starfields-and-nebulas/ Endar Spire Complete Overhaul Taris Texture (You've used this texture on its own for your K1 Portrait mod in the past, you may want to direct your friend on how he could do the same)- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/570-endar-spire-complete-overhaul/ Ultimate Endar Spire (For the actual Endar Spire)- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/998-kotor-ultimate-20-endar-spire/ High-Quality Skyboxes- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/723-high-quality-skyboxes/ Ultimate Taris- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/1017-kotor-ultimate-2-0-taris-upper-city/ Alternate Carth Mod- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/905-alternative-carth-mod/ The reason for this mod is because in his movies (I'll assume I've seen his movies, I'm avoiding mentioning his name just in case) Carth has this reskin even though your friend claims he didn't use this mod. To keep with consistency with his movies and K1 I'd suggest he use this mod.